#!/bin/bash # causes the shell to exit if any subcommand or pipeline returns a non-zero status set -eu if [ ! -e _common.sh ]; then # Get file fonction if not been to the current directory sudo cp ../settings/scripts/_common.sh ./_common.sh sudo chmod a+rx _common.sh fi # Loads the generic functions usually used in the script source _common.sh # Source app helpers source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME # Retrieve app settings domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" domain) path=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" path) path=${path%/} dbpass=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" mysqlpwd) with_carddav=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" with_carddav) with_enigma=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" with_enigma) dbname=$app dbuser=$app ynh_backup_before_upgrade # Backup the current version of the app ynh_clean_setup () { ynh_backup_fail_upgrade # restore it if the upgrade fails } ynh_abort_if_errors # Active trap pour arrêter le script si une erreur est détectée. # Init final_path, if ever it got deleted somehow final_path=/var/www/$app # FIXME: jessie-backports is needed for php-net-ldap3 grep -q -R 'jessie-backports' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d} || { echo "deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main" \ | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list >/dev/null } # Install dependencies ynh_install_app_dependencies php5-cli php5-common php5-intl php5-json php5-mcrypt \ php-pear php-auth-sasl php-mail-mime php-patchwork-utf8 \ php-net-smtp php-net-socket php-crypt-gpg \ php-net-ldap2 php-net-ldap3 # Create system user dedicace for this app ynh_system_user_create $app # Create final_path directory and install app inside sudo mkdir -p $final_path ynh_setup_source "${final_path}" # Change owner by admin for execute composer sudo chown -R admin: "${final_path}" # init_composer "${final_path}" admin # Install the new Roundcube version sudo php "${final_path}/bin/installto.sh" "$final_path" --force --accept # Generate a new random DES key deskey=$(ynh_string_random 24) # Copy and set Roundcube configuration rc_conf="${final_path}/config/config.inc.php" cp ../conf/config.inc.php "$rc_conf" ynh_substitute_char "#DESKEY#" "$deskey" "$rc_conf" ynh_substitute_char "#DBUSER#" "$dbuser" "$rc_conf" ynh_substitute_char "#DBPASS#" "$dbpass" "$rc_conf" ynh_substitute_char "#DBNAME#" "$dbname" "$rc_conf" # Install files and set permissions sudo mkdir -p "${final_path}/logs" "${final_path}/temp" # Check if dependencies need to be updated with composer if [[ -f ${final_path}/composer.json ]]; then exec_composer admin "${final_path}" update --no-dev --prefer-dist else init_composer "${final_path}" admin fi # Update or install additional plugins exec_composer admin "${final_path}" update --no-dev --prefer-dist \ "johndoh/contextmenu dev-master" \ "sblaisot/automatic_addressbook dev-master" installed_plugins+=" 'contextmenu', 'automatic_addressbook'," # Guess with_carddav value if empty if [[ -z "${with_carddav:-}" ]]; then [[ -f "${final_path}/plugins/carddav/config.inc.php" ]] \ && with_carddav=1 \ || with_carddav=0 ynh_app_setting_set "$app" with_carddav "$with_carddav" fi # Update or install CardDAV plugin if [[ $with_carddav -eq 1 ]]; then install_carddav "${final_path}" admin \ && installed_plugins+=" 'carddav'," \ || echo "Unable to install CardDAV plugin" >&2 fi # Guess with_enigma value if empty if [[ -z "${with_enigma:-}" ]]; then [[ -f "${final_path}/plugins/enigma/config.inc.php" ]] \ && with_enigma=1 \ || with_enigma=0 ynh_app_setting_set "$app" with_enigma "$with_enigma" fi # Install Enigma plugin if [[ $with_enigma -eq 1 ]]; then sudo cp -a "$final_path/plugins/enigma/config.inc.php.dist" "$final_path/plugins/enigma/config.inc.php" \ && installed_plugins+=" 'enigma'," \ || echo "Unable to install Enigma plugin" >&2 fi # Update Roundcube configuration sudo sed -i "s#^\s*// installed plugins#&\n ${installed_plugins}#" \ "$rc_conf" # Update javascript dependencies pushd ${final_path} sudo /usr/bin/php -q ./bin/install-jsdeps.sh popd # Owner user app sudo chown -R $app: "${final_path}" # Modify Nginx configuration file and copy it to Nginx conf directory ynh_nginx_config # Create the php-fpm pool config ynh_fpm_config # Reload services sudo systemctl reload nginx