$lang['also given by your host provider']='也可由網站託管服務提供商幫助設定';
$lang['Admin configuration']='管理員設定';
$lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/database.inc.php" (Warning : database.inc.php must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)']='另一種解決方案是將上面框中的文字複製,並貼到檔案 "local/config/database.inc.php"上 (警告:database.inc.php只可以包括文字框內容,不可以有,或空格字符)';
$lang['Basic configuration']='基本設定';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server']='無法連接到伺服器';
$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed']='恭喜你,Piwigo已安裝完成';
$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database']='成功連接到伺服器, 但不能連接到數據庫。';
$lang['Creation of config file local/config/database.inc.php failed.']='無法創建設定檔案 local/config/database.inc.php。';
$lang['Database configuration']='數據庫設定';
$lang['Database name']='數據庫名稱';
$lang['Database table prefix']='數據庫表格前置詞';
$lang['Default gallery language']='預設相簿語言';
$lang['Don\'t hesitate to consult our forums for any help : %s']='如需要任何幫助,請不要猶豫到我們的論壇諮詢:%s';
$lang['Download the config file']='下載設定檔案。';
$lang['Hope to see you back soon.']='希望盡快看到你回來。';
$lang['It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.']='目前您的網頁寄存伺服器運行PHP %s。';
$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration']='這是必要的網站管理,因它會顯示給所有訪客。';
$lang['Just another Piwigo gallery']='只是另一個Piwigo相簿';
$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel']='請保密,它使您能夠訪問管理面板';