. */ namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Database; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\GedcomRecord; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\GedcomTag; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Log; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Media; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Note; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Repository; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Soundex; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Source; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use PDOException; /** * Class FunctionsImport - common functions */ class FunctionsImport { /** * Tidy up a gedcom record on import, so that we can access it consistently/efficiently. * * @param string $rec * @param Tree $tree * * @return string */ public static function reformatRecord($rec, Tree $tree) { // Strip out UTF8 formatting characters $rec = str_replace(array(WT_UTF8_BOM, WT_UTF8_LRM, WT_UTF8_RLM), '', $rec); // Strip out mac/msdos line endings $rec = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "\n", $rec); // Extract lines from the record; lines consist of: level + optional xref + tag + optional data $num_matches = preg_match_all('/^[ \t]*(\d+)[ \t]*(@[^@]*@)?[ \t]*(\w+)[ \t]?(.*)$/m', $rec, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); // Process the record line-by-line $newrec = ''; foreach ($matches as $n => $match) { list(, $level, $xref, $tag, $data) = $match; $tag = strtoupper($tag); // Tags should always be upper case switch ($tag) { // Convert PhpGedView tags to WT case '_PGVU': $tag = '_WT_USER'; break; case '_PGV_OBJS': $tag = '_WT_OBJE_SORT'; break; // Convert FTM-style "TAG_FORMAL_NAME" into "TAG". case 'ABBREVIATION': $tag = 'ABBR'; break; case 'ADDRESS': $tag = 'ADDR'; break; case 'ADDRESS1': $tag = 'ADR1'; break; case 'ADDRESS2': $tag = 'ADR2'; break; case 'ADDRESS3': $tag = 'ADR3'; break; case 'ADOPTION': $tag = 'ADOP'; break; case 'ADULT_CHRISTENING': $tag = 'CHRA'; break; case 'AFN': // AFN values are upper case $data = strtoupper($data); break; case 'AGENCY': $tag = 'AGNC'; break; case 'ALIAS': $tag = 'ALIA'; break; case 'ANCESTORS': $tag = 'ANCE'; break; case 'ANCES_INTEREST': $tag = 'ANCI'; break; case 'ANNULMENT': $tag = 'ANUL'; break; case 'ASSOCIATES': $tag = 'ASSO'; break; case 'AUTHOR': $tag = 'AUTH'; break; case 'BAPTISM': $tag = 'BAPM'; break; case 'BAPTISM_LDS': $tag = 'BAPL'; break; case 'BAR_MITZVAH': $tag = 'BARM'; break; case 'BAS_MITZVAH': $tag = 'BASM'; break; case 'BIRTH': $tag = 'BIRT'; break; case 'BLESSING': $tag = 'BLES'; break; case 'BURIAL': $tag = 'BURI'; break; case 'CALL_NUMBER': $tag = 'CALN'; break; case 'CASTE': $tag = 'CAST'; break; case 'CAUSE': $tag = 'CAUS'; break; case 'CENSUS': $tag = 'CENS'; break; case 'CHANGE': $tag = 'CHAN'; break; case 'CHARACTER': $tag = 'CHAR'; break; case 'CHILD': $tag = 'CHIL'; break; case 'CHILDREN_COUNT': $tag = 'NCHI'; break; case 'CHRISTENING': $tag = 'CHR'; break; case 'CONCATENATION': $tag = 'CONC'; break; case 'CONFIRMATION': $tag = 'CONF'; break; case 'CONFIRMATION_LDS': $tag = 'CONL'; break; case 'CONTINUED': $tag = 'CONT'; break; case 'COPYRIGHT': $tag = 'COPR'; break; case 'CORPORATE': $tag = 'CORP'; break; case 'COUNTRY': $tag = 'CTRY'; break; case 'CREMATION': $tag = 'CREM'; break; case 'DATE': // Preserve text from INT dates if (strpos($data, '(') !== false) { list($date, $text) = explode('(', $data, 2); $text = ' (' . $text; } else { $date = $data; $text = ''; } // Capitals $date = strtoupper($date); // Temporarily add leading/trailing spaces, to allow efficient matching below $date = " {$date} "; // Ensure space digits and letters $date = preg_replace('/([A-Z])(\d)/', '$1 $2', $date); $date = preg_replace('/(\d)([A-Z])/', '$1 $2', $date); // Ensure space before/after calendar escapes $date = preg_replace('/@#[^@]+@/', ' $0 ', $date); // "BET." => "BET" $date = preg_replace('/(\w\w)\./', '$1', $date); // "CIR" => "ABT" $date = str_replace(' CIR ', ' ABT ', $date); $date = str_replace(' APX ', ' ABT ', $date); // B.C. => BC (temporarily, to allow easier handling of ".") $date = str_replace(' B.C. ', ' BC ', $date); // "BET X - Y " => "BET X AND Y" $date = preg_replace('/^(.* BET .+) - (.+)/', '$1 AND $2', $date); $date = preg_replace('/^(.* FROM .+) - (.+)/', '$1 TO $2', $date); // "@#ESC@ FROM X TO Y" => "FROM @#ESC@ X TO @#ESC@ Y" $date = preg_replace('/^ +(@#[^@]+@) +FROM +(.+) +TO +(.+)/', ' FROM $1 $2 TO $1 $3', $date); $date = preg_replace('/^ +(@#[^@]+@) +BET +(.+) +AND +(.+)/', ' BET $1 $2 AND $1 $3', $date); // "@#ESC@ AFT X" => "AFT @#ESC@ X" $date = preg_replace('/^ +(@#[^@]+@) +(FROM|BET|TO|AND|BEF|AFT|CAL|EST|INT|ABT) +(.+)/', ' $2 $1 $3', $date); // Ignore any remaining punctuation, e.g. "14-MAY, 1900" => "14 MAY 1900" // (don't change "/" - it is used in NS/OS dates) $date = preg_replace('/[.,:;-]/', ' ', $date); // BC => B.C. $date = str_replace(' BC ', ' B.C. ', $date); // Append the "INT" text $data = $date . $text; break; case 'DEATH': $tag = 'DEAT'; break; case '_DEATH_OF_SPOUSE': $tag = '_DETS'; break; case '_DEGREE': $tag = '_DEG'; break; case 'DESCENDANTS': $tag = 'DESC'; break; case 'DESCENDANT_INT': $tag = 'DESI'; break; case 'DESTINATION': $tag = 'DEST'; break; case 'DIVORCE': $tag = 'DIV'; break; case 'DIVORCE_FILED': $tag = 'DIVF'; break; case 'EDUCATION': $tag = 'EDUC'; break; case 'EMIGRATION': $tag = 'EMIG'; break; case 'ENDOWMENT': $tag = 'ENDL'; break; case 'ENGAGEMENT': $tag = 'ENGA'; break; case 'EVENT': $tag = 'EVEN'; break; case 'FACSIMILE': $tag = 'FAX'; break; case 'FAMILY': $tag = 'FAM'; break; case 'FAMILY_CHILD': $tag = 'FAMC'; break; case 'FAMILY_FILE': $tag = 'FAMF'; break; case 'FAMILY_SPOUSE': $tag = 'FAMS'; break; case 'FIRST_COMMUNION': $tag = 'FCOM'; break; case '_FILE': $tag = 'FILE'; break; case 'FORMAT': $tag = 'FORM'; case 'FORM': // Consistent commas $data = preg_replace('/ *, */', ', ', $data); break; case 'GEDCOM': $tag = 'GEDC'; break; case 'GIVEN_NAME': $tag = 'GIVN'; break; case 'GRADUATION': $tag = 'GRAD'; break; case 'HEADER': $tag = 'HEAD'; case 'HEAD': // HEAD records don't have an XREF or DATA if ($level == '0') { $xref = ''; $data = ''; } break; case 'HUSBAND': $tag = 'HUSB'; break; case 'IDENT_NUMBER': $tag = 'IDNO'; break; case 'IMMIGRATION': $tag = 'IMMI'; break; case 'INDIVIDUAL': $tag = 'INDI'; break; case 'LANGUAGE': $tag = 'LANG'; break; case 'LATITUDE': $tag = 'LATI'; break; case 'LONGITUDE': $tag = 'LONG'; break; case 'MARRIAGE': $tag = 'MARR'; break; case 'MARRIAGE_BANN': $tag = 'MARB'; break; case 'MARRIAGE_COUNT': $tag = 'NMR'; break; case 'MARRIAGE_CONTRACT': $tag = 'MARC'; break; case 'MARRIAGE_LICENSE': $tag = 'MARL'; break; case 'MARRIAGE_SETTLEMENT': $tag = 'MARS'; break; case 'MEDIA': $tag = 'MEDI'; break; case '_MEDICAL': $tag = '_MDCL'; break; case '_MILITARY_SERVICE': $tag = '_MILT'; break; case 'NAME': // Tidy up whitespace $data = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', trim($data)); break; case 'NAME_PREFIX': $tag = 'NPFX'; break; case 'NAME_SUFFIX': $tag = 'NSFX'; break; case 'NATIONALITY': $tag = 'NATI'; break; case 'NATURALIZATION': $tag = 'NATU'; break; case 'NICKNAME': $tag = 'NICK'; break; case 'OBJECT': $tag = 'OBJE'; break; case 'OCCUPATION': $tag = 'OCCU'; break; case 'ORDINANCE': $tag = 'ORDI'; break; case 'ORDINATION': $tag = 'ORDN'; break; case 'PEDIGREE': $tag = 'PEDI'; case 'PEDI': // PEDI values are lower case $data = strtolower($data); break; case 'PHONE': $tag = 'PHON'; break; case 'PHONETIC': $tag = 'FONE'; break; case 'PHY_DESCRIPTION': $tag = 'DSCR'; break; case 'PLACE': $tag = 'PLAC'; case 'PLAC': // Consistent commas $data = preg_replace('/ *(،|,) */', ', ', $data); // The Master Genealogist stores LAT/LONG data in the PLAC field, e.g. Pennsylvania, USA, 395945N0751013W if (preg_match('/(.*), (\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)([NS])(\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)([EW])$/', $data, $match)) { $data = $match[1] . "\n" . ($level + 1) . " MAP\n" . ($level + 2) . " LATI " . ($match[5] . (round($match[2] + ($match[3] / 60) + ($match[4] / 3600), 4))) . "\n" . ($level + 2) . " LONG " . ($match[9] . (round($match[6] + ($match[7] / 60) + ($match[8] / 3600), 4))); } break; case 'POSTAL_CODE': $tag = 'POST'; break; case 'PROBATE': $tag = 'PROB'; break; case 'PROPERTY': $tag = 'PROP'; break; case 'PUBLICATION': $tag = 'PUBL'; break; case 'QUALITY_OF_DATA': $tag = 'QUAL'; break; case 'REC_FILE_NUMBER': $tag = 'RFN'; break; case 'REC_ID_NUMBER': $tag = 'RIN'; break; case 'REFERENCE': $tag = 'REFN'; break; case 'RELATIONSHIP': $tag = 'RELA'; break; case 'RELIGION': $tag = 'RELI'; break; case 'REPOSITORY': $tag = 'REPO'; break; case 'RESIDENCE': $tag = 'RESI'; break; case 'RESTRICTION': $tag = 'RESN'; case 'RESN': // RESN values are lower case (confidential, privacy, locked, none) $data = strtolower($data); if ($data == 'invisible') { $data = 'confidential'; // From old versions of Legacy. } break; case 'RETIREMENT': $tag = 'RETI'; break; case 'ROMANIZED': $tag = 'ROMN'; break; case 'SEALING_CHILD': $tag = 'SLGC'; break; case 'SEALING_SPOUSE': $tag = 'SLGS'; break; case 'SOC_SEC_NUMBER': $tag = 'SSN'; break; case 'SEX': $data = strtoupper($data); break; case 'SOURCE': $tag = 'SOUR'; break; case 'STATE': $tag = 'STAE'; break; case 'STATUS': $tag = 'STAT'; case 'STAT': if ($data == 'CANCELLED') { // PhpGedView mis-spells this tag - correct it. $data = 'CANCELED'; } break; case 'SUBMISSION': $tag = 'SUBN'; break; case 'SUBMITTER': $tag = 'SUBM'; break; case 'SURNAME': $tag = 'SURN'; break; case 'SURN_PREFIX': $tag = 'SPFX'; break; case 'TEMPLE': $tag = 'TEMP'; case 'TEMP': // Temple codes are upper case $data = strtoupper($data); break; case 'TITLE': $tag = 'TITL'; break; case 'TRAILER': $tag = 'TRLR'; case 'TRLR': // TRLR records don't have an XREF or DATA if ($level == '0') { $xref = ''; $data = ''; } break; case 'VERSION': $tag = 'VERS'; break; case 'WEB': $tag = 'WWW'; break; } // Suppress "Y", for facts/events with a DATE or PLAC if ($data == 'y') { $data = 'Y'; } if ($level == '1' && $data == 'Y') { for ($i = $n + 1; $i < $num_matches - 1 && $matches[$i][1] != '1'; ++$i) { if ($matches[$i][3] == 'DATE' || $matches[$i][3] == 'PLAC') { $data = ''; break; } } } // Reassemble components back into a single line switch ($tag) { default: // Remove tabs and multiple/leading/trailing spaces if (strpos($data, "\t") !== false) { $data = str_replace("\t", ' ', $data); } if (substr($data, 0, 1) == ' ' || substr($data, -1, 1) == ' ') { $data = trim($data); } while (strpos($data, ' ')) { $data = str_replace(' ', ' ', $data); } $newrec .= ($newrec ? "\n" : '') . $level . ' ' . ($level == '0' && $xref ? $xref . ' ' : '') . $tag . ($data === '' && $tag != "NOTE" ? '' : ' ' . $data); break; case 'NOTE': case 'TEXT': case 'DATA': case 'CONT': $newrec .= ($newrec ? "\n" : '') . $level . ' ' . ($level == '0' && $xref ? $xref . ' ' : '') . $tag . ($data === '' && $tag != "NOTE" ? '' : ' ' . $data); break; case 'FILE': // Strip off the user-defined path prefix $GEDCOM_MEDIA_PATH = $tree->getPreference('GEDCOM_MEDIA_PATH'); if ($GEDCOM_MEDIA_PATH && strpos($data, $GEDCOM_MEDIA_PATH) === 0) { $data = substr($data, strlen($GEDCOM_MEDIA_PATH)); } // convert backslashes in filenames to forward slashes $data = preg_replace("/\\\/", "/", $data); $newrec .= ($newrec ? "\n" : '') . $level . ' ' . ($level == '0' && $xref ? $xref . ' ' : '') . $tag . ($data === '' && $tag != "NOTE" ? '' : ' ' . $data); break; case 'CONC': // Merge CONC lines, to simplify access later on. $newrec .= ($tree->getPreference('WORD_WRAPPED_NOTES') ? ' ' : '') . $data; break; } } return $newrec; } /** * import record into database * * this function will parse the given gedcom record and add it to the database * * @param string $gedrec the raw gedcom record to parse * @param Tree $tree import the record into this tree * @param bool $update whether or not this is an updated record that has been accepted */ public static function importRecord($gedrec, Tree $tree, $update) { $tree_id = $tree->getTreeId(); // Escaped @ signs (only if importing from file) if (!$update) { $gedrec = str_replace('@@', '@', $gedrec); } // Standardise gedcom format $gedrec = self::reformatRecord($gedrec, $tree); // import different types of records if (preg_match('/^0 @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@ (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $gedrec, $match)) { list(, $xref, $type) = $match; // check for a _UID, if the record doesn't have one, add one if ($tree->getPreference('GENERATE_UIDS') && !strpos($gedrec, "\n1 _UID ")) { $gedrec .= "\n1 _UID " . GedcomTag::createUid(); } } elseif (preg_match('/0 (HEAD|TRLR)/', $gedrec, $match)) { $type = $match[1]; $xref = $type; // For HEAD/TRLR, use type as pseudo XREF. } else { echo I18N::translate('Invalid GEDCOM format'), '
', $gedrec, '
'; return; } // If the user has downloaded their GEDCOM data (containing media objects) and edited it // using an application which does not support (and deletes) media objects, then add them // back in. if ($tree->getPreference('keep_media') && $xref) { $old_linked_media = Database::prepare("SELECT l_to FROM `##link` WHERE l_from=? AND l_file=? AND l_type='OBJE'") ->execute(array($xref, $tree_id)) ->fetchOneColumn(); foreach ($old_linked_media as $media_id) { $gedrec .= "\n1 OBJE @" . $media_id . "@"; } } switch ($type) { case 'INDI': // Convert inline media into media objects $gedrec = self::convertInlineMedia($tree, $gedrec); $record = new Individual($xref, $gedrec, null, $tree); if (preg_match('/\n1 RIN (.+)/', $gedrec, $match)) { $rin = $match[1]; } else { $rin = $xref; } Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##individuals` (i_id, i_file, i_rin, i_sex, i_gedcom) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $tree_id, $rin, $record->getSex(), $gedrec, )); // Update the cross-reference/index tables. self::updatePlaces($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateDates($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateLinks($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateNames($xref, $tree_id, $record); break; case 'FAM': // Convert inline media into media objects $gedrec = self::convertInlineMedia($tree, $gedrec); if (preg_match('/\n1 HUSB @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@/', $gedrec, $match)) { $husb = $match[1]; } else { $husb = ''; } if (preg_match('/\n1 WIFE @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@/', $gedrec, $match)) { $wife = $match[1]; } else { $wife = ''; } $nchi = preg_match_all('/\n1 CHIL @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@/', $gedrec, $match); if (preg_match('/\n1 NCHI (\d+)/', $gedrec, $match)) { $nchi = max($nchi, $match[1]); } Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##families` (f_id, f_file, f_husb, f_wife, f_gedcom, f_numchil) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $tree_id, $husb, $wife, $gedrec, $nchi, )); // Update the cross-reference/index tables. self::updatePlaces($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateDates($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateLinks($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); break; case 'SOUR': // Convert inline media into media objects $gedrec = self::convertInlineMedia($tree, $gedrec); $record = new Source($xref, $gedrec, null, $tree); if (preg_match('/\n1 TITL (.+)/', $gedrec, $match)) { $name = $match[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/\n1 ABBR (.+)/', $gedrec, $match)) { $name = $match[1]; } else { $name = $xref; } Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##sources` (s_id, s_file, s_name, s_gedcom) VALUES (?, ?, LEFT(?, 255), ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $tree_id, $name, $gedrec, )); // Update the cross-reference/index tables. self::updateLinks($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateNames($xref, $tree_id, $record); break; case 'REPO': // Convert inline media into media objects $gedrec = self::convertInlineMedia($tree, $gedrec); $record = new Repository($xref, $gedrec, null, $tree); Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##other` (o_id, o_file, o_type, o_gedcom) VALUES (?, ?, 'REPO', ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $tree_id, $gedrec, )); // Update the cross-reference/index tables. self::updateLinks($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateNames($xref, $tree_id, $record); break; case 'NOTE': $record = new Note($xref, $gedrec, null, $tree); Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##other` (o_id, o_file, o_type, o_gedcom) VALUES (?, ?, 'NOTE', ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $tree_id, $gedrec, )); // Update the cross-reference/index tables. self::updateLinks($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateNames($xref, $tree_id, $record); break; case 'OBJE': $record = new Media($xref, $gedrec, null, $tree); Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##media` (m_id, m_ext, m_type, m_titl, m_filename, m_file, m_gedcom) VALUES (?, LEFT(?, 6), LEFT(?, 60), LEFT(?, 255), left(?, 512), ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $record->extension(), $record->getMediaType(), $record->getTitle(), $record->getFilename(), $tree_id, $gedrec, )); // Update the cross-reference/index tables. self::updateLinks($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); self::updateNames($xref, $tree_id, $record); break; default: // HEAD, TRLR, SUBM, SUBN, and custom record types. // Force HEAD records to have a creation date. if ($type === 'HEAD' && strpos($gedrec, "\n1 DATE ") === false) { $gedrec .= "\n1 DATE " . date('j M Y'); } Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##other` (o_id, o_file, o_type, o_gedcom) VALUES (?, ?, LEFT(?, 15), ?)" )->execute(array($xref, $tree_id, $type, $gedrec)); // Update the cross-reference/index tables. self::updateLinks($xref, $tree_id, $gedrec); break; } } /** * extract all places from the given record and insert them into the places table * * @param string $gid * @param int $ged_id * @param string $gedrec */ public static function updatePlaces($gid, $ged_id, $gedrec) { global $placecache; if (!isset($placecache)) { $placecache = array(); } $personplace = array(); // import all place locations, but not control info such as // 0 HEAD/1 PLAC or 0 _EVDEF/1 PLAC $pt = preg_match_all("/^[2-9] PLAC (.+)/m", $gedrec, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < $pt; $i++) { $place = trim($match[$i][1]); $lowplace = I18N::strtolower($place); //-- if we have already visited this place for this person then we don't need to again if (isset($personplace[$lowplace])) { continue; } $personplace[$lowplace] = 1; $places = explode(',', $place); //-- reverse the array to start at the highest level $secalp = array_reverse($places); $parent_id = 0; $search = true; foreach ($secalp as $place) { $place = trim($place); $key = strtolower(mb_substr($place, 0, 150) . "_" . $parent_id); //-- if this place has already been added then we don't need to add it again if (isset($placecache[$key])) { $parent_id = $placecache[$key]; if (!isset($personplace[$key])) { $personplace[$key] = 1; // Use INSERT IGNORE as a (temporary) fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/webtrees/+bug/582226 // It ignores places that utf8_unicode_ci consider to be the same (i.e. accents). // For example Québec and Quebec // We need a better solution that attaches multiple names to single places Database::prepare( "INSERT IGNORE INTO `##placelinks` (pl_p_id, pl_gid, pl_file) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $parent_id, $gid, $ged_id, )); } continue; } //-- only search the database while we are finding places in it if ($search) { //-- check if this place and level has already been added $tmp = Database::prepare( "SELECT p_id FROM `##places` WHERE p_file = ? AND p_parent_id = ? AND p_place = LEFT(?, 150)" )->execute(array( $ged_id, $parent_id, $place, ))->fetchOne(); if ($tmp) { $p_id = $tmp; } else { $search = false; } } //-- if we are not searching then we have to insert the place into the db if (!$search) { $std_soundex = Soundex::russell($place); $dm_soundex = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($place); Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##places` (p_place, p_parent_id, p_file, p_std_soundex, p_dm_soundex) VALUES (LEFT(?, 150), ?, ?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $place, $parent_id, $ged_id, $std_soundex, $dm_soundex, )); $p_id = Database::getInstance()->lastInsertId(); } Database::prepare( "INSERT IGNORE INTO `##placelinks` (pl_p_id, pl_gid, pl_file) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $p_id, $gid, $ged_id, )); //-- increment the level and assign the parent id for the next place level $parent_id = $p_id; $placecache[$key] = $p_id; $personplace[$key] = 1; } } } /** * Extract all the dates from the given record and insert them into the database. * * @param string $xref * @param int $ged_id * @param string $gedrec */ public static function updateDates($xref, $ged_id, $gedrec) { if (strpos($gedrec, '2 DATE ') && preg_match_all("/\n1 (\w+).*(?:\n[2-9].*)*(?:\n2 DATE (.+))(?:\n[2-9].*)*/", $gedrec, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $fact = $match[1]; if (($fact == 'FACT' || $fact == 'EVEN') && preg_match("/\n2 TYPE ([A-Z]{3,5})/", $match[0], $tmatch)) { $fact = $tmatch[1]; } $date = new Date($match[2]); Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##dates` (d_day,d_month,d_mon,d_year,d_julianday1,d_julianday2,d_fact,d_gid,d_file,d_type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" )->execute(array( $date->minimumDate()->d, $date->minimumDate()->format('%O'), $date->minimumDate()->m, $date->minimumDate()->y, $date->minimumDate()->minJD, $date->minimumDate()->maxJD, $fact, $xref, $ged_id, $date->minimumDate()->format('%@'), )); if ($date->minimumDate() !== $date->maximumDate()) { Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##dates` (d_day,d_month,d_mon,d_year,d_julianday1,d_julianday2,d_fact,d_gid,d_file,d_type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" )->execute(array( $date->maximumDate()->d, $date->maximumDate()->format('%O'), $date->maximumDate()->m, $date->maximumDate()->y, $date->maximumDate()->minJD, $date->maximumDate()->maxJD, $fact, $xref, $ged_id, $date->maximumDate()->format('%@'), )); } } } } /** * Extract all the links from the given record and insert them into the database * * @param string $xref * @param int $ged_id * @param string $gedrec */ public static function updateLinks($xref, $ged_id, $gedrec) { if (preg_match_all('/^\d+ (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ') @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@/m', $gedrec, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $data = array(); foreach ($matches as $match) { // Include each link once only. if (!in_array($match[1] . $match[2], $data)) { $data[] = $match[1] . $match[2]; // Ignore any errors, which may be caused by "duplicates" that differ on case/collation, e.g. "S1" and "s1" try { Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##link` (l_from, l_to, l_type, l_file) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $match[2], $match[1], $ged_id, )); } catch (PDOException $e) { // We could display a warning here.... } } } } } /** * Extract all the names from the given record and insert them into the database. * * @param string $xref * @param int $ged_id * @param GedcomRecord $record */ public static function updateNames($xref, $ged_id, GedcomRecord $record) { foreach ($record->getAllNames() as $n => $name) { if ($record instanceof Individual) { if ($name['givn'] === '@P.N.') { $soundex_givn_std = null; $soundex_givn_dm = null; } else { $soundex_givn_std = Soundex::russell($name['givn']); $soundex_givn_dm = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($name['givn']); } if ($name['surn'] === '@N.N.') { $soundex_surn_std = null; $soundex_surn_dm = null; } else { $soundex_surn_std = Soundex::russell($name['surname']); $soundex_surn_dm = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($name['surname']); } Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##name` (n_file,n_id,n_num,n_type,n_sort,n_full,n_surname,n_surn,n_givn,n_soundex_givn_std,n_soundex_surn_std,n_soundex_givn_dm,n_soundex_surn_dm) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $ged_id, $xref, $n, $name['type'], $name['sort'], $name['fullNN'], $name['surname'], $name['surn'], $name['givn'], $soundex_givn_std, $soundex_surn_std, $soundex_givn_dm, $soundex_surn_dm, )); } else { Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##name` (n_file,n_id,n_num,n_type,n_sort,n_full) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255))" )->execute(array( $ged_id, $xref, $n, $name['type'], $name['sort'], $name['fullNN'], )); } } } /** * Extract inline media data, and convert to media objects. * * @param Tree $tree * @param string $gedrec * * @return string */ public static function convertInlineMedia(Tree $tree, $gedrec) { while (preg_match('/\n1 OBJE(?:\n[2-9].+)+/', $gedrec, $match)) { $gedrec = str_replace($match[0], self::createMediaObject(1, $match[0], $tree), $gedrec); } while (preg_match('/\n2 OBJE(?:\n[3-9].+)+/', $gedrec, $match)) { $gedrec = str_replace($match[0], self::createMediaObject(2, $match[0], $tree), $gedrec); } while (preg_match('/\n3 OBJE(?:\n[4-9].+)+/', $gedrec, $match)) { $gedrec = str_replace($match[0], self::createMediaObject(3, $match[0], $tree), $gedrec); } return $gedrec; } /** * Create a new media object, from inline media data. * * @param int $level * @param string $gedrec * @param Tree $tree * * @return string */ public static function createMediaObject($level, $gedrec, Tree $tree) { if (preg_match('/\n\d FILE (.+)/', $gedrec, $file_match)) { $file = $file_match[1]; } else { $file = ''; } if (preg_match('/\n\d TITL (.+)/', $gedrec, $file_match)) { $titl = $file_match[1]; } else { $titl = ''; } // Have we already created a media object with the same title/filename? $xref = Database::prepare( "SELECT m_id FROM `##media` WHERE m_filename = ? AND m_titl = ? AND m_file = ?" )->execute(array( $file, $titl, $tree->getTreeId(), ))->fetchOne(); if (!$xref) { $xref = $tree->getNewXref('OBJE'); // renumber the lines $gedrec = preg_replace_callback('/\n(\d+)/', function ($m) use ($level) { return "\n" . ($m[1] - $level); }, $gedrec); // convert to an object $gedrec = str_replace("\n0 OBJE\n", '0 @' . $xref . "@ OBJE\n", $gedrec); // Fix Legacy GEDCOMS $gedrec = preg_replace('/\n1 FORM (.+)\n1 FILE (.+)\n1 TITL (.+)/', "\n1 FILE $2\n2 FORM $1\n2 TITL $3", $gedrec); // Fix FTB GEDCOMS $gedrec = preg_replace('/\n1 FORM (.+)\n1 TITL (.+)\n1 FILE (.+)/', "\n1 FILE $3\n2 FORM $1\n2 TITL $2", $gedrec); // Create new record $record = new Media($xref, $gedrec, null, $tree); Database::prepare( "INSERT INTO `##media` (m_id, m_ext, m_type, m_titl, m_filename, m_file, m_gedcom) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" )->execute(array( $xref, $record->extension(), $record->getMediaType(), $record->getTitle(), $record->getFilename(), $tree->getTreeId(), $gedrec, )); } return "\n" . $level . ' OBJE @' . $xref . '@'; } /** * Accept all pending changes for a specified record. * * @param string $xref * @param int $ged_id */ public static function acceptAllChanges($xref, $ged_id) { $changes = Database::prepare( "SELECT change_id, gedcom_name, old_gedcom, new_gedcom" . " FROM `##change` c" . " JOIN `##gedcom` g USING (gedcom_id)" . " WHERE c.status='pending' AND xref=? AND gedcom_id=?" . " ORDER BY change_id" )->execute(array($xref, $ged_id))->fetchAll(); foreach ($changes as $change) { if (empty($change->new_gedcom)) { // delete self::updateRecord($change->old_gedcom, $ged_id, true); } else { // add/update self::updateRecord($change->new_gedcom, $ged_id, false); } Database::prepare( "UPDATE `##change`" . " SET status='accepted'" . " WHERE status='pending' AND xref=? AND gedcom_id=?" )->execute(array($xref, $ged_id)); Log::addEditLog("Accepted change {$change->change_id} for {$xref} / {$change->gedcom_name} into database"); } } /** * Accept all pending changes for a specified record. * * @param GedcomRecord $record */ public static function rejectAllChanges(GedcomRecord $record) { Database::prepare( "UPDATE `##change`" . " SET status = 'rejected'" . " WHERE status = 'pending' AND xref = :xref AND gedcom_id = :tree_id" )->execute(array( 'xref' => $record->getXref(), 'tree_id' => $record->getTree()->getTreeId(), )); } /** * update a record in the database * * @param string $gedrec * @param int $ged_id * @param bool $delete */ public static function updateRecord($gedrec, $ged_id, $delete) { if (preg_match('/^0 @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@ (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $gedrec, $match)) { list(, $gid, $type) = $match; } elseif (preg_match('/^0 (HEAD)(?:\n|$)/', $gedrec, $match)) { // The HEAD record has no XREF. Any others? $gid = $match[1]; $type = $match[1]; } else { echo "ERROR: Invalid gedcom record."; return; } // TODO deleting unlinked places can be done more efficiently in a single query $placeids = Database::prepare("SELECT pl_p_id FROM `##placelinks` WHERE pl_gid=? AND pl_file=?") ->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)) ->fetchOneColumn(); Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##placelinks` WHERE pl_gid=? AND pl_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##dates` WHERE d_gid =? AND d_file =?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); //-- delete any unlinked places foreach ($placeids as $p_id) { $num = Database::prepare("SELECT count(pl_p_id) FROM `##placelinks` WHERE pl_p_id=? AND pl_file=?") ->execute(array($p_id, $ged_id)) ->fetchOne(); if ($num == 0) { Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##places` WHERE p_id=? AND p_file=?")->execute(array($p_id, $ged_id)); } } Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##name` WHERE n_id=? AND n_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##link` WHERE l_from=? AND l_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); switch ($type) { case 'INDI': Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_id=? AND i_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); break; case 'FAM': Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##families` WHERE f_id=? AND f_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); break; case 'SOUR': Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##sources` WHERE s_id=? AND s_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); break; case 'OBJE': Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##media` WHERE m_id=? AND m_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); break; default: Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##other` WHERE o_id=? AND o_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id)); break; } if (!$delete) { self::importRecord($gedrec, Tree::findById($ged_id), true); } } }