#:schema https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/apps/master/schemas/manifest.v2.schema.json packaging_format = 2 id = "question2answer" name = "Question2Answer" description.en = "Platform for Question&Answer sites." description.fr = "Plateforme de Question/RĂ©ponses." version = "1.8.6~ynh2" maintainers = ["Nils Van Zuijlen"] [upstream] license = "GPL-2.0-or-later" website = "https://www.question2answer.org" demo = "http://demo.question2answer.org" admindoc = "https://docs.question2answer.org" code = "https://github.com/q2a/question2answer" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.2" architectures = "all" multi_instance = true ldap = true sso = false disk = "50M" # FIXME: replace with an **estimate** minimum disk requirement. e.g. 20M, 400M, 1G, ... ram.build = "50M" # FIXME: replace with an **estimate** minimum ram requirement. e.g. 50M, 400M, 1G, ... ram.runtime = "50M" # FIXME: replace with an **estimate** minimum ram requirement. e.g. 50M, 400M, 1G, ... [install] [install.domain] type = "domain" [install.path] type = "path" default = "/question2answer" [install.init_main_permission] type = "group" default = "visitors" [install.language] ask.en = "Choose the application language" ask.fr = "Choisissez la langue de l'application" type = "select" choices = ["fr", "en"] default = "fr" [install.admin] type = "user" [install.q2a_name] ask.en = "Choose the site name" ask.fr = "Choisissez le nom de votre Question2Answer" type = "string" default = "My Question2Answer forum" [resources] [resources.sources.main] url = "https://github.com/q2a/question2answer/releases/download/v1.8.6/question2answer-1.8.6.zip" sha256 = "9200234584f576ff6b651baa9cfa08795cfda6c303d855a1bf9df6183f25b2a9" autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_tag" [resources.sources.ldap] url = "https://github.com/zakkak/qa-ldap-login/archive/857ad8bf3ca891cb33fa6e8816ed0d3e198c1afc.zip" sha256 = "a584525c43410b1029e767265ea93e16e945a00c70e9358876407986f144790a" autoupdate.upstream = "https://github.com/zakkak/qa-ldap-login" autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_commit" [resources.sources.lang_fr] url = "https://github.com/mrflos/q2a-lang-fr/archive/2e36c9d3121a77f236db0e265e6fb587ed154b54.tar.gz" sha256 = "34571341339a928d047c65b3da82166dbdc26f84d44dea2fae85e21db1e7aa43" autoupdate.upstream = "https://github.com/mrflos/q2a-lang-fr" autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_commit" [resources.system_user] [resources.install_dir] [resources.permissions] main.url = "/" [resources.apt] packages = [ "mariadb-server", ] [resources.database] type = "mysql"