extra_php_dependencies="php${YNH_PHP_VERSION}-sqlite3 php${YNH_PHP_VERSION}-xml"
# Send an email to inform the administrator
# usage: ynh_send_readme_to_admin --app_message=app_message [--recipients=recipients] [--type=type]
# | arg: -m --app_message= - The file with the content to send to the administrator.
# | arg: -r, --recipients= - The recipients of this email. Use spaces to separate multiples recipients. - default: root
# example: "root admin@domain"
# If you give the name of a YunoHost user, ynh_send_readme_to_admin will find its email adress for you
# example: "root admin@domain user1 user2"
# | arg: -t, --type= - Type of mail, could be 'backup', 'change_url', 'install', 'remove', 'restore', 'upgrade'
ynh_send_readme_to_admin() {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array=( [m]=app_message= [r]=recipients= [t]=type= )
local app_message
local recipients
local type
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# Get the value of admin_mail_html
admin_mail_html=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app admin_mail_html)
# Retrieve the email of users
find_mails () {
local list_mails="$1"
local mail
local recipients=" "
# Read each mail in argument
for mail in $list_mails
# Keep root or a real email address as it is
if [ "$mail" = "root" ] || echo "$mail" | grep --quiet "@"
recipients="$recipients $mail"
# But replace an user name without a domain after by its email
if mail=$(ynh_user_get_info "$mail" "mail" 2> /dev/null)
recipients="$recipients $mail"
echo "$recipients"
recipients=$(find_mails "$recipients")
# Subject base
local mail_subject="☁️🆈🅽🅷☁️: \`$app\`"
# Adapt the subject according to the type of mail required.
if [ "$type" = "backup" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been backup."
elif [ "$type" = "change_url" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been moved to a new URL!"
elif [ "$type" = "remove" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been removed!"
elif [ "$type" = "restore" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been restored!"
elif [ "$type" = "upgrade" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been upgraded!"
else # install
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been installed!"
local mail_message="This is an automated message from your beloved YunoHost server.
Specific information for the application $app.
$(if [ -n "$app_message" ]
cat "$app_message"
echo "...No specific information..."
Automatic diagnosis data from YunoHost
__PRE_TAG1__$(yunohost tools diagnosis | grep -B 100 "services:" | sed '/services:/d')__PRE_TAG2__"
# Store the message into a file for further modifications.
echo "$mail_message" > mail_to_send
# If a html email is required. Apply html tags to the message.
if [ "$admin_mail_html" -eq 1 ]
# Insert 'br' tags at each ending of lines.
ynh_replace_string "$" "
" mail_to_send
# Insert starting HTML tags
sed --in-place '1s@^@\n\n
" mail_to_send ynh_replace_string "__PRE_TAG2__" "<\pre>" mail_to_send # Insert finishing HTML tags echo -e "\n\n" >> mail_to_send # Otherwise, remove tags to keep a plain text. else # Remove URL tags ynh_replace_string "__URL_TAG[1,3]__" "" mail_to_send ynh_replace_string "__URL_TAG2__" ": " mail_to_send # Remove PRE tags ynh_replace_string "__PRE_TAG[1-2]__" "" mail_to_send fi # Define binary to use for mail command if [ -e /usr/bin/bsd-mailx ] then local mail_bin=/usr/bin/bsd-mailx else local mail_bin=/usr/bin/mail.mailutils fi if [ "$admin_mail_html" -eq 1 ] then content_type="text/html" else content_type="text/plain" fi # Send the email to the recipients cat mail_to_send | $mail_bin -a "Content-Type: $content_type; charset=UTF-8" -s "$mail_subject" "$recipients" } # Make the main steps to migrate an app to its fork. # # This helper has to be used for an app which needs to migrate to a new name or a new fork # (like owncloud to nextcloud or zerobin to privatebin). # # This helper will move the files of an app to its new name # or recreate the things it can't move. # # To specify which files it has to move, you have to create a "migration file", stored in ../conf # This file is a simple list of each file it has to move, # except that file names must reference the $app variable instead of the real name of the app, # and every instance-specific variables (like $domain). # $app is especially important because it's this variable which will be used to identify the old place and the new one for each file. # # If a database exists for this app, it will be dumped and then imported in a newly created database, with a new name and new user. # Don't forget you have to then apply these changes to application-specific settings (depends on the packaged application) # # Same things for an existing user, a new one will be created. # But the old one can't be removed unless it's not used. See below. # # If you have some dependencies for your app, it's possible to change the fake debian package which manages them. # You have to fill the $pkg_dependencies variable, and then a new fake package will be created and installed, # and the old one will be removed. # If you don't have a $pkg_dependencies variable, the helper can't know what the app dependencies are. # # The app settings.yml will be modified as follows: # - finalpath will be changed according to the new name (but only if the existing $final_path contains the old app name) # - The checksums of php-fpm and nginx config files will be updated too. # - If there is a $db_name value, it will be changed. # - And, of course, the ID will be changed to the new name too. # # Finally, the $app variable will take the value of the new name. # The helper will set the $migration_process variable to 1 if a migration has been successfully handled. # # You have to handle by yourself all the migrations not done by this helper, like configuration or special values in settings.yml # Also, at the end of the upgrade script, you have to add a post_migration script to handle all the things the helper can't do during YunoHost upgrade (mostly for permission reasons), # especially remove the old user, move some hooks and remove the old configuration directory # To launch this script, you have to move it elsewhere and start it after the upgrade script. # `cp ../conf/$script_post_migration /tmp` # `(cd /tmp; echo "/tmp/$script_post_migration" | at now + 2 minutes)` # # usage: ynh_handle_app_migration migration_id migration_list # | arg: -i, --migration_id= - ID from which to migrate # | arg: -l, --migration_list= - File specifying every file to move (one file per line) ynh_handle_app_migration () { #================================================= # LOAD SETTINGS #================================================= old_app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME local old_app_id=$YNH_APP_ID local old_app_number=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NUMBER # Declare an array to define the options of this helper. declare -Ar args_array=( [i]=migration_id= [l]=migration_list= ) # Get the id from which to migrate local migration_id # And the file with the paths to move local migration_list # Manage arguments with getopts ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@" # Get the new app id in the manifest local new_app_id=$(grep \"id\": ../manifest.json | cut -d\" -f4) if [ $old_app_number -eq 1 ]; then local new_app=$new_app_id else local new_app=${new_app_id}__${old_app_number} fi #================================================= # CHECK IF IT HAS TO MIGRATE #================================================= migration_process=0 if [ "$old_app_id" == "$new_app_id" ] then # If the 2 id are the same # No migration to do. echo 0 return 0 else if [ "$old_app_id" != "$migration_id" ] then # If the new app is not the authorized id, fail. ynh_die "Incompatible application for migration from $old_app_id to $new_app_id" fi echo "Migrate from $old_app_id to $new_app_id" >&2 #================================================= # CHECK IF THE MIGRATION CAN BE DONE #================================================= # TODO Handle multi instance apps... # Check that there is not already an app installed for this id. yunohost app list | grep -q 'id: $appname' \ && ynh_die "$new_app is already installed" #================================================= # CHECK THE LIST OF FILES TO MOVE #================================================= local temp_migration_list="$(tempfile)" # Build the list by removing blank lines and comment lines sed '/^#.*\|^$/d' "../conf/$migration_list" > "$temp_migration_list" # Check if there is no file in the destination local file_to_move="" while read file_to_move do # Replace all occurences of $app by $new_app in each file to move. local move_to_destination="${file_to_move//\$app/$new_app}" test -e "$move_to_destination" && ynh_die "A file named $move_to_destination already exists." done < "$temp_migration_list" #================================================= # COPY YUNOHOST SETTINGS FOR THIS APP #================================================= local settings_dir="/etc/yunohost/apps" cp -a "$settings_dir/$old_app" "$settings_dir/$new_app" # Replace the old id by the new one ynh_replace_string "\(^id: .*\)$old_app" "\1$new_app" "$settings_dir/$new_app/settings.yml" # INFO: There a special behavior with yunohost app setting: # if the id given in argument does not match with the id # stored in the config file, the config file will be purged. # That's why we use sed instead of app setting here. # https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/blob/c6b5284be8da39cf2da4e1036a730eb5e0515096/src/yunohost/app.py#L1316-L1321 # Change the label if it's simply the name of the app old_label=$(ynh_app_setting_get $new_app label) if [ "${old_label,,}" == "$old_app_id" ] then # Build the new label from the id of the app. With the first character as upper case new_label=$(echo $new_app_id | cut -c1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])$(echo $new_app_id | cut -c2-) ynh_app_setting_set $new_app label $new_label fi #================================================= # MOVE FILES TO THE NEW DESTINATION #================================================= while read file_to_move do # Replace all occurence of $app by $new_app in each file to move. move_to_destination="$(eval echo "${file_to_move//\$app/$new_app}")" local real_file_to_move="$(eval echo "${file_to_move//\$app/$old_app}")" echo "Move file $real_file_to_move to $move_to_destination" >&2 mv "$real_file_to_move" "$move_to_destination" done < "$temp_migration_list" #================================================= # UPDATE SETTINGS KNOWN ENTRIES #================================================= # Replace nginx checksum ynh_replace_string "\(^checksum__etc_nginx.*\)_$old_app" "\1_$new_app/" "$settings_dir/$new_app/settings.yml" # Replace php5-fpm checksums ynh_replace_string "\(^checksum__etc_php5.*[-_]\)$old_app" "\1$new_app/" "$settings_dir/$new_app/settings.yml" # Replace final_path ynh_replace_string "\(^final_path: .*\)$old_app" "\1$new_app" "$settings_dir/$new_app/settings.yml" #================================================= # MOVE THE DATABASE #================================================= db_pwd=$(ynh_app_setting_get $old_app mysqlpwd) db_name=$(ynh_app_setting_get $old_app db_name) # Check if a database exists before trying to move it local mysql_root_password=$(cat $MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE) if [ -n "$db_name" ] && mysqlshow -u root -p$mysql_root_password | grep -q "^| $db_name" then new_db_name=$(ynh_sanitize_dbid $new_app) echo "Rename the database $db_name to $new_db_name" >&2 local sql_dump="/tmp/${db_name}-$(date '+%s').sql" # Dump the old database ynh_mysql_dump_db "$db_name" > "$sql_dump" # Create a new database ynh_mysql_setup_db $new_db_name $new_db_name $db_pwd # Then restore the old one into the new one ynh_mysql_connect_as $new_db_name $db_pwd $new_db_name < "$sql_dump" # Remove the old database ynh_mysql_remove_db $db_name $db_name # And the dump ynh_secure_remove "$sql_dump" # Update the value of $db_name db_name=$new_db_name ynh_app_setting_set $new_app db_name $db_name fi #================================================= # CREATE A NEW USER #================================================= # Check if the user exists on the system if ynh_system_user_exists "$old_app" then echo "Create a new user $new_app to replace $old_app" >&2 ynh_system_user_create $new_app fi #================================================= # CHANGE THE FAKE DEPENDENCIES PACKAGE #================================================= # Check if a variable $pkg_dependencies exists # If this variable doesn't exist, this part shall be managed in the upgrade script. if [ -n "${pkg_dependencies:-}" ] then # Define the name of the package local old_package_name="${old_app//_/-}-ynh-deps" local new_package_name="${new_app//_/-}-ynh-deps" if ynh_package_is_installed "$old_package_name" then # Install a new fake package app=$new_app ynh_install_app_dependencies $pkg_dependencies # Then remove the old one app=$old_app ynh_remove_app_dependencies fi fi #================================================= # UPDATE THE ID OF THE APP #================================================= app=$new_app # Set migration_process to 1 to inform that an upgrade has been made migration_process=1 fi }