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synced 2024-09-03 18:06:05 +02:00
* [fix] check_process After zerotier_ynh removal from apps list, one has to --force its installation * [rem] unnecessary sudo in nodejs helpers * [enh] calibrating script progression * [upg] package version
353 lines
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353 lines
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# dependencies used by the app
# Execute a command as another user
# usage: exec_as USER COMMAND [ARG ...]
ynh_exec_as() {
local USER=$1
shift 1
if [[ $USER = $(whoami) ]]; then
eval "$@"
sudo -u "$USER" "$@"
# Create a dedicated systemd config
# usage: ynh_add_systemd_config [--service=service] [--template=template] [--others_var="list of others variables to replace"]
# | arg: -s, --service - Service name (optional, $app by default)
# | arg: -t, --template - Name of template file (optional, this is 'systemd' by default, meaning ./conf/systemd.service will be used as template)
# | arg: -v, --others_var - List of others variables to replace separated by a space. For example: 'var_1 var_2 ...'
# This will use the template ../conf/<templatename>.service
# to generate a systemd config, by replacing the following keywords
# with global variables that should be defined before calling
# this helper :
# __APP__ by $app
# __FINALPATH__ by $final_path
# And dynamic variables (from the last example) :
# __VAR_1__ by $var_1
# __VAR_2__ by $var_2
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.2 or higher.
ynh_add_systemd_config_vars () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=stv
declare -Ar args_array=( [s]=service= [t]=template= [v]=others_var= )
local service
local template
local others_var
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file="$finalsystemdconf"
cp ../conf/$template "$finalsystemdconf"
# To avoid a break by set -u, use a void substitution ${var:-}. If the variable is not set, it's simply set with an empty variable.
# Substitute in a nginx config file only if the variable is not empty
if test -n "${final_path:-}"; then
ynh_replace_string --match_string="__FINALPATH__" --replace_string="$final_path" --target_file="$finalsystemdconf"
if test -n "${app:-}"; then
ynh_replace_string --match_string="__APP__" --replace_string="$app" --target_file="$finalsystemdconf"
# Replace all other variables given as arguments
for var_to_replace in $others_var
# ${var_to_replace^^} make the content of the variable on upper-cases
# ${!var_to_replace} get the content of the variable named $var_to_replace
ynh_replace_string --match_string="__${var_to_replace^^}__" --replace_string="${!var_to_replace}" --target_file="$finalsystemdconf"
ynh_store_file_checksum --file="$finalsystemdconf"
chown root: "$finalsystemdconf"
systemctl enable $service
systemctl daemon-reload
# N_PREFIX is the directory of n, it needs to be loaded as a environment variable.
export N_PREFIX="$n_install_dir"
# Install Node version management
# [internal]
# usage: ynh_install_n
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
EXPERIMENTAL_ynh_install_n () {
ynh_print_info --message="Installation of N - Node.js version management"
# Build an app.src for n
mkdir -p "../conf"
echo "SOURCE_URL=https://github.com/tj/n/archive/v4.1.0.tar.gz
SOURCE_SUM=3983fa3f00d4bf85ba8e21f1a590f6e28938093abe0bb950aeea52b1717471fc" > "../conf/n.src"
# Download and extract n
ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$n_install_dir/git" --source_id=n
# Install n
(cd "$n_install_dir/git"
PREFIX=$N_PREFIX make install 2>&1)
# Load the version of node for an app, and set variables.
# ynh_use_nodejs has to be used in any app scripts before using node for the first time.
# This helper will provide alias and variables to use in your scripts.
# To use npm or node, use the alias `ynh_npm` and `ynh_node`
# Those alias will use the correct version installed for the app
# For example: use `ynh_npm install` instead of `npm install`
# With `sudo` or `ynh_exec_as`, use instead the fallback variables `$ynh_npm` and `$ynh_node`
# Exemple: `ynh_exec_as $app $ynh_npm install`
# $PATH contains the path of the requested version of node.
# However, $PATH is duplicated into $node_PATH to outlast any manipulation of $PATH
# You can use the variable `$ynh_node_load_PATH` to quickly load your node version
# in $PATH for an usage into a separate script.
# Exemple: $ynh_node_load_PATH $final_path/script_that_use_npm.sh`
# Finally, to start a nodejs service with the correct version, 2 solutions
# Either the app is dependent of node or npm, but does not called it directly.
# In such situation, you need to load PATH
# `Environment="__NODE_ENV_PATH__"`
# `ExecStart=__FINALPATH__/my_app`
# You will replace __NODE_ENV_PATH__ with $ynh_node_load_PATH
# Or node start the app directly, then you don't need to load the PATH variable
# `ExecStart=__YNH_NODE__ my_app run`
# You will replace __YNH_NODE__ with $ynh_node
# 2 other variables are also available
# - $nodejs_path: The absolute path to node binaries for the chosen version.
# - $nodejs_version: Just the version number of node for this app. Stored as 'nodejs_version' in settings.yml.
# usage: ynh_use_nodejs
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
EXPERIMENTAL_ynh_use_nodejs () {
nodejs_version=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$app --key=nodejs_version)
# Get the absolute path of this version of node
# Allow alias to be used into bash script
shopt -s expand_aliases
# Create an alias for the specific version of node and a variable as fallback
alias ynh_node="$ynh_node"
# And npm
alias ynh_npm="$ynh_npm"
# Load the path of this version of node in $PATH
[[ :$PATH: == *":$nodejs_path"* ]] || PATH="$nodejs_path:$PATH"
# Create an alias to easily load the PATH
# Install a specific version of nodejs
# n (Node version management) uses the PATH variable to store the path of the version of node it is going to use.
# That's how it changes the version
# ynh_install_nodejs will install the version of node provided as argument by using n.
# usage: ynh_install_nodejs --nodejs_version=nodejs_version
# | arg: -n, --nodejs_version - Version of node to install. When possible, your should prefer to use major version number (e.g. 8 instead of 8.10.0). The crontab will then handle the update of minor versions when needed.
# Refer to ynh_use_nodejs for more information about available commands and variables
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
EXPERIMENTAL_ynh_install_nodejs () {
# Use n, https://github.com/tj/n to manage the nodejs versions
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=n
declare -Ar args_array=( [n]=nodejs_version= )
local nodejs_version
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# Create $n_install_dir
mkdir -p "$n_install_dir"
# Load n path in PATH
# Remove /usr/local/bin in PATH in case of node prior installation
PATH=$(echo $CLEAR_PATH | sed 's@/usr/local/bin:@@')
# Move an existing node binary, to avoid to block n.
test -x /usr/bin/node && mv /usr/bin/node /usr/bin/node_n
test -x /usr/bin/npm && mv /usr/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm_n
# If n is not previously setup, install it
if ! test $(n --version > /dev/null 2>&1)
# Modify the default N_PREFIX in n script
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^N_PREFIX=\${N_PREFIX-.*}$" --replace_string="N_PREFIX=\${N_PREFIX-$N_PREFIX}" --target_file="$n_install_dir/bin/n"
# Restore /usr/local/bin in PATH
# And replace the old node binary.
test -x /usr/bin/node_n && mv /usr/bin/node_n /usr/bin/node
test -x /usr/bin/npm_n && mv /usr/bin/npm_n /usr/bin/npm
# Install the requested version of nodejs
uname=$(uname -m)
if [[ $uname =~ aarch64 || $uname =~ arm64 ]]
n $nodejs_version --arch=arm64
n $nodejs_version
# Find the last "real" version for this major version of node.
real_nodejs_version=$(find $node_version_path/$nodejs_version* -maxdepth 0 | sort --version-sort | tail --lines=1)
real_nodejs_version=$(basename $real_nodejs_version)
# Create a symbolic link for this major version if the file doesn't already exist
if [ ! -e "$node_version_path/$nodejs_version" ]
ln --symbolic --force --no-target-directory $node_version_path/$real_nodejs_version $node_version_path/$nodejs_version
# Store the ID of this app and the version of node requested for it
echo "$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME:$nodejs_version" | tee --append "$n_install_dir/ynh_app_version"
# Store nodejs_version into the config of this app
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=nodejs_version --value=$nodejs_version
# Build the update script and set the cronjob
# Remove the version of node used by the app.
# This helper will check if another app uses the same version of node,
# if not, this version of node will be removed.
# If no other app uses node, n will be also removed.
# usage: ynh_remove_nodejs
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
EXPERIMENTAL_ynh_remove_nodejs () {
nodejs_version=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$app --key=nodejs_version)
# Remove the line for this app
sed --in-place "/$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME:$nodejs_version/d" "$n_install_dir/ynh_app_version"
# If no other app uses this version of nodejs, remove it.
if ! grep --quiet "$nodejs_version" "$n_install_dir/ynh_app_version"
$n_install_dir/bin/n rm $nodejs_version
# If no other app uses n, remove n
if [ ! -s "$n_install_dir/ynh_app_version" ]
ynh_secure_remove --file="$n_install_dir"
ynh_secure_remove --file="/usr/local/n"
sed --in-place "/N_PREFIX/d" /root/.bashrc
rm -f /etc/cron.daily/node_update
# Set a cron design to update your node versions
# [internal]
# This cron will check and update all minor node versions used by your apps.
# usage: ynh_cron_upgrade_node
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
ynh_cron_upgrade_node () {
# Build the update script
cat > "$n_install_dir/node_update.sh" << EOF
# Log the date
# List all real installed version of node
all_real_version="\$(find \$version_path/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | sed "s@\$version_path/@@g")"
# Keep only the major version number of each line
all_real_version=\$(echo "\$all_real_version" | sed 's/\..*\$//')
# Remove double entries
all_real_version=\$(echo "\$all_real_version" | sort --unique)
# Read each major version
while read version
echo "Update of the version \$version"
\$n_install_dir/bin/n \$version
# Find the last "real" version for this major version of node.
real_nodejs_version=\$(find \$version_path/\$version* -maxdepth 0 | sort --version-sort | tail --lines=1)
real_nodejs_version=\$(basename \$real_nodejs_version)
# Update the symbolic link for this version
ln --symbolic --force --no-target-directory \$version_path/\$real_nodejs_version \$version_path/\$version
done <<< "\$(echo "\$all_real_version")"
chmod +x "$n_install_dir/node_update.sh"
# Build the cronjob
cat > "/etc/cron.daily/node_update" << EOF
$n_install_dir/node_update.sh >> $n_install_dir/node_update.log
chmod +x "/etc/cron.daily/node_update"