namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N;
* RTL Functions for use in the PDF/HTML reports
class FunctionsRtl {
const OPEN_PARENTHESES = '([{';
const CLOSE_PARENTHESES = ')]}';
const NUMBERS = '0123456789';
const NUMBER_PREFIX = '+-'; // Treat these like numbers when at beginning or end of numeric strings
const NUMBER_PUNCTUATION = '- ,.:/'; // Treat these like numbers when inside numeric strings
const PUNCTUATION = ',.:;?!';
/** @var string Were we previously processing LTR or RTL. */
private static $previousState;
/** @var string Are we currently processing LTR or RTL. */
private static $currentState;
/** @var string Text waiting to be processed. */
private static $waitingText;
/** @var string LTR text. */
private static $startLTR;
/** @var string LTR text. */
private static $endLTR;
/** @var string RTL text. */
private static $startRTL;
/** @var string RTL text. */
private static $endRTL;
/** @var int Offset into the text. */
private static $lenStart;
/** @var int Offset into the text. */
private static $lenEnd;
/** @var int Offset into the text. */
private static $posSpanStart;
* This function strips and from the input string. It should be used for all
* text that has been passed through the PrintReady() function before that text is stored
* in the database. The database should NEVER contain these characters.
* @param string $inputText The string from which the and characters should be stripped
* @return string The input string, with and stripped
public static function stripLrmRlm($inputText) {
return str_replace(array(WT_UTF8_LRM, WT_UTF8_RLM, WT_UTF8_LRO, WT_UTF8_RLO, WT_UTF8_LRE, WT_UTF8_RLE, WT_UTF8_PDF, "", "", "‎", "‏"), "", $inputText);
* This function encapsulates all texts in the input with and
* according to the directionality specified.
* @param string $inputText Raw input
* @param string $direction Directionality (LTR, BOTH, RTL) default BOTH
* @param string $class Additional text to insert into output (such as 'class="yyy"')
* @return string The string with all texts encapsulated as required
public static function spanLtrRtl($inputText, $direction = 'BOTH', $class = '') {
if ($inputText == '') {
// Nothing to do
return '';
$workingText = str_replace("\n", '
', $inputText);
$workingText = str_replace(array('
', 'class="starredname">'), '
', $workingText); // Reposition some incorrectly placed line breaks
$workingText = self::stripLrmRlm($workingText); // Get rid of any existing UTF8 control codes
// $nothing = ''; // Zero Width Non-Joiner (not sure whether this is still needed to work around a TCPDF bug)
$nothing = '';
self::$startLTR = ''; // This will become '' at the end
self::$endLTR = ''; // This will become '' at the end
self::$startRTL = ''; // This will become '' at the end
self::$endRTL = ''; // This will become '' at the end
self::$lenStart = strlen(self::$startLTR); // RTL version MUST have same length
self::$lenEnd = strlen(self::$endLTR); // RTL version MUST have same length
self::$previousState = '';
self::$currentState = strtoupper(I18N::direction());
$numberState = false; // Set when we're inside a numeric string
$result = '';
self::$waitingText = '';
$openParDirection = array();
while ($workingText != '') {
$charArray = self::getChar($workingText, 0); // Get the next ASCII or UTF-8 character
$currentLetter = $charArray['letter'];
$currentLen = $charArray['length'];
$openParIndex = strpos(self::OPEN_PARENTHESES, $currentLetter); // Which opening parenthesis is this?
$closeParIndex = strpos(self::CLOSE_PARENTHESES, $currentLetter); // Which closing parenthesis is this?
switch ($currentLetter) {
case '<':
// Assume this '<' starts an HTML element
$endPos = strpos($workingText, '>'); // look for the terminating '>'
if ($endPos === false) {
$endPos = 0;
$currentLen += $endPos;
$element = substr($workingText, 0, $currentLen);
$temp = strtolower(substr($element, 0, 3));
if (strlen($element) < 7 && $temp == '
= 'A' && $currentLetter <= 'Z') || ($currentLetter >= 'a' && $currentLetter <= 'z')) {
// Since it’s neither Hebrew nor Arabic, this UTF-8 character or ASCII letter must be LTR
$newState = 'LTR';
if ($closeParIndex !== false) {
// This closing parenthesis has to inherit the matching opening parenthesis' directionality
if (!empty($openParDirection[$closeParIndex]) && $openParDirection[$closeParIndex] != '?') {
$newState = $openParDirection[$closeParIndex];
$openParDirection[$closeParIndex] = '';
if ($openParIndex !== false) {
// Opening parentheses always inherit the following directionality
self::$waitingText .= $currentLetter;
$workingText = substr($workingText, $currentLen);
while (true) {
if ($workingText === '') {
if (substr($workingText, 0, 1) === ' ') {
// Spaces following this left parenthesis inherit the following directionality too
self::$waitingText .= ' ';
$workingText = substr($workingText, 1);
if (substr($workingText, 0, 6) === ' ') {
// Spaces following this left parenthesis inherit the following directionality too
self::$waitingText .= ' ';
$workingText = substr($workingText, 6);
$openParDirection[$openParIndex] = '?';
break 2; // double break because we're waiting for more information
// We have a digit or a "normal" special character.
// When this character is not at the start of the input string, it inherits the preceding directionality;
// at the start of the input string, it assumes the following directionality.
// Exceptions to this rule will be handled later during final clean-up.
self::$waitingText .= $currentLetter;
$workingText = substr($workingText, $currentLen);
if (self::$currentState != '') {
$result .= self::$waitingText;
self::$waitingText = '';
break 2; // double break because we're waiting for more information
if ($newState != self::$currentState) {
// A direction change has occurred
self::finishCurrentSpan($result, false);
self::$previousState = self::$currentState;
self::$currentState = $newState;
self::$waitingText .= $currentLetter;
$workingText = substr($workingText, $currentLen);
$result .= self::$waitingText;
self::$waitingText = '';
foreach ($openParDirection as $index => $value) {
// Since we now know the proper direction, remember it for all waiting opening parentheses
if ($value === '?') {
$openParDirection[$index] = self::$currentState;
// We're done. Finish last if necessary
if ($numberState) {
if (self::$waitingText === '') {
if (self::$currentState === 'RTL') {
$result .= WT_UTF8_PDF;
} else {
if (self::$currentState === 'RTL') {
self::$waitingText .= WT_UTF8_PDF;
self::finishCurrentSpan($result, true);
// Get rid of any waiting text
if (self::$waitingText != '') {
if (I18N::direction() === 'rtl' && self::$currentState === 'LTR') {
$result .= self::$startRTL;
$result .= self::$waitingText;
$result .= self::$endRTL;
} else {
$result .= self::$startLTR;
$result .= self::$waitingText;
$result .= self::$endLTR;
self::$waitingText = '';
// Lastly, do some more cleanups
// Move leading RTL numeric strings to following LTR text
// (this happens when the page direction is RTL and the original text begins with a number and is followed by LTR text)
while (substr($result, 0, self::$lenStart + 3) === self::$startRTL . WT_UTF8_LRE) {
$spanEnd = strpos($result, self::$endRTL . self::$startLTR);
if ($spanEnd === false) {
$textSpan = self::stripLrmRlm(substr($result, self::$lenStart + 3, $spanEnd - self::$lenStart - 3));
if (I18N::scriptDirection(I18N::textScript($textSpan)) === 'rtl') {
$result = self::$startLTR . substr($result, self::$lenStart, $spanEnd - self::$lenStart) . substr($result, $spanEnd + self::$lenStart + self::$lenEnd);
// On RTL pages, put trailing "." in RTL numeric strings into its own RTL span
if (I18N::direction() === 'rtl') {
$result = str_replace(WT_UTF8_PDF . '.' . self::$endRTL, WT_UTF8_PDF . self::$endRTL . self::$startRTL . '.' . self::$endRTL, $result);
// Trim trailing blanks preceding
in LTR text
while (self::$previousState != 'RTL') {
if (strpos($result, ' ') !== false) {
$result = str_replace(' ', '', $result);
if (strpos($result, ' ') !== false) {
$result = str_replace(' ', '', $result);
if (strpos($result, '
') !== false) {
$result = str_replace('
', '
', $result);
if (strpos($result, '
') !== false) {
$result = str_replace('
', '
', $result);
break; // Neither space nor : we're done
// Trim trailing blanks preceding
in RTL text
while (true) {
if (strpos($result, ' ') !== false) {
$result = str_replace(' ', '', $result);
if (strpos($result, ' ') !== false) {
$result = str_replace(' ', '', $result);
break; // Neither space nor : we're done
// Convert '' and '', ''), array(self::$endLTR . '
' . self::$startLTR, self::$endRTL . '
' . self::$startRTL), $result);
// Include leading indeterminate directional text in whatever follows
if (substr($result . "\n", 0, self::$lenStart) != self::$startLTR && substr($result . "\n", 0, self::$lenStart) != self::$startRTL && substr($result . "\n", 0, 6) != '
') {
$leadingText = '';
while (true) {
if ($result == '') {
$result = $leadingText;
if (substr($result . "\n", 0, self::$lenStart) != self::$startLTR && substr($result . "\n", 0, self::$lenStart) != self::$startRTL) {
$leadingText .= substr($result, 0, 1);
$result = substr($result, 1);
$result = substr($result, 0, self::$lenStart) . $leadingText . substr($result, self::$lenStart);
// Include solitary "-" and "+" in surrounding RTL text
$result = str_replace(array(self::$endRTL . self::$startLTR . '-' . self::$endLTR . self::$startRTL, self::$endRTL . self::$startLTR . '-' . self::$endLTR . self::$startRTL), array('-', '+'), $result);
// Remove empty spans
$result = str_replace(array(self::$startLTR . self::$endLTR, self::$startRTL . self::$endRTL), '', $result);
// Finally, correct '', '', '', and ''
switch ($direction) {
case 'BOTH':
case 'both':
// LTR text: text
// RTL text: text
$sLTR = '' . $nothing;
$eLTR = $nothing . '';
$sRTL = '' . $nothing;
$eRTL = $nothing . '';
case 'LTR':
case 'ltr':
// LTR text: text
// RTL text: text
$sLTR = '' . $nothing;
$eLTR = $nothing . '';
$sRTL = '';
$eRTL = '';
case 'RTL':
case 'rtl':
// LTR text: text
// RTL text: text
$sLTR = '';
$eLTR = '';
$sRTL = '' . $nothing;
$eRTL = $nothing . '';
$result = str_replace(array(self::$startLTR, self::$endLTR, self::$startRTL, self::$endRTL), array($sLTR, $eLTR, $sRTL, $eRTL), $result);
return $result;
* Wrap words that have an asterisk suffix in and tags.
* This should underline starred names to show the preferred name.
* @param string $textSpan
* @param string $direction
* @return string
public static function starredName($textSpan, $direction) {
// To avoid a TCPDF bug that mixes up the word order, insert those and tags
// only when page and span directions are identical.
if ($direction === strtoupper(I18N::direction())) {
while (true) {
$starPos = strpos($textSpan, '*');
if ($starPos === false) {
$trailingText = substr($textSpan, $starPos + 1);
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, $starPos);
$wordStart = strrpos($textSpan, ' '); // Find the start of the word
if ($wordStart !== false) {
$leadingText = substr($textSpan, 0, $wordStart + 1);
$wordText = substr($textSpan, $wordStart + 1);
} else {
$leadingText = '';
$wordText = $textSpan;
$textSpan = $leadingText . '' . $wordText . '' . $trailingText;
$textSpan = preg_replace('~(.*)~', '\1', $textSpan);
// The is a work-around for a TCPDF bug eating blanks.
$textSpan = str_replace(array(' ', ' '), array(' ', ' '), $textSpan);
} else {
// Text and page directions differ: remove the and
$textSpan = preg_replace('~(.*)\*~', '\1', $textSpan);
$textSpan = preg_replace('~(.*)~', '\1', $textSpan);
return $textSpan;
* Get the next character from an input string
* @param string $text
* @param string $offset
* @return array
public static function getChar($text, $offset) {
if ($text == '') {
return array('letter' => '', 'length' => 0);
$char = substr($text, $offset, 1);
$length = 1;
if ((ord($char) & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
$length = 2;
if ((ord($char) & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
$length = 3;
if ((ord($char) & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
$length = 4;
$letter = substr($text, $offset, $length);
return array('letter' => $letter, 'length' => $length);
* Insert
into current span
* @param string $result
public static function breakCurrentSpan(&$result) {
// Interrupt the current span, insert that
, and then continue the current span
$result .= self::$waitingText;
self::$waitingText = '';
$breakString = '<' . self::$currentState . 'br>';
$result .= $breakString;
* Begin current span
* @param string $result
public static function beginCurrentSpan(&$result) {
if (self::$currentState == 'LTR') {
$result .= self::$startLTR;
if (self::$currentState == 'RTL') {
$result .= self::$startRTL;
self::$posSpanStart = strlen($result);
* Finish current span
* @param string $result
* @param bool $theEnd
public static function finishCurrentSpan(&$result, $theEnd = false) {
$textSpan = substr($result, self::$posSpanStart);
$result = substr($result, 0, self::$posSpanStart);
// Get rid of empty spans, so that our check for presence of RTL will work
$result = str_replace(array(self::$startLTR . self::$endLTR, self::$startRTL . self::$endRTL), '', $result);
// Look for numeric strings that are times (hh:mm:ss). These have to be separated from surrounding numbers.
$tempResult = '';
while ($textSpan != '') {
$posColon = strpos($textSpan, ':');
if ($posColon === false) {
} // No more possible time strings
$posLRE = strpos($textSpan, WT_UTF8_LRE);
if ($posLRE === false) {
} // No more numeric strings
$posPDF = strpos($textSpan, WT_UTF8_PDF, $posLRE);
if ($posPDF === false) {
} // No more numeric strings
$tempResult .= substr($textSpan, 0, $posLRE + 3); // Copy everything preceding the numeric string
$numericString = substr($textSpan, $posLRE + 3, $posPDF - $posLRE); // Separate the entire numeric string
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, $posPDF + 3);
$posColon = strpos($numericString, ':');
if ($posColon === false) {
// Nothing that looks like a time here
$tempResult .= $numericString;
$posBlank = strpos($numericString . ' ', ' ');
$posNbsp = strpos($numericString . ' ', ' ');
if ($posBlank < $posNbsp) {
$posSeparator = $posBlank;
$lengthSeparator = 1;
} else {
$posSeparator = $posNbsp;
$lengthSeparator = 6;
if ($posColon > $posSeparator) {
// We have a time string preceded by a blank: Exclude that blank from the numeric string
$tempResult .= substr($numericString, 0, $posSeparator);
$tempResult .= WT_UTF8_PDF;
$tempResult .= substr($numericString, $posSeparator, $lengthSeparator);
$tempResult .= WT_UTF8_LRE;
$numericString = substr($numericString, $posSeparator + $lengthSeparator);
$posBlank = strpos($numericString, ' ');
$posNbsp = strpos($numericString, ' ');
if ($posBlank === false && $posNbsp === false) {
// The time string isn't followed by a blank
$textSpan = $numericString . $textSpan;
// We have a time string followed by a blank: Exclude that blank from the numeric string
if ($posBlank === false) {
$posSeparator = $posNbsp;
$lengthSeparator = 6;
} elseif ($posNbsp === false) {
$posSeparator = $posBlank;
$lengthSeparator = 1;
} elseif ($posBlank < $posNbsp) {
$posSeparator = $posBlank;
$lengthSeparator = 1;
} else {
$posSeparator = $posNbsp;
$lengthSeparator = 6;
$tempResult .= substr($numericString, 0, $posSeparator);
$tempResult .= WT_UTF8_PDF;
$tempResult .= substr($numericString, $posSeparator, $lengthSeparator);
$posSeparator += $lengthSeparator;
$numericString = substr($numericString, $posSeparator);
$textSpan = WT_UTF8_LRE . $numericString . $textSpan;
$textSpan = $tempResult . $textSpan;
$trailingBlanks = '';
$trailingBreaks = '';
/* ****************************** LTR text handling ******************************** */
if (self::$currentState === 'LTR') {
// Move trailing numeric strings to the following RTL text. Include any blanks preceding or following the numeric text too.
if (I18N::direction() === 'rtl' && self::$previousState === 'RTL' && !$theEnd) {
$trailingString = '';
$savedSpan = $textSpan;
while ($textSpan !== '') {
// Look for trailing spaces and tentatively move them
if (substr($textSpan, -1) === ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -6) === ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -3) !== WT_UTF8_PDF) {
// There is no trailing numeric string
$textSpan = $savedSpan;
// We have a numeric string
$posStartNumber = strrpos($textSpan, WT_UTF8_LRE);
if ($posStartNumber === false) {
$posStartNumber = 0;
$trailingString = substr($textSpan, $posStartNumber, strlen($textSpan) - $posStartNumber) . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, $posStartNumber);
// Look for more spaces and move them too
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -6) == ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
self::$waitingText = $trailingString . self::$waitingText;
$savedSpan = $textSpan;
// Move any trailing
, optionally preceded or followed by blanks, outside this LTR span
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == ' ') {
$trailingBlanks = ' ' . $trailingBlanks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr('......' . $textSpan, -6) == ' ') {
$trailingBlanks = ' ' . $trailingBlanks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -6);
while (substr($textSpan, -9) == '') {
$trailingBreaks = '
' . $trailingBreaks; // Plain
because it’s outside a span
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -9);
if ($trailingBreaks != '') {
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == ' ') {
$trailingBreaks = ' ' . $trailingBreaks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr('......' . $textSpan, -6) == ' ') {
$trailingBreaks = ' ' . $trailingBreaks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -6);
self::$waitingText = $trailingBlanks . self::$waitingText; // Put those trailing blanks inside the following span
} else {
$textSpan = $savedSpan;
$trailingBlanks = '';
$trailingPunctuation = '';
$trailingID = '';
$trailingSeparator = '';
$leadingSeparator = '';
while (I18N::direction() === 'rtl') {
if (strpos($result, self::$startRTL) !== false) {
// Remove trailing blanks for inclusion in a separate LTR span
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) === ' ') {
$trailingBlanks = ' ' . $trailingBlanks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -6) === ' ') {
$trailingBlanks = ' ' . $trailingBlanks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
// Remove trailing punctuation for inclusion in a separate LTR span
if ($textSpan == '') {
$trailingChar = "\n";
} else {
$trailingChar = substr($textSpan, -1);
if (strpos(self::PUNCTUATION, $trailingChar) !== false) {
$trailingPunctuation = $trailingChar;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
// Remove trailing ID numbers that look like "(xnnn)" for inclusion in a separate LTR span
while (true) {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) != ')') {
} // There is no trailing ')'
$posLeftParen = strrpos($textSpan, '(');
if ($posLeftParen === false) {
} // There is no leading '('
$temp = self::stripLrmRlm(substr($textSpan, $posLeftParen)); // Get rid of UTF8 control codes
// If the parenthesized text doesn't look like an ID number,
// we don't want to touch it.
// This check won’t work if somebody uses ID numbers with an unusual format.
$offset = 1;
$charArray = self::getChar($temp, $offset); // Get 1st character of parenthesized text
if (strpos(self::NUMBERS, $charArray['letter']) !== false) {
$offset += $charArray['length']; // Point at 2nd character of parenthesized text
if (strpos(self::NUMBERS, substr($temp, $offset, 1)) === false) {
// 1st character of parenthesized text is alpha, 2nd character is a digit; last has to be a digit too
if (strpos(self::NUMBERS, substr($temp, -2, 1)) === false) {
$trailingID = substr($textSpan, $posLeftParen);
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, $posLeftParen);
// Look for " - " or blank preceding the ID number and remove it for inclusion in a separate LTR span
if ($trailingID != '') {
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == ' ') {
$trailingSeparator = ' ' . $trailingSeparator;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -6) == ' ') {
$trailingSeparator = ' ' . $trailingSeparator;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -6);
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == '-') {
$trailingSeparator = '-' . $trailingSeparator;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
// Look for " - " preceding the text and remove it for inclusion in a separate LTR span
$foundSeparator = false;
$savedSpan = $textSpan;
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, 0, 1) == ' ') {
$leadingSeparator = ' ' . $leadingSeparator;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 1);
if (substr($textSpan, 0, 6) == ' ') {
$leadingSeparator = ' ' . $leadingSeparator;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 6);
if (substr($textSpan, 0, 1) == '-') {
$leadingSeparator = '-' . $leadingSeparator;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 1);
$foundSeparator = true;
if (!$foundSeparator) {
$textSpan = $savedSpan;
$leadingSeparator = '';
// We're done: finish the span
$textSpan = self::starredName($textSpan, 'LTR'); // Wrap starred name in and tags
while (true) {
// Remove blanks that precede
if (strpos($textSpan, ' ') !== false) {
$textSpan = str_replace(' ', '', $textSpan);
if (strpos($textSpan, ' ') !== false) {
$textSpan = str_replace(' ', '', $textSpan);
if ($leadingSeparator != '') {
$result = $result . self::$startLTR . $leadingSeparator . self::$endLTR;
$result = $result . $textSpan . self::$endLTR;
if ($trailingSeparator != '') {
$result = $result . self::$startLTR . $trailingSeparator . self::$endLTR;
if ($trailingID != '') {
$result = $result . self::$startLTR . $trailingID . self::$endLTR;
if ($trailingPunctuation != '') {
$result = $result . self::$startLTR . $trailingPunctuation . self::$endLTR;
if ($trailingBlanks != '') {
$result = $result . self::$startLTR . $trailingBlanks . self::$endLTR;
/* ****************************** RTL text handling ******************************** */
if (self::$currentState == 'RTL') {
$savedSpan = $textSpan;
// Move any trailing
, optionally followed by blanks, outside this RTL span
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == ' ') {
$trailingBlanks = ' ' . $trailingBlanks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr('......' . $textSpan, -6) == ' ') {
$trailingBlanks = ' ' . $trailingBlanks;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -6);
while (substr($textSpan, -9) == '') {
$trailingBreaks = '
' . $trailingBreaks; // Plain
because it’s outside a span
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -9);
if ($trailingBreaks != '') {
self::$waitingText = $trailingBlanks . self::$waitingText; // Put those trailing blanks inside the following span
} else {
$textSpan = $savedSpan;
// Move trailing numeric strings to the following LTR text. Include any blanks preceding or following the numeric text too.
if (!$theEnd && I18N::direction() !== 'rtl') {
$trailingString = '';
$savedSpan = $textSpan;
while ($textSpan != '') {
// Look for trailing spaces and tentatively move them
if (substr($textSpan, -1) === ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -6) === ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -3) !== WT_UTF8_PDF) {
// There is no trailing numeric string
$textSpan = $savedSpan;
// We have a numeric string
$posStartNumber = strrpos($textSpan, WT_UTF8_LRE);
if ($posStartNumber === false) {
$posStartNumber = 0;
$trailingString = substr($textSpan, $posStartNumber, strlen($textSpan) - $posStartNumber) . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, $posStartNumber);
// Look for more spaces and move them too
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -6) == ' ') {
$trailingString = ' ' . $trailingString;
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
self::$waitingText = $trailingString . self::$waitingText;
// Trailing " - " needs to be prefixed to the following span
if (!$theEnd && substr('...' . $textSpan, -3) == ' - ') {
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -3);
self::$waitingText = ' - ' . self::$waitingText;
while (I18N::direction() === 'rtl') {
// Look for " - " preceding and relocate it to the front of the string
$posDashString = strpos($textSpan, ' - ');
if ($posDashString === false) {
$posStringStart = strrpos(substr($textSpan, 0, $posDashString), '');
if ($posStringStart === false) {
$posStringStart = 0;
} else {
$posStringStart += 9;
} // Point to the first char following the last
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, $posStringStart) . ' - ' . substr($textSpan, $posStringStart, $posDashString - $posStringStart) . substr($textSpan, $posDashString + 3);
// Strip leading spaces from the RTL text
$countLeadingSpaces = 0;
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, 0, 1) == ' ') {
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 1);
if (substr($textSpan, 0, 6) == ' ') {
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 6);
// Strip trailing spaces from the RTL text
$countTrailingSpaces = 0;
while ($textSpan != '') {
if (substr($textSpan, -1) == ' ') {
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -1);
if (substr($textSpan, -6) == ' ') {
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, -6);
// Look for trailing " -", reverse it, and relocate it to the front of the string
if (substr($textSpan, -2) === ' -') {
$posDashString = strlen($textSpan) - 2;
$posStringStart = strrpos(substr($textSpan, 0, $posDashString), '');
if ($posStringStart === false) {
$posStringStart = 0;
} else {
$posStringStart += 9;
} // Point to the first char following the last
$textSpan = substr($textSpan, 0, $posStringStart) . '- ' . substr($textSpan, $posStringStart, $posDashString - $posStringStart) . substr($textSpan, $posDashString + 2);
if ($countLeadingSpaces != 0) {
$newLength = strlen($textSpan) + $countLeadingSpaces;
$textSpan = str_pad($textSpan, $newLength, ' ', (I18N::direction() === 'rtl' ? STR_PAD_LEFT : STR_PAD_RIGHT));
if ($countTrailingSpaces != 0) {
if (I18N::direction() === 'ltr') {
if ($trailingBreaks === '') {
// Move trailing RTL spaces to front of following LTR span
$newLength = strlen(self::$waitingText) + $countTrailingSpaces;
self::$waitingText = str_pad(self::$waitingText, $newLength, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
} else {
$newLength = strlen($textSpan) + $countTrailingSpaces;
$textSpan = str_pad($textSpan, $newLength, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
// We're done: finish the span
$textSpan = self::starredName($textSpan, 'RTL'); // Wrap starred name in and tags
$result = $result . $textSpan . self::$endRTL;
if (self::$currentState != 'LTR' && self::$currentState != 'RTL') {
$result = $result . $textSpan;
$result .= $trailingBreaks; // Get rid of any waiting
* Wrap text, similar to the PHP wordwrap() function.
* @param string $string
* @param int $width
* @param string $sep
* @param bool $cut
* @return string
public static function utf8WordWrap($string, $width = 75, $sep = "\n", $cut = false) {
$out = '';
while ($string) {
if (mb_strlen($string) <= $width) {
// Do not wrap any text that is less than the output area.
$out .= $string;
$string = '';
} else {
$sub1 = mb_substr($string, 0, $width + 1);
if (mb_substr($string, mb_strlen($sub1) - 1, 1) == ' ') {
// include words that end by a space immediately after the area.
$sub = $sub1;
} else {
$sub = mb_substr($string, 0, $width);
$spacepos = strrpos($sub, ' ');
if ($spacepos === false) {
// No space on line?
if ($cut) {
$out .= $sub . $sep;
$string = mb_substr($string, mb_strlen($sub));
} else {
$spacepos = strpos($string, ' ');
if ($spacepos === false) {
$out .= $string;
$string = '';
} else {
$out .= substr($string, 0, $spacepos) . $sep;
$string = substr($string, $spacepos + 1);
} else {
// Split at space;
$out .= substr($string, 0, $spacepos) . $sep;
$string = substr($string, $spacepos + 1);
return $out;