[enh] auto rehash in sha-512 users passwords on login

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Laurent Peuch 2017-08-15 11:41:24 +02:00
parent 2ff2fb92f3
commit d16f3f81d0

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@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ function authenticate(user, password)
-- cache shared table in order to eventually reuse it later when updating
-- profile information or just passing credentials to an application.
if connected then
ensure_user_password_uses_strong_hash(connected, user, password)
cache:add(user.."-password", password, conf["session_timeout"])
ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "Connected as: "..user)
return user
@ -573,6 +574,33 @@ function get_data_for(view)
return data
-- this function is launched after a successful login
-- it checked if the user password is stored using the most secure hashing
-- algorithm available
-- if it's not the case, it migrates the password to this new hash algorithm
function ensure_user_password_uses_strong_hash(ldap, user, password)
local current_hashed_password = nil
for dn, attrs in ldap:search {
base = "ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org",
scope = "onelevel",
sizelimit = 1,
filter = "(uid="..user..")",
attrs = {"userPassword"}
} do
current_hashed_password = attrs["userPassword"]:sub(0, 10)
-- if the password is not hashed using sha-512, which is the strongest
-- available hash rehash it using that
-- Here "{CRYPT}" means "uses linux auth system"
-- "6" means "uses sha-512", any lower number mean a less strong algo (1 == md5)
if current_hashed_password:sub(0, 10) ~= "{CRYPT}$6$" then
local dn = conf["ldap_identifier"].."="..user..","..conf["ldap_group"]
local hashed_password = hash_password(password)
ldap:modify(dn, {'=', userPassword = hashed_password })
-- Compute the user modification POST request
-- It has to update cached information and edit the LDAP user entry