#!/bin/bash #================================================= # COMMON VARIABLES #================================================= #================================================= # PERSONAL HELPERS #================================================= apticron_config="/etc/apticron/apticron.conf" apticron_config_backup="/etc/yunohost/apps/$app/conf/apticron.conf.backup" apticron_cron="/etc/cron.d/apticron" apticron_cron_backup="/etc/yunohost/apps/$app/conf/apticron.crond.backup" _apticron_set_config() { # If the config file doesn't exist, copy the model if [ ! -e "$apticron_config" ]; then cp "/usr/lib/apticron/apticron.conf" "$apticron_config" fi # Create a backup of the config file for the reset action cp "$apticron_config" "$apticron_config_backup" ynh_replace_string --match_string="# CUSTOM_SUBJECT=.*" \ --replace_string="&\nCUSTOM_SUBJECT=\'[apticron] \$SYSTEM: \$NUM_PACKAGES package update(s)\'" --target_file="$apticron_config" ynh_replace_string --match_string="# CUSTOM_NO_UPDATES_SUBJECT=.*" \ --replace_string="&\nCUSTOM_NO_UPDATES_SUBJECT=\'[apticron] \$SYSTEM: Up to date \\\\o/\'" --target_file="$apticron_config" # Create a backup of the cron file for the reset action cp "$apticron_cron" "$apticron_cron_backup" # Clear everything, keep only the first (official) one. Uncomment. origin_line=$(grep -m 1 "apticron --cron" "$apticron_cron" | sed 's/^#* *//') # Remove all lines matching ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*apticron --cron.*" --replace_string="" --target_file="$apticron_cron" # Remove empty lines sed -i '/^\s*$/d' "$apticron_cron" ( echo "# $origin_line" if [ "$previous_apticron" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$origin_line" | sed 's|^.*\( root if.*\)|0 20 * * *\1|' fi if [ "$after_apticron" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$origin_line" | sed 's|^.*\( root if.*\)|0 2 * * *\1|' fi ) >> "$apticron_cron" } _apticron_restore_config() { mv "$apticron_config_backup" "$apticron_config" mv "$apticron_cron_backup" "$apticron_cron" } unattended_upgrades_config="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades" unattended_upgrades_config_backup="/etc/yunohost/apps/$app/conf/50unattended-upgrades.backup" _unattended_upgrades_set_config() { # Make a backup of 50unattended-upgrades cp "$unattended_upgrades_config" "$unattended_upgrades_config_backup" # Configure upgrade sources # Allow other updates if [ "$upgrade_level" = "security_and_updates" ]; then ynh_replace_string --match_string="//\(.*\"o=Debian,a=stable\)" --replace_string="\1" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" ynh_replace_string --match_string="//\(.*\"o=Debian,a=stable-updates\)" --replace_string="\1" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" fi # Add YunoHost upgrade source if [ $ynh_update -eq 1 ]; then ynh_replace_string --match_string="origin=Debian,codename=\${distro_codename},label=Debian-Security\";" \ --replace_string="&\n\n //YunoHost upgrade\n \"o=YunoHost,a=stable\";" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" fi # Allow MinimalSteps upgrading to reduce risk in case of reboot ynh_replace_string --match_string="//\(Unattended-Upgrade::MinimalSteps\).*" --replace_string="\1 \"true\";" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" # Configure Unattended Upgrades mailing if [ "$unattended_mail" = "on_upgrade" ]; then # Allow mail to root ynh_replace_string --match_string="//\(Unattended-Upgrade::Mail \)" --replace_string="\1" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" # Send mail even if there's no errors ynh_replace_string --match_string="//\(Unattended-Upgrade::MailOnlyOnError \).*" --replace_string="\1\"false\";" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" elif [ "$unattended_mail" = "on_error" ]; then # Allow mail to root ynh_replace_string --match_string="//\(Unattended-Upgrade::Mail \)" --replace_string="\1" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" # Send mail only if there's an error ynh_replace_string --match_string="//\(Unattended-Upgrade::MailOnlyOnError \).*" --replace_string="\1\"true\";" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" else # "Never" # Comment "Unattended-Upgrade::Mail" if it isn't already commented ynh_replace_string --match_string="^\(Unattended-Upgrade::Mail \)" --replace_string="//\1" --target_file="$unattended_upgrades_config" fi } _unattended_upgrades_restore_config() { mv "$unattended_upgrades_config_backup" "$unattended_upgrades_config" } _02periodic_config="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02periodic" _02periodic_set_config() { ynh_add_config --template="../conf/02periodic" --destination="$_02periodic_config" } _02periodic_remove() { ynh_secure_remove "$_02periodic_config" } #================================================= # BACKUP #================================================= #================================================= # PACKAGE CHECK BYPASSING... #================================================= #================================================= # FUTUR OFFICIAL HELPERS #================================================= #================================================= # EXPERIMENTAL HELPERS #================================================= # Create a changelog for an app after an upgrade from the file CHANGELOG.md. # # usage: ynh_app_changelog [--format=markdown/html/plain] [--output=changelog_file] --changelog=changelog_source] # | arg: -f --format= - Format in which the changelog will be printed # markdown: Default format. # html: Turn urls into html format. # plain: Plain text changelog # | arg: -o --output= - Output file for the changelog file (Default ./changelog) # | arg: -c --changelog= - CHANGELOG.md source (Default ../CHANGELOG.md) # # The changelog is printed into the file ./changelog and ./changelog_lite ynh_app_changelog () { # Declare an array to define the options of this helper. local legacy_args=foc declare -Ar args_array=( [f]=format= [o]=output= [c]=changelog= ) local format local output local changelog # Manage arguments with getopts ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@" format=${format:-markdown} output=${output:-changelog} changelog=${changelog:-../CHANGELOG.md} local original_changelog="$changelog" local temp_changelog="changelog_temp" local final_changelog="$output" if [ ! -n "$original_changelog" ] then echo "No changelog available..." > "$final_changelog" echo "No changelog available..." > "${final_changelog}_lite" return 0 fi #REMOVEME? local current_version=$(ynh_read_manifest --manifest="/etc/yunohost/apps/$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME/manifest.json" --manifest_key="version") local update_version=$(ynh_read_manifest --manifest="../manifest.json" --manifest_key="version") # Get the line of the version to update to into the changelog local update_version_line=$(grep --max-count=1 --line-number "^## \[$update_version" "$original_changelog" | cut -d':' -f1) # If there's no entry for this version yet into the changelog # Get the first available version if [ -z "$update_version_line" ] then update_version_line=$(grep --max-count=1 --line-number "^##" "$original_changelog" | cut -d':' -f1) fi # Get the length of the complete changelog. local changelog_length=$(wc --lines "$original_changelog" | awk '{print $1}') # Cut the file before the version to update to. tail --lines=$(( $changelog_length - $update_version_line + 1 )) "$original_changelog" > "$temp_changelog" # Get the length of the troncated changelog. changelog_length=$(wc --lines "$temp_changelog" | awk '{print $1}') # Get the line of the current version into the changelog # Keep only the last line found local current_version_line=$(grep --line-number "^## \[$current_version" "$temp_changelog" | cut -d':' -f1 | tail --lines=1) # If there's no entry for this version into the changelog # Get the last available version if [ -z "$current_version_line" ] then current_version_line=$(grep --line-number "^##" "$original_changelog" | cut -d':' -f1 | tail --lines=1) fi # Cut the file before the current version. # Then grep the previous version into the changelog to get the line number of the previous version local previous_version_line=$(tail --lines=$(( $changelog_length - $current_version_line )) \ "$temp_changelog" | grep --max-count=1 --line-number "^## " | cut -d':' -f1) # If there's no previous version into the changelog # Go until the end of the changelog if [ -z "$previous_version_line" ] then previous_version_line=$changelog_length fi # Cut the file after the previous version to keep only the changelog between the current version and the version to update to. head --lines=$(( $current_version_line + $previous_version_line - 1 )) "$temp_changelog" | tee "$final_changelog" if [ "$format" = "html" ] then # Replace markdown links by html links ynh_replace_string --match_string="\[\(.*\)\](\(.*\)))" --replace_string="\1)" --target_file="$final_changelog" ynh_replace_string --match_string="\[\(.*\)\](\(.*\))" --replace_string="\1" --target_file="$final_changelog" elif [ "$format" = "plain" ] then # Change title format. ynh_replace_string --match_string="^##.*\[\(.*\)\](\(.*\)) - \(.*\)$" --replace_string="## \1 (\3) - \2" --target_file="$final_changelog" # Change modifications lines format. ynh_replace_string --match_string="^\([-*]\).*\[\(.*\)\]\(.*\)" --replace_string="\1 \2 \3" --target_file="$final_changelog" fi # else markdown. As the file is already in markdown, nothing to do. # Keep only important changes into the changelog # Remove all minor changes sed '/^-/d' "$final_changelog" > "${final_changelog}_lite" # Remove all blank lines (to keep a clear workspace) sed --in-place '/^$/d' "${final_changelog}_lite" # Add a blank line at the end echo "" >> "${final_changelog}_lite" # Clean titles if there's no significative changes local line local previous_line="" while read line <&3 do if [ -n "$previous_line" ] then # Remove the line if it's a title or a blank line, and the previous one was a title as well. if ( [ "${line:0:1}" = "#" ] || [ ${#line} -eq 0 ] ) && [ "${previous_line:0:1}" = "#" ] then ynh_replace_special_string --match_string="${previous_line//[/.}" --replace_string="" --target_file="${final_changelog}_lite" fi fi previous_line="$line" done 3< "${final_changelog}_lite" # Remove all blank lines again sed --in-place '/^$/d' "${final_changelog}_lite" # Restore changelog format with blank lines ynh_replace_string --match_string="^##.*" --replace_string="\n\n&\n" --target_file="${final_changelog}_lite" # Remove the 2 first blank lines sed --in-place '1,2d' "${final_changelog}_lite" # Add a blank line at the end echo "" >> "${final_changelog}_lite" # If changelog are empty, add an info if [ $(wc --words "$final_changelog" | awk '{print $1}') -eq 0 ] then echo "No changes from the changelog..." > "$final_changelog" fi if [ $(wc --words "${final_changelog}_lite" | awk '{print $1}') -eq 0 ] then echo "No significative changes from the changelog..." > "${final_changelog}_lite" fi }