#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Start PyInventory in YunoHost setup locally. Note: You can only run this script, if you are in a activated PyInventory venv! see README for details ;) """ import os import shlex import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'ynh_pyinventory_settings' try: import inventory_project # noqa except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( 'Couldn\'t import PyInventory. Did you ' 'forget to activate a virtual environment?' ) from err BASE_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() TEST_PATH = BASE_PATH / 'local_test' CONF_PATH = BASE_PATH / 'conf' FINAL_HOME_PATH = TEST_PATH / 'opt_yunohost' FINAL_WWW_PATH = TEST_PATH / 'var_www' LOG_FILE = TEST_PATH / 'var_log_pyinventory.log' MANAGE_PY_FILE = CONF_PATH / 'manage.py' CREATE_SUPERUSER_FILE = CONF_PATH / 'create_superuser.py' SETTINGS_FILE = CONF_PATH / 'ynh_pyinventory_settings.py' URLS_FILE = CONF_PATH / 'ynh_urls.py' REPLACES = { '__FINAL_HOME_PATH__': str(FINAL_HOME_PATH), '__FINAL_WWW_PATH__': str(FINAL_WWW_PATH), '__LOG_FILE__': str(TEST_PATH / 'var_log_pyinventory.log'), '__PATH_URL__': 'app_path', '__DOMAIN__': '', 'django.db.backends.postgresql': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', "'NAME': '__APP__',": f"'NAME': '{TEST_PATH / 'test_db.sqlite'}',", 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache', 'DEBUG = False': 'DEBUG = True', # Just use the default logging setup from PyInventory project: 'LOGGING = {': 'HACKED_DEACTIVATED_LOGGING = {', } def verbose_check_call(command, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ 'verbose' version of subprocess.check_call() """ if verbose: print('_' * 100) msg = f'Call: {command!r}' verbose_kwargs = ', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items())) if verbose_kwargs: msg += f' (kwargs: {verbose_kwargs})' print(f'{msg}\n', flush=True) env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1' popenargs = shlex.split(command) subprocess.check_call( popenargs, universal_newlines=True, env=env, **kwargs ) def call_manage_py(args): verbose_check_call( command=f'{sys.executable} manage.py {args}', cwd=FINAL_HOME_PATH, ) def copy_patch(src_file, replaces=None): dst_file = FINAL_HOME_PATH / src_file.name print(f'{src_file.relative_to(BASE_PATH)} -> {dst_file.relative_to(BASE_PATH)}') with src_file.open('r') as f: content = f.read() if replaces: for old, new in replaces.items(): content = content.replace(old, new) with dst_file.open('w') as f: f.write(content) def main(): print('-' * 100) assert BASE_PATH.is_dir() assert CONF_PATH.is_dir() assert SETTINGS_FILE.is_file() assert URLS_FILE.is_file() for p in (TEST_PATH, FINAL_HOME_PATH, FINAL_WWW_PATH): if p.is_dir(): print(f'Already exists: "{p.relative_to(BASE_PATH)}", ok.') else: print(f'Create: "{p.relative_to(BASE_PATH)}"') p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) LOG_FILE.touch(exist_ok=True) # conf/manage.py -> local_test/manage.py copy_patch(src_file=MANAGE_PY_FILE) # conf/create_superuser.py -> local_test/opt_yunohost/create_superuser.py copy_patch(src_file=CREATE_SUPERUSER_FILE) # conf/ynh_pyinventory_settings.py -> local_test/ynh_pyinventory_settings.py copy_patch(src_file=SETTINGS_FILE, replaces=REPLACES) # conf/ynh_urls.py -> local_test/ynh_urls.py copy_patch(src_file=URLS_FILE, replaces=REPLACES) with Path(FINAL_HOME_PATH / 'local_settings.py').open('w') as f: f.write('# Only for local test run\n') f.write('SERVE_FILES=True # used in src/inventory_project/urls.py\n') # call "local_test/manage.py" via subprocess: call_manage_py('check --deploy') call_manage_py('migrate --no-input') call_manage_py('collectstatic --no-input') verbose_check_call( command=f'{sys.executable} create_superuser.py --username="test" --password="test"', cwd=FINAL_HOME_PATH, ) try: call_manage_py('runserver --nostatic') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nBye ;)') if __name__ == '__main__': main()