# Sample ENV setup Variables # Copy this file and update as needed. # # $ cp .env.sample .env # # Do not include this new file in source control # # Rails Settings EXPOSED_PORT=3000 # change this to "production" for production use, otherwise the access token time is very short and forces re-login RAILS_ENV=development RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=false RAILS_LOG_LEVEL=info # "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "fatal" #SQS_QUEUE=somequeue #SQS_QUEUE_LOW_PRIORITY=low_priority_queue #AWS_REGION=us-west1 #S3_BACKUP_BUCKET_NAME= ACTIVE_JOB_QUEUE_ADAPTER=async # Database Settings DB_PORT=3306 DB_HOST= DB_DATABASE=standard_notes_db DB_USERNAME=std_notes_user # Please change this! DB_PASSWORD=changeme123 DB_POOL_SIZE=30 DB_WAIT_TIMEOUT=180 # Secrets # Use: "bundle exec rake secret" or "openssl rand -hex 64" # To generate required secret key base below SECRET_KEY_BASE=changeme123 PSEUDO_KEY_PARAMS_KEY=changeme456 # Disable user registration #DISABLE_USER_REGISTRATION=true # Datadog DATADOG_ENABLED=false # Mailer settings SMTP_HOST= SMTP_PORT= SMTP_USERNAME= SMTP_PASSWORD= SMTP_DOMAIN= EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_MAX_SIZE=10485760 # SNS EVENTS #SNS_TOPIC_ARN= # (Optional) Database Replication #DB_REPLICA_HOST= # Revisions persistency REVISIONS_FREQUENCY=300 # Sub-URI RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/ # Enable public file server RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=false