/* RainLoop Webmail (c) RainLoop Team | Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 */ /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = "rainloop/v/0.0.0/static/js/"; /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /*!********************!*\ !*** ./dev/app.js ***! \********************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(/*! bootstrap */ 69)(__webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6)); /***/ }, /* 1 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Utils.js ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var oEncryptObject = null, Utils = {}, window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Autolinker = __webpack_require__(/*! Autolinker */ 71), JSEncrypt = __webpack_require__(/*! JSEncrypt */ 72), Mime = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Mime */ 48), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8) ; Utils.trim = $.trim; Utils.inArray = $.inArray; Utils.isArray = _.isArray; Utils.isFunc = _.isFunction; Utils.isUnd = _.isUndefined; Utils.isNull = _.isNull; Utils.emptyFunction = function () {}; /** * @param {*} oValue * @return {boolean} */ Utils.isNormal = function (oValue) { return !Utils.isUnd(oValue) && !Utils.isNull(oValue); }; Utils.windowResize = _.debounce(function (iTimeout) { if (Utils.isUnd(iTimeout)) { Globals.$win.resize(); } else { window.setTimeout(function () { Globals.$win.resize(); }, iTimeout); } }, 50); Utils.windowResizeCallback = function () { Utils.windowResize(); }; /** * @param {(string|number)} mValue * @param {boolean=} bIncludeZero * @return {boolean} */ Utils.isPosNumeric = function (mValue, bIncludeZero) { return Utils.isNormal(mValue) ? ((Utils.isUnd(bIncludeZero) ? true : !!bIncludeZero) ? (/^[0-9]*$/).test(mValue.toString()) : (/^[1-9]+[0-9]*$/).test(mValue.toString())) : false; }; /** * @param {*} iValue * @param {number=} iDefault = 0 * @return {number} */ Utils.pInt = function (iValue, iDefault) { var iResult = Utils.isNormal(iValue) && '' !== iValue ? window.parseInt(iValue, 10) : (iDefault || 0); return window.isNaN(iResult) ? (iDefault || 0) : iResult; }; /** * @param {*} mValue * @return {string} */ Utils.pString = function (mValue) { return Utils.isNormal(mValue) ? '' + mValue : ''; }; /** * @param {string} sComponent * @return {string} */ Utils.encodeURIComponent = function (sComponent) { return window.encodeURIComponent(sComponent); }; /** * @param {*} aValue * @return {boolean} */ Utils.isNonEmptyArray = function (aValue) { return Utils.isArray(aValue) && 0 < aValue.length; }; /** * @param {string} sQueryString * @return {Object} */ Utils.simpleQueryParser = function (sQueryString) { var oParams = {}, aQueries = [], aTemp = [], iIndex = 0, iLen = 0 ; aQueries = sQueryString.split('&'); for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aQueries.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { aTemp = aQueries[iIndex].split('='); oParams[window.decodeURIComponent(aTemp[0])] = window.decodeURIComponent(aTemp[1]); } return oParams; }; /** * @param {string} sMailToUrl * @param {Function} PopupComposeVoreModel * @returns {boolean} */ Utils.mailToHelper = function (sMailToUrl, PopupComposeVoreModel) { if (sMailToUrl && 'mailto:' === sMailToUrl.toString().substr(0, 7).toLowerCase()) { sMailToUrl = sMailToUrl.toString().substr(7); var oParams = {}, oToEmailModel = null, oCcEmailModel = null, oBccEmailModel = null, sEmail = sMailToUrl.replace(/\?.+$/, ''), sQueryString = sMailToUrl.replace(/^[^\?]*\?/, ''), EmailModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Email */ 25) ; oToEmailModel = new EmailModel(); oToEmailModel.parse(window.decodeURIComponent(sEmail)); oParams = Utils.simpleQueryParser(sQueryString); if (!Utils.isUnd(oParams.cc)) { oCcEmailModel = new EmailModel(); oCcEmailModel.parse(window.decodeURIComponent(oParams.cc)); } if (!Utils.isUnd(oParams.bcc)) { oBccEmailModel = new EmailModel(); oBccEmailModel.parse(window.decodeURIComponent(oParams.bcc)); } __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(PopupComposeVoreModel, [Enums.ComposeType.Empty, null, oToEmailModel && oToEmailModel.email ? [oToEmailModel] : null, oCcEmailModel && oCcEmailModel.email ? [oCcEmailModel] : null, oBccEmailModel && oBccEmailModel.email ? [oBccEmailModel] : null, Utils.isUnd(oParams.subject) ? null : Utils.pString(oParams.subject), Utils.isUnd(oParams.body) ? null : Utils.plainToHtml(Utils.pString(oParams.body)) ]); return true; } return false; }; /** * @param {string} sPublicKey * @return {JSEncrypt} */ Utils.rsaObject = function (sPublicKey) { if (JSEncrypt && sPublicKey && (null === oEncryptObject || (oEncryptObject && oEncryptObject.__sPublicKey !== sPublicKey)) && window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) { oEncryptObject = new JSEncrypt(); oEncryptObject.setPublicKey(sPublicKey); oEncryptObject.__sPublicKey = sPublicKey; } else { oEncryptObject = false; } return oEncryptObject; }; /** * @param {string} sValue * @param {string} sPublicKey * @return {string} */ Utils.rsaEncode = function (sValue, sPublicKey) { if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && sPublicKey) { var sResultValue = false, oEncrypt = Utils.rsaObject(sPublicKey) ; if (oEncrypt) { sResultValue = oEncrypt.encrypt(Utils.fakeMd5() + ':' + sValue + ':' + Utils.fakeMd5()); if (false !== sResultValue && Utils.isNormal(sResultValue)) { return 'rsa:xxx:' + sResultValue; } } } return sValue; }; Utils.rsaEncode.supported = !!(window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && false && JSEncrypt); /** * @param {string} sText * @return {string} */ Utils.encodeHtml = function (sText) { return Utils.isNormal(sText) ? sText.toString() .replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''') : ''; }; /** * @param {string} sText * @param {number=} iLen * @return {string} */ Utils.splitPlainText = function (sText, iLen) { var sPrefix = '', sSubText = '', sResult = sText, iSpacePos = 0, iNewLinePos = 0 ; iLen = Utils.isUnd(iLen) ? 100 : iLen; while (sResult.length > iLen) { sSubText = sResult.substring(0, iLen); iSpacePos = sSubText.lastIndexOf(' '); iNewLinePos = sSubText.lastIndexOf('\n'); if (-1 !== iNewLinePos) { iSpacePos = iNewLinePos; } if (-1 === iSpacePos) { iSpacePos = iLen; } sPrefix += sSubText.substring(0, iSpacePos) + '\n'; sResult = sResult.substring(iSpacePos + 1); } return sPrefix + sResult; }; Utils.timeOutAction = (function () { var oTimeOuts = {} ; return function (sAction, fFunction, iTimeOut) { if (Utils.isUnd(oTimeOuts[sAction])) { oTimeOuts[sAction] = 0; } window.clearTimeout(oTimeOuts[sAction]); oTimeOuts[sAction] = window.setTimeout(fFunction, iTimeOut); }; }()); Utils.timeOutActionSecond = (function () { var oTimeOuts = {} ; return function (sAction, fFunction, iTimeOut) { if (!oTimeOuts[sAction]) { oTimeOuts[sAction] = window.setTimeout(function () { fFunction(); oTimeOuts[sAction] = 0; }, iTimeOut); } }; }()); Utils.audio = (function () { var oAudio = false ; return function (sMp3File, sOggFile) { if (false === oAudio) { if (Globals.bIsiOSDevice) { oAudio = null; } else { var bCanPlayMp3 = false, bCanPlayOgg = false, oAudioLocal = window.Audio ? new window.Audio() : null ; if (oAudioLocal && oAudioLocal.canPlayType && oAudioLocal.play) { bCanPlayMp3 = '' !== oAudioLocal.canPlayType('audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"'); if (!bCanPlayMp3) { bCanPlayOgg = '' !== oAudioLocal.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'); } if (bCanPlayMp3 || bCanPlayOgg) { oAudio = oAudioLocal; oAudio.preload = 'none'; oAudio.loop = false; oAudio.autoplay = false; oAudio.muted = false; oAudio.src = bCanPlayMp3 ? sMp3File : sOggFile; } else { oAudio = null; } } else { oAudio = null; } } } return oAudio; }; }()); /** * @param {(Object|null|undefined)} oObject * @param {string} sProp * @return {boolean} */ Utils.hos = function (oObject, sProp) { return oObject && window.Object && window.Object.hasOwnProperty ? window.Object.hasOwnProperty.call(oObject, sProp) : false; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ Utils.inFocus = function () { if (window.document.activeElement) { if (Utils.isUnd(window.document.activeElement.__inFocusCache)) { window.document.activeElement.__inFocusCache = $(window.document.activeElement).is('input,textarea,iframe,.cke_editable'); } return !!window.document.activeElement.__inFocusCache; } return false; }; Utils.removeInFocus = function () { if (window.document && window.document.activeElement && window.document.activeElement.blur) { var oA = $(window.document.activeElement); if (oA.is('input,textarea')) { window.document.activeElement.blur(); } } }; Utils.removeSelection = function () { if (window && window.getSelection) { var oSel = window.getSelection(); if (oSel && oSel.removeAllRanges) { oSel.removeAllRanges(); } } else if (window.document && window.document.selection && window.document.selection.empty) { window.document.selection.empty(); } }; /** * @param {string} sPrefix * @param {string} sSubject * @return {string} */ Utils.replySubjectAdd = function (sPrefix, sSubject) { sPrefix = Utils.trim(sPrefix.toUpperCase()); sSubject = Utils.trim(sSubject.replace(/[\s]+/g, ' ')); var bDrop = false, aSubject = [], bRe = 'RE' === sPrefix, bFwd = 'FWD' === sPrefix, bPrefixIsRe = !bFwd ; if ('' !== sSubject) { _.each(sSubject.split(':'), function (sPart) { var sTrimmedPart = Utils.trim(sPart); if (!bDrop && (/^(RE|FWD)$/i.test(sTrimmedPart) || /^(RE|FWD)[\[\(][\d]+[\]\)]$/i.test(sTrimmedPart))) { if (!bRe) { bRe = !!(/^RE/i.test(sTrimmedPart)); } if (!bFwd) { bFwd = !!(/^FWD/i.test(sTrimmedPart)); } } else { aSubject.push(sPart); bDrop = true; } }); } if (bPrefixIsRe) { bRe = false; } else { bFwd = false; } return Utils.trim( (bPrefixIsRe ? 'Re: ' : 'Fwd: ') + (bRe ? 'Re: ' : '') + (bFwd ? 'Fwd: ' : '') + Utils.trim(aSubject.join(':')) ); }; /** * @param {number} iNum * @param {number} iDec * @return {number} */ Utils.roundNumber = function (iNum, iDec) { return window.Math.round(iNum * window.Math.pow(10, iDec)) / window.Math.pow(10, iDec); }; /** * @param {(number|string)} iSizeInBytes * @return {string} */ Utils.friendlySize = function (iSizeInBytes) { iSizeInBytes = Utils.pInt(iSizeInBytes); if (iSizeInBytes >= 1073741824) { return Utils.roundNumber(iSizeInBytes / 1073741824, 1) + 'GB'; } else if (iSizeInBytes >= 1048576) { return Utils.roundNumber(iSizeInBytes / 1048576, 1) + 'MB'; } else if (iSizeInBytes >= 1024) { return Utils.roundNumber(iSizeInBytes / 1024, 0) + 'KB'; } return iSizeInBytes + 'B'; }; /** * @param {string} sDesc */ Utils.log = function (sDesc) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log(sDesc); } }; /** * @param {?} oObject * @param {string} sMethodName * @param {Array=} aParameters * @param {number=} nDelay */ Utils.delegateRun = function (oObject, sMethodName, aParameters, nDelay) { if (oObject && oObject[sMethodName]) { nDelay = Utils.pInt(nDelay); if (0 >= nDelay) { oObject[sMethodName].apply(oObject, Utils.isArray(aParameters) ? aParameters : []); } else { _.delay(function () { oObject[sMethodName].apply(oObject, Utils.isArray(aParameters) ? aParameters : []); }, nDelay); } } }; /** * @param {?} oEvent */ Utils.killCtrlAandS = function (oEvent) { oEvent = oEvent || window.event; if (oEvent && oEvent.ctrlKey && !oEvent.shiftKey && !oEvent.altKey) { var oSender = oEvent.target || oEvent.srcElement, iKey = oEvent.keyCode || oEvent.which ; if (iKey === Enums.EventKeyCode.S) { oEvent.preventDefault(); return; } if (oSender && oSender.tagName && oSender.tagName.match(/INPUT|TEXTAREA/i)) { return; } if (iKey === Enums.EventKeyCode.A) { if (window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } else if (window.document.selection && window.document.selection.clear) { window.document.selection.clear(); } oEvent.preventDefault(); } } }; /** * @param {(Object|null|undefined)} oContext * @param {Function} fExecute * @param {(Function|boolean|null)=} fCanExecute * @return {Function} */ Utils.createCommand = function (oContext, fExecute, fCanExecute) { var fNonEmpty = function () { if (fResult && fResult.canExecute && fResult.canExecute()) { fExecute.apply(oContext, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); } return false; }, fResult = fExecute ? fNonEmpty : Utils.emptyFunction ; fResult.enabled = ko.observable(true); fCanExecute = Utils.isUnd(fCanExecute) ? true : fCanExecute; if (Utils.isFunc(fCanExecute)) { fResult.canExecute = ko.computed(function () { return fResult.enabled() && fCanExecute.call(oContext); }); } else { fResult.canExecute = ko.computed(function () { return fResult.enabled() && !!fCanExecute; }); } return fResult; }; /** * @param {{moment:Function}} oObject */ Utils.createMomentDate = function (oObject) { if (Utils.isUnd(oObject.moment)) { oObject.moment = ko.observable(moment()); } return ko.computed(function () { Globals.momentTrigger(); var oMoment = this.moment(); return 1970 === oMoment.year() ? '' : oMoment.fromNow(); }, oObject); }; /** * @param {{moment:Function, momentDate:Function}} oObject */ Utils.createMomentShortDate = function (oObject) { return ko.computed(function () { var sResult = '', oMomentNow = moment(), oMoment = this.moment(), sMomentDate = this.momentDate() ; if (1970 === oMoment.year()) { sResult = ''; } else if (4 >= oMomentNow.diff(oMoment, 'hours')) { sResult = sMomentDate; } else if (oMomentNow.format('L') === oMoment.format('L')) { sResult = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7).i18n('MESSAGE_LIST/TODAY_AT', { 'TIME': oMoment.format('LT') }); } else if (oMomentNow.clone().subtract('days', 1).format('L') === oMoment.format('L')) { sResult = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7).i18n('MESSAGE_LIST/YESTERDAY_AT', { 'TIME': oMoment.format('LT') }); } else if (oMomentNow.year() === oMoment.year()) { sResult = oMoment.format('D MMM.'); } else { sResult = oMoment.format('LL'); } return sResult; }, oObject); }; /** * @param {string} sTheme * @return {string} */ Utils.convertThemeName = function (sTheme) { if ('@custom' === sTheme.substr(-7)) { sTheme = Utils.trim(sTheme.substring(0, sTheme.length - 7)); } return Utils.trim(sTheme.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, ' ').replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1').replace(/[\s]+/g, ' ')); }; /** * @param {string} sName * @return {string} */ Utils.quoteName = function (sName) { return sName.replace(/["]/g, '\\"'); }; /** * @return {number} */ Utils.microtime = function () { return (new Date()).getTime(); }; /** * @return {number} */ Utils.timestamp = function () { return window.Math.round(Utils.microtime() / 1000); }; /** * * @param {string} sLanguage * @param {boolean=} bEng = false * @return {string} */ Utils.convertLangName = function (sLanguage, bEng) { return __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7).i18n('LANGS_NAMES' + (true === bEng ? '_EN' : '') + '/LANG_' + sLanguage.toUpperCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '_'), null, sLanguage); }; /** * @param {number=} iLen * @return {string} */ Utils.fakeMd5 = function(iLen) { var sResult = '', sLine = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ; iLen = Utils.isUnd(iLen) ? 32 : Utils.pInt(iLen); while (sResult.length < iLen) { sResult += sLine.substr(window.Math.round(window.Math.random() * sLine.length), 1); } return sResult; }; Utils.draggablePlace = function () { return $('
]*>([\s\S\r\n]*)<\/pre>/gmi, convertPre) .replace(/[\s]+/gm, ' ') .replace(/((?:href|data)\s?=\s?)("[^"]+?"|'[^']+?')/gmi, fixAttibuteValue) .replace(/
]*>/gmi, '\n') .replace(/<\/h[\d]>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/p>/gi, '\n\n') .replace(/<\/li>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/td>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\/tr>/gi, '\n') .replace(/
]*>/gmi, '\n_______________________________\n\n') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*)<\/div>/gmi, convertDivs) .replace(/]*>/gmi, '\n__bq__start__\n') .replace(/<\/blockquote>/gmi, '\n__bq__end__\n') .replace(/]*>([\s\S\r\n]*?)<\/a>/gmi, convertLinks) .replace(/<\/div>/gi, '\n') .replace(/ /gi, ' ') .replace(/"/gi, '"') .replace(/<[^>]*>/gm, '') ; sText = Globals.$div.html(sText).text(); sText = sText .replace(/\n[ \t]+/gm, '\n') .replace(/[\n]{3,}/gm, '\n\n') .replace(/>/gi, '>') .replace(/</gi, '<') .replace(/&/gi, '&') ; iPos = 0; iLimit = 100; while (0 < iLimit) { iLimit--; iP1 = sText.indexOf('__bq__start__', iPos); if (-1 < iP1) { iP2 = sText.indexOf('__bq__start__', iP1 + 5); iP3 = sText.indexOf('__bq__end__', iP1 + 5); if ((-1 === iP2 || iP3 < iP2) && iP1 < iP3) { sText = sText.substring(0, iP1) + convertBlockquote(sText.substring(iP1 + 13, iP3)) + sText.substring(iP3 + 11); iPos = 0; } else if (-1 < iP2 && iP2 < iP3) { iPos = iP2 - 1; } else { iPos = 0; } } else { break; } } sText = sText .replace(/__bq__start__/gm, '') .replace(/__bq__end__/gm, '') ; return sText; }; /** * @param {string} sPlain * @param {boolean} bFindEmailAndLinks = false * @return {string} */ Utils.plainToHtml = function (sPlain, bFindEmailAndLinks) { sPlain = sPlain.toString().replace(/\r/g, ''); bFindEmailAndLinks = Utils.isUnd(bFindEmailAndLinks) ? false : !!bFindEmailAndLinks; var bIn = false, bDo = true, bStart = true, aNextText = [], sLine = '', iIndex = 0, aText = sPlain.split("\n") ; do { bDo = false; aNextText = []; for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < aText.length; iIndex++) { sLine = aText[iIndex]; bStart = '>' === sLine.substr(0, 1); if (bStart && !bIn) { bDo = true; bIn = true; aNextText.push('~~~blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine.substr(1)); } else if (!bStart && bIn) { if ('' !== sLine) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); aNextText.push(sLine); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } } else if (bStart && bIn) { aNextText.push(sLine.substr(1)); } else { aNextText.push(sLine); } } if (bIn) { bIn = false; aNextText.push('~~~/blockquote~~~'); } aText = aNextText; } while (bDo); sPlain = aText.join("\n"); sPlain = sPlain // .replace(/~~~\/blockquote~~~\n~~~blockquote~~~/g, '\n') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/') .replace(/[\s]*~~~\/blockquote~~~/g, '') .replace(/\n/g, '
') ; return bFindEmailAndLinks ? Utils.findEmailAndLinks(sPlain) : sPlain; }; window.rainloop_Utils_htmlToPlain = Utils.htmlToPlain; window.rainloop_Utils_plainToHtml = Utils.plainToHtml; /** * @param {string} sHtml * @return {string} */ Utils.findEmailAndLinks = function (sHtml) { sHtml = Autolinker.link(sHtml, { 'newWindow': true, 'stripPrefix': false, 'urls': true, 'email': true, 'twitter': false, 'replaceFn': function (autolinker, match) { return !(autolinker && match && 'url' === match.getType() && match.matchedText && 0 !== match.matchedText.indexOf('http')); } }); return sHtml; }; /** * @param {string} sUrl * @param {number} iValue * @param {Function} fCallback */ Utils.resizeAndCrop = function (sUrl, iValue, fCallback) { var oTempImg = new window.Image(); oTempImg.onload = function() { var aDiff = [0, 0], oCanvas = window.document.createElement('canvas'), oCtx = oCanvas.getContext('2d') ; oCanvas.width = iValue; oCanvas.height = iValue; if (this.width > this.height) { aDiff = [this.width - this.height, 0]; } else { aDiff = [0, this.height - this.width]; } oCtx.fillStyle = '#fff'; oCtx.fillRect(0, 0, iValue, iValue); oCtx.drawImage(this, aDiff[0] / 2, aDiff[1] / 2, this.width - aDiff[0], this.height - aDiff[1], 0, 0, iValue, iValue); fCallback(oCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg')); }; oTempImg.src = sUrl; }; /** * @param {Array} aSystem * @param {Array} aList * @param {Array=} aDisabled * @param {Array=} aHeaderLines * @param {?number=} iUnDeep * @param {Function=} fDisableCallback * @param {Function=} fVisibleCallback * @param {Function=} fRenameCallback * @param {boolean=} bSystem * @param {boolean=} bBuildUnvisible * @return {Array} */ Utils.folderListOptionsBuilder = function (aSystem, aList, aDisabled, aHeaderLines, iUnDeep, fDisableCallback, fVisibleCallback, fRenameCallback, bSystem, bBuildUnvisible) { var /** * @type {?FolderModel} */ oItem = null, bSep = false, iIndex = 0, iLen = 0, sDeepPrefix = '\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0', aResult = [] ; bBuildUnvisible = Utils.isUnd(bBuildUnvisible) ? false : !!bBuildUnvisible; bSystem = !Utils.isNormal(bSystem) ? 0 < aSystem.length : bSystem; iUnDeep = !Utils.isNormal(iUnDeep) ? 0 : iUnDeep; fDisableCallback = Utils.isNormal(fDisableCallback) ? fDisableCallback : null; fVisibleCallback = Utils.isNormal(fVisibleCallback) ? fVisibleCallback : null; fRenameCallback = Utils.isNormal(fRenameCallback) ? fRenameCallback : null; if (!Utils.isArray(aDisabled)) { aDisabled = []; } if (!Utils.isArray(aHeaderLines)) { aHeaderLines = []; } for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aHeaderLines.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { aResult.push({ 'id': aHeaderLines[iIndex][0], 'name': aHeaderLines[iIndex][1], 'system': false, 'seporator': false, 'disabled': false }); } bSep = true; for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aSystem.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oItem = aSystem[iIndex]; if (fVisibleCallback ? fVisibleCallback.call(null, oItem) : true) { if (bSep && 0 < aResult.length) { aResult.push({ 'id': '---', 'name': '---', 'system': false, 'seporator': true, 'disabled': true }); } bSep = false; aResult.push({ 'id': oItem.fullNameRaw, 'name': fRenameCallback ? fRenameCallback.call(null, oItem) : oItem.name(), 'system': true, 'seporator': false, 'disabled': !oItem.selectable || -1 < Utils.inArray(oItem.fullNameRaw, aDisabled) || (fDisableCallback ? fDisableCallback.call(null, oItem) : false) }); } } bSep = true; for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aList.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oItem = aList[iIndex]; // if (oItem.subScribed() || !oItem.existen || bBuildUnvisible) if ((oItem.subScribed() || !oItem.existen || bBuildUnvisible) && (oItem.selectable || oItem.hasSubScribedSubfolders())) { if (fVisibleCallback ? fVisibleCallback.call(null, oItem) : true) { if (Enums.FolderType.User === oItem.type() || !bSystem || oItem.hasSubScribedSubfolders()) { if (bSep && 0 < aResult.length) { aResult.push({ 'id': '---', 'name': '---', 'system': false, 'seporator': true, 'disabled': true }); } bSep = false; aResult.push({ 'id': oItem.fullNameRaw, 'name': (new window.Array(oItem.deep + 1 - iUnDeep)).join(sDeepPrefix) + (fRenameCallback ? fRenameCallback.call(null, oItem) : oItem.name()), 'system': false, 'seporator': false, 'disabled': !oItem.selectable || -1 < Utils.inArray(oItem.fullNameRaw, aDisabled) || (fDisableCallback ? fDisableCallback.call(null, oItem) : false) }); } } } if (oItem.subScribed() && 0 < oItem.subFolders().length) { aResult = aResult.concat(Utils.folderListOptionsBuilder([], oItem.subFolders(), aDisabled, [], iUnDeep, fDisableCallback, fVisibleCallback, fRenameCallback, bSystem, bBuildUnvisible)); } } return aResult; }; Utils.computedPagenatorHelper = function (koCurrentPage, koPageCount) { return function() { var iPrev = 0, iNext = 0, iLimit = 2, aResult = [], iCurrentPage = koCurrentPage(), iPageCount = koPageCount(), /** * @param {number} iIndex * @param {boolean=} bPush = true * @param {string=} sCustomName = '' */ fAdd = function (iIndex, bPush, sCustomName) { var oData = { 'current': iIndex === iCurrentPage, 'name': Utils.isUnd(sCustomName) ? iIndex.toString() : sCustomName.toString(), 'custom': Utils.isUnd(sCustomName) ? false : true, 'title': Utils.isUnd(sCustomName) ? '' : iIndex.toString(), 'value': iIndex.toString() }; if (Utils.isUnd(bPush) ? true : !!bPush) { aResult.push(oData); } else { aResult.unshift(oData); } } ; if (1 < iPageCount || (0 < iPageCount && iPageCount < iCurrentPage)) // if (0 < iPageCount && 0 < iCurrentPage) { if (iPageCount < iCurrentPage) { fAdd(iPageCount); iPrev = iPageCount; iNext = iPageCount; } else { if (3 >= iCurrentPage || iPageCount - 2 <= iCurrentPage) { iLimit += 2; } fAdd(iCurrentPage); iPrev = iCurrentPage; iNext = iCurrentPage; } while (0 < iLimit) { iPrev -= 1; iNext += 1; if (0 < iPrev) { fAdd(iPrev, false); iLimit--; } if (iPageCount >= iNext) { fAdd(iNext, true); iLimit--; } else if (0 >= iPrev) { break; } } if (3 === iPrev) { fAdd(2, false); } else if (3 < iPrev) { fAdd(window.Math.round((iPrev - 1) / 2), false, '...'); } if (iPageCount - 2 === iNext) { fAdd(iPageCount - 1, true); } else if (iPageCount - 2 > iNext) { fAdd(window.Math.round((iPageCount + iNext) / 2), true, '...'); } // first and last if (1 < iPrev) { fAdd(1, false); } if (iPageCount > iNext) { fAdd(iPageCount, true); } } return aResult; }; }; Utils.selectElement = function (element) { var sel, range; if (window.getSelection) { sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); range = window.document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); sel.addRange(range); } else if (window.document.selection) { range = window.document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(element); range.select(); } }; Utils.detectDropdownVisibility = _.debounce(function () { Globals.dropdownVisibility(!!_.find(Globals.aBootstrapDropdowns, function (oItem) { return oItem.hasClass('open'); })); }, 50); /** * @param {boolean=} bDelay = false */ Utils.triggerAutocompleteInputChange = function (bDelay) { var fFunc = function () { $('.checkAutocomplete').trigger('change'); }; if (Utils.isUnd(bDelay) ? false : !!bDelay) { _.delay(fFunc, 100); } else { fFunc(); } }; /** * @param {Object} oParams */ Utils.setHeadViewport = function (oParams) { var aContent = []; _.each(oParams, function (sKey, sValue) { aContent.push('' + sKey + '=' + sValue); }); $('#rl-head-viewport').attr('content', aContent.join(', ')); }; /** * @param {string} sFileName * @return {string} */ Utils.getFileExtension = function (sFileName) { sFileName = Utils.trim(sFileName).toLowerCase(); var sResult = sFileName.split('.').pop(); return (sResult === sFileName) ? '' : sResult; }; /** * @param {string} sFileName * @return {string} */ Utils.mimeContentType = function (sFileName) { var sExt = '', sResult = 'application/octet-stream' ; sFileName = Utils.trim(sFileName).toLowerCase(); if ('winmail.dat' === sFileName) { return 'application/ms-tnef'; } sExt = Utils.getFileExtension(sFileName); if (sExt && 0 < sExt.length && !Utils.isUnd(Mime[sExt])) { sResult = Mime[sExt]; } return sResult; }; /** * @param {mixed} mPropOrValue * @param {mixed} mValue */ Utils.disposeOne = function (mPropOrValue, mValue) { var mDisposable = mValue || mPropOrValue; if (mDisposable && typeof mDisposable.dispose === 'function') { mDisposable.dispose(); } }; /** * @param {Object} oObject */ Utils.disposeObject = function (oObject) { if (oObject) { if (Utils.isArray(oObject.disposables)) { _.each(oObject.disposables, Utils.disposeOne); } ko.utils.objectForEach(oObject, Utils.disposeOne); } }; /** * @param {Object|Array} mObjectOrObjects */ Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy = function (mObjectOrObjects) { if (mObjectOrObjects) { if (Utils.isArray(mObjectOrObjects)) { _.each(mObjectOrObjects, function (oItem) { Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oItem); }); } else if (mObjectOrObjects && mObjectOrObjects.onDestroy) { mObjectOrObjects.onDestroy(); } } }; Utils.__themeTimer = 0; Utils.__themeAjax = null; Utils.changeTheme = function (sValue, sHash, themeTrigger, Links) { var oThemeLink = $('#rlThemeLink'), oThemeStyle = $('#rlThemeStyle'), sUrl = oThemeLink.attr('href') ; if (!sUrl) { sUrl = oThemeStyle.attr('data-href'); } if (sUrl) { sUrl = sUrl.toString().replace(/\/-\/[^\/]+\/\-\//, '/-/' + sValue + '/-/'); sUrl = sUrl.toString().replace(/\/Css\/[^\/]+\/User\//, '/Css/0/User/'); sUrl = sUrl.toString().replace(/\/Hash\/[^\/]+\//, '/Hash/-/'); if ('Json/' !== sUrl.substring(sUrl.length - 5, sUrl.length)) { sUrl += 'Json/'; } window.clearTimeout(Utils.__themeTimer); themeTrigger(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Animate); if (Utils.__themeAjax && Utils.__themeAjax.abort) { Utils.__themeAjax.abort(); } Utils.__themeAjax = $.ajax({ 'url': sUrl, 'dataType': 'json' }).done(function(aData) { if (aData && Utils.isArray(aData) && 2 === aData.length) { if (oThemeLink && oThemeLink[0] && (!oThemeStyle || !oThemeStyle[0])) { oThemeStyle = $(''); oThemeLink.after(oThemeStyle); oThemeLink.remove(); } if (oThemeStyle && oThemeStyle[0]) { oThemeStyle.attr('data-href', sUrl).attr('data-theme', aData[0]); if (oThemeStyle[0].styleSheet && !Utils.isUnd(oThemeStyle[0].styleSheet.cssText)) { oThemeStyle[0].styleSheet.cssText = aData[1]; } else { oThemeStyle.text(aData[1]); } } if (Links) { var $oBg = $('#rl-bg'); if (!sHash) { if ($oBg.data('backstretch')) { $oBg.backstretch('destroy').attr('style', ''); } } else { $oBg.backstretch(Links.publicLink(sHash), { 'fade': Globals.bAnimationSupported ? 1000 : 0, 'centeredX': true, 'centeredY': true }); } } themeTrigger(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.TrueResult); } }).always(function() { Utils.__themeTimer = window.setTimeout(function () { themeTrigger(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); }, 1000); Utils.__themeAjax = null; }); } }; module.exports = Utils; }()); /***/ }, /* 2 */ /*!***************************!*\ !*** external "window._" ***! \***************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window._; /***/ }, /* 3 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/External/ko.js ***! \****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function (ko) { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), fDisposalTooltipHelper = function (oElement, $oEl, oSubscription) { ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { if (oSubscription && oSubscription.dispose) { oSubscription.dispose(); } if ($oEl) { $oEl.off('click.koTooltip'); if ($oEl.tooltip) { $oEl.tooltip('destroy'); } } $oEl = null; }); } ; ko.bindingHandlers.tooltip = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var $oEl = null, bi18n = true, sClass = '', sPlacement = '', oSubscription = null, Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7) ; if (!Globals.bMobileDevice) { $oEl = $(oElement); sClass = $oEl.data('tooltip-class') || ''; bi18n = 'on' === ($oEl.data('tooltip-i18n') || 'on'); sPlacement = $oEl.data('tooltip-placement') || 'top'; $oEl.tooltip({ 'delay': { 'show': 500, 'hide': 100 }, 'html': true, 'container': 'body', 'placement': sPlacement, 'trigger': 'hover', 'title': function () { var sValue = bi18n ? ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()) : fValueAccessor()(); return '' === sValue || $oEl.is('.disabled') || Globals.dropdownVisibility() ? '' : '' + (bi18n ? Translator.i18n(sValue) : sValue) + ''; } }).on('click.koTooltip', function () { $oEl.tooltip('hide'); }); oSubscription = Globals.tooltipTrigger.subscribe(function () { $oEl.tooltip('hide'); }); fDisposalTooltipHelper(oElement, $oEl, oSubscription); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.tooltipForTest = { 'init': function (oElement) { var $oEl = $(oElement), oSubscription = null, Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8) ; $oEl.tooltip({ 'container': 'body', 'trigger': 'hover manual', 'title': function () { return $oEl.data('tooltip3-data') || ''; } }); $(window.document).on('click', function () { $oEl.tooltip('hide'); }); oSubscription = Globals.tooltipTrigger.subscribe(function () { $oEl.tooltip('hide'); }); fDisposalTooltipHelper(oElement, $oEl, oSubscription); }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var sValue = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()); if ('' === sValue) { $(oElement).data('tooltip3-data', '').tooltip('hide'); } else { $(oElement).data('tooltip3-data', sValue); _.delay(function () { if ($(oElement).is(':visible')) { $(oElement).tooltip('show'); } }, 100); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.registrateBootstrapDropdown = { 'init': function (oElement) { var Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8); if (Globals && Globals.aBootstrapDropdowns) { Globals.aBootstrapDropdowns.push($(oElement)); // ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { // // TODO // }); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.openDropdownTrigger = { 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { if (ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())) { var $oEl = $(oElement), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; if (!$oEl.hasClass('open')) { $oEl.find('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown('toggle'); Utils.detectDropdownVisibility(); } fValueAccessor()(false); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.dropdownCloser = { 'init': function (oElement) { $(oElement).closest('.dropdown').on('click', '.e-item', function () { $(oElement).dropdown('toggle'); }); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.popover = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { $(oElement).popover(ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { $(oElement).popover('destroy'); }); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.csstext = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1); if (oElement && oElement.styleSheet && !Utils.isUnd(oElement.styleSheet.cssText)) { oElement.styleSheet.cssText = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()); } else { $(oElement).text(ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())); } }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1); if (oElement && oElement.styleSheet && !Utils.isUnd(oElement.styleSheet.cssText)) { oElement.styleSheet.cssText = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()); } else { $(oElement).text(ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.resizecrop = { 'init': function (oElement) { $(oElement).addClass('resizecrop').resizecrop({ 'width': '100', 'height': '100', 'wrapperCSS': { 'border-radius': '10px' } }); }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { fValueAccessor()(); $(oElement).resizecrop({ 'width': '100', 'height': '100' }); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.onEnter = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor, fAllBindingsAccessor, oViewModel) { $(oElement).on('keypress.koOnEnter', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && 13 === window.parseInt(oEvent.keyCode, 10)) { $(oElement).trigger('change'); fValueAccessor().call(oViewModel); } }); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { $(oElement).off('keypress.koOnEnter'); }); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.onEsc = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor, fAllBindingsAccessor, oViewModel) { $(oElement).on('keypress.koOnEsc', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && 27 === window.parseInt(oEvent.keyCode, 10)) { $(oElement).trigger('change'); fValueAccessor().call(oViewModel); } }); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { $(oElement).off('keypress.koOnEsc'); }); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.clickOnTrue = { 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { if (ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())) { $(oElement).click(); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.modal = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; $(oElement).toggleClass('fade', !Globals.bMobileDevice).modal({ 'keyboard': false, 'show': ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()) }) .on('shown.koModal', Utils.windowResizeCallback) .find('.close').on('click.koModal', function () { fValueAccessor()(false); }); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { $(oElement) .off('shown.koModal') .find('.close') .off('click.koModal') ; }); }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { $(oElement).modal(ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()) ? 'show' : 'hide'); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.i18nInit = { 'init': function (oElement) { __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7).i18nToNode(oElement); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.i18nUpdate = { 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()); __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7).i18nToNode(oElement); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.link = { 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { $(oElement).attr('href', ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.title = { 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { $(oElement).attr('title', ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.textF = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { $(oElement).text(ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.initDom = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { fValueAccessor()(oElement); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.initFixedTrigger = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var aValues = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()), $oContainer = null, $oElement = $(oElement), oOffset = null, iTop = aValues[1] || 0 ; $oContainer = $(aValues[0] || null); $oContainer = $oContainer[0] ? $oContainer : null; if ($oContainer) { $(window).resize(function () { oOffset = $oContainer.offset(); if (oOffset && oOffset.top) { $oElement.css('top', oOffset.top + iTop); } }); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.initResizeTrigger = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var aValues = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()); $(oElement).css({ 'height': aValues[1], 'min-height': aValues[1] }); }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), aValues = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()), iValue = Utils.pInt(aValues[1]), iSize = 0, iOffset = $(oElement).offset().top ; if (0 < iOffset) { iOffset += Utils.pInt(aValues[2]); iSize = Globals.$win.height() - iOffset; if (iValue < iSize) { iValue = iSize; } $(oElement).css({ 'height': iValue, 'min-height': iValue }); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.appendDom = { 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { $(oElement).hide().empty().append(ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor())).show(); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.draggable = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor, fAllBindingsAccessor) { var Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; if (!Globals.bMobileDevice) { var iTriggerZone = 100, iScrollSpeed = 3, fAllValueFunc = fAllBindingsAccessor(), sDroppableSelector = fAllValueFunc && fAllValueFunc['droppableSelector'] ? fAllValueFunc['droppableSelector'] : '', oConf = { 'distance': 20, 'handle': '.dragHandle', 'cursorAt': {'top': 22, 'left': 3}, 'refreshPositions': true, 'scroll': true } ; if (sDroppableSelector) { oConf['drag'] = function (oEvent) { $(sDroppableSelector).each(function () { var moveUp = null, moveDown = null, $this = $(this), oOffset = $this.offset(), bottomPos = oOffset.top + $this.height() ; window.clearInterval($this.data('timerScroll')); $this.data('timerScroll', false); if (oEvent.pageX >= oOffset.left && oEvent.pageX <= oOffset.left + $this.width()) { if (oEvent.pageY >= bottomPos - iTriggerZone && oEvent.pageY <= bottomPos) { moveUp = function() { $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() + iScrollSpeed); Utils.windowResize(); }; $this.data('timerScroll', window.setInterval(moveUp, 10)); moveUp(); } if (oEvent.pageY >= oOffset.top && oEvent.pageY <= oOffset.top + iTriggerZone) { moveDown = function() { $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - iScrollSpeed); Utils.windowResize(); }; $this.data('timerScroll', window.setInterval(moveDown, 10)); moveDown(); } } }); }; oConf['stop'] = function() { $(sDroppableSelector).each(function () { window.clearInterval($(this).data('timerScroll')); $(this).data('timerScroll', false); }); }; } oConf['helper'] = function (oEvent) { return fValueAccessor()(oEvent && oEvent.target ? ko.dataFor(oEvent.target) : null); }; $(oElement).draggable(oConf).on('mousedown.koDraggable', function () { Utils.removeInFocus(); }); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { $(oElement) .off('mousedown.koDraggable') .draggable('destroy') ; }); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.droppable = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor, fAllBindingsAccessor) { var Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8); if (!Globals.bMobileDevice) { var fValueFunc = fValueAccessor(), fAllValueFunc = fAllBindingsAccessor(), fOverCallback = fAllValueFunc && fAllValueFunc['droppableOver'] ? fAllValueFunc['droppableOver'] : null, fOutCallback = fAllValueFunc && fAllValueFunc['droppableOut'] ? fAllValueFunc['droppableOut'] : null, oConf = { 'tolerance': 'pointer', 'hoverClass': 'droppableHover' } ; if (fValueFunc) { oConf['drop'] = function (oEvent, oUi) { fValueFunc(oEvent, oUi); }; if (fOverCallback) { oConf['over'] = function (oEvent, oUi) { fOverCallback(oEvent, oUi); }; } if (fOutCallback) { oConf['out'] = function (oEvent, oUi) { fOutCallback(oEvent, oUi); }; } $(oElement).droppable(oConf); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(oElement, function () { $(oElement).droppable('destroy'); }); } } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.nano = { 'init': function (oElement) { var Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8); if (!Globals.bDisableNanoScroll) { $(oElement) .addClass('nano') .nanoScroller({ 'iOSNativeScrolling': false, 'preventPageScrolling': true }) ; } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.saveTrigger = { 'init': function (oElement) { var $oEl = $(oElement); $oEl.data('save-trigger-type', $oEl.is('input[type=text],input[type=email],input[type=password],select,textarea') ? 'input' : 'custom'); if ('custom' === $oEl.data('save-trigger-type')) { $oEl.append( ' ' ).addClass('settings-saved-trigger'); } else { $oEl.addClass('settings-saved-trigger-input'); } }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var mValue = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()), $oEl = $(oElement) ; if ('custom' === $oEl.data('save-trigger-type')) { switch (mValue.toString()) { case '1': $oEl .find('.animated,.error').hide().removeClass('visible') .end() .find('.success').show().addClass('visible') ; break; case '0': $oEl .find('.animated,.success').hide().removeClass('visible') .end() .find('.error').show().addClass('visible') ; break; case '-2': $oEl .find('.error,.success').hide().removeClass('visible') .end() .find('.animated').show().addClass('visible') ; break; default: $oEl .find('.animated').hide() .end() .find('.error,.success').removeClass('visible') ; break; } } else { switch (mValue.toString()) { case '1': $oEl.addClass('success').removeClass('error'); break; case '0': $oEl.addClass('error').removeClass('success'); break; case '-2': // $oEl; break; default: $oEl.removeClass('error success'); break; } } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.emailsTags = { 'init': function(oElement, fValueAccessor, fAllBindingsAccessor) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), EmailModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Email */ 25), $oEl = $(oElement), fValue = fValueAccessor(), fAllBindings = fAllBindingsAccessor(), fAutoCompleteSource = fAllBindings['autoCompleteSource'] || null, fFocusCallback = function (bValue) { if (fValue && fValue.focusTrigger) { fValue.focusTrigger(bValue); } } ; $oEl.inputosaurus({ 'parseOnBlur': true, 'allowDragAndDrop': true, 'focusCallback': fFocusCallback, 'inputDelimiters': [',', ';'], 'autoCompleteSource': fAutoCompleteSource, 'parseHook': function (aInput) { return _.map(aInput, function (sInputValue) { var sValue = Utils.trim(sInputValue), oEmail = null ; if ('' !== sValue) { oEmail = new EmailModel(); oEmail.mailsoParse(sValue); return [oEmail.toLine(false), oEmail]; } return [sValue, null]; }); }, 'change': _.bind(function (oEvent) { $oEl.data('EmailsTagsValue', oEvent.target.value); fValue(oEvent.target.value); }, this) }); }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor, fAllBindingsAccessor) { var $oEl = $(oElement), fAllValueFunc = fAllBindingsAccessor(), fEmailsTagsFilter = fAllValueFunc['emailsTagsFilter'] || null, sValue = ko.unwrap(fValueAccessor()) ; if ($oEl.data('EmailsTagsValue') !== sValue) { $oEl.val(sValue); $oEl.data('EmailsTagsValue', sValue); $oEl.inputosaurus('refresh'); } if (fEmailsTagsFilter && ko.unwrap(fEmailsTagsFilter)) { $oEl.inputosaurus('focus'); } } }; ko.bindingHandlers.command = { 'init': function (oElement, fValueAccessor, fAllBindingsAccessor, oViewModel) { var jqElement = $(oElement), oCommand = fValueAccessor() ; if (!oCommand || !oCommand.enabled || !oCommand.canExecute) { throw new Error('You are not using command function'); } jqElement.addClass('command'); ko.bindingHandlers[jqElement.is('form') ? 'submit' : 'click'].init.apply(oViewModel, arguments); }, 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { var bResult = true, jqElement = $(oElement), oCommand = fValueAccessor() ; bResult = oCommand.enabled(); jqElement.toggleClass('command-not-enabled', !bResult); if (bResult) { bResult = oCommand.canExecute(); jqElement.toggleClass('command-can-not-be-execute', !bResult); } jqElement.toggleClass('command-disabled disable disabled', !bResult).toggleClass('no-disabled', !!bResult); if (jqElement.is('input') || jqElement.is('button')) { jqElement.prop('disabled', !bResult); } } }; // extenders ko.extenders.trimmer = function (oTarget) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), oResult = ko.computed({ 'read': oTarget, 'write': function (sNewValue) { oTarget(Utils.trim(sNewValue.toString())); }, 'owner': this }) ; oResult(oTarget()); return oResult; }; ko.extenders.posInterer = function (oTarget, iDefault) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), oResult = ko.computed({ 'read': oTarget, 'write': function (sNewValue) { var iNew = Utils.pInt(sNewValue.toString(), iDefault); if (0 >= iNew) { iNew = iDefault; } if (iNew === oTarget() && '' + iNew !== '' + sNewValue) { oTarget(iNew + 1); } oTarget(iNew); } }) ; oResult(oTarget()); return oResult; }; ko.extenders.limitedList = function (oTarget, mList) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), oResult = ko.computed({ 'read': oTarget, 'write': function (sNewValue) { var sCurrentValue = ko.unwrap(oTarget), aList = ko.unwrap(mList) ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aList)) { if (-1 < Utils.inArray(sNewValue, aList)) { oTarget(sNewValue); } else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(sCurrentValue, aList)) { oTarget(sCurrentValue + ' '); oTarget(sCurrentValue); } else { oTarget(aList[0] + ' '); oTarget(aList[0]); } } else { oTarget(''); } } }).extend({'notify': 'always'}) ; oResult(oTarget()); if (!oResult.valueHasMutated) { oResult.valueHasMutated = function () { oTarget.valueHasMutated(); }; } return oResult; }; ko.extenders.reversible = function (oTarget) { var mValue = oTarget(); oTarget.commit = function () { mValue = oTarget(); }; oTarget.reverse = function () { oTarget(mValue); }; oTarget.commitedValue = function () { return mValue; }; return oTarget; }; ko.extenders.toggleSubscribe = function (oTarget, oOptions) { oTarget.subscribe(oOptions[1], oOptions[0], 'beforeChange'); oTarget.subscribe(oOptions[2], oOptions[0]); return oTarget; }; ko.extenders.toggleSubscribeProperty = function (oTarget, oOptions) { var sProp = oOptions[1]; if (sProp) { oTarget.subscribe(function (oPrev) { if (oPrev && oPrev[sProp]) { oPrev[sProp](false); } }, oOptions[0], 'beforeChange'); oTarget.subscribe(function (oNext) { if (oNext && oNext[sProp]) { oNext[sProp](true); } }, oOptions[0]); } return oTarget; }; ko.extenders.falseTimeout = function (oTarget, iOption) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1); oTarget.iTimeout = 0; oTarget.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { window.clearTimeout(oTarget.iTimeout); oTarget.iTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { oTarget(false); oTarget.iTimeout = 0; }, Utils.pInt(iOption)); } }); return oTarget; }; // functions ko.observable.fn.validateNone = function () { this.hasError = ko.observable(false); return this; }; ko.observable.fn.validateEmail = function () { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1); this.hasError = ko.observable(false); this.subscribe(function (sValue) { sValue = Utils.trim(sValue); this.hasError('' !== sValue && !(/^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+$/.test(sValue))); }, this); this.valueHasMutated(); return this; }; ko.observable.fn.validateSimpleEmail = function () { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1); this.hasError = ko.observable(false); this.subscribe(function (sValue) { sValue = Utils.trim(sValue); this.hasError('' !== sValue && !(/^.+@.+$/.test(sValue))); }, this); this.valueHasMutated(); return this; }; ko.observable.fn.validateFunc = function (fFunc) { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1); this.hasFuncError = ko.observable(false); if (Utils.isFunc(fFunc)) { this.subscribe(function (sValue) { this.hasFuncError(!fFunc(sValue)); }, this); this.valueHasMutated(); } return this; }; module.exports = ko; }(ko)); /***/ }, /* 4 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Enums.js ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var Enums = {}; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.StorageResultType = { 'Success': 'success', 'Abort': 'abort', 'Error': 'error', 'Unload': 'unload' }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.State = { 'Empty': 10, 'Login': 20, 'Auth': 30 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.StateType = { 'Webmail': 0, 'Admin': 1 }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.Capa = { 'TwoFactor': 'TWO_FACTOR', 'OpenPGP': 'OPEN_PGP', 'Prefetch': 'PREFETCH', 'Gravatar': 'GRAVATAR', 'Themes': 'THEMES', 'UserBackground': 'USER_BACKGROUND', 'Sieve': 'SIEVE', 'AttachmentThumbnails': 'ATTACHMENT_THUMBNAILS', 'AdditionalAccounts': 'ADDITIONAL_ACCOUNTS', 'AdditionalIdentities': 'ADDITIONAL_IDENTITIES' }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.KeyState = { 'All': 'all', 'None': 'none', 'ContactList': 'contact-list', 'MessageList': 'message-list', 'FolderList': 'folder-list', 'MessageView': 'message-view', 'Compose': 'compose', 'Settings': 'settings', 'Menu': 'menu', 'PopupComposeOpenPGP': 'compose-open-pgp', 'PopupKeyboardShortcutsHelp': 'popup-keyboard-shortcuts-help', 'PopupAsk': 'popup-ask' }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.FolderType = { 'Inbox': 10, 'SentItems': 11, 'Draft': 12, 'Trash': 13, 'Spam': 14, 'Archive': 15, 'NotSpam': 80, 'User': 99 }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.LoginSignMeTypeAsString = { 'DefaultOff': 'defaultoff', 'DefaultOn': 'defaulton', 'Unused': 'unused' }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.LoginSignMeType = { 'DefaultOff': 0, 'DefaultOn': 1, 'Unused': 2 }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.ComposeType = { 'Empty': 'empty', 'Reply': 'reply', 'ReplyAll': 'replyall', 'Forward': 'forward', 'ForwardAsAttachment': 'forward-as-attachment', 'Draft': 'draft', 'EditAsNew': 'editasnew' }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.UploadErrorCode = { 'Normal': 0, 'FileIsTooBig': 1, 'FilePartiallyUploaded': 2, 'FileNoUploaded': 3, 'MissingTempFolder': 4, 'FileOnSaveingError': 5, 'FileType': 98, 'Unknown': 99 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification = { 'None': 0, 'Sent': 1, 'Draft': 2, 'Spam': 3, 'Trash': 4, 'Archive': 5 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.ClientSideKeyName = { 'FoldersLashHash': 0, 'MessagesInboxLastHash': 1, 'MailBoxListSize': 2, 'ExpandedFolders': 3, 'FolderListSize': 4, 'MessageListSize': 5, 'LastReplyAction': 6 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.EventKeyCode = { 'Backspace': 8, 'Tab': 9, 'Enter': 13, 'Esc': 27, 'PageUp': 33, 'PageDown': 34, 'Left': 37, 'Right': 39, 'Up': 38, 'Down': 40, 'End': 35, 'Home': 36, 'Space': 32, 'Insert': 45, 'Delete': 46, 'A': 65, 'S': 83 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.MessageSetAction = { 'SetSeen': 0, 'UnsetSeen': 1, 'SetFlag': 2, 'UnsetFlag': 3 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.MessageSelectAction = { 'All': 0, 'None': 1, 'Invert': 2, 'Unseen': 3, 'Seen': 4, 'Flagged': 5, 'Unflagged': 6 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.DesktopNotification = { 'Allowed': 0, 'NotAllowed': 1, 'Denied': 2, 'NotSupported': 9 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.MessagePriority = { 'Low': 5, 'Normal': 3, 'High': 1 }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.EditorDefaultType = { 'Html': 'Html', 'Plain': 'Plain', 'HtmlForced': 'HtmlForced', 'PlainForced': 'PlainForced' }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.ServerSecure = { 'None': 0, 'SSL': 1, 'TLS': 2 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.SearchDateType = { 'All': -1, 'Days3': 3, 'Days7': 7, 'Month': 30 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.SaveSettingsStep = { 'Animate': -2, 'Idle': -1, 'TrueResult': 1, 'FalseResult': 0 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.Layout = { 'NoPreview': 0, 'SidePreview': 1, 'BottomPreview': 2 }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.FilterConditionField = { 'From': 'From', 'Recipient': 'Recipient', 'Subject': 'Subject' }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.FilterConditionType = { 'Contains': 'Contains', 'NotContains': 'NotContains', 'EqualTo': 'EqualTo', 'NotEqualTo': 'NotEqualTo' }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.FiltersAction = { 'None': 'None', 'MoveTo': 'MoveTo', 'Discard': 'Discard', 'Vacation': 'Vacation', 'Reject': 'Reject', 'Forward': 'Forward' }; /** * @enum {string} */ Enums.FilterRulesType = { 'All': 'All', 'Any': 'Any' }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.SignedVerifyStatus = { 'UnknownPublicKeys': -4, 'UnknownPrivateKey': -3, 'Unverified': -2, 'Error': -1, 'None': 0, 'Success': 1 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.ContactPropertyType = { 'Unknown': 0, 'FullName': 10, 'FirstName': 15, 'LastName': 16, 'MiddleName': 16, 'Nick': 18, 'NamePrefix': 20, 'NameSuffix': 21, 'Email': 30, 'Phone': 31, 'Web': 32, 'Birthday': 40, 'Facebook': 90, 'Skype': 91, 'GitHub': 92, 'Note': 110, 'Custom': 250 }; /** * @enum {number} */ Enums.Notification = { 'InvalidToken': 101, 'AuthError': 102, 'AccessError': 103, 'ConnectionError': 104, 'CaptchaError': 105, 'SocialFacebookLoginAccessDisable': 106, 'SocialTwitterLoginAccessDisable': 107, 'SocialGoogleLoginAccessDisable': 108, 'DomainNotAllowed': 109, 'AccountNotAllowed': 110, 'AccountTwoFactorAuthRequired': 120, 'AccountTwoFactorAuthError': 121, 'CouldNotSaveNewPassword': 130, 'CurrentPasswordIncorrect': 131, 'NewPasswordShort': 132, 'NewPasswordWeak': 133, 'NewPasswordForbidden': 134, 'ContactsSyncError': 140, 'CantGetMessageList': 201, 'CantGetMessage': 202, 'CantDeleteMessage': 203, 'CantMoveMessage': 204, 'CantCopyMessage': 205, 'CantSaveMessage': 301, 'CantSendMessage': 302, 'InvalidRecipients': 303, 'CantSaveFilters': 351, 'CantGetFilters': 352, 'FiltersAreNotCorrect': 355, 'CantCreateFolder': 400, 'CantRenameFolder': 401, 'CantDeleteFolder': 402, 'CantSubscribeFolder': 403, 'CantUnsubscribeFolder': 404, 'CantDeleteNonEmptyFolder': 405, 'CantSaveSettings': 501, 'CantSavePluginSettings': 502, 'DomainAlreadyExists': 601, 'CantInstallPackage': 701, 'CantDeletePackage': 702, 'InvalidPluginPackage': 703, 'UnsupportedPluginPackage': 704, 'LicensingServerIsUnavailable': 710, 'LicensingExpired': 711, 'LicensingBanned': 712, 'DemoSendMessageError': 750, 'DemoAccountError': 751, 'AccountAlreadyExists': 801, 'AccountDoesNotExist': 802, 'MailServerError': 901, 'ClientViewError': 902, 'InvalidInputArgument': 903, 'UnknownNotification': 999, 'UnknownError': 999 }; module.exports = Enums; }()); /***/ }, /* 5 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Knoin/Knoin.js ***! \****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), hasher = __webpack_require__(/*! hasher */ 76), crossroads = __webpack_require__(/*! crossroads */ 41), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Plugins = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Plugins */ 23), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor */ function Knoin() { this.oScreens = {}; this.sDefaultScreenName = ''; this.oCurrentScreen = null; } Knoin.prototype.oScreens = {}; Knoin.prototype.sDefaultScreenName = ''; Knoin.prototype.oCurrentScreen = null; Knoin.prototype.hideLoading = function () { $('#rl-loading').hide(); }; /** * @param {Object} thisObject */ Knoin.prototype.constructorEnd = function (thisObject) { if (Utils.isFunc(thisObject['__constructor_end'])) { thisObject['__constructor_end'].call(thisObject); } }; /** * @param {string|Array} mName * @param {Function} ViewModelClass */ Knoin.prototype.extendAsViewModel = function (mName, ViewModelClass) { if (ViewModelClass) { if (Utils.isArray(mName)) { ViewModelClass.__names = mName; } else { ViewModelClass.__names = [mName]; } ViewModelClass.__name = ViewModelClass.__names[0]; } }; /** * @param {Function} SettingsViewModelClass * @param {string} sLabelName * @param {string} sTemplate * @param {string} sRoute * @param {boolean=} bDefault */ Knoin.prototype.addSettingsViewModel = function (SettingsViewModelClass, sTemplate, sLabelName, sRoute, bDefault) { SettingsViewModelClass.__rlSettingsData = { 'Label': sLabelName, 'Template': sTemplate, 'Route': sRoute, 'IsDefault': !!bDefault }; Globals.aViewModels['settings'].push(SettingsViewModelClass); }; /** * @param {Function} SettingsViewModelClass */ Knoin.prototype.removeSettingsViewModel = function (SettingsViewModelClass) { Globals.aViewModels['settings-removed'].push(SettingsViewModelClass); }; /** * @param {Function} SettingsViewModelClass */ Knoin.prototype.disableSettingsViewModel = function (SettingsViewModelClass) { Globals.aViewModels['settings-disabled'].push(SettingsViewModelClass); }; Knoin.prototype.routeOff = function () { hasher.changed.active = false; }; Knoin.prototype.routeOn = function () { hasher.changed.active = true; }; /** * @param {string} sScreenName * @return {?Object} */ Knoin.prototype.screen = function (sScreenName) { return ('' !== sScreenName && !Utils.isUnd(this.oScreens[sScreenName])) ? this.oScreens[sScreenName] : null; }; /** * @param {Function} ViewModelClass * @param {Object=} oScreen */ Knoin.prototype.buildViewModel = function (ViewModelClass, oScreen) { if (ViewModelClass && !ViewModelClass.__builded) { var kn = this, oViewModel = new ViewModelClass(oScreen), sPosition = oViewModel.viewModelPosition(), oViewModelPlace = $('#rl-content #rl-' + sPosition.toLowerCase()), oViewModelDom = null ; ViewModelClass.__builded = true; ViewModelClass.__vm = oViewModel; oViewModel.onShowTrigger = ko.observable(false); oViewModel.onHideTrigger = ko.observable(false); oViewModel.viewModelName = ViewModelClass.__name; oViewModel.viewModelNames = ViewModelClass.__names; if (oViewModelPlace && 1 === oViewModelPlace.length) { oViewModelDom = $('').addClass('rl-view-model').addClass('RL-' + oViewModel.viewModelTemplate()).hide(); oViewModelDom.appendTo(oViewModelPlace); oViewModel.viewModelDom = oViewModelDom; ViewModelClass.__dom = oViewModelDom; if ('Popups' === sPosition) { oViewModel.cancelCommand = oViewModel.closeCommand = Utils.createCommand(oViewModel, function () { kn.hideScreenPopup(ViewModelClass); }); oViewModel.modalVisibility.subscribe(function (bValue) { var self = this; if (bValue) { this.viewModelDom.show(); this.storeAndSetKeyScope(); Globals.popupVisibilityNames.push(this.viewModelName); oViewModel.viewModelDom.css('z-index', 3000 + Globals.popupVisibilityNames().length + 10); Utils.delegateRun(this, 'onFocus', [], 500); } else { Utils.delegateRun(this, 'onHide'); if (this.onHideTrigger) { this.onHideTrigger(!this.onHideTrigger()); } this.restoreKeyScope(); _.each(this.viewModelNames, function (sName) { Plugins.runHook('view-model-on-hide', [sName, self]); }); Globals.popupVisibilityNames.remove(this.viewModelName); oViewModel.viewModelDom.css('z-index', 2000); Globals.tooltipTrigger(!Globals.tooltipTrigger()); _.delay(function () { self.viewModelDom.hide(); }, 300); } }, oViewModel); } _.each(ViewModelClass.__names, function (sName) { Plugins.runHook('view-model-pre-build', [sName, oViewModel, oViewModelDom]); }); ko.applyBindingAccessorsToNode(oViewModelDom[0], { 'i18nInit': true, 'template': function () { return {'name': oViewModel.viewModelTemplate()};} }, oViewModel); Utils.delegateRun(oViewModel, 'onBuild', [oViewModelDom]); if (oViewModel && 'Popups' === sPosition) { oViewModel.registerPopupKeyDown(); } _.each(ViewModelClass.__names, function (sName) { Plugins.runHook('view-model-post-build', [sName, oViewModel, oViewModelDom]); }); } else { Utils.log('Cannot find view model position: ' + sPosition); } } return ViewModelClass ? ViewModelClass.__vm : null; }; /** * @param {Function} ViewModelClassToHide */ Knoin.prototype.hideScreenPopup = function (ViewModelClassToHide) { if (ViewModelClassToHide && ViewModelClassToHide.__vm && ViewModelClassToHide.__dom) { ViewModelClassToHide.__vm.modalVisibility(false); } }; /** * @param {Function} ViewModelClassToShow * @param {Array=} aParameters */ Knoin.prototype.showScreenPopup = function (ViewModelClassToShow, aParameters) { if (ViewModelClassToShow) { this.buildViewModel(ViewModelClassToShow); if (ViewModelClassToShow.__vm && ViewModelClassToShow.__dom) { ViewModelClassToShow.__vm.modalVisibility(true); Utils.delegateRun(ViewModelClassToShow.__vm, 'onShow', aParameters || []); if (ViewModelClassToShow.__vm.onShowTrigger) { ViewModelClassToShow.__vm.onShowTrigger(!ViewModelClassToShow.__vm.onShowTrigger()); } _.each(ViewModelClassToShow.__names, function (sName) { Plugins.runHook('view-model-on-show', [sName, ViewModelClassToShow.__vm, aParameters || []]); }); } } }; /** * @param {Function} ViewModelClassToShow * @return {boolean} */ Knoin.prototype.isPopupVisible = function (ViewModelClassToShow) { return ViewModelClassToShow && ViewModelClassToShow.__vm ? ViewModelClassToShow.__vm.modalVisibility() : false; }; /** * @param {string} sScreenName * @param {string} sSubPart */ Knoin.prototype.screenOnRoute = function (sScreenName, sSubPart) { var self = this, oScreen = null, oCross = null ; if ('' === Utils.pString(sScreenName)) { sScreenName = this.sDefaultScreenName; } if ('' !== sScreenName) { oScreen = this.screen(sScreenName); if (!oScreen) { oScreen = this.screen(this.sDefaultScreenName); if (oScreen) { sSubPart = sScreenName + '/' + sSubPart; sScreenName = this.sDefaultScreenName; } } if (oScreen && oScreen.__started) { if (!oScreen.__builded) { oScreen.__builded = true; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oScreen.viewModels())) { _.each(oScreen.viewModels(), function (ViewModelClass) { this.buildViewModel(ViewModelClass, oScreen); }, this); } Utils.delegateRun(oScreen, 'onBuild'); } _.defer(function () { // hide screen if (self.oCurrentScreen) { Utils.delegateRun(self.oCurrentScreen, 'onHide'); if (self.oCurrentScreen.onHideTrigger) { self.oCurrentScreen.onHideTrigger(!self.oCurrentScreen.onHideTrigger()); } if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(self.oCurrentScreen.viewModels())) { _.each(self.oCurrentScreen.viewModels(), function (ViewModelClass) { if (ViewModelClass.__vm && ViewModelClass.__dom && 'Popups' !== ViewModelClass.__vm.viewModelPosition()) { ViewModelClass.__dom.hide(); ViewModelClass.__vm.viewModelVisibility(false); Utils.delegateRun(ViewModelClass.__vm, 'onHide'); if (ViewModelClass.__vm.onHideTrigger) { ViewModelClass.__vm.onHideTrigger(!ViewModelClass.__vm.onHideTrigger()); } } }); } } // -- self.oCurrentScreen = oScreen; // show screen if (self.oCurrentScreen) { Utils.delegateRun(self.oCurrentScreen, 'onShow'); if (self.oCurrentScreen.onShowTrigger) { self.oCurrentScreen.onShowTrigger(!self.oCurrentScreen.onShowTrigger()); } Plugins.runHook('screen-on-show', [self.oCurrentScreen.screenName(), self.oCurrentScreen]); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(self.oCurrentScreen.viewModels())) { _.each(self.oCurrentScreen.viewModels(), function (ViewModelClass) { if (ViewModelClass.__vm && ViewModelClass.__dom && 'Popups' !== ViewModelClass.__vm.viewModelPosition()) { ViewModelClass.__dom.show(); ViewModelClass.__vm.viewModelVisibility(true); Utils.delegateRun(ViewModelClass.__vm, 'onShow'); if (ViewModelClass.__vm.onShowTrigger) { ViewModelClass.__vm.onShowTrigger(!ViewModelClass.__vm.onShowTrigger()); } Utils.delegateRun(ViewModelClass.__vm, 'onFocus', [], 200); _.each(ViewModelClass.__names, function (sName) { Plugins.runHook('view-model-on-show', [sName, ViewModelClass.__vm]); }); } }, self); } } // -- oCross = oScreen.__cross ? oScreen.__cross() : null; if (oCross) { oCross.parse(sSubPart); } }); } } }; /** * @param {Array} aScreensClasses */ Knoin.prototype.startScreens = function (aScreensClasses) { $('#rl-content').css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' }); _.each(aScreensClasses, function (CScreen) { var oScreen = new CScreen(), sScreenName = oScreen ? oScreen.screenName() : '' ; if (oScreen && '' !== sScreenName) { if ('' === this.sDefaultScreenName) { this.sDefaultScreenName = sScreenName; } this.oScreens[sScreenName] = oScreen; } }, this); _.each(this.oScreens, function (oScreen) { if (oScreen && !oScreen.__started && oScreen.__start) { oScreen.__started = true; oScreen.__start(); Plugins.runHook('screen-pre-start', [oScreen.screenName(), oScreen]); Utils.delegateRun(oScreen, 'onStart'); Plugins.runHook('screen-post-start', [oScreen.screenName(), oScreen]); } }, this); var oCross = crossroads.create(); oCross.addRoute(/^([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*)\/?(.*)$/, _.bind(this.screenOnRoute, this)); hasher.initialized.add(oCross.parse, oCross); hasher.changed.add(oCross.parse, oCross); hasher.init(); $('#rl-content').css({ 'visibility': 'visible' }); _.delay(function () { Globals.$html.removeClass('rl-started-trigger').addClass('rl-started'); }, 50); _.delay(function () { Globals.$html.addClass('rl-started-delay'); }, 200); }; /** * @param {string} sHash * @param {boolean=} bSilence = false * @param {boolean=} bReplace = false */ Knoin.prototype.setHash = function (sHash, bSilence, bReplace) { sHash = '#' === sHash.substr(0, 1) ? sHash.substr(1) : sHash; sHash = '/' === sHash.substr(0, 1) ? sHash.substr(1) : sHash; bReplace = Utils.isUnd(bReplace) ? false : !!bReplace; if (Utils.isUnd(bSilence) ? false : !!bSilence) { hasher.changed.active = false; hasher[bReplace ? 'replaceHash' : 'setHash'](sHash); hasher.changed.active = true; } else { hasher.changed.active = true; hasher[bReplace ? 'replaceHash' : 'setHash'](sHash); hasher.setHash(sHash); } }; module.exports = new Knoin(); }()); /***/ }, /* 6 */ /*!*************************!*\ !*** ./dev/App/User.js ***! \*************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ 36), SimplePace = __webpack_require__(/*! SimplePace */ 75), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Plugins = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Plugins */ 23), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), SocialStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Social */ 35), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), IdentityStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Identity */ 43), FolderStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32), PgpStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20), Local = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Client */ 60), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), EmailModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Email */ 25), FolderModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Folder */ 100), MessageModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Message */ 81), AccountModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Account */ 95), IdentityModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Identity */ 101), OpenPgpKeyModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/OpenPgpKey */ 102), AbstractApp = __webpack_require__(/*! App/Abstract */ 46) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractApp */ function AppUser() { AbstractApp.call(this, Remote); this.oMoveCache = {}; this.quotaDebounce = _.debounce(this.quota, 1000 * 30); this.moveOrDeleteResponseHelper = _.bind(this.moveOrDeleteResponseHelper, this); this.messagesMoveTrigger = _.debounce(this.messagesMoveTrigger, 500); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.30s'); }, 30000); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.1m'); }, 60000); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.2m'); }, 60000 * 2); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.3m'); }, 60000 * 3); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.5m'); }, 60000 * 5); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.10m'); }, 60000 * 10); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.15m'); }, 60000 * 15); window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.20m'); }, 60000 * 15); window.setTimeout(function () { window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.5m-after5m'); }, 60000 * 5); }, 60000 * 5); window.setTimeout(function () { window.setInterval(function () { Events.pub('interval.10m-after5m'); }, 60000 * 10); }, 60000 * 5); $.wakeUp(function () { Remote.jsVersion(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && !oData.Result) { if (window.parent && !!Settings.settingsGet('InIframe')) { window.parent.location.reload(); } else { window.location.reload(); } } }, Settings.settingsGet('Version')); }, {}, 60 * 60 * 1000); if (Settings.settingsGet('UserBackgroundHash')) { _.delay(function () { $('#rl-bg').attr('style', 'background-image: none !important;') .backstretch(Links.publicLink(Settings.settingsGet('UserBackgroundHash')), { 'fade': Globals.bAnimationSupported ? 1000 : 0 }).removeAttr('style'); }, 2000); } this.socialUsers = _.bind(this.socialUsers, this); } _.extend(AppUser.prototype, AbstractApp.prototype); AppUser.prototype.remote = function () { return Remote; }; AppUser.prototype.reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache = function () { _.each(Data.messageList(), function (oMessage) { Cache.initMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessage); }); Cache.initMessageFlagsFromCache(Data.message()); }; /** * @param {boolean=} bDropPagePosition = false * @param {boolean=} bDropCurrenFolderCache = false */ AppUser.prototype.reloadMessageList = function (bDropPagePosition, bDropCurrenFolderCache) { var self = this, iOffset = (Data.messageListPage() - 1) * SettingsStore.messagesPerPage() ; if (Utils.isUnd(bDropCurrenFolderCache) ? false : !!bDropCurrenFolderCache) { Cache.setFolderHash(Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), ''); } if (Utils.isUnd(bDropPagePosition) ? false : !!bDropPagePosition) { Data.messageListPage(1); iOffset = 0; } Data.messageListLoading(true); Remote.messageList(function (sResult, oData, bCached) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { Data.messageListError(''); Data.messageListLoading(false); self.setMessageList(oData, bCached); } else if (Enums.StorageResultType.Unload === sResult) { Data.messageListError(''); Data.messageListLoading(false); } else if (Enums.StorageResultType.Abort !== sResult) { Data.messageList([]); Data.messageListLoading(false); Data.messageListError(oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_GET_MESSAGE_LIST') ); } }, Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), iOffset, SettingsStore.messagesPerPage(), Data.messageListSearch()); }; AppUser.prototype.recacheInboxMessageList = function () { Remote.messageList(Utils.emptyFunction, Cache.getFolderInboxName(), 0, SettingsStore.messagesPerPage(), '', true); }; AppUser.prototype.reloadMessageListHelper = function (bEmptyList) { this.reloadMessageList(bEmptyList); }; /** * @param {Function} fResultFunc * @returns {boolean} */ AppUser.prototype.contactsSync = function (fResultFunc) { var oContacts = Data.contacts; if (oContacts.importing() || oContacts.syncing() || !Data.enableContactsSync() || !Data.allowContactsSync()) { return false; } oContacts.syncing(true); Remote.contactsSync(function (sResult, oData) { oContacts.syncing(false); if (fResultFunc) { fResultFunc(sResult, oData); } }); return true; }; AppUser.prototype.messagesMoveTrigger = function () { var self = this, sSpamFolder = FolderStore.spamFolder() ; _.each(this.oMoveCache, function (oItem) { var bSpam = sSpamFolder === oItem['To'], bHam = !bSpam && sSpamFolder === oItem['From'] && Cache.getFolderInboxName() === oItem['To'] ; Remote.messagesMove(self.moveOrDeleteResponseHelper, oItem['From'], oItem['To'], oItem['Uid'], bSpam ? 'SPAM' : (bHam ? 'HAM' : '')); }); this.oMoveCache = {}; }; AppUser.prototype.messagesMoveHelper = function (sFromFolderFullNameRaw, sToFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForMove) { var sH = '$$' + sFromFolderFullNameRaw + '$$' + sToFolderFullNameRaw + '$$'; if (!this.oMoveCache[sH]) { this.oMoveCache[sH] = { 'From': sFromFolderFullNameRaw, 'To': sToFolderFullNameRaw, 'Uid': [] }; } this.oMoveCache[sH]['Uid'] = _.union(this.oMoveCache[sH]['Uid'], aUidForMove); this.messagesMoveTrigger(); }; AppUser.prototype.messagesCopyHelper = function (sFromFolderFullNameRaw, sToFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForCopy) { Remote.messagesCopy( this.moveOrDeleteResponseHelper, sFromFolderFullNameRaw, sToFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForCopy ); }; AppUser.prototype.messagesDeleteHelper = function (sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove) { Remote.messagesDelete( this.moveOrDeleteResponseHelper, sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove ); }; AppUser.prototype.moveOrDeleteResponseHelper = function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && Data.currentFolder()) { if (oData && Utils.isArray(oData.Result) && 2 === oData.Result.length) { Cache.setFolderHash(oData.Result[0], oData.Result[1]); } else { Cache.setFolderHash(Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), ''); if (oData && -1 < Utils.inArray(oData.ErrorCode, [Enums.Notification.CantMoveMessage, Enums.Notification.CantCopyMessage])) { window.alert(Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode)); } } this.reloadMessageListHelper(0 === Data.messageList().length); this.quotaDebounce(); } }; /** * @param {string} sFromFolderFullNameRaw * @param {Array} aUidForRemove */ AppUser.prototype.deleteMessagesFromFolderWithoutCheck = function (sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove) { this.messagesDeleteHelper(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove); Data.removeMessagesFromList(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove); }; /** * @param {number} iDeleteType * @param {string} sFromFolderFullNameRaw * @param {Array} aUidForRemove * @param {boolean=} bUseFolder = true */ AppUser.prototype.deleteMessagesFromFolder = function (iDeleteType, sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove, bUseFolder) { var self = this, oMoveFolder = null, nSetSystemFoldersNotification = null ; switch (iDeleteType) { case Enums.FolderType.Spam: oMoveFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(FolderStore.spamFolder()); nSetSystemFoldersNotification = Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Spam; break; case Enums.FolderType.NotSpam: oMoveFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(Cache.getFolderInboxName()); break; case Enums.FolderType.Trash: oMoveFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(FolderStore.trashFolder()); nSetSystemFoldersNotification = Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Trash; break; case Enums.FolderType.Archive: oMoveFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(FolderStore.archiveFolder()); nSetSystemFoldersNotification = Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Archive; break; } bUseFolder = Utils.isUnd(bUseFolder) ? true : !!bUseFolder; if (bUseFolder) { if ((Enums.FolderType.Spam === iDeleteType && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === FolderStore.spamFolder()) || (Enums.FolderType.Trash === iDeleteType && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === FolderStore.trashFolder()) || (Enums.FolderType.Archive === iDeleteType && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === FolderStore.archiveFolder())) { bUseFolder = false; } } if (!oMoveFolder && bUseFolder) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/FolderSystem */ 44), [nSetSystemFoldersNotification]); } else if (!bUseFolder || (Enums.FolderType.Trash === iDeleteType && (sFromFolderFullNameRaw === FolderStore.spamFolder() || sFromFolderFullNameRaw === FolderStore.trashFolder()))) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Ask */ 40), [Translator.i18n('POPUPS_ASK/DESC_WANT_DELETE_MESSAGES'), function () { self.messagesDeleteHelper(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove); Data.removeMessagesFromList(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove); }]); } else if (oMoveFolder) { this.messagesMoveHelper(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, oMoveFolder.fullNameRaw, aUidForRemove); Data.removeMessagesFromList(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove, oMoveFolder.fullNameRaw); } }; /** * @param {string} sFromFolderFullNameRaw * @param {Array} aUidForMove * @param {string} sToFolderFullNameRaw * @param {boolean=} bCopy = false */ AppUser.prototype.moveMessagesToFolder = function (sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForMove, sToFolderFullNameRaw, bCopy) { if (sFromFolderFullNameRaw !== sToFolderFullNameRaw && Utils.isArray(aUidForMove) && 0 < aUidForMove.length) { var oFromFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFromFolderFullNameRaw), oToFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sToFolderFullNameRaw) ; if (oFromFolder && oToFolder) { if (Utils.isUnd(bCopy) ? false : !!bCopy) { this.messagesCopyHelper(oFromFolder.fullNameRaw, oToFolder.fullNameRaw, aUidForMove); } else { this.messagesMoveHelper(oFromFolder.fullNameRaw, oToFolder.fullNameRaw, aUidForMove); } Data.removeMessagesFromList(oFromFolder.fullNameRaw, aUidForMove, oToFolder.fullNameRaw, bCopy); return true; } } return false; }; /** * @param {Function=} fCallback */ AppUser.prototype.folders = function (fCallback) { Data.foldersLoading(true); Remote.folders(_.bind(function (sResult, oData) { var bResult = false; Data.foldersLoading(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { bResult = true; this.setFolders(oData); } if (fCallback) { fCallback(bResult); } }, this)); }; AppUser.prototype.reloadOpenPgpKeys = function () { if (PgpStore.capaOpenPGP()) { var aKeys = [], oEmail = new EmailModel(), oOpenpgpKeyring = PgpStore.openpgpKeyring, oOpenpgpKeys = oOpenpgpKeyring ? oOpenpgpKeyring.getAllKeys() : [] ; _.each(oOpenpgpKeys, function (oItem, iIndex) { if (oItem && oItem.primaryKey) { var oPrimaryUser = oItem.getPrimaryUser(), sUser = (oPrimaryUser && oPrimaryUser.user) ? oPrimaryUser.user.userId.userid : (oItem.users && oItem.users[0] ? oItem.users[0].userId.userid : '') ; oEmail.clear(); oEmail.mailsoParse(sUser); if (oEmail.validate()) { aKeys.push(new OpenPgpKeyModel( iIndex, oItem.primaryKey.getFingerprint(), oItem.primaryKey.getKeyId().toHex().toLowerCase(), sUser, oEmail.email, oItem.isPrivate(), oItem.armor()) ); } } }); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(PgpStore.openpgpkeys()); PgpStore.openpgpkeys(aKeys); } }; AppUser.prototype.accountsCounts = function () { return false; // AccountStore.accounts.loading(true); // // Remote.accountsCounts(function (sResult, oData) { // // AccountStore.accounts.loading(false); // // if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData.Result && oData.Result['Counts']) // { // var // sEmail = AccountStore.email(), // aAcounts = AccountStore.accounts() // ; // // _.each(oData.Result['Counts'], function (oItem) { // // var oAccount = _.find(aAcounts, function (oAccount) { // return oAccount && oItem[0] === oAccount.email && sEmail !== oAccount.email; // }); // // if (oAccount) // { // oAccount.count(Utils.pInt(oItem[1])); // } // }); // } // }); }; AppUser.prototype.accountsAndIdentities = function (bBoot) { var self = this; AccountStore.accounts.loading(true); IdentityStore.identities.loading(true); Remote.accountsAndIdentities(function (sResult, oData) { AccountStore.accounts.loading(false); IdentityStore.identities.loading(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData.Result) { var aCounts = {}, sParentEmail = Settings.settingsGet('ParentEmail'), sAccountEmail = AccountStore.email() ; sParentEmail = '' === sParentEmail ? sAccountEmail : sParentEmail; if (Utils.isArray(oData.Result['Accounts'])) { _.each(AccountStore.accounts(), function (oAccount) { aCounts[oAccount.email] = oAccount.count(); }); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(AccountStore.accounts()); AccountStore.accounts(_.map(oData.Result['Accounts'], function (sValue) { return new AccountModel(sValue, sValue !== sParentEmail, aCounts[sValue] || 0); })); } if (Utils.isUnd(bBoot) ? false : !!bBoot) { _.delay(function () { self.accountsCounts(); }, 1000 * 5); Events.sub('interval.10m-after5m', function () { self.accountsCounts(); }); } if (Utils.isArray(oData.Result['Identities'])) { Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(IdentityStore.identities()); IdentityStore.identities(_.map(oData.Result['Identities'], function (oIdentityData) { var sId = Utils.pString(oIdentityData['Id']), sEmail = Utils.pString(oIdentityData['Email']), oIdentity = new IdentityModel(sId, sEmail, sId !== sAccountEmail) ; oIdentity.name(Utils.pString(oIdentityData['Name'])); oIdentity.replyTo(Utils.pString(oIdentityData['ReplyTo'])); oIdentity.bcc(Utils.pString(oIdentityData['Bcc'])); return oIdentity; })); } } }); }; AppUser.prototype.quota = function () { Remote.quota(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result && Utils.isArray(oData.Result) && 1 < oData.Result.length && Utils.isPosNumeric(oData.Result[0], true) && Utils.isPosNumeric(oData.Result[1], true)) { __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Quota */ 84).populateData( Utils.pInt(oData.Result[1]), Utils.pInt(oData.Result[0])); } }); }; /** * @param {string} sFolder * @param {Array=} aList = [] */ AppUser.prototype.folderInformation = function (sFolder, aList) { if ('' !== Utils.trim(sFolder)) { var self = this; Remote.folderInformation(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult) { if (oData && oData.Result && oData.Result.Hash && oData.Result.Folder) { var iUtc = moment().unix(), sHash = Cache.getFolderHash(oData.Result.Folder), oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(oData.Result.Folder), bCheck = false, sUid = '', aList = [], bUnreadCountChange = false, oFlags = null ; if (oFolder) { oFolder.interval = iUtc; if (oData.Result.Hash) { Cache.setFolderHash(oData.Result.Folder, oData.Result.Hash); } if (Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.MessageCount)) { oFolder.messageCountAll(oData.Result.MessageCount); } if (Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.MessageUnseenCount)) { if (Utils.pInt(oFolder.messageCountUnread()) !== Utils.pInt(oData.Result.MessageUnseenCount)) { bUnreadCountChange = true; } oFolder.messageCountUnread(oData.Result.MessageUnseenCount); } if (bUnreadCountChange) { Cache.clearMessageFlagsFromCacheByFolder(oFolder.fullNameRaw); } if (oData.Result.Flags) { for (sUid in oData.Result.Flags) { if (oData.Result.Flags.hasOwnProperty(sUid)) { bCheck = true; oFlags = oData.Result.Flags[sUid]; Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCacheByFolderAndUid(oFolder.fullNameRaw, sUid.toString(), [ !oFlags['IsSeen'], !!oFlags['IsFlagged'], !!oFlags['IsAnswered'], !!oFlags['IsForwarded'], !!oFlags['IsReadReceipt'] ]); } } if (bCheck) { self.reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache(); } } Data.initUidNextAndNewMessages(oFolder.fullNameRaw, oData.Result.UidNext, oData.Result.NewMessages); if (oData.Result.Hash !== sHash || '' === sHash) { if (oFolder.fullNameRaw === Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw()) { self.reloadMessageList(); } else if (Cache.getFolderInboxName() === oFolder.fullNameRaw) { self.recacheInboxMessageList(); } } else if (bUnreadCountChange) { if (oFolder.fullNameRaw === Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw()) { aList = Data.messageList(); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aList)) { self.folderInformation(oFolder.fullNameRaw, aList); } } } } } } }, sFolder, aList); } }; /** * @param {boolean=} bBoot = false */ AppUser.prototype.folderInformationMultiply = function (bBoot) { bBoot = Utils.isUnd(bBoot) ? false : !!bBoot; var self = this, iUtc = moment().unix(), aFolders = Data.getNextFolderNames(bBoot) ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aFolders)) { Remote.folderInformationMultiply(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult) { if (oData && oData.Result && oData.Result.List && Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oData.Result.List)) { _.each(oData.Result.List, function (oItem) { var aList = [], sHash = Cache.getFolderHash(oItem.Folder), oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(oItem.Folder), bUnreadCountChange = false ; if (oFolder) { oFolder.interval = iUtc; if (oItem.Hash) { Cache.setFolderHash(oItem.Folder, oItem.Hash); } if (Utils.isNormal(oItem.MessageCount)) { oFolder.messageCountAll(oItem.MessageCount); } if (Utils.isNormal(oItem.MessageUnseenCount)) { if (Utils.pInt(oFolder.messageCountUnread()) !== Utils.pInt(oItem.MessageUnseenCount)) { bUnreadCountChange = true; } oFolder.messageCountUnread(oItem.MessageUnseenCount); } if (bUnreadCountChange) { Cache.clearMessageFlagsFromCacheByFolder(oFolder.fullNameRaw); } if (oItem.Hash !== sHash || '' === sHash) { if (oFolder.fullNameRaw === Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw()) { self.reloadMessageList(); } } else if (bUnreadCountChange) { if (oFolder.fullNameRaw === Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw()) { aList = Data.messageList(); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aList)) { self.folderInformation(oFolder.fullNameRaw, aList); } } } } }); if (bBoot) { _.delay(function () { self.folderInformationMultiply(true); }, 2000); } } } }, aFolders); } }; AppUser.prototype.setMessageSeen = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage.unseen()) { oMessage.unseen(false); var oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw); if (oFolder) { oFolder.messageCountUnread(0 <= oFolder.messageCountUnread() - 1 ? oFolder.messageCountUnread() - 1 : 0); } Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCache(oMessage); this.reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache(); } Remote.messageSetSeen(Utils.emptyFunction, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, [oMessage.uid], true); }; AppUser.prototype.googleConnect = function () { window.open(Links.socialGoogle(), 'Google', 'left=200,top=100,width=650,height=600,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); }; AppUser.prototype.twitterConnect = function () { window.open(Links.socialTwitter(), 'Twitter', 'left=200,top=100,width=650,height=350,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); }; AppUser.prototype.facebookConnect = function () { window.open(Links.socialFacebook(), 'Facebook', 'left=200,top=100,width=650,height=335,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); }; /** * @param {boolean=} bFireAllActions */ AppUser.prototype.socialUsers = function (bFireAllActions) { if (true === bFireAllActions) { SocialStore.google.loading(true); SocialStore.facebook.loading(true); SocialStore.twitter.loading(true); } Remote.socialUsers(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { SocialStore.google.userName(oData.Result['Google'] || ''); SocialStore.facebook.userName(oData.Result['Facebook'] || ''); SocialStore.twitter.userName(oData.Result['Twitter'] || ''); } else { SocialStore.google.userName(''); SocialStore.facebook.userName(''); SocialStore.twitter.userName(''); } SocialStore.google.loading(false); SocialStore.facebook.loading(false); SocialStore.twitter.loading(false); }); }; AppUser.prototype.googleDisconnect = function () { SocialStore.google.loading(true); Remote.googleDisconnect(this.socialUsers); }; AppUser.prototype.facebookDisconnect = function () { SocialStore.facebook.loading(true); Remote.facebookDisconnect(this.socialUsers); }; AppUser.prototype.twitterDisconnect = function () { SocialStore.twitter.loading(true); Remote.twitterDisconnect(this.socialUsers); }; /** * @param {string} sQuery * @param {Function} fCallback */ AppUser.prototype.getAutocomplete = function (sQuery, fCallback) { var aData = [] ; Remote.suggestions(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && Utils.isArray(oData.Result)) { aData = _.map(oData.Result, function (aItem) { return aItem && aItem[0] ? new EmailModel(aItem[0], aItem[1]) : null; }); fCallback(_.compact(aData)); } else if (Enums.StorageResultType.Abort !== sResult) { fCallback([]); } }, sQuery); }; AppUser.prototype.setMessageList = function (oData, bCached) { if (oData && oData.Result && 'Collection/MessageCollection' === oData.Result['@Object'] && oData.Result['@Collection'] && Utils.isArray(oData.Result['@Collection'])) { var mLastCollapsedThreadUids = null, iIndex = 0, iLen = 0, iCount = 0, iOffset = 0, aList = [], iUtc = moment().unix(), aStaticList = Data.staticMessageList, oJsonMessage = null, oMessage = null, oFolder = null, iNewCount = 0, bUnreadCountChange = false ; iCount = Utils.pInt(oData.Result.MessageResultCount); iOffset = Utils.pInt(oData.Result.Offset); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oData.Result.LastCollapsedThreadUids)) { mLastCollapsedThreadUids = oData.Result.LastCollapsedThreadUids; } oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList( Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.Folder) ? oData.Result.Folder : ''); if (oFolder && !bCached) { oFolder.interval = iUtc; Cache.setFolderHash(oData.Result.Folder, oData.Result.FolderHash); if (Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.MessageCount)) { oFolder.messageCountAll(oData.Result.MessageCount); } if (Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.MessageUnseenCount)) { if (Utils.pInt(oFolder.messageCountUnread()) !== Utils.pInt(oData.Result.MessageUnseenCount)) { bUnreadCountChange = true; } oFolder.messageCountUnread(oData.Result.MessageUnseenCount); } Data.initUidNextAndNewMessages(oFolder.fullNameRaw, oData.Result.UidNext, oData.Result.NewMessages); } if (bUnreadCountChange && oFolder) { Cache.clearMessageFlagsFromCacheByFolder(oFolder.fullNameRaw); } for (iIndex = 0, iLen = oData.Result['@Collection'].length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oJsonMessage = oData.Result['@Collection'][iIndex]; if (oJsonMessage && 'Object/Message' === oJsonMessage['@Object']) { oMessage = aStaticList[iIndex]; if (!oMessage || !oMessage.initByJson(oJsonMessage)) { oMessage = MessageModel.newInstanceFromJson(oJsonMessage); } if (oMessage) { if (Cache.hasNewMessageAndRemoveFromCache(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid) && 5 >= iNewCount) { iNewCount++; oMessage.newForAnimation(true); } oMessage.deleted(false); if (bCached) { Cache.initMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessage); } else { Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCache(oMessage); } oMessage.lastInCollapsedThread(mLastCollapsedThreadUids && -1 < Utils.inArray(Utils.pInt(oMessage.uid), mLastCollapsedThreadUids) ? true : false); aList.push(oMessage); } } } Data.messageListCount(iCount); Data.messageListSearch(Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.Search) ? oData.Result.Search : ''); Data.messageListPage(window.Math.ceil((iOffset / SettingsStore.messagesPerPage()) + 1)); Data.messageListEndFolder(Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.Folder) ? oData.Result.Folder : ''); Data.messageListEndSearch(Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.Search) ? oData.Result.Search : ''); Data.messageListEndPage(Data.messageListPage()); Data.messageList(aList); Data.messageListIsNotCompleted(false); if (aStaticList.length < aList.length) { Data.staticMessageList = aList; } Cache.clearNewMessageCache(); if (oFolder && (bCached || bUnreadCountChange || SettingsStore.useThreads())) { this.folderInformation(oFolder.fullNameRaw, aList); } } else { Data.messageListCount(0); Data.messageList([]); Data.messageListError(Translator.getNotification( oData && oData.ErrorCode ? oData.ErrorCode : Enums.Notification.CantGetMessageList )); } }; /** * @param {string} sNamespace * @param {Array} aFolders * @return {Array} */ AppUser.prototype.folderResponseParseRec = function (sNamespace, aFolders) { var self = this, iIndex = 0, iLen = 0, oFolder = null, oCacheFolder = null, sFolderFullNameRaw = '', aSubFolders = [], aList = [] ; for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aFolders.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oFolder = aFolders[iIndex]; if (oFolder) { sFolderFullNameRaw = oFolder.FullNameRaw; oCacheFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw); if (!oCacheFolder) { oCacheFolder = FolderModel.newInstanceFromJson(oFolder); if (oCacheFolder) { Cache.setFolderToCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw, oCacheFolder); Cache.setFolderFullNameRaw(oCacheFolder.fullNameHash, sFolderFullNameRaw, oCacheFolder); } } if (oCacheFolder) { oCacheFolder.collapsed(!self.isFolderExpanded(oCacheFolder.fullNameHash)); if (oFolder.Extended) { if (oFolder.Extended.Hash) { Cache.setFolderHash(oCacheFolder.fullNameRaw, oFolder.Extended.Hash); } if (Utils.isNormal(oFolder.Extended.MessageCount)) { oCacheFolder.messageCountAll(oFolder.Extended.MessageCount); } if (Utils.isNormal(oFolder.Extended.MessageUnseenCount)) { oCacheFolder.messageCountUnread(oFolder.Extended.MessageUnseenCount); } } aSubFolders = oFolder['SubFolders']; if (aSubFolders && 'Collection/FolderCollection' === aSubFolders['@Object'] && aSubFolders['@Collection'] && Utils.isArray(aSubFolders['@Collection'])) { oCacheFolder.subFolders( this.folderResponseParseRec(sNamespace, aSubFolders['@Collection'])); } aList.push(oCacheFolder); } } } return aList; }; /** * @param {*} oData */ AppUser.prototype.setFolders = function (oData) { var aList = [], bUpdate = false, fNormalizeFolder = function (sFolderFullNameRaw) { return ('' === sFolderFullNameRaw || Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === sFolderFullNameRaw || null !== Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw)) ? sFolderFullNameRaw : ''; } ; if (oData && oData.Result && 'Collection/FolderCollection' === oData.Result['@Object'] && oData.Result['@Collection'] && Utils.isArray(oData.Result['@Collection'])) { if (!Utils.isUnd(oData.Result.Namespace)) { Data.namespace = oData.Result.Namespace; } AppStore.threadsAllowed(!!Settings.settingsGet('UseImapThread') && oData.Result.IsThreadsSupported && true); aList = this.folderResponseParseRec(Data.namespace, oData.Result['@Collection']); Data.folderList(aList); if (oData.Result['SystemFolders'] && '' === '' + Settings.settingsGet('SentFolder') + Settings.settingsGet('DraftFolder') + Settings.settingsGet('SpamFolder') + Settings.settingsGet('TrashFolder') + Settings.settingsGet('ArchiveFolder') + Settings.settingsGet('NullFolder')) { // TODO Magic Numbers Settings.settingsSet('SentFolder', oData.Result['SystemFolders'][2] || null); Settings.settingsSet('DraftFolder', oData.Result['SystemFolders'][3] || null); Settings.settingsSet('SpamFolder', oData.Result['SystemFolders'][4] || null); Settings.settingsSet('TrashFolder', oData.Result['SystemFolders'][5] || null); Settings.settingsSet('ArchiveFolder', oData.Result['SystemFolders'][12] || null); bUpdate = true; } FolderStore.sentFolder(fNormalizeFolder(Settings.settingsGet('SentFolder'))); FolderStore.draftFolder(fNormalizeFolder(Settings.settingsGet('DraftFolder'))); FolderStore.spamFolder(fNormalizeFolder(Settings.settingsGet('SpamFolder'))); FolderStore.trashFolder(fNormalizeFolder(Settings.settingsGet('TrashFolder'))); FolderStore.archiveFolder(fNormalizeFolder(Settings.settingsGet('ArchiveFolder'))); if (bUpdate) { Remote.saveSystemFolders(Utils.emptyFunction, { 'SentFolder': FolderStore.sentFolder(), 'DraftFolder': FolderStore.draftFolder(), 'SpamFolder': FolderStore.spamFolder(), 'TrashFolder': FolderStore.trashFolder(), 'ArchiveFolder': FolderStore.archiveFolder(), 'NullFolder': 'NullFolder' }); } Local.set(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.FoldersLashHash, oData.Result.FoldersHash); } }; /** * @param {string} sFullNameHash * @return {boolean} */ AppUser.prototype.isFolderExpanded = function (sFullNameHash) { var aExpandedList = Local.get(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.ExpandedFolders); return Utils.isArray(aExpandedList) && -1 !== _.indexOf(aExpandedList, sFullNameHash); }; /** * @param {string} sFullNameHash * @param {boolean} bExpanded */ AppUser.prototype.setExpandedFolder = function (sFullNameHash, bExpanded) { var aExpandedList = Local.get(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.ExpandedFolders); if (!Utils.isArray(aExpandedList)) { aExpandedList = []; } if (bExpanded) { aExpandedList.push(sFullNameHash); aExpandedList = _.uniq(aExpandedList); } else { aExpandedList = _.without(aExpandedList, sFullNameHash); } Local.set(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.ExpandedFolders, aExpandedList); }; AppUser.prototype.initHorizontalLayoutResizer = function (sClientSideKeyName) { var iMinHeight = 200, iMaxHeight = 500, oTop = null, oBottom = null, fResizeFunction = function (oEvent, oObject) { if (oObject && oObject.size && oObject.size.height) { Local.set(sClientSideKeyName, oObject.size.height); fSetHeight(oObject.size.height); Utils.windowResize(); } }, oOptions = { 'helper': 'ui-resizable-helper-h', 'minHeight': iMinHeight, 'maxHeight': iMaxHeight, 'handles': 's', 'stop': fResizeFunction }, fSetHeight = function (iHeight) { if (iHeight) { if (oTop) { oTop.attr('style', 'height:' + iHeight + 'px'); } if (oBottom) { oBottom.attr('style', 'top:' + (55 /* top toolbar */ + iHeight) + 'px'); } } }, fDisable = function (bDisable) { if (bDisable) { if (oTop && oTop.hasClass('ui-resizable')) { oTop .resizable('destroy') .removeAttr('style') ; } if (oBottom) { oBottom.removeAttr('style'); } } else if (Globals.$html.hasClass('rl-bottom-preview-pane')) { oTop = $('.b-message-list-wrapper'); oBottom = $('.b-message-view-wrapper'); if (!oTop.hasClass('ui-resizable')) { oTop.resizable(oOptions); } var iHeight = Utils.pInt(Local.get(sClientSideKeyName)) || 300; fSetHeight(iHeight > iMinHeight ? iHeight : iMinHeight); } } ; fDisable(false); Events.sub('layout', function (sLayout) { fDisable(Enums.Layout.BottomPreview !== sLayout); }); }; AppUser.prototype.initVerticalLayoutResizer = function (sClientSideKeyName) { var iDisabledWidth = 60, iMinWidth = 155, oLeft = $('#rl-left'), oRight = $('#rl-right'), mLeftWidth = Local.get(sClientSideKeyName) || null, fSetWidth = function (iWidth) { if (iWidth) { oLeft.css({ 'width': '' + iWidth + 'px' }); oRight.css({ 'left': '' + iWidth + 'px' }); } }, fDisable = function (bDisable) { if (bDisable) { oLeft.resizable('disable'); fSetWidth(iDisabledWidth); } else { oLeft.resizable('enable'); var iWidth = Utils.pInt(Local.get(sClientSideKeyName)) || iMinWidth; fSetWidth(iWidth > iMinWidth ? iWidth : iMinWidth); } }, fResizeFunction = function (oEvent, oObject) { if (oObject && oObject.size && oObject.size.width) { Local.set(sClientSideKeyName, oObject.size.width); oRight.css({ 'left': '' + oObject.size.width + 'px' }); } } ; if (null !== mLeftWidth) { fSetWidth(mLeftWidth > iMinWidth ? mLeftWidth : iMinWidth); } oLeft.resizable({ 'helper': 'ui-resizable-helper-w', 'minWidth': iMinWidth, 'maxWidth': 350, 'handles': 'e', 'stop': fResizeFunction }); Events.sub('left-panel.off', function () { fDisable(true); }); Events.sub('left-panel.on', function () { fDisable(false); }); }; AppUser.prototype.bootstartLoginScreen = function () { Globals.$html.removeClass('rl-user-auth').addClass('rl-user-no-auth'); var sCustomLoginLink = Utils.pString(Settings.settingsGet('CustomLoginLink')); if (!sCustomLoginLink) { kn.hideLoading(); kn.startScreens([ __webpack_require__(/*! Screen/User/Login */ 106) ]); Plugins.runHook('rl-start-login-screens'); Events.pub('rl.bootstart-login-screens'); } else { kn.routeOff(); kn.setHash(Links.root(), true); kn.routeOff(); _.defer(function () { window.location.href = sCustomLoginLink; }); } }; AppUser.prototype.bootstart = function () { AbstractApp.prototype.bootstart.call(this); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30).populate(); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26).populate(); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Notification */ 66).populate(); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Identity */ 43).populate(); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22).populate(); var self = this, $LAB = __webpack_require__(/*! $LAB */ 152), sJsHash = Settings.settingsGet('JsHash'), iContactsSyncInterval = Utils.pInt(Settings.settingsGet('ContactsSyncInterval')), bGoogle = Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocial'), bFacebook = Settings.settingsGet('AllowFacebookSocial'), bTwitter = Settings.settingsGet('AllowTwitterSocial') ; if (SimplePace) { SimplePace.set(70); SimplePace.sleep(); } Globals.leftPanelDisabled.subscribe(function (bValue) { Events.pub('left-panel.' + (bValue ? 'off' : 'on')); }); if (!!Settings.settingsGet('Auth')) { Globals.$html.addClass('rl-user-auth'); this.setTitle(Translator.i18n('TITLES/LOADING')); //require.ensure([], function() { // require code splitting self.folders(_.bind(function (bValue) { kn.hideLoading(); if (bValue) { if ($LAB && window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.OpenPGP)) { var fOpenpgpCallback = function (openpgp) { PgpStore.openpgp = openpgp; PgpStore.openpgpKeyring = new openpgp.Keyring(); PgpStore.capaOpenPGP(true); Events.pub('openpgp.init'); self.reloadOpenPgpKeys(); }; if (window.openpgp) { fOpenpgpCallback(window.openpgp); } else { $LAB.script(Links.openPgpJs()).wait(function () { if (window.openpgp) { fOpenpgpCallback(window.openpgp); } }); } } else { PgpStore.capaOpenPGP(false); } kn.startScreens([ __webpack_require__(/*! Screen/User/MailBox */ 107), __webpack_require__(/*! Screen/User/Settings */ 108), __webpack_require__(/*! Screen/User/About */ 105) ]); if (bGoogle || bFacebook || bTwitter) { self.socialUsers(true); } Events.sub('interval.2m', function () { self.folderInformation(Cache.getFolderInboxName()); }); Events.sub('interval.3m', function () { var sF = Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(); if (Cache.getFolderInboxName() !== sF) { self.folderInformation(sF); } }); Events.sub('interval.5m-after5m', function () { self.folderInformationMultiply(); }); Events.sub('interval.15m', function () { self.quota(); }); Events.sub('interval.20m', function () { self.folders(); }); iContactsSyncInterval = 5 <= iContactsSyncInterval ? iContactsSyncInterval : 20; iContactsSyncInterval = 320 >= iContactsSyncInterval ? iContactsSyncInterval : 320; _.delay(function () { self.contactsSync(); }, 10000); _.delay(function () { self.folderInformationMultiply(true); }, 2000); window.setInterval(function () { self.contactsSync(); }, iContactsSyncInterval * 60000 + 5000); if (Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.AdditionalAccounts) || Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.AdditionalIdentities)) { self.accountsAndIdentities(true); } _.delay(function () { var sF = Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(); if (Cache.getFolderInboxName() !== sF) { self.folderInformation(sF); } }, 1000); _.delay(function () { self.quota(); }, 5000); _.delay(function () { Remote.appDelayStart(Utils.emptyFunction); }, 35000); Plugins.runHook('rl-start-user-screens'); Events.pub('rl.bootstart-user-screens'); if (!!Settings.settingsGet('AccountSignMe') && window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler) { _.delay(function () { try { window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler('mailto', window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?mailto&to=%s', '' + (Settings.settingsGet('Title') || 'RainLoop')); } catch(e) {} if (Settings.settingsGet('MailToEmail')) { Utils.mailToHelper(Settings.settingsGet('MailToEmail'), __webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27)); } }, 500); } if (!Globals.bMobileDevice) { _.defer(function () { self.initVerticalLayoutResizer(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.FolderListSize); }); } } else { this.bootstartLoginScreen(); } if (SimplePace) { SimplePace.set(100); } }, self)); //}); // require code splitting } else { this.bootstartLoginScreen(); if (SimplePace) { SimplePace.set(100); } } if (bGoogle) { window['rl_' + sJsHash + '_google_service'] = function () { SocialStore.google.loading(true); self.socialUsers(); }; } if (bFacebook) { window['rl_' + sJsHash + '_facebook_service'] = function () { SocialStore.facebook.loading(true); self.socialUsers(); }; } if (bTwitter) { window['rl_' + sJsHash + '_twitter_service'] = function () { SocialStore.twitter.loading(true); self.socialUsers(); }; } Events.sub('interval.1m', function () { Globals.momentTrigger(!Globals.momentTrigger()); }); Plugins.runHook('rl-start-screens'); Events.pub('rl.bootstart-end'); }; module.exports = new AppUser(); }()); /***/ }, /* 7 */ /*!**********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Translator.js ***! \**********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8) ; /** * @constructor */ function Translator() { this.data = window['rainloopI18N'] || {}; this.notificationI18N = {}; this.trigger = ko.observable(false); this.i18n = _.bind(this.i18n, this); } Translator.prototype.data = {}; Translator.prototype.notificationI18N = {}; /** * @param {string} sKey * @param {Object=} oValueList * @param {string=} sDefaulValue * @return {string} */ Translator.prototype.i18n = function (sKey, oValueList, sDefaulValue) { var sValueName = '', sResult = _.isUndefined(this.data[sKey]) ? (_.isUndefined(sDefaulValue) ? sKey : sDefaulValue) : this.data[sKey] ; if (!_.isUndefined(oValueList) && !_.isNull(oValueList)) { for (sValueName in oValueList) { if (_.has(oValueList, sValueName)) { sResult = sResult.replace('%' + sValueName + '%', oValueList[sValueName]); } } } return sResult; }; /** * @param {Object} oElement * @param {boolean=} bAnimate = false */ Translator.prototype.i18nToNode = function (oElement, bAnimate) { var self = this; _.defer(function () { $('.i18n', oElement).each(function () { var jqThis = $(this), sKey = '' ; sKey = jqThis.data('i18n-text'); if (sKey) { jqThis.text(self.i18n(sKey)); } else { sKey = jqThis.data('i18n-html'); if (sKey) { jqThis.html(self.i18n(sKey)); } sKey = jqThis.data('i18n-placeholder'); if (sKey) { jqThis.attr('placeholder', self.i18n(sKey)); } sKey = jqThis.data('i18n-title'); if (sKey) { jqThis.attr('title', self.i18n(sKey)); } } }); if (bAnimate && Globals.bAnimationSupported) { $('.i18n-animation.i18n', oElement).letterfx({ 'fx': 'fall fade', 'backwards': false, 'timing': 50, 'fx_duration': '50ms', 'letter_end': 'restore', 'element_end': 'restore' }); } }); }; Translator.prototype.reloadData = function () { if (window['rainloopI18N']) { this.data = window['rainloopI18N'] || {}; this.i18nToNode($(window.document), true); this.trigger(!this.trigger()); } window['rainloopI18N'] = null; }; Translator.prototype.initNotificationLanguage = function () { var oN = this.notificationI18N || {}; oN[Enums.Notification.InvalidToken] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/INVALID_TOKEN'); oN[Enums.Notification.AuthError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/AUTH_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.AccessError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/ACCESS_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.ConnectionError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CONNECTION_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.CaptchaError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CAPTCHA_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.SocialFacebookLoginAccessDisable] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE'); oN[Enums.Notification.SocialTwitterLoginAccessDisable] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/SOCIAL_TWITTER_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE'); oN[Enums.Notification.SocialGoogleLoginAccessDisable] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/SOCIAL_GOOGLE_LOGIN_ACCESS_DISABLE'); oN[Enums.Notification.DomainNotAllowed] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED'); oN[Enums.Notification.AccountNotAllowed] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/ACCOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED'); oN[Enums.Notification.AccountTwoFactorAuthRequired] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/ACCOUNT_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_REQUIRED'); oN[Enums.Notification.AccountTwoFactorAuthError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/ACCOUNT_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.CouldNotSaveNewPassword] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/COULD_NOT_SAVE_NEW_PASSWORD'); oN[Enums.Notification.CurrentPasswordIncorrect] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CURRENT_PASSWORD_INCORRECT'); oN[Enums.Notification.NewPasswordShort] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/NEW_PASSWORD_SHORT'); oN[Enums.Notification.NewPasswordWeak] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/NEW_PASSWORD_WEAK'); oN[Enums.Notification.NewPasswordForbidden] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/NEW_PASSWORD_FORBIDDENT'); oN[Enums.Notification.ContactsSyncError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CONTACTS_SYNC_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantGetMessageList] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_GET_MESSAGE_LIST'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantGetMessage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_GET_MESSAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantDeleteMessage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_DELETE_MESSAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantMoveMessage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_MOVE_MESSAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantCopyMessage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_MOVE_MESSAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantSaveMessage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_SAVE_MESSAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantSendMessage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_SEND_MESSAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.InvalidRecipients] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/INVALID_RECIPIENTS'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantSaveFilters] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_SAVE_FILTERS'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantGetFilters] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_GET_FILTERS'); oN[Enums.Notification.FiltersAreNotCorrect] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/FILTERS_ARE_NOT_CORRECT'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantCreateFolder] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_CREATE_FOLDER'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantRenameFolder] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_RENAME_FOLDER'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantDeleteFolder] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_DELETE_FOLDER'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantDeleteNonEmptyFolder] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_DELETE_NON_EMPTY_FOLDER'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantSubscribeFolder] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_SUBSCRIBE_FOLDER'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantUnsubscribeFolder] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_UNSUBSCRIBE_FOLDER'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantSaveSettings] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_SAVE_SETTINGS'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantSavePluginSettings] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_SAVE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS'); oN[Enums.Notification.DomainAlreadyExists] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantInstallPackage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_INSTALL_PACKAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.CantDeletePackage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_DELETE_PACKAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.InvalidPluginPackage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/INVALID_PLUGIN_PACKAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.UnsupportedPluginPackage] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/UNSUPPORTED_PLUGIN_PACKAGE'); oN[Enums.Notification.LicensingServerIsUnavailable] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/LICENSING_SERVER_IS_UNAVAILABLE'); oN[Enums.Notification.LicensingExpired] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/LICENSING_EXPIRED'); oN[Enums.Notification.LicensingBanned] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/LICENSING_BANNED'); oN[Enums.Notification.DemoSendMessageError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/DEMO_SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.DemoAccountError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/DEMO_ACCOUNT_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.AccountAlreadyExists] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS'); oN[Enums.Notification.AccountDoesNotExist] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST'); oN[Enums.Notification.MailServerError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/MAIL_SERVER_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.InvalidInputArgument] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/INVALID_INPUT_ARGUMENT'); oN[Enums.Notification.UnknownNotification] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/UNKNOWN_ERROR'); oN[Enums.Notification.UnknownError] = this.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/UNKNOWN_ERROR'); }; /** * @param {Function} fCallback * @param {Object} oScope * @param {Function=} fLangCallback */ Translator.prototype.initOnStartOrLangChange = function (fCallback, oScope, fLangCallback) { if (fCallback) { fCallback.call(oScope); } if (fLangCallback) { this.trigger.subscribe(function () { if (fCallback) { fCallback.call(oScope); } fLangCallback.call(oScope); }); } else if (fCallback) { this.trigger.subscribe(fCallback, oScope); } }; /** * @param {number} iCode * @param {*=} mMessage = '' * @return {string} */ Translator.prototype.getNotification = function (iCode, mMessage) { iCode = window.parseInt(iCode, 10) || 0; if (Enums.Notification.ClientViewError === iCode && mMessage) { return mMessage; } return _.isUndefined(this.notificationI18N[iCode]) ? '' : this.notificationI18N[iCode]; }; /** * @param {*} mCode * @return {string} */ Translator.prototype.getUploadErrorDescByCode = function (mCode) { var sResult = ''; switch (window.parseInt(mCode, 10) || 0) { case Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileIsTooBig: sResult = this.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG'); break; case Enums.UploadErrorCode.FilePartiallyUploaded: sResult = this.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_FILE_PARTIALLY_UPLOADED'); break; case Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileNoUploaded: sResult = this.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_NO_FILE_UPLOADED'); break; case Enums.UploadErrorCode.MissingTempFolder: sResult = this.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_MISSING_TEMP_FOLDER'); break; case Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileOnSaveingError: sResult = this.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_ON_SAVING_FILE'); break; case Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileType: sResult = this.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_FILE_TYPE'); break; default: sResult = this.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_UNKNOWN'); break; } return sResult; }; /** * @param {string} sLanguage * @param {Function=} fDone * @param {Function=} fFail */ Translator.prototype.reload = function (sLanguage, fDone, fFail) { var self = this, $html = $('html'), fEmptyFunction = function () {}, iStart = (new Date()).getTime() ; $html.addClass('rl-changing-language'); $.ajax({ 'url': __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12).langLink(sLanguage), 'dataType': 'script', 'cache': true }) .fail(fFail || fEmptyFunction) .done(function () { _.delay(function () { self.reloadData(); (fDone || fEmptyFunction)(); $html.removeClass('rl-changing-language'); }, 500 < (new Date()).getTime() - iStart ? 1 : 500); }) ; }; module.exports = new Translator(); }()); /***/ }, /* 8 */ /*!*******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Globals.js ***! \*******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var Globals = {}, window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4) ; Globals.$win = $(window); Globals.$doc = $(window.document); Globals.$html = $('html'); Globals.$div = $(''); /** * @type {?} */ Globals.now = (new window.Date()).getTime(); /** * @type {?} */ Globals.momentTrigger = ko.observable(true); /** * @type {?} */ Globals.dropdownVisibility = ko.observable(false).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); /** * @type {?} */ Globals.tooltipTrigger = ko.observable(false).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.useKeyboardShortcuts = ko.observable(true); /** * @type {number} */ Globals.iAjaxErrorCount = 0; /** * @type {number} */ Globals.iTokenErrorCount = 0; /** * @type {number} */ Globals.iMessageBodyCacheCount = 0; /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bUnload = false; /** * @type {string} */ Globals.sUserAgent = (window.navigator.userAgent || '').toLowerCase(); /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bIsiOSDevice = -1 < Globals.sUserAgent.indexOf('iphone') || -1 < Globals.sUserAgent.indexOf('ipod') || -1 < Globals.sUserAgent.indexOf('ipad'); /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bIsAndroidDevice = -1 < Globals.sUserAgent.indexOf('android'); /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bMobileDevice = Globals.bIsiOSDevice || Globals.bIsAndroidDevice; /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bDisableNanoScroll = Globals.bMobileDevice; /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bAllowPdfPreview = !Globals.bMobileDevice; /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bAnimationSupported = !Globals.bMobileDevice && Globals.$html.hasClass('csstransitions') && Globals.$html.hasClass('cssanimations'); /** * @type {boolean} */ Globals.bXMLHttpRequestSupported = !!window.XMLHttpRequest; /** * @type {*} */ Globals.__APP__ = null; /** * @type {Object} */ Globals.oHtmlEditorDefaultConfig = { 'title': false, 'stylesSet': false, 'customConfig': '', 'contentsCss': '', 'toolbarGroups': [ {name: 'spec'}, {name: 'styles'}, {name: 'basicstyles', groups: ['basicstyles', 'cleanup', 'bidi']}, {name: 'colors'}, {name: 'paragraph', groups: ['list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align']}, {name: 'links'}, {name: 'insert'}, {name: 'document', groups: ['mode', 'document', 'doctools']}, {name: 'others'} ], 'removePlugins': 'liststyle,table,quicktable,tableresize,tabletools,contextmenu', //blockquote 'removeButtons': 'Format,Undo,Redo,Cut,Copy,Paste,Anchor,Strike,Subscript,Superscript,Image,SelectAll,Source', 'removeDialogTabs': 'link:advanced;link:target;image:advanced;images:advanced', 'extraPlugins': 'plain', // signature 'allowedContent': true, 'font_defaultLabel': 'Arial', 'fontSize_defaultLabel': '13', 'fontSize_sizes': '10/10px;12/12px;13/13px;14/14px;16/16px;18/18px;20/20px;24/24px;28/28px;36/36px;48/48px' }; /** * @type {Object} */ Globals.oHtmlEditorLangsMap = { 'bg': 'bg', 'de': 'de', 'es': 'es', 'fr': 'fr', 'hu': 'hu', 'is': 'is', 'it': 'it', 'ja': 'ja', 'ja-jp': 'ja', 'ko': 'ko', 'ko-kr': 'ko', 'lt': 'lt', 'lv': 'lv', 'nl': 'nl', 'no': 'no', 'pl': 'pl', 'pt': 'pt', 'pt-pt': 'pt', 'pt-br': 'pt-br', 'ro': 'ro', 'ru': 'ru', 'sk': 'sk', 'sv': 'sv', 'tr': 'tr', 'ua': 'ru', 'zh': 'zh', 'zh-tw': 'zh', 'zh-cn': 'zh-cn' }; if (Globals.bAllowPdfPreview && window.navigator && window.navigator.mimeTypes) { Globals.bAllowPdfPreview = !!_.find(window.navigator.mimeTypes, function (oType) { return oType && 'application/pdf' === oType.type; }); } Globals.aBootstrapDropdowns = []; Globals.aViewModels = { 'settings': [], 'settings-removed': [], 'settings-disabled': [] }; Globals.leftPanelDisabled = ko.observable(false); // popups Globals.popupVisibilityNames = ko.observableArray([]); Globals.popupVisibility = ko.computed(function () { return 0 < Globals.popupVisibilityNames().length; }, this); // keys Globals.keyScopeReal = ko.observable(Enums.KeyState.All); Globals.keyScopeFake = ko.observable(Enums.KeyState.All); Globals.keyScope = ko.computed({ 'owner': this, 'read': function () { return Globals.keyScopeFake(); }, 'write': function (sValue) { if (Enums.KeyState.Menu !== sValue) { if (Enums.KeyState.Compose === sValue) { // disableKeyFilter key.filter = function () { return Globals.useKeyboardShortcuts(); }; } else { // restoreKeyFilter key.filter = function (event) { if (Globals.useKeyboardShortcuts()) { var oElement = event.target || event.srcElement, sTagName = oElement ? oElement.tagName : '' ; sTagName = sTagName.toUpperCase(); return !(sTagName === 'INPUT' || sTagName === 'SELECT' || sTagName === 'TEXTAREA' || (oElement && sTagName === 'DIV' && 'editorHtmlArea' === oElement.className && oElement.contentEditable) ); } return false; }; } Globals.keyScopeFake(sValue); if (Globals.dropdownVisibility()) { sValue = Enums.KeyState.Menu; } } Globals.keyScopeReal(sValue); } }); Globals.keyScopeReal.subscribe(function (sValue) { // window.console.log(sValue); key.setScope(sValue); }); Globals.dropdownVisibility.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { Globals.tooltipTrigger(!Globals.tooltipTrigger()); Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.Menu); } else if (Enums.KeyState.Menu === key.getScope()) { Globals.keyScope(Globals.keyScopeFake()); } }); module.exports = Globals; }()); /***/ }, /* 9 */ /*!*********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Storage/Settings.js ***! \*********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor */ function SettingsStorage() { this.oSettings = window['rainloopAppData'] || {}; this.oSettings = Utils.isNormal(this.oSettings) ? this.oSettings : {}; } SettingsStorage.prototype.oSettings = null; /** * @param {string} sName * @return {?} */ SettingsStorage.prototype.settingsGet = function (sName) { return Utils.isUnd(this.oSettings[sName]) ? null : this.oSettings[sName]; }; /** * @param {string} sName * @param {?} mValue */ SettingsStorage.prototype.settingsSet = function (sName, mValue) { this.oSettings[sName] = mValue; }; /** * @param {string} sName * @return {boolean} */ SettingsStorage.prototype.capa = function (sName) { var mCapa = this.settingsGet('Capa'); return Utils.isArray(mCapa) && Utils.isNormal(sName) && -1 < Utils.inArray(sName, mCapa); }; module.exports = new SettingsStorage(); }()); /***/ }, /* 10 */ /*!*************************!*\ !*** external "window" ***! \*************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window; /***/ }, /* 11 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Knoin/AbstractView.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8) ; /** * @constructor * @param {string=} sPosition = '' * @param {string=} sTemplate = '' */ function AbstractView(sPosition, sTemplate) { this.bDisabeCloseOnEsc = false; this.sPosition = Utils.pString(sPosition); this.sTemplate = Utils.pString(sTemplate); this.sDefaultKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.None; this.sCurrentKeyScope = this.sDefaultKeyScope; this.viewModelVisibility = ko.observable(false); this.modalVisibility = ko.observable(false).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); this.viewModelName = ''; this.viewModelNames = []; this.viewModelDom = null; } /** * @type {boolean} */ AbstractView.prototype.bDisabeCloseOnEsc = false; /** * @type {string} */ AbstractView.prototype.sPosition = ''; /** * @type {string} */ AbstractView.prototype.sTemplate = ''; /** * @type {string} */ AbstractView.prototype.sDefaultKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.None; /** * @type {string} */ AbstractView.prototype.sCurrentKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.None; /** * @type {string} */ AbstractView.prototype.viewModelName = ''; /** * @type {Array} */ AbstractView.prototype.viewModelNames = []; /** * @type {?} */ AbstractView.prototype.viewModelDom = null; /** * @return {string} */ AbstractView.prototype.viewModelTemplate = function () { return this.sTemplate; }; /** * @return {string} */ AbstractView.prototype.viewModelPosition = function () { return this.sPosition; }; AbstractView.prototype.cancelCommand = function () {}; AbstractView.prototype.closeCommand = function () {}; AbstractView.prototype.storeAndSetKeyScope = function () { this.sCurrentKeyScope = Globals.keyScope(); Globals.keyScope(this.sDefaultKeyScope); }; AbstractView.prototype.restoreKeyScope = function () { Globals.keyScope(this.sCurrentKeyScope); }; AbstractView.prototype.registerPopupKeyDown = function () { var self = this; Globals.$win.on('keydown', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && self.modalVisibility && self.modalVisibility()) { if (!this.bDisabeCloseOnEsc && Enums.EventKeyCode.Esc === oEvent.keyCode) { Utils.delegateRun(self, 'cancelCommand'); return false; } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Backspace === oEvent.keyCode && !Utils.inFocus()) { return false; } } return true; }); }; module.exports = AbstractView; }()); /***/ }, /* 12 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Links.js ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor */ function Links() { var Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9); this.sBase = '#/'; this.sServer = './?'; this.sSubQuery = '&s=/'; this.sSubSubQuery = '&ss=/'; this.sVersion = Settings.settingsGet('Version'); this.sSpecSuffix = Settings.settingsGet('AuthAccountHash') || '0'; this.sStaticPrefix = Settings.settingsGet('StaticPrefix') || 'rainloop/v/' + this.sVersion + '/static/'; } /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.root = function () { return this.sBase; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.rootAdmin = function () { return this.sServer + '/Admin/'; }; /** * @param {string} sDownload * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.attachmentDownload = function (sDownload) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/Download/' + this.sSubSubQuery + sDownload; }; /** * @param {string} sDownload * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.attachmentPreview = function (sDownload) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/View/' + this.sSubSubQuery + sDownload; }; /** * @param {string} sDownload * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.attachmentThumbnailPreview = function (sDownload) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/ViewThumbnail/' + this.sSubSubQuery + sDownload; }; /** * @param {string} sDownload * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.attachmentPreviewAsPlain = function (sDownload) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/ViewAsPlain/' + this.sSubSubQuery + sDownload; }; /** * @param {string} sDownload * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.attachmentFramed = function (sDownload) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/FramedView/' + this.sSubSubQuery + sDownload; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.upload = function () { return this.sServer + '/Upload/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.uploadContacts = function () { return this.sServer + '/UploadContacts/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.uploadBackground = function () { return this.sServer + '/UploadBackground/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.append = function () { return this.sServer + '/Append/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/'; }; /** * @param {string} sEmail * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.change = function (sEmail) { return this.sServer + '/Change/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/' + Utils.encodeURIComponent(sEmail) + '/'; }; /** * @param {string=} sAdd * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.ajax = function (sAdd) { return this.sServer + '/Ajax/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/' + sAdd; }; /** * @param {string} sRequestHash * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.messageViewLink = function (sRequestHash) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/ViewAsPlain/' + this.sSubSubQuery + sRequestHash; }; /** * @param {string} sRequestHash * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.messageDownloadLink = function (sRequestHash) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/Download/' + this.sSubSubQuery + sRequestHash; }; /** * @param {string} sEmail * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.avatarLink = function (sEmail) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/0/Avatar/' + Utils.encodeURIComponent(sEmail) + '/'; }; /** * @param {string} sHash * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.publicLink = function (sHash) { return this.sServer + '/Raw/0/Public/' + sHash + '/'; }; /** * @param {string} sInboxFolderName = 'INBOX' * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.inbox = function (sInboxFolderName) { sInboxFolderName = Utils.isUnd(sInboxFolderName) ? 'INBOX' : sInboxFolderName; return this.sBase + 'mailbox/' + sInboxFolderName; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.messagePreview = function () { return this.sBase + 'mailbox/message-preview'; }; /** * @param {string=} sScreenName * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.settings = function (sScreenName) { var sResult = this.sBase + 'settings'; if (!Utils.isUnd(sScreenName) && '' !== sScreenName) { sResult += '/' + sScreenName; } return sResult; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.about = function () { return this.sBase + 'about'; }; /** * @param {string} sScreenName * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.admin = function (sScreenName) { var sResult = this.sBase; switch (sScreenName) { case 'AdminDomains': sResult += 'domains'; break; case 'AdminSecurity': sResult += 'security'; break; case 'AdminLicensing': sResult += 'licensing'; break; } return sResult; }; /** * @param {string} sFolder * @param {number=} iPage = 1 * @param {string=} sSearch = '' * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.mailBox = function (sFolder, iPage, sSearch) { iPage = Utils.isNormal(iPage) ? Utils.pInt(iPage) : 1; sSearch = Utils.pString(sSearch); var sResult = this.sBase + 'mailbox/'; if ('' !== sFolder) { sResult += encodeURI(sFolder); } if (1 < iPage) { sResult = sResult.replace(/[\/]+$/, ''); sResult += '/p' + iPage; } if ('' !== sSearch) { sResult = sResult.replace(/[\/]+$/, ''); sResult += '/' + encodeURI(sSearch); } return sResult; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.phpInfo = function () { return this.sServer + 'Info'; }; /** * @param {string} sLang * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.langLink = function (sLang) { return this.sServer + '/Lang/0/' + encodeURI(sLang) + '/' + this.sVersion + '/'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.exportContactsVcf = function () { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/ContactsVcf/'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.exportContactsCsv = function () { return this.sServer + '/Raw/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/ContactsCsv/'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.emptyContactPic = function () { return this.sStaticPrefix + 'css/images/empty-contact.png'; }; /** * @param {string} sFileName * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.sound = function (sFileName) { return this.sStaticPrefix + 'sounds/' + sFileName; }; /** * @param {string} sTheme * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.themePreviewLink = function (sTheme) { var sPrefix = 'rainloop/v/' + this.sVersion + '/'; if ('@custom' === sTheme.substr(-7)) { sTheme = Utils.trim(sTheme.substring(0, sTheme.length - 7)); sPrefix = ''; } return sPrefix + 'themes/' + window.encodeURI(sTheme) + '/images/preview.png'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.notificationMailIcon = function () { return this.sStaticPrefix + 'css/images/icom-message-notification.png'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.openPgpJs = function () { return this.sStaticPrefix + 'js/min/openpgp.js'; }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.socialGoogle = function () { return this.sServer + 'SocialGoogle' + ('' !== this.sSpecSuffix ? '/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/' : ''); }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.socialTwitter = function () { return this.sServer + 'SocialTwitter' + ('' !== this.sSpecSuffix ? '/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/' : ''); }; /** * @return {string} */ Links.prototype.socialFacebook = function () { return this.sServer + 'SocialFacebook' + ('' !== this.sSpecSuffix ? '/' + this.sSubQuery + this.sSpecSuffix + '/' : ''); }; module.exports = new Links(); }()); /***/ }, /* 13 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** external "window.jQuery" ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.jQuery; /***/ }, /* 14 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Storage/User/Remote.js ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Base64 = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Base64 */ 92), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), AbstractRemoteStorage = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/AbstractRemote */ 59) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractRemoteStorage */ function RemoteUserStorage() { AbstractRemoteStorage.call(this); this.oRequests = {}; } _.extend(RemoteUserStorage.prototype, AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype); /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folders = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Folders', { 'SentFolder': Settings.settingsGet('SentFolder'), 'DraftFolder': Settings.settingsGet('DraftFolder'), 'SpamFolder': Settings.settingsGet('SpamFolder'), 'TrashFolder': Settings.settingsGet('TrashFolder'), 'ArchiveFolder': Settings.settingsGet('ArchiveFolder') }, null, '', ['Folders']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sEmail * @param {string} sLogin * @param {string} sPassword * @param {boolean} bSignMe * @param {string=} sLanguage * @param {string=} sAdditionalCode * @param {boolean=} bAdditionalCodeSignMe */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.login = function (fCallback, sEmail, sLogin, sPassword, bSignMe, sLanguage, sAdditionalCode, bAdditionalCodeSignMe) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Login', { 'Email': sEmail, 'Login': sLogin, 'Password': sPassword, 'Language': sLanguage || '', 'AdditionalCode': sAdditionalCode || '', 'AdditionalCodeSignMe': bAdditionalCodeSignMe ? '1' : '0', 'SignMe': bSignMe ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.getTwoFactor = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'GetTwoFactorInfo'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.createTwoFactor = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'CreateTwoFactorSecret'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.clearTwoFactor = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ClearTwoFactorInfo'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.showTwoFactorSecret = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ShowTwoFactorSecret'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sCode */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.testTwoFactor = function (fCallback, sCode) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'TestTwoFactorInfo', { 'Code': sCode }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {boolean} bEnable */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.enableTwoFactor = function (fCallback, bEnable) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'EnableTwoFactor', { 'Enable': bEnable ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.clearTwoFactorInfo = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ClearTwoFactorInfo'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.contactsSync = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ContactsSync', null, Consts.Defaults.ContactsSyncAjaxTimeout); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {boolean} bEnable * @param {string} sUrl * @param {string} sUser * @param {string} sPassword */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.saveContactsSyncData = function (fCallback, bEnable, sUrl, sUser, sPassword) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SaveContactsSyncData', { 'Enable': bEnable ? '1' : '0', 'Url': sUrl, 'User': sUser, 'Password': sPassword }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sEmail * @param {string} sPassword * @param {boolean=} bNew */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.accountSetup = function (fCallback, sEmail, sPassword, bNew) { bNew = Utils.isUnd(bNew) ? true : !!bNew; this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AccountSetup', { 'Email': sEmail, 'Password': sPassword, 'New': bNew ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sEmailToDelete */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.accountDelete = function (fCallback, sEmailToDelete) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AccountDelete', { 'EmailToDelete': sEmailToDelete }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {Array} aAccounts */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.accountSortOrder = function (fCallback, aAccounts) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AccountSortOrder', { 'Accounts': aAccounts }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sId * @param {string} sEmail * @param {string} sName * @param {string} sReplyTo * @param {string} sBcc */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.identityUpdate = function (fCallback, sId, sEmail, sName, sReplyTo, sBcc) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'IdentityUpdate', { 'Id': sId, 'Email': sEmail, 'Name': sName, 'ReplyTo': sReplyTo, 'Bcc': sBcc }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sIdToDelete */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.identityDelete = function (fCallback, sIdToDelete) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'IdentityDelete', { 'IdToDelete': sIdToDelete }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.accountsAndIdentities = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AccountsAndIdentities'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.accountsCounts = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AccountsCounts'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.filtersSave = function (fCallback, aFilters, sRaw, bRawIsActive) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FiltersSave', { 'Raw': sRaw, 'RawIsActive': bRawIsActive ? '1' : '0', 'Filters': _.map(aFilters, function (oItem) { return oItem.toJson(); }) }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.filtersGet = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Filters', {}); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {number=} iOffset = 0 * @param {number=} iLimit = 20 * @param {string=} sSearch = '' * @param {boolean=} bSilent = false */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messageList = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw, iOffset, iLimit, sSearch, bSilent) { sFolderFullNameRaw = Utils.pString(sFolderFullNameRaw); var sFolderHash = Cache.getFolderHash(sFolderFullNameRaw) ; bSilent = Utils.isUnd(bSilent) ? false : !!bSilent; iOffset = Utils.isUnd(iOffset) ? 0 : Utils.pInt(iOffset); iLimit = Utils.isUnd(iOffset) ? 20 : Utils.pInt(iLimit); sSearch = Utils.pString(sSearch); if ('' !== sFolderHash && ('' === sSearch || -1 === sSearch.indexOf('is:'))) { return this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageList', {}, '' === sSearch ? Consts.Defaults.DefaultAjaxTimeout : Consts.Defaults.SearchAjaxTimeout, 'MessageList/' + Base64.urlsafe_encode([ sFolderFullNameRaw, iOffset, iLimit, sSearch, AppStore.projectHash(), sFolderHash, Cache.getFolderInboxName() === sFolderFullNameRaw ? Cache.getFolderUidNext(sFolderFullNameRaw) : '', AppStore.threadsAllowed() && SettingsStore.useThreads() ? '1' : '0', AppStore.threadsAllowed() && sFolderFullNameRaw === Data.messageListThreadFolder() ? Data.messageListThreadUids().join(',') : '' ].join(String.fromCharCode(0))), bSilent ? [] : ['MessageList']); } else { return this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageList', { 'Folder': sFolderFullNameRaw, 'Offset': iOffset, 'Limit': iLimit, 'Search': sSearch, 'UidNext': Cache.getFolderInboxName() === sFolderFullNameRaw ? Cache.getFolderUidNext(sFolderFullNameRaw) : '', 'UseThreads': AppStore.threadsAllowed() && SettingsStore.useThreads() ? '1' : '0', 'ExpandedThreadUid': AppStore.threadsAllowed() && sFolderFullNameRaw === Data.messageListThreadFolder() ? Data.messageListThreadUids().join(',') : '' }, '' === sSearch ? Consts.Defaults.DefaultAjaxTimeout : Consts.Defaults.SearchAjaxTimeout, '', bSilent ? [] : ['MessageList']); } }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {Array} aDownloads */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messageUploadAttachments = function (fCallback, aDownloads) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageUploadAttachments', { 'Attachments': aDownloads }, 999000); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {number} iUid * @return {boolean} */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.message = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw, iUid) { sFolderFullNameRaw = Utils.pString(sFolderFullNameRaw); iUid = Utils.pInt(iUid); if (Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw) && 0 < iUid) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Message', {}, null, 'Message/' + Base64.urlsafe_encode([ sFolderFullNameRaw, iUid, AppStore.projectHash(), AppStore.threadsAllowed() && SettingsStore.useThreads() ? '1' : '0' ].join(String.fromCharCode(0))), ['Message']); return true; } return false; }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {Array} aExternals */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.composeUploadExternals = function (fCallback, aExternals) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ComposeUploadExternals', { 'Externals': aExternals }, 999000); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sUrl * @param {string} sAccessToken */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.composeUploadDrive = function (fCallback, sUrl, sAccessToken) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ComposeUploadDrive', { 'AccessToken': sAccessToken, 'Url': sUrl }, 999000); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolder * @param {Array=} aList = [] */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folderInformation = function (fCallback, sFolder, aList) { var bRequest = true, aUids = [] ; if (Utils.isArray(aList) && 0 < aList.length) { bRequest = false; _.each(aList, function (oMessageListItem) { if (!Cache.getMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessageListItem.folderFullNameRaw, oMessageListItem.uid)) { aUids.push(oMessageListItem.uid); } if (0 < oMessageListItem.threads().length) { _.each(oMessageListItem.threads(), function (sUid) { if (!Cache.getMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessageListItem.folderFullNameRaw, sUid)) { aUids.push(sUid); } }); } }); if (0 < aUids.length) { bRequest = true; } } if (bRequest) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FolderInformation', { 'Folder': sFolder, 'FlagsUids': Utils.isArray(aUids) ? aUids.join(',') : '', 'UidNext': Cache.getFolderInboxName() === sFolder ? Cache.getFolderUidNext(sFolder) : '' }); } else if (SettingsStore.useThreads()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache(); } }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {Array} aFolders */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folderInformationMultiply = function (fCallback, aFolders) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FolderInformationMultiply', { 'Folders': aFolders }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.logout = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Logout'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {Array} aUids * @param {boolean} bSetFlagged */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messageSetFlagged = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw, aUids, bSetFlagged) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageSetFlagged', { 'Folder': sFolderFullNameRaw, 'Uids': aUids.join(','), 'SetAction': bSetFlagged ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {Array} aUids * @param {boolean} bSetSeen */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messageSetSeen = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw, aUids, bSetSeen) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageSetSeen', { 'Folder': sFolderFullNameRaw, 'Uids': aUids.join(','), 'SetAction': bSetSeen ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {boolean} bSetSeen */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messageSetSeenToAll = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw, bSetSeen) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageSetSeenToAll', { 'Folder': sFolderFullNameRaw, 'SetAction': bSetSeen ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sMessageFolder * @param {string} sMessageUid * @param {string} sDraftFolder * @param {string} sFrom * @param {string} sTo * @param {string} sCc * @param {string} sBcc * @param {string} sSubject * @param {boolean} bTextIsHtml * @param {string} sText * @param {Array} aAttachments * @param {(Array|null)} aDraftInfo * @param {string} sInReplyTo * @param {string} sReferences * @param {boolean} bMarkAsImportant */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.saveMessage = function (fCallback, sMessageFolder, sMessageUid, sDraftFolder, sFrom, sTo, sCc, sBcc, sSubject, bTextIsHtml, sText, aAttachments, aDraftInfo, sInReplyTo, sReferences, bMarkAsImportant) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SaveMessage', { 'MessageFolder': sMessageFolder, 'MessageUid': sMessageUid, 'DraftFolder': sDraftFolder, 'From': sFrom, 'To': sTo, 'Cc': sCc, 'Bcc': sBcc, 'Subject': sSubject, 'TextIsHtml': bTextIsHtml ? '1' : '0', 'Text': sText, 'DraftInfo': aDraftInfo, 'InReplyTo': sInReplyTo, 'References': sReferences, 'MarkAsImportant': bMarkAsImportant ? '1' : '0', 'Attachments': aAttachments }, Consts.Defaults.SaveMessageAjaxTimeout); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sMessageFolder * @param {string} sMessageUid * @param {string} sReadReceipt * @param {string} sSubject * @param {string} sText */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.sendReadReceiptMessage = function (fCallback, sMessageFolder, sMessageUid, sReadReceipt, sSubject, sText) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SendReadReceiptMessage', { 'MessageFolder': sMessageFolder, 'MessageUid': sMessageUid, 'ReadReceipt': sReadReceipt, 'Subject': sSubject, 'Text': sText }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sMessageFolder * @param {string} sMessageUid * @param {string} sSentFolder * @param {string} sFrom * @param {string} sTo * @param {string} sCc * @param {string} sBcc * @param {string} sSubject * @param {boolean} bTextIsHtml * @param {string} sText * @param {Array} aAttachments * @param {(Array|null)} aDraftInfo * @param {string} sInReplyTo * @param {string} sReferences * @param {boolean} bRequestReadReceipt * @param {boolean} bMarkAsImportant */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.sendMessage = function (fCallback, sMessageFolder, sMessageUid, sSentFolder, sFrom, sTo, sCc, sBcc, sSubject, bTextIsHtml, sText, aAttachments, aDraftInfo, sInReplyTo, sReferences, bRequestReadReceipt, bMarkAsImportant) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SendMessage', { 'MessageFolder': sMessageFolder, 'MessageUid': sMessageUid, 'SentFolder': sSentFolder, 'From': sFrom, 'To': sTo, 'Cc': sCc, 'Bcc': sBcc, 'Subject': sSubject, 'TextIsHtml': bTextIsHtml ? '1' : '0', 'Text': sText, 'DraftInfo': aDraftInfo, 'InReplyTo': sInReplyTo, 'References': sReferences, 'ReadReceiptRequest': bRequestReadReceipt ? '1' : '0', 'MarkAsImportant': bMarkAsImportant ? '1' : '0', 'Attachments': aAttachments }, Consts.Defaults.SendMessageAjaxTimeout); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {Object} oData */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.saveSystemFolders = function (fCallback, oData) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SystemFoldersUpdate', oData); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {Object} oData */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.saveSettings = function (fCallback, oData) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SettingsUpdate', oData); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sPrevPassword * @param {string} sNewPassword */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.changePassword = function (fCallback, sPrevPassword, sNewPassword) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ChangePassword', { 'PrevPassword': sPrevPassword, 'NewPassword': sNewPassword }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sNewFolderName * @param {string} sParentName */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folderCreate = function (fCallback, sNewFolderName, sParentName) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FolderCreate', { 'Folder': sNewFolderName, 'Parent': sParentName }, null, '', ['Folders']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folderDelete = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FolderDelete', { 'Folder': sFolderFullNameRaw }, null, '', ['Folders']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sPrevFolderFullNameRaw * @param {string} sNewFolderName */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folderRename = function (fCallback, sPrevFolderFullNameRaw, sNewFolderName) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FolderRename', { 'Folder': sPrevFolderFullNameRaw, 'NewFolderName': sNewFolderName }, null, '', ['Folders']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folderClear = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FolderClear', { 'Folder': sFolderFullNameRaw }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {boolean} bSubscribe */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.folderSetSubscribe = function (fCallback, sFolderFullNameRaw, bSubscribe) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'FolderSubscribe', { 'Folder': sFolderFullNameRaw, 'Subscribe': bSubscribe ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolder * @param {string} sToFolder * @param {Array} aUids * @param {string=} sLearning */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messagesMove = function (fCallback, sFolder, sToFolder, aUids, sLearning) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageMove', { 'FromFolder': sFolder, 'ToFolder': sToFolder, 'Uids': aUids.join(','), 'Learning': sLearning || '' }, null, '', ['MessageList']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolder * @param {string} sToFolder * @param {Array} aUids */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messagesCopy = function (fCallback, sFolder, sToFolder, aUids) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageCopy', { 'FromFolder': sFolder, 'ToFolder': sToFolder, 'Uids': aUids.join(',') }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sFolder * @param {Array} aUids */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.messagesDelete = function (fCallback, sFolder, aUids) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'MessageDelete', { 'Folder': sFolder, 'Uids': aUids.join(',') }, null, '', ['MessageList']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.appDelayStart = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AppDelayStart'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.quota = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Quota'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {number} iOffset * @param {number} iLimit * @param {string} sSearch */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.contacts = function (fCallback, iOffset, iLimit, sSearch) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Contacts', { 'Offset': iOffset, 'Limit': iLimit, 'Search': sSearch }, null, '', ['Contacts']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sRequestUid * @param {string} sUid * @param {Array} aProperties */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.contactSave = function (fCallback, sRequestUid, sUid, aProperties) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ContactSave', { 'RequestUid': sRequestUid, 'Uid': Utils.trim(sUid), 'Properties': aProperties }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {Array} aUids */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.contactsDelete = function (fCallback, aUids) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ContactsDelete', { 'Uids': aUids.join(',') }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sQuery * @param {number} iPage */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.suggestions = function (fCallback, sQuery, iPage) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Suggestions', { 'Query': sQuery, 'Page': iPage }, null, '', ['Suggestions']); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.clearUserBackground = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'ClearUserBackground'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.facebookUser = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SocialFacebookUserInformation'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.facebookDisconnect = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SocialFacebookDisconnect'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.twitterUser = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SocialTwitterUserInformation'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.twitterDisconnect = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SocialTwitterDisconnect'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.googleUser = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SocialGoogleUserInformation'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.googleDisconnect = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SocialGoogleDisconnect'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ RemoteUserStorage.prototype.socialUsers = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'SocialUsers'); }; module.exports = new RemoteUserStorage(); }()); /***/ }, /* 15 */ /*!**********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Storage/User/Data.js ***! \**********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ 36), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), MessageModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Message */ 81) ; /** * @constructor */ function DataUserStorage() { // contacts this.contacts = ko.observableArray([]); this.contacts.loading = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.contacts.importing = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.contacts.syncing = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.contacts.exportingVcf = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.contacts.exportingCsv = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.allowContactsSync = ko.observable(false); this.enableContactsSync = ko.observable(false); this.contactsSyncUrl = ko.observable(''); this.contactsSyncUser = ko.observable(''); this.contactsSyncPass = ko.observable(''); this.allowContactsSync = ko.observable(!!Settings.settingsGet('ContactsSyncIsAllowed')); this.enableContactsSync = ko.observable(!!Settings.settingsGet('EnableContactsSync')); this.contactsSyncUrl = ko.observable(Settings.settingsGet('ContactsSyncUrl')); this.contactsSyncUser = ko.observable(Settings.settingsGet('ContactsSyncUser')); this.contactsSyncPass = ko.observable(Settings.settingsGet('ContactsSyncPassword')); // folders this.namespace = ''; this.folderList = ko.observableArray([]); this.folderList.focused = ko.observable(false); this.folderList.optimized = ko.observable(false); this.folderList.error = ko.observable(''); this.foldersLoading = ko.observable(false); this.foldersCreating = ko.observable(false); this.foldersDeleting = ko.observable(false); this.foldersRenaming = ko.observable(false); this.foldersChanging = ko.computed(function () { var bLoading = this.foldersLoading(), bCreating = this.foldersCreating(), bDeleting = this.foldersDeleting(), bRenaming = this.foldersRenaming() ; return bLoading || bCreating || bDeleting || bRenaming; }, this); this.foldersInboxUnreadCount = ko.observable(0); this.currentFolder = ko.observable(null).extend({'toggleSubscribe': [null, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.selected(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext) { oNext.selected(true); } } ]}); this.currentFolderFullNameRaw = ko.computed(function () { return this.currentFolder() ? this.currentFolder().fullNameRaw : ''; }, this); this.currentFolderFullName = ko.computed(function () { return this.currentFolder() ? this.currentFolder().fullName : ''; }, this); this.currentFolderFullNameHash = ko.computed(function () { return this.currentFolder() ? this.currentFolder().fullNameHash : ''; }, this); this.currentFolderName = ko.computed(function () { return this.currentFolder() ? this.currentFolder().name() : ''; }, this); this.folderListSystemNames = ko.computed(function () { var FolderStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32), aList = [Cache.getFolderInboxName()], aFolders = this.folderList(), sSentFolder = FolderStore.sentFolder(), sDraftFolder = FolderStore.draftFolder(), sSpamFolder = FolderStore.spamFolder(), sTrashFolder = FolderStore.trashFolder(), sArchiveFolder = FolderStore.archiveFolder() ; if (Utils.isArray(aFolders) && 0 < aFolders.length) { if ('' !== sSentFolder && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue !== sSentFolder) { aList.push(sSentFolder); } if ('' !== sDraftFolder && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue !== sDraftFolder) { aList.push(sDraftFolder); } if ('' !== sSpamFolder && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue !== sSpamFolder) { aList.push(sSpamFolder); } if ('' !== sTrashFolder && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue !== sTrashFolder) { aList.push(sTrashFolder); } if ('' !== sArchiveFolder && Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue !== sArchiveFolder) { aList.push(sArchiveFolder); } } return aList; }, this); this.folderListSystem = ko.computed(function () { return _.compact(_.map(this.folderListSystemNames(), function (sName) { return Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sName); })); }, this); this.folderMenuForMove = ko.computed(function () { return Utils.folderListOptionsBuilder(this.folderListSystem(), this.folderList(), [ this.currentFolderFullNameRaw() ], null, null, null, null, function (oItem) { return oItem ? oItem.localName() : ''; }); }, this); this.folderMenuForFilters = ko.computed(function () { return Utils.folderListOptionsBuilder(this.folderListSystem(), this.folderList(), ['INBOX'], [['', '']], null, null, null, function (oItem) { return oItem ? oItem.localName() : ''; } ); }, this); // message list this.staticMessageList = []; this.messageList = ko.observableArray([]).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); this.messageListCount = ko.observable(0); this.messageListSearch = ko.observable(''); this.messageListPage = ko.observable(1); this.messageListThreadFolder = ko.observable(''); this.messageListThreadUids = ko.observableArray([]); this.messageListThreadFolder.subscribe(function () { this.messageListThreadUids([]); }, this); this.messageListEndFolder = ko.observable(''); this.messageListEndSearch = ko.observable(''); this.messageListEndPage = ko.observable(1); this.messageListEndHash = ko.computed(function () { return this.messageListEndFolder() + '|' + this.messageListEndSearch() + '|' + this.messageListEndPage(); }, this); this.messageListPageCount = ko.computed(function () { var iPage = window.Math.ceil(this.messageListCount() / SettingsStore.messagesPerPage()); return 0 >= iPage ? 1 : iPage; }, this); this.mainMessageListSearch = ko.computed({ 'read': this.messageListSearch, 'write': function (sValue) { kn.setHash(Links.mailBox( this.currentFolderFullNameHash(), 1, Utils.trim(sValue.toString()) )); }, 'owner': this }); this.messageListError = ko.observable(''); this.messageListLoading = ko.observable(false); this.messageListIsNotCompleted = ko.observable(false); this.messageListCompleteLoadingThrottle = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.messageListCompleteLoading = ko.computed(function () { var bOne = this.messageListLoading(), bTwo = this.messageListIsNotCompleted() ; return bOne || bTwo; }, this); this.messageListCompleteLoading.subscribe(function (bValue) { this.messageListCompleteLoadingThrottle(bValue); }, this); this.messageList.subscribe(_.debounce(function (aList) { _.each(aList, function (oItem) { if (oItem.newForAnimation()) { oItem.newForAnimation(false); } }); }, 500)); // message preview this.staticMessageList = new MessageModel(); this.message = ko.observable(null); this.messageLoading = ko.observable(false); this.messageLoadingThrottle = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 50}); this.message.focused = ko.observable(false); this.message.subscribe(function (oMessage) { if (!oMessage) { this.message.focused(false); this.messageFullScreenMode(false); this.hideMessageBodies(); if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === SettingsStore.layout() && -1 < window.location.hash.indexOf('message-preview')) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).historyBack(); } } else if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === SettingsStore.layout()) { this.message.focused(true); } }, this); this.message.focused.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { this.folderList.focused(false); Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.MessageView); } else if (Enums.KeyState.MessageView === Globals.keyScope()) { if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === SettingsStore.layout() && this.message()) { Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.MessageView); } else { Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.MessageList); } } }, this); this.folderList.focused.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.FolderList); } else if (Enums.KeyState.FolderList === Globals.keyScope()) { Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.MessageList); } }); this.messageLoading.subscribe(function (bValue) { this.messageLoadingThrottle(bValue); }, this); this.messageFullScreenMode = ko.observable(false); this.messageError = ko.observable(''); this.messagesBodiesDom = ko.observable(null); this.messagesBodiesDom.subscribe(function (oDom) { if (oDom && !(oDom instanceof $)) { this.messagesBodiesDom($(oDom)); } }, this); this.messageActiveDom = ko.observable(null); this.isMessageSelected = ko.computed(function () { return null !== this.message(); }, this); this.currentMessage = ko.observable(null); this.messageListChecked = ko.computed(function () { return _.filter(this.messageList(), function (oItem) { return oItem.checked(); }); }, this).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); this.hasCheckedMessages = ko.computed(function () { return 0 < this.messageListChecked().length; }, this).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); this.messageListCheckedOrSelected = ko.computed(function () { var aChecked = this.messageListChecked(), oSelectedMessage = this.currentMessage() ; return _.union(aChecked, oSelectedMessage ? [oSelectedMessage] : []); }, this); this.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails = ko.computed(function () { var aList = []; _.each(this.messageListCheckedOrSelected(), function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { aList.push(oMessage.uid); if (0 < oMessage.threadsLen() && 0 === oMessage.parentUid() && oMessage.lastInCollapsedThread()) { aList = _.union(aList, oMessage.threads()); } } }); return aList; }, this); // other this.composeInEdit = ko.observable(false); this.purgeMessageBodyCacheThrottle = _.throttle(this.purgeMessageBodyCache, 1000 * 30); } DataUserStorage.prototype.purgeMessageBodyCache = function() { var iCount = 0, oMessagesBodiesDom = null, iEnd = Globals.iMessageBodyCacheCount - Consts.Values.MessageBodyCacheLimit ; if (0 < iEnd) { oMessagesBodiesDom = this.messagesBodiesDom(); if (oMessagesBodiesDom) { oMessagesBodiesDom.find('.rl-cache-class').each(function () { var oItem = $(this); if (iEnd > oItem.data('rl-cache-count')) { oItem.addClass('rl-cache-purge'); iCount++; } }); if (0 < iCount) { _.delay(function () { oMessagesBodiesDom.find('.rl-cache-purge').remove(); }, 300); } } } }; DataUserStorage.prototype.initUidNextAndNewMessages = function (sFolder, sUidNext, aNewMessages) { if (Cache.getFolderInboxName() === sFolder && Utils.isNormal(sUidNext) && sUidNext !== '') { if (Utils.isArray(aNewMessages) && 0 < aNewMessages.length) { var iIndex = 0, iLen = aNewMessages.length, NotificationStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Notification */ 66) ; _.each(aNewMessages, function (oItem) { Cache.addNewMessageCache(sFolder, oItem.Uid); }); NotificationStore.playSoundNotification(); if (3 < iLen) { NotificationStore.displayDesktopNotification( Links.notificationMailIcon(), __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22).email(), Translator.i18n('MESSAGE_LIST/NEW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION', { 'COUNT': iLen }) ); } else { for (; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { NotificationStore.displayDesktopNotification( Links.notificationMailIcon(), MessageModel.emailsToLine(MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson(aNewMessages[iIndex].From), false), aNewMessages[iIndex].Subject ); } } } Cache.setFolderUidNext(sFolder, sUidNext); } }; DataUserStorage.prototype.hideMessageBodies = function () { var oMessagesBodiesDom = this.messagesBodiesDom(); if (oMessagesBodiesDom) { oMessagesBodiesDom.find('.b-text-part').hide(); } }; /** * @param {boolean=} bBoot = false * @returns {Array} */ DataUserStorage.prototype.getNextFolderNames = function (bBoot) { bBoot = Utils.isUnd(bBoot) ? false : !!bBoot; var aResult = [], iLimit = 5, iUtc = moment().unix(), iTimeout = iUtc - 60 * 5, aTimeouts = [], sInboxFolderName = Cache.getFolderInboxName(), fSearchFunction = function (aList) { _.each(aList, function (oFolder) { if (oFolder && sInboxFolderName !== oFolder.fullNameRaw && oFolder.selectable && oFolder.existen && iTimeout > oFolder.interval && (!bBoot || oFolder.subScribed())) { aTimeouts.push([oFolder.interval, oFolder.fullNameRaw]); } if (oFolder && 0 < oFolder.subFolders().length) { fSearchFunction(oFolder.subFolders()); } }); } ; fSearchFunction(this.folderList()); aTimeouts.sort(function(a, b) { if (a[0] < b[0]) { return -1; } else if (a[0] > b[0]) { return 1; } return 0; }); _.find(aTimeouts, function (aItem) { var oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(aItem[1]); if (oFolder) { oFolder.interval = iUtc; aResult.push(aItem[1]); } return iLimit <= aResult.length; }); return _.uniq(aResult); }; /** * @param {string} sFromFolderFullNameRaw * @param {Array} aUidForRemove * @param {string=} sToFolderFullNameRaw = '' * @param {bCopy=} bCopy = false */ DataUserStorage.prototype.removeMessagesFromList = function ( sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUidForRemove, sToFolderFullNameRaw, bCopy) { sToFolderFullNameRaw = Utils.isNormal(sToFolderFullNameRaw) ? sToFolderFullNameRaw : ''; bCopy = Utils.isUnd(bCopy) ? false : !!bCopy; aUidForRemove = _.map(aUidForRemove, function (mValue) { return Utils.pInt(mValue); }); var self = this, iUnseenCount = 0, aMessageList = this.messageList(), oFromFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFromFolderFullNameRaw), oToFolder = '' === sToFolderFullNameRaw ? null : Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sToFolderFullNameRaw || ''), sCurrentFolderFullNameRaw = this.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), oCurrentMessage = this.message(), aMessages = sCurrentFolderFullNameRaw === sFromFolderFullNameRaw ? _.filter(aMessageList, function (oMessage) { return oMessage && -1 < Utils.inArray(Utils.pInt(oMessage.uid), aUidForRemove); }) : [] ; _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { if (oMessage && oMessage.unseen()) { iUnseenCount++; } }); if (oFromFolder && !bCopy) { oFromFolder.messageCountAll(0 <= oFromFolder.messageCountAll() - aUidForRemove.length ? oFromFolder.messageCountAll() - aUidForRemove.length : 0); if (0 < iUnseenCount) { oFromFolder.messageCountUnread(0 <= oFromFolder.messageCountUnread() - iUnseenCount ? oFromFolder.messageCountUnread() - iUnseenCount : 0); } } if (oToFolder) { oToFolder.messageCountAll(oToFolder.messageCountAll() + aUidForRemove.length); if (0 < iUnseenCount) { oToFolder.messageCountUnread(oToFolder.messageCountUnread() + iUnseenCount); } oToFolder.actionBlink(true); } if (0 < aMessages.length) { if (bCopy) { _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { oMessage.checked(false); }); } else { this.messageListIsNotCompleted(true); _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { if (oCurrentMessage && oCurrentMessage.hash === oMessage.hash) { oCurrentMessage = null; self.message(null); } oMessage.deleted(true); }); _.delay(function () { _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { self.messageList.remove(oMessage); }); }, 400); } } if ('' !== sFromFolderFullNameRaw) { Cache.setFolderHash(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, ''); } if ('' !== sToFolderFullNameRaw) { Cache.setFolderHash(sToFolderFullNameRaw, ''); } }; /** * @param {Object} oMessageTextBody */ DataUserStorage.prototype.initBlockquoteSwitcher = function (oMessageTextBody) { if (oMessageTextBody) { var $oList = $('blockquote:not(.rl-bq-switcher)', oMessageTextBody).filter(function () { return 0 === $(this).parent().closest('blockquote', oMessageTextBody).length; }); if ($oList && 0 < $oList.length) { _.delay(function () { $oList.each(function () { var $self = $(this), iH = $self.height(); if (0 === iH || 150 < iH) { $self.addClass('rl-bq-switcher hidden-bq'); $('') .insertBefore($self) .click(function () { $self.toggleClass('hidden-bq'); Utils.windowResize(); }) .after('
') .before('
') ; } }); }, 100); } } }; DataUserStorage.prototype.setMessage = function (oData, bCached) { var bIsHtml = false, bHasExternals = false, bHasInternals = false, oBody = null, oTextBody = null, sId = '', sResultHtml = '', bPgpSigned = false, bPgpEncrypted = false, oMessagesBodiesDom = this.messagesBodiesDom(), oMessage = this.message() ; if (oData && oMessage && oData.Result && 'Object/Message' === oData.Result['@Object'] && oMessage.folderFullNameRaw === oData.Result.Folder && oMessage.uid === oData.Result.Uid) { this.messageError(''); oMessage.initUpdateByMessageJson(oData.Result); Cache.addRequestedMessage(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid); if (!bCached) { oMessage.initFlagsByJson(oData.Result); } oMessagesBodiesDom = oMessagesBodiesDom && oMessagesBodiesDom[0] ? oMessagesBodiesDom : null; if (oMessagesBodiesDom) { sId = 'rl-mgs-' + oMessage.hash.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ''); oTextBody = oMessagesBodiesDom.find('#' + sId); if (!oTextBody || !oTextBody[0]) { bHasExternals = !!oData.Result.HasExternals; bHasInternals = !!oData.Result.HasInternals; oBody = $('').hide().addClass('rl-cache-class'); oBody.data('rl-cache-count', ++Globals.iMessageBodyCacheCount); if (Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.Html) && '' !== oData.Result.Html) { bIsHtml = true; sResultHtml = oData.Result.Html.toString(); } else if (Utils.isNormal(oData.Result.Plain) && '' !== oData.Result.Plain) { bIsHtml = false; sResultHtml = Utils.plainToHtml(oData.Result.Plain.toString(), false); if ((oMessage.isPgpSigned() || oMessage.isPgpEncrypted()) && __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).capaOpenPGP()) { oMessage.plainRaw = Utils.pString(oData.Result.Plain); bPgpEncrypted = /---BEGIN PGP MESSAGE---/.test(oMessage.plainRaw); if (!bPgpEncrypted) { bPgpSigned = /-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----/.test(oMessage.plainRaw) && /-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----/.test(oMessage.plainRaw); } Globals.$div.empty(); if (bPgpSigned && oMessage.isPgpSigned()) { sResultHtml = Globals.$div.append( $('').text(oMessage.plainRaw) ).html() ; } else if (bPgpEncrypted && oMessage.isPgpEncrypted()) { sResultHtml = Globals.$div.append( $('').text(oMessage.plainRaw) ).html() ; } Globals.$div.empty(); oMessage.isPgpSigned(bPgpSigned); oMessage.isPgpEncrypted(bPgpEncrypted); } } else { bIsHtml = false; } oBody .html(Utils.findEmailAndLinks(sResultHtml)) .addClass('b-text-part ' + (bIsHtml ? 'html' : 'plain')) ; oMessage.isHtml(!!bIsHtml); oMessage.hasImages(!!bHasExternals); oMessage.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.None); oMessage.pgpSignedVerifyUser(''); oMessage.body = oBody; if (oMessage.body) { oMessagesBodiesDom.append(oMessage.body); } oMessage.storeDataToDom(); if (bHasInternals) { oMessage.showInternalImages(true); } if (oMessage.hasImages() && SettingsStore.showImages()) { oMessage.showExternalImages(true); } this.purgeMessageBodyCacheThrottle(); } else { oMessage.body = oTextBody; if (oMessage.body) { oMessage.body.data('rl-cache-count', ++Globals.iMessageBodyCacheCount); oMessage.fetchDataToDom(); } } this.messageActiveDom(oMessage.body); this.hideMessageBodies(); oMessage.body.show(); if (oBody) { this.initBlockquoteSwitcher(oBody); } } Cache.initMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessage); if (oMessage.unseen()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setMessageSeen(oMessage); } Utils.windowResize(); } }; /** * @param {Array} aList * @returns {string} */ DataUserStorage.prototype.calculateMessageListHash = function (aList) { return _.map(aList, function (oMessage) { return '' + oMessage.hash + '_' + oMessage.threadsLen() + '_' + oMessage.flagHash(); }).join('|'); }; DataUserStorage.prototype.findPublicKeyByHex = function (sHash) { return _.find(__webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).openpgpkeysPublic(), function (oItem) { return oItem && sHash === oItem.id; }); }; DataUserStorage.prototype.findPublicKeysByEmail = function (sEmail) { var self = this; return _.compact(_.map(__webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).openpgpkeysPublic(), function (oItem) { var oKey = null; if (oItem && sEmail === oItem.email) { try { oKey = self.openpgp.key.readArmored(oItem.armor); if (oKey && !oKey.err && oKey.keys && oKey.keys[0]) { return oKey.keys[0]; } } catch (e) {} } return null; })); }; /** * @param {string} sEmail * @param {string=} sPassword * @returns {?} */ DataUserStorage.prototype.findPrivateKeyByEmail = function (sEmail, sPassword) { var self = this, oPrivateKey = null, oKey = _.find(__webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).openpgpkeysPrivate(), function (oItem) { return oItem && sEmail === oItem.email; }) ; if (oKey) { try { oPrivateKey = self.openpgp.key.readArmored(oKey.armor); if (oPrivateKey && !oPrivateKey.err && oPrivateKey.keys && oPrivateKey.keys[0]) { oPrivateKey = oPrivateKey.keys[0]; oPrivateKey.decrypt(Utils.pString(sPassword)); } else { oPrivateKey = null; } } catch (e) { oPrivateKey = null; } } return oPrivateKey; }; /** * @param {string=} sPassword * @returns {?} */ DataUserStorage.prototype.findSelfPrivateKey = function (sPassword) { return this.findPrivateKeyByEmail(__webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22).email(), sPassword); }; module.exports = new DataUserStorage(); }()); /***/ }, /* 16 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Consts.js ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module) { (function () { 'use strict'; var Consts = {}; Consts.Values = {}; Consts.DataImages = {}; Consts.Defaults = {}; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Defaults.MessagesPerPage = 20; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Defaults.ContactsPerPage = 50; /** * @const * @type {Array} */ Consts.Defaults.MessagesPerPageArray = [10, 20, 30, 50, 100/*, 150, 200, 300*/]; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Defaults.DefaultAjaxTimeout = 30000; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Defaults.SearchAjaxTimeout = 300000; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Defaults.SendMessageAjaxTimeout = 300000; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Defaults.SaveMessageAjaxTimeout = 200000; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Defaults.ContactsSyncAjaxTimeout = 200000; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue = '__UNUSE__'; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Consts.Values.ClientSideStorageIndexName = 'rlcsc'; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.ImapDefaulPort = 143; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.ImapDefaulSecurePort = 993; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.SieveDefaulPort = 4190; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.SmtpDefaulPort = 25; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.SmtpDefaulSecurePort = 465; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.MessageBodyCacheLimit = 15; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.AjaxErrorLimit = 7; /** * @const * @type {number} */ Consts.Values.TokenErrorLimit = 10; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Consts.Values.RainLoopTrialKey = 'RAINLOOP-TRIAL-KEY'; /** * @const * @type {string} */ // Consts.DataImages.UserDotPic = ''; Consts.DataImages.UserDotPic = ''; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Consts.DataImages.TranspPic = ''; module.exports = Consts; }(module)); /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(/*! (webpack)/buildin/module.js */ 70)(module))) /***/ }, /* 17 */, /* 18 */, /* 19 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Storage/User/Cache.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function CacheUserStorage() { this.oFoldersCache = {}; this.oFoldersNamesCache = {}; this.oFolderHashCache = {}; this.oFolderUidNextCache = {}; this.oMessageListHashCache = {}; this.oMessageFlagsCache = {}; this.oNewMessage = {}; this.oRequestedMessage = {}; this.bCapaGravatar = Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.Gravatar); } /** * @type {boolean} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.bCapaGravatar = false; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oFoldersCache = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oFoldersNamesCache = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oFolderHashCache = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oFolderUidNextCache = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oMessageListHashCache = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oMessageFlagsCache = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oBodies = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oNewMessage = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.oRequestedMessage = {}; CacheUserStorage.prototype.clear = function () { this.oFoldersCache = {}; this.oFoldersNamesCache = {}; this.oFolderHashCache = {}; this.oFolderUidNextCache = {}; this.oMessageListHashCache = {}; this.oMessageFlagsCache = {}; this.oBodies = {}; }; /** * @param {string} sEmail * @param {Function} fCallback * @return {string} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getUserPic = function (sEmail, fCallback) { sEmail = Utils.trim(sEmail); fCallback(this.bCapaGravatar && '' !== sEmail ? Links.avatarLink(sEmail) : '', sEmail); }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {string} sUid * @return {string} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getMessageKey = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, sUid) { return sFolderFullNameRaw + '#' + sUid; }; /** * @param {string} sFolder * @param {string} sUid */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.addRequestedMessage = function (sFolder, sUid) { this.oRequestedMessage[this.getMessageKey(sFolder, sUid)] = true; }; /** * @param {string} sFolder * @param {string} sUid * @return {boolean} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.hasRequestedMessage = function (sFolder, sUid) { return true === this.oRequestedMessage[this.getMessageKey(sFolder, sUid)]; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {string} sUid */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.addNewMessageCache = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, sUid) { this.oNewMessage[this.getMessageKey(sFolderFullNameRaw, sUid)] = true; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {string} sUid */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.hasNewMessageAndRemoveFromCache = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, sUid) { if (this.oNewMessage[this.getMessageKey(sFolderFullNameRaw, sUid)]) { this.oNewMessage[this.getMessageKey(sFolderFullNameRaw, sUid)] = null; return true; } return false; }; CacheUserStorage.prototype.clearNewMessageCache = function () { this.oNewMessage = {}; }; /** * @type {string} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.sInboxFolderName = ''; /** * @return {string} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getFolderInboxName = function () { return '' === this.sInboxFolderName ? 'INBOX' : this.sInboxFolderName; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderHash * @return {string} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getFolderFullNameRaw = function (sFolderHash) { return '' !== sFolderHash && this.oFoldersNamesCache[sFolderHash] ? this.oFoldersNamesCache[sFolderHash] : ''; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderHash * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.setFolderFullNameRaw = function (sFolderHash, sFolderFullNameRaw) { this.oFoldersNamesCache[sFolderHash] = sFolderFullNameRaw; if ('INBOX' === sFolderFullNameRaw || '' === this.sInboxFolderName) { this.sInboxFolderName = sFolderFullNameRaw; } }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @return {string} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getFolderHash = function (sFolderFullNameRaw) { return '' !== sFolderFullNameRaw && this.oFolderHashCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] ? this.oFolderHashCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] : ''; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {string} sFolderHash */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.setFolderHash = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, sFolderHash) { this.oFolderHashCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] = sFolderHash; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @return {string} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getFolderUidNext = function (sFolderFullNameRaw) { return '' !== sFolderFullNameRaw && this.oFolderUidNextCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] ? this.oFolderUidNextCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] : ''; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {string} sUidNext */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.setFolderUidNext = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, sUidNext) { this.oFolderUidNextCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] = sUidNext; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @return {?FolderModel} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getFolderFromCacheList = function (sFolderFullNameRaw) { return '' !== sFolderFullNameRaw && this.oFoldersCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] ? this.oFoldersCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] : null; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {?FolderModel} oFolder */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.setFolderToCacheList = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, oFolder) { this.oFoldersCache[sFolderFullNameRaw] = oFolder; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.removeFolderFromCacheList = function (sFolderFullNameRaw) { this.setFolderToCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw, null); }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullName * @param {string} sUid * @return {?Array} */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.getMessageFlagsFromCache = function (sFolderFullName, sUid) { return this.oMessageFlagsCache[sFolderFullName] && this.oMessageFlagsCache[sFolderFullName][sUid] ? this.oMessageFlagsCache[sFolderFullName][sUid] : null; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullName * @param {string} sUid * @param {Array} aFlagsCache */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.setMessageFlagsToCache = function (sFolderFullName, sUid, aFlagsCache) { if (!this.oMessageFlagsCache[sFolderFullName]) { this.oMessageFlagsCache[sFolderFullName] = {}; } this.oMessageFlagsCache[sFolderFullName][sUid] = aFlagsCache; }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullName */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.clearMessageFlagsFromCacheByFolder = function (sFolderFullName) { this.oMessageFlagsCache[sFolderFullName] = {}; }; /** * @param {(MessageModel|null)} oMessage */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.initMessageFlagsFromCache = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { var self = this, aFlags = this.getMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid), mUnseenSubUid = null, mFlaggedSubUid = null ; if (aFlags && 0 < aFlags.length) { oMessage.unseen(!!aFlags[0]); oMessage.flagged(!!aFlags[1]); oMessage.answered(!!aFlags[2]); oMessage.forwarded(!!aFlags[3]); oMessage.isReadReceipt(!!aFlags[4]); } if (0 < oMessage.threads().length) { mUnseenSubUid = _.find(oMessage.threads(), function (iSubUid) { var aFlags = self.getMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, iSubUid); return aFlags && 0 < aFlags.length && !!aFlags[0]; }); mFlaggedSubUid = _.find(oMessage.threads(), function (iSubUid) { var aFlags = self.getMessageFlagsFromCache(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, iSubUid); return aFlags && 0 < aFlags.length && !!aFlags[1]; }); oMessage.hasUnseenSubMessage(mUnseenSubUid && 0 < Utils.pInt(mUnseenSubUid)); oMessage.hasFlaggedSubMessage(mFlaggedSubUid && 0 < Utils.pInt(mFlaggedSubUid)); } } }; /** * @param {(MessageModel|null)} oMessage */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.storeMessageFlagsToCache = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { this.setMessageFlagsToCache( oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid, [oMessage.unseen(), oMessage.flagged(), oMessage.answered(), oMessage.forwarded(), oMessage.isReadReceipt()] ); } }; /** * @param {string} sFolder * @param {string} sUid * @param {Array} aFlags */ CacheUserStorage.prototype.storeMessageFlagsToCacheByFolderAndUid = function (sFolder, sUid, aFlags) { if (Utils.isArray(aFlags) && 0 < aFlags.length) { this.setMessageFlagsToCache(sFolder, sUid, aFlags); } }; module.exports = new CacheUserStorage(); }()); /***/ }, /* 20 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Pgp.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3) ; /** * @constructor */ function PgpUserStore() { this.capaOpenPGP = ko.observable(false); this.openpgp = null; this.openpgpkeys = ko.observableArray([]); this.openpgpKeyring = null; this.openpgpkeysPublic = this.openpgpkeys.filter(function (oItem) { return !!(oItem && !oItem.isPrivate); }); this.openpgpkeysPrivate = this.openpgpkeys.filter(function (oItem) { return !!(oItem && oItem.isPrivate); }); } // PgpUserStore.prototype.sign = function (sText, oPrivateKey) // { // try // { // return this.openpgp.signClearMessage([oPrivateKey], sText); // } // catch (oExc) {} // // return sText; // }; // // PgpUserStore.prototype.encrypt = function (sText, aPublicKeys) // { // try // { // return this.openpgp.encryptMessage(aPublicKeys, sText); // } // catch (oExc) {} // // return sText; // }; // // PgpUserStore.prototype.signAndEncrypt = function (sText, aPublicKeys, oPrivateKey) // { // try // { // return this.openpgp.signAndEncryptMessage(aPublicKeys, oPrivateKey, sText); // } // catch (oExc) {} // // return sText; // }; // // /**/ // // PgpUserStore.prototype.verify = function (sText, aPublicKeys) // { // var // mPgpMessage = null // ; // // try // { // mPgpMessage = this.openpgp.cleartext.readArmored(sText); // if (mPgpMessage && mPgpMessage.getText) // { // mPgpMessage.verify(aPublicKeys); // } // } // catch (oExc) {} // // return false; // }; // // PgpUserStore.prototype.decryptAndVerify = function (sEnctyptedText, aPublicKeys, oPivateKey) // { // var // mPgpMessageDecrypted = null, // mPgpMessage = null // ; // // try // { // mPgpMessage = this.openpgp.message.readArmored(sEnctyptedText); // if (mPgpMessage && oPivateKey && mPgpMessage.decrypt) // { // mPgpMessageDecrypted = mPgpMessage.decrypt(oPivateKey); // if (mPgpMessageDecrypted) // { // mPgpMessageDecrypted.verify(aPublicKeys); // } // } // } // catch (oExc) {} // // return false; // }; /** * @return {boolean} */ PgpUserStore.prototype.isSupported = function () { return !!this.openpgp; }; module.exports = new PgpUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 21 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** external "window.key" ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.key; /***/ }, /* 22 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Account.js ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function AccountUserStore() { this.email = ko.observable(''); // this.incLogin = ko.observable(''); // this.outLogin = ko.observable(''); this.displayName = ko.observable(''); this.replyTo = ko.observable(''); this.signature = ko.observable(''); this.accounts = ko.observableArray([]); this.accounts.loading = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 100}); this.accountsEmailNames = ko.observableArray([]).extend({'throttle': 1000}); this.accountsEmailNames.skipFirst = true; this.accounts.subscribe(function (aList) { this.accountsEmailNames(_.compact(_.map(aList, function (oItem) { return oItem ? oItem.email : null; }))); }, this); this.accountsEmailNames.subscribe(function (aList) { if (this.accountsEmailNames.skipFirst) { this.accountsEmailNames.skipFirst = false; } else if (aList && 1 < aList.length) { Remote.accountSortOrder(null, aList); } }, this); this.accountsUnreadCount = ko.computed(function () { var iResult = 0; // _.each(this.accounts(), function (oItem) { // if (oItem) // { // iResult += oItem.count(); // } // }); return iResult; }, this); } AccountUserStore.prototype.populate = function () { this.email(Settings.settingsGet('Email')); // this.incLogin(Settings.settingsGet('IncLogin')); // this.outLogin(Settings.settingsGet('OutLogin')); this.displayName(Settings.settingsGet('DisplayName')); this.replyTo(Settings.settingsGet('ReplyTo')); this.signature(Settings.settingsGet('Signature')); }; module.exports = new AccountUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 23 */ /*!*******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Plugins.js ***! \*******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor */ function Plugins() { this.oSettings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9); this.oViewModelsHooks = {}; this.oSimpleHooks = {}; } /** * @type {Object} */ Plugins.prototype.oSettings = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ Plugins.prototype.oViewModelsHooks = {}; /** * @type {Object} */ Plugins.prototype.oSimpleHooks = {}; /** * @param {string} sName * @param {Function} fCallback */ Plugins.prototype.addHook = function (sName, fCallback) { if (Utils.isFunc(fCallback)) { if (!Utils.isArray(this.oSimpleHooks[sName])) { this.oSimpleHooks[sName] = []; } this.oSimpleHooks[sName].push(fCallback); } }; /** * @param {string} sName * @param {Array=} aArguments */ Plugins.prototype.runHook = function (sName, aArguments) { if (Utils.isArray(this.oSimpleHooks[sName])) { aArguments = aArguments || []; _.each(this.oSimpleHooks[sName], function (fCallback) { fCallback.apply(null, aArguments); }); } }; /** * @param {string} sName * @return {?} */ Plugins.prototype.mainSettingsGet = function (sName) { return this.oSettings.settingsGet(sName); }; /** * @param {Function} fCallback * @param {string} sAction * @param {Object=} oParameters * @param {?number=} iTimeout * @param {string=} sGetAdd = '' * @param {Array=} aAbortActions = [] */ Plugins.prototype.remoteRequest = function (fCallback, sAction, oParameters, iTimeout, sGetAdd, aAbortActions) { if (Globals.__APP__) { Globals.__APP__.remote().defaultRequest(fCallback, sAction, oParameters, iTimeout, sGetAdd, aAbortActions); } }; /** * @param {string} sPluginSection * @param {string} sName * @return {?} */ Plugins.prototype.settingsGet = function (sPluginSection, sName) { var oPlugin = this.oSettings.settingsGet('Plugins'); oPlugin = oPlugin && !Utils.isUnd(oPlugin[sPluginSection]) ? oPlugin[sPluginSection] : null; return oPlugin ? (Utils.isUnd(oPlugin[sName]) ? null : oPlugin[sName]) : null; }; module.exports = new Plugins(); }()); /***/ }, /* 24 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Knoin/AbstractModel.js ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {string} sModelName */ function AbstractModel(sModelName) { this.sModelName = sModelName || ''; this.disposables = []; } /** * @param {Array|Object} mInputValue */ AbstractModel.prototype.regDisposables = function (mInputValue) { if (Utils.isArray(mInputValue)) { _.each(mInputValue, function (mValue) { this.disposables.push(mValue); }, this); } else if (mInputValue) { this.disposables.push(mInputValue); } }; AbstractModel.prototype.onDestroy = function () { Utils.disposeObject(this); // window.console.log('onDestroy: ' + this.sModelName); }; module.exports = AbstractModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 25 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Email.js ***! \****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @param {string=} sEmail * @param {string=} sName * @param {string=} sDkimStatus * @param {string=} sDkimValue * * @constructor */ function EmailModel(sEmail, sName, sDkimStatus, sDkimValue) { this.email = sEmail || ''; this.name = sName || ''; this.dkimStatus = sDkimStatus || 'none'; this.dkimValue = sDkimValue || ''; this.clearDuplicateName(); } /** * @static * @param {AjaxJsonEmail} oJsonEmail * @return {?EmailModel} */ EmailModel.newInstanceFromJson = function (oJsonEmail) { var oEmailModel = new EmailModel(); return oEmailModel.initByJson(oJsonEmail) ? oEmailModel : null; }; /** * @type {string} */ EmailModel.prototype.name = ''; /** * @type {string} */ EmailModel.prototype.email = ''; /** * @type {string} */ EmailModel.prototype.dkimStatus = 'none'; /** * @type {string} */ EmailModel.prototype.dkimValue = ''; EmailModel.prototype.clear = function () { this.email = ''; this.name = ''; this.dkimStatus = 'none'; this.dkimValue = ''; }; /** * @returns {boolean} */ EmailModel.prototype.validate = function () { return '' !== this.name || '' !== this.email; }; /** * @param {boolean} bWithoutName = false * @return {string} */ EmailModel.prototype.hash = function (bWithoutName) { return '#' + (bWithoutName ? '' : this.name) + '#' + this.email + '#'; }; EmailModel.prototype.clearDuplicateName = function () { if (this.name === this.email) { this.name = ''; } }; /** * @param {string} sQuery * @return {boolean} */ EmailModel.prototype.search = function (sQuery) { return -1 < (this.name + ' ' + this.email).toLowerCase().indexOf(sQuery.toLowerCase()); }; /** * @param {string} sString */ EmailModel.prototype.parse = function (sString) { this.clear(); sString = Utils.trim(sString); var mRegex = /(?:"([^"]+)")? ?[<]?(.*?@[^>,]+)>?,? ?/g, mMatch = mRegex.exec(sString) ; if (mMatch) { this.name = mMatch[1] || ''; this.email = mMatch[2] || ''; this.clearDuplicateName(); } else if ((/^[^@]+@[^@]+$/).test(sString)) { this.name = ''; this.email = sString; } }; /** * @param {AjaxJsonEmail} oJsonEmail * @return {boolean} */ EmailModel.prototype.initByJson = function (oJsonEmail) { var bResult = false; if (oJsonEmail && 'Object/Email' === oJsonEmail['@Object']) { this.name = Utils.trim(oJsonEmail.Name); this.email = Utils.trim(oJsonEmail.Email); this.dkimStatus = Utils.trim(oJsonEmail.DkimStatus || ''); this.dkimValue = Utils.trim(oJsonEmail.DkimValue || ''); bResult = '' !== this.email; this.clearDuplicateName(); } return bResult; }; /** * @param {boolean} bFriendlyView * @param {boolean=} bWrapWithLink = false * @param {boolean=} bEncodeHtml = false * @return {string} */ EmailModel.prototype.toLine = function (bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink, bEncodeHtml) { var sResult = ''; if ('' !== this.email) { bWrapWithLink = Utils.isUnd(bWrapWithLink) ? false : !!bWrapWithLink; bEncodeHtml = Utils.isUnd(bEncodeHtml) ? false : !!bEncodeHtml; if (bFriendlyView && '' !== this.name) { sResult = bWrapWithLink ? '') + '" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">' + Utils.encodeHtml(this.name) + '' : (bEncodeHtml ? Utils.encodeHtml(this.name) : this.name); } else { sResult = this.email; if ('' !== this.name) { if (bWrapWithLink) { sResult = Utils.encodeHtml('"' + this.name + '" <') + '') + '" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">' + Utils.encodeHtml(sResult) + '' + Utils.encodeHtml('>'); } else { sResult = '"' + this.name + '" <' + sResult + '>'; if (bEncodeHtml) { sResult = Utils.encodeHtml(sResult); } } } else if (bWrapWithLink) { sResult = '' + Utils.encodeHtml(this.email) + ''; } } } return sResult; }; /** * @param {string} $sEmailAddress * @return {boolean} */ EmailModel.prototype.mailsoParse = function ($sEmailAddress) { $sEmailAddress = Utils.trim($sEmailAddress); if ('' === $sEmailAddress) { return false; } var substr = function (str, start, len) { str += ''; var end = str.length; if (start < 0) { start += end; } end = typeof len === 'undefined' ? end : (len < 0 ? len + end : len + start); return start >= str.length || start < 0 || start > end ? false : str.slice(start, end); }, substr_replace = function (str, replace, start, length) { if (start < 0) { start = start + str.length; } length = length !== undefined ? length : str.length; if (length < 0) { length = length + str.length - start; } return str.slice(0, start) + replace.substr(0, length) + replace.slice(length) + str.slice(start + length); }, $sName = '', $sEmail = '', $sComment = '', $bInName = false, $bInAddress = false, $bInComment = false, $aRegs = null, $iStartIndex = 0, $iEndIndex = 0, $iCurrentIndex = 0 ; while ($iCurrentIndex < $sEmailAddress.length) { switch ($sEmailAddress.substr($iCurrentIndex, 1)) { case '"': if ((!$bInName) && (!$bInAddress) && (!$bInComment)) { $bInName = true; $iStartIndex = $iCurrentIndex; } else if ((!$bInAddress) && (!$bInComment)) { $iEndIndex = $iCurrentIndex; $sName = substr($sEmailAddress, $iStartIndex + 1, $iEndIndex - $iStartIndex - 1); $sEmailAddress = substr_replace($sEmailAddress, '', $iStartIndex, $iEndIndex - $iStartIndex + 1); $iEndIndex = 0; $iCurrentIndex = 0; $iStartIndex = 0; $bInName = false; } break; case '<': if ((!$bInName) && (!$bInAddress) && (!$bInComment)) { if ($iCurrentIndex > 0 && $sName.length === 0) { $sName = substr($sEmailAddress, 0, $iCurrentIndex); } $bInAddress = true; $iStartIndex = $iCurrentIndex; } break; case '>': if ($bInAddress) { $iEndIndex = $iCurrentIndex; $sEmail = substr($sEmailAddress, $iStartIndex + 1, $iEndIndex - $iStartIndex - 1); $sEmailAddress = substr_replace($sEmailAddress, '', $iStartIndex, $iEndIndex - $iStartIndex + 1); $iEndIndex = 0; $iCurrentIndex = 0; $iStartIndex = 0; $bInAddress = false; } break; case '(': if ((!$bInName) && (!$bInAddress) && (!$bInComment)) { $bInComment = true; $iStartIndex = $iCurrentIndex; } break; case ')': if ($bInComment) { $iEndIndex = $iCurrentIndex; $sComment = substr($sEmailAddress, $iStartIndex + 1, $iEndIndex - $iStartIndex - 1); $sEmailAddress = substr_replace($sEmailAddress, '', $iStartIndex, $iEndIndex - $iStartIndex + 1); $iEndIndex = 0; $iCurrentIndex = 0; $iStartIndex = 0; $bInComment = false; } break; case '\\': $iCurrentIndex++; break; } $iCurrentIndex++; } if ($sEmail.length === 0) { $aRegs = $sEmailAddress.match(/[^@\s]+@\S+/i); if ($aRegs && $aRegs[0]) { $sEmail = $aRegs[0]; } else { $sName = $sEmailAddress; } } if ($sEmail.length > 0 && $sName.length === 0 && $sComment.length === 0) { $sName = $sEmailAddress.replace($sEmail, ''); } $sEmail = Utils.trim($sEmail).replace(/^[<]+/, '').replace(/[>]+$/, ''); $sName = Utils.trim($sName).replace(/^["']+/, '').replace(/["']+$/, ''); $sComment = Utils.trim($sComment).replace(/^[(]+/, '').replace(/[)]+$/, ''); // Remove backslash $sName = $sName.replace(/\\\\(.)/g, '$1'); $sComment = $sComment.replace(/\\\\(.)/g, '$1'); this.name = $sName; this.email = $sEmail; this.clearDuplicateName(); return true; }; module.exports = EmailModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 26 */ /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Settings.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function SettingsUserStore() { this.layout = ko.observable(Enums.Layout.SidePreview) .extend({'limitedList': [ Enums.Layout.SidePreview, Enums.Layout.BottomPreview, Enums.Layout.NoPreview ]}); this.editorDefaultType = ko.observable(Enums.EditorDefaultType.Html) .extend({'limitedList': [ Enums.EditorDefaultType.Html, Enums.EditorDefaultType.Plain, Enums.EditorDefaultType.HtmlForced, Enums.EditorDefaultType.PlainForced ]}); this.messagesPerPage = ko.observable(Consts.Defaults.MessagesPerPage) .extend({'limitedList': Consts.Defaults.MessagesPerPageArray}); this.showImages = ko.observable(false); this.useCheckboxesInList = ko.observable(true); this.useThreads = ko.observable(false); this.replySameFolder = ko.observable(false); this.computedProperies(); this.subscribes(); } SettingsUserStore.prototype.computedProperies = function () { this.usePreviewPane = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.Layout.NoPreview !== this.layout(); }, this); }; SettingsUserStore.prototype.subscribes = function () { this.layout.subscribe(function (nValue) { Globals.$html.toggleClass('rl-no-preview-pane', Enums.Layout.NoPreview === nValue); Globals.$html.toggleClass('rl-side-preview-pane', Enums.Layout.SidePreview === nValue); Globals.$html.toggleClass('rl-bottom-preview-pane', Enums.Layout.BottomPreview === nValue); Events.pub('layout', [nValue]); }); }; SettingsUserStore.prototype.populate = function () { this.layout(Utils.pInt(Settings.settingsGet('Layout'))); this.editorDefaultType(Settings.settingsGet('EditorDefaultType')); this.messagesPerPage(Settings.settingsGet('MPP')); this.showImages(!!Settings.settingsGet('ShowImages')); this.useCheckboxesInList(!!Settings.settingsGet('UseCheckboxesInList')); this.useThreads(!!Settings.settingsGet('UseThreads')); this.replySameFolder(!!Settings.settingsGet('ReplySameFolder')); }; module.exports = new SettingsUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 27 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/Compose.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ 36), JSON = __webpack_require__(/*! JSON */ 73), Jua = __webpack_require__(/*! Jua */ 74), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), HtmlEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/HtmlEditor */ 47), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), IdentityStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Identity */ 43), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), FolderStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32), PgpStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20), SocialStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Social */ 35), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), ComposeAttachmentModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/ComposeAttachment */ 96), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function ComposePopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsCompose'); var self = this; this.oEditor = null; this.aDraftInfo = null; this.sInReplyTo = ''; this.bFromDraft = false; this.sReferences = ''; this.triggerForResize = _.bind(this.triggerForResize, this); this.bCapaAdditionalIdentities = Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.AdditionalIdentities); this.allowContacts = !!AppStore.contactsIsAllowed(); this.bSkipNextHide = false; this.composeInEdit = Data.composeInEdit; this.editorDefaultType = SettingsStore.editorDefaultType; this.capaOpenPGP = PgpStore.capaOpenPGP; this.resizer = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 50}); this.identitiesDropdownTrigger = ko.observable(false); this.to = ko.observable(''); this.to.focusTrigger = ko.observable(false); this.cc = ko.observable(''); this.bcc = ko.observable(''); this.replyTo = ko.observable(''); this.subject = ko.observable(''); this.isHtml = ko.observable(false); this.requestReadReceipt = ko.observable(false); this.markAsImportant = ko.observable(false); this.sendError = ko.observable(false); this.sendSuccessButSaveError = ko.observable(false); this.savedError = ko.observable(false); this.savedTime = ko.observable(0); this.savedOrSendingText = ko.observable(''); this.emptyToError = ko.observable(false); this.attachmentsInProcessError = ko.observable(false); this.attachmentsInErrorError = ko.observable(false); this.showCc = ko.observable(false); this.showBcc = ko.observable(false); this.cc.subscribe(function (aValue) { if (false === self.showCc() && 0 < aValue.length) { self.showCc(true); } }, this); this.bcc.subscribe(function (aValue) { if (false === self.showBcc() && 0 < aValue.length) { self.showBcc(true); } }, this); this.draftFolder = ko.observable(''); this.draftUid = ko.observable(''); this.sending = ko.observable(false); this.saving = ko.observable(false); this.attachments = ko.observableArray([]); this.attachmentsInProcess = this.attachments.filter(function (oItem) { return oItem && !oItem.complete(); }); this.attachmentsInReady = this.attachments.filter(function (oItem) { return oItem && oItem.complete(); }); this.attachmentsInError = this.attachments.filter(function (oItem) { return oItem && '' !== oItem.error(); }); this.attachmentsCount = ko.computed(function () { return this.attachments().length; }, this); this.attachmentsInErrorCount = ko.computed(function () { return this.attachmentsInError().length; }, this); this.attachmentsInProcessCount = ko.computed(function () { return this.attachmentsInProcess().length; }, this); this.isDraftFolderMessage = ko.computed(function () { return '' !== this.draftFolder() && '' !== this.draftUid(); }, this); this.attachmentsPlace = ko.observable(false); this.attachments.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); this.attachmentsPlace.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); this.attachmentsInErrorCount.subscribe(function (iN) { if (0 === iN) { this.attachmentsInErrorError(false); } }, this); this.composeUploaderButton = ko.observable(null); this.composeUploaderDropPlace = ko.observable(null); this.dragAndDropEnabled = ko.observable(false); this.dragAndDropOver = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 1}); this.dragAndDropVisible = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 1}); this.attacheMultipleAllowed = ko.observable(false); this.addAttachmentEnabled = ko.observable(false); this.composeEditorArea = ko.observable(null); this.identities = IdentityStore.identities; this.defaultIdentityID = IdentityStore.defaultIdentityID; this.currentIdentityID = ko.observable(''); this.currentIdentityString = ko.observable(''); this.currentIdentityResultEmail = ko.observable(''); this.identitiesOptions = ko.computed(function () { var aList = [{ 'optValue': AccountStore.email(), 'optText': this.formattedFrom(false) }]; _.each(IdentityStore.identities(), function (oItem) { aList.push({ 'optValue': oItem.id, 'optText': oItem.formattedNameForCompose() }); }); return aList; }, this); ko.computed(function () { var sResult = '', sResultEmail = '', oItem = null, aList = IdentityStore.identities(), sID = this.currentIdentityID() ; if (this.bCapaAdditionalIdentities && sID && sID !== AccountStore.email()) { oItem = _.find(aList, function (oItem) { return oItem && sID === oItem['id']; }); sResult = oItem ? oItem.formattedNameForCompose() : ''; sResultEmail = oItem ? oItem.formattedNameForEmail() : ''; if ('' === sResult && aList[0]) { this.currentIdentityID(aList[0]['id']); return ''; } } if ('' === sResult) { sResult = this.formattedFrom(false); sResultEmail = this.formattedFrom(true); } this.currentIdentityString(sResult); this.currentIdentityResultEmail(sResultEmail); return sResult; }, this); this.to.subscribe(function (sValue) { if (this.emptyToError() && 0 < sValue.length) { this.emptyToError(false); } }, this); this.attachmentsInProcess.subscribe(function (aValue) { if (this.attachmentsInProcessError() && Utils.isArray(aValue) && 0 === aValue.length) { this.attachmentsInProcessError(false); } }, this); this.editorResizeThrottle = _.throttle(_.bind(this.editorResize, this), 100); this.resizer.subscribe(function () { this.editorResizeThrottle(); }, this); this.canBeSendedOrSaved = ko.computed(function () { return !this.sending() && !this.saving(); }, this); this.deleteCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolderWithoutCheck(this.draftFolder(), [this.draftUid()]); kn.hideScreenPopup(ComposePopupView); }, function () { return this.isDraftFolderMessage(); }); this.sendMessageResponse = _.bind(this.sendMessageResponse, this); this.saveMessageResponse = _.bind(this.saveMessageResponse, this); this.sendCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var sTo = Utils.trim(this.to()), sSentFolder = FolderStore.sentFolder(), aFlagsCache = [] ; if (0 < this.attachmentsInProcess().length) { this.attachmentsInProcessError(true); this.attachmentsPlace(true); } else if (0 < this.attachmentsInError().length) { this.attachmentsInErrorError(true); this.attachmentsPlace(true); } else if (0 === sTo.length) { this.emptyToError(true); } else { if (SettingsStore.replySameFolder()) { if (Utils.isArray(this.aDraftInfo) && 3 === this.aDraftInfo.length && Utils.isNormal(this.aDraftInfo[2]) && 0 < this.aDraftInfo[2].length) { sSentFolder = this.aDraftInfo[2]; } } if ('' === sSentFolder) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/FolderSystem */ 44), [Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Sent]); } else { this.sendError(false); this.sending(true); if (Utils.isArray(this.aDraftInfo) && 3 === this.aDraftInfo.length) { aFlagsCache = Cache.getMessageFlagsFromCache(this.aDraftInfo[2], this.aDraftInfo[1]); if (aFlagsCache) { if ('forward' === this.aDraftInfo[0]) { aFlagsCache[3] = true; } else { aFlagsCache[2] = true; } Cache.setMessageFlagsToCache(this.aDraftInfo[2], this.aDraftInfo[1], aFlagsCache); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache(); Cache.setFolderHash(this.aDraftInfo[2], ''); } } sSentFolder = Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === sSentFolder ? '' : sSentFolder; Cache.setFolderHash(this.draftFolder(), ''); Cache.setFolderHash(sSentFolder, ''); Remote.sendMessage( this.sendMessageResponse, this.draftFolder(), this.draftUid(), sSentFolder, this.currentIdentityResultEmail(), sTo, this.cc(), this.bcc(), this.subject(), this.oEditor ? this.oEditor.isHtml() : false, this.oEditor ? this.oEditor.getData(true) : '', this.prepearAttachmentsForSendOrSave(), this.aDraftInfo, this.sInReplyTo, this.sReferences, this.requestReadReceipt(), this.markAsImportant() ); } } }, this.canBeSendedOrSaved); this.saveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (FolderStore.draftFolderNotEnabled()) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/FolderSystem */ 44), [Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Draft]); } else { this.savedError(false); this.saving(true); this.autosaveStart(); Cache.setFolderHash(FolderStore.draftFolder(), ''); Remote.saveMessage( this.saveMessageResponse, this.draftFolder(), this.draftUid(), FolderStore.draftFolder(), this.currentIdentityResultEmail(), this.to(), this.cc(), this.bcc(), this.subject(), this.oEditor ? this.oEditor.isHtml() : false, this.oEditor ? this.oEditor.getData(true) : '', this.prepearAttachmentsForSendOrSave(), this.aDraftInfo, this.sInReplyTo, this.sReferences, this.markAsImportant() ); } }, this.canBeSendedOrSaved); this.skipCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.bSkipNextHide = true; if (this.modalVisibility() && !this.saving() && !this.sending() && !FolderStore.draftFolderNotEnabled()) { this.saveCommand(); } this.tryToClosePopup(); }, this.canBeSendedOrSaved); this.contactsCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.allowContacts) { this.skipCommand(); _.delay(function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Contacts */ 68), [true]); }, 200); } }, function () { return this.allowContacts; }); Events.sub('interval.2m', function () { if (this.modalVisibility() && !FolderStore.draftFolderNotEnabled() && !this.isEmptyForm(false) && !this.saving() && !this.sending() && !this.savedError()) { this.saveCommand(); } }, this); this.showCc.subscribe(this.triggerForResize); this.showBcc.subscribe(this.triggerForResize); this.dropboxEnabled = SocialStore.dropbox.enabled; this.dropboxApiKey = SocialStore.dropbox.apiKey; this.dropboxCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (window.Dropbox) { window.Dropbox.choose({ //'iframe': true, 'success': function(aFiles) { if (aFiles && aFiles[0] && aFiles[0]['link']) { self.addDropboxAttachment(aFiles[0]); } }, 'linkType': "direct", 'multiselect': false }); } return true; }, function () { return this.dropboxEnabled(); }); this.driveEnabled = ko.observable(Globals.bXMLHttpRequestSupported && !!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocial') && !!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocialDrive') && !!Settings.settingsGet('GoogleClientID') && !!Settings.settingsGet('GoogleApiKey')); this.driveVisible = ko.observable(false); this.driveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.driveOpenPopup(); return true; }, function () { return this.driveEnabled(); }); this.driveCallback = _.bind(this.driveCallback, this); this.bDisabeCloseOnEsc = true; this.sDefaultKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.Compose; this.tryToClosePopup = _.debounce(_.bind(this.tryToClosePopup, this), 200); this.emailsSource = _.bind(this.emailsSource, this); this.autosaveFunction = _.bind(this.autosaveFunction, this); this.iTimer = 0; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/Compose', 'PopupsComposeViewModel'], ComposePopupView); _.extend(ComposePopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); ComposePopupView.prototype.autosaveFunction = function () { if (this.modalVisibility() && !FolderStore.draftFolderNotEnabled() && !this.isEmptyForm(false) && !this.saving() && !this.sending() && !this.savedError()) { this.saveCommand(); } this.autosaveStart(); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.autosaveStart = function () { window.clearTimeout(this.iTimer); this.iTimer = window.setTimeout(this.autosaveFunction, 1000 * 60 * 1); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.autosaveStop = function () { window.clearTimeout(this.iTimer); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.emailsSource = function (oData, fResponse) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).getAutocomplete(oData.term, function (aData) { fResponse(_.map(aData, function (oEmailItem) { return oEmailItem.toLine(false); })); }); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.openOpenPgpPopup = function () { if (PgpStore.capaOpenPGP() && this.oEditor && !this.oEditor.isHtml()) { var self = this; kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/ComposeOpenPgp */ 137), [ function (sResult) { self.editor(function (oEditor) { oEditor.setPlain(sResult); }); }, this.oEditor.getData(), this.currentIdentityResultEmail(), this.to(), this.cc(), this.bcc() ]); } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.reloadDraftFolder = function () { var sDraftFolder = FolderStore.draftFolder() ; if ('' !== sDraftFolder) { Cache.setFolderHash(sDraftFolder, ''); if (Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw() === sDraftFolder) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadMessageList(true); } else { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).folderInformation(sDraftFolder); } } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.findIdentityIdByMessage = function (sComposeType, oMessage) { var oIDs = {}, sResult = '', sEmail = '', fFindHelper = function (oItem) { if (oItem && oItem.email && oIDs[oItem.email]) { sEmail = oItem.email; sResult = oIDs[oItem.email]; return true; } return false; } ; if (this.bCapaAdditionalIdentities) { _.each(IdentityStore.identities(), function (oItem) { oIDs[oItem.email()] = oItem['id']; }); } oIDs[AccountStore.email()] = AccountStore.email(); if (oMessage) { switch (sComposeType) { case Enums.ComposeType.Empty: break; case Enums.ComposeType.Reply: case Enums.ComposeType.ReplyAll: case Enums.ComposeType.Forward: case Enums.ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment: _.find(_.union(oMessage.to, oMessage.cc, oMessage.bcc, oMessage.deliveredTo), fFindHelper); break; case Enums.ComposeType.Draft: _.find(_.union(oMessage.from, oMessage.replyTo), fFindHelper); break; } } if ('' === sResult) { sResult = IdentityStore.defaultIdentityID(); } if ('' === sResult) { sResult = AccountStore.email(); sEmail = sResult; } return [sResult, sEmail]; }; ComposePopupView.prototype.selectIdentity = function (oIdentity) { if (oIdentity) { this.currentIdentityID(oIdentity.optValue); } }; /** * * @param {boolean=} bHeaderResult = false * @returns {string} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.formattedFrom = function (bHeaderResult) { var sDisplayName = AccountStore.displayName(), sEmail = AccountStore.email() ; return '' === sDisplayName ? sEmail : ((Utils.isUnd(bHeaderResult) ? false : !!bHeaderResult) ? '"' + Utils.quoteName(sDisplayName) + '" <' + sEmail + '>' : sDisplayName + ' (' + sEmail + ')') ; }; ComposePopupView.prototype.sendMessageResponse = function (sResult, oData) { var bResult = false, sMessage = '' ; this.sending(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { bResult = true; if (this.modalVisibility()) { Utils.delegateRun(this, 'closeCommand'); } } if (this.modalVisibility() && !bResult) { if (oData && Enums.Notification.CantSaveMessage === oData.ErrorCode) { this.sendSuccessButSaveError(true); window.alert(Utils.trim(Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/SAVED_ERROR_ON_SEND'))); } else { sMessage = Translator.getNotification(oData && oData.ErrorCode ? oData.ErrorCode : Enums.Notification.CantSendMessage, oData && oData.ErrorMessage ? oData.ErrorMessage : ''); this.sendError(true); window.alert(sMessage || Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.CantSendMessage)); } } this.reloadDraftFolder(); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.saveMessageResponse = function (sResult, oData) { var bResult = false, oMessage = null ; this.saving(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { if (oData.Result.NewFolder && oData.Result.NewUid) { bResult = true; if (this.bFromDraft) { oMessage = Data.message(); if (oMessage && this.draftFolder() === oMessage.folderFullNameRaw && this.draftUid() === oMessage.uid) { Data.message(null); } } this.draftFolder(oData.Result.NewFolder); this.draftUid(oData.Result.NewUid); this.savedTime(window.Math.round((new window.Date()).getTime() / 1000)); this.savedOrSendingText( 0 < this.savedTime() ? Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/SAVED_TIME', { 'TIME': moment.unix(this.savedTime() - 1).format('LT') }) : '' ); if (this.bFromDraft) { Cache.setFolderHash(this.draftFolder(), ''); } } } if (!bResult) { this.savedError(true); this.savedOrSendingText(Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.CantSaveMessage)); } this.reloadDraftFolder(); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.onHide = function () { this.autosaveStop(); if (!this.bSkipNextHide) { this.composeInEdit(false); this.reset(); } this.bSkipNextHide = false; kn.routeOn(); }; /** * @param {string} sInputText * @param {string} sSignature * @param {string=} sFrom * @param {string=} sComposeType * @return {string} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.convertSignature = function (sInputText, sSignature, sFrom, sComposeType) { var bHtml = false, bData = false; if ('' !== sSignature) { if (':HTML:' === sSignature.substr(0, 6)) { bHtml = true; sSignature = sSignature.substr(6); } sSignature = sSignature.replace(/[\r]/g, ''); sFrom = Utils.pString(sFrom); if ('' !== sFrom) { sSignature = sSignature.replace(/{{FROM-FULL}}/g, sFrom); if (-1 === sFrom.indexOf(' ') && 0 < sFrom.indexOf('@')) { sFrom = sFrom.replace(/@(.+)$/, ''); } sSignature = sSignature.replace(/{{FROM}}/g, sFrom); } sSignature = sSignature.replace(/[\s]{1,2}{{FROM}}/g, '{{FROM}}'); sSignature = sSignature.replace(/[\s]{1,2}{{FROM-FULL}}/g, '{{FROM-FULL}}'); sSignature = sSignature.replace(/{{FROM}}/g, ''); sSignature = sSignature.replace(/{{FROM-FULL}}/g, ''); if (-1 < sSignature.indexOf('{{DATE}}')) { sSignature = sSignature.replace(/{{DATE}}/g, moment().format('llll')); } // Enums.ComposeType.Empty === sComposeType if (-1 < sSignature.indexOf('{{BODY}}')) { if (sInputText) { bData = true; sSignature = bHtml ? sSignature : Utils.plainToHtml(sSignature, true); sSignature = sSignature.replace('{{BODY}}', sInputText); } else { sSignature = sSignature.replace(/[\n]?{{BODY}}[\n]?/g, '{{BODY}}'); sSignature = sSignature.replace(/{{BODY}}/g, ''); sSignature = bHtml ? sSignature : Utils.plainToHtml(sSignature, true); } } else { sSignature = bHtml ? sSignature : Utils.plainToHtml(sSignature, true); } } if (!bData) { if (sSignature) { switch (sComposeType) { case Enums.ComposeType.Empty: sInputText = sInputText + '
' + sSignature; break; default: sInputText = sSignature + '
' + sInputText; break; } } } else { sInputText = sSignature; } return sInputText; }; ComposePopupView.prototype.editor = function (fOnInit) { if (fOnInit) { var self = this; if (!this.oEditor && this.composeEditorArea()) { _.delay(function () { self.oEditor = new HtmlEditor(self.composeEditorArea(), null, function () { fOnInit(self.oEditor); }, function (bHtml) { self.isHtml(!!bHtml); }); }, 300); } else if (this.oEditor) { fOnInit(this.oEditor); } } }; /** * @param {string=} sType = Enums.ComposeType.Empty * @param {?MessageModel|Array=} oMessageOrArray = null * @param {Array=} aToEmails = null * @param {Array=} aCcEmails = null * @param {Array=} aBccEmails = null * @param {string=} sCustomSubject = null * @param {string=} sCustomPlainText = null */ ComposePopupView.prototype.onShow = function (sType, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText) { kn.routeOff(); this.autosaveStart(); if (this.composeInEdit()) { sType = sType || Enums.ComposeType.Empty; var self = this; if (Enums.ComposeType.Empty !== sType) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Ask */ 40), [Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/DISCARD_UNSAVED_DATA'), function () { self.initOnShow(sType, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText); }, null, null, null, false]); } else { this.addEmailsTo(this.to, aToEmails); this.addEmailsTo(this.cc, aCcEmails); this.addEmailsTo(this.bcc, aBccEmails); if (Utils.isNormal(sCustomSubject) && '' !== sCustomSubject && '' === this.subject()) { this.subject(sCustomSubject); } } } else { this.initOnShow(sType, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText); } }; /** * @param {Function} fKoValue * @param {Array} aEmails */ ComposePopupView.prototype.addEmailsTo = function (fKoValue, aEmails) { var sValue = Utils.trim(fKoValue()), aValue = [] ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aEmails)) { aValue = _.uniq(_.compact(_.map(aEmails, function (oItem) { return oItem ? oItem.toLine(false) : null; }))); fKoValue(sValue + ('' === sValue ? '' : ', ') + Utils.trim(aValue.join(', '))); } }; /** * @param {string=} sType = Enums.ComposeType.Empty * @param {?MessageModel|Array=} oMessageOrArray = null * @param {Array=} aToEmails = null * @param {Array=} aCcEmails = null * @param {Array=} aBccEmails = null * @param {string=} sCustomSubject = null * @param {string=} sCustomPlainText = null */ ComposePopupView.prototype.initOnShow = function (sType, oMessageOrArray, aToEmails, aCcEmails, aBccEmails, sCustomSubject, sCustomPlainText) { this.composeInEdit(true); var self = this, sFrom = '', sTo = '', sCc = '', sDate = '', sSubject = '', oText = null, sText = '', sReplyTitle = '', aResplyAllParts = [], oExcludeEmail = {}, oIdResult = null, mEmail = AccountStore.email(), sSignature = AccountStore.signature(), aDownloads = [], aDraftInfo = null, oMessage = null, sComposeType = sType || Enums.ComposeType.Empty, fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper = function (aList, bFriendly) { var iIndex = 0, iLen = aList.length, aResult = [] ; for (; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { aResult.push(aList[iIndex].toLine(!!bFriendly)); } return aResult.join(', '); } ; oMessageOrArray = oMessageOrArray || null; if (oMessageOrArray && Utils.isNormal(oMessageOrArray)) { oMessage = Utils.isArray(oMessageOrArray) && 1 === oMessageOrArray.length ? oMessageOrArray[0] : (!Utils.isArray(oMessageOrArray) ? oMessageOrArray : null); } if (null !== mEmail) { oExcludeEmail[mEmail] = true; } oIdResult = this.findIdentityIdByMessage(sComposeType, oMessage); if (oIdResult && oIdResult[0]) { oExcludeEmail[oIdResult[1]] = true; this.currentIdentityID(oIdResult[0]); } this.reset(); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aToEmails)) { this.to(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(aToEmails)); } if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aCcEmails)) { this.cc(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(aCcEmails)); } if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aBccEmails)) { this.bcc(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(aBccEmails)); } if ('' !== sComposeType && oMessage) { sDate = oMessage.fullFormatDateValue(); sSubject = oMessage.subject(); aDraftInfo = oMessage.aDraftInfo; oText = $(oMessage.body).clone(); if (oText) { oText.find('blockquote.rl-bq-switcher').each(function () { $(this).removeClass('rl-bq-switcher hidden-bq'); }); oText.find('.rlBlockquoteSwitcher').each(function () { $(this).remove(); }); } oText.find('[data-html-editor-font-wrapper]').removeAttr('data-html-editor-font-wrapper'); sText = oText.html(); switch (sComposeType) { case Enums.ComposeType.Empty: break; case Enums.ComposeType.Reply: this.to(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.replyEmails(oExcludeEmail))); this.subject(Utils.replySubjectAdd('Re', sSubject)); this.prepearMessageAttachments(oMessage, sComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['reply', oMessage.uid, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw]; this.sInReplyTo = oMessage.sMessageId; this.sReferences = Utils.trim(this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + oMessage.sReferences); break; case Enums.ComposeType.ReplyAll: aResplyAllParts = oMessage.replyAllEmails(oExcludeEmail); this.to(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(aResplyAllParts[0])); this.cc(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(aResplyAllParts[1])); this.subject(Utils.replySubjectAdd('Re', sSubject)); this.prepearMessageAttachments(oMessage, sComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['reply', oMessage.uid, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw]; this.sInReplyTo = oMessage.sMessageId; this.sReferences = Utils.trim(this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + oMessage.references()); break; case Enums.ComposeType.Forward: this.subject(Utils.replySubjectAdd('Fwd', sSubject)); this.prepearMessageAttachments(oMessage, sComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['forward', oMessage.uid, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw]; this.sInReplyTo = oMessage.sMessageId; this.sReferences = Utils.trim(this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + oMessage.sReferences); break; case Enums.ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment: this.subject(Utils.replySubjectAdd('Fwd', sSubject)); this.prepearMessageAttachments(oMessage, sComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = ['forward', oMessage.uid, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw]; this.sInReplyTo = oMessage.sMessageId; this.sReferences = Utils.trim(this.sInReplyTo + ' ' + oMessage.sReferences); break; case Enums.ComposeType.Draft: this.to(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.to)); this.cc(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.cc)); this.bcc(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.bcc)); this.bFromDraft = true; this.draftFolder(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw); this.draftUid(oMessage.uid); this.subject(sSubject); this.prepearMessageAttachments(oMessage, sComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aDraftInfo) && 3 === aDraftInfo.length ? aDraftInfo : null; this.sInReplyTo = oMessage.sInReplyTo; this.sReferences = oMessage.sReferences; break; case Enums.ComposeType.EditAsNew: this.to(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.to)); this.cc(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.cc)); this.bcc(fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.bcc)); this.subject(sSubject); this.prepearMessageAttachments(oMessage, sComposeType); this.aDraftInfo = Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aDraftInfo) && 3 === aDraftInfo.length ? aDraftInfo : null; this.sInReplyTo = oMessage.sInReplyTo; this.sReferences = oMessage.sReferences; break; } switch (sComposeType) { case Enums.ComposeType.Reply: case Enums.ComposeType.ReplyAll: sFrom = oMessage.fromToLine(false, true); sReplyTitle = Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/REPLY_MESSAGE_TITLE', { 'DATETIME': sDate, 'EMAIL': sFrom }); sText = '
' + sReplyTitle + ':' + ''; break; case Enums.ComposeType.Forward: sFrom = oMessage.fromToLine(false, true); sTo = oMessage.toToLine(false, true); sCc = oMessage.ccToLine(false, true); sText = '' + sText + '
' + Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/FORWARD_MESSAGE_TOP_TITLE') + '
' + Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/FORWARD_MESSAGE_TOP_FROM') + ': ' + sFrom + '
' + Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/FORWARD_MESSAGE_TOP_TO') + ': ' + sTo + (0 < sCc.length ? '
' + Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/FORWARD_MESSAGE_TOP_CC') + ': ' + sCc : '') + '
' + Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/FORWARD_MESSAGE_TOP_SENT') + ': ' + Utils.encodeHtml(sDate) + '
' + Translator.i18n('COMPOSE/FORWARD_MESSAGE_TOP_SUBJECT') + ': ' + Utils.encodeHtml(sSubject) + '
' + sText; break; case Enums.ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment: sText = ''; break; } if ('' !== sSignature && Enums.ComposeType.EditAsNew !== sComposeType && Enums.ComposeType.Draft !== sComposeType) { sText = this.convertSignature(sText, sSignature, fEmailArrayToStringLineHelper(oMessage.from, true), sComposeType); } this.editor(function (oEditor) { oEditor.setHtml(sText, false); if (Enums.EditorDefaultType.PlainForced === self.editorDefaultType() || (!oMessage.isHtml() && Enums.EditorDefaultType.HtmlForced !== self.editorDefaultType())) { oEditor.modeToggle(false); } }); } else if (Enums.ComposeType.Empty === sComposeType) { this.subject(Utils.isNormal(sCustomSubject) ? '' + sCustomSubject : ''); sText = Utils.isNormal(sCustomPlainText) ? '' + sCustomPlainText : ''; if ('' !== sSignature) { sText = this.convertSignature(Utils.plainToHtml(sText, true), sSignature, '', sComposeType); } this.editor(function (oEditor) { oEditor.setHtml(sText, false); if (Enums.EditorDefaultType.Html !== self.editorDefaultType() && Enums.EditorDefaultType.HtmlForced !== self.editorDefaultType()) { oEditor.modeToggle(false); } }); } else if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oMessageOrArray)) { _.each(oMessageOrArray, function (oMessage) { self.addMessageAsAttachment(oMessage); }); } aDownloads = this.getAttachmentsDownloadsForUpload(); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aDownloads)) { Remote.messageUploadAttachments(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { var oAttachment = null, sTempName = '' ; if (!self.viewModelVisibility()) { for (sTempName in oData.Result) { if (oData.Result.hasOwnProperty(sTempName)) { oAttachment = self.getAttachmentById(oData.Result[sTempName]); if (oAttachment) { oAttachment.tempName(sTempName); oAttachment.waiting(false).uploading(false).complete(true); } } } } } else { self.setMessageAttachmentFailedDownloadText(); } }, aDownloads); } this.triggerForResize(); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { if ('' === this.to()) { this.to.focusTrigger(!this.to.focusTrigger()); } else if (this.oEditor) { this.oEditor.focus(); } this.triggerForResize(); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.editorResize = function () { if (this.oEditor) { this.oEditor.resize(); } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.tryToClosePopup = function () { var self = this, PopupsAskViewModel = __webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Ask */ 40) ; if (!kn.isPopupVisible(PopupsAskViewModel) && this.modalVisibility()) { if (this.bSkipNextHide || (this.isEmptyForm() && !this.draftUid())) { Utils.delegateRun(self, 'closeCommand'); } else { kn.showScreenPopup(PopupsAskViewModel, [Translator.i18n('POPUPS_ASK/DESC_WANT_CLOSE_THIS_WINDOW'), function () { if (self.modalVisibility()) { Utils.delegateRun(self, 'closeCommand'); } }]); } } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.onBuild = function () { this.initUploader(); var self = this, oScript = null ; key('ctrl+q, command+q', Enums.KeyState.Compose, function () { self.identitiesDropdownTrigger(true); return false; }); key('ctrl+s, command+s', Enums.KeyState.Compose, function () { self.saveCommand(); return false; }); if (!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowСtrlEnterOnCompose')) { key('ctrl+enter, command+enter', Enums.KeyState.Compose, function () { self.sendCommand(); return false; }); } key('esc', Enums.KeyState.Compose, function () { if (self.modalVisibility()) { self.tryToClosePopup(); } return false; }); Globals.$win.on('resize', self.triggerForResize); if (this.dropboxEnabled()) { oScript = window.document.createElement('script'); oScript.type = 'text/javascript'; oScript.src = 'https://www.dropbox.com/static/api/1/dropins.js'; $(oScript).attr('id', 'dropboxjs').attr('data-app-key', self.dropboxApiKey()); window.document.body.appendChild(oScript); } if (this.driveEnabled()) { $.getScript('https://apis.google.com/js/api.js', function () { if (window.gapi) { self.driveVisible(true); } }); } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.driveCallback = function (sAccessToken, oData) { if (oData && window.XMLHttpRequest && window.google && oData[window.google.picker.Response.ACTION] === window.google.picker.Action.PICKED && oData[window.google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS] && oData[window.google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][0] && oData[window.google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][0]['id']) { var self = this, oRequest = new window.XMLHttpRequest() ; oRequest.open('GET', 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v2/files/' + oData[window.google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][0]['id']); oRequest.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + sAccessToken); oRequest.addEventListener('load', function() { if (oRequest && oRequest.responseText) { var oItem = JSON.parse(oRequest.responseText), fExport = function (oItem, sMimeType, sExt) { if (oItem && oItem['exportLinks']) { if (oItem['exportLinks'][sMimeType]) { oItem['downloadUrl'] = oItem['exportLinks'][sMimeType]; oItem['title'] = oItem['title'] + '.' + sExt; oItem['mimeType'] = sMimeType; } else if (oItem['exportLinks']['application/pdf']) { oItem['downloadUrl'] = oItem['exportLinks']['application/pdf']; oItem['title'] = oItem['title'] + '.pdf'; oItem['mimeType'] = 'application/pdf'; } } }; if (oItem && !oItem['downloadUrl'] && oItem['mimeType'] && oItem['exportLinks']) { switch (oItem['mimeType'].toString().toLowerCase()) { case 'application/vnd.google-apps.document': fExport(oItem, 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'docx'); break; case 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet': fExport(oItem, 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'xlsx'); break; case 'application/vnd.google-apps.drawing': fExport(oItem, 'image/png', 'png'); break; case 'application/vnd.google-apps.presentation': fExport(oItem, 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'pptx'); break; default: fExport(oItem, 'application/pdf', 'pdf'); break; } } if (oItem && oItem['downloadUrl']) { self.addDriveAttachment(oItem, sAccessToken); } } }); oRequest.send(); } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.driveCreatePiker = function (oOauthToken) { if (window.gapi && oOauthToken && oOauthToken.access_token) { var self = this; window.gapi.load('picker', {'callback': function () { if (window.google && window.google.picker) { var drivePicker = new window.google.picker.PickerBuilder() // .addView(window.google.picker.ViewId.FOLDERS) .addView(window.google.picker.ViewId.DOCS) .setAppId(Settings.settingsGet('GoogleClientID')) .setOAuthToken(oOauthToken.access_token) .setCallback(_.bind(self.driveCallback, self, oOauthToken.access_token)) .enableFeature(window.google.picker.Feature.NAV_HIDDEN) // .setOrigin(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host) .build() ; drivePicker.setVisible(true); } }}); } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.driveOpenPopup = function () { if (window.gapi) { var self = this; window.gapi.load('auth', {'callback': function () { var oAuthToken = window.gapi.auth.getToken(), fResult = function (oAuthResult) { if (oAuthResult && !oAuthResult.error) { var oAuthToken = window.gapi.auth.getToken(); if (oAuthToken) { self.driveCreatePiker(oAuthToken); } return true; } return false; } ; if (!oAuthToken) { window.gapi.auth.authorize({ 'client_id': Settings.settingsGet('GoogleClientID'), 'scope': 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly', 'immediate': true }, function (oAuthResult) { if (!fResult(oAuthResult)) { window.gapi.auth.authorize({ 'client_id': Settings.settingsGet('GoogleClientID'), 'scope': 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly', 'immediate': false }, fResult); } }); } else { self.driveCreatePiker(oAuthToken); } }}); } }; /** * @param {string} sId * @return {?Object} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.getAttachmentById = function (sId) { var aAttachments = this.attachments(), iIndex = 0, iLen = aAttachments.length ; for (; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { if (aAttachments[iIndex] && sId === aAttachments[iIndex].id) { return aAttachments[iIndex]; } } return null; }; ComposePopupView.prototype.cancelAttachmentHelper = function (sId, oJua) { var self = this; return function () { var oItem = _.find(self.attachments(), function (oItem) { return oItem && oItem.id === sId; }); if (oItem) { self.attachments.remove(oItem); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oItem); if (oJua) { oJua.cancel(sId); } } }; }; ComposePopupView.prototype.initUploader = function () { if (this.composeUploaderButton()) { var oUploadCache = {}, iAttachmentSizeLimit = Utils.pInt(Settings.settingsGet('AttachmentLimit')), oJua = new Jua({ 'action': Links.upload(), 'name': 'uploader', 'queueSize': 2, 'multipleSizeLimit': 50, 'disableFolderDragAndDrop': false, 'clickElement': this.composeUploaderButton(), 'dragAndDropElement': this.composeUploaderDropPlace() }) ; if (oJua) { oJua // .on('onLimitReached', function (iLimit) { // alert(iLimit); // }) .on('onDragEnter', _.bind(function () { this.dragAndDropOver(true); }, this)) .on('onDragLeave', _.bind(function () { this.dragAndDropOver(false); }, this)) .on('onBodyDragEnter', _.bind(function () { this.dragAndDropVisible(true); }, this)) .on('onBodyDragLeave', _.bind(function () { this.dragAndDropVisible(false); }, this)) .on('onProgress', _.bind(function (sId, iLoaded, iTotal) { var oItem = null; if (Utils.isUnd(oUploadCache[sId])) { oItem = this.getAttachmentById(sId); if (oItem) { oUploadCache[sId] = oItem; } } else { oItem = oUploadCache[sId]; } if (oItem) { oItem.progress(window.Math.floor(iLoaded / iTotal * 100)); } }, this)) .on('onSelect', _.bind(function (sId, oData) { this.dragAndDropOver(false); var that = this, sFileName = Utils.isUnd(oData.FileName) ? '' : oData.FileName.toString(), mSize = Utils.isNormal(oData.Size) ? Utils.pInt(oData.Size) : null, oAttachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel(sId, sFileName, mSize) ; oAttachment.cancel = that.cancelAttachmentHelper(sId, oJua); this.attachments.push(oAttachment); this.attachmentsPlace(true); if (0 < mSize && 0 < iAttachmentSizeLimit && iAttachmentSizeLimit < mSize) { oAttachment .waiting(false).uploading(true).complete(true) .error(Translator.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG')); return false; } return true; }, this)) .on('onStart', _.bind(function (sId) { var oItem = null ; if (Utils.isUnd(oUploadCache[sId])) { oItem = this.getAttachmentById(sId); if (oItem) { oUploadCache[sId] = oItem; } } else { oItem = oUploadCache[sId]; } if (oItem) { oItem.waiting(false).uploading(true).complete(false); } }, this)) .on('onComplete', _.bind(function (sId, bResult, oData) { var sError = '', mErrorCode = null, oAttachmentJson = null, oAttachment = this.getAttachmentById(sId) ; oAttachmentJson = bResult && oData && oData.Result && oData.Result.Attachment ? oData.Result.Attachment : null; mErrorCode = oData && oData.Result && oData.Result.ErrorCode ? oData.Result.ErrorCode : null; if (null !== mErrorCode) { sError = Translator.getUploadErrorDescByCode(mErrorCode); } else if (!oAttachmentJson) { sError = Translator.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_UNKNOWN'); } if (oAttachment) { if ('' !== sError && 0 < sError.length) { oAttachment .waiting(false) .uploading(false) .complete(true) .error(sError) ; } else if (oAttachmentJson) { oAttachment .waiting(false) .uploading(false) .complete(true) ; oAttachment.initByUploadJson(oAttachmentJson); } if (Utils.isUnd(oUploadCache[sId])) { delete (oUploadCache[sId]); } } }, this)) ; this .addAttachmentEnabled(true) .dragAndDropEnabled(oJua.isDragAndDropSupported()) ; } else { this .addAttachmentEnabled(false) .dragAndDropEnabled(false) ; } } }; /** * @return {Object} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.prepearAttachmentsForSendOrSave = function () { var oResult = {}; _.each(this.attachmentsInReady(), function (oItem) { if (oItem && '' !== oItem.tempName() && oItem.enabled()) { oResult[oItem.tempName()] = [ oItem.fileName(), oItem.isInline ? '1' : '0', oItem.CID, oItem.contentLocation ]; } }); return oResult; }; /** * @param {MessageModel} oMessage */ ComposePopupView.prototype.addMessageAsAttachment = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { var oAttachment = null, sTemp = oMessage.subject() ; sTemp = '.eml' === sTemp.substr(-4).toLowerCase() ? sTemp : sTemp + '.eml'; oAttachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel( oMessage.requestHash, sTemp, oMessage.size() ); oAttachment.fromMessage = true; oAttachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(oMessage.requestHash); oAttachment.waiting(false).uploading(true).complete(true); this.attachments.push(oAttachment); } }; /** * @param {Object} oDropboxFile * @return {boolean} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.addDropboxAttachment = function (oDropboxFile) { var oAttachment = null, iAttachmentSizeLimit = Utils.pInt(Settings.settingsGet('AttachmentLimit')), mSize = oDropboxFile['bytes'] ; oAttachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel( oDropboxFile['link'], oDropboxFile['name'], mSize ); oAttachment.fromMessage = false; oAttachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(oDropboxFile['link']); oAttachment.waiting(false).uploading(true).complete(false); this.attachments.push(oAttachment); this.attachmentsPlace(true); if (0 < mSize && 0 < iAttachmentSizeLimit && iAttachmentSizeLimit < mSize) { oAttachment.uploading(false).complete(true); oAttachment.error(Translator.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG')); return false; } Remote.composeUploadExternals(function (sResult, oData) { var bResult = false; oAttachment.uploading(false).complete(true); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { if (oData.Result[oAttachment.id]) { bResult = true; oAttachment.tempName(oData.Result[oAttachment.id]); } } if (!bResult) { oAttachment.error(Translator.getUploadErrorDescByCode(Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileNoUploaded)); } }, [oDropboxFile['link']]); return true; }; /** * @param {Object} oDriveFile * @param {string} sAccessToken * @return {boolean} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.addDriveAttachment = function (oDriveFile, sAccessToken) { var iAttachmentSizeLimit = Utils.pInt(Settings.settingsGet('AttachmentLimit')), oAttachment = null, mSize = oDriveFile['fileSize'] ? Utils.pInt(oDriveFile['fileSize']) : 0 ; oAttachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel( oDriveFile['downloadUrl'], oDriveFile['title'], mSize ); oAttachment.fromMessage = false; oAttachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(oDriveFile['downloadUrl']); oAttachment.waiting(false).uploading(true).complete(false); this.attachments.push(oAttachment); this.attachmentsPlace(true); if (0 < mSize && 0 < iAttachmentSizeLimit && iAttachmentSizeLimit < mSize) { oAttachment.uploading(false).complete(true); oAttachment.error(Translator.i18n('UPLOAD/ERROR_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG')); return false; } Remote.composeUploadDrive(function (sResult, oData) { var bResult = false; oAttachment.uploading(false).complete(true); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { if (oData.Result[oAttachment.id]) { bResult = true; oAttachment.tempName(oData.Result[oAttachment.id][0]); oAttachment.size(Utils.pInt(oData.Result[oAttachment.id][1])); } } if (!bResult) { oAttachment.error(Translator.getUploadErrorDescByCode(Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileNoUploaded)); } }, oDriveFile['downloadUrl'], sAccessToken); return true; }; /** * @param {MessageModel} oMessage * @param {string} sType */ ComposePopupView.prototype.prepearMessageAttachments = function (oMessage, sType) { if (oMessage) { var aAttachments = Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oMessage.attachments()) ? oMessage.attachments() : [], iIndex = 0, iLen = aAttachments.length, oAttachment = null, oItem = null, bAdd = false ; if (Enums.ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment === sType) { this.addMessageAsAttachment(oMessage); } else { for (; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oItem = aAttachments[iIndex]; bAdd = false; switch (sType) { case Enums.ComposeType.Reply: case Enums.ComposeType.ReplyAll: bAdd = oItem.isLinked; break; case Enums.ComposeType.Forward: case Enums.ComposeType.Draft: case Enums.ComposeType.EditAsNew: bAdd = true; break; } if (bAdd) { oAttachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel( oItem.download, oItem.fileName, oItem.estimatedSize, oItem.isInline, oItem.isLinked, oItem.cid, oItem.contentLocation ); oAttachment.fromMessage = true; oAttachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(oItem.download); oAttachment.waiting(false).uploading(true).complete(false); this.attachments.push(oAttachment); } } } } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.removeLinkedAttachments = function () { var oItem = _.find(this.attachments(), function (oItem) { return oItem && oItem.isLinked; }); if (oItem) { this.attachments.remove(oItem); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oItem); } }; ComposePopupView.prototype.setMessageAttachmentFailedDownloadText = function () { _.each(this.attachments(), function(oAttachment) { if (oAttachment && oAttachment.fromMessage) { oAttachment .waiting(false) .uploading(false) .complete(true) .error(Translator.getUploadErrorDescByCode(Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileNoUploaded)) ; } }, this); }; /** * @param {boolean=} bIncludeAttachmentInProgress = true * @return {boolean} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.isEmptyForm = function (bIncludeAttachmentInProgress) { bIncludeAttachmentInProgress = Utils.isUnd(bIncludeAttachmentInProgress) ? true : !!bIncludeAttachmentInProgress; var bWithoutAttach = bIncludeAttachmentInProgress ? 0 === this.attachments().length : 0 === this.attachmentsInReady().length; return 0 === this.to().length && 0 === this.cc().length && 0 === this.bcc().length && 0 === this.subject().length && bWithoutAttach && (!this.oEditor || '' === this.oEditor.getData()) ; }; ComposePopupView.prototype.reset = function () { this.to(''); this.cc(''); this.bcc(''); this.replyTo(''); this.subject(''); this.requestReadReceipt(false); this.markAsImportant(false); this.attachmentsPlace(false); this.aDraftInfo = null; this.sInReplyTo = ''; this.bFromDraft = false; this.sReferences = ''; this.sendError(false); this.sendSuccessButSaveError(false); this.savedError(false); this.savedTime(0); this.savedOrSendingText(''); this.emptyToError(false); this.attachmentsInProcessError(false); this.showCc(false); this.showBcc(false); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(this.attachments()); this.attachments([]); this.dragAndDropOver(false); this.dragAndDropVisible(false); this.draftFolder(''); this.draftUid(''); this.sending(false); this.saving(false); if (this.oEditor) { this.oEditor.clear(false); } }; /** * @return {Array} */ ComposePopupView.prototype.getAttachmentsDownloadsForUpload = function () { return _.map(_.filter(this.attachments(), function (oItem) { return oItem && '' === oItem.tempName(); }), function (oItem) { return oItem.id; }); }; ComposePopupView.prototype.triggerForResize = function () { this.resizer(!this.resizer()); this.editorResizeThrottle(); }; module.exports = ComposePopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 28 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Events.js ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Plugins = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Plugins */ 23) ; /** * @constructor */ function Events() { this.oSubs = {}; } Events.prototype.oSubs = {}; /** * @param {string} sName * @param {Function} fFunc * @param {Object=} oContext * @return {Events} */ Events.prototype.sub = function (sName, fFunc, oContext) { if (Utils.isUnd(this.oSubs[sName])) { this.oSubs[sName] = []; } this.oSubs[sName].push([fFunc, oContext]); return this; }; /** * @param {string} sName * @param {Array=} aArgs * @return {Events} */ Events.prototype.pub = function (sName, aArgs) { Plugins.runHook('rl-pub', [sName, aArgs]); if (!Utils.isUnd(this.oSubs[sName])) { _.each(this.oSubs[sName], function (aItem) { if (aItem[0]) { aItem[0].apply(aItem[1] || null, aArgs || []); } }); } return this; }; module.exports = new Events(); }()); /***/ }, /* 29 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/Abstract.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor */ function AbstractComponent() { this.disposable = []; } /** * @type {Array} */ AbstractComponent.prototype.disposable = []; AbstractComponent.prototype.dispose = function () { _.each(this.disposable, function (fFuncToDispose) { if (fFuncToDispose && fFuncToDispose.dispose) { fFuncToDispose.dispose(); } }); }; /** * @param {*} ClassObject * @param {string} sTemplateID * @return {Object} */ AbstractComponent.componentExportHelper = function (ClassObject, sTemplateID) { return { viewModel: { createViewModel: function(oParams, oCmponentInfo) { oParams = oParams || {}; oParams.element = null; if (oCmponentInfo.element) { oParams.element = $(oCmponentInfo.element); __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7).i18nToNode(oParams.element); if (!Utils.isUnd(oParams.inline) && ko.unwrap(oParams.inline)) { oParams.element.css('display', 'inline-block'); } } return new ClassObject(oParams); } }, template: { element: sTemplateID } }; }; module.exports = AbstractComponent; }()); /***/ }, /* 30 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/App.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/App */ 65) ; /** * @constructor */ function AppUserStore() { AppStore.call(this); this.projectHash = ko.observable(''); this.threadsAllowed = ko.observable(false); this.contactsAutosave = ko.observable(false); this.useLocalProxyForExternalImages = ko.observable(false); this.contactsIsAllowed = ko.observable(false); this.devEmail = ''; this.devPassword = ''; } AppUserStore.prototype.populate = function() { AppStore.prototype.populate.call(this); this.projectHash(Settings.settingsGet('ProjectHash')); this.useLocalProxyForExternalImages(!!Settings.settingsGet('UseLocalProxyForExternalImages')); this.contactsIsAllowed(!!Settings.settingsGet('ContactsIsAllowed')); this.devEmail = Settings.settingsGet('DevEmail'); this.devPassword = Settings.settingsGet('DevPassword'); }; module.exports = new AppUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 31 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/Language.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function LanguageStore() { this.languages = ko.observableArray([]); this.language = ko.observable('') .extend({'limitedList': this.languages}); } LanguageStore.prototype.populate = function () { var aLanguages = Settings.settingsGet('Languages'); this.languages(Utils.isArray(aLanguages) ? aLanguages : []); this.language(Settings.settingsGet('Language')); }; module.exports = new LanguageStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 32 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Folder.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19) ; /** * @constructor */ function FolderUserStore() { this.sentFolder = ko.observable(''); this.draftFolder = ko.observable(''); this.spamFolder = ko.observable(''); this.trashFolder = ko.observable(''); this.archiveFolder = ko.observable(''); this.computed(); this.subscribe(); } FolderUserStore.prototype.computed = function () { this.draftFolderNotEnabled = ko.computed(function () { return '' === this.draftFolder() || Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === this.draftFolder(); }, this); }; FolderUserStore.prototype.subscribe = function () { var fRemoveSystemFolderType = function (observable) { return function () { var oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(observable()); if (oFolder) { oFolder.type(Enums.FolderType.User); } }; }, fSetSystemFolderType = function (iType) { return function (sValue) { var oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sValue); if (oFolder) { oFolder.type(iType); } }; } ; this.sentFolder.subscribe(fRemoveSystemFolderType(this.sentFolder), this, 'beforeChange'); this.draftFolder.subscribe(fRemoveSystemFolderType(this.draftFolder), this, 'beforeChange'); this.spamFolder.subscribe(fRemoveSystemFolderType(this.spamFolder), this, 'beforeChange'); this.trashFolder.subscribe(fRemoveSystemFolderType(this.trashFolder), this, 'beforeChange'); this.archiveFolder.subscribe(fRemoveSystemFolderType(this.archiveFolder), this, 'beforeChange'); this.sentFolder.subscribe(fSetSystemFolderType(Enums.FolderType.SentItems), this); this.draftFolder.subscribe(fSetSystemFolderType(Enums.FolderType.Draft), this); this.spamFolder.subscribe(fSetSystemFolderType(Enums.FolderType.Spam), this); this.trashFolder.subscribe(fSetSystemFolderType(Enums.FolderType.Trash), this); this.archiveFolder.subscribe(fSetSystemFolderType(Enums.FolderType.Archive), this); }; module.exports = new FolderUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 33 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/AbstractInput.js ***! \****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractComponent = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Abstract */ 29) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstractComponent */ function AbstractInput(oParams) { AbstractComponent.call(this); this.value = oParams.value || ''; this.size = oParams.size || 0; this.label = oParams.label || ''; this.preLabel = oParams.preLabel || ''; this.enable = Utils.isUnd(oParams.enable) ? true : oParams.enable; this.trigger = oParams.trigger && oParams.trigger.subscribe ? oParams.trigger : null; this.placeholder = oParams.placeholder || ''; this.labeled = !Utils.isUnd(oParams.label); this.preLabeled = !Utils.isUnd(oParams.preLabel); this.triggered = !Utils.isUnd(oParams.trigger) && !!this.trigger; this.classForTrigger = ko.observable(''); this.className = ko.computed(function () { var iSize = ko.unwrap(this.size), sSuffixValue = this.trigger ? ' ' + Utils.trim('settings-saved-trigger-input ' + this.classForTrigger()) : '' ; return (0 < iSize ? 'span' + iSize : '') + sSuffixValue; }, this); if (!Utils.isUnd(oParams.width) && oParams.element) { oParams.element.find('input,select,textarea').css('width', oParams.width); } this.disposable.push(this.className); if (this.trigger) { this.setTriggerState(this.trigger()); this.disposable.push( this.trigger.subscribe(this.setTriggerState, this) ); } } AbstractInput.prototype.setTriggerState = function (nValue) { switch (Utils.pInt(nValue)) { case Enums.SaveSettingsStep.TrueResult: this.classForTrigger('success'); break; case Enums.SaveSettingsStep.FalseResult: this.classForTrigger('error'); break; default: this.classForTrigger(''); break; } }; _.extend(AbstractInput.prototype, AbstractComponent.prototype); AbstractInput.componentExportHelper = AbstractComponent.componentExportHelper; module.exports = AbstractInput; }()); /***/ }, /* 34 */ /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Knoin/AbstractScreen.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), crossroads = __webpack_require__(/*! crossroads */ 41), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @param {string} sScreenName * @param {?=} aViewModels = [] * @constructor */ function AbstractScreen(sScreenName, aViewModels) { this.sScreenName = sScreenName; this.aViewModels = Utils.isArray(aViewModels) ? aViewModels : []; } /** * @type {Array} */ AbstractScreen.prototype.oCross = null; /** * @type {string} */ AbstractScreen.prototype.sScreenName = ''; /** * @type {Array} */ AbstractScreen.prototype.aViewModels = []; /** * @return {Array} */ AbstractScreen.prototype.viewModels = function () { return this.aViewModels; }; /** * @return {string} */ AbstractScreen.prototype.screenName = function () { return this.sScreenName; }; AbstractScreen.prototype.routes = function () { return null; }; /** * @return {?Object} */ AbstractScreen.prototype.__cross = function () { return this.oCross; }; AbstractScreen.prototype.__start = function () { var aRoutes = this.routes(), oRoute = null, fMatcher = null ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aRoutes)) { fMatcher = _.bind(this.onRoute || Utils.emptyFunction, this); oRoute = crossroads.create(); _.each(aRoutes, function (aItem) { oRoute.addRoute(aItem[0], fMatcher).rules = aItem[1]; }); this.oCross = oRoute; } }; module.exports = AbstractScreen; }()); /***/ }, /* 35 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/Social.js ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3) ; /** * @constructor */ function SocialStore() { this.google = {}; this.twitter = {}; this.facebook = {}; this.dropbox = {}; // Google this.google.enabled = ko.observable(false); this.google.clientID = ko.observable(''); this.google.clientSecret = ko.observable(''); this.google.apiKey = ko.observable(''); this.google.loading = ko.observable(false); this.google.userName = ko.observable(''); this.google.loggined = ko.computed(function () { return '' !== this.google.userName(); }, this); this.google.capa = {}; this.google.capa.auth = ko.observable(false); this.google.capa.drive = ko.observable(false); this.google.capa.preview = ko.observable(false); this.google.require = {}; this.google.require.clientSettings = ko.computed(function () { return this.google.enabled() && (this.google.capa.auth() || this.google.capa.drive()); }, this); this.google.require.apiKeySettings = ko.computed(function () { return this.google.enabled() && this.google.capa.drive(); }, this); // Facebook this.facebook.enabled = ko.observable(false); this.facebook.appID = ko.observable(''); this.facebook.appSecret = ko.observable(''); this.facebook.loading = ko.observable(false); this.facebook.userName = ko.observable(''); this.facebook.supported = ko.observable(false); this.facebook.loggined = ko.computed(function () { return '' !== this.facebook.userName(); }, this); // Twitter this.twitter.enabled = ko.observable(false); this.twitter.consumerKey = ko.observable(''); this.twitter.consumerSecret = ko.observable(''); this.twitter.loading = ko.observable(false); this.twitter.userName = ko.observable(''); this.twitter.loggined = ko.computed(function () { return '' !== this.twitter.userName(); }, this); // Dropbox this.dropbox.enabled = ko.observable(false); this.dropbox.apiKey = ko.observable(''); } SocialStore.prototype.google = {}; SocialStore.prototype.twitter = {}; SocialStore.prototype.facebook = {}; SocialStore.prototype.dropbox = {}; SocialStore.prototype.populate = function () { var Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9); this.google.enabled(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocial')); this.google.clientID(Settings.settingsGet('GoogleClientID')); this.google.clientSecret(Settings.settingsGet('GoogleClientSecret')); this.google.apiKey(Settings.settingsGet('GoogleApiKey')); this.google.capa.auth(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocialAuth')); this.google.capa.drive(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocialDrive')); this.google.capa.preview(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocialPreview')); this.facebook.enabled(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowFacebookSocial')); this.facebook.appID(Settings.settingsGet('FacebookAppID')); this.facebook.appSecret(Settings.settingsGet('FacebookAppSecret')); this.facebook.supported(!!Settings.settingsGet('SupportedFacebookSocial')); this.twitter.enabled = ko.observable(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowTwitterSocial')); this.twitter.consumerKey = ko.observable(Settings.settingsGet('TwitterConsumerKey')); this.twitter.consumerSecret = ko.observable(Settings.settingsGet('TwitterConsumerSecret')); this.dropbox.enabled(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowDropboxSocial')); this.dropbox.apiKey(Settings.settingsGet('DropboxApiKey')); }; module.exports = new SocialStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 36 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** external "window.moment" ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.moment; /***/ }, /* 37 */, /* 38 */ /*!******************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/AbstracCheckbox.js ***! \******************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractComponent = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Abstract */ 29) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstractComponent */ function AbstracCheckbox(oParams) { AbstractComponent.call(this); this.value = oParams.value; if (Utils.isUnd(this.value) || !this.value.subscribe) { this.value = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(this.value) ? false : !!this.value); } this.enable = oParams.enable; if (Utils.isUnd(this.enable) || !this.enable.subscribe) { this.enable = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(this.enable) ? true : !!this.enable); } this.disable = oParams.disable; if (Utils.isUnd(this.disable) || !this.disable.subscribe) { this.disable = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(this.disable) ? false : !!this.disable); } this.label = oParams.label || ''; this.inline = Utils.isUnd(oParams.inline) ? false : oParams.inline; this.readOnly = Utils.isUnd(oParams.readOnly) ? false : !!oParams.readOnly; this.inverted = Utils.isUnd(oParams.inverted) ? false : !!oParams.inverted; this.labeled = !Utils.isUnd(oParams.label); } _.extend(AbstracCheckbox.prototype, AbstractComponent.prototype); AbstracCheckbox.prototype.click = function() { if (!this.readOnly && this.enable() && !this.disable()) { this.value(!this.value()); } }; AbstracCheckbox.componentExportHelper = AbstractComponent.componentExportHelper; module.exports = AbstracCheckbox; }()); /***/ }, /* 39 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/Theme.js ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function ThemeStore() { this.themes = ko.observableArray([]); this.themeBackgroundName = ko.observable(''); this.themeBackgroundHash = ko.observable(''); this.theme = ko.observable('') .extend({'limitedList': this.themes}); } ThemeStore.prototype.populate = function () { var aThemes = Settings.settingsGet('Themes'); this.themes(Utils.isArray(aThemes) ? aThemes : []); this.theme(Settings.settingsGet('Theme')); this.themeBackgroundName(Settings.settingsGet('UserBackgroundName')); this.themeBackgroundHash(Settings.settingsGet('UserBackgroundHash')); }; module.exports = new ThemeStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 40 */ /*!*******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/Ask.js ***! \*******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function AskPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsAsk'); this.askDesc = ko.observable(''); this.yesButton = ko.observable(''); this.noButton = ko.observable(''); this.yesFocus = ko.observable(false); this.noFocus = ko.observable(false); this.fYesAction = null; this.fNoAction = null; this.bFocusYesOnShow = true; this.bDisabeCloseOnEsc = true; this.sDefaultKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.PopupAsk; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/Ask', 'PopupsAskViewModel'], AskPopupView); _.extend(AskPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); AskPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.askDesc(''); this.yesButton(Translator.i18n('POPUPS_ASK/BUTTON_YES')); this.noButton(Translator.i18n('POPUPS_ASK/BUTTON_NO')); this.yesFocus(false); this.noFocus(false); this.fYesAction = null; this.fNoAction = null; }; AskPopupView.prototype.yesClick = function () { this.cancelCommand(); if (Utils.isFunc(this.fYesAction)) { this.fYesAction.call(null); } }; AskPopupView.prototype.noClick = function () { this.cancelCommand(); if (Utils.isFunc(this.fNoAction)) { this.fNoAction.call(null); } }; /** * @param {string} sAskDesc * @param {Function=} fYesFunc * @param {Function=} fNoFunc * @param {string=} sYesButton * @param {string=} sNoButton * @param {boolean=} bFocusYesOnShow */ AskPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (sAskDesc, fYesFunc, fNoFunc, sYesButton, sNoButton, bFocusYesOnShow) { this.clearPopup(); this.fYesAction = fYesFunc || null; this.fNoAction = fNoFunc || null; this.askDesc(sAskDesc || ''); if (sYesButton) { this.yesButton(sYesButton); } if (sYesButton) { this.yesButton(sNoButton); } this.bFocusYesOnShow = Utils.isUnd(bFocusYesOnShow) ? true : !!bFocusYesOnShow; }; AskPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { if (this.bFocusYesOnShow) { this.yesFocus(true); } }; AskPopupView.prototype.onBuild = function () { key('tab, shift+tab, right, left', Enums.KeyState.PopupAsk, _.bind(function () { if (this.yesFocus()) { this.noFocus(true); } else { this.yesFocus(true); } return false; }, this)); key('esc', Enums.KeyState.PopupAsk, _.bind(function () { this.noClick(); return false; }, this)); }; module.exports = AskPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 41 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** external "window.crossroads" ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.crossroads; /***/ }, /* 42 */, /* 43 */ /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Identity.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function IdentityUserStore() { this.defaultIdentityID = ko.observable(''); this.identities = ko.observableArray([]); this.identities.loading = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 100}); } IdentityUserStore.prototype.populate = function () { this.defaultIdentityID(Settings.settingsGet('DefaultIdentityID')); }; module.exports = new IdentityUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 44 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/FolderSystem.js ***! \****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), FolderStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function FolderSystemPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsFolderSystem'); Translator.initOnStartOrLangChange(function () { this.sChooseOnText = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_SYSTEM_FOLDERS/SELECT_CHOOSE_ONE'); this.sUnuseText = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_SYSTEM_FOLDERS/SELECT_UNUSE_NAME'); }, this); this.notification = ko.observable(''); this.folderSelectList = ko.computed(function () { return Utils.folderListOptionsBuilder([], Data.folderList(), Data.folderListSystemNames(), [ ['', this.sChooseOnText], [Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue, this.sUnuseText] ], null, null, null, null, null, true); }, this); var fSaveSystemFolders = null, fCallback = null ; this.sentFolder = FolderStore.sentFolder; this.draftFolder = FolderStore.draftFolder; this.spamFolder = FolderStore.spamFolder; this.trashFolder = FolderStore.trashFolder; this.archiveFolder = FolderStore.archiveFolder; fSaveSystemFolders = _.debounce(function () { Settings.settingsSet('SentFolder', FolderStore.sentFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('DraftFolder', FolderStore.draftFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('SpamFolder', FolderStore.spamFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('TrashFolder', FolderStore.trashFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('ArchiveFolder', FolderStore.archiveFolder()); Remote.saveSystemFolders(Utils.emptyFunction, { 'SentFolder': FolderStore.sentFolder(), 'DraftFolder': FolderStore.draftFolder(), 'SpamFolder': FolderStore.spamFolder(), 'TrashFolder': FolderStore.trashFolder(), 'ArchiveFolder': FolderStore.archiveFolder(), 'NullFolder': 'NullFolder' }); }, 1000); fCallback = function () { Settings.settingsSet('SentFolder', FolderStore.sentFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('DraftFolder', FolderStore.draftFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('SpamFolder', FolderStore.spamFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('TrashFolder', FolderStore.trashFolder()); Settings.settingsSet('ArchiveFolder', FolderStore.archiveFolder()); fSaveSystemFolders(); }; FolderStore.sentFolder.subscribe(fCallback); FolderStore.draftFolder.subscribe(fCallback); FolderStore.spamFolder.subscribe(fCallback); FolderStore.trashFolder.subscribe(fCallback); FolderStore.archiveFolder.subscribe(fCallback); this.defautOptionsAfterRender = Utils.defautOptionsAfterRender; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/FolderSystem', 'PopupsFolderSystemViewModel'], FolderSystemPopupView); _.extend(FolderSystemPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); FolderSystemPopupView.prototype.sChooseOnText = ''; FolderSystemPopupView.prototype.sUnuseText = ''; /** * @param {number=} iNotificationType = Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.None */ FolderSystemPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (iNotificationType) { var sNotification = ''; iNotificationType = Utils.isUnd(iNotificationType) ? Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.None : iNotificationType; switch (iNotificationType) { case Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Sent: sNotification = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_SYSTEM_FOLDERS/NOTIFICATION_SENT'); break; case Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Draft: sNotification = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_SYSTEM_FOLDERS/NOTIFICATION_DRAFTS'); break; case Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Spam: sNotification = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_SYSTEM_FOLDERS/NOTIFICATION_SPAM'); break; case Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Trash: sNotification = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_SYSTEM_FOLDERS/NOTIFICATION_TRASH'); break; case Enums.SetSystemFoldersNotification.Archive: sNotification = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_SYSTEM_FOLDERS/NOTIFICATION_ARCHIVE'); break; } this.notification(sNotification); }; module.exports = FolderSystemPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 45 */ /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/Languages.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function LanguagesPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsLanguages'); this.LanguageStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Language */ 31); this.exp = ko.observable(false); this.languages = ko.computed(function () { return _.map(this.LanguageStore.languages(), function (sLanguage) { return { 'key': sLanguage, 'selected': ko.observable(false), 'fullName': Utils.convertLangName(sLanguage) }; }); }, this); this.LanguageStore.language.subscribe(function () { this.resetMainLanguage(); }, this); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/Languages', 'PopupsLanguagesViewModel'], LanguagesPopupView); _.extend(LanguagesPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); LanguagesPopupView.prototype.languageEnName = function (sLanguage) { var sResult = Utils.convertLangName(sLanguage, true); return 'English' === sResult ? '' : sResult; }; LanguagesPopupView.prototype.resetMainLanguage = function () { var sCurrent = this.LanguageStore.language(); _.each(this.languages(), function (oItem) { oItem['selected'](oItem['key'] === sCurrent); }); }; LanguagesPopupView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.exp(true); this.resetMainLanguage(); }; LanguagesPopupView.prototype.onHide = function () { this.exp(false); }; LanguagesPopupView.prototype.changeLanguage = function (sLang) { this.LanguageStore.language(sLang); this.cancelCommand(); }; module.exports = LanguagesPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 46 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/App/Abstract.js ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), AbstractBoot = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractBoot */ 57) ; /** * @constructor * @param {RemoteStorage|AdminRemoteStorage} Remote * @extends AbstractBoot */ function AbstractApp(Remote) { AbstractBoot.call(this); this.isLocalAutocomplete = true; this.iframe = $('').appendTo('body'); Globals.$win.on('error', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && oEvent.originalEvent && oEvent.originalEvent.message && -1 === Utils.inArray(oEvent.originalEvent.message, [ 'Script error.', 'Uncaught Error: Error calling method on NPObject.' ])) { Remote.jsError( Utils.emptyFunction, oEvent.originalEvent.message, oEvent.originalEvent.filename, oEvent.originalEvent.lineno, window.location && window.location.toString ? window.location.toString() : '', Globals.$html.attr('class'), Utils.microtime() - Globals.now ); } }); Globals.$doc.on('keydown', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && oEvent.ctrlKey) { Globals.$html.addClass('rl-ctrl-key-pressed'); } }).on('keyup', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && !oEvent.ctrlKey) { Globals.$html.removeClass('rl-ctrl-key-pressed'); } }); } _.extend(AbstractApp.prototype, AbstractBoot.prototype); AbstractApp.prototype.remote = function () { return null; }; AbstractApp.prototype.data = function () { return null; }; /** * @param {string} sLink * @return {boolean} */ AbstractApp.prototype.download = function (sLink) { var oE = null, oLink = null, sUserAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ; if (sUserAgent && (sUserAgent.indexOf('chrome') > -1 || sUserAgent.indexOf('chrome') > -1)) { oLink = window.document.createElement('a'); oLink['href'] = sLink; if (window.document['createEvent']) { oE = window.document['createEvent']('MouseEvents'); if (oE && oE['initEvent'] && oLink['dispatchEvent']) { oE['initEvent']('click', true, true); oLink['dispatchEvent'](oE); return true; } } } if (Globals.bMobileDevice) { window.open(sLink, '_self'); window.focus(); } else { this.iframe.attr('src', sLink); // window.document.location.href = sLink; } return true; }; AbstractApp.prototype.googlePreviewSupportedCache = null; /** * @return {boolean} */ AbstractApp.prototype.googlePreviewSupported = function () { if (null === this.googlePreviewSupportedCache) { this.googlePreviewSupportedCache = !!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocial') && !!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocialPreview'); } return this.googlePreviewSupportedCache; }; /** * @param {string} sTitle */ AbstractApp.prototype.setTitle = function (sTitle) { sTitle = ((Utils.isNormal(sTitle) && 0 < sTitle.length) ? sTitle + ' - ' : '') + Settings.settingsGet('Title') || ''; window.document.title = sTitle + ' ...'; window.document.title = sTitle; }; AbstractApp.prototype.redirectToAdminPanel = function () { _.delay(function () { window.location.href = Links.rootAdmin(); }, 100); }; AbstractApp.prototype.clearClientSideToken = function () { if (window.__rlah_clear) { window.__rlah_clear(); } }; /** * @param {boolean=} bLogout = false * @param {boolean=} bClose = false */ AbstractApp.prototype.loginAndLogoutReload = function (bLogout, bClose) { var kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), sCustomLogoutLink = Utils.pString(Settings.settingsGet('CustomLogoutLink')), bInIframe = !!Settings.settingsGet('InIframe') ; bLogout = Utils.isUnd(bLogout) ? false : !!bLogout; bClose = Utils.isUnd(bClose) ? false : !!bClose; if (bLogout) { this.clearClientSideToken(); } if (bLogout && bClose && window.close) { window.close(); } sCustomLogoutLink = sCustomLogoutLink || './'; if (bLogout && window.location.href !== sCustomLogoutLink) { _.delay(function () { if (bInIframe && window.parent) { window.parent.location.href = sCustomLogoutLink; } else { window.location.href = sCustomLogoutLink; } }, 100); } else { kn.routeOff(); kn.setHash(Links.root(), true); kn.routeOff(); _.delay(function () { if (bInIframe && window.parent) { window.parent.location.reload(); } else { window.location.reload(); } }, 100); } }; AbstractApp.prototype.historyBack = function () { window.history.back(); }; AbstractApp.prototype.bootstart = function () { Events.pub('rl.bootstart'); var ssm = __webpack_require__(/*! ssm */ 77), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3) ; ko.components.register('SaveTrigger', __webpack_require__(/*! Component/SaveTrigger */ 54)); ko.components.register('Input', __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Input */ 51)); ko.components.register('Select', __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Select */ 55)); ko.components.register('TextArea', __webpack_require__(/*! Component/TextArea */ 56)); ko.components.register('Radio', __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Radio */ 53)); if (Settings.settingsGet('MaterialDesign') && Globals.bAnimationSupported) { ko.components.register('Checkbox', __webpack_require__(/*! Component/MaterialDesign/Checkbox */ 52)); } else { // ko.components.register('Checkbox', require('Component/Classic/Checkbox')); ko.components.register('Checkbox', __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Checkbox */ 50)); } Translator.initOnStartOrLangChange(Translator.initNotificationLanguage, Translator); _.delay(Utils.windowResizeCallback, 1000); ssm.addState({ 'id': 'mobile', 'maxWidth': 767, 'onEnter': function() { Globals.$html.addClass('ssm-state-mobile'); Events.pub('ssm.mobile-enter'); }, 'onLeave': function() { Globals.$html.removeClass('ssm-state-mobile'); Events.pub('ssm.mobile-leave'); } }); ssm.addState({ 'id': 'tablet', 'minWidth': 768, 'maxWidth': 999, 'onEnter': function() { Globals.$html.addClass('ssm-state-tablet'); }, 'onLeave': function() { Globals.$html.removeClass('ssm-state-tablet'); } }); ssm.addState({ 'id': 'desktop', 'minWidth': 1000, 'maxWidth': 1400, 'onEnter': function() { Globals.$html.addClass('ssm-state-desktop'); }, 'onLeave': function() { Globals.$html.removeClass('ssm-state-desktop'); } }); ssm.addState({ 'id': 'desktop-large', 'minWidth': 1400, 'onEnter': function() { Globals.$html.addClass('ssm-state-desktop-large'); }, 'onLeave': function() { Globals.$html.removeClass('ssm-state-desktop-large'); } }); Events.sub('ssm.mobile-enter', function () { Globals.leftPanelDisabled(true); }); Events.sub('ssm.mobile-leave', function () { Globals.leftPanelDisabled(false); }); Globals.leftPanelDisabled.subscribe(function (bValue) { Globals.$html.toggleClass('rl-left-panel-disabled', bValue); }); ssm.ready(); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Language */ 31).populate(); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Theme */ 39).populate(); __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Social */ 35).populate(); }; module.exports = AbstractApp; }()); /***/ }, /* 47 */ /*!**********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/HtmlEditor.js ***! \**********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor * @param {Object} oElement * @param {Function=} fOnBlur * @param {Function=} fOnReady * @param {Function=} fOnModeChange */ function HtmlEditor(oElement, fOnBlur, fOnReady, fOnModeChange) { this.editor = null; this.iBlurTimer = 0; this.fOnBlur = fOnBlur || null; this.fOnReady = fOnReady || null; this.fOnModeChange = fOnModeChange || null; this.$element = $(oElement); this.resize = _.throttle(_.bind(this.resize, this), 100); this.init(); } HtmlEditor.prototype.blurTrigger = function () { if (this.fOnBlur) { var self = this; window.clearTimeout(this.iBlurTimer); this.iBlurTimer = window.setTimeout(function () { self.fOnBlur(); }, 200); } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.focusTrigger = function () { if (this.fOnBlur) { window.clearTimeout(this.iBlurTimer); } }; /** * @return {boolean} */ HtmlEditor.prototype.isHtml = function () { return this.editor ? 'wysiwyg' === this.editor.mode : false; }; /** * @param {string} sSignature */ HtmlEditor.prototype.setSignature = function (sSignature) { if (this.editor) { this.editor.execCommand('insertSignature', { 'signature': sSignature }); } }; /** * @return {boolean} */ HtmlEditor.prototype.checkDirty = function () { return this.editor ? this.editor.checkDirty() : false; }; HtmlEditor.prototype.resetDirty = function () { if (this.editor) { this.editor.resetDirty(); } }; /** * @param {boolean=} bWrapIsHtml = false * @return {string} */ HtmlEditor.prototype.getData = function (bWrapIsHtml) { if (this.editor) { if ('plain' === this.editor.mode && this.editor.plugins.plain && this.editor.__plain) { return this.editor.__plain.getRawData(); } return bWrapIsHtml ? '' + this.editor.getData() + '' : this.editor.getData(); } return ''; }; HtmlEditor.prototype.modeToggle = function (bPlain) { if (this.editor) { if (bPlain) { if ('plain' === this.editor.mode) { this.editor.setMode('wysiwyg'); } } else { if ('wysiwyg' === this.editor.mode) { this.editor.setMode('plain'); } } this.resize(); } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.setHtml = function (sHtml, bFocus) { if (this.editor) { this.modeToggle(true); try { this.editor.setData(sHtml); } catch (e) {} if (bFocus) { this.focus(); } } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.setPlain = function (sPlain, bFocus) { if (this.editor) { this.modeToggle(false); if ('plain' === this.editor.mode && this.editor.plugins.plain && this.editor.__plain) { return this.editor.__plain.setRawData(sPlain); } else { try { this.editor.setData(sPlain); } catch (e) {} } if (bFocus) { this.focus(); } } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.init = function () { if (this.$element && this.$element[0]) { var self = this, fInit = function () { var oConfig = Globals.oHtmlEditorDefaultConfig, sLanguage = Settings.settingsGet('Language'), bSource = !!Settings.settingsGet('AllowHtmlEditorSourceButton'), bBiti = !!Settings.settingsGet('AllowHtmlEditorBitiButtons') ; if ((bSource || !bBiti) && !oConfig.toolbarGroups.__cfgInited) { oConfig.toolbarGroups.__cfgInited = true; if (bSource) { oConfig.removeButtons = oConfig.removeButtons.replace(',Source', ''); } if (!bBiti) { oConfig.removePlugins += (oConfig.removePlugins ? ',' : '') + 'bidi'; } } oConfig.enterMode = window.CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; oConfig.shiftEnterMode = window.CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; oConfig.language = Globals.oHtmlEditorLangsMap[sLanguage] || 'en'; if (window.CKEDITOR.env) { window.CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible = true; } self.editor = window.CKEDITOR.appendTo(self.$element[0], oConfig); self.editor.on('key', function(oEvent) { if (oEvent && oEvent.data && 9 /* Tab */ === oEvent.data.keyCode) { return false; } }); self.editor.on('blur', function() { self.blurTrigger(); }); self.editor.on('mode', function() { self.blurTrigger(); if (self.fOnModeChange) { self.fOnModeChange('plain' !== self.editor.mode); } }); self.editor.on('focus', function() { self.focusTrigger(); }); if (self.fOnReady) { self.editor.on('instanceReady', function () { if (self.editor.removeMenuItem) { self.editor.removeMenuItem('cut'); self.editor.removeMenuItem('copy'); self.editor.removeMenuItem('paste'); } self.editor.setKeystroke(window.CKEDITOR.CTRL + 65 /* A */, 'selectAll'); self.editor.editable().addClass('cke_enable_context_menu'); self.fOnReady(); self.__resizable = true; self.resize(); }); } } ; if (window.CKEDITOR) { fInit(); } else { window.__initEditor = fInit; } } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.focus = function () { if (this.editor) { try { this.editor.focus(); } catch (e) {} } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.blur = function () { if (this.editor) { this.editor.focusManager.blur(true); } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.resize = function () { if (this.editor && this.__resizable) { try { this.editor.resize(this.$element.width(), this.$element.innerHeight()); } catch (e) {} } }; HtmlEditor.prototype.clear = function (bFocus) { this.setHtml('', bFocus); }; module.exports = HtmlEditor; }()); /***/ }, /* 48 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Mime.js ***! \****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; module.exports = { 'eml' : 'message/rfc822', 'mime' : 'message/rfc822', 'txt' : 'text/plain', 'text' : 'text/plain', 'def' : 'text/plain', 'list' : 'text/plain', 'in' : 'text/plain', 'ini' : 'text/plain', 'log' : 'text/plain', 'sql' : 'text/plain', 'cfg' : 'text/plain', 'conf' : 'text/plain', 'asc' : 'text/plain', 'rtx' : 'text/richtext', 'vcard' : 'text/vcard', 'vcf' : 'text/vcard', 'htm' : 'text/html', 'html' : 'text/html', 'csv' : 'text/csv', 'ics' : 'text/calendar', 'ifb' : 'text/calendar', 'xml' : 'text/xml', 'json' : 'application/json', 'swf' : 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'hlp' : 'application/winhlp', 'wgt' : 'application/widget', 'chm' : 'application/vnd.ms-htmlhelp', 'p10' : 'application/pkcs10', 'p7c' : 'application/pkcs7-mime', 'p7m' : 'application/pkcs7-mime', 'p7s' : 'application/pkcs7-signature', 'torrent' : 'application/x-bittorrent', // scripts 'js' : 'application/javascript', 'pl' : 'text/perl', 'css' : 'text/css', 'asp' : 'text/asp', 'php' : 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php3' : 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php4' : 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php5' : 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phtml' : 'application/x-httpd-php', // images 'png' : 'image/png', 'jpg' : 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' : 'image/jpeg', 'jpe' : 'image/jpeg', 'jfif' : 'image/jpeg', 'gif' : 'image/gif', 'bmp' : 'image/bmp', 'cgm' : 'image/cgm', 'ief' : 'image/ief', 'ico' : 'image/x-icon', 'tif' : 'image/tiff', 'tiff' : 'image/tiff', 'svg' : 'image/svg+xml', 'svgz' : 'image/svg+xml', 'djv' : 'image/vnd.djvu', 'djvu' : 'image/vnd.djvu', 'webp' : 'image/webp', // archives 'zip' : 'application/zip', '7z' : 'application/x-7z-compressed', 'rar' : 'application/x-rar-compressed', 'exe' : 'application/x-msdownload', 'dll' : 'application/x-msdownload', 'scr' : 'application/x-msdownload', 'com' : 'application/x-msdownload', 'bat' : 'application/x-msdownload', 'msi' : 'application/x-msdownload', 'cab' : 'application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed', 'gz' : 'application/x-gzip', 'tgz' : 'application/x-gzip', 'bz' : 'application/x-bzip', 'bz2' : 'application/x-bzip2', 'deb' : 'application/x-debian-package', // fonts 'psf' : 'application/x-font-linux-psf', 'otf' : 'application/x-font-otf', 'pcf' : 'application/x-font-pcf', 'snf' : 'application/x-font-snf', 'ttf' : 'application/x-font-ttf', 'ttc' : 'application/x-font-ttf', // audio 'mp3' : 'audio/mpeg', 'amr' : 'audio/amr', 'aac' : 'audio/x-aac', 'aif' : 'audio/x-aiff', 'aifc' : 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' : 'audio/x-aiff', 'wav' : 'audio/x-wav', 'wma' : 'audio/x-ms-wma', 'wax' : 'audio/x-ms-wax', 'midi' : 'audio/midi', 'mp4a' : 'audio/mp4', 'ogg' : 'audio/ogg', 'weba' : 'audio/webm', 'ra' : 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'ram' : 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rmp' : 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin', 'm3u' : 'audio/x-mpegurl', // video 'flv' : 'video/x-flv', 'qt' : 'video/quicktime', 'mov' : 'video/quicktime', 'wmv' : 'video/windows-media', 'avi' : 'video/x-msvideo', 'mpg' : 'video/mpeg', 'mpeg' : 'video/mpeg', 'mpe' : 'video/mpeg', 'm1v' : 'video/mpeg', 'm2v' : 'video/mpeg', '3gp' : 'video/3gpp', '3g2' : 'video/3gpp2', 'h261' : 'video/h261', 'h263' : 'video/h263', 'h264' : 'video/h264', 'jpgv' : 'video/jpgv', 'mp4' : 'video/mp4', 'mp4v' : 'video/mp4', 'mpg4' : 'video/mp4', 'ogv' : 'video/ogg', 'webm' : 'video/webm', 'm4v' : 'video/x-m4v', 'asf' : 'video/x-ms-asf', 'asx' : 'video/x-ms-asf', 'wm' : 'video/x-ms-wm', 'wmx' : 'video/x-ms-wmx', 'wvx' : 'video/x-ms-wvx', 'movie' : 'video/x-sgi-movie', // adobe 'pdf' : 'application/pdf', 'psd' : 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', 'ai' : 'application/postscript', 'eps' : 'application/postscript', 'ps' : 'application/postscript', // ms office 'doc' : 'application/msword', 'dot' : 'application/msword', 'rtf' : 'application/rtf', 'xls' : 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'ppt' : 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'docx' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'xlsx' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'dotx' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template', 'pptx' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', // open office 'odt' : 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'ods' : 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' }; }()); /***/ }, /* 49 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/AbstracRadio.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractComponent = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Abstract */ 29) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstractComponent */ function AbstracRadio(oParams) { AbstractComponent.call(this); this.values = ko.observableArray([]); this.value = oParams.value; if (Utils.isUnd(this.value) || !this.value.subscribe) { this.value = ko.observable(''); } this.inline = Utils.isUnd(oParams.inline) ? false : oParams.inline; this.readOnly = Utils.isUnd(oParams.readOnly) ? false : !!oParams.readOnly; if (oParams.values) { var aValues = _.map(oParams.values, function (sLabel, sValue) { return { 'label': sLabel, 'value': sValue }; }); this.values(aValues); } this.click = _.bind(this.click, this); } AbstracRadio.prototype.click = function(oValue) { if (!this.readOnly && oValue) { this.value(oValue.value); } }; _.extend(AbstracRadio.prototype, AbstractComponent.prototype); AbstracRadio.componentExportHelper = AbstractComponent.componentExportHelper; module.exports = AbstracRadio; }()); /***/ }, /* 50 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/Checkbox.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), AbstracCheckbox = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/AbstracCheckbox */ 38) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstracCheckbox */ function CheckboxComponent(oParams) { AbstracCheckbox.call(this, oParams); } _.extend(CheckboxComponent.prototype, AbstracCheckbox.prototype); module.exports = AbstracCheckbox.componentExportHelper( CheckboxComponent, 'CheckboxComponent'); }()); /***/ }, /* 51 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/Input.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), AbstractInput = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/AbstractInput */ 33) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstractInput */ function InputComponent(oParams) { AbstractInput.call(this, oParams); } _.extend(InputComponent.prototype, AbstractInput.prototype); module.exports = AbstractInput.componentExportHelper( InputComponent, 'InputComponent'); }()); /***/ }, /* 52 */ /*!**************************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/MaterialDesign/Checkbox.js ***! \**************************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), AbstracCheckbox = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/AbstracCheckbox */ 38) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstracCheckbox */ function CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent(oParams) { AbstracCheckbox.call(this, oParams); this.animationBox = ko.observable(false).extend({'falseTimeout': 200}); this.animationCheckmark = ko.observable(false).extend({'falseTimeout': 200}); this.animationBoxSetTrue = _.bind(this.animationBoxSetTrue, this); this.animationCheckmarkSetTrue = _.bind(this.animationCheckmarkSetTrue, this); this.disposable.push( this.value.subscribe(function (bValue) { this.triggerAnimation(bValue); }, this) ); } _.extend(CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent.prototype, AbstracCheckbox.prototype); CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent.prototype.animationBoxSetTrue = function() { this.animationBox(true); }; CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent.prototype.animationCheckmarkSetTrue = function() { this.animationCheckmark(true); }; CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent.prototype.triggerAnimation = function(bBox) { if (bBox) { this.animationBoxSetTrue(); _.delay(this.animationCheckmarkSetTrue, 200); } else { this.animationCheckmarkSetTrue(); _.delay(this.animationBoxSetTrue, 200); } }; module.exports = AbstracCheckbox.componentExportHelper( CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent, 'CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent'); }()); /***/ }, /* 53 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/Radio.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), AbstracRadio = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/AbstracRadio */ 49) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstracRadio */ function RadioComponent(oParams) { AbstracRadio.call(this, oParams); } _.extend(RadioComponent.prototype, AbstracRadio.prototype); module.exports = AbstracRadio.componentExportHelper( RadioComponent, 'RadioComponent'); }()); /***/ }, /* 54 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/SaveTrigger.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractComponent = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/Abstract */ 29) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstractComponent */ function SaveTriggerComponent(oParams) { AbstractComponent.call(this); this.element = oParams.element || null; this.value = oParams.value && oParams.value.subscribe ? oParams.value : null; if (this.element) { if (this.value) { this.element.css('display', 'inline-block'); if (oParams.verticalAlign) { this.element.css('vertical-align', oParams.verticalAlign); } this.setState(this.value()); this.disposable.push( this.value.subscribe(this.setState, this) ); } else { this.element.hide(); } } } SaveTriggerComponent.prototype.setState = function (nValue) { switch (Utils.pInt(nValue)) { case Enums.SaveSettingsStep.TrueResult: this.element .find('.animated,.error').hide().removeClass('visible') .end() .find('.success').show().addClass('visible') ; break; case Enums.SaveSettingsStep.FalseResult: this.element .find('.animated,.success').hide().removeClass('visible') .end() .find('.error').show().addClass('visible') ; break; case Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Animate: this.element .find('.error,.success').hide().removeClass('visible') .end() .find('.animated').show().addClass('visible') ; break; default: case Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle: this.element .find('.animated').hide() .end() .find('.error,.success').removeClass('visible') ; break; } }; _.extend(SaveTriggerComponent.prototype, AbstractComponent.prototype); module.exports = AbstractComponent.componentExportHelper( SaveTriggerComponent, 'SaveTriggerComponent'); }()); /***/ }, /* 55 */ /*!*********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/Select.js ***! \*********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractInput = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/AbstractInput */ 33) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstractInput */ function SelectComponent(oParams) { AbstractInput.call(this, oParams); this.options = oParams.options || ''; this.optionsText = oParams.optionsText || null; this.optionsValue = oParams.optionsValue || null; this.defautOptionsAfterRender = Utils.defautOptionsAfterRender; } _.extend(SelectComponent.prototype, AbstractInput.prototype); module.exports = AbstractInput.componentExportHelper( SelectComponent, 'SelectComponent'); }()); /***/ }, /* 56 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Component/TextArea.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractInput = __webpack_require__(/*! Component/AbstractInput */ 33) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {Object} oParams * * @extends AbstractInput */ function TextAreaComponent(oParams) { AbstractInput.call(this, oParams); this.rows = oParams.rows || 5; this.spellcheck = Utils.isUnd(oParams.spellcheck) ? false : !!oParams.spellcheck; } _.extend(TextAreaComponent.prototype, AbstractInput.prototype); module.exports = AbstractInput.componentExportHelper( TextAreaComponent, 'TextAreaComponent'); }()); /***/ }, /* 57 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Knoin/AbstractBoot.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; /** * @constructor */ function AbstractBoot() { } AbstractBoot.prototype.bootstart = function () { }; module.exports = AbstractBoot; }()); /***/ }, /* 58 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Screen/AbstractSettings.js ***! \****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractScreen = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractScreen */ 34) ; /** * @constructor * @param {Array} aViewModels * @extends AbstractScreen */ function AbstractSettingsScreen(aViewModels) { AbstractScreen.call(this, 'settings', aViewModels); this.menu = ko.observableArray([]); this.oCurrentSubScreen = null; this.oViewModelPlace = null; this.setupSettings(); } _.extend(AbstractSettingsScreen.prototype, AbstractScreen.prototype); /** * @param {Function=} fCallback */ AbstractSettingsScreen.prototype.setupSettings = function (fCallback) { if (fCallback) { fCallback(); } }; AbstractSettingsScreen.prototype.onRoute = function (sSubName) { var self = this, oSettingsScreen = null, RoutedSettingsViewModel = null, oViewModelPlace = null, oViewModelDom = null ; RoutedSettingsViewModel = _.find(Globals.aViewModels['settings'], function (SettingsViewModel) { return SettingsViewModel && SettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData && sSubName === SettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData.Route; }); if (RoutedSettingsViewModel) { if (_.find(Globals.aViewModels['settings-removed'], function (DisabledSettingsViewModel) { return DisabledSettingsViewModel && DisabledSettingsViewModel === RoutedSettingsViewModel; })) { RoutedSettingsViewModel = null; } if (RoutedSettingsViewModel && _.find(Globals.aViewModels['settings-disabled'], function (DisabledSettingsViewModel) { return DisabledSettingsViewModel && DisabledSettingsViewModel === RoutedSettingsViewModel; })) { RoutedSettingsViewModel = null; } } if (RoutedSettingsViewModel) { if (RoutedSettingsViewModel.__builded && RoutedSettingsViewModel.__vm) { oSettingsScreen = RoutedSettingsViewModel.__vm; } else { oViewModelPlace = this.oViewModelPlace; if (oViewModelPlace && 1 === oViewModelPlace.length) { oSettingsScreen = new RoutedSettingsViewModel(); oViewModelDom = $('').addClass('rl-settings-view-model').hide(); oViewModelDom.appendTo(oViewModelPlace); oSettingsScreen.viewModelDom = oViewModelDom; oSettingsScreen.__rlSettingsData = RoutedSettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData; RoutedSettingsViewModel.__dom = oViewModelDom; RoutedSettingsViewModel.__builded = true; RoutedSettingsViewModel.__vm = oSettingsScreen; ko.applyBindingAccessorsToNode(oViewModelDom[0], { 'i18nInit': true, 'template': function () { return {'name': RoutedSettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData.Template}; } }, oSettingsScreen); Utils.delegateRun(oSettingsScreen, 'onBuild', [oViewModelDom]); } else { Utils.log('Cannot find sub settings view model position: SettingsSubScreen'); } } if (oSettingsScreen) { _.defer(function () { // hide if (self.oCurrentSubScreen) { Utils.delegateRun(self.oCurrentSubScreen, 'onHide'); self.oCurrentSubScreen.viewModelDom.hide(); } // -- self.oCurrentSubScreen = oSettingsScreen; // show if (self.oCurrentSubScreen) { self.oCurrentSubScreen.viewModelDom.show(); Utils.delegateRun(self.oCurrentSubScreen, 'onShow'); Utils.delegateRun(self.oCurrentSubScreen, 'onFocus', [], 200); _.each(self.menu(), function (oItem) { oItem.selected(oSettingsScreen && oSettingsScreen.__rlSettingsData && oItem.route === oSettingsScreen.__rlSettingsData.Route); }); $('#rl-content .b-settings .b-content .content').scrollTop(0); } // -- Utils.windowResize(); }); } } else { kn.setHash(Links.settings(), false, true); } }; AbstractSettingsScreen.prototype.onHide = function () { if (this.oCurrentSubScreen && this.oCurrentSubScreen.viewModelDom) { Utils.delegateRun(this.oCurrentSubScreen, 'onHide'); this.oCurrentSubScreen.viewModelDom.hide(); } }; AbstractSettingsScreen.prototype.onBuild = function () { _.each(Globals.aViewModels['settings'], function (SettingsViewModel) { if (SettingsViewModel && SettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData && !_.find(Globals.aViewModels['settings-removed'], function (RemoveSettingsViewModel) { return RemoveSettingsViewModel && RemoveSettingsViewModel === SettingsViewModel; })) { this.menu.push({ 'route': SettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData.Route, 'label': SettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData.Label, 'selected': ko.observable(false), 'disabled': !!_.find(Globals.aViewModels['settings-disabled'], function (DisabledSettingsViewModel) { return DisabledSettingsViewModel && DisabledSettingsViewModel === SettingsViewModel; }) }); } }, this); this.oViewModelPlace = $('#rl-content #rl-settings-subscreen'); }; AbstractSettingsScreen.prototype.routes = function () { var DefaultViewModel = _.find(Globals.aViewModels['settings'], function (SettingsViewModel) { return SettingsViewModel && SettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData && SettingsViewModel.__rlSettingsData['IsDefault']; }), sDefaultRoute = DefaultViewModel ? DefaultViewModel.__rlSettingsData['Route'] : 'general', oRules = { 'subname': /^(.*)$/, 'normalize_': function (oRequest, oVals) { oVals.subname = Utils.isUnd(oVals.subname) ? sDefaultRoute : Utils.pString(oVals.subname); return [oVals.subname]; } } ; return [ ['{subname}/', oRules], ['{subname}', oRules], ['', oRules] ]; }; module.exports = AbstractSettingsScreen; }()); /***/ }, /* 59 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Storage/AbstractRemote.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Plugins = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Plugins */ 23), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function AbstractRemoteStorage() { this.oRequests = {}; } AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.oRequests = {}; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sRequestAction * @param {string} sType * @param {?AjaxJsonDefaultResponse} oData * @param {boolean} bCached * @param {*=} oRequestParameters */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.defaultResponse = function (fCallback, sRequestAction, sType, oData, bCached, oRequestParameters) { var fCall = function () { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success !== sType && Globals.bUnload) { sType = Enums.StorageResultType.Unload; } if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sType && oData && !oData.Result) { if (oData && -1 < Utils.inArray(oData.ErrorCode, [ Enums.Notification.AuthError, Enums.Notification.AccessError, Enums.Notification.ConnectionError, Enums.Notification.DomainNotAllowed, Enums.Notification.AccountNotAllowed, Enums.Notification.MailServerError, Enums.Notification.UnknownNotification, Enums.Notification.UnknownError ])) { Globals.iAjaxErrorCount++; } if (oData && Enums.Notification.InvalidToken === oData.ErrorCode) { Globals.iTokenErrorCount++; } if (Consts.Values.TokenErrorLimit < Globals.iTokenErrorCount) { if (Globals.__APP__) { Globals.__APP__.loginAndLogoutReload(true); } } if (oData.ClearAuth || oData.Logout || Consts.Values.AjaxErrorLimit < Globals.iAjaxErrorCount) { if (Globals.__APP__) { Globals.__APP__.clearClientSideToken(); if (!oData.ClearAuth) { Globals.__APP__.loginAndLogoutReload(true); } } } } else if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sType && oData && oData.Result) { Globals.iAjaxErrorCount = 0; Globals.iTokenErrorCount = 0; } if (fCallback) { Plugins.runHook('ajax-default-response', [sRequestAction, Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sType ? oData : null, sType, bCached, oRequestParameters]); fCallback( sType, Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sType ? oData : null, bCached, sRequestAction, oRequestParameters ); } } ; switch (sType) { case 'success': sType = Enums.StorageResultType.Success; break; case 'abort': sType = Enums.StorageResultType.Abort; break; default: sType = Enums.StorageResultType.Error; break; } if (Enums.StorageResultType.Error === sType) { _.delay(fCall, 300); } else { fCall(); } }; /** * @param {?Function} fResultCallback * @param {Object} oParameters * @param {?number=} iTimeOut = 20000 * @param {string=} sGetAdd = '' * @param {Array=} aAbortActions = [] * @return {jQuery.jqXHR} */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.ajaxRequest = function (fResultCallback, oParameters, iTimeOut, sGetAdd, aAbortActions) { var self = this, bPost = '' === sGetAdd, oHeaders = {}, iStart = (new window.Date()).getTime(), oDefAjax = null, sAction = '' ; oParameters = oParameters || {}; iTimeOut = Utils.isNormal(iTimeOut) ? iTimeOut : 20000; sGetAdd = Utils.isUnd(sGetAdd) ? '' : Utils.pString(sGetAdd); aAbortActions = Utils.isArray(aAbortActions) ? aAbortActions : []; sAction = oParameters.Action || ''; if (sAction && 0 < aAbortActions.length) { _.each(aAbortActions, function (sActionToAbort) { if (self.oRequests[sActionToAbort]) { self.oRequests[sActionToAbort].__aborted = true; if (self.oRequests[sActionToAbort].abort) { self.oRequests[sActionToAbort].abort(); } self.oRequests[sActionToAbort] = null; } }); } if (bPost) { oParameters['XToken'] = Settings.settingsGet('Token'); } oDefAjax = $.ajax({ 'type': bPost ? 'POST' : 'GET', 'url': Links.ajax(sGetAdd), 'async': true, 'dataType': 'json', 'data': bPost ? oParameters : {}, 'headers': oHeaders, 'timeout': iTimeOut, 'global': true }); oDefAjax.always(function (oData, sType) { var bCached = false; if (oData && oData['Time']) { bCached = Utils.pInt(oData['Time']) > (new window.Date()).getTime() - iStart; } if (sAction && self.oRequests[sAction]) { if (self.oRequests[sAction].__aborted) { sType = 'abort'; } self.oRequests[sAction] = null; } self.defaultResponse(fResultCallback, sAction, sType, oData, bCached, oParameters); }); if (sAction && 0 < aAbortActions.length && -1 < Utils.inArray(sAction, aAbortActions)) { if (this.oRequests[sAction]) { this.oRequests[sAction].__aborted = true; if (this.oRequests[sAction].abort) { this.oRequests[sAction].abort(); } this.oRequests[sAction] = null; } this.oRequests[sAction] = oDefAjax; } return oDefAjax; }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sAction * @param {Object=} oParameters * @param {?number=} iTimeout * @param {string=} sGetAdd = '' * @param {Array=} aAbortActions = [] */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.defaultRequest = function (fCallback, sAction, oParameters, iTimeout, sGetAdd, aAbortActions) { oParameters = oParameters || {}; oParameters.Action = sAction; sGetAdd = Utils.pString(sGetAdd); Plugins.runHook('ajax-default-request', [sAction, oParameters, sGetAdd]); return this.ajaxRequest(fCallback, oParameters, Utils.isUnd(iTimeout) ? Consts.Defaults.DefaultAjaxTimeout : Utils.pInt(iTimeout), sGetAdd, aAbortActions); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.noop = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Noop'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sMessage * @param {string} sFileName * @param {number} iLineNo * @param {string} sLocation * @param {string} sHtmlCapa * @param {number} iTime */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.jsError = function (fCallback, sMessage, sFileName, iLineNo, sLocation, sHtmlCapa, iTime) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'JsError', { 'Message': sMessage, 'FileName': sFileName, 'LineNo': iLineNo, 'Location': sLocation, 'HtmlCapa': sHtmlCapa, 'TimeOnPage': iTime }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sType * @param {Array=} mData = null * @param {boolean=} bIsError = false */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.jsInfo = function (fCallback, sType, mData, bIsError) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'JsInfo', { 'Type': sType, 'Data': mData, 'IsError': (Utils.isUnd(bIsError) ? false : !!bIsError) ? '1' : '0' }); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.getPublicKey = function (fCallback) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'GetPublicKey'); }; /** * @param {?Function} fCallback * @param {string} sVersion */ AbstractRemoteStorage.prototype.jsVersion = function (fCallback, sVersion) { this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'Version', { 'Version': sVersion }); }; module.exports = AbstractRemoteStorage; }()); /***/ }, /* 60 */ /*!*******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Storage/Client.js ***! \*******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; /** * @constructor */ function ClientStorage() { var NextStorageDriver = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2).find([ __webpack_require__(/*! Common/ClientStorageDriver/LocalStorage */ 94), __webpack_require__(/*! Common/ClientStorageDriver/Cookie */ 93) ], function (NextStorageDriver) { return NextStorageDriver && NextStorageDriver.supported(); }) ; this.oDriver = null; if (NextStorageDriver) { this.oDriver = new NextStorageDriver(); } } /** * @type {LocalStorageDriver|CookieDriver|null} */ ClientStorage.prototype.oDriver = null; /** * @param {number} iKey * @param {*} mData * @return {boolean} */ ClientStorage.prototype.set = function (iKey, mData) { return this.oDriver ? this.oDriver.set('p' + iKey, mData) : false; }; /** * @param {number} iKey * @return {*} */ ClientStorage.prototype.get = function (iKey) { return this.oDriver ? this.oDriver.get('p' + iKey) : null; }; module.exports = new ClientStorage(); }()); /***/ }, /* 61 */, /* 62 */, /* 63 */, /* 64 */, /* 65 */ /*!***************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/App.js ***! \***************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function AppStore() { this.allowLanguagesOnSettings = ko.observable(true); this.allowLanguagesOnLogin = ko.observable(true); this.interfaceAnimation = ko.observable(true); this.interfaceAnimation.subscribe(function (bValue) { var bAnim = Globals.bMobileDevice || !bValue; Globals.$html.toggleClass('rl-anim', !bAnim).toggleClass('no-rl-anim', bAnim); }); this.interfaceAnimation.valueHasMutated(); this.prem = ko.observable(false); } AppStore.prototype.populate = function() { this.allowLanguagesOnLogin(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowLanguagesOnLogin')); this.allowLanguagesOnSettings(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowLanguagesOnSettings')); this.interfaceAnimation(!!Settings.settingsGet('InterfaceAnimation')); this.prem(!!Settings.settingsGet('PremType')); }; module.exports = AppStore; }()); /***/ }, /* 66 */ /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Notification.js ***! \*****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), buzz = __webpack_require__(/*! buzz */ 155), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9) ; /** * @constructor */ function NotificationUserStore() { var self = this; this.buzz = null; this.enableSoundNotification = ko.observable(true); this.soundNotificationIsSupported = ko.observable(false); this.allowDesktopNotification = ko.observable(false); this.desktopNotificationPermisions = ko.computed(function () { this.allowDesktopNotification(); var NotificationClass = this.notificationClass(), iResult = Enums.DesktopNotification.NotSupported ; if (NotificationClass && NotificationClass.permission) { switch (NotificationClass.permission.toLowerCase()) { case 'granted': iResult = Enums.DesktopNotification.Allowed; break; case 'denied': iResult = Enums.DesktopNotification.Denied; break; case 'default': iResult = Enums.DesktopNotification.NotAllowed; break; } } else if (window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission) { iResult = window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission(); } return iResult; }, this).extend({'notify': 'always'}); this.enableDesktopNotification = ko.computed({ 'owner': this, 'read': function () { return this.allowDesktopNotification() && Enums.DesktopNotification.Allowed === this.desktopNotificationPermisions(); }, 'write': function (bValue) { if (bValue) { var NotificationClass = this.notificationClass(), iPermission = this.desktopNotificationPermisions() ; if (NotificationClass && Enums.DesktopNotification.Allowed === iPermission) { this.allowDesktopNotification(true); } else if (NotificationClass && Enums.DesktopNotification.NotAllowed === iPermission) { NotificationClass.requestPermission(function () { self.allowDesktopNotification.valueHasMutated(); if (Enums.DesktopNotification.Allowed === self.desktopNotificationPermisions()) { if (self.allowDesktopNotification()) { self.allowDesktopNotification.valueHasMutated(); } else { self.allowDesktopNotification(true); } } else { if (self.allowDesktopNotification()) { self.allowDesktopNotification(false); } else { self.allowDesktopNotification.valueHasMutated(); } } }); } else { this.allowDesktopNotification(false); } } else { this.allowDesktopNotification(false); } } }).extend({'notify': 'always'}); if (!this.enableDesktopNotification.valueHasMutated) { this.enableDesktopNotification.valueHasMutated = function () { self.allowDesktopNotification.valueHasMutated(); }; } this.computedProperies(); this.initNotificationPlayer(); } NotificationUserStore.prototype.computedProperies = function () { this.isDesktopNotificationSupported = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.DesktopNotification.NotSupported !== this.desktopNotificationPermisions(); }, this); this.isDesktopNotificationDenied = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.DesktopNotification.NotSupported === this.desktopNotificationPermisions() || Enums.DesktopNotification.Denied === this.desktopNotificationPermisions(); }, this); }; NotificationUserStore.prototype.initNotificationPlayer = function () { if (buzz && buzz.isSupported() && (buzz.isOGGSupported() || buzz.isMP3Supported())) { this.soundNotificationIsSupported(true); this.buzz = new buzz.sound(Links.sound('new-mail'), { 'preload': 'none', 'formats': ['mp3', 'ogg'] }); } else { this.enableSoundNotification(false); this.soundNotificationIsSupported(false); } }; NotificationUserStore.prototype.playSoundNotification = function (bSkipSetting) { if (this.buzz && (bSkipSetting ? true : this.enableSoundNotification())) { this.buzz.play(); } }; NotificationUserStore.prototype.displayDesktopNotification = function (sImageSrc, sTitle, sText) { if (this.enableDesktopNotification()) { var NotificationClass = this.notificationClass(), oNotification = NotificationClass ? new NotificationClass(sTitle, { 'body': sText, 'icon': sImageSrc }) : null ; if (oNotification) { if (oNotification.show) { oNotification.show(); } window.setTimeout((function (oLocalNotifications) { return function () { if (oLocalNotifications.cancel) { oLocalNotifications.cancel(); } else if (oLocalNotifications.close) { oLocalNotifications.close(); } }; }(oNotification)), 7000); } } }; NotificationUserStore.prototype.populate = function () { this.enableSoundNotification(!!Settings.settingsGet('SoundNotification')); this.enableDesktopNotification(!!Settings.settingsGet('DesktopNotifications')); }; /** * @return {*|null} */ NotificationUserStore.prototype.notificationClass = function () { return window.Notification && window.Notification.requestPermission ? window.Notification : null; }; module.exports = new NotificationUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 67 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/AddAccount.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function AddAccountPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsAddAccount'); this.isNew = ko.observable(true); this.email = ko.observable(''); this.password = ko.observable(''); this.emailError = ko.observable(false); this.passwordError = ko.observable(false); this.email.subscribe(function () { this.emailError(false); }, this); this.password.subscribe(function () { this.passwordError(false); }, this); this.submitRequest = ko.observable(false); this.submitError = ko.observable(''); this.emailFocus = ko.observable(false); this.addAccountCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.emailError('' === Utils.trim(this.email())); this.passwordError('' === Utils.trim(this.password())); if (this.emailError() || this.passwordError()) { return false; } this.submitRequest(true); Remote.accountSetup(_.bind(function (sResult, oData) { this.submitRequest(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && 'AccountSetup' === oData.Action) { if (oData.Result) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).accountsAndIdentities(); this.cancelCommand(); } else if (oData.ErrorCode) { this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode)); } } else { this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.UnknownError)); } }, this), this.email(), this.password(), this.isNew()); return true; }, function () { return !this.submitRequest(); }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/AddAccount', 'PopupsAddAccountViewModel'], AddAccountPopupView); _.extend(AddAccountPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); AddAccountPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.isNew(true); this.email(''); this.password(''); this.emailError(false); this.passwordError(false); this.submitRequest(false); this.submitError(''); }; AddAccountPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (oAccount) { this.clearPopup(); if (oAccount && oAccount.canBeEdit()) { this.isNew(false); this.email(oAccount.email); } }; AddAccountPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.emailFocus(true); }; module.exports = AddAccountPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 68 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/Contacts.js ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Selector = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Selector */ 78), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), EmailModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Email */ 25), ContactModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Contact */ 97), ContactPropertyModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/ContactProperty */ 98), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function ContactsPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsContacts'); var self = this, fFastClearEmptyListHelper = function (aList) { if (aList && 0 < aList.length) { self.viewProperties.removeAll(aList); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(aList); } } ; this.bBackToCompose = false; this.allowContactsSync = Data.allowContactsSync; this.enableContactsSync = Data.enableContactsSync; this.allowExport = !Globals.bMobileDevice; this.search = ko.observable(''); this.contactsCount = ko.observable(0); this.contacts = Data.contacts; this.currentContact = ko.observable(null); this.importUploaderButton = ko.observable(null); this.contactsPage = ko.observable(1); this.contactsPageCount = ko.computed(function () { var iPage = window.Math.ceil(this.contactsCount() / Consts.Defaults.ContactsPerPage); return 0 >= iPage ? 1 : iPage; }, this); this.contactsPagenator = ko.computed(Utils.computedPagenatorHelper(this.contactsPage, this.contactsPageCount)); this.emptySelection = ko.observable(true); this.viewClearSearch = ko.observable(false); this.viewID = ko.observable(''); this.viewReadOnly = ko.observable(false); this.viewProperties = ko.observableArray([]); this.viewSaveTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.viewPropertiesNames = this.viewProperties.filter(function(oProperty) { return -1 < Utils.inArray(oProperty.type(), [ Enums.ContactPropertyType.FirstName, Enums.ContactPropertyType.LastName ]); }); this.viewPropertiesOther = this.viewProperties.filter(function(oProperty) { return -1 < Utils.inArray(oProperty.type(), [ Enums.ContactPropertyType.Note ]); }); this.viewPropertiesOther = ko.computed(function () { var aList = _.filter(this.viewProperties(), function (oProperty) { return -1 < Utils.inArray(oProperty.type(), [ Enums.ContactPropertyType.Nick ]); }); return _.sortBy(aList, function (oProperty) { return oProperty.type(); }); }, this); this.viewPropertiesEmails = this.viewProperties.filter(function(oProperty) { return Enums.ContactPropertyType.Email === oProperty.type(); }); this.viewPropertiesWeb = this.viewProperties.filter(function(oProperty) { return Enums.ContactPropertyType.Web === oProperty.type(); }); this.viewHasNonEmptyRequaredProperties = ko.computed(function() { var aNames = this.viewPropertiesNames(), aEmail = this.viewPropertiesEmails(), fHelper = function (oProperty) { return '' !== Utils.trim(oProperty.value()); } ; return !!(_.find(aNames, fHelper) || _.find(aEmail, fHelper)); }, this); this.viewPropertiesPhones = this.viewProperties.filter(function(oProperty) { return Enums.ContactPropertyType.Phone === oProperty.type(); }); this.viewPropertiesEmailsNonEmpty = this.viewPropertiesNames.filter(function(oProperty) { return '' !== Utils.trim(oProperty.value()); }); this.viewPropertiesEmailsEmptyAndOnFocused = this.viewPropertiesEmails.filter(function(oProperty) { var bF = oProperty.focused(); return '' === Utils.trim(oProperty.value()) && !bF; }); this.viewPropertiesPhonesEmptyAndOnFocused = this.viewPropertiesPhones.filter(function(oProperty) { var bF = oProperty.focused(); return '' === Utils.trim(oProperty.value()) && !bF; }); this.viewPropertiesWebEmptyAndOnFocused = this.viewPropertiesWeb.filter(function(oProperty) { var bF = oProperty.focused(); return '' === Utils.trim(oProperty.value()) && !bF; }); this.viewPropertiesOtherEmptyAndOnFocused = ko.computed(function () { return _.filter(this.viewPropertiesOther(), function (oProperty) { var bF = oProperty.focused(); return '' === Utils.trim(oProperty.value()) && !bF; }); }, this); this.viewPropertiesEmailsEmptyAndOnFocused.subscribe(function(aList) { fFastClearEmptyListHelper(aList); }); this.viewPropertiesPhonesEmptyAndOnFocused.subscribe(function(aList) { fFastClearEmptyListHelper(aList); }); this.viewPropertiesWebEmptyAndOnFocused.subscribe(function(aList) { fFastClearEmptyListHelper(aList); }); this.viewPropertiesOtherEmptyAndOnFocused.subscribe(function(aList) { fFastClearEmptyListHelper(aList); }); this.viewSaving = ko.observable(false); this.useCheckboxesInList = SettingsStore.useCheckboxesInList; this.search.subscribe(function () { this.reloadContactList(); }, this); this.contacts.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); this.viewProperties.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); this.contactsChecked = ko.computed(function () { return _.filter(this.contacts(), function (oItem) { return oItem.checked(); }); }, this); this.contactsCheckedOrSelected = ko.computed(function () { var aChecked = this.contactsChecked(), oSelected = this.currentContact() ; return _.union(aChecked, oSelected ? [oSelected] : []); }, this); this.contactsCheckedOrSelectedUids = ko.computed(function () { return _.map(this.contactsCheckedOrSelected(), function (oContact) { return oContact.idContact; }); }, this); this.selector = new Selector(this.contacts, this.currentContact, '.e-contact-item .actionHandle', '.e-contact-item.selected', '.e-contact-item .checkboxItem', '.e-contact-item.focused'); this.selector.on('onItemSelect', _.bind(function (oContact) { this.populateViewContact(oContact ? oContact : null); if (!oContact) { this.emptySelection(true); } }, this)); this.selector.on('onItemGetUid', function (oContact) { return oContact ? oContact.generateUid() : ''; }); this.newCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.populateViewContact(null); this.currentContact(null); }); this.deleteCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.deleteSelectedContacts(); this.emptySelection(true); }, function () { return 0 < this.contactsCheckedOrSelected().length; }); this.newMessageCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var aC = this.contactsCheckedOrSelected(), aE = []; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aC)) { aE = _.map(aC, function (oItem) { if (oItem) { var aData = oItem.getNameAndEmailHelper(), oEmail = aData ? new EmailModel(aData[0], aData[1]) : null ; if (oEmail && oEmail.validate()) { return oEmail; } } return null; }); aE = _.compact(aE); } if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aE)) { self.bBackToCompose = false; kn.hideScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Contacts */ 68)); _.delay(function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27), [Enums.ComposeType.Empty, null, aE]); }, 200); } }, function () { return 0 < this.contactsCheckedOrSelected().length; }); this.clearCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.search(''); }); this.saveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.viewSaving(true); this.viewSaveTrigger(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Animate); var sRequestUid = Utils.fakeMd5(), aProperties = [] ; _.each(this.viewProperties(), function (oItem) { if (oItem.type() && '' !== Utils.trim(oItem.value())) { aProperties.push([oItem.type(), oItem.value(), oItem.typeStr()]); } }); Remote.contactSave(function (sResult, oData) { var bRes = false; self.viewSaving(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result && oData.Result.RequestUid === sRequestUid && 0 < Utils.pInt(oData.Result.ResultID)) { if ('' === self.viewID()) { self.viewID(Utils.pInt(oData.Result.ResultID)); } self.reloadContactList(); bRes = true; } _.delay(function () { self.viewSaveTrigger(bRes ? Enums.SaveSettingsStep.TrueResult : Enums.SaveSettingsStep.FalseResult); }, 300); if (bRes) { self.watchDirty(false); _.delay(function () { self.viewSaveTrigger(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); }, 1000); } }, sRequestUid, this.viewID(), aProperties); }, function () { var bV = this.viewHasNonEmptyRequaredProperties(), bReadOnly = this.viewReadOnly() ; return !this.viewSaving() && bV && !bReadOnly; }); this.syncCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var self = this; __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).contactsSync(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success !== sResult || !oData || !oData.Result) { window.alert(Translator.getNotification( oData && oData.ErrorCode ? oData.ErrorCode : Enums.Notification.ContactsSyncError)); } self.reloadContactList(true); }); }, function () { return !this.contacts.syncing() && !this.contacts.importing(); }); this.bDropPageAfterDelete = false; this.watchDirty = ko.observable(false); this.watchHash = ko.observable(false); this.viewHash = ko.computed(function () { return '' + _.map(self.viewProperties(), function (oItem) { return oItem.value(); }).join(''); }); // this.saveCommandDebounce = _.debounce(_.bind(this.saveCommand, this), 1000); this.viewHash.subscribe(function () { if (this.watchHash() && !this.viewReadOnly() && !this.watchDirty()) { this.watchDirty(true); } }, this); this.sDefaultKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.ContactList; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/Contacts', 'PopupsContactsViewModel'], ContactsPopupView); _.extend(ContactsPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); ContactsPopupView.prototype.getPropertyPlceholder = function (sType) { var sResult = ''; switch (sType) { case Enums.ContactPropertyType.LastName: sResult = 'CONTACTS/PLACEHOLDER_ENTER_LAST_NAME'; break; case Enums.ContactPropertyType.FirstName: sResult = 'CONTACTS/PLACEHOLDER_ENTER_FIRST_NAME'; break; case Enums.ContactPropertyType.Nick: sResult = 'CONTACTS/PLACEHOLDER_ENTER_NICK_NAME'; break; } return sResult; }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewProperty = function (sType, sTypeStr) { this.viewProperties.push(new ContactPropertyModel(sType, sTypeStr || '', '', true, this.getPropertyPlceholder(sType))); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewOrFocusProperty = function (sType, sTypeStr) { var oItem = _.find(this.viewProperties(), function (oItem) { return sType === oItem.type(); }); if (oItem) { oItem.focused(true); } else { this.addNewProperty(sType, sTypeStr); } }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewEmail = function () { this.addNewProperty(Enums.ContactPropertyType.Email, 'Home'); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewPhone = function () { this.addNewProperty(Enums.ContactPropertyType.Phone, 'Mobile'); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewWeb = function () { this.addNewProperty(Enums.ContactPropertyType.Web); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewNickname = function () { this.addNewOrFocusProperty(Enums.ContactPropertyType.Nick); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewNotes = function () { this.addNewOrFocusProperty(Enums.ContactPropertyType.Note); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.addNewBirthday = function () { this.addNewOrFocusProperty(Enums.ContactPropertyType.Birthday); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.exportVcf = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).download(Links.exportContactsVcf()); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.exportCsv = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).download(Links.exportContactsCsv()); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.initUploader = function () { if (this.importUploaderButton()) { var oJua = new Jua({ 'action': Links.uploadContacts(), 'name': 'uploader', 'queueSize': 1, 'multipleSizeLimit': 1, 'disableFolderDragAndDrop': true, 'disableDragAndDrop': true, 'disableMultiple': true, 'disableDocumentDropPrevent': true, 'clickElement': this.importUploaderButton() }) ; if (oJua) { oJua .on('onStart', _.bind(function () { this.contacts.importing(true); }, this)) .on('onComplete', _.bind(function (sId, bResult, oData) { this.contacts.importing(false); this.reloadContactList(); if (!sId || !bResult || !oData || !oData.Result) { window.alert(Translator.i18n('CONTACTS/ERROR_IMPORT_FILE')); } }, this)) ; } } }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.removeCheckedOrSelectedContactsFromList = function () { var self = this, oKoContacts = this.contacts, oCurrentContact = this.currentContact(), iCount = this.contacts().length, aContacts = this.contactsCheckedOrSelected() ; if (0 < aContacts.length) { _.each(aContacts, function (oContact) { if (oCurrentContact && oCurrentContact.idContact === oContact.idContact) { oCurrentContact = null; self.currentContact(null); } oContact.deleted(true); iCount--; }); if (iCount <= 0) { this.bDropPageAfterDelete = true; } _.delay(function () { _.each(aContacts, function (oContact) { oKoContacts.remove(oContact); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oContact); }); }, 500); } }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.deleteSelectedContacts = function () { if (0 < this.contactsCheckedOrSelected().length) { Remote.contactsDelete( _.bind(this.deleteResponse, this), this.contactsCheckedOrSelectedUids() ); this.removeCheckedOrSelectedContactsFromList(); } }; /** * @param {string} sResult * @param {AjaxJsonDefaultResponse} oData */ ContactsPopupView.prototype.deleteResponse = function (sResult, oData) { if (500 < (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Time ? Utils.pInt(oData.Time) : 0)) { this.reloadContactList(this.bDropPageAfterDelete); } else { _.delay((function (self) { return function () { self.reloadContactList(self.bDropPageAfterDelete); }; }(this)), 500); } }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.removeProperty = function (oProp) { this.viewProperties.remove(oProp); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oProp); }; /** * @param {?ContactModel} oContact */ ContactsPopupView.prototype.populateViewContact = function (oContact) { var sId = '', sLastName = '', sFirstName = '', aList = [] ; this.watchHash(false); this.emptySelection(false); this.viewReadOnly(false); if (oContact) { sId = oContact.idContact; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oContact.properties)) { _.each(oContact.properties, function (aProperty) { if (aProperty && aProperty[0]) { if (Enums.ContactPropertyType.LastName === aProperty[0]) { sLastName = aProperty[1]; } else if (Enums.ContactPropertyType.FirstName === aProperty[0]) { sFirstName = aProperty[1]; } else { aList.push(new ContactPropertyModel(aProperty[0], aProperty[2] || '', aProperty[1])); } } }); } this.viewReadOnly(!!oContact.readOnly); } aList.unshift(new ContactPropertyModel(Enums.ContactPropertyType.LastName, '', sLastName, false, this.getPropertyPlceholder(Enums.ContactPropertyType.LastName))); aList.unshift(new ContactPropertyModel(Enums.ContactPropertyType.FirstName, '', sFirstName, !oContact, this.getPropertyPlceholder(Enums.ContactPropertyType.FirstName))); this.viewID(sId); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(this.viewProperties()); this.viewProperties([]); this.viewProperties(aList); this.watchDirty(false); this.watchHash(true); }; /** * @param {boolean=} bDropPagePosition = false */ ContactsPopupView.prototype.reloadContactList = function (bDropPagePosition) { var self = this, iOffset = (this.contactsPage() - 1) * Consts.Defaults.ContactsPerPage ; this.bDropPageAfterDelete = false; if (Utils.isUnd(bDropPagePosition) ? false : !!bDropPagePosition) { this.contactsPage(1); iOffset = 0; } this.contacts.loading(true); Remote.contacts(function (sResult, oData) { var iCount = 0, aList = [] ; if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result && oData.Result.List) { if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oData.Result.List)) { aList = _.map(oData.Result.List, function (oItem) { var oContact = new ContactModel(); return oContact.parse(oItem) ? oContact : null; }); aList = _.compact(aList); iCount = Utils.pInt(oData.Result.Count); iCount = 0 < iCount ? iCount : 0; } } self.contactsCount(iCount); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(self.contacts()); self.contacts(aList); self.contacts.loading(false); self.viewClearSearch('' !== self.search()); }, iOffset, Consts.Defaults.ContactsPerPage, this.search()); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { this.oContentVisible = $('.b-list-content', oDom); this.oContentScrollable = $('.content', this.oContentVisible); this.selector.init(this.oContentVisible, this.oContentScrollable, Enums.KeyState.ContactList); var self = this; key('delete', Enums.KeyState.ContactList, function () { self.deleteCommand(); return false; }); oDom .on('click', '.e-pagenator .e-page', function () { var oPage = ko.dataFor(this); if (oPage) { self.contactsPage(Utils.pInt(oPage.value)); self.reloadContactList(); } }) ; this.initUploader(); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (bBackToCompose) { this.bBackToCompose = Utils.isUnd(bBackToCompose) ? false : !!bBackToCompose; kn.routeOff(); this.reloadContactList(true); }; ContactsPopupView.prototype.onHide = function () { kn.routeOn(); this.currentContact(null); this.emptySelection(true); this.search(''); this.contactsCount(0); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(this.contacts()); this.contacts([]); if (this.bBackToCompose) { this.bBackToCompose = false; kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27)); } }; module.exports = ContactsPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 69 */ /*!**************************!*\ !*** ./dev/bootstrap.js ***! \**************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; module.exports = function (App) { var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Plugins = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Plugins */ 23), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), EmailModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Email */ 25) ; Globals.__APP__ = App; Globals.$win .keydown(Utils.killCtrlAandS) .keyup(Utils.killCtrlAandS) .unload(function () { Globals.bUnload = true; }) ; Globals.$html .addClass(Globals.bMobileDevice ? 'mobile' : 'no-mobile') .on('click.dropdown.data-api', function () { Utils.detectDropdownVisibility(); }) ; // export window['rl'] = window['rl'] || {}; window['rl']['i18n'] = _.bind(Translator.i18n, Translator); window['rl']['addHook'] = _.bind(Plugins.addHook, Plugins); window['rl']['settingsGet'] = _.bind(Plugins.mainSettingsGet, Plugins); window['rl']['remoteRequest'] = _.bind(Plugins.remoteRequest, Plugins); window['rl']['pluginSettingsGet'] = _.bind(Plugins.settingsGet, Plugins); window['rl']['createCommand'] = Utils.createCommand; window['rl']['EmailModel'] = EmailModel; window['rl']['Enums'] = Enums; window['__APP_BOOT'] = function (fCall) { $(function () { if (!$('#rl-content').is(':visible')) { Globals.$html.addClass('no-css'); } if (window['rainloopTEMPLATES'] && window['rainloopTEMPLATES'][0]) { $('#rl-templates').html(window['rainloopTEMPLATES'][0]); _.delay(function () { App.bootstart(); Globals.$html .removeClass('no-js rl-booted-trigger') .addClass('rl-booted') ; }, 10); } else { fCall(false); } window['__APP_BOOT'] = null; }); }; }; }()); /***/ }, /* 70 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** (webpack)/buildin/module.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = function(module) { if(!module.webpackPolyfill) { module.deprecate = function() {}; module.paths = []; // module.parent = undefined by default module.children = []; module.webpackPolyfill = 1; } return module; } /***/ }, /* 71 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** external "window.Autolinker" ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.Autolinker; /***/ }, /* 72 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** external "window.JSEncrypt" ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.JSEncrypt; /***/ }, /* 73 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** external "window.JSON" ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.JSON; /***/ }, /* 74 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** external "window.Jua" ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.Jua; /***/ }, /* 75 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** external "window.SimplePace" ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.SimplePace; /***/ }, /* 76 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** external "window.hasher" ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.hasher; /***/ }, /* 77 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** external "window.ssm" ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.ssm; /***/ }, /* 78 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Selector.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor * @param {koProperty} oKoList * @param {koProperty} oKoSelectedItem * @param {string} sItemSelector * @param {string} sItemSelectedSelector * @param {string} sItemCheckedSelector * @param {string} sItemFocusedSelector */ function Selector(oKoList, oKoSelectedItem, sItemSelector, sItemSelectedSelector, sItemCheckedSelector, sItemFocusedSelector) { this.list = oKoList; this.listChecked = ko.computed(function () { return _.filter(this.list(), function (oItem) { return oItem.checked(); }); }, this).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); this.isListChecked = ko.computed(function () { return 0 < this.listChecked().length; }, this); this.focusedItem = ko.observable(null); this.selectedItem = oKoSelectedItem; this.selectedItemUseCallback = true; this.itemSelectedThrottle = _.debounce(_.bind(this.itemSelected, this), 300); this.listChecked.subscribe(function (aItems) { if (0 < aItems.length) { if (null === this.selectedItem()) { if (this.selectedItem.valueHasMutated) { this.selectedItem.valueHasMutated(); } } else { this.selectedItem(null); } } else if (this.bAutoSelect && this.focusedItem()) { this.selectedItem(this.focusedItem()); } }, this); this.selectedItem.subscribe(function (oItem) { if (oItem) { if (this.isListChecked()) { _.each(this.listChecked(), function (oSubItem) { oSubItem.checked(false); }); } if (this.selectedItemUseCallback) { this.itemSelectedThrottle(oItem); } } else if (this.selectedItemUseCallback) { this.itemSelected(null); } }, this); this.selectedItem.extend({'toggleSubscribe': [null, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.selected(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext) { oNext.selected(true); } } ]}); this.focusedItem.extend({'toggleSubscribe': [null, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.focused(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext) { oNext.focused(true); } } ]}); this.oContentVisible = null; this.oContentScrollable = null; this.sItemSelector = sItemSelector; this.sItemSelectedSelector = sItemSelectedSelector; this.sItemCheckedSelector = sItemCheckedSelector; this.sItemFocusedSelector = sItemFocusedSelector; this.sLastUid = ''; this.bAutoSelect = true; this.oCallbacks = {}; this.emptyFunction = function () {}; this.focusedItem.subscribe(function (oItem) { if (oItem) { this.sLastUid = this.getItemUid(oItem); } }, this); var aCache = [], aCheckedCache = [], mFocused = null, mSelected = null ; this.list.subscribe(function (aItems) { var self = this; if (Utils.isArray(aItems)) { _.each(aItems, function (oItem) { if (oItem) { var sUid = self.getItemUid(oItem); aCache.push(sUid); if (oItem.checked()) { aCheckedCache.push(sUid); } if (null === mFocused && oItem.focused()) { mFocused = sUid; } if (null === mSelected && oItem.selected()) { mSelected = sUid; } } }); } }, this, 'beforeChange'); this.list.subscribe(function (aItems) { var self = this, oTemp = null, bGetNext = false, aUids = [], mNextFocused = mFocused, bChecked = false, bSelected = false, iLen = 0 ; this.selectedItemUseCallback = false; this.focusedItem(null); this.selectedItem(null); if (Utils.isArray(aItems)) { iLen = aCheckedCache.length; _.each(aItems, function (oItem) { var sUid = self.getItemUid(oItem); aUids.push(sUid); if (null !== mFocused && mFocused === sUid) { self.focusedItem(oItem); mFocused = null; } if (0 < iLen && -1 < Utils.inArray(sUid, aCheckedCache)) { bChecked = true; oItem.checked(true); iLen--; } if (!bChecked && null !== mSelected && mSelected === sUid) { bSelected = true; self.selectedItem(oItem); mSelected = null; } }); this.selectedItemUseCallback = true; if (!bChecked && !bSelected && this.bAutoSelect) { if (self.focusedItem()) { self.selectedItem(self.focusedItem()); } else if (0 < aItems.length) { if (null !== mNextFocused) { bGetNext = false; mNextFocused = _.find(aCache, function (sUid) { if (bGetNext && -1 < Utils.inArray(sUid, aUids)) { return sUid; } else if (mNextFocused === sUid) { bGetNext = true; } return false; }); if (mNextFocused) { oTemp = _.find(aItems, function (oItem) { return mNextFocused === self.getItemUid(oItem); }); } } self.selectedItem(oTemp || null); self.focusedItem(self.selectedItem()); } } } aCache = []; aCheckedCache = []; mFocused = null; mSelected = null; }, this); } Selector.prototype.itemSelected = function (oItem) { if (this.isListChecked()) { if (!oItem) { (this.oCallbacks['onItemSelect'] || this.emptyFunction)(oItem || null); } } else { if (oItem) { (this.oCallbacks['onItemSelect'] || this.emptyFunction)(oItem); } } }; Selector.prototype.goDown = function (bForceSelect) { this.newSelectPosition(Enums.EventKeyCode.Down, false, bForceSelect); }; Selector.prototype.goUp = function (bForceSelect) { this.newSelectPosition(Enums.EventKeyCode.Up, false, bForceSelect); }; Selector.prototype.init = function (oContentVisible, oContentScrollable, sKeyScope) { this.oContentVisible = oContentVisible; this.oContentScrollable = oContentScrollable; sKeyScope = sKeyScope || 'all'; if (this.oContentVisible && this.oContentScrollable) { var self = this ; $(this.oContentVisible) .on('selectstart', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && oEvent.preventDefault) { oEvent.preventDefault(); } }) .on('click', this.sItemSelector, function (oEvent) { self.actionClick(ko.dataFor(this), oEvent); }) .on('click', this.sItemCheckedSelector, function (oEvent) { var oItem = ko.dataFor(this); if (oItem) { if (oEvent && oEvent.shiftKey) { self.actionClick(oItem, oEvent); } else { self.focusedItem(oItem); oItem.checked(!oItem.checked()); } } }) ; key('enter', sKeyScope, function () { if (self.focusedItem() && !self.focusedItem().selected()) { self.actionClick(self.focusedItem()); return false; } return true; }); key('ctrl+up, command+up, ctrl+down, command+down', sKeyScope, function () { return false; }); key('up, shift+up, down, shift+down, home, end, pageup, pagedown, insert, space', sKeyScope, function (event, handler) { if (event && handler && handler.shortcut) { // TODO var iKey = 0; switch (handler.shortcut) { case 'up': case 'shift+up': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.Up; break; case 'down': case 'shift+down': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.Down; break; case 'insert': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.Insert; break; case 'space': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.Space; break; case 'home': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.Home; break; case 'end': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.End; break; case 'pageup': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.PageUp; break; case 'pagedown': iKey = Enums.EventKeyCode.PageDown; break; } if (0 < iKey) { self.newSelectPosition(iKey, key.shift); return false; } } }); } }; Selector.prototype.autoSelect = function (bValue) { this.bAutoSelect = !!bValue; }; /** * @param {Object} oItem * @returns {string} */ Selector.prototype.getItemUid = function (oItem) { var sUid = '', fGetItemUidCallback = this.oCallbacks['onItemGetUid'] || null ; if (fGetItemUidCallback && oItem) { sUid = fGetItemUidCallback(oItem); } return sUid.toString(); }; /** * @param {number} iEventKeyCode * @param {boolean} bShiftKey * @param {boolean=} bForceSelect = false */ Selector.prototype.newSelectPosition = function (iEventKeyCode, bShiftKey, bForceSelect) { var iIndex = 0, iPageStep = 10, bNext = false, bStop = false, oResult = null, aList = this.list(), iListLen = aList ? aList.length : 0, oFocused = this.focusedItem() ; if (0 < iListLen) { if (!oFocused) { if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Down === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Insert === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Space === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Home === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.PageUp === iEventKeyCode) { oResult = aList[0]; } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Up === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.End === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.PageDown === iEventKeyCode) { oResult = aList[aList.length - 1]; } } else if (oFocused) { if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Down === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Up === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Insert === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Space === iEventKeyCode) { _.each(aList, function (oItem) { if (!bStop) { switch (iEventKeyCode) { case Enums.EventKeyCode.Up: if (oFocused === oItem) { bStop = true; } else { oResult = oItem; } break; case Enums.EventKeyCode.Down: case Enums.EventKeyCode.Insert: if (bNext) { oResult = oItem; bStop = true; } else if (oFocused === oItem) { bNext = true; } break; } } }); } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Home === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.End === iEventKeyCode) { if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Home === iEventKeyCode) { oResult = aList[0]; } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.End === iEventKeyCode) { oResult = aList[aList.length - 1]; } } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.PageDown === iEventKeyCode) { for (; iIndex < iListLen; iIndex++) { if (oFocused === aList[iIndex]) { iIndex += iPageStep; iIndex = iListLen - 1 < iIndex ? iListLen - 1 : iIndex; oResult = aList[iIndex]; break; } } } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.PageUp === iEventKeyCode) { for (iIndex = iListLen; iIndex >= 0; iIndex--) { if (oFocused === aList[iIndex]) { iIndex -= iPageStep; iIndex = 0 > iIndex ? 0 : iIndex; oResult = aList[iIndex]; break; } } } } } if (oResult) { this.focusedItem(oResult); if (oFocused) { if (bShiftKey) { if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Up === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Down === iEventKeyCode) { oFocused.checked(!oFocused.checked()); } } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Insert === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Space === iEventKeyCode) { oFocused.checked(!oFocused.checked()); } } if ((this.bAutoSelect || !!bForceSelect) && !this.isListChecked() && Enums.EventKeyCode.Space !== iEventKeyCode) { this.selectedItem(oResult); } this.scrollToFocused(); } else if (oFocused) { if (bShiftKey && (Enums.EventKeyCode.Up === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Down === iEventKeyCode)) { oFocused.checked(!oFocused.checked()); } else if (Enums.EventKeyCode.Insert === iEventKeyCode || Enums.EventKeyCode.Space === iEventKeyCode) { oFocused.checked(!oFocused.checked()); } this.focusedItem(oFocused); } }; /** * @return {boolean} */ Selector.prototype.scrollToFocused = function () { if (!this.oContentVisible || !this.oContentScrollable) { return false; } var iOffset = 20, oFocused = $(this.sItemFocusedSelector, this.oContentScrollable), oPos = oFocused.position(), iVisibleHeight = this.oContentVisible.height(), iFocusedHeight = oFocused.outerHeight() ; if (oPos && (oPos.top < 0 || oPos.top + iFocusedHeight > iVisibleHeight)) { if (oPos.top < 0) { this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop(this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop() + oPos.top - iOffset); } else { this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop(this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop() + oPos.top - iVisibleHeight + iFocusedHeight + iOffset); } return true; } return false; }; /** * @param {boolean=} bFast = false * @return {boolean} */ Selector.prototype.scrollToTop = function (bFast) { if (!this.oContentVisible || !this.oContentScrollable) { return false; } if (bFast || 50 > this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop()) { this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop(0); } else { this.oContentScrollable.stop().animate({'scrollTop': 0}, 200); } return true; }; Selector.prototype.eventClickFunction = function (oItem, oEvent) { var sUid = this.getItemUid(oItem), iIndex = 0, iLength = 0, oListItem = null, sLineUid = '', bChangeRange = false, bIsInRange = false, aList = [], bChecked = false ; if (oEvent && oEvent.shiftKey) { if ('' !== sUid && '' !== this.sLastUid && sUid !== this.sLastUid) { aList = this.list(); bChecked = oItem.checked(); for (iIndex = 0, iLength = aList.length; iIndex < iLength; iIndex++) { oListItem = aList[iIndex]; sLineUid = this.getItemUid(oListItem); bChangeRange = false; if (sLineUid === this.sLastUid || sLineUid === sUid) { bChangeRange = true; } if (bChangeRange) { bIsInRange = !bIsInRange; } if (bIsInRange || bChangeRange) { oListItem.checked(bChecked); } } } } this.sLastUid = '' === sUid ? '' : sUid; }; /** * @param {Object} oItem * @param {Object=} oEvent */ Selector.prototype.actionClick = function (oItem, oEvent) { if (oItem) { var bClick = true, sUid = this.getItemUid(oItem) ; if (oEvent) { if (oEvent.shiftKey && !oEvent.ctrlKey && !oEvent.altKey) { bClick = false; if ('' === this.sLastUid) { this.sLastUid = sUid; } oItem.checked(!oItem.checked()); this.eventClickFunction(oItem, oEvent); this.focusedItem(oItem); } else if (oEvent.ctrlKey && !oEvent.shiftKey && !oEvent.altKey) { bClick = false; this.focusedItem(oItem); if (this.selectedItem() && oItem !== this.selectedItem()) { this.selectedItem().checked(true); } oItem.checked(!oItem.checked()); } } if (bClick) { this.focusedItem(oItem); this.selectedItem(oItem); this.scrollToFocused(); } } }; Selector.prototype.on = function (sEventName, fCallback) { this.oCallbacks[sEventName] = fCallback; }; module.exports = Selector; }()); /***/ }, /* 79 */ /*!*********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Attachment.js ***! \*********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor */ function AttachmentModel() { AbstractModel.call(this, 'AttachmentModel'); this.mimeType = ''; this.fileName = ''; this.estimatedSize = 0; this.friendlySize = ''; this.isInline = false; this.isLinked = false; this.isThumbnail = false; this.cid = ''; this.cidWithOutTags = ''; this.contentLocation = ''; this.download = ''; this.folder = ''; this.uid = ''; this.mimeIndex = ''; this.framed = false; } _.extend(AttachmentModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); /** * @static * @param {AjaxJsonAttachment} oJsonAttachment * @return {?AttachmentModel} */ AttachmentModel.newInstanceFromJson = function (oJsonAttachment) { var oAttachmentModel = new AttachmentModel(); return oAttachmentModel.initByJson(oJsonAttachment) ? oAttachmentModel : null; }; AttachmentModel.prototype.mimeType = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.fileName = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.estimatedSize = 0; AttachmentModel.prototype.friendlySize = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.isInline = false; AttachmentModel.prototype.isLinked = false; AttachmentModel.prototype.isThumbnail = false; AttachmentModel.prototype.cid = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.cidWithOutTags = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.contentLocation = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.download = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.folder = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.uid = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.mimeIndex = ''; AttachmentModel.prototype.framed = false; /** * @param {AjaxJsonAttachment} oJsonAttachment */ AttachmentModel.prototype.initByJson = function (oJsonAttachment) { var bResult = false; if (oJsonAttachment && 'Object/Attachment' === oJsonAttachment['@Object']) { this.mimeType = Utils.trim((oJsonAttachment.MimeType || '').toLowerCase()); this.fileName = Utils.trim(oJsonAttachment.FileName); this.estimatedSize = Utils.pInt(oJsonAttachment.EstimatedSize); this.isInline = !!oJsonAttachment.IsInline; this.isLinked = !!oJsonAttachment.IsLinked; this.isThumbnail = !!oJsonAttachment.IsThumbnail; this.cid = oJsonAttachment.CID; this.contentLocation = oJsonAttachment.ContentLocation; this.download = oJsonAttachment.Download; this.folder = oJsonAttachment.Folder; this.uid = oJsonAttachment.Uid; this.mimeIndex = oJsonAttachment.MimeIndex; this.framed = !!oJsonAttachment.Framed; this.friendlySize = Utils.friendlySize(this.estimatedSize); this.cidWithOutTags = this.cid.replace(/^<+/, '').replace(/>+$/, ''); bResult = true; } return bResult; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.isImage = function () { return -1 < Utils.inArray(this.mimeType.toLowerCase(), ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'] ); }; /** * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.hasThumbnail = function () { return this.isThumbnail; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.isText = function () { return -1 < Utils.inArray(this.mimeType, ['application/pgp-signature']) || ('text/' === this.mimeType.substr(0, 5) && -1 === Utils.inArray(this.mimeType, ['text/html'])); }; /** * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.isPdf = function () { return Globals.bAllowPdfPreview && 'application/pdf' === this.mimeType; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.isFramed = function () { return this.framed && (Globals.__APP__ && Globals.__APP__.googlePreviewSupported()) && !this.isPdf() && !this.isText() && !this.isImage(); }; /** * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.hasPreview = function () { return this.isImage() || this.isPdf() || this.isText() || this.isFramed(); }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.linkDownload = function () { return Links.attachmentDownload(this.download); }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.linkPreview = function () { return Links.attachmentPreview(this.download); }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.linkThumbnail = function () { return this.hasThumbnail() ? Links.attachmentThumbnailPreview(this.download) : ''; }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.linkThumbnailPreviewStyle = function () { var sLink = this.linkThumbnail(); return '' === sLink ? '' : 'background:url(' + sLink + ')'; }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.linkFramed = function () { return Links.attachmentFramed(this.download); }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.linkPreviewAsPlain = function () { return Links.attachmentPreviewAsPlain(this.download); }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.linkPreviewMain = function () { var sResult = ''; switch (true) { case this.isImage(): case this.isPdf(): sResult = this.linkPreview(); break; case this.isText(): sResult = this.linkPreviewAsPlain(); break; case this.isFramed(): sResult = this.linkFramed(); break; } return sResult; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.hasPreview = function () { return this.isImage() || this.isPdf() || this.isText() || this.isFramed(); }; /** * @return {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.generateTransferDownloadUrl = function () { var sLink = this.linkDownload(); if ('http' !== sLink.substr(0, 4)) { sLink = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + sLink; } return this.mimeType + ':' + this.fileName + ':' + sLink; }; /** * @param {AttachmentModel} oAttachment * @param {*} oEvent * @return {boolean} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.eventDragStart = function (oAttachment, oEvent) { var oLocalEvent = oEvent.originalEvent || oEvent; if (oAttachment && oLocalEvent && oLocalEvent.dataTransfer && oLocalEvent.dataTransfer.setData) { oLocalEvent.dataTransfer.setData('DownloadURL', this.generateTransferDownloadUrl()); } return true; }; /** * @param {string} sMimeType * @returns {string} */ AttachmentModel.staticIconClassHelper = function (sMimeType) { sMimeType = Utils.trim(sMimeType).toLowerCase(); var sText = '', sClass = 'icon-file', aParts = sMimeType.split('/') ; if (aParts && aParts[1]) { if ('image' === aParts[0]) { sClass = 'icon-file-image'; } else if ('text' === aParts[0]) { sClass = 'icon-file-text'; } else if ('audio' === aParts[0]) { sClass = 'icon-file-music'; } else if ('video' === aParts[0]) { sClass = 'icon-file-movie'; } else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(aParts[1], ['zip', '7z', 'tar', 'rar', 'gzip', 'bzip', 'bzip2', 'x-zip', 'x-7z', 'x-rar', 'x-tar', 'x-gzip', 'x-bzip', 'x-bzip2', 'x-zip-compressed', 'x-7z-compressed', 'x-rar-compressed'])) { sClass = 'icon-file-zip'; } else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(aParts[1], ['pdf', 'x-pdf'])) { sText = 'pdf'; sClass = 'icon-none'; } // else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(aParts[1], [ // 'exe', 'x-exe', 'x-winexe', 'bat' // ])) // { // sClass = 'icon-console'; // } else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(sMimeType, [ 'application/pgp-signature', 'application/pkcs7-signature' ])) { sClass = 'icon-file-certificate'; } else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(aParts[1], [ 'rtf', 'msword', 'vnd.msword', 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template', 'vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12', 'vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12' ])) { sClass = 'icon-file-text'; } else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(aParts[1], [ 'excel', 'ms-excel', 'vnd.ms-excel', 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template', 'vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12', 'vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12', 'vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12', 'vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12' ])) { sClass = 'icon-file-excel'; } else if (-1 < Utils.inArray(aParts[1], [ 'powerpoint', 'ms-powerpoint', 'vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template', 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow', 'vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroEnabled.12', 'vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12', 'vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroEnabled.12', 'vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12' ])) { sClass = 'icon-file-chart-graph'; } } return [sClass, sText]; }; /** * @returns {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.iconClass = function () { return AttachmentModel.staticIconClassHelper(this.mimeType)[0]; }; /** * @returns {string} */ AttachmentModel.prototype.iconText = function () { return AttachmentModel.staticIconClassHelper(this.mimeType)[1]; }; module.exports = AttachmentModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 80 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Filter.js ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), FilterConditionModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/FilterCondition */ 99), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor */ function FilterModel() { AbstractModel.call(this, 'FilterModel'); this.enabled = ko.observable(true); this.id = ''; this.name = ko.observable(''); this.name.error = ko.observable(false); this.name.focused = ko.observable(false); this.conditions = ko.observableArray([]); this.conditionsType = ko.observable(Enums.FilterRulesType.Any); // Actions this.actionValue = ko.observable(''); this.actionValue.error = ko.observable(false); this.actionValueSecond = ko.observable(''); this.actionValueThird = ko.observable(''); this.actionMarkAsRead = ko.observable(false); this.actionKeep = ko.observable(true); this.actionNoStop = ko.observable(false); this.actionType = ko.observable(Enums.FiltersAction.MoveTo); this.actionType.subscribe(function () { this.actionValue(''); this.actionValue.error(false); this.actionValueSecond(''); this.actionValueThird(''); }, this); var fGetRealFolderName = function (sFolderFullNameRaw) { var oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw); return oFolder ? oFolder.fullName.replace( '.' === oFolder.delimiter ? /\./ : /[\\\/]+/, ' / ') : sFolderFullNameRaw; }; this.nameSub = ko.computed(function () { var sResult = '', sActionValue = this.actionValue() ; switch (this.actionType()) { case Enums.FiltersAction.MoveTo: sResult = Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FILTERS/SUBNAME_MOVE_TO', { 'FOLDER': fGetRealFolderName(sActionValue) }); break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Forward: sResult = Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FILTERS/SUBNAME_FORWARD_TO', { 'EMAIL': sActionValue }); break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Vacation: sResult = Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FILTERS/SUBNAME_VACATION_MESSAGE'); break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Reject: sResult = Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FILTERS/SUBNAME_REJECT'); break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Discard: sResult = Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FILTERS/SUBNAME_DISCARD'); break; } return sResult ? '(' + sResult + ')' : ''; }, this); this.actionTemplate = ko.computed(function () { var sTemplate = ''; switch (this.actionType()) { default: case Enums.FiltersAction.MoveTo: sTemplate = 'SettingsFiltersActionMoveToFolder'; break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Forward: sTemplate = 'SettingsFiltersActionForward'; break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Vacation: sTemplate = 'SettingsFiltersActionVacation'; break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Reject: sTemplate = 'SettingsFiltersActionReject'; break; case Enums.FiltersAction.None: sTemplate = 'SettingsFiltersActionNone'; break; case Enums.FiltersAction.Discard: sTemplate = 'SettingsFiltersActionDiscard'; break; } return sTemplate; }, this); this.regDisposables(this.conditions.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback)); this.regDisposables(this.name.subscribe(function (sValue) { this.name.error('' === sValue); }, this)); this.regDisposables(this.actionValue.subscribe(function (sValue) { this.actionValue.error('' === sValue); }, this)); this.regDisposables([this.actionNoStop, this.actionTemplate]); this.deleteAccess = ko.observable(false); this.canBeDalete = ko.observable(true); } _.extend(FilterModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); FilterModel.prototype.generateID = function () { this.id = Utils.fakeMd5(); }; FilterModel.prototype.verify = function () { if ('' === this.name()) { this.name.error(true); return false; } if (0 < this.conditions().length) { if (_.find(this.conditions(), function (oCond) { return oCond && !oCond.verify(); })) { return false; } } if ('' === this.actionValue()) { if (-1 < Utils.inArray(this.actionType(), [ Enums.FiltersAction.MoveTo, Enums.FiltersAction.Forward, Enums.FiltersAction.Reject, Enums.FiltersAction.Vacation ])) { this.actionValue.error(true); return false; } } if (Enums.FiltersAction.Forward === this.actionType() && -1 === this.actionValue().indexOf('@')) { this.actionValue.error(true); return false; } this.name.error(false); this.actionValue.error(false); return true; }; FilterModel.prototype.toJson = function () { return { 'ID': this.id, 'Enabled': this.enabled() ? '1' : '0', 'Name': this.name(), 'ConditionsType': this.conditionsType(), 'Conditions': _.map(this.conditions(), function (oItem) { return oItem.toJson(); }), 'ActionValue': this.actionValue(), 'ActionValueSecond': this.actionValueSecond(), 'ActionValueThird': this.actionValueThird(), 'ActionType': this.actionType(), 'Stop': this.actionNoStop() ? '0' : '1', 'Keep': this.actionKeep() ? '1' : '0', 'MarkAsRead': this.actionMarkAsRead() ? '1' : '0' }; }; FilterModel.prototype.addCondition = function () { this.conditions.push(new FilterConditionModel()); }; FilterModel.prototype.removeCondition = function (oConditionToDelete) { this.conditions.remove(oConditionToDelete); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oConditionToDelete); }; FilterModel.prototype.parse = function (oItem) { var bResult = false; if (oItem && 'Object/Filter' === oItem['@Object']) { this.id = Utils.pString(oItem['ID']); this.name(Utils.pString(oItem['Name'])); this.enabled(!!oItem['Enabled']); this.conditionsType(Utils.pString(oItem['ConditionsType'])); this.conditions([]); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oItem['Conditions'])) { this.conditions(_.compact(_.map(oItem['Conditions'], function (aData) { var oFilterCondition = new FilterConditionModel(); return oFilterCondition && oFilterCondition.parse(aData) ? oFilterCondition : null; }))); } this.actionType(Utils.pString(oItem['ActionType'])); this.actionValue(Utils.pString(oItem['ActionValue'])); this.actionValueSecond(Utils.pString(oItem['ActionValueSecond'])); this.actionValueThird(Utils.pString(oItem['ActionValueThird'])); this.actionNoStop(!oItem['Stop']); this.actionKeep(!!oItem['Keep']); this.actionMarkAsRead(!!oItem['MarkAsRead']); bResult = true; } return bResult; }; FilterModel.prototype.cloneSelf = function () { var oClone = new FilterModel(); oClone.id = this.id; oClone.enabled(this.enabled()); oClone.name(this.name()); oClone.name.error(this.name.error()); oClone.conditionsType(this.conditionsType()); oClone.actionMarkAsRead(this.actionMarkAsRead()); oClone.actionType(this.actionType()); oClone.actionValue(this.actionValue()); oClone.actionValue.error(this.actionValue.error()); oClone.actionValueSecond(this.actionValueSecond()); oClone.actionValueThird(this.actionValueThird()); oClone.actionKeep(this.actionKeep()); oClone.actionNoStop(this.actionNoStop()); oClone.conditions(_.map(this.conditions(), function (oCondition) { return oCondition.cloneSelf(); })); return oClone; }; module.exports = FilterModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 81 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Message.js ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ 36), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), PgpStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20), EmailModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Email */ 25), AttachmentModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Attachment */ 79), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor */ function MessageModel() { AbstractModel.call(this, 'MessageModel'); this.folderFullNameRaw = ''; this.uid = ''; this.hash = ''; this.requestHash = ''; this.subject = ko.observable(''); this.subjectPrefix = ko.observable(''); this.subjectSuffix = ko.observable(''); this.size = ko.observable(0); this.dateTimeStampInUTC = ko.observable(0); this.priority = ko.observable(Enums.MessagePriority.Normal); this.proxy = false; this.fromEmailString = ko.observable(''); this.fromClearEmailString = ko.observable(''); this.toEmailsString = ko.observable(''); this.toClearEmailsString = ko.observable(''); this.senderEmailsString = ko.observable(''); this.senderClearEmailsString = ko.observable(''); this.emails = []; this.from = []; this.to = []; this.cc = []; this.bcc = []; this.replyTo = []; this.deliveredTo = []; this.newForAnimation = ko.observable(false); this.deleted = ko.observable(false); this.unseen = ko.observable(false); this.flagged = ko.observable(false); this.answered = ko.observable(false); this.forwarded = ko.observable(false); this.isReadReceipt = ko.observable(false); this.focused = ko.observable(false); this.selected = ko.observable(false); this.checked = ko.observable(false); this.hasAttachments = ko.observable(false); this.attachmentsMainType = ko.observable(''); this.moment = ko.observable(moment(moment.unix(0))); this.attachmentIconClass = ko.computed(function () { var sClass = ''; if (this.hasAttachments()) { sClass = 'icon-attachment'; switch (this.attachmentsMainType()) { case 'image': sClass = 'icon-image'; break; case 'archive': sClass = 'icon-file-zip'; break; case 'doc': sClass = 'icon-file-text'; break; case 'certificate': sClass = 'icon-file-certificate'; break; // case 'pdf': // sClass = 'icon-file-pdf'; // break; } } return sClass; }, this); this.fullFormatDateValue = ko.computed(function () { return MessageModel.calculateFullFromatDateValue(this.dateTimeStampInUTC()); }, this); this.momentDate = Utils.createMomentDate(this); this.momentShortDate = Utils.createMomentShortDate(this); this.regDisposables(this.dateTimeStampInUTC.subscribe(function (iValue) { var iNow = moment().unix(); this.moment(moment.unix(iNow < iValue ? iNow : iValue)); }, this)); this.body = null; this.plainRaw = ''; this.isHtml = ko.observable(false); this.hasImages = ko.observable(false); this.attachments = ko.observableArray([]); this.isPgpSigned = ko.observable(false); this.isPgpEncrypted = ko.observable(false); this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus = ko.observable(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.None); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser = ko.observable(''); this.priority = ko.observable(Enums.MessagePriority.Normal); this.readReceipt = ko.observable(''); this.aDraftInfo = []; this.sMessageId = ''; this.sInReplyTo = ''; this.sReferences = ''; this.parentUid = ko.observable(0); this.threads = ko.observableArray([]); this.threadsLen = ko.observable(0); this.hasUnseenSubMessage = ko.observable(false); this.hasFlaggedSubMessage = ko.observable(false); this.lastInCollapsedThread = ko.observable(false); this.lastInCollapsedThreadLoading = ko.observable(false); this.threadsLenResult = ko.computed(function () { var iCount = this.threadsLen(); return 0 === this.parentUid() && 0 < iCount ? iCount + 1 : ''; }, this); this.isImportant = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.MessagePriority.High === this.priority(); }, this); this.regDisposables([this.attachmentIconClass, this.fullFormatDateValue, this.threadsLenResult, this.isImportant]); } _.extend(MessageModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); /** * @static * @param {AjaxJsonMessage} oJsonMessage * @return {?MessageModel} */ MessageModel.newInstanceFromJson = function (oJsonMessage) { var oMessageModel = new MessageModel(); return oMessageModel.initByJson(oJsonMessage) ? oMessageModel : null; }; /** * @static * @param {number} iTimeStampInUTC * @return {string} */ MessageModel.calculateFullFromatDateValue = function (iTimeStampInUTC) { return 0 < iTimeStampInUTC ? moment.unix(iTimeStampInUTC).format('LLL') : ''; }; /** * @static * @param {Array} aEmail * @param {boolean=} bFriendlyView * @param {boolean=} bWrapWithLink = false * @return {string} */ MessageModel.emailsToLine = function (aEmail, bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink) { var aResult = [], iIndex = 0, iLen = 0 ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aEmail)) { for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aEmail.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { aResult.push(aEmail[iIndex].toLine(bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink)); } } return aResult.join(', '); }; /** * @static * @param {Array} aEmail * @return {string} */ MessageModel.emailsToLineClear = function (aEmail) { var aResult = [], iIndex = 0, iLen = 0 ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aEmail)) { for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aEmail.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { if (aEmail[iIndex] && aEmail[iIndex].email && '' !== aEmail[iIndex].name) { aResult.push(aEmail[iIndex].email); } } } return aResult.join(', '); }; /** * @static * @param {?Array} aJsonEmails * @return {Array.} */ MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson = function (aJsonEmails) { var iIndex = 0, iLen = 0, oEmailModel = null, aResult = [] ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aJsonEmails)) { for (iIndex = 0, iLen = aJsonEmails.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oEmailModel = EmailModel.newInstanceFromJson(aJsonEmails[iIndex]); if (oEmailModel) { aResult.push(oEmailModel); } } } return aResult; }; /** * @static * @param {Array. } aMessageEmails * @param {Object} oLocalUnic * @param {Array} aLocalEmails */ MessageModel.replyHelper = function (aMessageEmails, oLocalUnic, aLocalEmails) { if (aMessageEmails && 0 < aMessageEmails.length) { var iIndex = 0, iLen = aMessageEmails.length ; for (; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { if (Utils.isUnd(oLocalUnic[aMessageEmails[iIndex].email])) { oLocalUnic[aMessageEmails[iIndex].email] = true; aLocalEmails.push(aMessageEmails[iIndex]); } } } }; MessageModel.prototype.clear = function () { this.folderFullNameRaw = ''; this.uid = ''; this.hash = ''; this.requestHash = ''; this.subject(''); this.subjectPrefix(''); this.subjectSuffix(''); this.size(0); this.dateTimeStampInUTC(0); this.priority(Enums.MessagePriority.Normal); this.proxy = false; this.fromEmailString(''); this.fromClearEmailString(''); this.toEmailsString(''); this.toClearEmailsString(''); this.senderEmailsString(''); this.senderClearEmailsString(''); this.emails = []; this.from = []; this.to = []; this.cc = []; this.bcc = []; this.replyTo = []; this.deliveredTo = []; this.newForAnimation(false); this.deleted(false); this.unseen(false); this.flagged(false); this.answered(false); this.forwarded(false); this.isReadReceipt(false); this.selected(false); this.checked(false); this.hasAttachments(false); this.attachmentsMainType(''); this.body = null; this.isHtml(false); this.hasImages(false); this.attachments([]); this.isPgpSigned(false); this.isPgpEncrypted(false); this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.None); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser(''); this.priority(Enums.MessagePriority.Normal); this.readReceipt(''); this.aDraftInfo = []; this.sMessageId = ''; this.sInReplyTo = ''; this.sReferences = ''; this.parentUid(0); this.threads([]); this.threadsLen(0); this.hasUnseenSubMessage(false); this.hasFlaggedSubMessage(false); this.lastInCollapsedThread(false); this.lastInCollapsedThreadLoading(false); }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.friendlySize = function () { return Utils.friendlySize(this.size()); }; MessageModel.prototype.computeSenderEmail = function () { var sSent = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32).sentFolder(), sDraft = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32).draftFolder() ; this.senderEmailsString(this.folderFullNameRaw === sSent || this.folderFullNameRaw === sDraft ? this.toEmailsString() : this.fromEmailString()); this.senderClearEmailsString(this.folderFullNameRaw === sSent || this.folderFullNameRaw === sDraft ? this.toClearEmailsString() : this.fromClearEmailString()); }; /** * @param {AjaxJsonMessage} oJsonMessage * @return {boolean} */ MessageModel.prototype.initByJson = function (oJsonMessage) { var bResult = false, iPriority = Enums.MessagePriority.Normal ; if (oJsonMessage && 'Object/Message' === oJsonMessage['@Object']) { iPriority = Utils.pInt(oJsonMessage.Priority); this.priority(-1 < Utils.inArray(iPriority, [Enums.MessagePriority.High, Enums.MessagePriority.Low]) ? iPriority : Enums.MessagePriority.Normal); this.folderFullNameRaw = oJsonMessage.Folder; this.uid = oJsonMessage.Uid; this.hash = oJsonMessage.Hash; this.requestHash = oJsonMessage.RequestHash; this.proxy = !!oJsonMessage.ExternalProxy; this.size(Utils.pInt(oJsonMessage.Size)); this.from = MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson(oJsonMessage.From); this.to = MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson(oJsonMessage.To); this.cc = MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson(oJsonMessage.Cc); this.bcc = MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson(oJsonMessage.Bcc); this.replyTo = MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson(oJsonMessage.ReplyTo); this.deliveredTo = MessageModel.initEmailsFromJson(oJsonMessage.DeliveredTo); this.subject(oJsonMessage.Subject); if (Utils.isArray(oJsonMessage.SubjectParts)) { this.subjectPrefix(oJsonMessage.SubjectParts[0]); this.subjectSuffix(oJsonMessage.SubjectParts[1]); } else { this.subjectPrefix(''); this.subjectSuffix(this.subject()); } this.dateTimeStampInUTC(Utils.pInt(oJsonMessage.DateTimeStampInUTC)); this.hasAttachments(!!oJsonMessage.HasAttachments); this.attachmentsMainType(oJsonMessage.AttachmentsMainType); this.fromEmailString(MessageModel.emailsToLine(this.from, true)); this.fromClearEmailString(MessageModel.emailsToLineClear(this.from)); this.toEmailsString(MessageModel.emailsToLine(this.to, true)); this.toClearEmailsString(MessageModel.emailsToLineClear(this.to)); this.parentUid(Utils.pInt(oJsonMessage.ParentThread)); this.threads(Utils.isArray(oJsonMessage.Threads) ? oJsonMessage.Threads : []); this.threadsLen(Utils.pInt(oJsonMessage.ThreadsLen)); this.initFlagsByJson(oJsonMessage); this.computeSenderEmail(); bResult = true; } return bResult; }; /** * @param {AjaxJsonMessage} oJsonMessage * @return {boolean} */ MessageModel.prototype.initUpdateByMessageJson = function (oJsonMessage) { var bResult = false, iPriority = Enums.MessagePriority.Normal ; if (oJsonMessage && 'Object/Message' === oJsonMessage['@Object']) { iPriority = Utils.pInt(oJsonMessage.Priority); this.priority(-1 < Utils.inArray(iPriority, [Enums.MessagePriority.High, Enums.MessagePriority.Low]) ? iPriority : Enums.MessagePriority.Normal); this.aDraftInfo = oJsonMessage.DraftInfo; this.sMessageId = oJsonMessage.MessageId; this.sInReplyTo = oJsonMessage.InReplyTo; this.sReferences = oJsonMessage.References; this.proxy = !!oJsonMessage.ExternalProxy; if (__webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).capaOpenPGP()) { this.isPgpSigned(!!oJsonMessage.PgpSigned); this.isPgpEncrypted(!!oJsonMessage.PgpEncrypted); } this.hasAttachments(!!oJsonMessage.HasAttachments); this.attachmentsMainType(oJsonMessage.AttachmentsMainType); this.foundedCIDs = Utils.isArray(oJsonMessage.FoundedCIDs) ? oJsonMessage.FoundedCIDs : []; this.attachments(this.initAttachmentsFromJson(oJsonMessage.Attachments)); this.readReceipt(oJsonMessage.ReadReceipt || ''); this.computeSenderEmail(); bResult = true; } return bResult; }; /** * @param {(AjaxJsonAttachment|null)} oJsonAttachments * @return {Array} */ MessageModel.prototype.initAttachmentsFromJson = function (oJsonAttachments) { var iIndex = 0, iLen = 0, oAttachmentModel = null, aResult = [] ; if (oJsonAttachments && 'Collection/AttachmentCollection' === oJsonAttachments['@Object'] && Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oJsonAttachments['@Collection'])) { for (iIndex = 0, iLen = oJsonAttachments['@Collection'].length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { oAttachmentModel = AttachmentModel.newInstanceFromJson(oJsonAttachments['@Collection'][iIndex]); if (oAttachmentModel) { if ('' !== oAttachmentModel.cidWithOutTags && 0 < this.foundedCIDs.length && 0 <= Utils.inArray(oAttachmentModel.cidWithOutTags, this.foundedCIDs)) { oAttachmentModel.isLinked = true; } aResult.push(oAttachmentModel); } } } return aResult; }; /** * @param {AjaxJsonMessage} oJsonMessage * @return {boolean} */ MessageModel.prototype.initFlagsByJson = function (oJsonMessage) { var bResult = false; if (oJsonMessage && 'Object/Message' === oJsonMessage['@Object']) { this.unseen(!oJsonMessage.IsSeen); this.flagged(!!oJsonMessage.IsFlagged); this.answered(!!oJsonMessage.IsAnswered); this.forwarded(!!oJsonMessage.IsForwarded); this.isReadReceipt(!!oJsonMessage.IsReadReceipt); bResult = true; } return bResult; }; /** * @param {boolean} bFriendlyView * @param {boolean=} bWrapWithLink = false * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.fromToLine = function (bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink) { return MessageModel.emailsToLine(this.from, bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink); }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.fromDkimData = function () { var aResult = ['none', '']; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(this.from) && 1 === this.from.length && this.from[0] && this.from[0].dkimStatus) { aResult = [this.from[0].dkimStatus, this.from[0].dkimValue || '']; } return aResult; }; /** * @param {boolean} bFriendlyView * @param {boolean=} bWrapWithLink = false * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.toToLine = function (bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink) { return MessageModel.emailsToLine(this.to, bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink); }; /** * @param {boolean} bFriendlyView * @param {boolean=} bWrapWithLink = false * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.ccToLine = function (bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink) { return MessageModel.emailsToLine(this.cc, bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink); }; /** * @param {boolean} bFriendlyView * @param {boolean=} bWrapWithLink = false * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.bccToLine = function (bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink) { return MessageModel.emailsToLine(this.bcc, bFriendlyView, bWrapWithLink); }; /** * @return string */ MessageModel.prototype.lineAsCcc = function () { var aResult = []; if (this.deleted()) { aResult.push('deleted'); } if (this.selected()) { aResult.push('selected'); } if (this.checked()) { aResult.push('checked'); } if (this.flagged()) { aResult.push('flagged'); } if (this.unseen()) { aResult.push('unseen'); } if (this.answered()) { aResult.push('answered'); } if (this.forwarded()) { aResult.push('forwarded'); } if (this.focused()) { aResult.push('focused'); } if (this.isImportant()) { aResult.push('important'); } if (this.hasAttachments()) { aResult.push('withAttachments'); switch (this.attachmentsMainType()) { case 'image': aResult.push('imageOnlyAttachments'); break; case 'archive': aResult.push('archiveOnlyAttachments'); break; } } if (this.newForAnimation()) { aResult.push('new'); } if ('' === this.subject()) { aResult.push('emptySubject'); } if (0 < this.parentUid()) { aResult.push('hasParentMessage'); } if (0 < this.threadsLen() && 0 === this.parentUid()) { aResult.push('hasChildrenMessage'); } if (this.hasUnseenSubMessage()) { aResult.push('hasUnseenSubMessage'); } if (this.hasFlaggedSubMessage()) { aResult.push('hasFlaggedSubMessage'); } return aResult.join(' '); }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageModel.prototype.hasVisibleAttachments = function () { return !!_.find(this.attachments(), function (oAttachment) { return !oAttachment.isLinked; }); }; /** * @param {string} sCid * @return {*} */ MessageModel.prototype.findAttachmentByCid = function (sCid) { var oResult = null, aAttachments = this.attachments() ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aAttachments)) { sCid = sCid.replace(/^<+/, '').replace(/>+$/, ''); oResult = _.find(aAttachments, function (oAttachment) { return sCid === oAttachment.cidWithOutTags; }); } return oResult || null; }; /** * @param {string} sContentLocation * @return {*} */ MessageModel.prototype.findAttachmentByContentLocation = function (sContentLocation) { var oResult = null, aAttachments = this.attachments() ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aAttachments)) { oResult = _.find(aAttachments, function (oAttachment) { return sContentLocation === oAttachment.contentLocation; }); } return oResult || null; }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.messageId = function () { return this.sMessageId; }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.inReplyTo = function () { return this.sInReplyTo; }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.references = function () { return this.sReferences; }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.fromAsSingleEmail = function () { return Utils.isArray(this.from) && this.from[0] ? this.from[0].email : ''; }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.viewLink = function () { return Links.messageViewLink(this.requestHash); }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.downloadLink = function () { return Links.messageDownloadLink(this.requestHash); }; /** * @param {Object} oExcludeEmails * @return {Array} */ MessageModel.prototype.replyEmails = function (oExcludeEmails) { var aResult = [], oUnic = Utils.isUnd(oExcludeEmails) ? {} : oExcludeEmails ; MessageModel.replyHelper(this.replyTo, oUnic, aResult); if (0 === aResult.length) { MessageModel.replyHelper(this.from, oUnic, aResult); } return aResult; }; /** * @param {Object} oExcludeEmails * @return {Array. } */ MessageModel.prototype.replyAllEmails = function (oExcludeEmails) { var aToResult = [], aCcResult = [], oUnic = Utils.isUnd(oExcludeEmails) ? {} : oExcludeEmails ; MessageModel.replyHelper(this.replyTo, oUnic, aToResult); if (0 === aToResult.length) { MessageModel.replyHelper(this.from, oUnic, aToResult); } MessageModel.replyHelper(this.to, oUnic, aToResult); MessageModel.replyHelper(this.cc, oUnic, aCcResult); return [aToResult, aCcResult]; }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.textBodyToString = function () { return this.body ? this.body.html() : ''; }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.attachmentsToStringLine = function () { var aAttachLines = _.map(this.attachments(), function (oItem) { return oItem.fileName + ' (' + oItem.friendlySize + ')'; }); return aAttachLines && 0 < aAttachLines.length ? aAttachLines.join(', ') : ''; }; /** * @return {Object} */ MessageModel.prototype.getDataForWindowPopup = function () { return { 'popupFrom': this.fromToLine(false), 'popupTo': this.toToLine(false), 'popupCc': this.ccToLine(false), 'popupBcc': this.bccToLine(false), 'popupSubject': this.subject(), 'popupIsHtml': this.isHtml(), 'popupDate': this.fullFormatDateValue(), 'popupAttachments': this.attachmentsToStringLine(), 'popupBody': this.textBodyToString() }; }; /** * @param {boolean=} bPrint = false */ MessageModel.prototype.viewPopupMessage = function (bPrint) { Utils.windowPopupKnockout(this.getDataForWindowPopup(), 'PopupsWindowSimpleMessage', this.subject(), function (oPopupWin) { if (oPopupWin && oPopupWin.document && oPopupWin.document.body) { $('img.lazy', oPopupWin.document.body).each(function (iIndex, oImg) { var $oImg = $(oImg), sOrig = $oImg.data('original'), sSrc = $oImg.attr('src') ; if (0 <= iIndex && sOrig && !sSrc) { $oImg.attr('src', sOrig); } }); if (bPrint) { window.setTimeout(function () { oPopupWin.print(); }, 100); } } }); }; MessageModel.prototype.printMessage = function () { this.viewPopupMessage(true); }; /** * @returns {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.generateUid = function () { return this.folderFullNameRaw + '/' + this.uid; }; /** * @param {MessageModel} oMessage * @return {MessageModel} */ MessageModel.prototype.populateByMessageListItem = function (oMessage) { this.folderFullNameRaw = oMessage.folderFullNameRaw; this.uid = oMessage.uid; this.hash = oMessage.hash; this.requestHash = oMessage.requestHash; this.subject(oMessage.subject()); this.subjectPrefix(this.subjectPrefix()); this.subjectSuffix(this.subjectSuffix()); this.size(oMessage.size()); this.dateTimeStampInUTC(oMessage.dateTimeStampInUTC()); this.priority(oMessage.priority()); this.proxy = oMessage.proxy; this.fromEmailString(oMessage.fromEmailString()); this.fromClearEmailString(oMessage.fromClearEmailString()); this.toEmailsString(oMessage.toEmailsString()); this.toClearEmailsString(oMessage.toClearEmailsString()); this.emails = oMessage.emails; this.from = oMessage.from; this.to = oMessage.to; this.cc = oMessage.cc; this.bcc = oMessage.bcc; this.replyTo = oMessage.replyTo; this.deliveredTo = oMessage.deliveredTo; this.unseen(oMessage.unseen()); this.flagged(oMessage.flagged()); this.answered(oMessage.answered()); this.forwarded(oMessage.forwarded()); this.isReadReceipt(oMessage.isReadReceipt()); this.priority(oMessage.priority()); this.selected(oMessage.selected()); this.checked(oMessage.checked()); this.hasAttachments(oMessage.hasAttachments()); this.attachmentsMainType(oMessage.attachmentsMainType()); this.moment(oMessage.moment()); this.body = null; this.aDraftInfo = []; this.sMessageId = ''; this.sInReplyTo = ''; this.sReferences = ''; this.parentUid(oMessage.parentUid()); this.threads(oMessage.threads()); this.threadsLen(oMessage.threadsLen()); this.computeSenderEmail(); return this; }; MessageModel.prototype.showExternalImages = function (bLazy) { if (this.body && this.body.data('rl-has-images')) { var sAttr = ''; bLazy = Utils.isUnd(bLazy) ? false : bLazy; this.hasImages(false); this.body.data('rl-has-images', false); sAttr = this.proxy ? 'data-x-additional-src' : 'data-x-src'; $('[' + sAttr + ']', this.body).each(function () { if (bLazy && $(this).is('img')) { $(this) .addClass('lazy') .attr('data-original', $(this).attr(sAttr)) .removeAttr(sAttr) ; } else { $(this).attr('src', $(this).attr(sAttr)).removeAttr(sAttr); } }); sAttr = this.proxy ? 'data-x-additional-style-url' : 'data-x-style-url'; $('[' + sAttr + ']', this.body).each(function () { var sStyle = Utils.trim($(this).attr('style')); sStyle = '' === sStyle ? '' : (';' === sStyle.substr(-1) ? sStyle + ' ' : sStyle + '; '); $(this).attr('style', sStyle + $(this).attr(sAttr)).removeAttr(sAttr); }); if (bLazy) { $('img.lazy', this.body).addClass('lazy-inited').lazyload({ 'threshold': 400, 'effect': 'fadeIn', 'skip_invisible': false, 'container': $('.RL-MailMessageView .messageView .messageItem .content')[0] }); Globals.$win.resize(); } Utils.windowResize(500); } }; MessageModel.prototype.showInternalImages = function (bLazy) { if (this.body && !this.body.data('rl-init-internal-images')) { this.body.data('rl-init-internal-images', true); bLazy = Utils.isUnd(bLazy) ? false : bLazy; var self = this; $('[data-x-src-cid]', this.body).each(function () { var oAttachment = self.findAttachmentByCid($(this).attr('data-x-src-cid')); if (oAttachment && oAttachment.download) { if (bLazy && $(this).is('img')) { $(this) .addClass('lazy') .attr('data-original', oAttachment.linkPreview()); } else { $(this).attr('src', oAttachment.linkPreview()); } } }); $('[data-x-src-location]', this.body).each(function () { var oAttachment = self.findAttachmentByContentLocation($(this).attr('data-x-src-location')); if (!oAttachment) { oAttachment = self.findAttachmentByCid($(this).attr('data-x-src-location')); } if (oAttachment && oAttachment.download) { if (bLazy && $(this).is('img')) { $(this) .addClass('lazy') .attr('data-original', oAttachment.linkPreview()); } else { $(this).attr('src', oAttachment.linkPreview()); } } }); $('[data-x-style-cid]', this.body).each(function () { var sStyle = '', sName = '', oAttachment = self.findAttachmentByCid($(this).attr('data-x-style-cid')) ; if (oAttachment && oAttachment.linkPreview) { sName = $(this).attr('data-x-style-cid-name'); if ('' !== sName) { sStyle = Utils.trim($(this).attr('style')); sStyle = '' === sStyle ? '' : (';' === sStyle.substr(-1) ? sStyle + ' ' : sStyle + '; '); $(this).attr('style', sStyle + sName + ': url(\'' + oAttachment.linkPreview() + '\')'); } } }); if (bLazy) { (function ($oImg, oContainer) { _.delay(function () { $oImg.addClass('lazy-inited').lazyload({ 'threshold': 400, 'effect': 'fadeIn', 'skip_invisible': false, 'container': oContainer }); }, 300); }($('img.lazy', self.body), $('.RL-MailMessageView .messageView .messageItem .content')[0])); } Utils.windowResize(500); } }; MessageModel.prototype.storeDataToDom = function () { if (this.body) { this.body.data('rl-is-html', !!this.isHtml()); this.body.data('rl-has-images', !!this.hasImages()); this.body.data('rl-plain-raw', this.plainRaw); if (__webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).capaOpenPGP()) { this.body.data('rl-plain-pgp-signed', !!this.isPgpSigned()); this.body.data('rl-plain-pgp-encrypted', !!this.isPgpEncrypted()); this.body.data('rl-pgp-verify-status', this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus()); this.body.data('rl-pgp-verify-user', this.pgpSignedVerifyUser()); } } }; MessageModel.prototype.storePgpVerifyDataToDom = function () { if (this.body && __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).capaOpenPGP()) { this.body.data('rl-pgp-verify-status', this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus()); this.body.data('rl-pgp-verify-user', this.pgpSignedVerifyUser()); } }; MessageModel.prototype.fetchDataToDom = function () { if (this.body) { this.isHtml(!!this.body.data('rl-is-html')); this.hasImages(!!this.body.data('rl-has-images')); this.plainRaw = Utils.pString(this.body.data('rl-plain-raw')); if (__webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20).capaOpenPGP()) { this.isPgpSigned(!!this.body.data('rl-plain-pgp-signed')); this.isPgpEncrypted(!!this.body.data('rl-plain-pgp-encrypted')); this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(this.body.data('rl-pgp-verify-status')); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser(this.body.data('rl-pgp-verify-user')); } else { this.isPgpSigned(false); this.isPgpEncrypted(false); this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.None); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser(''); } } }; MessageModel.prototype.verifyPgpSignedClearMessage = function () { if (this.isPgpSigned()) { var aRes = [], mPgpMessage = null, Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), sFrom = this.from && this.from[0] && this.from[0].email ? this.from[0].email : '', aPublicKeys = Data.findPublicKeysByEmail(sFrom), oValidKey = null, oValidSysKey = null, sPlain = '' ; this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Error); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser(''); try { mPgpMessage = PgpStore.openpgp.cleartext.readArmored(this.plainRaw); if (mPgpMessage && mPgpMessage.getText) { this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus( aPublicKeys.length ? Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Unverified : Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.UnknownPublicKeys); aRes = mPgpMessage.verify(aPublicKeys); if (aRes && 0 < aRes.length) { oValidKey = _.find(aRes, function (oItem) { return oItem && oItem.keyid && oItem.valid; }); if (oValidKey) { oValidSysKey = Data.findPublicKeyByHex(oValidKey.keyid.toHex()); if (oValidSysKey) { sPlain = mPgpMessage.getText(); this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Success); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser(oValidSysKey.user); sPlain = Globals.$div.empty().append( $('').text(sPlain) ).html() ; Globals.$div.empty(); this.replacePlaneTextBody(sPlain); } } } } } catch (oExc) {} this.storePgpVerifyDataToDom(); } }; MessageModel.prototype.decryptPgpEncryptedMessage = function (sPassword) { if (this.isPgpEncrypted()) { var aRes = [], mPgpMessage = null, mPgpMessageDecrypted = null, Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), sFrom = this.from && this.from[0] && this.from[0].email ? this.from[0].email : '', aPublicKey = Data.findPublicKeysByEmail(sFrom), oPrivateKey = Data.findSelfPrivateKey(sPassword), oValidKey = null, oValidSysKey = null, sPlain = '' ; this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Error); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser(''); if (!oPrivateKey) { this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.UnknownPrivateKey); } try { mPgpMessage = PgpStore.openpgp.message.readArmored(this.plainRaw); if (mPgpMessage && oPrivateKey && mPgpMessage.decrypt) { this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Unverified); mPgpMessageDecrypted = mPgpMessage.decrypt(oPrivateKey); if (mPgpMessageDecrypted) { aRes = mPgpMessageDecrypted.verify(aPublicKey); if (aRes && 0 < aRes.length) { oValidKey = _.find(aRes, function (oItem) { return oItem && oItem.keyid && oItem.valid; }); if (oValidKey) { oValidSysKey = Data.findPublicKeyByHex(oValidKey.keyid.toHex()); if (oValidSysKey) { this.pgpSignedVerifyStatus(Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Success); this.pgpSignedVerifyUser(oValidSysKey.user); } } } sPlain = mPgpMessageDecrypted.getText(); sPlain = Globals.$div.empty().append( $('').text(sPlain) ).html() ; Globals.$div.empty(); this.replacePlaneTextBody(sPlain); } } } catch (oExc) {} this.storePgpVerifyDataToDom(); } }; MessageModel.prototype.replacePlaneTextBody = function (sPlain) { if (this.body) { this.body.html(sPlain).addClass('b-text-part plain'); } }; /** * @return {string} */ MessageModel.prototype.flagHash = function () { return [this.deleted(), this.unseen(), this.flagged(), this.answered(), this.forwarded(), this.isReadReceipt()].join(''); }; module.exports = MessageModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 82 */, /* 83 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Filter.js ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3) ; /** * @constructor */ function FilterUserStore() { this.capa = ko.observable(''); this.modules = ko.observable({}); this.filters = ko.observableArray([]); this.filters.loading = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.filters.saving = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 200}); this.raw = ko.observable(''); } module.exports = new FilterUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 84 */ /*!**********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Stores/User/Quota.js ***! \**********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3) ; /** * @constructor */ function QuotaUserStore() { this.quota = ko.observable(0); this.usage = ko.observable(0); this.percentage = ko.computed(function () { var iQuota = this.quota(), iUsed = this.usage() ; return 0 < iQuota ? window.Math.ceil((iUsed / iQuota) * 100) : 0; }, this); } /** * @param {number} iQuota * @param {number} iUsage */ QuotaUserStore.prototype.populateData = function(iQuota, iUsage) { this.quota(iQuota * 1024); this.usage(iUsage * 1024); }; module.exports = new QuotaUserStore(); }()); /***/ }, /* 85 */, /* 86 */, /* 87 */ /*!**********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/Filter.js ***! \**********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), FilterStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Filter */ 83), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function FilterPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsFilter'); this.isNew = ko.observable(true); this.modules = FilterStore.modules; this.fTrueCallback = null; this.filter = ko.observable(null); this.allowMarkAsRead = ko.observable(false); this.defautOptionsAfterRender = Utils.defautOptionsAfterRender; this.folderSelectList = Data.folderMenuForFilters; this.selectedFolderValue = ko.observable(''); this.selectedFolderValue.subscribe(function() { if (this.filter()) { this.filter().actionValue.error(false); } }, this); this.saveFilter = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.filter()) { if (Enums.FiltersAction.MoveTo === this.filter().actionType()) { this.filter().actionValue(this.selectedFolderValue()); } if (!this.filter().verify()) { return false; } if (this.fTrueCallback) { this.fTrueCallback(this.filter()); } if (this.modalVisibility()) { Utils.delegateRun(this, 'closeCommand'); } } return true; }); this.actionTypeOptions = ko.observableArray([]); this.fieldOptions = ko.observableArray([]); this.typeOptions = ko.observableArray([]); Translator.initOnStartOrLangChange(this.populateOptions, this); this.modules.subscribe(this.populateOptions, this); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/Filter', 'PopupsFilterViewModel'], FilterPopupView); _.extend(FilterPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); FilterPopupView.prototype.populateOptions = function () { this.actionTypeOptions([]); // this.actionTypeOptions.push({'id': Enums.FiltersAction.None, // 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_ACTION_NONE')}); var oModules = this.modules(); if (oModules) { if (oModules.markasread) { this.allowMarkAsRead(true); } if (oModules.moveto) { this.actionTypeOptions.push({'id': Enums.FiltersAction.MoveTo, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_ACTION_MOVE_TO')}); } if (oModules.redirect) { this.actionTypeOptions.push({'id': Enums.FiltersAction.Forward, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_ACTION_FORWARD_TO')}); } if (oModules.reject) { this.actionTypeOptions.push({'id': Enums.FiltersAction.Reject, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_ACTION_REJECT')}); } if (oModules.vacation) { this.actionTypeOptions.push({'id': Enums.FiltersAction.Vacation, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_ACTION_VACATION_MESSAGE')}); } } this.actionTypeOptions.push({'id': Enums.FiltersAction.Discard, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_ACTION_DISCARD')}); this.fieldOptions([ {'id': Enums.FilterConditionField.From, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_FIELD_FROM')}, {'id': Enums.FilterConditionField.Recipient, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_FIELD_RECIPIENTS')}, {'id': Enums.FilterConditionField.Subject, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_FIELD_SUBJECT')} ]); this.typeOptions([ {'id': Enums.FilterConditionType.Contains, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_TYPE_CONTAINS')}, {'id': Enums.FilterConditionType.NotContains, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_TYPE_NOT_CONTAINS')}, {'id': Enums.FilterConditionType.EqualTo, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_TYPE_EQUAL_TO')}, {'id': Enums.FilterConditionType.NotEqualTo, 'name': Translator.i18n('POPUPS_FILTER/SELECT_TYPE_NOT_EQUAL_TO')} ]); }; FilterPopupView.prototype.removeCondition = function (oConditionToDelete) { if (this.filter()) { this.filter().removeCondition(oConditionToDelete); } }; FilterPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.isNew(true); this.fTrueCallback = null; this.filter(null); }; FilterPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (oFilter, fTrueCallback, bEdit) { this.clearPopup(); this.fTrueCallback = fTrueCallback; this.filter(oFilter); if (oFilter) { this.selectedFolderValue(oFilter.actionValue()); } this.isNew(!bEdit); if (!bEdit && oFilter) { oFilter.name.focused(true); } }; FilterPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { if (this.isNew() && this.filter()) { this.filter().name.focused(true); } }; module.exports = FilterPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 88 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/FolderCreate.js ***! \****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function FolderCreateView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsFolderCreate'); Translator.initOnStartOrLangChange(function () { this.sNoParentText = Translator.i18n('POPUPS_CREATE_FOLDER/SELECT_NO_PARENT'); }, this); this.folderName = ko.observable(''); this.folderName.focused = ko.observable(false); this.selectedParentValue = ko.observable(Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue); this.parentFolderSelectList = ko.computed(function () { var aTop = [], fDisableCallback = null, fVisibleCallback = null, aList = Data.folderList(), fRenameCallback = function (oItem) { return oItem ? (oItem.isSystemFolder() ? oItem.name() + ' ' + oItem.manageFolderSystemName() : oItem.name()) : ''; } ; aTop.push(['', this.sNoParentText]); if ('' !== Data.namespace) { fDisableCallback = function (oItem) { return Data.namespace !== oItem.fullNameRaw.substr(0, Data.namespace.length); }; } return Utils.folderListOptionsBuilder([], aList, [], aTop, null, fDisableCallback, fVisibleCallback, fRenameCallback); }, this); // commands this.createFolder = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var sParentFolderName = this.selectedParentValue() ; if ('' === sParentFolderName && 1 < Data.namespace.length) { sParentFolderName = Data.namespace.substr(0, Data.namespace.length - 1); } Data.foldersCreating(true); Remote.folderCreate(function (sResult, oData) { Data.foldersCreating(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).folders(); } else { Data.folderList.error( oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_CREATE_FOLDER')); } }, this.folderName(), sParentFolderName); this.cancelCommand(); }, function () { return this.simpleFolderNameValidation(this.folderName()); }); this.defautOptionsAfterRender = Utils.defautOptionsAfterRender; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/FolderCreate', 'PopupsFolderCreateViewModel'], FolderCreateView); _.extend(FolderCreateView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); FolderCreateView.prototype.sNoParentText = ''; FolderCreateView.prototype.simpleFolderNameValidation = function (sName) { return (/^[^\\\/]+$/g).test(Utils.trim(sName)); }; FolderCreateView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.folderName(''); this.selectedParentValue(''); this.folderName.focused(false); }; FolderCreateView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.clearPopup(); }; FolderCreateView.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.folderName.focused(true); }; module.exports = FolderCreateView; }()); /***/ }, /* 89 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/Identity.js ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function IdentityPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsIdentity'); this.id = ''; this.edit = ko.observable(false); this.owner = ko.observable(false); this.email = ko.observable('').validateEmail(); this.email.focused = ko.observable(false); this.name = ko.observable(''); this.name.focused = ko.observable(false); this.replyTo = ko.observable('').validateSimpleEmail(); this.replyTo.focused = ko.observable(false); this.bcc = ko.observable('').validateSimpleEmail(); this.bcc.focused = ko.observable(false); // this.email.subscribe(function () { // this.email.hasError(false); // }, this); this.submitRequest = ko.observable(false); this.submitError = ko.observable(''); this.addOrEditIdentityCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (!this.email.hasError()) { this.email.hasError('' === Utils.trim(this.email())); } if (this.email.hasError()) { if (!this.owner()) { this.email.focused(true); } return false; } if (this.replyTo.hasError()) { this.replyTo.focused(true); return false; } if (this.bcc.hasError()) { this.bcc.focused(true); return false; } this.submitRequest(true); Remote.identityUpdate(_.bind(function (sResult, oData) { this.submitRequest(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData) { if (oData.Result) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).accountsAndIdentities(); this.cancelCommand(); } else if (oData.ErrorCode) { this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode)); } } else { this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.UnknownError)); } }, this), this.id, this.email(), this.name(), this.replyTo(), this.bcc()); return true; }, function () { return !this.submitRequest(); }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/Identity', 'PopupsIdentityViewModel'], IdentityPopupView); _.extend(IdentityPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); IdentityPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.id = ''; this.edit(false); this.owner(false); this.name(''); this.email(''); this.replyTo(''); this.bcc(''); this.email.hasError(false); this.replyTo.hasError(false); this.bcc.hasError(false); this.submitRequest(false); this.submitError(''); }; /** * @param {?IdentityModel} oIdentity */ IdentityPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (oIdentity) { this.clearPopup(); if (oIdentity) { this.edit(true); this.id = oIdentity.id; this.name(oIdentity.name()); this.email(oIdentity.email()); this.replyTo(oIdentity.replyTo()); this.bcc(oIdentity.bcc()); this.owner(this.id === AccountStore.email()); } }; IdentityPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { if (!this.owner()) { this.email.focused(true); } }; module.exports = IdentityPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 90 */ /*!*************************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/KeyboardShortcutsHelp.js ***! \*************************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function KeyboardShortcutsHelpPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsKeyboardShortcutsHelp'); this.sDefaultKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.PopupKeyboardShortcutsHelp; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/KeyboardShortcutsHelp', 'PopupsKeyboardShortcutsHelpViewModel'], KeyboardShortcutsHelpPopupView); _.extend(KeyboardShortcutsHelpPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); KeyboardShortcutsHelpPopupView.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { key('tab, shift+tab, left, right', Enums.KeyState.PopupKeyboardShortcutsHelp, _.throttle(_.bind(function (event, handler) { if (event && handler) { var $tabs = oDom.find('.nav.nav-tabs > li'), bNext = handler && ('tab' === handler.shortcut || 'right' === handler.shortcut), iIndex = $tabs.index($tabs.filter('.active')) ; if (!bNext && iIndex > 0) { iIndex--; } else if (bNext && iIndex < $tabs.length - 1) { iIndex++; } else { iIndex = bNext ? 0 : $tabs.length - 1; } $tabs.eq(iIndex).find('a[data-toggle="tab"]').tab('show'); return false; } }, this), 100)); }; module.exports = KeyboardShortcutsHelpPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 91 */ /*!*************************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/AbstractSystemDropDown.js ***! \*************************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function AbstractSystemDropDownUserView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Right', 'SystemDropDown'); this.accountEmail = AccountStore.email; this.accounts = AccountStore.accounts; this.accountsUnreadCount = AccountStore.accountsUnreadCount; this.accountMenuDropdownTrigger = ko.observable(false); this.capaAdditionalAccounts = ko.observable(Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.AdditionalAccounts)); this.accountClick = _.bind(this.accountClick, this); } _.extend(AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype.accountClick = function (oAccount, oEvent) { if (oAccount && oEvent && !Utils.isUnd(oEvent.which) && 1 === oEvent.which) { AccountStore.accounts.loading(true); _.delay(function () { AccountStore.accounts.loading(false); }, 1000); } return true; }; AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype.emailTitle = function () { return AccountStore.email(); }; AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype.settingsClick = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).setHash(Links.settings()); }; AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype.settingsHelp = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/KeyboardShortcutsHelp */ 90)); }; AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype.addAccountClick = function () { if (this.capaAdditionalAccounts()) { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/AddAccount */ 67)); } }; AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype.logoutClick = function () { Remote.logout(function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).loginAndLogoutReload(true, Settings.settingsGet('ParentEmail') && 0 < Settings.settingsGet('ParentEmail').length); }); }; AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype.onBuild = function () { var self = this; key('`', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView, Enums.KeyState.Settings], function () { if (self.viewModelVisibility()) { self.accountMenuDropdownTrigger(true); } }); // shortcuts help key('shift+/', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView, Enums.KeyState.Settings], function () { if (self.viewModelVisibility()) { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/KeyboardShortcutsHelp */ 90)); return false; } }); }; module.exports = AbstractSystemDropDownUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 92 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/Base64.js ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Base64 encode / decode // http://www.webtoolkit.info/ (function () { 'use strict'; /*jslint bitwise: true*/ var Base64 = { // private property _keyStr : 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=', // public method for urlsafe encoding urlsafe_encode : function (input) { return Base64.encode(input).replace(/[+]/g, '-').replace(/[\/]/g, '_').replace(/[=]/g, '.'); }, // public method for encoding encode : function (input) { var output = '', chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4, i = 0 ; input = Base64._utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; }, // public method for decoding decode : function (input) { var output = '', chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4, i = 0 ; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ''); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } return Base64._utf8_decode(output); }, // private method for UTF-8 encoding _utf8_encode : function (string) { string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); var utftext = '', n = 0, l = string.length, c = 0 ; for (; n < l; n++) { c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; }, // private method for UTF-8 decoding _utf8_decode : function (utftext) { var string = '', i = 0, c = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0 ; while ( i < utftext.length ) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } }; module.exports = Base64; /*jslint bitwise: false*/ }()); /***/ }, /* 93 */ /*!**************************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/ClientStorageDriver/Cookie.js ***! \**************************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), JSON = __webpack_require__(/*! JSON */ 73), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor */ function CookieDriver() { } /** * @static * @return {boolean} */ CookieDriver.supported = function () { return !!(window.navigator && window.navigator.cookieEnabled); }; /** * @param {string} sKey * @param {*} mData * @return {boolean} */ CookieDriver.prototype.set = function (sKey, mData) { var mStorageValue = $.cookie(Consts.Values.ClientSideStorageIndexName), bResult = false, mResult = null ; try { mResult = null === mStorageValue ? null : JSON.parse(mStorageValue); } catch (oException) {} if (!mResult) { mResult = {}; } mResult[sKey] = mData; try { $.cookie(Consts.Values.ClientSideStorageIndexName, JSON.stringify(mResult), { 'expires': 30 }); bResult = true; } catch (oException) {} return bResult; }; /** * @param {string} sKey * @return {*} */ CookieDriver.prototype.get = function (sKey) { var mStorageValue = $.cookie(Consts.Values.ClientSideStorageIndexName), mResult = null ; try { mResult = null === mStorageValue ? null : JSON.parse(mStorageValue); if (mResult && !Utils.isUnd(mResult[sKey])) { mResult = mResult[sKey]; } else { mResult = null; } } catch (oException) {} return mResult; }; module.exports = CookieDriver; }()); /***/ }, /* 94 */ /*!********************************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Common/ClientStorageDriver/LocalStorage.js ***! \********************************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), JSON = __webpack_require__(/*! JSON */ 73), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1) ; /** * @constructor */ function LocalStorageDriver() { } /** * @static * @return {boolean} */ LocalStorageDriver.supported = function () { return !!window.localStorage; }; /** * @param {string} sKey * @param {*} mData * @return {boolean} */ LocalStorageDriver.prototype.set = function (sKey, mData) { var mStorageValue = window.localStorage[Consts.Values.ClientSideStorageIndexName] || null, bResult = false, mResult = null ; try { mResult = null === mStorageValue ? null : JSON.parse(mStorageValue); } catch (oException) {} if (!mResult) { mResult = {}; } mResult[sKey] = mData; try { window.localStorage[Consts.Values.ClientSideStorageIndexName] = JSON.stringify(mResult); bResult = true; } catch (oException) {} return bResult; }; /** * @param {string} sKey * @return {*} */ LocalStorageDriver.prototype.get = function (sKey) { var mStorageValue = window.localStorage[Consts.Values.ClientSideStorageIndexName] || null, mResult = null ; try { mResult = null === mStorageValue ? null : JSON.parse(mStorageValue); if (mResult && !Utils.isUnd(mResult[sKey])) { mResult = mResult[sKey]; } else { mResult = null; } } catch (oException) {} return mResult; }; module.exports = LocalStorageDriver; }()); /***/ }, /* 95 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Account.js ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor * * @param {string} sEmail * @param {boolean=} bCanBeDelete = true * @param {number=} iCount = 0 */ function AccountModel(sEmail, bCanBeDelete, iCount) { AbstractModel.call(this, 'AccountModel'); this.email = sEmail; this.count = ko.observable(iCount || 0); this.deleteAccess = ko.observable(false); this.canBeDalete = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(bCanBeDelete) ? true : !!bCanBeDelete); this.canBeEdit = this.canBeDalete; } _.extend(AccountModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); /** * @type {string} */ AccountModel.prototype.email = ''; /** * @return {string} */ AccountModel.prototype.changeAccountLink = function () { return __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12).change(this.email); }; module.exports = AccountModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 96 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/ComposeAttachment.js ***! \****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AttachmentModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Attachment */ 79), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor * @param {string} sId * @param {string} sFileName * @param {?number=} nSize * @param {boolean=} bInline * @param {boolean=} bLinked * @param {string=} sCID * @param {string=} sContentLocation */ function ComposeAttachmentModel(sId, sFileName, nSize, bInline, bLinked, sCID, sContentLocation) { AbstractModel.call(this, 'ComposeAttachmentModel'); this.id = sId; this.isInline = Utils.isUnd(bInline) ? false : !!bInline; this.isLinked = Utils.isUnd(bLinked) ? false : !!bLinked; this.CID = Utils.isUnd(sCID) ? '' : sCID; this.contentLocation = Utils.isUnd(sContentLocation) ? '' : sContentLocation; this.fromMessage = false; this.fileName = ko.observable(sFileName); this.size = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(nSize) ? null : nSize); this.tempName = ko.observable(''); this.progress = ko.observable(0); this.error = ko.observable(''); this.waiting = ko.observable(true); this.uploading = ko.observable(false); this.enabled = ko.observable(true); this.complete = ko.observable(false); this.progressText = ko.computed(function () { var iP = this.progress(); return 0 === iP ? '' : '' + (99 === iP ? 100 : iP) + '%'; }, this); this.progressStyle = ko.computed(function () { var iP = this.progress(); return 0 === iP ? '' : 'width:' + (99 === iP ? 100 : iP) + '%'; }, this); this.title = ko.computed(function () { var sError = this.error(); return '' !== sError ? sError : this.fileName(); }, this); this.friendlySize = ko.computed(function () { var mSize = this.size(); return null === mSize ? '' : Utils.friendlySize(this.size()); }, this); this.mimeType = ko.computed(function () { return Utils.mimeContentType(this.fileName()); }, this); this.regDisposables([this.friendlySize]); } _.extend(ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.id = ''; ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.isInline = false; ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.isLinked = false; ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.CID = ''; ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.contentLocation = ''; ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.fromMessage = false; ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.cancel = Utils.emptyFunction; /** * @param {AjaxJsonComposeAttachment} oJsonAttachment * @return {boolean} */ ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.initByUploadJson = function (oJsonAttachment) { var bResult = false; if (oJsonAttachment) { this.fileName(oJsonAttachment.Name); this.size(Utils.isUnd(oJsonAttachment.Size) ? 0 : Utils.pInt(oJsonAttachment.Size)); this.tempName(Utils.isUnd(oJsonAttachment.TempName) ? '' : oJsonAttachment.TempName); this.isInline = false; bResult = true; } return bResult; }; /** * @return {string} */ ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.iconClass = function () { return AttachmentModel.staticIconClassHelper(this.mimeType())[0]; }; /** * @return {string} */ ComposeAttachmentModel.prototype.iconText = function () { return AttachmentModel.staticIconClassHelper(this.mimeType())[1]; }; module.exports = ComposeAttachmentModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 97 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Contact.js ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor */ function ContactModel() { AbstractModel.call(this, 'ContactModel'); this.idContact = 0; this.display = ''; this.properties = []; this.readOnly = false; this.focused = ko.observable(false); this.selected = ko.observable(false); this.checked = ko.observable(false); this.deleted = ko.observable(false); } _.extend(ContactModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); /** * @return {Array|null} */ ContactModel.prototype.getNameAndEmailHelper = function () { var sName = '', sEmail = '' ; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(this.properties)) { _.each(this.properties, function (aProperty) { if (aProperty) { if (Enums.ContactPropertyType.FirstName === aProperty[0]) { sName = Utils.trim(aProperty[1] + ' ' + sName); } else if (Enums.ContactPropertyType.LastName === aProperty[0]) { sName = Utils.trim(sName + ' ' + aProperty[1]); } else if ('' === sEmail && Enums.ContactPropertyType.Email === aProperty[0]) { sEmail = aProperty[1]; } } }, this); } return '' === sEmail ? null : [sEmail, sName]; }; ContactModel.prototype.parse = function (oItem) { var bResult = false; if (oItem && 'Object/Contact' === oItem['@Object']) { this.idContact = Utils.pInt(oItem['IdContact']); this.display = Utils.pString(oItem['Display']); this.readOnly = !!oItem['ReadOnly']; if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(oItem['Properties'])) { _.each(oItem['Properties'], function (oProperty) { if (oProperty && oProperty['Type'] && Utils.isNormal(oProperty['Value']) && Utils.isNormal(oProperty['TypeStr'])) { this.properties.push([Utils.pInt(oProperty['Type']), Utils.pString(oProperty['Value']), Utils.pString(oProperty['TypeStr'])]); } }, this); } bResult = true; } return bResult; }; /** * @return {string} */ ContactModel.prototype.srcAttr = function () { return Links.emptyContactPic(); }; /** * @return {string} */ ContactModel.prototype.generateUid = function () { return '' + this.idContact; }; /** * @return string */ ContactModel.prototype.lineAsCcc = function () { var aResult = []; if (this.deleted()) { aResult.push('deleted'); } if (this.selected()) { aResult.push('selected'); } if (this.checked()) { aResult.push('checked'); } if (this.focused()) { aResult.push('focused'); } return aResult.join(' '); }; module.exports = ContactModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 98 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/ContactProperty.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor * @param {number=} iType = Enums.ContactPropertyType.Unknown * @param {string=} sTypeStr = '' * @param {string=} sValue = '' * @param {boolean=} bFocused = false * @param {string=} sPlaceholder = '' */ function ContactPropertyModel(iType, sTypeStr, sValue, bFocused, sPlaceholder) { AbstractModel.call(this, 'ContactPropertyModel'); this.type = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(iType) ? Enums.ContactPropertyType.Unknown : iType); this.typeStr = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(sTypeStr) ? '' : sTypeStr); this.focused = ko.observable(Utils.isUnd(bFocused) ? false : !!bFocused); this.value = ko.observable(Utils.pString(sValue)); this.placeholder = ko.observable(sPlaceholder || ''); this.placeholderValue = ko.computed(function () { var sPlaceholder = this.placeholder(); return sPlaceholder ? Translator.i18n(sPlaceholder) : ''; }, this); this.largeValue = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.ContactPropertyType.Note === this.type(); }, this); this.regDisposables([this.placeholderValue, this.largeValue]); } _.extend(ContactPropertyModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); module.exports = ContactPropertyModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 99 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/FilterCondition.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor */ function FilterConditionModel() { AbstractModel.call(this, 'FilterConditionModel'); this.field = ko.observable(Enums.FilterConditionField.From); this.type = ko.observable(Enums.FilterConditionType.Contains); this.value = ko.observable(''); this.value.error = ko.observable(false); this.template = ko.computed(function () { var sTemplate = ''; switch (this.type()) { default: sTemplate = 'SettingsFiltersConditionDefault'; break; } return sTemplate; }, this); this.regDisposables([this.template]); } _.extend(FilterConditionModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); FilterConditionModel.prototype.verify = function () { if ('' === this.value()) { this.value.error(true); return false; } return true; }; FilterConditionModel.prototype.parse = function (oItem) { if (oItem && oItem['Field'] && oItem['Type']) { this.field(Utils.pString(oItem['Field'])); this.type(Utils.pString(oItem['Type'])); this.value(Utils.pString(oItem['Value'])); return true; } return false; }; FilterConditionModel.prototype.toJson = function () { return { 'Field': this.field(), 'Type': this.type(), 'Value': this.value() }; }; FilterConditionModel.prototype.cloneSelf = function () { var oClone = new FilterConditionModel(); oClone.field(this.field()); oClone.type(this.type()); oClone.value(this.value()); return oClone; }; module.exports = FilterConditionModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 100 */ /*!*****************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Folder.js ***! \*****************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @constructor */ function FolderModel() { AbstractModel.call(this, 'FolderModel'); this.name = ko.observable(''); this.fullName = ''; this.fullNameRaw = ''; this.fullNameHash = ''; this.delimiter = ''; this.namespace = ''; this.deep = 0; this.interval = 0; this.selectable = false; this.existen = true; this.type = ko.observable(Enums.FolderType.User); this.focused = ko.observable(false); this.selected = ko.observable(false); this.edited = ko.observable(false); this.collapsed = ko.observable(true); this.subScribed = ko.observable(true); this.subFolders = ko.observableArray([]); this.deleteAccess = ko.observable(false); this.actionBlink = ko.observable(false).extend({'falseTimeout': 1000}); this.nameForEdit = ko.observable(''); this.privateMessageCountAll = ko.observable(0); this.privateMessageCountUnread = ko.observable(0); this.collapsedPrivate = ko.observable(true); } _.extend(FolderModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); /** * @static * @param {AjaxJsonFolder} oJsonFolder * @return {?FolderModel} */ FolderModel.newInstanceFromJson = function (oJsonFolder) { var oFolderModel = new FolderModel(); return oFolderModel.initByJson(oJsonFolder) ? oFolderModel.initComputed() : null; }; /** * @return {FolderModel} */ FolderModel.prototype.initComputed = function () { var sInboxFolderName = Cache.getFolderInboxName(); this.hasSubScribedSubfolders = ko.computed(function () { return !!_.find(this.subFolders(), function (oFolder) { return oFolder.subScribed() && !oFolder.isSystemFolder(); }); }, this); this.canBeEdited = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.FolderType.User === this.type() && this.existen && this.selectable; }, this); this.visible = ko.computed(function () { var bSubScribed = this.subScribed(), bSubFolders = this.hasSubScribedSubfolders() ; return (bSubScribed || (bSubFolders && (!this.existen || !this.selectable))); }, this); this.isSystemFolder = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.FolderType.User !== this.type(); }, this); this.hidden = ko.computed(function () { var bSystem = this.isSystemFolder(), bSubFolders = this.hasSubScribedSubfolders() ; return (bSystem && !bSubFolders) || (!this.selectable && !bSubFolders); }, this); this.selectableForFolderList = ko.computed(function () { return !this.isSystemFolder() && this.selectable; }, this); this.messageCountAll = ko.computed({ 'read': this.privateMessageCountAll, 'write': function (iValue) { if (Utils.isPosNumeric(iValue, true)) { this.privateMessageCountAll(iValue); } else { this.privateMessageCountAll.valueHasMutated(); } }, 'owner': this }).extend({'notify': 'always'}); this.messageCountUnread = ko.computed({ 'read': this.privateMessageCountUnread, 'write': function (iValue) { if (Utils.isPosNumeric(iValue, true)) { this.privateMessageCountUnread(iValue); } else { this.privateMessageCountUnread.valueHasMutated(); } }, 'owner': this }).extend({'notify': 'always'}); this.printableUnreadCount = ko.computed(function () { var iCount = this.messageCountAll(), iUnread = this.messageCountUnread(), iType = this.type() ; if (0 < iCount) { if (Enums.FolderType.Draft === iType) { return '' + iCount; } else if (0 < iUnread && Enums.FolderType.Trash !== iType && Enums.FolderType.Archive !== iType && Enums.FolderType.SentItems !== iType) { return '' + iUnread; } } return ''; }, this); this.canBeDeleted = ko.computed(function () { var bSystem = this.isSystemFolder() ; return !bSystem && 0 === this.subFolders().length && sInboxFolderName !== this.fullNameRaw; }, this); this.canBeSubScribed = ko.computed(function () { return !this.isSystemFolder() && this.selectable && sInboxFolderName !== this.fullNameRaw; }, this); // this.visible.subscribe(function () { // Utils.timeOutAction('folder-list-folder-visibility-change', function () { // Globals.$win.trigger('folder-list-folder-visibility-change'); // }, 100); // }); this.localName = ko.computed(function () { Translator.trigger(); var iType = this.type(), sName = this.name() ; if (this.isSystemFolder()) { switch (iType) { case Enums.FolderType.Inbox: sName = Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/INBOX_NAME'); break; case Enums.FolderType.SentItems: sName = Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/SENT_NAME'); break; case Enums.FolderType.Draft: sName = Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/DRAFTS_NAME'); break; case Enums.FolderType.Spam: sName = Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/SPAM_NAME'); break; case Enums.FolderType.Trash: sName = Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/TRASH_NAME'); break; case Enums.FolderType.Archive: sName = Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/ARCHIVE_NAME'); break; } } return sName; }, this); this.manageFolderSystemName = ko.computed(function () { Translator.trigger(); var sSuffix = '', iType = this.type(), sName = this.name() ; if (this.isSystemFolder()) { switch (iType) { case Enums.FolderType.Inbox: sSuffix = '(' + Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/INBOX_NAME') + ')'; break; case Enums.FolderType.SentItems: sSuffix = '(' + Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/SENT_NAME') + ')'; break; case Enums.FolderType.Draft: sSuffix = '(' + Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/DRAFTS_NAME') + ')'; break; case Enums.FolderType.Spam: sSuffix = '(' + Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/SPAM_NAME') + ')'; break; case Enums.FolderType.Trash: sSuffix = '(' + Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/TRASH_NAME') + ')'; break; case Enums.FolderType.Archive: sSuffix = '(' + Translator.i18n('FOLDER_LIST/ARCHIVE_NAME') + ')'; break; } } if ('' !== sSuffix && '(' + sName + ')' === sSuffix || '(inbox)' === sSuffix.toLowerCase()) { sSuffix = ''; } return sSuffix; }, this); this.collapsed = ko.computed({ 'read': function () { return !this.hidden() && this.collapsedPrivate(); }, 'write': function (mValue) { this.collapsedPrivate(mValue); }, 'owner': this }); this.hasUnreadMessages = ko.computed(function () { return 0 < this.messageCountUnread(); }, this); this.hasSubScribedUnreadMessagesSubfolders = ko.computed(function () { return !!_.find(this.subFolders(), function (oFolder) { return oFolder.hasUnreadMessages() || oFolder.hasSubScribedUnreadMessagesSubfolders(); }); }, this); // subscribe this.name.subscribe(function (sValue) { this.nameForEdit(sValue); }, this); this.edited.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { this.nameForEdit(this.name()); } }, this); this.messageCountUnread.subscribe(function (iUnread) { if (Enums.FolderType.Inbox === this.type()) { Events.pub('mailbox.inbox-unread-count', [iUnread]); } }, this); return this; }; FolderModel.prototype.fullName = ''; FolderModel.prototype.fullNameRaw = ''; FolderModel.prototype.fullNameHash = ''; FolderModel.prototype.delimiter = ''; FolderModel.prototype.namespace = ''; FolderModel.prototype.deep = 0; FolderModel.prototype.interval = 0; /** * @return {string} */ FolderModel.prototype.collapsedCss = function () { return this.hasSubScribedSubfolders() ? (this.collapsed() ? 'icon-right-mini e-collapsed-sign' : 'icon-down-mini e-collapsed-sign') : 'icon-none e-collapsed-sign'; }; /** * @param {AjaxJsonFolder} oJsonFolder * @return {boolean} */ FolderModel.prototype.initByJson = function (oJsonFolder) { var bResult = false, sInboxFolderName = Cache.getFolderInboxName() ; if (oJsonFolder && 'Object/Folder' === oJsonFolder['@Object']) { this.name(oJsonFolder.Name); this.delimiter = oJsonFolder.Delimiter; this.fullName = oJsonFolder.FullName; this.fullNameRaw = oJsonFolder.FullNameRaw; this.fullNameHash = oJsonFolder.FullNameHash; this.deep = oJsonFolder.FullNameRaw.split(this.delimiter).length - 1; this.selectable = !!oJsonFolder.IsSelectable; this.existen = !!oJsonFolder.IsExists; this.subScribed(!!oJsonFolder.IsSubscribed); this.type(sInboxFolderName === this.fullNameRaw ? Enums.FolderType.Inbox : Enums.FolderType.User); bResult = true; } return bResult; }; /** * @return {string} */ FolderModel.prototype.printableFullName = function () { return this.fullName.split(this.delimiter).join(' / '); }; module.exports = FolderModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 101 */ /*!*******************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/Identity.js ***! \*******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @param {string} sId * @param {string} sEmail * @param {boolean=} bCanBeDelete = true * @constructor */ function IdentityModel(sId, sEmail, bCanBeDelete) { AbstractModel.call(this, 'IdentityModel'); this.id = sId; this.email = ko.observable(sEmail); this.name = ko.observable(''); this.replyTo = ko.observable(''); this.bcc = ko.observable(''); this.deleteAccess = ko.observable(false); this.canBeDalete = ko.observable(bCanBeDelete); } _.extend(IdentityModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); IdentityModel.prototype.formattedName = function () { var sName = this.name(); return '' === sName ? this.email() : sName + ' <' + this.email() + '>'; }; IdentityModel.prototype.formattedNameForCompose = function () { var sName = this.name(); return '' === sName ? this.email() : sName + ' (' + this.email() + ')'; }; IdentityModel.prototype.formattedNameForEmail = function () { var sName = this.name(); return '' === sName ? this.email() : '"' + Utils.quoteName(sName) + '" <' + this.email() + '>'; }; module.exports = IdentityModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 102 */ /*!*********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Model/OpenPgpKey.js ***! \*********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), AbstractModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractModel */ 24) ; /** * @param {string} iIndex * @param {string} sGuID * @param {string} sID * @param {string} sUserID * @param {string} sEmail * @param {boolean} bIsPrivate * @param {string} sArmor * @constructor */ function OpenPgpKeyModel(iIndex, sGuID, sID, sUserID, sEmail, bIsPrivate, sArmor) { AbstractModel.call(this, 'OpenPgpKeyModel'); this.index = iIndex; this.id = sID; this.guid = sGuID; this.user = sUserID; this.email = sEmail; this.armor = sArmor; this.isPrivate = !!bIsPrivate; this.deleteAccess = ko.observable(false); } _.extend(OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype, AbstractModel.prototype); OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype.index = 0; OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype.id = ''; OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype.guid = ''; OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype.user = ''; OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype.email = ''; OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype.armor = ''; OpenPgpKeyModel.prototype.isPrivate = false; module.exports = OpenPgpKeyModel; }()); /***/ }, /* 103 */, /* 104 */, /* 105 */ /*!**********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Screen/User/About.js ***! \**********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), AbstractScreen = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractScreen */ 34) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractScreen */ function AboutUserScreen() { AbstractScreen.call(this, 'about', [ __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/About */ 143) ]); } _.extend(AboutUserScreen.prototype, AbstractScreen.prototype); AboutUserScreen.prototype.onShow = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setTitle('RainLoop'); }; module.exports = AboutUserScreen; }()); /***/ }, /* 106 */ /*!**********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Screen/User/Login.js ***! \**********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), AbstractScreen = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractScreen */ 34) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractScreen */ function LoginUserScreen() { AbstractScreen.call(this, 'login', [ __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/Login */ 144) ]); } _.extend(LoginUserScreen.prototype, AbstractScreen.prototype); LoginUserScreen.prototype.onShow = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setTitle(''); }; module.exports = LoginUserScreen; }()); /***/ }, /* 107 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Screen/User/MailBox.js ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), AbstractScreen = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractScreen */ 34) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractScreen */ function MailBoxUserScreen() { AbstractScreen.call(this, 'mailbox', [ __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/MailBox/SystemDropDown */ 148), __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/MailBox/FolderList */ 145), __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/MailBox/MessageList */ 146), __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/MailBox/MessageView */ 147) ]); this.oLastRoute = {}; } _.extend(MailBoxUserScreen.prototype, AbstractScreen.prototype); /** * @type {Object} */ MailBoxUserScreen.prototype.oLastRoute = {}; MailBoxUserScreen.prototype.setNewTitle = function () { var sEmail = AccountStore.email(), nFoldersInboxUnreadCount = Data.foldersInboxUnreadCount() ; __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setTitle(('' === sEmail ? '' : (0 < nFoldersInboxUnreadCount ? '(' + nFoldersInboxUnreadCount + ') ' : ' ') + sEmail + ' - ') + Translator.i18n('TITLES/MAILBOX')); }; MailBoxUserScreen.prototype.onShow = function () { this.setNewTitle(); Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.MessageList); }; /** * @param {string} sFolderHash * @param {number} iPage * @param {string} sSearch * @param {boolean=} bPreview = false */ MailBoxUserScreen.prototype.onRoute = function (sFolderHash, iPage, sSearch, bPreview) { if (Utils.isUnd(bPreview) ? false : !!bPreview) { if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === SettingsStore.layout() && !Data.message()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).historyBack(); } } else { var sFolderFullNameRaw = Cache.getFolderFullNameRaw(sFolderHash), oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw) ; if (oFolder) { Data .currentFolder(oFolder) .messageListPage(iPage) .messageListSearch(sSearch) ; if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === SettingsStore.layout() && Data.message()) { Data.message(null); } __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadMessageList(); } } }; MailBoxUserScreen.prototype.onStart = function () { Data.folderList.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); Data.messageList.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); Data.message.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); _.delay(function () { SettingsStore.layout.valueHasMutated(); }, 50); Events.sub('mailbox.inbox-unread-count', function (iCount) { Data.foldersInboxUnreadCount(iCount); var sEmail = AccountStore.email(); _.each(AccountStore.accounts(), function (oItem) { if (oItem && sEmail === oItem.email) { oItem.count(iCount); } }); }); Data.foldersInboxUnreadCount.subscribe(function () { this.setNewTitle(); }, this); }; MailBoxUserScreen.prototype.onBuild = function () { if (!Globals.bMobileDevice) { _.defer(function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).initHorizontalLayoutResizer(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.MessageListSize); }); } }; /** * @return {Array} */ MailBoxUserScreen.prototype.routes = function () { var sInboxFolderName = Cache.getFolderInboxName(), fNormP = function () { return [sInboxFolderName, 1, '', true]; }, fNormS = function (oRequest, oVals) { oVals[0] = Utils.pString(oVals[0]); oVals[1] = Utils.pInt(oVals[1]); oVals[1] = 0 >= oVals[1] ? 1 : oVals[1]; oVals[2] = Utils.pString(oVals[2]); if ('' === oRequest) { oVals[0] = sInboxFolderName; oVals[1] = 1; } return [decodeURI(oVals[0]), oVals[1], decodeURI(oVals[2]), false]; }, fNormD = function (oRequest, oVals) { oVals[0] = Utils.pString(oVals[0]); oVals[1] = Utils.pString(oVals[1]); if ('' === oRequest) { oVals[0] = sInboxFolderName; } return [decodeURI(oVals[0]), 1, decodeURI(oVals[1]), false]; } ; return [ [/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/p([1-9][0-9]*)\/(.+)\/?$/, {'normalize_': fNormS}], [/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/p([1-9][0-9]*)$/, {'normalize_': fNormS}], [/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/(.+)\/?$/, {'normalize_': fNormD}], [/^message-preview$/, {'normalize_': fNormP}], [/^([^\/]*)$/, {'normalize_': fNormS}] ]; }; module.exports = MailBoxUserScreen; }()); /***/ }, /* 108 */ /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Screen/User/Settings.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractSettingsScreen = __webpack_require__(/*! Screen/AbstractSettings */ 58) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractSettingsScreen */ function SettingsUserScreen() { AbstractSettingsScreen.call(this, [ __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/Settings/SystemDropDown */ 151), __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/Settings/Menu */ 149), __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/Settings/Pane */ 150) ]); Translator.initOnStartOrLangChange(function () { this.sSettingsTitle = Translator.i18n('TITLES/SETTINGS'); }, this, function () { this.setSettingsTitle(); }); } _.extend(SettingsUserScreen.prototype, AbstractSettingsScreen.prototype); /** * @param {Function=} fCallback */ SettingsUserScreen.prototype.setupSettings = function (fCallback) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/General */ 125), 'SettingsGeneral', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_GENERAL_NAME', 'general', true); if (AppStore.contactsIsAllowed()) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Contacts */ 122), 'SettingsContacts', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_CONTACTS_NAME', 'contacts'); } if (Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.AdditionalAccounts)) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Accounts */ 120), 'SettingsAccounts', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_ACCOUNTS_NAME', 'accounts'); } if (Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.AdditionalIdentities)) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Identities */ 126), 'SettingsIdentities', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_IDENTITIES_NAME', 'identities'); } else { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Identity */ 127), 'SettingsIdentity', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_IDENTITY_NAME', 'identity'); } if (Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.Sieve)) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Filters */ 123), 'SettingsFilters', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_FILTERS_NAME', 'filters'); } if (Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.TwoFactor)) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Security */ 129), 'SettingsSecurity', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_SECURITY_NAME', 'security'); } if ((Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocial') && Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocialAuth')) || Settings.settingsGet('AllowFacebookSocial') || Settings.settingsGet('AllowTwitterSocial')) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Social */ 130), 'SettingsSocial', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_SOCIAL_NAME', 'social'); } if (Settings.settingsGet('ChangePasswordIsAllowed')) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/ChangePassword */ 121), 'SettingsChangePassword', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_NAME', 'change-password'); } kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Folders */ 124), 'SettingsFolders', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_FOLDERS_NAME', 'folders'); if (Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.Themes)) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/Themes */ 131), 'SettingsThemes', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_THEMES_NAME', 'themes'); } if (Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.OpenPGP)) { kn.addSettingsViewModel(__webpack_require__(/*! Settings/User/OpenPgp */ 128), 'SettingsOpenPGP', 'SETTINGS_LABELS/LABEL_OPEN_PGP_NAME', 'openpgp'); } if (fCallback) { fCallback(); } }; SettingsUserScreen.prototype.onShow = function () { this.setSettingsTitle(); Globals.keyScope(Enums.KeyState.Settings); }; SettingsUserScreen.prototype.setSettingsTitle = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setTitle(this.sSettingsTitle); }; module.exports = SettingsUserScreen; }()); /***/ }, /* 109 */, /* 110 */, /* 111 */, /* 112 */, /* 113 */, /* 114 */, /* 115 */, /* 116 */, /* 117 */, /* 118 */, /* 119 */, /* 120 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Accounts.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function AccountsUserSettings() { this.accounts = AccountStore.accounts; this.processText = ko.computed(function () { return AccountStore.accounts.loading() ? Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_ACCOUNTS/LOADING_PROCESS') : ''; }, this); this.visibility = ko.computed(function () { return '' === this.processText() ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; }, this); this.accountForDeletion = ko.observable(null).extend({'falseTimeout': 3000}).extend({'toggleSubscribe': [this, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.deleteAccess(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext) { oNext.deleteAccess(true); } } ]}); } AccountsUserSettings.prototype.scrollableOptions = function () { return { handle: '.drag-handle' }; }; AccountsUserSettings.prototype.addNewAccount = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/AddAccount */ 67)); }; AccountsUserSettings.prototype.editAccount = function (oAccountItem) { if (oAccountItem && oAccountItem.canBeEdit()) { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/AddAccount */ 67), [oAccountItem]); } }; /** * @param {AccountModel} oAccountToRemove */ AccountsUserSettings.prototype.deleteAccount = function (oAccountToRemove) { if (oAccountToRemove && oAccountToRemove.deleteAccess()) { this.accountForDeletion(null); var kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), fRemoveAccount = function (oAccount) { return oAccountToRemove === oAccount; } ; if (oAccountToRemove) { this.accounts.remove(fRemoveAccount); Remote.accountDelete(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result && oData.Reload) { kn.routeOff(); kn.setHash(Links.root(), true); kn.routeOff(); _.defer(function () { window.location.reload(); }); } else { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).accountsAndIdentities(); } }, oAccountToRemove.email); } } }; AccountsUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { var self = this; oDom .on('click', '.account-item .e-action', function () { var oAccountItem = ko.dataFor(this); if (oAccountItem) { self.editAccount(oAccountItem); } }) ; }; module.exports = AccountsUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 121 */ /*!*********************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/ChangePassword.js ***! \*********************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function ChangePasswordUserSettings() { this.changeProcess = ko.observable(false); this.errorDescription = ko.observable(''); this.passwordMismatch = ko.observable(false); this.passwordUpdateError = ko.observable(false); this.passwordUpdateSuccess = ko.observable(false); this.currentPassword = ko.observable(''); this.currentPassword.error = ko.observable(false); this.newPassword = ko.observable(''); this.newPassword2 = ko.observable(''); this.currentPassword.subscribe(function () { this.passwordUpdateError(false); this.passwordUpdateSuccess(false); this.currentPassword.error(false); }, this); this.newPassword.subscribe(function () { this.passwordUpdateError(false); this.passwordUpdateSuccess(false); this.passwordMismatch(false); }, this); this.newPassword2.subscribe(function () { this.passwordUpdateError(false); this.passwordUpdateSuccess(false); this.passwordMismatch(false); }, this); this.saveNewPasswordCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.newPassword() !== this.newPassword2()) { this.passwordMismatch(true); this.errorDescription(Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_CHANGE_PASSWORD/ERROR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH')); } else { this.changeProcess(true); this.passwordUpdateError(false); this.passwordUpdateSuccess(false); this.currentPassword.error(false); this.passwordMismatch(false); this.errorDescription(''); Remote.changePassword(this.onChangePasswordResponse, this.currentPassword(), this.newPassword()); } }, function () { return !this.changeProcess() && '' !== this.currentPassword() && '' !== this.newPassword() && '' !== this.newPassword2(); }); this.onChangePasswordResponse = _.bind(this.onChangePasswordResponse, this); } ChangePasswordUserSettings.prototype.onHide = function () { this.changeProcess(false); this.currentPassword(''); this.newPassword(''); this.newPassword2(''); this.errorDescription(''); this.passwordMismatch(false); this.currentPassword.error(false); }; ChangePasswordUserSettings.prototype.onChangePasswordResponse = function (sResult, oData) { this.changeProcess(false); this.passwordMismatch(false); this.errorDescription(''); this.currentPassword.error(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { this.currentPassword(''); this.newPassword(''); this.newPassword2(''); this.passwordUpdateSuccess(true); this.currentPassword.error(false); } else { if (oData && Enums.Notification.CurrentPasswordIncorrect === oData.ErrorCode) { this.currentPassword.error(true); } this.passwordUpdateError(true); this.errorDescription(oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.CouldNotSaveNewPassword)); } }; module.exports = ChangePasswordUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 122 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Contacts.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15) ; /** * @constructor */ function ContactsUserSettings() { this.contactsAutosave = AppStore.contactsAutosave; this.allowContactsSync = Data.allowContactsSync; this.enableContactsSync = Data.enableContactsSync; this.contactsSyncUrl = Data.contactsSyncUrl; this.contactsSyncUser = Data.contactsSyncUser; this.contactsSyncPass = Data.contactsSyncPass; this.saveTrigger = ko.computed(function () { return [ this.enableContactsSync() ? '1' : '0', this.contactsSyncUrl(), this.contactsSyncUser(), this.contactsSyncPass() ].join('|'); }, this).extend({'throttle': 500}); } ContactsUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function () { this.contactsAutosave.subscribe(function (bValue) { Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'ContactsAutosave': bValue ? '1' : '0' }); }); this.saveTrigger.subscribe(function () { Remote.saveContactsSyncData(null, this.enableContactsSync(), this.contactsSyncUrl(), this.contactsSyncUser(), this.contactsSyncPass() ); }, this); }; module.exports = ContactsUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 123 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Filters.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), FilterStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Filter */ 83), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function FiltersUserSettings() { var self = this; this.modules = FilterStore.modules; this.filters = FilterStore.filters; this.inited = ko.observable(false); this.serverError = ko.observable(false); this.serverErrorDesc = ko.observable(''); this.haveChanges = ko.observable(false); this.processText = ko.observable(''); this.saveErrorText = ko.observable(''); this.visibility = ko.observable(false); this.filters.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); this.serverError.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (!bValue) { this.serverErrorDesc(''); } }, this); this.filterRaw = FilterStore.raw; this.filterRaw.capa = FilterStore.capa; this.filterRaw.active = ko.observable(false); this.filterRaw.allow = ko.observable(false); this.filterRaw.error = ko.observable(false); this.processText = ko.computed(function () { return this.filters.loading() ? Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FILTERS/LOADING_PROCESS') : ''; }, this); this.visibility = ko.computed(function () { return '' === this.processText() ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; }, this); this.filterForDeletion = ko.observable(null).extend({'falseTimeout': 3000}).extend( {'toggleSubscribeProperty': [this, 'deleteAccess']}); this.saveChanges = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (!this.filters.saving()) { if (this.filterRaw.active() && '' === Utils.trim(this.filterRaw())) { this.filterRaw.error(true); return false; } this.filters.saving(true); this.saveErrorText(''); Remote.filtersSave(function (sResult, oData) { self.filters.saving(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { self.haveChanges(false); self.updateList(); } else { self.saveErrorText(oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.CantSaveFilters)); } }, this.filters(), this.filterRaw(), this.filterRaw.active()); } return true; }, function () { return this.haveChanges(); }); this.filters.subscribe(function () { this.haveChanges(true); }, this); this.filterRaw.subscribe(function () { this.haveChanges(true); this.filterRaw.error(false); }, this); this.filterRaw.active.subscribe(function () { this.haveChanges(true); this.filterRaw.error(false); }, this); } FiltersUserSettings.prototype.scrollableOptions = function () { return { handle: '.drag-handle' }; }; FiltersUserSettings.prototype.updateList = function () { var self = this, FilterModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Filter */ 80) ; if (!this.filters.loading()) { this.filters.loading(true); Remote.filtersGet(function (sResult, oData) { self.filters.loading(false); self.serverError(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result && Utils.isArray(oData.Result.Filters)) { self.inited(true); self.serverError(false); var aResult = _.compact(_.map(oData.Result.Filters, function (aItem) { var oNew = new FilterModel(); return (oNew && oNew.parse(aItem)) ? oNew : null; })); self.filters(aResult); self.modules(oData.Result.Modules ? oData.Result.Modules : {}); self.filterRaw(oData.Result.Raw || ''); self.filterRaw.capa(Utils.isArray(oData.Result.Capa) ? oData.Result.Capa.join(' ') : ''); self.filterRaw.active(!!oData.Result.RawIsActive); self.filterRaw.allow(!!oData.Result.RawIsAllow); } else { self.filters([]); self.modules({}); self.filterRaw(''); self.filterRaw.capa({}); self.serverError(true); self.serverErrorDesc(oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.CantGetFilters)); } self.haveChanges(false); }); } }; FiltersUserSettings.prototype.deleteFilter = function (oFilter) { this.filters.remove(oFilter); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oFilter); }; FiltersUserSettings.prototype.addFilter = function () { var self = this, FilterModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Filter */ 80), oNew = new FilterModel() ; oNew.generateID(); __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup( __webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Filter */ 87), [oNew, function () { self.filters.push(oNew); self.filterRaw.active(false); }, false]); }; FiltersUserSettings.prototype.editFilter = function (oEdit) { var self = this, oCloned = oEdit.cloneSelf() ; __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup( __webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Filter */ 87), [oCloned, function () { var aFilters = self.filters(), iIndex = aFilters.indexOf(oEdit) ; if (-1 < iIndex && aFilters[iIndex]) { Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(aFilters[iIndex]); aFilters[iIndex] = oCloned; self.filters(aFilters); self.haveChanges(true); } }, true]); }; FiltersUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { var self = this; oDom .on('click', '.filter-item .e-action', function () { var oFilterItem = ko.dataFor(this); if (oFilterItem) { self.editFilter(oFilterItem); } }) ; }; FiltersUserSettings.prototype.onShow = function () { this.updateList(); }; module.exports = FiltersUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 124 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Folders.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), Local = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Client */ 60) ; /** * @constructor */ function FoldersUserSettings() { this.folderList = Data.folderList; this.processText = ko.computed(function () { var bLoading = Data.foldersLoading(), bCreating = Data.foldersCreating(), bDeleting = Data.foldersDeleting(), bRenaming = Data.foldersRenaming() ; if (bCreating) { return Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FOLDERS/CREATING_PROCESS'); } else if (bDeleting) { return Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FOLDERS/DELETING_PROCESS'); } else if (bRenaming) { return Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FOLDERS/RENAMING_PROCESS'); } else if (bLoading) { return Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_FOLDERS/LOADING_PROCESS'); } return ''; }, this); this.visibility = ko.computed(function () { return '' === this.processText() ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; }, this); this.folderForDeletion = ko.observable(null).extend({'falseTimeout': 3000}).extend({'toggleSubscribe': [this, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.deleteAccess(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext) { oNext.deleteAccess(true); } } ]}); this.folderForEdit = ko.observable(null).extend({'toggleSubscribe': [this, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.edited(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext && oNext.canBeEdited()) { oNext.edited(true); } } ]}); this.useImapSubscribe = !!Settings.settingsGet('UseImapSubscribe'); } FoldersUserSettings.prototype.folderEditOnEnter = function (oFolder) { var sEditName = oFolder ? Utils.trim(oFolder.nameForEdit()) : '' ; if ('' !== sEditName && oFolder.name() !== sEditName) { Local.set(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.FoldersLashHash, ''); Data.foldersRenaming(true); Remote.folderRename(function (sResult, oData) { Data.foldersRenaming(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success !== sResult || !oData || !oData.Result) { Data.folderList.error( oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_RENAME_FOLDER')); } __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).folders(); }, oFolder.fullNameRaw, sEditName); Cache.removeFolderFromCacheList(oFolder.fullNameRaw); oFolder.name(sEditName); } oFolder.edited(false); }; FoldersUserSettings.prototype.folderEditOnEsc = function (oFolder) { if (oFolder) { oFolder.edited(false); } }; FoldersUserSettings.prototype.onShow = function () { Data.folderList.error(''); }; FoldersUserSettings.prototype.createFolder = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/FolderCreate */ 88)); }; FoldersUserSettings.prototype.systemFolder = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/FolderSystem */ 44)); }; FoldersUserSettings.prototype.deleteFolder = function (oFolderToRemove) { if (oFolderToRemove && oFolderToRemove.canBeDeleted() && oFolderToRemove.deleteAccess() && 0 === oFolderToRemove.privateMessageCountAll()) { this.folderForDeletion(null); var fRemoveFolder = function (oFolder) { if (oFolderToRemove === oFolder) { return true; } oFolder.subFolders.remove(fRemoveFolder); return false; } ; if (oFolderToRemove) { Local.set(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.FoldersLashHash, ''); Data.folderList.remove(fRemoveFolder); Data.foldersDeleting(true); Remote.folderDelete(function (sResult, oData) { Data.foldersDeleting(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success !== sResult || !oData || !oData.Result) { Data.folderList.error( oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.i18n('NOTIFICATIONS/CANT_DELETE_FOLDER')); } __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).folders(); }, oFolderToRemove.fullNameRaw); Cache.removeFolderFromCacheList(oFolderToRemove.fullNameRaw); } } else if (0 < oFolderToRemove.privateMessageCountAll()) { Data.folderList.error(Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.CantDeleteNonEmptyFolder)); } }; FoldersUserSettings.prototype.subscribeFolder = function (oFolder) { Local.set(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.FoldersLashHash, ''); Remote.folderSetSubscribe(Utils.emptyFunction, oFolder.fullNameRaw, true); oFolder.subScribed(true); }; FoldersUserSettings.prototype.unSubscribeFolder = function (oFolder) { Local.set(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.FoldersLashHash, ''); Remote.folderSetSubscribe(Utils.emptyFunction, oFolder.fullNameRaw, false); oFolder.subScribed(false); }; module.exports = FoldersUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 125 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/General.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), LanguageStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Language */ 31), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), NotificationStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Notification */ 66), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function GeneralUserSettings() { this.language = LanguageStore.language; this.messagesPerPage = SettingsStore.messagesPerPage; this.messagesPerPageArray = Consts.Defaults.MessagesPerPageArray; this.editorDefaultType = SettingsStore.editorDefaultType; this.layout = SettingsStore.layout; this.usePreviewPane = SettingsStore.usePreviewPane; this.soundNotificationIsSupported = NotificationStore.soundNotificationIsSupported; this.enableSoundNotification = NotificationStore.enableSoundNotification; this.enableDesktopNotification = NotificationStore.enableDesktopNotification; this.isDesktopNotificationSupported = NotificationStore.isDesktopNotificationSupported; this.isDesktopNotificationDenied = NotificationStore.isDesktopNotificationDenied; this.showImages = SettingsStore.showImages; this.useCheckboxesInList = SettingsStore.useCheckboxesInList; this.threadsAllowed = AppStore.threadsAllowed; this.useThreads = SettingsStore.useThreads; this.replySameFolder = SettingsStore.replySameFolder; this.allowLanguagesOnSettings = AppStore.allowLanguagesOnSettings; this.languageFullName = ko.computed(function () { return Utils.convertLangName(this.language()); }, this); this.languageTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle).extend({'throttle': 100}); this.mppTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.editorDefaultTypeTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.layoutTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.isAnimationSupported = Globals.bAnimationSupported; this.editorDefaultTypes = ko.computed(function () { Translator.trigger(); return [ {'id': Enums.EditorDefaultType.Html, 'name': Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_GENERAL/LABEL_EDITOR_HTML')}, {'id': Enums.EditorDefaultType.Plain, 'name': Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_GENERAL/LABEL_EDITOR_PLAIN')}, {'id': Enums.EditorDefaultType.HtmlForced, 'name': Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_GENERAL/LABEL_EDITOR_HTML_FORCED')}, {'id': Enums.EditorDefaultType.PlainForced, 'name': Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_GENERAL/LABEL_EDITOR_PLAIN_FORCED')} ]; }, this); this.layoutTypes = ko.computed(function () { Translator.trigger(); return [ {'id': Enums.Layout.NoPreview, 'name': Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_GENERAL/LABEL_LAYOUT_NO_SPLIT')}, {'id': Enums.Layout.SidePreview, 'name': Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_GENERAL/LABEL_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_SPLIT')}, {'id': Enums.Layout.BottomPreview, 'name': Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_GENERAL/LABEL_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT')} ]; }, this); } GeneralUserSettings.prototype.testSoundNotification = function () { NotificationStore.playSoundNotification(true); }; GeneralUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function () { var self = this; _.delay(function () { var f0 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.editorDefaultTypeTrigger, self), f1 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.mppTrigger, self), f2 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.layoutTrigger, self), fReloadLanguageHelper = function (iSaveSettingsStep) { return function() { self.languageTrigger(iSaveSettingsStep); _.delay(function () { self.languageTrigger(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); }, 1000); }; } ; self.language.subscribe(function (sValue) { self.languageTrigger(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Animate); Translator.reload(sValue, fReloadLanguageHelper(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.TrueResult), fReloadLanguageHelper(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.FalseResult)); Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'Language': sValue }); }); self.editorDefaultType.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f0, { 'EditorDefaultType': sValue }); }); self.messagesPerPage.subscribe(function (iValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f1, { 'MPP': iValue }); }); self.showImages.subscribe(function (bValue) { Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'ShowImages': bValue ? '1' : '0' }); }); self.enableDesktopNotification.subscribe(function (bValue) { Utils.timeOutAction('SaveDesktopNotifications', function () { Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'DesktopNotifications': bValue ? '1' : '0' }); }, 3000); }); self.enableSoundNotification.subscribe(function (bValue) { Utils.timeOutAction('SaveSoundNotification', function () { Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'SoundNotification': bValue ? '1' : '0' }); }, 3000); }); self.replySameFolder.subscribe(function (bValue) { Utils.timeOutAction('SaveReplySameFolder', function () { Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'ReplySameFolder': bValue ? '1' : '0' }); }, 3000); }); self.useThreads.subscribe(function (bValue) { Data.messageList([]); Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'UseThreads': bValue ? '1' : '0' }); }); self.layout.subscribe(function (nValue) { Data.messageList([]); Remote.saveSettings(f2, { 'Layout': nValue }); }); self.useCheckboxesInList.subscribe(function (bValue) { Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'UseCheckboxesInList': bValue ? '1' : '0' }); }); }, 50); }; GeneralUserSettings.prototype.onShow = function () { this.enableDesktopNotification.valueHasMutated(); }; GeneralUserSettings.prototype.selectLanguage = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Languages */ 45)); }; module.exports = GeneralUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 126 */ /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Identities.js ***! \*****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), HtmlEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/HtmlEditor */ 47), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), IdentityStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Identity */ 43), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function IdentitiesUserSettings() { this.editor = null; this.defautOptionsAfterRender = Utils.defautOptionsAfterRender; this.accountEmail = AccountStore.email; this.displayName = AccountStore.displayName; this.signature = AccountStore.signature; this.replyTo = AccountStore.replyTo; this.signatureDom = ko.observable(null); this.defaultIdentityIDTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.displayNameTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.replyTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.signatureTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.identities = IdentityStore.identities; this.defaultIdentityID = IdentityStore.defaultIdentityID; this.identitiesOptions = ko.computed(function () { var aList = IdentityStore.identities(), aResult = [] ; if (0 < aList.length) { aResult.push({ 'id': AccountStore.email.peek(), 'name': this.formattedAccountIdentity(), 'seporator': false }); aResult.push({ 'id': '---', 'name': '---', 'seporator': true, 'disabled': true }); _.each(aList, function (oItem) { aResult.push({ 'id': oItem.id, 'name': oItem.formattedNameForEmail(), 'seporator': false }); }); } return aResult; }, this); this.processText = ko.computed(function () { return IdentityStore.identities.loading() ? Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_IDENTITIES/LOADING_PROCESS') : ''; }, this); this.visibility = ko.computed(function () { return '' === this.processText() ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; }, this); this.identityForDeletion = ko.observable(null).extend({'falseTimeout': 3000}).extend({'toggleSubscribe': [this, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.deleteAccess(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext) { oNext.deleteAccess(true); } } ]}); } /** * * @return {string} */ IdentitiesUserSettings.prototype.formattedAccountIdentity = function () { var sDisplayName = AccountStore.displayName.peek(), sEmail = AccountStore.email.peek() ; return '' === sDisplayName ? sEmail : '"' + Utils.quoteName(sDisplayName) + '" <' + sEmail + '>'; }; IdentitiesUserSettings.prototype.addNewIdentity = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Identity */ 89)); }; IdentitiesUserSettings.prototype.editIdentity = function (oIdentity) { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Identity */ 89), [oIdentity]); }; /** * @param {IdentityModel} oIdentityToRemove */ IdentitiesUserSettings.prototype.deleteIdentity = function (oIdentityToRemove) { if (oIdentityToRemove && oIdentityToRemove.deleteAccess()) { this.identityForDeletion(null); if (oIdentityToRemove) { IdentityStore.identities.remove(function (oIdentity) { return oIdentityToRemove === oIdentity; }); Remote.identityDelete(function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).accountsAndIdentities(); }, oIdentityToRemove.id); } } }; IdentitiesUserSettings.prototype.onFocus = function () { if (!this.editor && this.signatureDom()) { var self = this, sSignature = AccountStore.signature() ; this.editor = new HtmlEditor(self.signatureDom(), function () { AccountStore.signature( (self.editor.isHtml() ? ':HTML:' : '') + self.editor.getData() ); }, function () { if (':HTML:' === sSignature.substr(0, 6)) { self.editor.setHtml(sSignature.substr(6), false); } else { self.editor.setPlain(sSignature, false); } }); } }; IdentitiesUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { var self = this; oDom .on('click', '.identity-item .e-action', function () { var oIdentityItem = ko.dataFor(this); if (oIdentityItem) { self.editIdentity(oIdentityItem); } }) ; _.delay(function () { var f1 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.displayNameTrigger, self), f2 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.replyTrigger, self), f3 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.signatureTrigger, self), f4 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.defaultIdentityIDTrigger, self) ; IdentityStore.defaultIdentityID.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f4, { 'DefaultIdentityID': sValue }); }); AccountStore.displayName.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f1, { 'DisplayName': sValue }); }); AccountStore.replyTo.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f2, { 'ReplyTo': sValue }); }); AccountStore.signature.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f3, { 'Signature': sValue }); }); }, 50); }; module.exports = IdentitiesUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 127 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Identity.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), HtmlEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/HtmlEditor */ 47), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function IdentityUserSettings() { this.editor = null; this.displayName = AccountStore.displayName; this.signature = AccountStore.signature; this.replyTo = AccountStore.replyTo; this.signatureDom = ko.observable(null); this.displayNameTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.replyTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); this.signatureTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle); } IdentityUserSettings.prototype.onFocus = function () { if (!this.editor && this.signatureDom()) { var self = this, sSignature = AccountStore.signature() ; this.editor = new HtmlEditor(self.signatureDom(), function () { AccountStore.signature( (self.editor.isHtml() ? ':HTML:' : '') + self.editor.getData() ); }, function () { if (':HTML:' === sSignature.substr(0, 6)) { self.editor.setHtml(sSignature.substr(6), false); } else { self.editor.setPlain(sSignature, false); } }); } }; IdentityUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function () { var self = this; _.delay(function () { var f1 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.displayNameTrigger, self), f2 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.replyTrigger, self), f3 = Utils.settingsSaveHelperSimpleFunction(self.signatureTrigger, self) ; AccountStore.displayName.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f1, { 'DisplayName': sValue }); }); AccountStore.replyTo.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f2, { 'ReplyTo': sValue }); }); AccountStore.signature.subscribe(function (sValue) { Remote.saveSettings(f3, { 'Signature': sValue }); }); }, 50); }; module.exports = IdentityUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 128 */ /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/OpenPgp.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), PgpStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20) ; /** * @constructor */ function OpenPgpUserSettings() { this.openpgpkeys = PgpStore.openpgpkeys; this.openpgpkeysPublic = PgpStore.openpgpkeysPublic; this.openpgpkeysPrivate = PgpStore.openpgpkeysPrivate; this.openPgpKeyForDeletion = ko.observable(null).extend({'falseTimeout': 3000}).extend({'toggleSubscribe': [this, function (oPrev) { if (oPrev) { oPrev.deleteAccess(false); } }, function (oNext) { if (oNext) { oNext.deleteAccess(true); } } ]}); } OpenPgpUserSettings.prototype.addOpenPgpKey = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/AddOpenPgpKey */ 135)); }; OpenPgpUserSettings.prototype.generateOpenPgpKey = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/NewOpenPgpKey */ 139)); }; OpenPgpUserSettings.prototype.viewOpenPgpKey = function (oOpenPgpKey) { if (oOpenPgpKey) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/ViewOpenPgpKey */ 142), [oOpenPgpKey]); } }; /** * @param {OpenPgpKeyModel} oOpenPgpKeyToRemove */ OpenPgpUserSettings.prototype.deleteOpenPgpKey = function (oOpenPgpKeyToRemove) { if (oOpenPgpKeyToRemove && oOpenPgpKeyToRemove.deleteAccess()) { this.openPgpKeyForDeletion(null); if (oOpenPgpKeyToRemove && PgpStore.openpgpKeyring) { var oFindedItem = _.find(PgpStore.openpgpkeys(), function (oOpenPgpKey) { return oOpenPgpKeyToRemove === oOpenPgpKey; }); if (oFindedItem) { PgpStore.openpgpkeys.remove(oFindedItem); Utils.delegateRunOnDestroy(oFindedItem); PgpStore.openpgpKeyring[oFindedItem.isPrivate ? 'privateKeys' : 'publicKeys'] .removeForId(oFindedItem.guid); PgpStore.openpgpKeyring.store(); } __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadOpenPgpKeys(); } } }; module.exports = OpenPgpUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 129 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Security.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function SecurityUserSettings() { this.processing = ko.observable(false); this.clearing = ko.observable(false); this.secreting = ko.observable(false); this.viewUser = ko.observable(''); this.viewEnable = ko.observable(false); this.viewEnable.subs = true; this.twoFactorStatus = ko.observable(false); this.viewSecret = ko.observable(''); this.viewBackupCodes = ko.observable(''); this.viewUrl = ko.observable(''); this.bFirst = true; this.viewTwoFactorStatus = ko.computed(function () { Translator.trigger(); return Translator.i18n( this.twoFactorStatus() ? 'SETTINGS_SECURITY/TWO_FACTOR_SECRET_CONFIGURED_DESC' : 'SETTINGS_SECURITY/TWO_FACTOR_SECRET_NOT_CONFIGURED_DESC' ); }, this); this.onResult = _.bind(this.onResult, this); this.onSecretResult = _.bind(this.onSecretResult, this); } SecurityUserSettings.prototype.showSecret = function () { this.secreting(true); Remote.showTwoFactorSecret(this.onSecretResult); }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.hideSecret = function () { this.viewSecret(''); this.viewBackupCodes(''); this.viewUrl(''); }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.createTwoFactor = function () { this.processing(true); Remote.createTwoFactor(this.onResult); }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.testTwoFactor = function () { __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5).showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/TwoFactorTest */ 141)); }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.clearTwoFactor = function () { this.viewSecret(''); this.viewBackupCodes(''); this.viewUrl(''); this.clearing(true); Remote.clearTwoFactor(this.onResult); }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.onShow = function () { this.viewSecret(''); this.viewBackupCodes(''); this.viewUrl(''); }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.onResult = function (sResult, oData) { this.processing(false); this.clearing(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { this.viewUser(Utils.pString(oData.Result.User)); this.viewEnable(!!oData.Result.Enable); this.twoFactorStatus(!!oData.Result.IsSet); this.viewSecret(Utils.pString(oData.Result.Secret)); this.viewBackupCodes(Utils.pString(oData.Result.BackupCodes).replace(/[\s]+/g, ' ')); this.viewUrl(Utils.pString(oData.Result.Url)); } else { this.viewUser(''); this.viewEnable(false); this.twoFactorStatus(false); this.viewSecret(''); this.viewBackupCodes(''); this.viewUrl(''); } if (this.bFirst) { this.bFirst = false; var self = this; this.viewEnable.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (this.viewEnable.subs) { Remote.enableTwoFactor(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success !== sResult || !oData || !oData.Result) { self.viewEnable.subs = false; self.viewEnable(false); self.viewEnable.subs = true; } }, bValue); } }, this); } }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.onSecretResult = function (sResult, oData) { this.secreting(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { this.viewSecret(Utils.pString(oData.Result.Secret)); this.viewUrl(Utils.pString(oData.Result.Url)); } else { this.viewSecret(''); this.viewUrl(''); } }; SecurityUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function () { this.processing(true); Remote.getTwoFactor(this.onResult); }; module.exports = SecurityUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 130 */ /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Social.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; /** * @constructor */ function SocialUserSettings() { var Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), SocialStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Social */ 35) ; this.googleEnable = SocialStore.google.enabled; this.googleEnableAuth = SocialStore.google.capa.auth; this.googleEnableDrive = SocialStore.google.capa.drive; this.googleEnablePreview = SocialStore.google.capa.preview; this.googleActions = SocialStore.google.loading; this.googleLoggined = SocialStore.google.loggined; this.googleUserName = SocialStore.google.userName; this.facebookEnable = SocialStore.facebook.enabled; this.facebookActions = SocialStore.facebook.loading; this.facebookLoggined = SocialStore.facebook.loggined; this.facebookUserName = SocialStore.facebook.userName; this.twitterEnable = SocialStore.twitter.enabled; this.twitterActions = SocialStore.twitter.loading; this.twitterLoggined = SocialStore.twitter.loggined; this.twitterUserName = SocialStore.twitter.userName; this.connectGoogle = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (!this.googleLoggined()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).googleConnect(); } }, function () { return !this.googleLoggined() && !this.googleActions(); }); this.disconnectGoogle = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).googleDisconnect(); }); this.connectFacebook = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (!this.facebookLoggined()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).facebookConnect(); } }, function () { return !this.facebookLoggined() && !this.facebookActions(); }); this.disconnectFacebook = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).facebookDisconnect(); }); this.connectTwitter = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (!this.twitterLoggined()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).twitterConnect(); } }, function () { return !this.twitterLoggined() && !this.twitterActions(); }); this.disconnectTwitter = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).twitterDisconnect(); }); } module.exports = SocialUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 131 */ /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/Settings/User/Themes.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Jua = __webpack_require__(/*! Jua */ 74), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), ThemeStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Theme */ 39), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14) ; /** * @constructor */ function ThemesUserSettings() { this.theme = ThemeStore.theme; this.themes = ThemeStore.themes; this.themesObjects = ko.observableArray([]); this.background = {}; this.background.name = ThemeStore.themeBackgroundName; this.background.hash = ThemeStore.themeBackgroundHash; this.background.uploaderButton = ko.observable(null); this.background.loading = ko.observable(false); this.background.error = ko.observable(''); this.capaUserBackground = ko.observable(Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.UserBackground)); this.themeTrigger = ko.observable(Enums.SaveSettingsStep.Idle).extend({'throttle': 100}); this.iTimer = 0; this.oThemeAjaxRequest = null; this.theme.subscribe(function (sValue) { _.each(this.themesObjects(), function (oTheme) { oTheme.selected(sValue === oTheme.name); }); Utils.changeTheme(sValue, this.background.hash(), this.themeTrigger, Links); Remote.saveSettings(null, { 'Theme': sValue }); }, this); this.background.hash.subscribe(function (sValue) { Utils.changeTheme(this.theme(), sValue, this.themeTrigger, Links); }, this); } ThemesUserSettings.prototype.onBuild = function () { var sCurrentTheme = this.theme(); this.themesObjects(_.map(this.themes(), function (sTheme) { return { 'name': sTheme, 'nameDisplay': Utils.convertThemeName(sTheme), 'selected': ko.observable(sTheme === sCurrentTheme), 'themePreviewSrc': Links.themePreviewLink(sTheme) }; })); this.initUploader(); }; ThemesUserSettings.prototype.onShow = function () { this.background.error(''); }; ThemesUserSettings.prototype.clearBackground = function () { if (this.capaUserBackground()) { var self = this; Remote.clearUserBackground(function () { self.background.name(''); self.background.hash(''); }); } }; ThemesUserSettings.prototype.initUploader = function () { if (this.background.uploaderButton() && this.capaUserBackground()) { var oJua = new Jua({ 'action': Links.uploadBackground(), 'name': 'uploader', 'queueSize': 1, 'multipleSizeLimit': 1, 'disableDragAndDrop': true, 'disableMultiple': true, 'clickElement': this.background.uploaderButton() }) ; oJua .on('onStart', _.bind(function () { this.background.loading(true); this.background.error(''); return true; }, this)) .on('onComplete', _.bind(function (sId, bResult, oData) { this.background.loading(false); if (bResult && sId && oData && oData.Result && oData.Result.Name && oData.Result.Hash) { this.background.name(oData.Result.Name); this.background.hash(oData.Result.Hash); } else { this.background.name(''); this.background.hash(''); var sError = ''; if (oData.ErrorCode) { switch (oData.ErrorCode) { case Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileIsTooBig: sError = Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_THEMES/ERROR_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG'); break; case Enums.UploadErrorCode.FileType: sError = Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_THEMES/ERROR_FILE_TYPE_ERROR'); break; } } if (!sError && oData.ErrorMessage) { sError = oData.ErrorMessage; } this.background.error(sError || Translator.i18n('SETTINGS_THEMES/ERROR_UNKNOWN')); } return true; }, this)) ; } }; module.exports = ThemesUserSettings; }()); /***/ }, /* 132 */, /* 133 */, /* 134 */, /* 135 */ /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/AddOpenPgpKey.js ***! \*****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), PgpStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function AddOpenPgpKeyPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsAddOpenPgpKey'); this.key = ko.observable(''); this.key.error = ko.observable(false); this.key.focus = ko.observable(false); this.key.subscribe(function () { this.key.error(false); }, this); this.addOpenPgpKeyCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var iCount = 30, aMatch = null, sKey = Utils.trim(this.key()), oReg = /[\-]{3,6}BEGIN[\s]PGP[\s](PRIVATE|PUBLIC)[\s]KEY[\s]BLOCK[\-]{3,6}[\s\S]+?[\-]{3,6}END[\s]PGP[\s](PRIVATE|PUBLIC)[\s]KEY[\s]BLOCK[\-]{3,6}/gi, oOpenpgpKeyring = PgpStore.openpgpKeyring ; sKey = sKey.replace(/[\r\n]([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}:[^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+([a-zA-Z0-9\/\\+=]{10,})/g, '\n$1!-!N!-!$2') .replace(/[\n\r]+/g, '\n').replace(/!-!N!-!/g, '\n\n'); this.key.error('' === sKey); if (!oOpenpgpKeyring || this.key.error()) { return false; } do { aMatch = oReg.exec(sKey); if (!aMatch || 0 > iCount) { break; } if (aMatch[0] && aMatch[1] && aMatch[2] && aMatch[1] === aMatch[2]) { if ('PRIVATE' === aMatch[1]) { oOpenpgpKeyring.privateKeys.importKey(aMatch[0]); } else if ('PUBLIC' === aMatch[1]) { oOpenpgpKeyring.publicKeys.importKey(aMatch[0]); } } iCount--; } while (true); oOpenpgpKeyring.store(); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadOpenPgpKeys(); Utils.delegateRun(this, 'cancelCommand'); return true; }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/AddOpenPgpKey', 'PopupsAddOpenPgpKeyViewModel'], AddOpenPgpKeyPopupView); _.extend(AddOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); AddOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.key(''); this.key.error(false); }; AddOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.clearPopup(); }; AddOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.key.focus(true); }; module.exports = AddOpenPgpKeyPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 136 */ /*!******************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/AdvancedSearch.js ***! \******************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ 36), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function AdvancedSearchPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsAdvancedSearch'); this.fromFocus = ko.observable(false); this.from = ko.observable(''); this.to = ko.observable(''); this.subject = ko.observable(''); this.text = ko.observable(''); this.selectedDateValue = ko.observable(-1); this.hasAttachment = ko.observable(false); this.starred = ko.observable(false); this.unseen = ko.observable(false); this.searchCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var sSearch = this.buildSearchString(); if ('' !== sSearch) { Data.mainMessageListSearch(sSearch); } this.cancelCommand(); }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/AdvancedSearch', 'PopupsAdvancedSearchViewModel'], AdvancedSearchPopupView); _.extend(AdvancedSearchPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); AdvancedSearchPopupView.prototype.buildSearchStringValue = function (sValue) { if (-1 < sValue.indexOf(' ')) { sValue = '"' + sValue + '"'; } return sValue; }; AdvancedSearchPopupView.prototype.buildSearchString = function () { var aResult = [], sFrom = Utils.trim(this.from()), sTo = Utils.trim(this.to()), sSubject = Utils.trim(this.subject()), sText = Utils.trim(this.text()), aIs = [], aHas = [] ; if (sFrom && '' !== sFrom) { aResult.push('from:' + this.buildSearchStringValue(sFrom)); } if (sTo && '' !== sTo) { aResult.push('to:' + this.buildSearchStringValue(sTo)); } if (sSubject && '' !== sSubject) { aResult.push('subject:' + this.buildSearchStringValue(sSubject)); } if (this.hasAttachment()) { aHas.push('attachment'); } if (this.unseen()) { aIs.push('unseen'); } if (this.starred()) { aIs.push('flagged'); } if (0 < aHas.length) { aResult.push('has:' + aHas.join(',')); } if (0 < aIs.length) { aResult.push('is:' + aIs.join(',')); } if (-1 < this.selectedDateValue()) { aResult.push('date:' + moment().subtract('days', this.selectedDateValue()).format('YYYY.MM.DD') + '/'); } if (sText && '' !== sText) { aResult.push('text:' + this.buildSearchStringValue(sText)); } return Utils.trim(aResult.join(' ')); }; AdvancedSearchPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.from(''); this.to(''); this.subject(''); this.text(''); this.selectedDateValue(-1); this.hasAttachment(false); this.starred(false); this.unseen(false); this.fromFocus(true); }; AdvancedSearchPopupView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.clearPopup(); }; AdvancedSearchPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.fromFocus(true); }; module.exports = AdvancedSearchPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 137 */ /*!******************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/ComposeOpenPgp.js ***! \******************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), PgpStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20), EmailModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Email */ 25), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function ComposeOpenPgpPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsComposeOpenPgp'); this.notification = ko.observable(''); this.sign = ko.observable(true); this.encrypt = ko.observable(true); this.password = ko.observable(''); this.password.focus = ko.observable(false); this.buttonFocus = ko.observable(false); this.from = ko.observable(''); this.to = ko.observableArray([]); this.text = ko.observable(''); this.resultCallback = null; this.submitRequest = ko.observable(false); // commands this.doCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var self = this, bResult = true, oPrivateKey = null, aPublicKeys = [] ; this.submitRequest(true); if (bResult && this.sign() && '' === this.from()) { this.notification(Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/SPECIFY_FROM_EMAIL')); bResult = false; } if (bResult && this.sign()) { oPrivateKey = Data.findPrivateKeyByEmail(this.from(), this.password()); if (!oPrivateKey) { this.notification(Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/NO_PRIVATE_KEY_FOUND_FOR', { 'EMAIL': this.from() })); bResult = false; } } if (bResult && this.encrypt() && 0 === this.to().length) { this.notification(Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/SPECIFY_AT_LEAST_ONE_RECIPIENT')); bResult = false; } if (bResult && this.encrypt()) { aPublicKeys = []; _.each(this.to(), function (sEmail) { var aKeys = Data.findPublicKeysByEmail(sEmail); if (0 === aKeys.length && bResult) { self.notification(Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/NO_PUBLIC_KEYS_FOUND_FOR', { 'EMAIL': sEmail })); bResult = false; } aPublicKeys = aPublicKeys.concat(aKeys); }); if (bResult && (0 === aPublicKeys.length || this.to().length !== aPublicKeys.length)) { bResult = false; } } _.delay(function () { if (self.resultCallback && bResult) { try { if (oPrivateKey && 0 === aPublicKeys.length) { self.resultCallback( PgpStore.openpgp.signClearMessage([oPrivateKey], self.text()) ); } else if (oPrivateKey && 0 < aPublicKeys.length) { self.resultCallback( PgpStore.openpgp.signAndEncryptMessage(aPublicKeys, oPrivateKey, self.text()) ); } else if (!oPrivateKey && 0 < aPublicKeys.length) { self.resultCallback( PgpStore.openpgp.encryptMessage(aPublicKeys, self.text()) ); } } catch (e) { self.notification(Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/PGP_ERROR', { 'ERROR': '' + e })); bResult = false; } } if (bResult) { self.cancelCommand(); } self.submitRequest(false); }, 10); }, function () { return !this.submitRequest() && (this.sign() || this.encrypt()); }); this.sDefaultKeyScope = Enums.KeyState.PopupComposeOpenPGP; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/ComposeOpenPgp', 'PopupsComposeOpenPgpViewModel'], ComposeOpenPgpPopupView); _.extend(ComposeOpenPgpPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); ComposeOpenPgpPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.notification(''); this.password(''); this.password.focus(false); this.buttonFocus(false); this.from(''); this.to([]); this.text(''); this.submitRequest(false); this.resultCallback = null; }; ComposeOpenPgpPopupView.prototype.onBuild = function () { key('tab,shift+tab', Enums.KeyState.PopupComposeOpenPGP, _.bind(function () { switch (true) { case this.password.focus(): this.buttonFocus(true); break; case this.buttonFocus(): this.password.focus(true); break; } return false; }, this)); }; ComposeOpenPgpPopupView.prototype.onHide = function () { this.clearPopup(); }; ComposeOpenPgpPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { if (this.sign()) { this.password.focus(true); } else { this.buttonFocus(true); } }; ComposeOpenPgpPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (fCallback, sText, sFromEmail, sTo, sCc, sBcc) { this.clearPopup(); var oEmail = new EmailModel(), sResultFromEmail = '', aRec = [] ; this.resultCallback = fCallback; oEmail.clear(); oEmail.mailsoParse(sFromEmail); if ('' !== oEmail.email) { sResultFromEmail = oEmail.email; } if ('' !== sTo) { aRec.push(sTo); } if ('' !== sCc) { aRec.push(sCc); } if ('' !== sBcc) { aRec.push(sBcc); } aRec = aRec.join(', ').split(','); aRec = _.compact(_.map(aRec, function (sValue) { oEmail.clear(); oEmail.mailsoParse(Utils.trim(sValue)); return '' === oEmail.email ? false : oEmail.email; })); this.from(sResultFromEmail); this.to(aRec); this.text(sText); }; module.exports = ComposeOpenPgpPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 138 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/FolderClear.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function FolderClearPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsFolderClear'); this.selectedFolder = ko.observable(null); this.clearingProcess = ko.observable(false); this.clearingError = ko.observable(''); this.folderFullNameForClear = ko.computed(function () { var oFolder = this.selectedFolder(); return oFolder ? oFolder.printableFullName() : ''; }, this); this.folderNameForClear = ko.computed(function () { var oFolder = this.selectedFolder(); return oFolder ? oFolder.localName() : ''; }, this); this.dangerDescHtml = ko.computed(function () { return Translator.i18n('POPUPS_CLEAR_FOLDER/DANGER_DESC_HTML_1', { 'FOLDER': this.folderNameForClear() }); }, this); this.clearCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var self = this, oFolderToClear = this.selectedFolder() ; if (oFolderToClear) { Data.message(null); Data.messageList([]); this.clearingProcess(true); oFolderToClear.messageCountAll(0); oFolderToClear.messageCountUnread(0); Cache.setFolderHash(oFolderToClear.fullNameRaw, ''); Remote.folderClear(function (sResult, oData) { self.clearingProcess(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadMessageList(true); self.cancelCommand(); } else { if (oData && oData.ErrorCode) { self.clearingError(Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode)); } else { self.clearingError(Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.MailServerError)); } } }, oFolderToClear.fullNameRaw); } }, function () { var oFolder = this.selectedFolder(), bIsClearing = this.clearingProcess() ; return !bIsClearing && null !== oFolder; }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/FolderClear', 'PopupsFolderClearViewModel'], FolderClearPopupView); _.extend(FolderClearPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); FolderClearPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.clearingProcess(false); this.selectedFolder(null); }; FolderClearPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (oFolder) { this.clearPopup(); if (oFolder) { this.selectedFolder(oFolder); } }; module.exports = FolderClearPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 139 */ /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/NewOpenPgpKey.js ***! \*****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), PgpStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Pgp */ 20), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function NewOpenPgpKeyPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsNewOpenPgpKey'); this.email = ko.observable(''); this.email.focus = ko.observable(''); this.email.error = ko.observable(false); this.name = ko.observable(''); this.password = ko.observable(''); this.keyBitLength = ko.observable(2048); this.submitRequest = ko.observable(false); this.email.subscribe(function () { this.email.error(false); }, this); this.generateOpenPgpKeyCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { var self = this, sUserID = '', mKeyPair = null, oOpenpgpKeyring = PgpStore.openpgpKeyring ; this.email.error('' === Utils.trim(this.email())); if (!oOpenpgpKeyring || this.email.error()) { return false; } sUserID = this.email(); if ('' !== this.name()) { sUserID = this.name() + ' <' + sUserID + '>'; } this.submitRequest(true); _.delay(function () { mKeyPair = PgpStore.openpgp.generateKeyPair({ 'userId': sUserID, 'numBits': Utils.pInt(self.keyBitLength()), 'passphrase': Utils.trim(self.password()) }); if (mKeyPair && mKeyPair.privateKeyArmored) { oOpenpgpKeyring.privateKeys.importKey(mKeyPair.privateKeyArmored); oOpenpgpKeyring.publicKeys.importKey(mKeyPair.publicKeyArmored); oOpenpgpKeyring.store(); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadOpenPgpKeys(); Utils.delegateRun(self, 'cancelCommand'); } self.submitRequest(false); }, 100); return true; }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/NewOpenPgpKey', 'PopupsNewOpenPgpKeyViewModel'], NewOpenPgpKeyPopupView); _.extend(NewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); NewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.name(''); this.password(''); this.email(''); this.email.error(false); this.keyBitLength(2048); }; NewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.clearPopup(); }; NewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.email.focus(true); }; module.exports = NewOpenPgpKeyPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 140 */, /* 141 */ /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/TwoFactorTest.js ***! \*****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function TwoFactorTestPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsTwoFactorTest'); var self = this; this.code = ko.observable(''); this.code.focused = ko.observable(false); this.code.status = ko.observable(null); this.testing = ko.observable(false); // commands this.testCode = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.testing(true); Remote.testTwoFactor(function (sResult, oData) { self.testing(false); self.code.status(Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result ? true : false); }, this.code()); }, function () { return '' !== this.code() && !this.testing(); }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/TwoFactorTest', 'PopupsTwoFactorTestViewModel'], TwoFactorTestPopupView); _.extend(TwoFactorTestPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); TwoFactorTestPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.code(''); this.code.focused(false); this.code.status(null); this.testing(false); }; TwoFactorTestPopupView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.clearPopup(); }; TwoFactorTestPopupView.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.code.focused(true); }; module.exports = TwoFactorTestPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 142 */ /*!******************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/Popup/ViewOpenPgpKey.js ***! \******************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function ViewOpenPgpKeyPopupView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Popups', 'PopupsViewOpenPgpKey'); this.key = ko.observable(''); this.keyDom = ko.observable(null); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/Popup/ViewOpenPgpKey', 'PopupsViewOpenPgpKeyViewModel'], ViewOpenPgpKeyPopupView); _.extend(ViewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); ViewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.clearPopup = function () { this.key(''); }; ViewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.selectKey = function () { var oEl = this.keyDom(); if (oEl) { Utils.selectElement(oEl); } }; ViewOpenPgpKeyPopupView.prototype.onShow = function (oOpenPgpKey) { this.clearPopup(); if (oOpenPgpKey) { this.key(oOpenPgpKey.armor); } }; module.exports = ViewOpenPgpKeyPopupView; }()); /***/ }, /* 143 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/About.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function AboutUserView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Center', 'About'); this.version = ko.observable(Settings.settingsGet('Version')); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/About', 'View/App/About', 'AboutViewModel'], AboutUserView); _.extend(AboutUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); module.exports = AboutUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 144 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/Login.js ***! \********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), Plugins = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Plugins */ 23), LanguageStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/Language */ 31), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function LoginUserView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Center', 'Login'); this.email = ko.observable(''); this.password = ko.observable(''); this.signMe = ko.observable(false); this.additionalCode = ko.observable(''); this.additionalCode.error = ko.observable(false); this.additionalCode.focused = ko.observable(false); this.additionalCode.visibility = ko.observable(false); this.additionalCodeSignMe = ko.observable(false); this.logoImg = Utils.trim(Settings.settingsGet('LoginLogo')); this.logoPowered = !!Settings.settingsGet('LoginPowered'); this.loginDescription = Utils.trim(Settings.settingsGet('LoginDescription')); this.forgotPasswordLinkUrl = Settings.settingsGet('ForgotPasswordLinkUrl'); this.registrationLinkUrl = Settings.settingsGet('RegistrationLinkUrl'); this.emailError = ko.observable(false); this.passwordError = ko.observable(false); this.emailFocus = ko.observable(false); this.submitFocus = ko.observable(false); this.email.subscribe(function () { this.emailError(false); this.additionalCode(''); this.additionalCode.visibility(false); }, this); this.password.subscribe(function () { this.passwordError(false); }, this); this.additionalCode.subscribe(function () { this.additionalCode.error(false); }, this); this.additionalCode.visibility.subscribe(function () { this.additionalCode.error(false); }, this); this.submitRequest = ko.observable(false); this.submitError = ko.observable(''); this.submitErrorAddidional = ko.observable(''); this.submitError.subscribe(function (sValue) { if ('' === sValue) { this.submitErrorAddidional(''); } }, this); this.allowLanguagesOnLogin = AppStore.allowLanguagesOnLogin; this.langRequest = ko.observable(false); this.language = LanguageStore.language; this.bSendLanguage = false; this.languageFullName = ko.computed(function () { return Utils.convertLangName(this.language()); }, this); this.signMeType = ko.observable(Enums.LoginSignMeType.Unused); this.signMeType.subscribe(function (iValue) { this.signMe(Enums.LoginSignMeType.DefaultOn === iValue); }, this); this.signMeVisibility = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.LoginSignMeType.Unused !== this.signMeType(); }, this); this.submitCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { Utils.triggerAutocompleteInputChange(); this.emailError('' === Utils.trim(this.email())); this.passwordError('' === Utils.trim(this.password())); if (this.additionalCode.visibility()) { this.additionalCode.error('' === Utils.trim(this.additionalCode())); } if (this.emailError() || this.passwordError() || this.additionalCode.error()) { return false; } var iPluginResultCode = 0, sPluginResultMessage = '', fSubmitResult = function (iResultCode, sResultMessage) { iPluginResultCode = iResultCode || 0; sPluginResultMessage = sResultMessage || ''; } ; Plugins.runHook('user-login-submit', [fSubmitResult]); if (0 < iPluginResultCode) { this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(iPluginResultCode)); return false; } else if ('' !== sPluginResultMessage) { this.submitError(sPluginResultMessage); return false; } this.submitRequest(true); var sPassword = this.password(), fLoginRequest = _.bind(function (sPassword) { Remote.login(_.bind(function (sResult, oData) { if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && 'Login' === oData.Action) { if (oData.Result) { if (oData.TwoFactorAuth) { this.additionalCode(''); this.additionalCode.visibility(true); this.additionalCode.focused(true); this.submitRequest(false); } else if (oData.Admin) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).redirectToAdminPanel(); } else { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).loginAndLogoutReload(); } } else if (oData.ErrorCode) { this.submitRequest(false); if (-1 < Utils.inArray(oData.ErrorCode, [Enums.Notification.InvalidInputArgument])) { oData.ErrorCode = Enums.Notification.AuthError; } this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode)); if ('' === this.submitError()) { this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.UnknownError)); } else { if (oData.ErrorMessageAdditional) { this.submitErrorAddidional(oData.ErrorMessageAdditional); } } } else { this.submitRequest(false); } } else { this.submitRequest(false); this.submitError(Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.UnknownError)); } }, this), this.email(), '', sPassword, !!this.signMe(), this.bSendLanguage ? this.language() : '', this.additionalCode.visibility() ? this.additionalCode() : '', this.additionalCode.visibility() ? !!this.additionalCodeSignMe() : false ); }, this) ; if (!!Settings.settingsGet('UseRsaEncryption') && Utils.rsaEncode.supported && Settings.settingsGet('RsaPublicKey')) { fLoginRequest(Utils.rsaEncode(sPassword, Settings.settingsGet('RsaPublicKey'))); } else { fLoginRequest(sPassword); } return true; }, function () { return !this.submitRequest(); }); this.facebookLoginEnabled = ko.observable(false); this.facebookCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { window.open(Links.socialFacebook(), 'Facebook', 'left=200,top=100,width=650,height=450,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); return true; }, function () { return !this.submitRequest() && this.facebookLoginEnabled(); }); this.googleLoginEnabled = ko.observable(false); this.googleCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { window.open(Links.socialGoogle(), 'Google', 'left=200,top=100,width=650,height=450,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); return true; }, function () { return !this.submitRequest() && this.googleLoginEnabled(); }); this.twitterLoginEnabled = ko.observable(false); this.twitterCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { window.open(Links.socialTwitter(), 'Twitter', 'left=200,top=100,width=650,height=450,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); return true; }, function () { return !this.submitRequest() && this.twitterLoginEnabled(); }); this.socialLoginEnabled = ko.computed(function () { var bF = this.facebookLoginEnabled(), bG = this.googleLoginEnabled(), bT = this.twitterLoginEnabled() ; return bF || bG || bT; }, this); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/Login', 'View/App/Login', 'LoginViewModel'], LoginUserView); _.extend(LoginUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); LoginUserView.prototype.onShow = function () { kn.routeOff(); _.delay(_.bind(function () { if ('' !== this.email() && '' !== this.password()) { this.submitFocus(true); } else { this.emailFocus(true); } if (Settings.settingsGet('UserLanguage')) { $.cookie('rllang', LanguageStore.language(), {'expires': 30}); } }, this), 100); }; LoginUserView.prototype.onHide = function () { this.submitFocus(false); this.emailFocus(false); }; LoginUserView.prototype.onBuild = function () { var self = this, sJsHash = Settings.settingsGet('JsHash'), fSocial = function (iErrorCode) { iErrorCode = Utils.pInt(iErrorCode); if (0 === iErrorCode) { self.submitRequest(true); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).loginAndLogoutReload(); } else { self.submitError(Translator.getNotification(iErrorCode)); } } ; this.facebookLoginEnabled(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowFacebookSocial')); this.twitterLoginEnabled(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowTwitterSocial')); this.googleLoginEnabled(!!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocial') && !!Settings.settingsGet('AllowGoogleSocialAuth')); switch ((Settings.settingsGet('SignMe') || 'unused').toLowerCase()) { case Enums.LoginSignMeTypeAsString.DefaultOff: this.signMeType(Enums.LoginSignMeType.DefaultOff); break; case Enums.LoginSignMeTypeAsString.DefaultOn: this.signMeType(Enums.LoginSignMeType.DefaultOn); break; default: case Enums.LoginSignMeTypeAsString.Unused: this.signMeType(Enums.LoginSignMeType.Unused); break; } this.email(AppStore.devEmail); this.password(AppStore.devPassword); if (this.googleLoginEnabled()) { window['rl_' + sJsHash + '_google_login_service'] = fSocial; } if (this.facebookLoginEnabled()) { window['rl_' + sJsHash + '_facebook_login_service'] = fSocial; } if (this.twitterLoginEnabled()) { window['rl_' + sJsHash + '_twitter_login_service'] = fSocial; } _.delay(function () { LanguageStore.language.subscribe(function (sValue) { self.langRequest(true); Translator.reload(sValue, function() { self.langRequest(false); self.bSendLanguage = true; $.cookie('rllang', sValue, {'expires': 30}); }, function() { self.langRequest(false); }); }); }, 50); Utils.triggerAutocompleteInputChange(true); }; LoginUserView.prototype.submitForm = function () { this.submitCommand(); }; LoginUserView.prototype.selectLanguage = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Languages */ 45)); }; module.exports = LoginUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 145 */ /*!*********************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/MailBox/FolderList.js ***! \*********************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), AppStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/App */ 30), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function FolderListMailBoxUserView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Left', 'MailFolderList'); this.oContentVisible = null; this.oContentScrollable = null; this.composeInEdit = Data.composeInEdit; this.messageList = Data.messageList; this.folderList = Data.folderList; this.folderListSystem = Data.folderListSystem; this.foldersChanging = Data.foldersChanging; this.leftPanelDisabled = Globals.leftPanelDisabled; this.iDropOverTimer = 0; this.allowContacts = !!AppStore.contactsIsAllowed(); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/MailBox/FolderList', 'View/App/MailBox/FolderList', 'MailBoxFolderListViewModel'], FolderListMailBoxUserView); _.extend(FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { this.oContentVisible = $('.b-content', oDom); this.oContentScrollable = $('.content', this.oContentVisible); var self = this; oDom .on('click', '.b-folders .e-item .e-link .e-collapsed-sign', function (oEvent) { var oFolder = ko.dataFor(this), bCollapsed = false ; if (oFolder && oEvent) { bCollapsed = oFolder.collapsed(); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setExpandedFolder(oFolder.fullNameHash, bCollapsed); oFolder.collapsed(!bCollapsed); oEvent.preventDefault(); oEvent.stopPropagation(); } }) .on('click', '.b-folders .e-item .e-link.selectable', function (oEvent) { oEvent.preventDefault(); var oFolder = ko.dataFor(this) ; if (oFolder) { if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === SettingsStore.layout()) { Data.message(null); } if (oFolder.fullNameRaw === Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw()) { Cache.setFolderHash(oFolder.fullNameRaw, ''); } kn.setHash(Links.mailBox(oFolder.fullNameHash)); } }) ; key('up, down', Enums.KeyState.FolderList, function (event, handler) { var iIndex = -1, iKeyCode = handler && 'up' === handler.shortcut ? 38 : 40, $items = $('.b-folders .e-item .e-link:not(.hidden):visible', oDom) ; if (event && $items.length) { iIndex = $items.index($items.filter('.focused')); if (-1 < iIndex) { $items.eq(iIndex).removeClass('focused'); } if (iKeyCode === 38 && iIndex > 0) { iIndex--; } else if (iKeyCode === 40 && iIndex < $items.length - 1) { iIndex++; } $items.eq(iIndex).addClass('focused'); self.scrollToFocused(); } return false; }); key('enter', Enums.KeyState.FolderList, function () { var $items = $('.b-folders .e-item .e-link:not(.hidden).focused', oDom); if ($items.length && $items[0]) { self.folderList.focused(false); $items.click(); } return false; }); key('space', Enums.KeyState.FolderList, function () { var bCollapsed = true, oFolder = null, $items = $('.b-folders .e-item .e-link:not(.hidden).focused', oDom); if ($items.length && $items[0]) { oFolder = ko.dataFor($items[0]); if (oFolder) { bCollapsed = oFolder.collapsed(); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setExpandedFolder(oFolder.fullNameHash, bCollapsed); oFolder.collapsed(!bCollapsed); } } return false; }); key('esc, tab, shift+tab, right', Enums.KeyState.FolderList, function () { self.folderList.focused(false); return false; }); self.folderList.focused.subscribe(function (bValue) { $('.b-folders .e-item .e-link.focused', oDom).removeClass('focused'); if (bValue) { $('.b-folders .e-item .e-link.selected', oDom).addClass('focused'); } }); }; FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.messagesDropOver = function (oFolder) { window.clearTimeout(this.iDropOverTimer); if (oFolder && oFolder.collapsed()) { this.iDropOverTimer = window.setTimeout(function () { oFolder.collapsed(false); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).setExpandedFolder(oFolder.fullNameHash, true); Utils.windowResize(); }, 500); } }; FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.messagesDropOut = function () { window.clearTimeout(this.iDropOverTimer); }; FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.scrollToFocused = function () { if (!this.oContentVisible || !this.oContentScrollable) { return false; } var iOffset = 20, oFocused = $('.e-item .e-link.focused', this.oContentScrollable), oPos = oFocused.position(), iVisibleHeight = this.oContentVisible.height(), iFocusedHeight = oFocused.outerHeight() ; if (oPos && (oPos.top < 0 || oPos.top + iFocusedHeight > iVisibleHeight)) { if (oPos.top < 0) { this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop(this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop() + oPos.top - iOffset); } else { this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop(this.oContentScrollable.scrollTop() + oPos.top - iVisibleHeight + iFocusedHeight + iOffset); } return true; } return false; }; /** * * @param {FolderModel} oToFolder * @param {{helper:jQuery}} oUi */ FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.messagesDrop = function (oToFolder, oUi) { if (oToFolder && oUi && oUi.helper) { var sFromFolderFullNameRaw = oUi.helper.data('rl-folder'), bCopy = Globals.$html.hasClass('rl-ctrl-key-pressed'), aUids = oUi.helper.data('rl-uids') ; if (Utils.isNormal(sFromFolderFullNameRaw) && '' !== sFromFolderFullNameRaw && Utils.isArray(aUids)) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).moveMessagesToFolder(sFromFolderFullNameRaw, aUids, oToFolder.fullNameRaw, bCopy); } } }; FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.composeClick = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27)); }; FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.createFolder = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/FolderCreate */ 88)); }; FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.configureFolders = function () { kn.setHash(Links.settings('folders')); }; FolderListMailBoxUserView.prototype.contactsClick = function () { if (this.allowContacts) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Contacts */ 68)); } }; module.exports = FolderListMailBoxUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 146 */ /*!**********************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/MailBox/MessageList.js ***! \**********************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Jua = __webpack_require__(/*! Jua */ 74), ifvisible = __webpack_require__(/*! ifvisible */ 156), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Selector = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Selector */ 78), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), QuotaStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Quota */ 84), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), FolderStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Settings */ 9), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function MessageListMailBoxUserView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Right', 'MailMessageList'); this.sLastUid = null; this.bPrefetch = false; this.emptySubjectValue = ''; this.hideDangerousActions = !!Settings.settingsGet('HideDangerousActions'); this.popupVisibility = Globals.popupVisibility; this.message = Data.message; this.messageList = Data.messageList; this.folderList = Data.folderList; this.currentMessage = Data.currentMessage; this.isMessageSelected = Data.isMessageSelected; this.messageListSearch = Data.messageListSearch; this.messageListError = Data.messageListError; this.folderMenuForMove = Data.folderMenuForMove; this.useCheckboxesInList = SettingsStore.useCheckboxesInList; this.mainMessageListSearch = Data.mainMessageListSearch; this.messageListEndFolder = Data.messageListEndFolder; this.messageListChecked = Data.messageListChecked; this.messageListCheckedOrSelected = Data.messageListCheckedOrSelected; this.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails = Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails; this.messageListCompleteLoadingThrottle = Data.messageListCompleteLoadingThrottle; Translator.initOnStartOrLangChange(function () { this.emptySubjectValue = Translator.i18n('MESSAGE_LIST/EMPTY_SUBJECT_TEXT'); }, this); this.userQuota = QuotaStore.quota; this.userUsageSize = QuotaStore.usage; this.userUsageProc = QuotaStore.percentage; this.moveDropdownTrigger = ko.observable(false); this.moreDropdownTrigger = ko.observable(false); // append drag and drop this.dragOver = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 1}); this.dragOverEnter = ko.observable(false).extend({'throttle': 1}); this.dragOverArea = ko.observable(null); this.dragOverBodyArea = ko.observable(null); this.messageListItemTemplate = ko.computed(function () { return Enums.Layout.SidePreview === SettingsStore.layout() ? 'MailMessageListItem' : 'MailMessageListItemNoPreviewPane'; }); this.messageListSearchDesc = ko.computed(function () { var sValue = Data.messageListEndSearch(); return '' === sValue ? '' : Translator.i18n('MESSAGE_LIST/SEARCH_RESULT_FOR', {'SEARCH': sValue}); }); this.messageListPagenator = ko.computed(Utils.computedPagenatorHelper(Data.messageListPage, Data.messageListPageCount)); this.checkAll = ko.computed({ 'read': function () { return 0 < Data.messageListChecked().length; }, 'write': function (bValue) { bValue = !!bValue; _.each(Data.messageList(), function (oMessage) { oMessage.checked(bValue); }); } }); this.inputMessageListSearchFocus = ko.observable(false); this.sLastSearchValue = ''; this.inputProxyMessageListSearch = ko.computed({ 'read': this.mainMessageListSearch, 'write': function (sValue) { this.sLastSearchValue = sValue; }, 'owner': this }); this.isIncompleteChecked = ko.computed(function () { var iM = Data.messageList().length, iC = Data.messageListChecked().length ; return 0 < iM && 0 < iC && iM > iC; }, this); this.hasMessages = ko.computed(function () { return 0 < this.messageList().length; }, this); this.hasCheckedOrSelectedLines = ko.computed(function () { return 0 < this.messageListCheckedOrSelected().length; }, this); this.isSpamFolder = ko.computed(function () { return FolderStore.spamFolder() === this.messageListEndFolder() && '' !== FolderStore.spamFolder(); }, this); this.isSpamDisabled = ko.computed(function () { return Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === FolderStore.spamFolder(); }, this); this.isTrashFolder = ko.computed(function () { return FolderStore.trashFolder() === this.messageListEndFolder() && '' !== FolderStore.trashFolder(); }, this); this.isDraftFolder = ko.computed(function () { return FolderStore.draftFolder() === this.messageListEndFolder() && '' !== FolderStore.draftFolder(); }, this); this.isSentFolder = ko.computed(function () { return FolderStore.sentFolder() === this.messageListEndFolder() && '' !== FolderStore.sentFolder(); }, this); this.isArchiveFolder = ko.computed(function () { return FolderStore.archiveFolder() === this.messageListEndFolder() && '' !== FolderStore.archiveFolder(); }, this); this.isArchiveDisabled = ko.computed(function () { return Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue === FolderStore.archiveFolder(); }, this); this.canBeMoved = this.hasCheckedOrSelectedLines; this.clearCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/FolderClear */ 138), [Data.currentFolder()]); }); this.multyForwardCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27), [ Enums.ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment, Data.messageListCheckedOrSelected()]); }, this.canBeMoved); this.deleteWithoutMoveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Trash, Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails(), false); }, this.canBeMoved); this.deleteCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Trash, Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails(), true); }, this.canBeMoved); this.archiveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Archive, Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails(), true); }, this.canBeMoved); this.spamCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Spam, Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails(), true); }, this.canBeMoved); this.notSpamCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.NotSpam, Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails(), true); }, this.canBeMoved); this.moveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, Utils.emptyFunction, this.canBeMoved); this.reloadCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (!Data.messageListCompleteLoadingThrottle()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadMessageList(false, true); } }); this.quotaTooltip = _.bind(this.quotaTooltip, this); this.selector = new Selector(this.messageList, this.currentMessage, '.messageListItem .actionHandle', '.messageListItem.selected', '.messageListItem .checkboxMessage', '.messageListItem.focused'); this.selector.on('onItemSelect', _.bind(function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { Data.message(Data.staticMessageList.populateByMessageListItem(oMessage)); this.populateMessageBody(Data.message()); if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === SettingsStore.layout()) { kn.setHash(Links.messagePreview(), true); Data.message.focused(true); } } else { Data.message(null); } }, this)); this.selector.on('onItemGetUid', function (oMessage) { return oMessage ? oMessage.generateUid() : ''; }); Data.messageListEndHash.subscribe(function () { this.selector.scrollToTop(); }, this); SettingsStore.layout.subscribe(function (mValue) { this.selector.autoSelect(Enums.Layout.NoPreview !== mValue); }, this); SettingsStore.layout.valueHasMutated(); Events .sub('mailbox.message-list.selector.go-down', function () { this.selector.goDown(true); }, this) .sub('mailbox.message-list.selector.go-up', function () { this.selector.goUp(true); }, this) ; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/MailBox/MessageList', 'View/App/MailBox/MessageList', 'MailBoxMessageListViewModel'], MessageListMailBoxUserView); _.extend(MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); /** * @type {string} */ MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.emptySubjectValue = ''; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.searchEnterAction = function () { this.mainMessageListSearch(this.sLastSearchValue); this.inputMessageListSearchFocus(false); }; /** * @returns {string} */ MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.printableMessageCountForDeletion = function () { var iCnt = this.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails().length; return 1 < iCnt ? ' (' + (100 > iCnt ? iCnt : '99+') + ')' : ''; }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.cancelSearch = function () { this.mainMessageListSearch(''); this.inputMessageListSearchFocus(false); }; /** * @param {string} sToFolderFullNameRaw * @param {boolean} bCopy * @return {boolean} */ MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.moveSelectedMessagesToFolder = function (sToFolderFullNameRaw, bCopy) { if (this.canBeMoved()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).moveMessagesToFolder( Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails(), sToFolderFullNameRaw, bCopy); } return false; }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.dragAndDronHelper = function (oMessageListItem) { if (oMessageListItem) { oMessageListItem.checked(true); } var oEl = Utils.draggablePlace(), aUids = Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails() ; oEl.data('rl-folder', Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw()); oEl.data('rl-uids', aUids); oEl.find('.text').text('' + aUids.length); _.defer(function () { var aUids = Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails(); oEl.data('rl-uids', aUids); oEl.find('.text').text('' + aUids.length); }); return oEl; }; /** * @param {string} sResult * @param {AjaxJsonDefaultResponse} oData * @param {boolean} bCached */ MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.onMessageResponse = function (sResult, oData, bCached) { Data.hideMessageBodies(); Data.messageLoading(false); if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result) { Data.setMessage(oData, bCached); } else if (Enums.StorageResultType.Unload === sResult) { Data.message(null); Data.messageError(''); } else if (Enums.StorageResultType.Abort !== sResult) { Data.message(null); Data.messageError((oData && oData.ErrorCode ? Translator.getNotification(oData.ErrorCode) : Translator.getNotification(Enums.Notification.UnknownError))); } }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.populateMessageBody = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { if (Remote.message(this.onMessageResponse, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid)) { Data.messageLoading(true); } else { Utils.log('Error: Unknown message request: ' + oMessage.folderFullNameRaw + ' ~ ' + oMessage.uid + ' [e-101]'); } } }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {number} iSetAction * @param {Array=} aMessages = null */ MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.setAction = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, iSetAction, aMessages) { var aUids = [], oFolder = null, iAlreadyUnread = 0 ; if (Utils.isUnd(aMessages)) { aMessages = Data.messageListChecked(); } aUids = _.map(aMessages, function (oMessage) { return oMessage.uid; }); if ('' !== sFolderFullNameRaw && 0 < aUids.length) { switch (iSetAction) { case Enums.MessageSetAction.SetSeen: _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { if (oMessage.unseen()) { iAlreadyUnread++; } oMessage.unseen(false); Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCache(oMessage); }); oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw); if (oFolder) { oFolder.messageCountUnread(oFolder.messageCountUnread() - iAlreadyUnread); } Remote.messageSetSeen(Utils.emptyFunction, sFolderFullNameRaw, aUids, true); break; case Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetSeen: _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { if (oMessage.unseen()) { iAlreadyUnread++; } oMessage.unseen(true); Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCache(oMessage); }); oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw); if (oFolder) { oFolder.messageCountUnread(oFolder.messageCountUnread() - iAlreadyUnread + aUids.length); } Remote.messageSetSeen(Utils.emptyFunction, sFolderFullNameRaw, aUids, false); break; case Enums.MessageSetAction.SetFlag: _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { oMessage.flagged(true); Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCache(oMessage); }); Remote.messageSetFlagged(Utils.emptyFunction, sFolderFullNameRaw, aUids, true); break; case Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetFlag: _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { oMessage.flagged(false); Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCache(oMessage); }); Remote.messageSetFlagged(Utils.emptyFunction, sFolderFullNameRaw, aUids, false); break; } __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache(); } }; /** * @param {string} sFolderFullNameRaw * @param {number} iSetAction */ MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.setActionForAll = function (sFolderFullNameRaw, iSetAction) { var oFolder = null, aMessages = Data.messageList() ; if ('' !== sFolderFullNameRaw) { oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw); if (oFolder) { switch (iSetAction) { case Enums.MessageSetAction.SetSeen: oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw); if (oFolder) { _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { oMessage.unseen(false); }); oFolder.messageCountUnread(0); Cache.clearMessageFlagsFromCacheByFolder(sFolderFullNameRaw); } Remote.messageSetSeenToAll(Utils.emptyFunction, sFolderFullNameRaw, true); break; case Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetSeen: oFolder = Cache.getFolderFromCacheList(sFolderFullNameRaw); if (oFolder) { _.each(aMessages, function (oMessage) { oMessage.unseen(true); }); oFolder.messageCountUnread(oFolder.messageCountAll()); Cache.clearMessageFlagsFromCacheByFolder(sFolderFullNameRaw); } Remote.messageSetSeenToAll(Utils.emptyFunction, sFolderFullNameRaw, false); break; } __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache(); } } }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.listSetSeen = function () { this.setAction(Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Enums.MessageSetAction.SetSeen, Data.messageListCheckedOrSelected()); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.listSetAllSeen = function () { this.setActionForAll(Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Enums.MessageSetAction.SetSeen); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.listUnsetSeen = function () { this.setAction(Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetSeen, Data.messageListCheckedOrSelected()); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.listSetFlags = function () { this.setAction(Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Enums.MessageSetAction.SetFlag, Data.messageListCheckedOrSelected()); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.listUnsetFlags = function () { this.setAction(Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetFlag, Data.messageListCheckedOrSelected()); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.flagMessages = function (oCurrentMessage) { var aChecked = this.messageListCheckedOrSelected(), aCheckedUids = [] ; if (oCurrentMessage) { if (0 < aChecked.length) { aCheckedUids = _.map(aChecked, function (oMessage) { return oMessage.uid; }); } if (0 < aCheckedUids.length && -1 < Utils.inArray(oCurrentMessage.uid, aCheckedUids)) { this.setAction(oCurrentMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oCurrentMessage.flagged() ? Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetFlag : Enums.MessageSetAction.SetFlag, aChecked); } else { this.setAction(oCurrentMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oCurrentMessage.flagged() ? Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetFlag : Enums.MessageSetAction.SetFlag, [oCurrentMessage]); } } }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.flagMessagesFast = function (bFlag) { var aChecked = this.messageListCheckedOrSelected(), aFlagged = [] ; if (0 < aChecked.length) { aFlagged = _.filter(aChecked, function (oMessage) { return oMessage.flagged(); }); if (Utils.isUnd(bFlag)) { this.setAction(aChecked[0].folderFullNameRaw, aChecked.length === aFlagged.length ? Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetFlag : Enums.MessageSetAction.SetFlag, aChecked); } else { this.setAction(aChecked[0].folderFullNameRaw, !bFlag ? Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetFlag : Enums.MessageSetAction.SetFlag, aChecked); } } }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.seenMessagesFast = function (bSeen) { var aChecked = this.messageListCheckedOrSelected(), aUnseen = [] ; if (0 < aChecked.length) { aUnseen = _.filter(aChecked, function (oMessage) { return oMessage.unseen(); }); if (Utils.isUnd(bSeen)) { this.setAction(aChecked[0].folderFullNameRaw, 0 < aUnseen.length ? Enums.MessageSetAction.SetSeen : Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetSeen, aChecked); } else { this.setAction(aChecked[0].folderFullNameRaw, bSeen ? Enums.MessageSetAction.SetSeen : Enums.MessageSetAction.UnsetSeen, aChecked); } } }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { var self = this; this.oContentVisible = $('.b-content', oDom); this.oContentScrollable = $('.content', this.oContentVisible); this.oContentVisible.on('click', '.fullThreadHandle', function () { var aList = [], oMessage = ko.dataFor(this) ; if (oMessage && !oMessage.lastInCollapsedThreadLoading()) { Data.messageListThreadFolder(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw); aList = Data.messageListThreadUids(); if (oMessage.lastInCollapsedThread()) { aList.push(0 < oMessage.parentUid() ? oMessage.parentUid() : oMessage.uid); } else { aList = _.without(aList, 0 < oMessage.parentUid() ? oMessage.parentUid() : oMessage.uid); } Data.messageListThreadUids(_.uniq(aList)); oMessage.lastInCollapsedThreadLoading(true); oMessage.lastInCollapsedThread(!oMessage.lastInCollapsedThread()); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadMessageList(); } return false; }); this.selector.init(this.oContentVisible, this.oContentScrollable, Enums.KeyState.MessageList); oDom .on('click', '.messageList .b-message-list-wrapper', function () { if (self.message.focused()) { self.message.focused(false); } }) .on('click', '.e-pagenator .e-page', function () { var oPage = ko.dataFor(this); if (oPage) { kn.setHash(Links.mailBox( Data.currentFolderFullNameHash(), oPage.value, Data.messageListSearch() )); } }) .on('click', '.messageList .checkboxCkeckAll', function () { self.checkAll(!self.checkAll()); }) .on('click', '.messageList .messageListItem .flagParent', function () { self.flagMessages(ko.dataFor(this)); }) ; this.initUploaderForAppend(); this.initShortcuts(); if (!Globals.bMobileDevice && ifvisible && Settings.capa(Enums.Capa.Prefetch)) { ifvisible.setIdleDuration(10); ifvisible.idle(function () { self.prefetchNextTick(); }); } }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.initShortcuts = function () { var self = this; // disable print key('ctrl+p, command+p', Enums.KeyState.MessageList, function () { return false; }); // archive (zip) key('z', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { self.archiveCommand(); return false; }); // delete key('delete, shift+delete, shift+3', Enums.KeyState.MessageList, function (event, handler) { if (event) { if (0 < Data.messageListCheckedOrSelected().length) { if (handler && 'shift+delete' === handler.shortcut) { self.deleteWithoutMoveCommand(); } else { self.deleteCommand(); } } return false; } }); // check mail key('ctrl+r, command+r', [Enums.KeyState.FolderList, Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { self.reloadCommand(); return false; }); // check all key('ctrl+a, command+a', Enums.KeyState.MessageList, function () { self.checkAll(!(self.checkAll() && !self.isIncompleteChecked())); return false; }); // write/compose (open compose popup) key('w,c', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27)); return false; }); // important - star/flag messages key('i', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { self.flagMessagesFast(); return false; }); // move key('m', Enums.KeyState.MessageList, function () { self.moveDropdownTrigger(true); return false; }); // read key('q', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { self.seenMessagesFast(true); return false; }); // unread key('u', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { self.seenMessagesFast(false); return false; }); key('shift+f', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { self.multyForwardCommand(); return false; }); // search input focus key('/', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { self.inputMessageListSearchFocus(true); return false; }); // cancel search key('esc', Enums.KeyState.MessageList, function () { if ('' !== self.messageListSearchDesc()) { self.cancelSearch(); return false; } }); // change focused state key('tab, shift+tab, left, right', Enums.KeyState.MessageList, function (event, handler) { if (event && handler && ('shift+tab' === handler.shortcut || 'left' === handler.shortcut)) { self.folderList.focused(true); } else if (self.message()) { self.message.focused(true); } return false; }); key('ctrl+left, command+left', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function () { return false; // TODO }); key('ctrl+right, command+right', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function () { return false; // TODO }); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.prefetchNextTick = function () { if (ifvisible && !this.bPrefetch && !ifvisible.now() && this.viewModelVisibility()) { var self = this, oMessage = _.find(this.messageList(), function (oMessage) { return oMessage && !Cache.hasRequestedMessage(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid); }) ; if (oMessage) { this.bPrefetch = true; Cache.addRequestedMessage(oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid); Remote.message(function (sResult, oData) { var bNext = !!(Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result); _.delay(function () { self.bPrefetch = false; if (bNext) { self.prefetchNextTick(); } }, 1000); }, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid); } } }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.composeClick = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27)); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.advancedSearchClick = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/AdvancedSearch */ 136)); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.quotaTooltip = function () { return Translator.i18n('MESSAGE_LIST/QUOTA_SIZE', { 'SIZE': Utils.friendlySize(this.userUsageSize()), 'PROC': this.userUsageProc(), 'LIMIT': Utils.friendlySize(this.userQuota()) }); }; MessageListMailBoxUserView.prototype.initUploaderForAppend = function () { if (!Settings.settingsGet('AllowAppendMessage') || !this.dragOverArea()) { return false; } var oJua = new Jua({ 'action': Links.append(), 'name': 'AppendFile', 'queueSize': 1, 'multipleSizeLimit': 1, 'disableFolderDragAndDrop': true, 'hidden': { 'Folder': function () { return Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(); } }, 'dragAndDropElement': this.dragOverArea(), 'dragAndDropBodyElement': this.dragOverBodyArea() }) ; this.dragOver.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { this.selector.scrollToTop(); } }, this); oJua .on('onDragEnter', _.bind(function () { this.dragOverEnter(true); }, this)) .on('onDragLeave', _.bind(function () { this.dragOverEnter(false); }, this)) .on('onBodyDragEnter', _.bind(function () { this.dragOver(true); }, this)) .on('onBodyDragLeave', _.bind(function () { this.dragOver(false); }, this)) .on('onSelect', _.bind(function (sUid, oData) { if (sUid && oData && 'message/rfc822' === oData['Type']) { Data.messageListLoading(true); return true; } return false; }, this)) .on('onComplete', _.bind(function () { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadMessageList(true, true); }, this)) ; return !!oJua; }; module.exports = MessageListMailBoxUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 147 */ /*!**********************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/MailBox/MessageView.js ***! \**********************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 13), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), PhotoSwipe = __webpack_require__(/*! PhotoSwipe */ 153), PhotoSwipeUI_Default = __webpack_require__(/*! PhotoSwipeUI_Default */ 154), Consts = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Consts */ 16), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1), Events = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Events */ 28), Translator = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Translator */ 7), SettingsStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Settings */ 26), AccountStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Account */ 22), FolderStore = __webpack_require__(/*! Stores/User/Folder */ 32), Local = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/Client */ 60), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Remote */ 14), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function MessageViewMailBoxUserView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Right', 'MailMessageView'); var self = this, sLastEmail = '', createCommandHelper = function (sType) { return Utils.createCommand(self, function () { this.lastReplyAction(sType); this.replyOrforward(sType); }, self.canBeRepliedOrForwarded); } ; this.oHeaderDom = null; this.oMessageScrollerDom = null; this.pswp = null; this.message = Data.message; this.currentMessage = Data.currentMessage; this.messageListChecked = Data.messageListChecked; this.hasCheckedMessages = Data.hasCheckedMessages; this.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails = Data.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails; this.messageLoading = Data.messageLoading; this.messageLoadingThrottle = Data.messageLoadingThrottle; this.messagesBodiesDom = Data.messagesBodiesDom; this.useThreads = SettingsStore.useThreads; this.replySameFolder = SettingsStore.replySameFolder; this.layout = SettingsStore.layout; this.usePreviewPane = SettingsStore.usePreviewPane; this.isMessageSelected = Data.isMessageSelected; this.messageActiveDom = Data.messageActiveDom; this.messageError = Data.messageError; this.fullScreenMode = Data.messageFullScreenMode; this.lastReplyAction_ = ko.observable(''); this.lastReplyAction = ko.computed({ read: this.lastReplyAction_, write: function (sValue) { sValue = -1 === Utils.inArray(sValue, [ Enums.ComposeType.Reply, Enums.ComposeType.ReplyAll, Enums.ComposeType.Forward ]) ? Enums.ComposeType.Reply : sValue; this.lastReplyAction_(sValue); }, owner: this }); this.lastReplyAction(Local.get(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.LastReplyAction) || Enums.ComposeType.Reply); this.lastReplyAction_.subscribe(function (sValue) { Local.set(Enums.ClientSideKeyName.LastReplyAction, sValue); }); this.showFullInfo = ko.observable(false); this.moreDropdownTrigger = ko.observable(false); this.messageDomFocused = ko.observable(false).extend({'rateLimit': 0}); this.messageVisibility = ko.computed(function () { return !this.messageLoadingThrottle() && !!this.message(); }, this); this.message.subscribe(function (oMessage) { if (!oMessage) { this.currentMessage(null); } }, this); this.canBeRepliedOrForwarded = ko.computed(function () { var bV = this.messageVisibility(); return !this.isDraftFolder() && bV; }, this); // commands this.closeMessage = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { Data.message(null); }); this.replyCommand = createCommandHelper(Enums.ComposeType.Reply); this.replyAllCommand = createCommandHelper(Enums.ComposeType.ReplyAll); this.forwardCommand = createCommandHelper(Enums.ComposeType.Forward); this.forwardAsAttachmentCommand = createCommandHelper(Enums.ComposeType.ForwardAsAttachment); this.editAsNewCommand = createCommandHelper(Enums.ComposeType.EditAsNew); this.messageVisibilityCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, Utils.emptyFunction, this.messageVisibility); this.messageEditCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { this.editMessage(); }, this.messageVisibility); this.deleteCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.message()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Trash, this.message().folderFullNameRaw, [this.message().uid], true); } }, this.messageVisibility); this.deleteWithoutMoveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.message()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Trash, Data.currentFolderFullNameRaw(), [this.message().uid], false); } }, this.messageVisibility); this.archiveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.message()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Archive, this.message().folderFullNameRaw, [this.message().uid], true); } }, this.messageVisibility); this.spamCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.message()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.Spam, this.message().folderFullNameRaw, [this.message().uid], true); } }, this.messageVisibility); this.notSpamCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { if (this.message()) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).deleteMessagesFromFolder(Enums.FolderType.NotSpam, this.message().folderFullNameRaw, [this.message().uid], true); } }, this.messageVisibility); // viewer this.viewBodyTopValue = ko.observable(0); this.viewHash = ''; this.viewSubject = ko.observable(''); this.viewFromShort = ko.observable(''); this.viewFromDkimData = ko.observable(['none', '']); this.viewToShort = ko.observable(''); this.viewFrom = ko.observable(''); this.viewTo = ko.observable(''); this.viewCc = ko.observable(''); this.viewBcc = ko.observable(''); this.viewDate = ko.observable(''); this.viewSize = ko.observable(''); this.viewMoment = ko.observable(''); this.viewLineAsCcc = ko.observable(''); this.viewViewLink = ko.observable(''); this.viewDownloadLink = ko.observable(''); this.viewUserPic = ko.observable(Consts.DataImages.UserDotPic); this.viewUserPicVisible = ko.observable(false); this.viewIsImportant = ko.observable(false); this.viewPgpPassword = ko.observable(''); this.viewPgpSignedVerifyStatus = ko.computed(function () { return this.message() ? this.message().pgpSignedVerifyStatus() : Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.None; }, this); this.viewPgpSignedVerifyUser = ko.computed(function () { return this.message() ? this.message().pgpSignedVerifyUser() : ''; }, this); this.viewFromDkimStatusIconClass = ko.computed(function () { var sResult = 'icon-none iconcolor-display-none'; // var sResult = 'icon-warning-alt iconcolor-grey'; switch (this.viewFromDkimData()[0]) { case 'none': break; case 'pass': sResult = 'icon-ok iconcolor-green'; // sResult = 'icon-warning-alt iconcolor-green'; break; default: sResult = 'icon-warning-alt iconcolor-red'; break; } return sResult; }, this); this.viewFromDkimStatusTitle = ko.computed(function () { var aStatus = this.viewFromDkimData(); if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aStatus)) { if (aStatus[0] && aStatus[1]) { return aStatus[1]; } else if (aStatus[0]) { return 'DKIM: ' + aStatus[0]; } } return ''; }, this); this.message.subscribe(function (oMessage) { this.messageActiveDom(null); this.viewPgpPassword(''); if (oMessage) { if (this.viewHash !== oMessage.hash) { this.scrollMessageToTop(); } this.viewHash = oMessage.hash; this.viewSubject(oMessage.subject()); this.viewFromShort(oMessage.fromToLine(true, true)); this.viewFromDkimData(oMessage.fromDkimData()); this.viewToShort(oMessage.toToLine(true, true)); this.viewFrom(oMessage.fromToLine(false)); this.viewTo(oMessage.toToLine(false)); this.viewCc(oMessage.ccToLine(false)); this.viewBcc(oMessage.bccToLine(false)); this.viewDate(oMessage.fullFormatDateValue()); this.viewSize(oMessage.friendlySize()); this.viewMoment(oMessage.momentDate()); this.viewLineAsCcc(oMessage.lineAsCcc()); this.viewViewLink(oMessage.viewLink()); this.viewDownloadLink(oMessage.downloadLink()); this.viewIsImportant(oMessage.isImportant()); sLastEmail = oMessage.fromAsSingleEmail(); Cache.getUserPic(sLastEmail, function (sPic, $sEmail) { if (sPic !== self.viewUserPic() && sLastEmail === $sEmail) { self.viewUserPicVisible(false); self.viewUserPic(Consts.DataImages.UserDotPic); if ('' !== sPic) { self.viewUserPicVisible(true); self.viewUserPic(sPic); } } }); } else { this.viewHash = ''; this.scrollMessageToTop(); } }, this); this.fullScreenMode.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { Globals.$html.addClass('rl-message-fullscreen'); } else { Globals.$html.removeClass('rl-message-fullscreen'); } Utils.windowResize(); }); this.messageLoadingThrottle.subscribe(Utils.windowResizeCallback); this.goUpCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { Events.pub('mailbox.message-list.selector.go-up'); }); this.goDownCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, function () { Events.pub('mailbox.message-list.selector.go-down'); }); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/MailBox/MessageView', 'View/App/MailBox/MessageView', 'MailBoxMessageViewViewModel'], MessageViewMailBoxUserView); _.extend(MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isPgpActionVisible = function () { return Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Success !== this.viewPgpSignedVerifyStatus(); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isPgpStatusVerifyVisible = function () { return Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.None !== this.viewPgpSignedVerifyStatus(); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isPgpStatusVerifySuccess = function () { return Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Success === this.viewPgpSignedVerifyStatus(); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.pgpStatusVerifyMessage = function () { var sResult = ''; switch (this.viewPgpSignedVerifyStatus()) { case Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.UnknownPublicKeys: sResult = Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/NO_PUBLIC_KEYS_FOUND'); break; case Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.UnknownPrivateKey: sResult = Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/NO_PRIVATE_KEY_FOUND'); break; case Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Unverified: sResult = Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/UNVERIFIRED_SIGNATURE'); break; case Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Error: sResult = Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/DECRYPTION_ERROR'); break; case Enums.SignedVerifyStatus.Success: sResult = Translator.i18n('PGP_NOTIFICATIONS/GOOD_SIGNATURE', { 'USER': this.viewPgpSignedVerifyUser() }); break; } return sResult; }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.fullScreen = function () { this.fullScreenMode(true); Utils.windowResize(); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.unFullScreen = function () { this.fullScreenMode(false); Utils.windowResize(); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.toggleFullScreen = function () { Utils.removeSelection(); this.fullScreenMode(!this.fullScreenMode()); Utils.windowResize(); }; /** * @param {string} sType */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.replyOrforward = function (sType) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27), [sType, Data.message()]); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.onBuild = function (oDom) { var self = this, sErrorMessage = Translator.i18n('PREVIEW_POPUP/IMAGE_ERROR'), fCheckHeaderHeight = function () { if (self.oHeaderDom) { self.viewBodyTopValue(self.message() ? self.oHeaderDom.height() + 20 /* padding-(top/bottom): 20px */ + 1 /* borded-bottom: 1px */ : 0); } } ; this.fullScreenMode.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue) { self.message.focused(true); } }, this); this.fullScreenMode.subscribe(fCheckHeaderHeight); this.showFullInfo.subscribe(fCheckHeaderHeight); this.message.subscribe(fCheckHeaderHeight); Globals.$win.on('resize', function () { _.delay(fCheckHeaderHeight, 1); _.delay(fCheckHeaderHeight, 200); _.delay(fCheckHeaderHeight, 500); }); this.showFullInfo.subscribe(function () { Utils.windowResize(); Utils.windowResize(250); }); this.oHeaderDom = $('.messageItemHeader', oDom); this.oHeaderDom = this.oHeaderDom[0] ? this.oHeaderDom : null; this.pswpDom = $('.pswp', oDom)[0]; if (this.pswpDom) { oDom .on('click', '.attachmentImagePreview[data-index]', function (oEvent) { var oPs = null, oEl = oEvent.currentTarget || null, aItems = [] // fThumbBoundsFn = function (index) { // var oRes = null, oEl = aItems[index], oPos = null; // if (oEl && oEl.el) // { // oPos = oEl.el.find('.iconBG').offset(); // oRes = oPos && oPos.top && oPos.left ? // {x: oPos.left, y: oPos.top, w: 60} : null; // } // // return oRes; // } ; oDom.find('.attachmentImagePreview[data-index]').each(function (index, oSubElement) { var $oItem = $(oSubElement) ; aItems.push({ // 'el': $oItem, 'w': 600, 'h': 400, 'src': $oItem.attr('href'), 'title': $oItem.attr('title') || '' }); }); if (aItems && 0 < aItems.length) { Globals.useKeyboardShortcuts(false); oPs = new PhotoSwipe(self.pswpDom, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, aItems, { 'index': Utils.pInt($(oEl).data('index')), 'bgOpacity': 0.85, 'loadingIndicatorDelay': 500, 'errorMsg': ' ' + sErrorMessage + '', 'showHideOpacity': true, 'tapToToggleControls': false, // 'getThumbBoundsFn': fThumbBoundsFn, 'timeToIdle': 0, 'timeToIdleOutside': 0, 'history': false, 'arrowEl': 1 < aItems.length, 'counterEl': 1 < aItems.length, 'shareEl': false }); oPs.listen('imageLoadComplete', function(index, item) { if (item && item.img && item.img.width && item.img.height) { item.w = item.img.width; item.h = item.img.height; oPs.updateSize(true); } }); oPs.listen('close', function() { Globals.useKeyboardShortcuts(true); }); oPs.init(); } return false; }); } oDom .on('click', 'a', function (oEvent) { // setup maito protocol return !(!!oEvent && 3 !== oEvent['which'] && Utils.mailToHelper($(this).attr('href'), __webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27))); }) .on('click', '.attachmentsPlace .attachmentIconParent', function (oEvent) { if (oEvent && oEvent.stopPropagation) { oEvent.stopPropagation(); } }) .on('click', '.attachmentsPlace .attachmentItem .attachmentNameParent', function () { var oAttachment = ko.dataFor(this) ; if (oAttachment && oAttachment.download) { __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).download(oAttachment.linkDownload()); } }) ; this.message.focused.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (bValue && !Utils.inFocus()) { this.messageDomFocused(true); } else { this.messageDomFocused(false); this.scrollMessageToTop(); this.scrollMessageToLeft(); } }, this); this.messageDomFocused.subscribe(function (bValue) { if (!bValue && Enums.KeyState.MessageView === Globals.keyScope()) { this.message.focused(false); } }, this); Globals.keyScope.subscribe(function (sValue) { if (Enums.KeyState.MessageView === sValue && this.message.focused()) { this.messageDomFocused(true); } }, this); this.oMessageScrollerDom = oDom.find('.messageItem .content'); this.oMessageScrollerDom = this.oMessageScrollerDom && this.oMessageScrollerDom[0] ? this.oMessageScrollerDom : null; this.initShortcuts(); }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.escShortcuts = function () { if (this.viewModelVisibility() && this.message()) { if (this.fullScreenMode()) { this.fullScreenMode(false); } else if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview === this.layout()) { this.message(null); } else { this.message.focused(false); } return false; } }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.initShortcuts = function () { var self = this ; // exit fullscreen, back key('esc', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, _.bind(this.escShortcuts, this)); // fullscreen key('enter', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function () { self.toggleFullScreen(); return false; }); key('enter', Enums.KeyState.MessageList, function () { if (Enums.Layout.NoPreview !== self.layout() && self.message()) { self.toggleFullScreen(); return false; } }); // reply key('r', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { if (Data.message()) { self.replyCommand(); return false; } }); // replaAll key('a', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { if (Data.message()) { self.replyAllCommand(); return false; } }); // forward key('f', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { if (Data.message()) { self.forwardCommand(); return false; } }); // message information // key('i', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { // if (oData.message()) // { // self.showFullInfo(!self.showFullInfo()); // return false; // } // }); // toggle message blockquotes key('b', [Enums.KeyState.MessageList, Enums.KeyState.MessageView], function () { if (Data.message() && Data.message().body) { Data.message().body.find('.rlBlockquoteSwitcher').click(); return false; } }); key('ctrl+left, command+left, ctrl+up, command+up', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function () { self.goUpCommand(); return false; }); key('ctrl+right, command+right, ctrl+down, command+down', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function () { self.goDownCommand(); return false; }); // print key('ctrl+p, command+p', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function () { if (self.message()) { self.message().printMessage(); } return false; }); // delete key('delete, shift+delete', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function (event, handler) { if (event) { if (handler && 'shift+delete' === handler.shortcut) { self.deleteWithoutMoveCommand(); } else { self.deleteCommand(); } return false; } }); // change focused state key('tab, shift+tab, left', Enums.KeyState.MessageView, function (event, handler) { if (!self.fullScreenMode() && self.message() && Enums.Layout.NoPreview !== self.layout()) { if (event && handler && 'left' === handler.shortcut) { if (self.oMessageScrollerDom && 0 < self.oMessageScrollerDom.scrollLeft()) { return true; } self.message.focused(false); } else { self.message.focused(false); } } else if (self.message() && Enums.Layout.NoPreview === self.layout() && event && handler && 'left' === handler.shortcut) { return true; } return false; }); }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isDraftFolder = function () { return Data.message() && FolderStore.draftFolder() === Data.message().folderFullNameRaw; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isSentFolder = function () { return Data.message() && FolderStore.sentFolder() === Data.message().folderFullNameRaw; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isSpamFolder = function () { return Data.message() && FolderStore.spamFolder() === Data.message().folderFullNameRaw; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isSpamDisabled = function () { return Data.message() && FolderStore.spamFolder() === Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isArchiveFolder = function () { return Data.message() && FolderStore.archiveFolder() === Data.message().folderFullNameRaw; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isArchiveDisabled = function () { return Data.message() && FolderStore.archiveFolder() === Consts.Values.UnuseOptionValue; }; /** * @return {boolean} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.isDraftOrSentFolder = function () { return this.isDraftFolder() || this.isSentFolder(); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.composeClick = function () { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27)); }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.editMessage = function () { if (Data.message()) { kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 27), [Enums.ComposeType.Draft, Data.message()]); } }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.scrollMessageToTop = function () { if (this.oMessageScrollerDom) { if (50 < this.oMessageScrollerDom.scrollTop()) { this.oMessageScrollerDom .scrollTop(50) .animate({'scrollTop': 0}, 200) ; } else { this.oMessageScrollerDom.scrollTop(0); } Utils.windowResize(); } }; MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.scrollMessageToLeft = function () { if (this.oMessageScrollerDom) { this.oMessageScrollerDom.scrollLeft(0); Utils.windowResize(); } }; /** * @param {MessageModel} oMessage */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.showImages = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage && oMessage.showExternalImages) { oMessage.showExternalImages(true); } }; /** * @returns {string} */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.printableCheckedMessageCount = function () { var iCnt = this.messageListCheckedOrSelectedUidsWithSubMails().length; return 0 < iCnt ? (100 > iCnt ? iCnt : '99+') : ''; }; /** * @param {MessageModel} oMessage */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.verifyPgpSignedClearMessage = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { oMessage.verifyPgpSignedClearMessage(); } }; /** * @param {MessageModel} oMessage */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.decryptPgpEncryptedMessage = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage) { oMessage.decryptPgpEncryptedMessage(this.viewPgpPassword()); } }; /** * @param {MessageModel} oMessage */ MessageViewMailBoxUserView.prototype.readReceipt = function (oMessage) { if (oMessage && '' !== oMessage.readReceipt()) { Remote.sendReadReceiptMessage(Utils.emptyFunction, oMessage.folderFullNameRaw, oMessage.uid, oMessage.readReceipt(), Translator.i18n('READ_RECEIPT/SUBJECT', {'SUBJECT': oMessage.subject()}), Translator.i18n('READ_RECEIPT/BODY', {'READ-RECEIPT': AccountStore.email()})); oMessage.isReadReceipt(true); Cache.storeMessageFlagsToCache(oMessage); __webpack_require__(/*! App/User */ 6).reloadFlagsCurrentMessageListAndMessageFromCache(); } }; module.exports = MessageViewMailBoxUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 148 */ /*!*************************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/MailBox/SystemDropDown.js ***! \*************************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractSystemDropDownViewModel = __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/AbstractSystemDropDown */ 91) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractSystemDropDownViewModel */ function SystemDropDownMailBoxUserView() { AbstractSystemDropDownViewModel.call(this); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/MailBox/SystemDropDown', 'View/App/MailBox/SystemDropDown', 'MailBoxSystemDropDownViewModel'], SystemDropDownMailBoxUserView); _.extend(SystemDropDownMailBoxUserView.prototype, AbstractSystemDropDownViewModel.prototype); module.exports = SystemDropDownMailBoxUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 149 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/Settings/Menu.js ***! \****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), Globals = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Globals */ 8), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @param {?} oScreen * * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function MenuSettingsUserView(oScreen) { AbstractView.call(this, 'Left', 'SettingsMenu'); this.leftPanelDisabled = Globals.leftPanelDisabled; this.menu = oScreen.menu; kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/Settings/Menu', 'View/App/Settings/Menu', 'SettingsMenuViewModel'], MenuSettingsUserView); _.extend(MenuSettingsUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); MenuSettingsUserView.prototype.link = function (sRoute) { return Links.settings(sRoute); }; MenuSettingsUserView.prototype.backToMailBoxClick = function () { kn.setHash(Links.inbox(Cache.getFolderInboxName())); }; module.exports = MenuSettingsUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 150 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/Settings/Pane.js ***! \****************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 21), Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4), Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 12), Data = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Data */ 15), Cache = __webpack_require__(/*! Storage/User/Cache */ 19), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractView */ function PaneSettingsUserView() { AbstractView.call(this, 'Right', 'SettingsPane'); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/Settings/Pane', 'View/App/Settings/Pane', 'SettingsPaneViewModel'], PaneSettingsUserView); _.extend(PaneSettingsUserView.prototype, AbstractView.prototype); PaneSettingsUserView.prototype.onBuild = function () { var self = this; key('esc', Enums.KeyState.Settings, function () { self.backToMailBoxClick(); }); }; PaneSettingsUserView.prototype.onShow = function () { Data.message(null); }; PaneSettingsUserView.prototype.backToMailBoxClick = function () { kn.setHash(Links.inbox(Cache.getFolderInboxName())); }; module.exports = PaneSettingsUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 151 */ /*!**************************************************!*\ !*** ./dev/View/User/Settings/SystemDropDown.js ***! \**************************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function () { 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2), kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5), AbstractSystemDropDownUserView = __webpack_require__(/*! View/User/AbstractSystemDropDown */ 91) ; /** * @constructor * @extends AbstractSystemDropDownUserView */ function SystemDropDownSettingsUserView() { AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.call(this); kn.constructorEnd(this); } kn.extendAsViewModel(['View/User/Settings/SystemDropDown', 'View/App/Settings/SystemDropDown', 'SettingsSystemDropDownViewModel'], SystemDropDownSettingsUserView); _.extend(SystemDropDownSettingsUserView.prototype, AbstractSystemDropDownUserView.prototype); module.exports = SystemDropDownSettingsUserView; }()); /***/ }, /* 152 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** external "window.$LAB" ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.$LAB; /***/ }, /* 153 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** external "window.PhotoSwipe" ***! \************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.PhotoSwipe; /***/ }, /* 154 */ /*!**********************************************!*\ !*** external "window.PhotoSwipeUI_Default" ***! \**********************************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.PhotoSwipeUI_Default; /***/ }, /* 155 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** external "window.buzz" ***! \******************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.buzz; /***/ }, /* 156 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** external "window.ifvisible" ***! \***********************************/ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = window.ifvisible; /***/ } /******/ ])