#!/bin/bash #================================================= # GENERIC START #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS #================================================= source _common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers #================================================= # LOAD SETTINGS #================================================= ynh_print_info "Loading installation settings..." app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app domain) path_url=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app path) admin=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app admin) password=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app password) is_public=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app is_public) final_path=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app final_path) users_status=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app users_status) db_name=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app db_name) db_pwd=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app mysqlpwd) #================================================= # ENSURE DOWNWARD COMPATIBILITY #================================================= ynh_print_info "Ensuring downward compatibility..." # Fix is_public as a boolean value if [ "$is_public" = "Yes" ]; then ynh_app_setting_set $app is_public 1 is_public=1 elif [ "$is_public" = "No" ]; then ynh_app_setting_set $app is_public 0 is_public=0 fi # If db_name doesn't exist, create it if [ -z $db_name ]; then db_name=$app ynh_app_setting_set $app db_name $db_name fi # If final_path doesn't exist, create it if [ -z $final_path ]; then final_path=/var/www/$app ynh_app_setting_set $app final_path $final_path fi # If users_status doesn't exist, create it if [ -z $users_status ]; then users_status="Editor" ynh_app_setting_set $app users_status $users_status fi if [ -z $password ]; then # Generate random password password=$(ynh_string_random 8) echo "The new version of SPIP provide a new password. You can change it in the private area." > mail_to_send echo "" >> mail_to_send echo "This password is: $password" >> mail_to_send ynh_send_readme_to_admin --app_message="mail_to_send" --type="upgrade" ynh_app_setting_set $app password $password fi #================================================= # BACKUP BEFORE UPGRADE THEN ACTIVE TRAP #================================================= ynh_print_info "Backing up the app before upgrading (may take a while)..." # Backup the current version of the app ynh_backup_before_upgrade ynh_clean_setup () { if [ $migration_process -eq 1 ]; then yunohost app remove $app # Reload some values changed by the migration process app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME fi # restore it if the upgrade fails ynh_restore_upgradebackup } # Exit if an error occurs during the execution of the script ynh_abort_if_errors #================================================= # HANDLE MIGRATION FROM SPIP2 #================================================= ynh_handle_app_migration "spip2" "spip2_migration" if [ $migration_process -eq 1 ]; then # If a migration has been perform # Reload some values changed by the migration process final_path=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app final_path) db_name=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app db_name) fi #================================================= # CHECK THE PATH #================================================= # Normalize the URL path syntax path_url=$(ynh_normalize_url_path $path_url) #================================================= # STANDARD UPGRADE STEPS #================================================= # DOWNLOAD, CHECK AND UNPACK SOURCE #================================================= ynh_print_info "Upgrading source files..." # Download, check integrity, uncompress and patch the source from app.src ynh_setup_source "$final_path" #================================================= # NGINX CONFIGURATION #================================================= ynh_print_info "Upgrading nginx web server configuration..." # Create a dedicated nginx config ynh_add_nginx_config #================================================= # CREATE DEDICATED USER #================================================= ynh_print_info "Making sure dedicated system user exists..." # Create a dedicated user (if not existing) ynh_system_user_create $app #================================================= # PHP-FPM CONFIGURATION #================================================= ynh_print_info "Upgrading php-fpm configuration..." # Create a dedicated php-fpm config ynh_add_fpm_config #================================================= # SPECIFIC UPGRADE #================================================= # SETUP APPLICATION WITH CURL #================================================= # Set right permissions for curl install chown -R $app: $final_path # Set the app as temporarily public for curl call ynh_app_setting_set $app skipped_uris "/" # Reload SSOwat config yunohost app ssowatconf ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$final_path/config/connect.php" ynh_secure_remove "$final_path/config/connect.php" ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=chmod" ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=2" "chmod=755" "adresse_db=localhost" "login_db=$db_name" "pass_db=$db_pwd" "server_db=mysql" ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=3" "adresse_db=localhost" "login_db=$db_name" "pass_db=$db_pwd" "server_db=mysql" "choix_db=$db_name" "tprefix=$db_name" # For now spip have a problem with LDAP #ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=ldap1" #ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=ldap2" "adresse_ldap=localhost" "port_ldap=389" "tls_ldap=no" "protocole_ldap=3" #ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=ldap3" "adresse_ldap=localhost" "port_ldap=389" "tls_ldap=no" "protocole_ldap=3" #ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=ldap4" "adresse_ldap=localhost" "port_ldap=389" "tls_ldap=no" "protocole_ldap=3" "base_ldap=dc=yunohost,dc=org" # ## statut_ldap can take: 0minirezo for Administrator, 1comite for Editor, 6forum for Visitor #if [ $users_status = "Administrator" ]; then # status="0minirezo" #elif [ $users_status = "Editor" ]; then # status="1comite" #else # status="6forum" #fi #ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=ldap5" "adresse_ldap=localhost" "port_ldap=389" "tls_ldap=no" "protocole_ldap=3" "base_ldap=dc=yunohost,dc=org" "statut_ldap=$status" "ldap_login=sAMAccountName,uid,login,userid,cn,sn" "ldap_nom=cn" "ldap_email=mail" "ldap_bio=description" #ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=3" "ldap_present=true" email=$(yunohost user info $admin | grep mail: | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '\n') ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=3b" "adresse_db=localhost" "login_db=$db_name" "pass_db=$db_pwd" "server_db=mysql" "sel_db=$db_name" "nom=$admin" "email=$email" "login=$admin" "pass=$password" "pass_verif=$password" ynh_local_curl "/ecrire/?suivant" "exec=install" "etape=fin" # Remove the public access if [ $is_public -eq 0 ]; then ynh_app_setting_delete $app skipped_uris fi #================================================= # MODIFY A CONFIG FILE #================================================= #ynh_replace_string "'','utf8');" "'ldap.php','utf8');" $final_path/config/connect.php cp ../conf/mes_options.php $final_path/config/mes_options.php #================================================= # STORE THE CONFIG FILE CHECKSUM #================================================= ynh_store_file_checksum "$final_path/config/connect.php" #================================================= # GENERIC FINALIZATION #================================================= # SETUP SSOWAT #================================================= ynh_print_info "Upgrading SSOwat configuration..." # Make app public if necessary if [ $is_public -eq 1 ] then # unprotected_uris allows SSO credentials to be passed anyway ynh_app_setting_set $app unprotected_uris "/" fi #================================================= # RELOAD NGINX #================================================= ynh_print_info "Reloading nginx web server..." systemctl reload nginx #================================================= # SEND INFORMATION #================================================= echo "To finish the upgrade, you may have to update the database by clicking on the button (if asked) at this location: https://$domain$path_url/ecrire/" > mail_to_send ynh_send_readme_to_admin --app_message="mail_to_send" --type="upgrade" if [ $migration_process -eq 1 ] then ynh_print_info "Spip2 has been successfully migrated to Spip! \ A last scheduled operation will run in a couple of minutes to finish the \ migration in YunoHost side. Do not proceed any application operation while \ you don't see Spip as installed." # Execute a post migration script after the end of this upgrade. # Mainly for some cleaning script_post_migration=spip2_post_migration.sh cp ../conf/$script_post_migration /tmp ynh_replace_string "__OLD_APP__" "$old_app" /tmp/$script_post_migration ynh_replace_string "__NEW_APP__" "$app" /tmp/$script_post_migration chmod +x /tmp/$script_post_migration (cd /tmp; echo "/tmp/$script_post_migration > /tmp/$script_post_migration.log 2>&1" | at now + 2 minutes) fi #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_print_info "Upgrade of $app completed"