!! Эта настройка в основном предназначена для локального тестирования продвинутыми пользователями. Из-за ограничений на стороне WSL (в частности, изменение IP-адреса) самостоятельный хостинг с него может быть сложным и здесь описываться не будет.
- x86-совместимое оборудование, предназначенное для YunoHost: ноутбук, неттоп, нетбук, настольный компьютер с 512 МБ оперативной памяти и емкостью 16 ГБ (не менее)
- Выделенный или виртуальный частный сервер с Debian 11 (Bullseye) <small>(с**kernel >= 3.12**)</small> предустановленный, 512 МБ оперативной памяти и емкость 16 ГБ (не менее)
- Компьютер x86 с [установленным VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) и достаточный объем оперативной памяти, чтобы иметь возможность запускать небольшую виртуальную машину с 1024 МБ оперативной памяти и емкостью 8 ГБ (как минимум).
- Подсистема Windows для Linux, устанавливаемая из *Включение или отключение компонентов Windows*
- *Рекомендуется:* Приложение Windows Terminal (предварительный просмотр), установленное из магазина Microsoft Store. Намного лучше, чем стандартный терминал, поскольку он предлагает быстрые пути к дистрибутивам WSL.
- Кабель Ethernet (RJ-45) для подключения вашего сервера к маршрутизатору. {% if rpi012 %} (Или, для Rasperry Pi Zero: и USB OTG или wifi-адаптер) {% endif %}
! Примечание: Установка YunoHost в VirtualBox обычно предназначена для тестирования или разработки. Запускать реальный сервер в долгосрочной перспективе неудобно, потому что машина, на которой он установлен, вероятно, не будет работать круглосуточно, а также потому, что Virtualbox добавляет дополнительный уровень сложности при подключении машины к Интернету.
WSL is a nice feature of Windows 10, making Linux pseudo-distributions available through command line. Let's say pseudo, because even though they are not really like virtual machines, they rely on virtualization capacities that make their integration with Windows almost seamless.
Docker for Windows can now rely on WSL instead of Hyper-V, for example.
! Bear in mind, this setup itself is *not* a container of any kind. If something breaks, there is no rollback capability.
! You may need to delete the Debian distro altogether and restore it whole.
## Install Debian 11
Let's install YunoHost into its own distro, not altering the default one. In a PowerShell terminal:
# Let's go in your home directory and prepare the working directories
## [fa=download /] Download the {{image_type}} image
{% if rpi012 %}
! Support for Rasperry Pi 0, 1 and 2 is unfortunately slowly dropping : building fresh images is complex, and RPi 0, 1 and 2 are ARM-32bit systems which will get more and more deprecated over time. Our pre-installed images are quite old. We recommend instead to [download the official Rasperry Pi OS Lite (**32-bit**, **Bullseye**)](https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_lite_armhf/images/?C=M;O=D) and installing YunoHost on top [using similar instructions as for other ARM boards](/install/hardware:arm)
{% endif %}
{% if virtualbox or regular %}
!!! If your host OS is 32 bits, be sure to download the 32-bit image.
{% elseif arm_unsup and not rpi012 %}
<ahref="https://www.armbian.com/download/"target="_BLANK"type="button"class="btn btn-info col-sm-12"style="background: none;">[fa=external-link] Download the image for your board on Armbian's website</a>
!!! N.B.: you should download the image Armbian Bullseye.
{% endif %}
!!! If you wish to check the validity of our signed images, you can [download our public key](https://forge.yunohost.org/yunohost.asc).
{% if internetcube or arm_sup %}
! Current images are from Debian Buster (YunoHost v4.x) and will require that you perform a manual apt update command in SSH or CLI to continue updating.
! Answer Yes to the warning about switching from stable to oldstable.
If you are on GNU/Linux / macOS and know your way around command line, you may also flash your USB stick or SD card with `dd`. You can identify which device corresponds to your USB stick or SD card with `fdisk -l` or `lsblk`. A typical SD card name is something like `/dev/mmcblk0`. BE CAREFUL and make sure you got the right name.
Then run :
# Replace /dev/mmcblk0 if the name of your device is different...
- Plug the ethernet cable (one side on your main router, the other on your board).
- For advanced users willing to configure the board to connect to WiFi instead, see for example [here](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md).
- Plug the SD card in your board
- (Optional) You can connect a screen+keyboard directly on your board if you want to troubleshoot the boot process or if you're more comfortable to "see what happens" or want a direct access to the board.
- Power up the board
- Wait a couple minutes while the board autoconfigure itself during the first boot
- Make sure that your computer (desktop/laptop) is connected to the same local network (i.e. same internet box) as your server.
- Plug the ethernet cable (one side on your main router, the other on your server).
- Boot up your server with the USB stick or a CD-ROM inserted, and select it as **bootable device** by pressing one of the following keys (hardware specific):
- N.B. : if the server was previously installed with a recent version of Windows (8+), you first need to tell Windows, to "actually reboot". This can be done somewhere in "Advanced startup options".
[ui-tab title="Installation classique sur un disque entier"]
!! N.B.: Once you have validated the keyboard layout, the installation will be launched and will completely erase the data on your hard disk!
1. Select `Graphical install`
2. Select your language, your location, your keyboard layout, and eventually your timezone.
3. The installer will then download and install all required packages.
[ui-tab title="Installation in expert mode"]
The YunoHost project simplified the classic installation as much as possible in order to avoid as many people as possible being lost with questions that are too technical or related to specific cases.
With the expert mode installation, you have more possibilities, especially concerning the exact partitioning of your storage media. You can also decide to use the classic mode and [add your disks afterwards](/external_storage).
2. Select your language, location, keyboard layout and possibly your timezone.
3. Partition your disks. This is where you can set up a RAID or encrypt all or part of the server.
4. Specify a possible HTTP proxy to use for the installation of the packages
5. Specify on which volumes grub should be installed
### Regarding partitioning
In general, we recommend against partitioning `/var`, `/opt`, `/usr`, `/bin`, `/etc`, `/lib`, `/tmp` and `/root` on separate partitions. This will prevent you from having to worry about full partitions that could crash your machine, cause app installations to fail, or even corrupt your databases.
For performance reasons, it is recommended to mount your fastest storage (SSD) on the root `/`.
If you have one or more hard drives to store data, you can choose to mount it on one of these folders depending on your usage.
| Path | Contents |
| `/home` | User folders accessible via SFTP |
| `/home/yunohost.backup/archives` | YunoHost backups to be placed ideally elsewhere than on the disks that manage the data |
| `/home/yunohost.app` | Heavy data from YunoHost applications (nextcloud, matrix...) |
| `/home/yunohost.multimedia` | Heavy data shared between several applications |
If you want flexibility and don't want to (re)size partitions, you can also choose to mount on `/mnt/hdd` and follow this [tutorial to mount all these folders with `mount --bind`](/external_storage).
Be aware that if you encrypt all or part of your disks, you will have to type the passphrase every time you restart your server, which can be a problem if you are not on site. There are however solutions (quite difficult to implement) that allow you to type the passphrase via SSH or via a web page (search for "dropbear encrypted disk").
Next you need to [find the local IP address of your server](/finding_the_local_ip) to connect as root user [via SSH](/ssh) with the temporary password `1234`.
!!! If `curl` is not installed on your system, you might need to install it with `apt install curl`.
!!! Otherwise, if the command does not do anything, you might want to `apt install ca-certificates`
!!! **Note for advanced users concerned with the `curl|bash` approach:** consider reading ["Is curl|bash insecure?"](https://sandstorm.io/news/2015-09-24-is-curl-bash-insecure-pgp-verified-install) on Sandstom's blog, and possibly [this discussion on Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12766350&noprocess).
{% endif %}
## [fa=cog /] Proceed with the initial configuration
!!! If you are in the process of restoring a server using a YunoHost backup, you should skip this step and instead [restore the backup instead of the postinstall step](/backup#restoring-during-the-postinstall).
In an internet browser, type **{% if internetcube %}`https://internetcube.local`{% else %}`https://yunohost.local` (or `yunohost-2.local`, and so on if multiple YunoHost servers are on your network){% endif %}**.
!!! If this doesn't work, you can [look for the the local IP address of your server](/finding_the_local_ip). The address typically looks like `192.168.x.y`, and you should therefore type `https://192.168.x.y` in your browser's address bar.
{% else %}
You can perform the initial configuration with the web interface by typing in the address bar of your web browser **the public IP address of your server**. Typically, your VPS provider should have provided you with the IP of the server.
{% endif %}
! During the first visit, you will very likely encounter a security warning related to the certificate used by the server. For now, your server uses a self-signed certificate. {% if not wsl %}You will later be able to add a certificate automatically recognized by web browsers as described in the [certificate documentation](/certificate). {% endif %} For now, you should add a security exception to accept the current certificate. (Though, PLEASE, do not take the habit of blindly accepting this kind of security alert!)
{% if not internetcube %}
You should then land on this page :
[figure class="nomargin" caption="Preview of the Web initial configuration page"]
This will be the domain used by your server's users to access the **authentication portal**. You can later add other domains, and change which one is the main domain if needed.
- If you're new to self-hosting and do not already have a domain name, we recommend using a **.nohost.me** / **.noho.st** / **.ynh.fr** (e.g. `homersimpson.nohost.me`). Provided that it's not already taken, the domain will be configured automatically and you won't need any further configuration step. Please note that the downside is that you won't have full-control over the DNS configuration.
!!! Yes, you *have to* configure a domain name. If you don't have any domain name and don't want a **.nohost.me** / **.noho.st** / **.ynh.fr** either, you can set up a dummy domain such as `yolo.test` and tweak your **local**`/etc/hosts` file such that this dummy domain [points to the appropriate IP, as explained here](/dns_local_network).
{% else %}
You will have to choose a fake domain, since it will not be accessible from outside.
For example, `ynh.wsl`. The tricky part is advertising this domain to your host.
Alter your `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts` file. You should have a line starting by `::1`, update it or add it if needed to get:
[Since YunoHost 11.1](https://forum.yunohost.org/t/yunohost-11-1-release-sortie-de-yunohost-11-1/23378), the first user is now created at this stage. You should pick a username and a reasonably complex password. (We cannot stress enough that the password should be **robust**!) This user will be added to the Admins group, and will therefore be able to access the user portal, the web admin interface, and connect [via **SSH**](/ssh) or [**SFTP**](/filezilla). Admins will also receive emails sent to `root@yourdomain.tld` and `admin@yourdomain.tld` : these emails may be used to send technical informations or alerts. You can later add additional users, which you can also add to the Admins group.
This user replaces the old `admin` user, which some old documentation page may still refer to. In which case : just replace `admin` with your username.
## [fa=stethoscope /] Run the initial diagnosis
Once the postinstall is done, you should be able to actually log in the web admin interface using the credentials of the first user you just created.
{% if wsl %}
! Reminder: YunoHost in WSL will likely not be reachable from outside, and real domains and certificates won't be able to be assigned to it.
{% endif %}
{% if virtualbox %}
! Reminder: YunoHost in VirtualBox will likely not be reachable from outside without further network configuration in Virtualbox's settings. The diagnosis will probably complain about this.
{% endif %}
The diagnosis system is meant to provide an easy way to validate that all critical aspects of your server are properly configured - and guide you in how to fix issues. The diagnosis will run twice a day and send an alert if issues are detected.
!!! N.B. : **don't run away** ! The first time you run the diagnosis, it is quite expected to see a bunch of yellow/red alerts because you typically need to [configure DNS records](/dns_config) (if not using a `.nohost.me`/`noho.st`/`ynh.fr` domain), add a swapfile if not enough ram {% if at_home %} and/or [port forwarding](/isp_box_config){% endif %}.
!!! If an alert is not relevant (for example because you don't intend on using a specific feature), it is perfectly fine to flag the issue as 'ignored' by going in the webadmin > Diagnosis, and clicking the ignore button for this specifc issue.
Once you configured DNS records and port forwarding (if needed), you should be able to install a Let's Encrypt certificate. This will get rid of the spooky security warning from earlier for new visitors.
For more detailed instructions, or to lean more about SSL/TLS certificates, see [the corresponding page here](/certificate).
You now have a pretty well configured server. If you're new to YunoHost, we recommend to have a look at [the guided tour](/overview). You should also be able to [install your favourite applications](/apps). Don't forget to [plan backups](/backup) !