#!/usr/bin/env php get_commands() as $command => $data) { array_push($longopts, $command . $data["suffix"]); } $options = getopt("", $longopts); if (!is_array($options)) { die("error: getopt() failed. ". "Most probably you are using PHP CGI to run this script ". "instead of required PHP CLI. Check tt-rss wiki page on updating feeds for ". "additional information.\n"); } if (count($options) == 0 && !defined('STDIN')) { ?> Tiny Tiny RSS data update script.

get_commands() as $command => $data) { $args = $data['arghelp']; printf(" --%-19s - %s\n", "$command $args", $data["description"]); } return; } if (!isset($options['daemon'])) { require_once "errorhandler.php"; } if (!isset($options['update-schema'])) { $schema_version = get_schema_version(); if ($schema_version != SCHEMA_VERSION) { die("Schema version is wrong, please upgrade the database.\n"); } } define('QUIET', isset($options['quiet'])); if (isset($options["log"])) { _debug("Logging to " . $options["log"]); define('LOGFILE', $options["log"]); } if (!isset($options["daemon"])) { $lock_filename = "update.lock"; } else { $lock_filename = "update_daemon.lock"; } if (isset($options["task"])) { _debug("Using task id " . $options["task"]); $lock_filename = $lock_filename . "-task_" . $options["task"]; } if (isset($options["pidlock"])) { $my_pid = $options["pidlock"]; $lock_filename = "update_daemon-$my_pid.lock"; } _debug("Lock: $lock_filename"); $lock_handle = make_lockfile($lock_filename); $must_exit = false; if (isset($options["task"]) && isset($options["pidlock"])) { $waits = $options["task"] * 5; _debug("Waiting before update ($waits)"); sleep($waits); } // Try to lock a file in order to avoid concurrent update. if (!$lock_handle) { die("error: Can't create lockfile ($lock_filename). ". "Maybe another update process is already running.\n"); } if (isset($options["force-update"])) { _debug("marking all feeds as needing update..."); db_query( "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_update_started = '1970-01-01', last_updated = '1970-01-01'"); } if (isset($options["feeds"])) { update_daemon_common(); housekeeping_common(true); PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_UPDATE_TASK, "hook_update_task", $op); } if (isset($options["feedbrowser"])) { $count = update_feedbrowser_cache(); print "Finished, $count feeds processed.\n"; } if (isset($options["daemon"])) { while (true) { $quiet = (isset($options["quiet"])) ? "--quiet" : ""; $log = isset($options['log']) ? '--log '.$options['log'] : ''; passthru(PHP_EXECUTABLE . " " . $argv[0] ." --daemon-loop $quiet $log"); _debug("Sleeping for " . DAEMON_SLEEP_INTERVAL . " seconds..."); sleep(DAEMON_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } } if (isset($options["daemon-loop"])) { if (!make_stampfile('update_daemon.stamp')) { _debug("warning: unable to create stampfile\n"); } update_daemon_common(isset($options["pidlock"]) ? 50 : DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT); if (!isset($options["pidlock"]) || $options["task"] == 0) housekeeping_common(true); PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_UPDATE_TASK, "hook_update_task", $op); } if (isset($options["cleanup-tags"])) { $rc = cleanup_tags( 14, 50000); _debug("$rc tags deleted.\n"); } if (isset($options["indexes"])) { _debug("PLEASE BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE PROCEEDING!"); _debug("Type 'yes' to continue."); if (read_stdin() != 'yes') exit; _debug("clearing existing indexes..."); if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $result = db_query( "SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'ttrss_%' AND relname NOT LIKE '%_pkey' AND relkind = 'i'"); } else { $result = db_query( "SELECT index_name,table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE index_name LIKE 'ttrss_%'"); } while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $statement = "DROP INDEX " . $line["relname"]; _debug($statement); } else { $statement = "ALTER TABLE ". $line['table_name']." DROP INDEX ".$line['index_name']; _debug($statement); } db_query( $statement, false); } _debug("reading indexes from schema for: " . DB_TYPE); $fp = fopen("schema/ttrss_schema_" . DB_TYPE . ".sql", "r"); if ($fp) { while ($line = fgets($fp)) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match("/^create index ([^ ]+) on ([^ ]+)$/i", $line, $matches)) { $index = $matches[1]; $table = $matches[2]; $statement = "CREATE INDEX $index ON $table"; _debug($statement); db_query( $statement); } } fclose($fp); } else { _debug("unable to open schema file."); } _debug("all done."); } if (isset($options["convert-filters"])) { _debug("WARNING: this will remove all existing type2 filters."); _debug("Type 'yes' to continue."); if (read_stdin() != 'yes') exit; _debug("converting filters..."); db_query( "DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2"); $result = db_query( "SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters ORDER BY id"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $owner_uid = $line["owner_uid"]; // date filters are removed if ($line["filter_type"] != 5) { $filter = array(); if (sql_bool_to_bool($line["cat_filter"])) { $feed_id = "CAT:" . (int)$line["cat_id"]; } else { $feed_id = (int)$line["feed_id"]; } $filter["enabled"] = $line["enabled"] ? "on" : "off"; $filter["rule"] = array( json_encode(array( "reg_exp" => $line["reg_exp"], "feed_id" => $feed_id, "filter_type" => $line["filter_type"]))); $filter["action"] = array( json_encode(array( "action_id" => $line["action_id"], "action_param_label" => $line["action_param"], "action_param" => $line["action_param"]))); // Oh god it's full of hacks $_REQUEST = $filter; $_SESSION["uid"] = $owner_uid; $filters = new Pref_Filters($_REQUEST); $filters->add(); } } } if (isset($options["update-schema"])) { _debug("checking for updates (" . DB_TYPE . ")..."); $updater = new DbUpdater(Db::get(), DB_TYPE, SCHEMA_VERSION); if ($updater->isUpdateRequired()) { _debug("schema update required, version " . $updater->getSchemaVersion() . " to " . SCHEMA_VERSION); _debug("WARNING: please backup your database before continuing."); _debug("Type 'yes' to continue."); //if (read_stdin() != 'yes') // exit; for ($i = $updater->getSchemaVersion() + 1; $i <= SCHEMA_VERSION; $i++) { _debug("performing update up to version $i..."); $result = $updater->performUpdateTo($i); _debug($result ? "OK!" : "FAILED!"); if (!$result) return; } } else { _debug("update not required."); } } if (isset($options["list-plugins"])) { $tmppluginhost = new PluginHost(); $tmppluginhost->load_all($tmppluginhost::KIND_ALL); $enabled = array_map("trim", explode(",", PLUGINS)); echo "List of all available plugins:\n"; foreach ($tmppluginhost->get_plugins() as $name => $plugin) { $about = $plugin->about(); $status = $about[3] ? "system" : "user"; if (in_array($name, $enabled)) $name .= "*"; printf("%-50s %-10s v%.2f (by %s)\n%s\n\n", $name, $status, $about[0], $about[2], $about[1]); } echo "Plugins marked by * are currently enabled for all users.\n"; } PluginHost::getInstance()->run_commands($options); if (file_exists(LOCK_DIRECTORY . "/$lock_filename")) unlink(LOCK_DIRECTORY . "/$lock_filename"); ?>