dependances="coturn build-essential python3-dev libffi-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools sqlite3 libssl-dev python3-venv libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python3-lxml zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev libpq-dev postgresql acl" python_version="$(python3 -V | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d. -f1-2)" install_sources() { # Install/upgrade synapse in virtualenv # Clean venv is it was on python2.7 or python3 with old version in case major upgrade of debian if [ ! -e $final_path/bin/python3 ] || [ ! -e $final_path/lib/python$python_version ]; then ynh_secure_remove --file=$final_path fi mkdir -p $final_path if [ -n "$(uname -m | grep arm)" ] then # Clean old file, sometimes it could make some big issues if we don't do this!! ynh_secure_remove --file=$final_path/bin ynh_secure_remove --file=$final_path/lib ynh_secure_remove --file=$final_path/include ynh_secure_remove --file=$final_path/share ynh_setup_source --dest_dir=$final_path/ --source_id="armv7_$(lsb_release --codename --short)" # Fix multi-instance support for f in $(ls $final_path/bin); do if ! [[ $f =~ "__" ]]; then ynh_replace_special_string --match_string='#!/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse' --replace_string='#!'$final_path --target_file=$final_path/bin/$f fi done else # Install virtualenv if it don't exist test -e $final_path/bin/python3 || python3 -m venv $final_path # Install synapse in virtualenv # We set all necessary environement variable to create a python virtualenvironnement. set +u; source $final_path/bin/activate set -u; pip3 install --upgrade setuptools wheel pip3 install --upgrade cffi ndg-httpsclient psycopg2 lxml jinja2 pip3 install --upgrade 'Twisted>=20.3.0' 'cryptography>=3.3' matrix-synapse==$upstream_version matrix-synapse-ldap3 # This function was defined when we called "source $final_path/bin/activate". With this function we undo what "$final_path/bin/activate" does set +u; deactivate set -u; fi }