#!/bin/bash # Keep this path for calling _common.sh inside the execution's context of backup and restore scripts source ../settings/scripts/_common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers #================================================= # RECREATE THE DEDICATED USER #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Recreating the dedicated system user..." if grep dialout -q < /etc/group; then usermod -a -G dialout "$app" fi if grep i2c -q < /etc/group; then usermod -a -G i2c "$app" fi if grep gpio -q < /etc/group; then usermod -a -G gpio "$app" fi #================================================= # RESTORE THE APP MAIN DIR #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Restoring the app main directory..." ynh_restore "$install_dir" #REMOVEME? Assuming the install dir is setup using ynh_setup_source, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chmod 750 "$install_dir" #REMOVEME? Assuming the install dir is setup using ynh_setup_source, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chmod -R o-rwx "$install_dir" #REMOVEME? Assuming the install dir is setup using ynh_setup_source, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chown -R $app: "$install_dir" ynh_script_progression "Restoring system configurations related to $app..." ynh_restore "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" ynh_restore "/etc/systemd/system/$app.service" systemctl enable $app.service --quiet ynh_restore "/etc/logrotate.d/$app" mkdir -p /var/log/$app #REMOVEME? Assuming ynh_config_add_logrotate is called, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chown -R $app:$app /var/log/$app yunohost service add $app --description="Zwave integration in domoticz" --log="/var/log/$app/$app.log" #================================================= # START SYSTEMD SERVICE #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Starting $app's systemd service..." ynh_systemctl --service=$app --action="start" --wait_until="Listening on port" -t 30 #================================================= # RELOAD NGINX AND PHP-FPM #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Reloading NGINX web server..." ynh_systemctl --service=nginx --action=reload #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Restoration completed for $app"