[enh] Finish documenting the code

This commit is contained in:
kload 2015-02-15 12:31:23 +01:00
parent 28e0bc2a6a
commit 7a86897579

View file

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ end
-- example: https://mydomain.org/ssowat*
-- If the URL matches the portal URL, serve a portal file or proceed to a
-- portal operations
-- portal operation
if ngx.var.host == conf["portal_domain"]
and hlp.string.starts(ngx.var.uri, string.sub(conf["portal_path"], 1, -2))
@ -90,8 +90,13 @@ then
if uri_args.action and uri_args.action == 'logout' then
return hlp.logout()
-- If the `r` URI argument is set, it means that we want to
-- be redirected (typically after a login phase)
elseif hlp.is_logged_in() and uri_args.r then
back_url = ngx.decode_base64(uri_args.r)
-- In case the `back_url` is not on the same domain than the
-- current one, create a redirection with a CDA key
if not string.match(back_url, "^http[s]?://"..ngx.var.host.."/")
and not string.match(back_url, ".*"..conf.login_arg.."=%d+$") then
cda_key = tostring(math.random(1111111, 9999999))
@ -103,26 +108,33 @@ then
back_url = back_url.."sso_login="..cda_key
return hlp.redirect(back_url)
elseif hlp.is_logged_in() -- Authenticated
or ngx.var.uri == conf["portal_path"] -- OR Want to serve portal login
or (string.starts(ngx.var.uri, conf["portal_path"].."assets")
-- In case we want to serve portal login or assets for portal, just
-- serve it
elseif hlp.is_logged_in()
or ngx.var.uri == conf["portal_path"]
or (hlp.string.starts(ngx.var.uri, conf["portal_path"].."assets")
and (not ngx.var.http_referer
or hlp.string.starts(ngx.var.http_referer, conf.portal_url))) -- OR Want to serve assets for portal login
or hlp.string.starts(ngx.var.http_referer, conf.portal_url)))
-- Serve normal portal
return hlp.serve(ngx.var.uri)
-- If all the previous cases have failed, redirect to portal
-- Redirect to portal
hlp.flash("info", t("please_login"))
return hlp.redirect(conf.portal_url)
-- `POST` method is basically use to achieve editing operations
elseif ngx.var.request_method == "POST" then
-- CSRF protection
-- CSRF protection, only proceed if we are editing from the same
-- domain
if hlp.string.starts(ngx.var.http_referer, conf.portal_url) then
if hlp.string.ends(ngx.var.uri, conf["portal_path"].."password.html")
or hlp.string.ends(ngx.var.uri, conf["portal_path"].."edit.html")
@ -139,7 +151,13 @@ then
-- Redirected urls
-- 3. Redirected URLs
-- If the URL matches one of the `redirected_urls` in the configuration file,
-- just redirect to the target URL/URI
function detect_redirection(redirect_url)
if hlp.string.starts(redirect_url, "http://")
@ -172,7 +190,16 @@ if conf["redirected_regex"] then
-- URL that must be protected
-- 4. Protected URLs
-- If the URL matches one of the `protected_urls` in the configuration file,
-- we have to protect it even if the URL is also set in the `unprotected_urls`.
-- It could be useful if you want to unprotect every URL except a few
-- particular ones.
function is_protected()
if not conf["protected_urls"] then
conf["protected_urls"] = {}
@ -197,8 +224,14 @@ function is_protected()
return false
-- Skipped urls
-- i.e. http://mydomain.org/no_protection/
-- 5. Skipped URLs
-- If the URL matches one of the `skipped_urls` in the configuration file,
-- it means that the URL should not be protected by the SSO and no header
-- has to be sent, even if the user is already authenticated.
if conf["skipped_urls"] then
for _, url in ipairs(conf["skipped_urls"]) do
@ -222,8 +255,17 @@ end
-- Unprotected urls
-- i.e. http://mydomain.org/no_protection+headers/
-- 6. Unprotected URLs
-- If the URL matches one of the `unprotected_urls` in the configuration file,
-- it means that the URL should not be protected by the SSO *but* headers have
-- to be sent if the user is already authenticated.
-- It means that you can let anyone access to an app, but if a user has already
-- been authenticated on the portal, he can have its authentication headers
-- passed to the app.
if conf["unprotected_urls"] then
for _, url in ipairs(conf["unprotected_urls"]) do
@ -251,7 +293,14 @@ if conf["unprotected_regex"] then
-- Cookie validation
-- 7. Specific files (used in YunoHost)
-- We want to serve specific portal assets right at the root of the domain.
-- For example: `https://mydomain.org/ynhpanel.js` will serve the
-- `/yunohost/sso/assets/js/ynhpanel.js` file.
if hlp.is_logged_in() then
@ -264,18 +313,32 @@ if hlp.is_logged_in() then
if string.match(ngx.var.uri, "^/ynhpanel.json$") then
-- If user has no access to this URL, redirect him to the portal
if not hlp.has_access() then
return hlp.redirect(conf.portal_url)
-- If the user is authenticated and has access to the URL, sen the headers
-- and let it be
return hlp.pass()
-- Login with HTTP Auth if credentials are brought
-- 8. Basic HTTP Authentication
-- If the `Authorization` header is set before reaching the SSO, we want to
-- match user and password against the user database.
-- It allows you to bypass the cookie-based procedure with a per-request
-- authentication. Very usefull when you are trying to reach a specific URL
-- via cURL for example.
local auth_header = ngx.req.get_headers()["Authorization"]
if auth_header then
_, _, b64_cred = string.find(auth_header, "^Basic%s+(.+)$")
_, _, user, password = string.find(ngx.decode_base64(b64_cred), "^(.+):(.+)$")
@ -286,7 +349,12 @@ if auth_header then
-- Else redirect to portal
-- 9. Redirect to login
-- If no previous rule has matched, just redirect to the portal login.
-- The default is to protect every URL by default.
hlp.flash("info", t("please_login"))