packaging_format = 2 id = "tiddlywiki" name = "TiddlyWiki" description.en = "Non-linear personal web notebook" = "Carnet Web personnel non linéaire" version = "5.3.1~ynh1" maintainers = ["eric_G"] [upstream] license = "BSD-3-Clause" website = "" demo = "" admindoc = "" code = "" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.2" architectures = "all" multi_instance = false ldap = false sso = false disk = "50M" = "200M" ram.runtime = "50M" [install] [install.domain] type = "domain" [install.init_main_permission] help.en = "If enabled, TiddlyWiki will be accessible by people who doesn’t have an account. This can be changed later via the webadmin." = "Si cette case est cochée, TiddlyWiki sera accessible aux personnes n’ayant pas de compte. Vous pourrez changer ceci plus tard via la webadmin." type = "group" default = "visitors" [install.language] ask.en = "Choose the application language" = "Choisissez la langue de l'application" type = "select" choices = ["ar-PS", "ca-ES", "cs-CZ", "da-DK", "de-AT", "de-CH", "de-DE", "el-GR", "en-US", "es-ES", "fa-IR", "fr-FR", "he-IL", "hi-IN", "ia-IA", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "nl-NL", "pa-IN", "pl-PL", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "ru-RU", "sk-SK", "sl-SI", "sv-SE", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant", "zh-HK", "zh-TW"] default = "en-US" [resources] [resources.sources.main] url = "" sha256 = "6ea0fb39f6cefc08603c21ae51e9cc69cf092d622aff335e249abed92b3fca53" autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_tag" [resources.ports] [resources.system_user] [resources.install_dir] [resources.data_dir] [resources.permissions] main.url = "/"