[Unit] Description=Bitwarden Server (Rust Edition) Documentation=https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs After=network.target [Service] # The user/group bitwarden_rs is run under. the working directory (see below) should allow write and read access to this user/group User=__APP__ Group=__APP__ # The location of the .env file for configuration EnvironmentFile=__FINALPATH__/live/bitwarden_rs.env # The location of the compiled binary ExecStart=__FINALPATH__/live/bitwarden_rs # Set reasonable connection and process limits LimitNOFILE=1048576 LimitNPROC=64 # Isolate bitwarden_rs from the rest of the system PrivateTmp=true PrivateDevices=true ProtectHome=true ProtectSystem=strict # Only allow writes to the following directory and set it to the working directory (user and password data are stored here) WorkingDirectory=__FINALPATH__/live/ ReadWriteDirectories=__FINALPATH__/live/ [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target