* qui servent parfois aux plugins, et parfois même après
* le passage du compacteur HTML
* C'était le cas du bouton statistiques du formulaire admin par exemple
* On permet de conserver également tout commentaire commençant par
* @package SPIP\Compresseur\Minifieur
class Minify_HTML_SPIP extends Minify_HTML {
* {@inheritdoc}
* @param string $html
* HTML à minifier
* @param array $options
* Tableau d'option avec les index possibles
* - 'cssMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of STYLE
* elements.
* - 'jsMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of SCRIPT
* elements. Note: the type attribute is ignored.
* - 'xhtml' : (optional boolean) should content be treated as XHTML1.0? If
* unset, minify will sniff for an XHTML doctype.
* @return string
* HTML minifié
public static function minify($html, $options = array()) {
$min = new Minify_HTML_SPIP($html, $options);
return $min->process();
* Minification des commentaires
* Le cas doit être conservé dans les commentaires,
* tout comme
* @param array $m Matches du preg_match d'un commentaire HTML
* @return string Contenu minifié
protected function _commentCB($m)
if ($m[1] === 'extra') return $m[0];
if ($m[1] AND $m[1][0] === 'k' AND substr($m[1],0,7) === 'keepme:') return $m[0];
return parent::_commentCB($m);
* Compress HTML
* This is a heavy regex-based removal of whitespace, unnecessary comments and
* tokens. IE conditional comments are preserved. There are also options to have
* STYLE and SCRIPT blocks compressed by callback functions.
* https://github.com/mrclay/minify/blob/master/min/lib/Minify/HTML.php
* A test suite is available.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay
class Minify_HTML {
* @var boolean
protected $_jsCleanComments = true;
* "Minify" an HTML page
* @param string $html
* @param array $options
* 'cssMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of STYLE
* elements.
* 'jsMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of SCRIPT
* elements. Note: the type attribute is ignored.
* 'xhtml' : (optional boolean) should content be treated as XHTML1.0? If
* unset, minify will sniff for an XHTML doctype.
* @return string
public static function minify($html, $options = array()) {
$min = new self($html, $options);
return $min->process();
* Create a minifier object
* @param string $html
* @param array $options
* 'cssMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of STYLE
* elements.
* 'jsMinifier' : (optional) callback function to process content of SCRIPT
* elements. Note: the type attribute is ignored.
* 'jsCleanComments' : (optional) whether to remove HTML comments beginning and end of script block
* 'xhtml' : (optional boolean) should content be treated as XHTML1.0? If
* unset, minify will sniff for an XHTML doctype.
* @return null
public function __construct($html, $options = array())
$this->_html = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim($html));
if (isset($options['xhtml'])) {
$this->_isXhtml = (bool)$options['xhtml'];
if (isset($options['cssMinifier'])) {
$this->_cssMinifier = $options['cssMinifier'];
if (isset($options['jsMinifier'])) {
$this->_jsMinifier = $options['jsMinifier'];
if (isset($options['jsCleanComments'])) {
$this->_jsCleanComments = (bool)$options['jsCleanComments'];
* Minify the markeup given in the constructor
* @return string
public function process()
if ($this->_isXhtml === null) {
$this->_isXhtml = (false !== strpos($this->_html, '_html);
// fill placeholders
$this->_html = str_replace(
// issue 229: multi-pass to catch scripts that didn't get replaced in textareas
$this->_html = str_replace(
return $this->_html;
protected function _commentCB($m)
return (0 === strpos($m[1], '[') || false !== strpos($m[1], '_replacementHash . count($this->_placeholders) . '%';
$this->_placeholders[$placeholder] = $content;
return $placeholder;
protected $_isXhtml = null;
protected $_replacementHash = null;
protected $_placeholders = array();
protected $_cssMinifier = null;
protected $_jsMinifier = null;
protected function _removePreCB($m)
return $this->_reservePlace("