Only the `portal_domain` SSOwat configuration parameters is required, but it is recommended to know the others to fully understand what you can do with it.
-`cookie_secret_file`: Where the secret used for signing and encrypting cookie is stored. It should only be readable by root.
-`cookie_name`: The name of the cookie used for authentication. Its content is expected to be a JWT signed with the cookie secret and should contain a key `user` and `password` (which is needed for Basic HTTP Auth). Because JWT is only encoded and signed (not encrypted), the `password` is expected to be encrypted using the cookie secret.
-`portal_domain`: Domain of the authentication portal. It has to be a domain, IP addresses will not work with SSOwat (**Required**).
-`portal_path`: URI of the authentication portal (**default**: `/ssowat/`). This path **must** end with “`/`”.
-`domains`: List of handled domains (**default**: similar to `portal_domain`).
-`redirected_urls`: Array of URLs and/or URIs to redirect and their redirect URI/URL (**example**: `{ "/": "" }`).
-`redirected_regex`: Array of regular expressions to be matched against URLs **and** URIs and their redirect URI/URL (**example**: `{ "$": "" }`).
A user-friendly name displayed in the portal and in the administration panel to manage permission. (**By convention it is of the form: Name of the app (specificity of this permission)**)