mirror of
synced 2024-09-03 20:16:02 +02:00
462 lines
26 KiB
462 lines
26 KiB
$LANG = array(
'L_UNKNOWN_ERROR' => 'Unknown error',
'L_CONFIRM_DELETE' => 'Confirm the deletion?',
'L_SAVE_FILE' => 'Save the file',
'L_SAVE_FILE_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'File saved successfully',
'L_SAVE_FILE_ERROR' => 'Error while saving file',
'L_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Data was succesfully saved',
'L_SAVE_ERR' => 'Error while saving data',
'L_NO_ENTRY' => 'No entry',
'L_ERR_USER_EMPTY' => 'Please enter a username',
'L_ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY' => 'Please enter a password',
'L_ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Wrong or missing password',
'L_ERR_INVALID_EMAIL' => 'Invalid email adress',
'L_ERR_INVALID_SITE' => 'Wrong site url',
'L_ERR_INVALID_ARTICLE_IDENT' => 'Wrong article id !',
'L_DEFAULT_NEW_CATEGORY_URL' => 'new-category',
'L_DEFAULT_NEW_STATIC_URL' => 'new-page',
'L_DEFAULT_NEW_ARTICLE_URL' => 'new-article',
'L_ARTICLE_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Post was succesfully created',
'L_ARTICLE_MODIFY_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Post was succesfully updated',
'L_ARTICLE_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Post was succesfully deleted',
'L_ARTICLE_SAVE_ERR' => 'Post couldn\'t be saved',
'L_ARTICLE_DELETE_ERR' => 'An error occured : post couldn\'t be deleted',
'L_ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMENT' => 'Selected comment no longer exists',
'L_COMMENT_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Comment was succesfully saved',
'L_COMMENT_UPDATE_ERR' => 'Error updating comment',
'L_COMMENT_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Comment was sucessfully deleted',
'L_COMMENT_DELETE_ERR' => 'An error occured in deletion of the comment',
'L_COMMENT_VALIDATE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Comment was sucessfully validated',
'L_COMMENT_VALIDATE_ERR' => 'An error occured in the validation',
'L_COMMENT_MODERATE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Sucessfull moderation',
'L_COMMENT_MODERATE_ERR' => 'An error occured in the moderation',
'L_COMMENT_WRITTEN_BY' => 'Written by',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_MEDIAS_FOLDER_ERR' => 'Coul\'t create the media folder for connected user',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_ROOT' => 'root',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_NEW_FOLDER_ERR' => 'Could\'t create folder',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_NEW_FOLDER_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Folder succesfully created',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_NEW_FOLDER_EXISTS' => 'This folder already exists',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_DEL_FOLDER_ERR' => 'Error during the folder deletion',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_DEL_FOLDER_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Folder sucessfully deleted',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_WRONG_FILEFORMAT' => 'The file type is not allowed',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_WRONG_FILESIZE' => 'A file\'s size is bigger than',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_UPLOAD_ERR' => 'Error while sending a file',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL' => 'File sent successfully',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_UPLOADS_ERR' => 'Error while uploading files',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_UPLOADS_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Files sent successfully',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_DELETE_FILES_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Successfully removed files',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_DELETE_FILES_ERR' => 'Error while deleting a file',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_DELETE_FILE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'File successfully deleted',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_DELETE_FILE_ERR' => 'Error while deleting the file',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_MOVE_FILES_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Files sucessfully moved',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_MOVE_FILE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'File sucessfully moved',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_MOVE_FILES_ERR' => 'An error occured while moving the files',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_MOVE_FILE_ERR' => 'An error occured while moving the file',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_RECREATE_THUMB_ERR' => 'Error while creating the thumbnail',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_RECREATE_THUMBS_ERR' => 'Error creating thumbnail',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_RECREATE_THUMB_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Thumbnail successfully created',
'L_PLXMEDIAS_RECREATE_THUMBS_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Thumbnails created successfully',
'L_ERR_INVALID_PUBLISHING_DATE' => 'Invalid publishing date.',
'L_ERR_UNKNOWN_ARTICLE' => 'The article doesn\'t exist',
'L_ERR_FORBIDDEN_ARTICLE' => 'You don\'t have permission to access this article!',
'L_BACK_TO_ARTICLES' => 'Back to articles',
'L_ARTICLE_EDITING' => 'Article editing',
'L_ARTICLE_TITLE' => 'Title',
'L_HEADLINE_FIELD' => 'Headline (optional)',
'L_CONTENT_FIELD' => 'Content',
'L_LINK_FIELD' => 'Link to article',
'L_LINK_ACCESS' => 'Go to article',
'L_LINK_VIEW' => 'view',
'L_ARTICLE_STATUS' => 'Status',
'L_DRAFT' => 'Draft',
'L_PUBLISHED' => 'Published',
'L_AWAITING' => 'Awaiting validation',
'L_ARTICLE_DATE' => 'Article date',
'L_NOW' => 'now',
'L_ARTICLE_CATEGORIES' => 'Categories',
'L_CATEGORY_HOME_PAGE' => 'Homepage',
'L_NEW_CATEGORY' => 'New category',
'L_ARTICLE_TAGS_FIELD_TITLE' => 'Separate tags with commas',
'L_NO_TAG' => 'No tag',
'L_ALLOW_COMMENTS' => 'Allow comments',
'L_ARTICLE_URL_FIELD_TITLE' => 'URL field auto-fills when the article is created',
'L_ARTICLE_MANAGE_COMMENTS' => 'Manage comments',
'L_ARTICLE_MANAGE_COMMENTS_TITLE' => 'Manage comments on this article',
'L_ARTICLE_NEW_COMMENT' => 'Write a comment',
'L_ARTICLE_NEW_COMMENT_TITLE' => 'Write a comment about this article',
'L_ARTICLE_DELETE_CONFIRM' => 'Delete this article?',
'L_ARTICLE_DRAFT_BUTTON' => 'Save draft',
'L_ARTICLE_MODERATE_BUTTON' => 'Submit for validation',
'L_ARTICLE_OFFLINE_BUTTON' => 'Switch offline',
'L_ARTICLE_META_DESCRIPTION' => '"Description" Meta tag content (optional)',
'L_ARTICLE_META_KEYWORDS' => '"Keywords" Meta tag content (optional)',
'L_ARTICLE_TITLE_HTMLTAG' => 'Title tag contents (optional)',
'L_AUTH_PAGE_TITLE' => 'Authentication page',
'L_LOGOUT_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Logout successful',
'L_LOGIN_PAGE' => 'Login to administration',
'L_AUTH_LOGIN_FIELD' => 'Login',
'L_AUTH_PASSWORD_FIELD' => 'Password',
'L_SUBMIT_BUTTON' => 'Submit',
'L_ERR_WRONG_PASSWORD' => 'Incorrect login or password',
'L_POWERED_BY' => 'Powered by <a href="http://www.pluxml.org">PluXml</a>',
'L_CAT_TITLE' => 'Category Manager',
'L_CAT_LIST_ID' => 'ID',
'L_CAT_LIST_ACTIVE' => 'Active',
'L_CAT_LIST_NAME' => 'Category name',
'L_CAT_LIST_URL' => 'Url',
'L_CAT_LIST_SORT' => 'Article sorting',
'L_CAT_LIST_BYPAGE' => 'Articles/page',
'L_CAT_LIST_ORDER' => 'Rank',
'L_CAT_LIST_MENU' => 'Menu',
'L_CATEGORY' => 'Category',
'L_DISPLAY' => 'Display',
'L_HIDE' => 'Hide',
'L_OPTIONS' => 'Options',
'L_SORT_ASCENDING_DATE' => 'ascending date',
'L_SORT_DESCENDING_DATE' => 'descending date',
'L_SORT_ALPHABETICAL' => 'alphabetical',
'L_OK' => 'Ok',
'L_YES' => 'Yes',
'L_NO' => 'No',
'L_NONE1' => 'none',
'L_NONE2' => 'none',
'L_FOR_SELECTION' => 'Selected items...',
'L_DELETE' => 'Delete',
'L_CAT_APPLY_BUTTON' => 'Change categories list',
'L_CAT_UNKNOWN' => 'Unknown category',
'L_EDITCAT_PAGE_TITLE' => 'Edit category options',
'L_EDITCAT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
'L_EDITCAT_DISPLAY_HOMEPAGE' => 'Show articles on the homepage',
'L_EDITCAT_TEMPLATE' => 'Template',
'L_EDITCAT_BACK_TO_PAGE' => 'Back to categories',
'L_EDITCAT_UPDATE' => 'Update this category',
'L_EDITCAT_TITLE_HTMLTAG' => 'Title tag contents (optional)',
'L_EDITCAT_META_DESCRIPTION' => '"Description" Meta tag content (optional)',
'L_EDITCAT_META_KEYWORDS' => '"Keywords" Meta tag content (optional)',
'L_COMMENT_ORPHAN' => 'no article',
'L_COMMENT_ORPHAN_STATUS' => 'not displayed (we advise you to delete this comment)',
'L_COMMENT_ARTICLE_LINKED_TITLE' => 'Article linked to this comment',
'L_COMMENT_OFFLINE' => 'offline',
'L_COMMENT_ONLINE' => 'online',
'L_COMMENT_ONLINE_TITLE' => 'Published comments',
'L_BACK_TO_ARTICLE_COMMENTS' => 'Back to this article\'s comments',
'L_BACK_TO_COMMENTS' => 'Back to comments',
'L_COMMENT_EDITING' => 'Comment edit',
'L_COMMENT_TYPE_FIELD' => 'Comment type',
'L_COMMENT_DATE_FIELD' => 'Date and time of publication',
'L_COMMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM' => 'Delete this comment?',
'L_COMMENT_PUBLISH_BUTTON' => 'Confirm publication',
'L_COMMENT_OFFLINE_BUTTON' => 'Switch offline',
'L_COMMENT_ANSWER_BUTTON' => 'Reply to this comment',
'L_ERR_ANSWER_UNKNOWN_COMMENT' => 'The comment you are trying to reply to no longer exists!',
'L_ERR_ANSWER_OFFLINE_COMMENT' => 'Comment is offline, you can\'t answer it!',
'L_ERR_COMMENT_UNKNOWN_ARTICLE' => 'The article doesn\'t exist and you can\'t comment it!',
'L_ERR_CREATING_COMMENT' => 'An error occured while creating the comment',
'L_CREATING_COMMENT_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Comment succesfully created',
'L_CREATE_NEW_COMMENT' => 'Write a comment',
'L_ARTICLE_COMMENTS_LIST' => 'Comments for this article (from most recent to the oldest)',
'L_COMMENT_ANSWER_TITLE' => 'Reply to this comment',
'L_COMMENT_ANSWER' => 'Answer',
'L_COMMENTS_GLOBAL_SCOPE' => 'entire site',
'L_COMMENTS_OFFLINE_LIST' => 'Comments awaiting moderation',
'L_COMMENT_EDIT' => 'Edit',
'L_COMMENT_EDIT_TITLE' => 'Edit this comment',
'L_COMMENT_DELETE' => 'Delete',
'L_COMMENT_OFFLINE_FEEDS_TITLE' => 'Rss feed for offline comments',
'L_COMMENT_OFFLINE_FEEDS' => 'Offline comments',
'L_COMMENT_ONLINE_FEEDS_TITLE' => 'Rss feed for online comments',
'L_COMMENT_ONLINE_FEEDS' => 'Online comments',
'L_COMMENTS_PRIVATE_FEEDS' => 'Private feeds',
'L_COMMENTS_ONLINE_LIST' => 'List of published reviews',
'L_COMMENTS_ALL_LIST' => 'Comments List',
'L_COMMENT_SET_ONLINE' => 'Set online',
'L_COMMENT_SET_OFFLINE' => 'Set Offline',
'L_COMMENT_NEW_COMMENT_TITLE' => 'Write a new comment for this article',
'L_COMMENT_NEW_COMMENT' => 'Write a new comment',
'L_CATEGORIES_TABLE' => 'Categories',
'L_SPECIFIC_CATEGORIES_TABLE' => 'Spectific categories',
'L_ARTICLES_LIST' => 'Article list',
'L_CATEGORY_HOME' => 'Home',
'L_CATEGORY_DRAFT' => 'Draft',
'L_ARTICLE_VIEW' => 'View',
'L_ARTICLE_VIEW_TITLE' => 'View this article online',
'L_ARTICLE_EDIT' => 'Edit',
'L_ARTICLE_EDIT_TITLE' => 'Edit this article',
'L_NEW_COMMENTS_TITLE' => 'Comments awaiting moderation',
'L_VALIDATED_COMMENTS_TITLE' => 'Published comments',
'L_NO_ARTICLE' => 'No article',
'L_ARTICLES_ALL_CATEGORIES' => 'All Categories ...',
'L_ALL' => 'All',
'L_ALL_PUBLISHED' => 'Published',
'L_ALL_DRAFTS' => 'Drafts',
'L_ALL_AWAITING_MODERATION' => 'Awaiting validation',
'L_MEDIAS_DELETE_FOLDER' => 'Delete folder',
'L_MEDIAS_DELETE_FOLDER_CONFIRM' => 'Delete folder and its content ?',
'L_MEDIAS_NO_FILE' => 'No file',
'L_MEDIAS_FILENAME' => 'File name',
'L_MEDIAS_ADD_FILE' => 'Add file',
'L_MEDIAS_BACK' => 'Back',
'L_MEDIAS_TITLE' => 'Media manager',
'L_MEDIAS_IMAGES' => 'Pictures',
'L_MEDIAS_DOCUMENTS' => 'Documents',
'L_MEDIAS_CREATE_FOLDER' => 'Create folder',
'L_MEDIAS_MAX_UPOLAD_FILE' => 'Maximum file size',
'L_MEDIAS_DIRECTORY' => 'Location',
'L_MEDIAS_FOLDER' => 'File',
'L_MEDIAS_NEW_FOLDER' => 'New Folder',
'L_MEDIAS_DATE' => 'Date',
'L_MEDIAS_DIMENSIONS' => 'Dimensions',
'L_MEDIAS_RESIZE' => 'Resize Images',
'L_MEDIAS_RESIZE_NO' => 'Original Size',
'L_MEDIAS_THUMBS' => 'Create thumbnails',
'L_MEDIAS_THUMBS_NONE' => 'No thumbnail',
'L_MEDIAS_MODIFY' => 'Edit',
'L_MEDIAS_THUMB' => 'Thumbnail',
'L_MEDIAS_EXTENSION' => 'Extension',
'L_MEDIAS_ADD' => 'Add',
'L_MEDIAS_ALIGNMENT' => 'Alignment',
'L_MEDIAS_RECREATE_THUMB' => 'Recreate thumbnail',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_FIELD' => 'Display preferences',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_FILES_EDIT_TITLE' => 'Edit theme files',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_FILES_EDIT' => 'Edit theme files',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_SORT' => 'Sorting articles',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_BYPAGE' => 'Articles per page',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_BYPAGE_ARCHIVES' => 'Articles per page in archives',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_BYPAGE_ADMIN' => 'Articles per page in administration',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_SORT_COMS' => 'Sorting comments',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_BYPAGE_ADMIN_COMS' => 'Comments per page in administraton',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_IMAGES' => 'Image Size (width x height)',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_THUMBS' => 'Thumbnails size (width x height)',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_HOMESTATIC' => 'Use a static page as Homepage',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_HOMESTATIC_ACTIVE' => '<span class="alert">Warning: this page is inactive</span>',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_PLUXML_RESSOURCES' => 'Download themes at <a href="http://ressources.pluxml.org">ressources.pluxml.org</a>.',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_BYPAGE_FEEDS' => 'N° of Articles or comments in the Rss feed',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_FEEDS_HEADLINE' => 'Only display headlines in the Rss article feed',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_FEEDS_HEADLINE_HELP' => 'Headline field is empty, content is displayed instead',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_FEEDS_FOOTER' => 'Signature used in the end of every Rss feed\'s article',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_UPDATE' => 'Save display settings',
'L_CONFIG_VIEW_DISPLAY_EMPTY_CAT' => 'Display categories without article',
'L_CONFIG_HOMETEMPLATE' => 'Template of the homepage',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_DESC' => 'Advanced configuration',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_URL_REWRITE' => 'Enable url rewriting',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_URL_REWRITE_ALERT' => '<span class="alert">Warning: a .htaccess file already exists at your PluXml\'s installation root. Activating url rewriting will overwrite this file</span>',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_GZIP' => 'Enable GZIP compression',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_GZIP_HELP' => 'Makes it possible to compress pages to save bandwidth, but could increase CPU usage',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_CAPCHA' => 'Enable anti spam-capcha',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_ADMIN_KEY' => 'Administration key (private URLs)',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_KEY_HELP' => 'Leave this field empty to rebuild key',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_USERFOLDERS' => 'Use separate Images and Documents folders for every user',
'L_HELP_SLASH_END' => 'Don\'t forget the slash at the end',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_PICS_FOLDER' => 'Images (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_DOCS_FOLDER' => 'Documents (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_ARTS_FOLDER' => 'Articles (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_COMS_FOLDER' => 'Comments (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_STATS_FOLDER' => 'Static page (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_THEMES_FOLDER' => 'Themes (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_PLUGINS_FOLDER' => 'Plugins (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_CONFIG_FOLDER' => 'Configuration files (folder) location',
'L_CONFIG_ADVANCED_UPDATE' => 'Save advanced configuration',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_CONFIG_TITLE' => 'Basic configuration',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_SITE_TITLE' => 'Site title',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_SITE_SLOGAN' => 'Subtitle / Site description',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_URL_HELP' => 'Don\'t forget the slash at the end',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_DEFAULT_LANG' => 'Default site language',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_ALLOW_COMMENTS' => 'Allow comments',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_MODERATE_COMMENTS' => 'Moderate comments when created',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_MODERATE_ARTICLES' => 'Moderate articles for Editor and Publisher profiles',
'L_CONFIG_BASE_UPDATE' => 'Save basic configuration',
'L_CONFIG_META_DESCRIPTION' => 'Content of "description" meta tag (optional)',
'L_CONFIG_META_KEYWORDS' => 'Content of "keywords" meta tag (optional)',
'L_CONFIG_EDITTPL_ERROR_NOTHEME' => 'There is no such theme!',
'L_CONFIG_EDITTPL_TITLE' => 'Theme edit',
'L_CONFIG_EDITTPL_SELECT_FILE' => 'Choose file to edit:',
'L_CONFIG_INFOS_TITLE' => 'Information about PluXml',
'L_CONFIG_INFOS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Information about your PluXml installation, can be useful to repair it if needed.',
'L_CONFIG_INFOS_NB_CATS' => 'N° of categories :',
'L_CONFIG_INFOS_NB_STATICS' => 'N° of static pages :',
'L_CONFIG_INFOS_WRITER' => 'N° of users in session :',
'L_PLUXML_CHECK_VERSION' => 'Checking version number on the official PluXml.org site',
'L_PLUXML_UPDATE_UNAVAILABLE' => 'Can\'t check for updates as long as \'allow_url_fopen\' is disabled on this system',
'L_PLUXML_UPDATE_ERR' => 'Update check failed for an unknown reason',
'L_PLUXML_UPTODATE' => 'You are using PluXml\'s last version',
'L_PLUXML_UPDATE_AVAILABLE' => 'A new PluXml version is available ! You can download it from',
'L_CONFIG_USERS_TITLE' => 'Manage users',
'L_CONFIG_USER' => 'User',
'L_CONFIG_USERS_NEW' => 'New user',
'L_CONFIG_USERS_UPDATE' => 'Modify the users\' list',
'L_ERR_LOGIN_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Login ID already used',
'L_ERR_USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Username already in use',
'L_ERR_CATEGORY_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Category name already used',
'L_ERR_STATIC_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Title already used',
'L_BACK_TO_PLUGINS' => 'Back to plugins\' page',
'L_NO_PLUGIN' => 'No plugin',
'L_PLUGIN_NO_CONFIG' => 'Not configured plugin',
'L_PLUGINS_CSS' => 'Css code',
'L_PLUGINS_CSS_TITLE' => 'Edit the css code of the plugin',
'L_CONTENT_FIELD_FRONTEND' => 'Css file content site',
'L_CONTENT_FIELD_BACKEND' => 'Css file content administrator',
'L_PLUGINS_TITLE' => 'Manage plugins',
'L_PLUGINS_VERSION' => 'Version',
'L_PLUGINS_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'L_PLUGINS_DELETE' => 'Delete',
'L_PLUGINS_DELETE_ERROR' => 'An error occured while deleting',
'L_PLUGINS_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Successfull deletion',
'L_PLUGINS_CONFIG' => 'Configuration',
'L_PLUGINS_CONFIG_TITLE' => 'Plugin\'s configuration',
'L_PLUGINS_HELP' => 'Help',
'L_PLUGINS_HELP_TITLE' => 'See plugin\'s help',
'L_PLUGINS_REQUIREMENTS' => 'Requirements',
'L_PLUGINS_REQUIREMENTS_HELP' => 'Available and active plugins to activate this one',
'L_PLUGINS_ALPHA_SORT' => 'Sort alphabetically plugins',
'L_PLUGINS_LOADING_SORT' => 'Loading order',
'L_PLUGINS_ACTION' => 'Action',
'L_PLUGINS_APPLY_BUTTON' => 'Modify the plugins list',
'L_PLUGINS_ACTIVE_LIST' => 'Active plugins',
'L_PLUGINS_INACTIVE_LIST' => 'Inactive plugins',
'L_PROFIL_EDIT_TITLE' => 'Profile edit',
'L_PROFIL' => 'Profile',
'L_PROFIL_LOGIN' => 'Login',
'L_PROFIL_USER' => 'Username',
'L_PROFIL_MAIL' => 'Email address',
'L_PROFIL_ADMIN_LANG' => 'Language for administration',
'L_PROFIL_INFOS' => 'Information',
'L_PROFIL_UPDATE' => 'Save profile',
'L_PROFIL_CHANGE_PASSWORD' => 'Change password',
'L_PROFIL_PASSWORD' => 'Password',
'L_PROFIL_CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => 'Confirm password',
'L_PROFIL_UPDATE_PASSWORD' => 'Change password',
'L_STATIC_BACK_TO_PAGE' => 'Back to static page list',
'L_STATIC_UNKNOWN_PAGE' => 'This static page doesn\'t exist!',
'L_STATIC_TITLE' => 'Edit static page\'s source code',
'L_STATIC_VIEW_PAGE' => 'View page',
'L_STATIC_ON_SITE' => 'on site',
'L_STATIC_UPDATE' => 'Save this page',
'L_STATIC_TITLE_HTMLTAG' => 'Title tag contents (optional)',
'L_STATIC_META_DESCRIPTION' => 'Meta tag "description" content for this static page (optional)',
'L_STATIC_META_KEYWORDS' => 'Meta tag "keywords" content for this static page (optional)',
'L_STATICS_PAGE_TITLE' => 'Create and edit static pages',
'L_STATICS_GROUP' => 'Group',
'L_STATICS_TITLE' => 'Title',
'L_STATICS_URL' => 'Url',
'L_STATICS_ACTIVE' => 'Active',
'L_STATICS_ORDER' => 'Rank',
'L_STATICS_MENU' => 'Menu',
'L_STATICS_ACTION' => 'Action',
'L_STATICS_PAGE_HOME' => 'Set as Homepage',
'L_STATICS_HOME_PAGE' => 'Homepage',
'L_PAGE' => 'Page',
'L_VIEW' => 'See',
'L_STATICS_SRC_TITLE' => 'Edit source code for this page',
'L_STATICS_SRC' => 'Edit',
'L_STATICS_NEW_PAGE' => 'New page',
'L_STATICS_UPDATE' => 'Modify static page list',
'L_PROFIL_ADMIN' => 'Administrator',
'L_PROFIL_MANAGER' => 'Manager',
'L_PROFIL_MODERATOR' => 'Moderator',
'L_PROFIL_EDITOR' => 'Editor',
'L_PROFIL_WRITER' => 'Writer',
'L_ADMIN' => '- Administration',
'L_LOGIN' => 'Connected as',
'L_ADMIN_LOGOUT' => 'Disconnect',
'L_ADMIN_LOGOUT_TITLE' => 'Leave administrator\'s session',
'L_BACK_TO_SITE' => 'Home',
'L_BACK_TO_SITE_TITLE' => 'Back to homepage',
'L_BACK_TO_BLOG' => 'Blog',
'L_BACK_TO_BLOG_TITLE' => 'Back to blog',
'L_MENU_ARTICLES' => 'Articles',
'L_MENU_ARTICLES_TITLE' => 'List or Edit Articles',
'L_MENU_NEW_ARTICLES' => 'New article',
'L_MENU_NEW_ARTICLES_TITLE' => 'New article',
'L_MENU_STATICS_TITLE' => 'List or Edit Static pages',
'L_MENU_STATICS' => 'Static pages',
'L_MENU_COMMENTS_TITLE' => 'List or Edit Comments',
'L_MENU_COMMENTS' => 'Comments',
'L_MENU_MEDIAS_TITLE' => 'Upload and insert media',
'L_MENU_MEDIAS' => 'Media',
'L_MENU_CATEGORIES_TITLE' => 'Create, manage, edit categories',
'L_MENU_CATEGORIES' => 'Categories',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_TITLE' => 'Configure PluXml',
'L_MENU_CONFIG' => 'Parameters',
'L_MENU_PROFIL_TITLE' => 'Manage your user profiles',
'L_MENU_PROFIL' => 'Profile',
'L_WARNING_INSTALLATION_FILE' => '<p class="warning">install.php file can still be found at your PluXml root.<br />For security reasons, it is strongly recommended to delete it.</p>',
'L_USER_UNKNOWN' => 'Unknown user',
'L_USER_LANG' => 'Language used in administration',
'L_USER_MAIL' => 'Email adress',
'L_USER_INFOS' => 'Information',
'L_USER_UPDATE' => 'Update this user',
'L_USER_PAGE_TITLE' => 'Edit user options',
'L_USER_BACK_TO_PAGE' => 'Back to users\' list',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_BASE_TITLE' => 'Edit basic PluXml configuration',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_BASE' => 'Basic configuration',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_VIEW_TITLE' => 'Change your PluXml\'s display settings',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_VIEW' => 'Display settings',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_USERS_TITLE' => 'Manage user accounts on your PluXml',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_USERS' => 'User accounts',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_ADVANCED_TITLE' => 'Edit advanced configuration on your PluXml',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_ADVANCED' => 'Advanced configuration',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_INFOS_TITLE' => 'Information about your PluXml',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_INFOS' => 'Information',
'L_MENU_CONFIG_PLUGINS_TITLE' => 'Manage plugins',
'L_ERR_URL_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Url already in use. Please change the value of the field \'Url\'',