$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).']="此頁面將把您的 Piwigo 舊版本的數據庫升級為新版本。
$lang['Upgrade from version %s to %s']="從 %s 版升級到 %s";
$lang['total upgrade time']="總共升級時間";
$lang['total SQL time']="總共 SQL 時間";
$lang['SQL queries']="SQL 查詢";
$lang['Upgrade informations']="升級信息";
$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.']="如果您遇到任何問題,請在[管理員>工具>維護]執行維護檢測";
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:']="為了預防萬一,以下插件已被停用。在您重新啟用它們之前,必須先檢查這些插件的更新:";
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.']="只有管理員能運行升級操作:請先登錄。";
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade']="您沒有執行升級程序的權限";
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private']='相冊裡的所有子相冊都成為私有';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased']="用戶和組的權限已被清除";
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration']="在前一個配置操作中,只有縮略圖的前綴和網站管理員的郵件地址被保存了。";
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:']='在 <i>%s</i>, 之前 <b>?></b>, 插入:';
$lang['As a precaution, following themes have been deactivated. You must check for themes upgrade before reactiving them:']='為小心起見,以下主題已停用。假如要重新啟用它們,你必須先檢查有沒有可更新的主題:';