-- -- Load configuration -- cookies = {} local conf_file = assert(io.open(conf_path, "r"), "Configuration file is missing") local conf = json.decode(conf_file:read("*all")) local portal_url = conf["portal_scheme"].."://".. conf["portal_domain"].. conf["portal_path"] table.insert(conf["skipped_urls"], conf["portal_domain"]..conf["portal_path"]) -- Dummy intructions ngx.header["X-SSO-WAT"] = "You've just been SSOed" -- -- Useful functions -- function read_file(file) local f = io.open(file, "rb") if not f then return false end local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return content end function is_in_table (t, v) for key, value in ipairs(t) do if value == v then return key end end end function string.starts (String, Start) return string.sub(String, 1, string.len(Start)) == Start end function string.ends (String, End) return End=='' or string.sub(String, -string.len(End)) == End end function cook (cookie_str) table.insert(cookies, cookie_str) end function flash (wat, message) if wat == "fail" or wat == "win" or wat == "info" then flashs[wat] = message end end function set_auth_cookie (user, domain) local maxAge = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 -- 1 week local expire = ngx.req.start_time() + maxAge local hash = ngx.md5(srvkey.. "|" ..ngx.var.remote_addr.. "|"..user.. "|"..expire) local cookie_str = "; Domain=."..domain.. "; Path=/".. "; Max-Age="..maxAge cook("SSOwAuthUser="..user..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthHash="..hash..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthExpire="..expire..cookie_str) end function set_redirect_cookie (redirect_url) cook( "SSOwAuthRedirect="..redirect_url.. "; Path="..conf["portal_path"].. "; Max-Age=3600;" ) end function delete_cookie () expired_time = "Thu, Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC;" for _, domain in ipairs(conf["domains"]) do local cookie_str = "; Domain=."..domain.. "; Path=/".. "; Max-Age="..expired_time cook("SSOwAuthUser=;" ..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthHash=;" ..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthExpire=;" ..cookie_str) end end function delete_redirect_cookie () expired_time = "Thu, Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC;" local cookie_str = "; Path="..conf["portal_path"].. "; Max-Age="..expired_time cook("SSOwAuthRedirect=;" ..cookie_str) end function is_logged_in () -- Check if cookie is set if ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire ~= "" and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthHash and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthHash ~= "" and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser ~= "" then -- Check expire time if (ngx.req.start_time() <= tonumber(ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire)) then -- Check hash local hash = ngx.md5(srvkey.. "|"..ngx.var.remote_addr.. "|"..ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser.. "|"..ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire) return hash == ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthHash end end return false end function authenticate (user, password) connected = lualdap.open_simple ( "localhost", "uid=".. user ..",ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org", password ) if connected and not cache[user] then cache[user] = { password=password } end return connected end function set_headers (user) user = user or ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser if not cache[user] or not cache[user]["mail"] then ldap = lualdap.open_simple("localhost") for dn, attribs in ldap:search { base = "uid=".. user ..",ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org", scope = "base", sizelimit = 1, attrs = {"uid", "givenname", "sn", "cn", "homedirectory", "mail", "maildrop"} } do for k,v in pairs(attribs) do cache[user][k] = v end end end -- Set HTTP Auth header ngx.req.set_header("Authorization", "Basic "..ngx.encode_base64( cache[user]["uid"]..":"..cache[user]["password"] )) -- Set Additional headers for k, v in pairs(conf["additional_headers"]) do ngx.req.set_header(k, cache[user][v]) end end function get_mails(user) local mails = { mail = "", mailalias = {}, maildrop = {} } if type(cache[user]["mail"]) == "table" then mails["mail"] = cache[user]["mail"][1] for k, mail in ipairs(cache[user]["mail"]) do if k ~= 1 then table.insert(mails["mailalias"], mail) end end else mails["mail"] = cache[user]["mail"] end if type(cache[user]["maildrop"]) == "table" then for k, mail in ipairs(cache[user]["maildrop"]) do if k ~= 1 then table.insert(mails["maildrop"], mail) end end end return mails end function get_domains() local domains = {} ldap = lualdap.open_simple("localhost") for dn, attribs in ldap:search { base = "ou=domains,dc=yunohost,dc=org", scope = "onelevel", attrs = {"virtualdomain"} } do table.insert(domains, attribs["virtualdomain"]) end return domains end -- Yo dawg function serve(uri) rel_path = string.gsub(uri, conf["portal_path"], "/") -- Load login.html as index if rel_path == "/" then if is_logged_in() then rel_path = "/panel.ms" else rel_path = "/login.html" end end -- Access to directory root: forbidden if string.ends(rel_path, "/") then return ngx.exit(403) end -- Try to get file content local content = read_file(script_path.."portal"..rel_path) if not content then return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) end -- Extract file extension _, file, ext = string.match(rel_path, "(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$") -- Associate to MIME type mime_types = { html = "text/html", ms = "text/html", js = "text/javascript", map = "text/javascript", css = "text/css", gif = "image/gif", jpg = "image/jpeg", png = "image/png", svg = "image/svg+xml", ico = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", } -- Set Content-Type if mime_types[ext] then ngx.header["Content-Type"] = mime_types[ext] else ngx.header["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" end -- Render as mustache if ext == "html" then local data = get_data_for(file) local rendered = hige.render(read_file(script_path.."portal/header.ms"), data) rendered = rendered..hige.render(content, data) content = rendered..hige.render(read_file(script_path.."portal/footer.ms"), data) elseif ext == "ms" then content = hige.render(content, {}) end -- Reset flash messages flashs["fail"] = nil flashs["win"] = nil flashs["info"] = nil -- Ain't nobody got time for cache ngx.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache" ngx.say(content) return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end function get_data_for(view) local user = ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser local data = {} if view == "login.html" then data["title"] = "YunoHost Login" elseif view == "info.html" then set_headers(user) local mails = get_mails(user) data = { title = cache[user]["uid"].." "..cache[user]["cn"].."", connected = true, uid = cache[user]["uid"], cn = cache[user]["cn"], mail = mails["mail"], mailalias = mails["mailalias"], maildrop = mails["maildrop"] } elseif view == "password.html" then data = { title = "Change password", connected = true } elseif view == "edit.html" then set_headers(user) local mails = get_mails(user) data = { title = "Edit "..user, connected = true, uid = cache[user]["uid"], sn = cache[user]["sn"], givenName = cache[user]["givenName"], mail = mails["mail"], mailalias = mails["mailalias"], maildrop = mails["maildrop"] } end data['flash_fail'] = {flashs["fail"]} data['flash_win'] = {flashs["win"] } data['flash_info'] = {flashs["info"]} return data end function do_edit () ngx.req.read_body() local args = ngx.req.get_post_args() if is_logged_in() and args then ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_CREATED local user = ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser -- Change password if string.ends(ngx.var.uri, "password.html") then if args.currentpassword and args.currentpassword == cache[user]["password"] then if args.newpassword == args.confirm then local dn = "uid="..user..",ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org" local ldap = lualdap.open_simple("localhost", dn, args.currentpassword) local password = "{SHA}"..ngx.encode_base64(ngx.sha1_bin(args.newpassword)) if ldap:modify(dn, {'=', userPassword = password }) then flash("win", "Password successfully changed") cache[user]["password"] = args.newpassword return redirect(portal_url.."info.html") else flash("fail", "An error occured on password changing") end else flash("fail", "New passwords don't match") end else flash("fail", "Actual password is wrong") end return redirect(portal_url.."password.html") -- Edit user informations elseif string.ends(ngx.var.uri, "edit.html") then if args.givenName and args.sn and args.mail then local mailalias = {} if args["mailalias[]"] and type(args["mailalias[]"]) == "table" then mailalias = args["mailalias[]"] end local maildrop = {} if args["maildrop[]"] and type(args["maildrop[]"]) == "table" then maildrop = args["maildrop[]"] end local mail_pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9%.%%%+%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9%.%%%+%-]+%.%w%w%w?%w?" table.insert(mailalias, 1, args.mail) for k, mail in ipairs(mailalias) do if mail == "" then table.remove(mailalias, k) elseif not mail:match(mail_pattern) then flash("fail", "Invalid mail address: "..mail) return redirect(portal_url.."edit.html") else local domains = get_domains() local domain_valid = false for _, domain in ipairs(domains) do if string.ends(mail, "@"..domain) then domain_valid = true break end end if not domain_valid then flash("fail", "Invalid domain for mail "..mail) return redirect(portal_url.."edit.html") end end end for k, mail in ipairs(maildrop) do if mail == "" then table.remove(maildrop, k) elseif not mail:match(mail_pattern) then flash("fail", "Invalid mail forward address: "..mail) return redirect(portal_url.."edit.html") end end table.insert(maildrop, 1, user) local dn = "uid="..user..",ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org" local ldap = lualdap.open_simple("localhost", dn, cache[user]["password"]) local cn = args.givenName.." "..args.sn if ldap:modify(dn, {'=', cn = cn, gecos = cn, givenName = args.givenName, sn = args.sn, mail = mailalias, maildrop = maildrop }) then cache[user]["mail"] = nil set_headers(user) -- Ugly trick to reload cache flash("win", "Informations updated") return redirect(portal_url.."info.html") else flash("fail", "An error occured on user saving") end else flash("fail", "Missing required fields") end return redirect(portal_url.."edit.html") end end end function do_login () ngx.req.read_body() local args = ngx.req.get_post_args() local uri_args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() if authenticate(args.user, args.password) then ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_CREATED local redirect_url = ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthRedirect if uri_args.r then redirect_url = ngx.decode_base64(uri_args.r) end if not redirect_url then redirect_url = portal_url end login[args.user] = {} login[args.user]["redirect_url"] = redirect_url login[args.user]["domains"] = {} for _, value in ipairs(conf["domains"]) do table.insert(login[args.user]["domains"], value) end -- Connect to the first domain (self) return redirect(ngx.var.scheme.."://"..ngx.var.http_host.."/?ssologin="..args.user) else ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED flash("fail", "Wrong username/password combination") return redirect(portal_url) end end function do_logout() local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() if is_logged_in() then local redirect_url = portal_url if args.r then redirect_url = ngx.decode_base64(args.r) end local user = ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser logout[user] = {} logout[user]["redirect_url"] = redirect_url logout[user]["domains"] = {} for _, value in ipairs(conf["domains"]) do table.insert(logout[user]["domains"], value) end return redirect(ngx.var.scheme.."://"..ngx.var.http_host.."/?ssologout="..user) else flash("info", "Logged out") return redirect(portal_url) end end function login_walkthrough (user) -- Set Authentication cookies set_auth_cookie(user, ngx.var.host) -- Remove domain from login table domain_key = is_in_table(login[user]["domains"], ngx.var.host) table.remove(login[user]["domains"], domain_key) if table.getn(login[user]["domains"]) == 0 then -- All the redirections has been made local redirect_url = login[user]["redirect_url"] login[user] = nil if redirect_url == portal_url then flash("win", "Logged in") end return redirect(redirect_url) else -- Redirect to the next domain for _, domain in ipairs(login[user]["domains"]) do return redirect(ngx.var.scheme.."://"..domain.."/?ssologin="..user) end end end function logout_walkthrough (user) -- Expire Authentication cookies delete_cookie() -- Remove domain from logout table domain_key = is_in_table(logout[user]["domains"], ngx.var.host) table.remove(logout[user]["domains"], domain_key) if table.getn(logout[user]["domains"]) == 0 then -- All the redirections has been made local redirect_url = logout[user]["redirect_url"] logout[user] = nil if redirect_url == portal_url then flash("info", "Logged out") end return redirect(redirect_url) else -- Redirect to the next domain for _, domain in ipairs(logout[user]["domains"]) do return redirect(ngx.var.scheme.."://"..domain.."/?ssologout="..user) end end end function redirect (url) ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = cookies return ngx.redirect(url) end function pass () delete_redirect_cookie() ngx.req.set_header("Set-Cookie", cookies) return end -------------------------------------------------- -- Routing -- -- Logging in/out -- i.e. http://mydomain.org/?ssologin=myuser if ngx.var.request_method == "GET" then local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() -- In login loop local user = args.ssologin if user and login[user] then return login_walkthrough(user) end -- In logout loop user = args.ssologout if user and logout[user] then return logout_walkthrough(user) end end -- Portal -- i.e. http://mydomain.org/ssowat/* if ngx.var.host == conf["portal_domain"] and string.starts(ngx.var.uri, string.sub(conf["portal_path"], 1, -2)) then if ngx.var.request_method == "GET" then -- http://mydomain.org/ssowat if ngx.var.uri.."/" == conf["portal_path"] then return redirect(portal_url) end uri_args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() if uri_args.action and uri_args.action == 'logout' then -- Logout return do_logout() elseif is_logged_in() -- Authenticated or ngx.var.uri == conf["portal_path"] -- OR Want to serve portal login or (string.starts(ngx.var.uri, conf["portal_path"].."assets") and ngx.var.http_referer and string.starts(ngx.var.http_referer, portal_url)) -- OR Want to serve assets for portal login then -- Serve normal portal return serve(ngx.var.uri) else -- Redirect to portal flash("info", "Please log in to access to this content") return redirect(portal_url) end elseif ngx.var.request_method == "POST" then -- CSRF protection if string.starts(ngx.var.http_referer, portal_url) then if string.ends(ngx.var.uri, conf["portal_path"].."password.html") or string.ends(ngx.var.uri, conf["portal_path"].."edit.html") then return do_edit() else return do_login() end else -- Redirect to portal flash("fail", "Please log in from the portal") return redirect(portal_url) end end end -- Skipped urls -- i.e. http://mydomain.org/no_protection/ for _, url in ipairs(conf["skipped_urls"]) do if string.starts(ngx.var.host..ngx.var.uri, url) then return pass() end end -- Unprotected urls -- i.e. http://mydomain.org/no_protection+headers/ for _, url in ipairs(conf["unprotected_urls"]) do if string.starts(ngx.var.host..ngx.var.uri, url) then if is_logged_in() then set_headers() end return pass() end end -- Cookie validation -- if is_logged_in() then set_headers() return pass() else delete_cookie() end -- Login with HTTP Auth if credentials are brought -- local auth_header = ngx.req.get_headers()["Authorization"] if auth_header then _, _, b64_cred = string.find(auth_header, "^Basic%s+(.+)$") _, _, user, password = string.find(ngx.decode_base64(b64_cred), "^(.+):(.+)$") if authenticate(user, password) then set_headers(user) return pass() end end -- Else redirect to portal -- flash("info", "Please log in to access to this content") local back_url = ngx.var.scheme .. "://" .. ngx.var.http_host .. ngx.var.uri return redirect(portal_url.."?r="..ngx.encode_base64(back_url))