-- -- helpers.lua -- -- This is a file called at every request by the `access.lua` file. It contains -- a set of useful functions related to HTTP and LDAP. -- module('helpers', package.seeall) -- Read a FS stored file function read_file(file) local f = io.open(file, "rb") if not f then return false end local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return content end -- Lua has no sugar :D function is_in_table (t, v) for key, value in ipairs(t) do if value == v then return key end end end -- Test whether a string starts with another function string.starts (String, Start) return string.sub(String, 1, string.len(Start)) == Start end -- Test whether a string ends with another function string.ends (String, End) return End=='' or string.sub(String, -string.len(End)) == End end -- Find a string by its translate key in the right language function t (key) if conf.lang and i18n[conf.lang] then return i18n[conf.lang][key] or "" else return i18n[conf["default_language"]][key] or "" end end -- Set a cookie function cook (cookie_str) if not is_in_table(cookies, cookie_str) then table.insert(cookies, cookie_str) end end -- Store a message in the flash shared table in order to display it at the -- next response function flash (wat, message) if wat == "fail" or wat == "win" or wat == "info" then flashs[wat] = message end end -- Convert a table of arguments to an URI string function uri_args_string (args) if not args then args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() end String = "?" for k,v in pairs(args) do String = String..tostring(k).."="..tostring(v).."&" end return string.sub(String, 1, string.len(String) - 1) end -- Compute and set the authentication cookie -- -- Sets 3 cookies containing: -- * The username -- * The expiration time -- * A hash of those information along with the client IP address and a unique -- session key -- -- It enables the SSO to quickly retrieve the username and the session -- expiration time, and to prove their authenticity to avoid session hijacking. -- function set_auth_cookie (user, domain) local maxAge = conf["session_max_timeout"] local expire = ngx.req.start_time() + maxAge local session_key = cache:get("session_"..user) if not session_key then session_key = random_string() cache:add("session_"..user, session_key, conf["session_max_timeout"]) end local hash = ngx.md5(srvkey.. "|" ..ngx.var.remote_addr.. "|"..user.. "|"..expire.. "|"..session_key) local cookie_str = "; Domain=."..domain.. "; Path=/".. "; Max-Age="..maxAge cook("SSOwAuthUser="..user..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthHash="..hash..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthExpire="..expire..cookie_str) end -- Expires the 3 session cookies function delete_cookie () expired_time = "Thu, Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC;" for _, domain in ipairs(conf["domains"]) do local cookie_str = "; Domain=."..domain.. "; Path=/".. "; Max-Age="..expired_time cook("SSOwAuthUser=;" ..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthHash=;" ..cookie_str) cook("SSOwAuthExpire=;" ..cookie_str) end end -- Expires the redirection cookie function delete_redirect_cookie () expired_time = "Thu, Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC;" local cookie_str = "; Path="..conf["portal_path"].. "; Max-Age="..expired_time cook("SSOwAuthRedirect=;" ..cookie_str) end -- Validate authentification -- -- Check if the session cookies are set, and rehash server + client information -- to match the session hash. -- function is_logged_in () if ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire ~= "" and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthHash and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthHash ~= "" and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser and ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser ~= "" then -- Check expire time if (ngx.req.start_time() <= tonumber(ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire)) then -- Check hash local session_key = cache:get("session_"..ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser) if session_key and session_key ~= "" then -- Check cache if cache:get(ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser.."-password") then local hash = ngx.md5(srvkey.. "|"..ngx.var.remote_addr.. "|"..ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser.. "|"..ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthExpire.. "|"..session_key) return hash == ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthHash end end end end return false end -- Check whether a user is allowed to access a URL using the `users` directive -- of the configuration file function has_access (user, url) user = user or ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser url = url or ngx.var.host..ngx.var.uri -- If there are no `users` directive, or if the user has no ACL set, he can -- access the URL by default if not conf["users"] or not conf["users"][user] then return true end -- Loop through user's ACLs and return if the URL is authorized. for u, _ in pairs(conf["users"][user]) do -- Replace the original domain by a local one if you are connected from -- a non-global domain name. if ngx.var.host == conf["local_portal_domain"] then u = string.gsub(u, conf["original_portal_domain"], conf["local_portal_domain"]) end if string.starts(url, string.sub(u, 1, -2)) then return true end end return false end -- Authenticate a user against the LDAP database using a username or an email -- address. -- Reminder: conf["ldap_identifier"] is "uid" by default function authenticate (user, password) -- Try to find the username from an email address by openning an anonymous -- LDAP connection and check if the email address exists if conf["allow_mail_authentication"] and string.find(user, "@") then ldap = lualdap.open_simple(conf["ldap_host"]) for dn, attribs in ldap:search { base = conf["ldap_group"], scope = "onelevel", sizelimit = 1, filter = "(mail="..user..")", attrs = {conf["ldap_identifier"]} } do if attribs[conf["ldap_identifier"]] then ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "Use email: "..user) user = attribs[conf["ldap_identifier"]] else ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Unknown email: "..user) return false end end ldap:close() end -- Now that we have a username, we can try connecting to the LDAP base. connected = lualdap.open_simple ( conf["ldap_host"], conf["ldap_identifier"].."=".. user ..","..conf["ldap_group"], password ) cache:flush_expired() -- If we are connected, we can retrieve the password and put it in the -- cache shared table in order to eventually reuse it later when updating -- profile information or just passing credentials to an application. if connected then cache:add(user.."-password", password, conf["session_timeout"]) ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "Connected as: "..user) return user -- Else, the username/email or the password is wrong else ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Connection failed for: "..user) return false end end -- Set the authentication headers in order to pass credentials to the -- application underneath. function set_headers (user) -- We definetly don't want to pass credential on a non-encrypted -- connection. if ngx.var.scheme ~= "https" then return redirect("https://"..ngx.var.host..ngx.var.uri..uri_args_string()) end user = user or ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser -- If the password is not in cache of if the cache has expired, ask for -- logging. if not cache:get(user.."-password") then flash("info", t("please_login")) local back_url = ngx.var.scheme .. "://" .. ngx.var.host .. ngx.var.uri .. uri_args_string() return redirect(conf.portal_url.."?r="..ngx.encode_base64(back_url)) end -- If the user information is not in cache, open an LDAP connection and -- fetch it. if not cache:get(user.."-"..conf["ldap_identifier"]) then ldap = lualdap.open_simple(conf["ldap_host"]) ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, "Reloading LDAP values for: "..user) for dn, attribs in ldap:search { base = conf["ldap_identifier"].."=".. user ..","..conf["ldap_group"], scope = "base", sizelimit = 1, attrs = conf["ldap_attributes"] } do for k,v in pairs(attribs) do if type(v) == "table" then for k2,v2 in ipairs(v) do if k2 == 1 then cache:set(user.."-"..k, v2, conf["session_timeout"]) end cache:set(user.."-"..k.."|"..k2, v2, conf["session_max_timeout"]) end else cache:set(user.."-"..k, v, conf["session_timeout"]) end end end else -- Else, just revalidate session for another day by default password = cache:get(user.."-password") cache:set(user.."-password", password, conf["session_timeout"]) end -- Set `authorization` header to enable HTTP authentification ngx.req.set_header("Authorization", "Basic "..ngx.encode_base64( user..":"..cache:get(user.."-password") )) -- Set optionnal additional headers (typically to pass email address) for k, v in pairs(conf["additional_headers"]) do ngx.req.set_header(k, cache:get(user.."-"..v)) end end -- Summarize email, aliases and forwards in a table for a specific user function get_mails(user) local mails = { mail = "", mailalias = {}, maildrop = {} } -- default mail mails["mail"] = cache:get(user.."-mail") -- mail aliases if cache:get(user.."-mail|2") then local i = 2 while cache:get(user.."-mail|"..i) do table.insert(mails["mailalias"], cache:get(user.."-mail|"..i)) i = i + 1 end end -- mail forward if cache:get(user.."-maildrop|2") then local i = 2 while cache:get(user.."-maildrop|"..i) do table.insert(mails["maildrop"], cache:get(user.."-maildrop|"..i)) i = i + 1 end end return mails end -- Yo dawg, this enables SSOwat to serve files in HTTP in an HTTP server -- Much reliable, very solid. -- -- Takes an URI, and returns file content with the proper HTTP headers. -- It is used to render the SSOwat portal *only*. function serve(uri) rel_path = string.gsub(uri, conf["portal_path"], "/") -- Load login.html as index if rel_path == "/" then if is_logged_in() then rel_path = "/info.html" else rel_path = "/login.html" end end -- Access to directory root: forbidden if string.ends(rel_path, "/") then return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) end -- Try to get file content local content = read_file(script_path.."portal"..rel_path) if not content then return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) end -- Extract file extension _, file, ext = string.match(rel_path, "(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$") -- Associate to MIME type mime_types = { html = "text/html", ms = "text/html", js = "text/javascript", map = "text/javascript", css = "text/css", gif = "image/gif", jpg = "image/jpeg", png = "image/png", svg = "image/svg+xml", ico = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", woff = "application/x-font-woff", json = "application/json" } -- Set Content-Type if mime_types[ext] then ngx.header["Content-Type"] = mime_types[ext] else ngx.header["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" end -- Render as mustache if ext == "html" then local data = get_data_for(file) local rendered = hige.render(read_file(script_path.."portal/header.ms"), data) rendered = rendered..hige.render(content, data) content = rendered..hige.render(read_file(script_path.."portal/footer.ms"), data) elseif ext == "ms" then local data = get_data_for(file) content = hige.render(content, data) elseif ext == "json" then local data = get_data_for(file) content = json.encode(data) end -- Reset flash messages flashs["fail"] = nil flashs["win"] = nil flashs["info"] = nil -- Ain't nobody got time for cache ngx.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache" -- Print file content ngx.say(content) -- Return 200 :-) return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end -- Simple controller that computes a data table to populate a specific view. -- The resulting data table typically contains the user information, the page -- title, the flash notifications' content and the translated strings. function get_data_for(view) local user = ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser -- For the login page we only need the page title if view == "login.html" then data = { title = t("login"), connected = false } -- For those views, we may need user information elseif view == "info.html" or view == "edit.html" or view == "password.html" or view == "ynhpanel.json" then set_headers(user) local mails = get_mails(user) data = { connected = true, portal_url = conf.portal_url, uid = user, cn = cache:get(user.."-cn"), sn = cache:get(user.."-sn"), givenName = cache:get(user.."-givenName"), mail = mails["mail"], mailalias = mails["mailalias"], maildrop = mails["maildrop"], app = {} } -- Add user's accessible URLs using the ACLs. -- It is typically used to build the app list. for url, name in pairs(conf["users"][user]) do if ngx.var.host == conf["local_portal_domain"] then url = string.gsub(url, conf["original_portal_domain"], conf["local_portal_domain"]) end table.insert(data["app"], { url = url, name = name }) end end -- Pass all the translated strings to the view (to use with t_) if conf.lang and i18n[conf.lang] then translate_table = i18n[conf.lang] else translate_table = i18n[conf["default_language"]] end for k, v in pairs(translate_table) do data["t_"..k] = v end -- Pass flash notification content data['flash_fail'] = {flashs["fail"]} data['flash_win'] = {flashs["win"] } data['flash_info'] = {flashs["info"]} return data end -- Compute the user modification POST request -- It has to update cached information and edit the LDAP user entry -- according to the changes detected. function edit_user () -- We need these calls since we are in a POST request ngx.req.read_body() local args = ngx.req.get_post_args() -- Ensure that user is logged in and has passed information -- before continuing. if is_logged_in() and args then -- Set HTTP status to 201 ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_CREATED local user = ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser -- In case of a password modification -- TODO: split this into a new function if string.ends(ngx.var.uri, "password.html") then -- Check current password against the cached one if args.currentpassword and args.currentpassword == cache:get(user.."-password") then -- and the new password against the confirmation field's content if args.newpassword == args.confirm then local dn = conf["ldap_identifier"].."="..user..","..conf["ldap_group"] -- Open the LDAP connection local ldap = lualdap.open_simple(conf["ldap_host"], dn, args.currentpassword) local password = "{SHA}"..ngx.encode_base64(ngx.sha1_bin(args.newpassword)) -- Modify the LDAP information if ldap:modify(dn, {'=', userPassword = password }) then flash("win", t("password_changed")) -- Reset the password cache cache:set(user.."-password", args.newpassword, conf["session_timeout"]) return redirect(conf.portal_url.."info.html") else flash("fail", t("password_changed_error")) end else flash("fail", t("password_not_match")) end else flash("fail", t("wrong_current_password")) end return redirect(conf.portal_url.."password.html") -- In case of profile modification -- TODO: split this into a new function elseif string.ends(ngx.var.uri, "edit.html") then -- Check that needed arguments exist if args.givenName and args.sn and args.mail then -- Unstack mailaliases local mailalias = {} if args["mailalias[]"] then if type(args["mailalias[]"]) == "string" then args["mailalias[]"] = {args["mailalias[]"]} end mailalias = args["mailalias[]"] end -- Unstack mail forwards local maildrop = {} if args["maildrop[]"] then if type(args["maildrop[]"]) == "string" then args["maildrop[]"] = {args["maildrop[]"]} end maildrop = args["maildrop[]"] end -- Limit domains per user: -- This ensures that a user already has an email address or an -- aliases that ends with a specific domain to claim new aliases -- on this domain. -- -- I.E. You need to have xxx@domain.org to claim a -- yyy@domain.org alias. -- local domains = {} local ldap = lualdap.open_simple(conf["ldap_host"]) for dn, attribs in ldap:search { base = conf["ldap_group"], scope = "onelevel", sizelimit = 1, filter = "(uid="..user..")", attrs = {"mail"} } do -- Filter configuration's domain list to keep only -- "allowed" domains for _, domain in ipairs(conf["domains"]) do for k, mail in ipairs(attribs["mail"]) do if string.ends(mail, "@"..domain) then if not is_in_table(domains, domain) then table.insert(domains, domain) end end end end end ldap:close() local rex = require "rex_pcre" local rex_flags = rex.flags() local mail_re = rex.new([[^[\w\.\-+%]+@([^\W_A-Z]+([\-]*[^\W_A-Z]+)*\.)+([^\W\d_]{2,})$]], rex_flags.UTF8 + rex_flags.UCP) local mails = {} -- Build an LDAP filter so that we can ensure that email -- addresses are used only once. local filter = "(|" table.insert(mailalias, 1, args.mail) -- Loop through all the aliases for k, mail in ipairs(mailalias) do if mail ~= "" then -- Check the mail pattern if not mail_re:match(mail) then flash("fail", t("invalid_mail")..": "..mail) return redirect(conf.portal_url.."edit.html") -- Check that the domain is known and allowed else local domain_valid = false for _, domain in ipairs(domains) do if string.ends(mail, "@"..domain) then domain_valid = true break end end if domain_valid then table.insert(mails, mail) filter = filter.."(mail="..mail..")" else flash("fail", t("invalid_domain").." "..mail) return redirect(conf.portal_url.."edit.html") end end end end -- filter should look like "(|(mail=my@mail.tld)(mail=my@mail2.tld))" filter = filter..")" -- For email forwards, we only need to check that they look -- like actual emails local drops = {} for k, mail in ipairs(maildrop) do if mail ~= "" then if not mail_re:match(mail) then flash("fail", t("invalid_mailforward")..": "..mail) return redirect(conf.portal_url.."edit.html") end table.insert(drops, mail) end end table.insert(drops, 1, user) -- We now have a list of validated emails and forwards. -- We need to check if there is a user with a claimed email -- already before writing modifications to the LDAP. local dn = conf["ldap_identifier"].."="..user..","..conf["ldap_group"] local ldap = lualdap.open_simple(conf["ldap_host"], dn, cache:get(user.."-password")) local cn = args.givenName.." "..args.sn for dn, attribs in ldap:search { base = conf["ldap_group"], scope = "onelevel", filter = filter, attrs = {conf["ldap_identifier"], "mail"} } do -- Another user with one of these emails has been found. if attribs[conf["ldap_identifier"]] and attribs[conf["ldap_identifier"]] ~= user then if type(attribs["mail"]) == "string" then attribs["mail"] = {attribs["mail"]} end for _, mail in ipairs(attribs["mail"]) do if is_in_table(mails, mail) then flash("fail", t("mail_already_used").." "..mail) end end return redirect(conf.portal_url.."edit.html") end end -- No problem so far, we can write modifications to the LDAP if ldap:modify(dn, {'=', cn = cn, givenName = args.givenName, sn = args.sn, mail = mails, maildrop = drops }) then -- Then delete the cached information for the specific -- user. cache:delete(user.."-"..conf["ldap_identifier"]) local i = 2 while cache:get(user.."-mail|"..i) do cache:delete(user.."-mail|"..i) i = i + 1 end local i = 2 while cache:get(user.."-maildrop|"..i) do cache:delete(user.."-maildrop|"..i) i = i + 1 end -- Ugly trick to force cache reloading set_headers(user) flash("win", t("information_updated")) return redirect(conf.portal_url.."info.html") else flash("fail", t("user_saving_fail")) end else flash("fail", t("missing_required_fields")) end return redirect(conf.portal_url.."edit.html") end end end -- Compute the user login POST request -- It authenticates the user against the LDAP base then redirects to the portal function login () -- We need these calls since we are in a POST request ngx.req.read_body() local args = ngx.req.get_post_args() local uri_args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() user = authenticate(args.user, args.password) if user then ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_CREATED set_auth_cookie(user, ngx.var.host) else ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED flash("fail", t("wrong_username_password")) end -- Forward the `r` URI argument if it exists to redirect -- the user properly after a successful login. if uri_args.r then return redirect(conf.portal_url.."?r="..uri_args.r) else return redirect(conf.portal_url) end end -- Compute the user logout request -- It deletes session cached information to invalidate client side cookie -- information. function logout() -- We need this call since we are in a POST request local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() if is_logged_in() then cache:delete("session_"..ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser) cache:delete(ngx.var.cookie_SSOwAuthUser.."-"..conf["ldap_identifier"]) -- Ugly trick to reload cache flash("info", t("logged_out")) return redirect(conf.portal_url) end end -- Set cookie and redirect (needed to properly set cookie) function redirect (url) ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = cookies ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "Redirect to: "..url) return ngx.redirect(url) end -- Set cookie and go on with the response (needed to properly set cookie) function pass () delete_redirect_cookie() ngx.req.set_header("Set-Cookie", cookies) -- When we are in the SSOwat portal, we need a default `content-type` if string.ends(ngx.var.uri, "/") or string.ends(ngx.var.uri, ".html") or string.ends(ngx.var.uri, ".htm") then ngx.header["Content-Type"] = "text/html" end return end