
306 lines
12 KiB

import re
import time
import asyncio
import aiodns
import aiohttp
import validators
import socket
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.log import logger
from sanic.response import html, json as json_response
from sanic.exceptions import InvalidUsage
app = Sanic()
# keep that in memory
# to prevent DDoS or bounce attack attempt or something like that
# Can't do more than 10 requests in a 300-seconds window
def clear_rate_limit_db(now):
to_delete = []
"Remove too old rate limit values"
for key, times in RATE_LIMIT_DB.items():
# Remove values older RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS
RATE_LIMIT_DB[key] = [t for t in times if now - t < RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS]
# If list is empty, remove the key
if RATE_LIMIT_DB[key] == []:
# a dictionnary can't be modified during iteration so delegate this
# operation
for key in to_delete:
del RATE_LIMIT_DB[key]
def check_rate_limit(key, now):
# If there are more recent attempts than allowed
oldest_attempt = RATE_LIMIT_DB[key][0]"Rate limit reached for {key}, can retry in {int(RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS - now + oldest_attempt)} seconds")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_rate_limit",
"content": f"Rate limit reached for this domain or ip, retry in {int(RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS - now + oldest_attempt)} seconds",
}, status=400)
# In any case, add this attempt to the DB
if key not in RATE_LIMIT_DB:
RATE_LIMIT_DB[key] = [now]
async def check_port_is_open(ip, port):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = sock.connect_ex((ip, port))
return result == 0
# FIXME : remove it ? not used anymore...
async def query_dns(host, dns_entry_type):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
dns_resolver = aiodns.DNSResolver(loop=loop)
return await dns_resolver.query(host, dns_entry_type)
except aiodns.error.DNSError:
return []
except Exception:
import traceback
logger.error("Unhandled error while resolving DNS entry")
@app.route("/check-http/", methods=["POST"])
async def check_http(request):
This function received an HTTP request from a YunoHost instance while this
server is hosted on our infrastructure. The request is expected to be a
POST request with a body like {"domain": "domain-to-check.tld",
"nonce": "1234567890abcdef" }
The nonce value is a single-use ID, and we will try to reach
http://domain.tld/.well-known/ynh-{nonce} which should return 200 if we
are indeed reaching the right server.
The general workflow is the following:
- grab the ip from the request
- check for ip based rate limit (see RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS value)
- get json from body and domain from it
- check for domain based rate limit (see RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS value)
- check domain is in valid format
- try to do an http request on the ip (using the domain as target host) for the page /.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/{nonce}
- answer saying if the domain can be reached
# this is supposed to be a fast operation if run often enough
now = time.time()
# ############################################# #
# Validate request and extract the parameters #
# ############################################# #
ip = request.headers["x-forwarded-for"].split(",")[0]
check_rate_limit_ip = check_rate_limit(ip, now)
if check_rate_limit_ip:
return check_rate_limit_ip
data = request.json
except InvalidUsage:"Invalid json in request, body is: {request.body}")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_bad_json",
"content": "Invalid usage, body isn't proper json",
}, status=400)
if not data or "domain" not in data or "nonce" not in data:"Invalid request: didn't specified a domain and a nonce id (body is: {request.body}")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_no_domain_",
"content": "Request must specify a domain and a nonce",
}, status=400)
domain = data["domain"]
# Since now we are only checking the IP itself, it seems
# unecessary to also have a rate limit on domains since the
# rate limit on IP will be hit first ...
# That would simplify some code, for example we could add the
# rate limit check in a decorator for each route/check
check_rate_limit_domain = check_rate_limit(domain, now)
if check_rate_limit_domain:
return check_rate_limit_domain
if not validators.domain(domain):"Invalid request, is not in the right format (domain is: {domain})")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_domain_bad_format",
"content": "domain is not in the right format (do not include http:// or https://)",
}, status=400)
nonce = data["nonce"]
# nonce id is arbitrarily defined to be a
# 16-digit hexadecimal string
if not re.match(r"^[a-f0-9]{16}$", nonce):"Invalid request, is not in the right format (nonce is: {nonce})")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_nonce_bad_format",
"content": "nonce is not in the right format (it should be a 16-digit hexadecimal string)",
}, status=400)
# ############################################# #
# Run the actual check #
# ############################################# #
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
url = "http://" + ip + "/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/" + nonce
async with session.get(url,
headers={"Host": domain},
timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10)) as response:
# XXX in the futur try to do a double check with the server to
# see if the correct content is get
await response.text()
# TODO various kind of errors
except (aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerTimeoutError, asyncio.TimeoutError):
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_http_check_timeout",
"content": "Timed-out while trying to contact your server from outside. It appears to be unreachable. You should check that you're correctly forwarding port 80, that nginx is running, and that a firewall is not interfering.",
}, status=418)
except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError as e:
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_http_check_connection_error",
"content": "Connection error: could not connect to the requested domain, it's very likely unreachable. Raw error: " + str(e),
}, status=418)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_http_check_unknown_error",
"content": "An error happened while trying to reach your domain, it's very likely unreachable. Raw error: %s" % e,
}, status=400)
if response.status != 200:
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_http_check_bad_status_code",
"content": "Could not reach your server as expected, it returned code %s. It might be that another machine answered instead of your server. You should check that you're correctly forwarding port 80, that your nginx configuration is up to date, and that a reverse-proxy is not interfering." % response.status,
}, status=418)
else:"Success when checking http access for {domain} asked by {ip}")
return json_response({"status": "ok"})
@app.route("/check-ports/", methods=["POST"])
async def check_ports(request):
This function received an HTTP request from a YunoHost instance while this
server is hosted on our infrastructure. The request is expected to be a
POST request with a body like {"ports": [80,443,22,25]}
The general workflow is the following:
- grab the ip from the request
- check for ip based rate limit (see RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS value)
- get json from body and ports list from it
- check ports are opened or closed
- answer the list of opened / closed ports
# this is supposed to be a fast operation if run often enough
now = time.time()
# ############################################# #
# Validate request and extract the parameters #
# ############################################# #
ip = request.headers["x-forwarded-for"].split(",")[0]
check_rate_limit_ip = check_rate_limit(ip, now)
if check_rate_limit_ip:
return check_rate_limit_ip
data = request.json
except InvalidUsage:"Invalid json in request, body is: {request.body}")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_bad_json",
"content": "Invalid usage: body isn't proper json",
}, status=400)
def is_port_number(p):
return isinstance(p, int) and p > 0 and p < 65535
# Check "ports" exist in request and is a list of port
if not data or "ports" not in data:"Invalid request didn't specified a ports list (body is: {request.body}")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_no_ports_list",
"content": "Request must specify a list of ports to check",
}, status=400)
elif not isinstance(data["ports"], list) or any(not is_port_number(p) for p in data["ports"]) or len(data["ports"]) > 30 or data["ports"] == []:"Invalid request, ports list is not an actual list of ports, or is too long: {request.body}")
return json_response({
"status": "error",
"code": "error_invalid_ports_list",
"content": "This is not an acceptable port list: ports must be between 0 and 65535 and at most 30 ports can be checked",
}, status=400)
ports = set(data["ports"]) # Keep only a set so that we get unique ports
# ############################################# #
# Run the actual check #
# ############################################# #
result = {}
for port in ports:
result[int(port)] = await check_port_is_open(ip, port)
return json_response({"status": "ok", "ports": result})
@app.route("/check-smtp/", methods=["POST"])
async def check_smtp(request):
return json_reponse({"status": "error",
"code": "error_not_implemented_yet",
"content": "This is not yet implemented"})
async def main(request):
return html("You aren't really supposed to use this website using your browser.<br><br>It's a small server with an API to check if a services running on YunoHost instance can be reached from 'the global internet'.")
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=7000)