# NB: Because we're using 'declare' without -g, the array will be declared as a local variable.
# Please keep in mind that the long option will be used as a variable to store the values for this option.
# For the previous example, that means that $finalpath will be fill with the value given as argument for this option.
# Also, in the previous example, finalpath has a '=' at the end. That means this option need a value.
# So, the helper has to be call with --finalpath /final/path, --finalpath=/final/path or -f /final/path, the variable $finalpath will get the value /final/path
# If there's many values for an option, -f /final /path, the value will be separated by a ';' $finalpath=/final;/path
# For an option without value, like --user in the example, the helper can be called only with --user or -u. $user will then get the value 1.
# To keep a retrocompatibility, a package can still call a helper, using getopts, with positional arguments.
# The "legacy mode" will manage the positional arguments and fill the variable in the same order than they are given in $args_array.
# e.g. for `my_helper "val1" val2`, arg1 will be filled with val1, and arg2 with val2.
ynh_handle_getopts_args (){
# Manage arguments only if there's some provided
set +x
if[$# -ne 0]
# Store arguments in an array to keep each argument separated
# For each option in the array, reduce to short options for getopts (e.g. for [u]=user, --user will be -u)
# And built parameters string for getopts
# ${!args_array[@]} is the list of all keys in the array (A key is 'u' in [u]=user, user is a value)
for key in "${!args_array[@]}"
# Concatenate each keys of the array to build the string of arguments for getopts
# Will looks like 'abcd' for -a -b -c -d
# If the value of a key finish by =, it's an option with additionnal values. (e.g. --user bob or -u bob)
# Check the last character of the value associate to the key
if["${args_array[$key]: -1}"="="]
# For an option with additionnal values, add a ':' after the letter for getopts.
# Check each argument given to the function
# ${#arguments[@]} is the size of the array
for arg in `seq 0$((${#arguments[@]}-1))`
# And replace long option (value of the key) by the short option, the key itself
# Execute a command and print the result as an error
# usage: ynh_exec_err command to execute
# usage: ynh_exec_err "command to execute | following command"
# In case of use of pipes, you have to use double quotes. Otherwise, this helper will be executed with the first command, then be send to the next pipe.
# | arg: command - command to execute
ynh_exec_err (){
ynh_print_err "$(eval$@)"
# Execute a command and print the result as a warning
# usage: ynh_exec_warn command to execute
# usage: ynh_exec_warn "command to execute | following command"
# In case of use of pipes, you have to use double quotes. Otherwise, this helper will be executed with the first command, then be send to the next pipe.
# | arg: command - command to execute
ynh_exec_warn (){
ynh_print_warn "$(eval$@)"
# Execute a command and force the result to be printed on stdout
# usage: ynh_exec_warn_less command to execute
# usage: ynh_exec_warn_less "command to execute | following command"
# In case of use of pipes, you have to use double quotes. Otherwise, this helper will be executed with the first command, then be send to the next pipe.
# | arg: command - command to execute
ynh_exec_warn_less (){
eval$@ 2>&1
# Execute a command and redirect stdout in /dev/null
# usage: ynh_exec_quiet command to execute
# usage: ynh_exec_quiet "command to execute | following command"
# In case of use of pipes, you have to use double quotes. Otherwise, this helper will be executed with the first command, then be send to the next pipe.
# | arg: command - command to execute
ynh_exec_quiet (){
eval$@ > /dev/null
# Execute a command and redirect stdout and stderr in /dev/null
# usage: ynh_exec_fully_quiet command to execute
# usage: ynh_exec_fully_quiet "command to execute | following command"
# In case of use of pipes, you have to use double quotes. Otherwise, this helper will be executed with the first command, then be send to the next pipe.
# | arg: command - command to execute
ynh_exec_fully_quiet (){
eval$@ > /dev/null 2>&1
# Remove any logs for all the following commands.
# usage: ynh_print_OFF
# WARNING: You should be careful with this helper, and never forgot to use ynh_print_ON as soon as possible to restore the logging.
ynh_print_OFF (){
set +x
# Restore the logging after ynh_print_OFF
# usage: ynh_print_ON
ynh_print_ON (){
set -x
# Print an echo only for the log, to be able to know that ynh_print_ON has been called.
# The difference will be in the $1 at the end, which keep the following queries.
# But, if it works perfectly for a html request, there's an issue with any php files.
# This files are treated as simple files, and will be downloaded by the browser.
# Would be really be nice to be able to fix that issue. So that, when the page is reloaded after the maintenance, the user will be redirected to the real page he was.
systemctl reload nginx
ynh_maintenance_mode_OFF (){
# Load value of $path_url and $domain from the config if their not set
if[ -z $path_url];then
path_url=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app path)
if[ -z $domain];then
domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app domain)
# Rewrite the nginx config file to redirect from ${path_url}_maintenance to the real url of the app.