Create a new schedule or a new address book is very simple with radical, just go there! Radical create all new calendar or notebook to nonexistent addresses if you try to access it.
So just log on (as before) to a calendar or a nonexistent address book to create it.
This can be done simply with a browser, to appear in a collection already connected to a client.
In both cases, the sharing works only using the full address of the calendar or collection. In other words, the shares do not appear in the collection of a user.
This limitation may be blocking for clients managing a single collection, as InfCloud. In this particular case, a solution overcomes this problem.
The shared resource becomes a resource from the collection of user1, while it physically remains in the collection of user2.
However, without recourse to the rules for each resource in the collection of user1, the general rule applies. user1 gets so read and write access by default on the shared resource because it is part of his collection.
By default, the Radical log is set to INFO. This method savings the hard drive but does not debug Radicale in case of problems.
To pass Radicale in DEBUG mode, edit the */etc/radicale/logging* and change INFO to DEBUG in sections *[logger_root]* and *[handler_file]*. Then reload the uwsgi service.
Now, the log displays all requests that are made to Radicale and analysis of *rights* file.
However, do not stay on this mode because the log is filled very quickly.