In addition to the []( of the application, here are some useful tips.
The application creates a new user with limited rights: he can connect (with a password) in SFTP to access the `/var/www/my_webapp` folder (or `/var/www/my_webapp__<numero>` if there are several installations of this application).
>WARNING: You now have full rights to your server.
- Create a `.ssh` folder in `/var/www/my_webapp(__#)` or `/var/www/my_webapp` (if your site is at the root of your ndd) (e.g. `mkdir /var/www/my_webapp/.ssh`),
- place yourself in this folder (e.g. `cd /var/www/my_webapp/.ssh`),
- Create an `authorized_keys` file via the `nano authorized_keys` command,
- Paste the contents of `` generated in step XX,
- Move to the `my_webapp` folder (`cd ./..` or `cd /var/www/my_webapp`),
- Enter the user `my_webapp` who owns the file and folder `chown -hR my_webapp .ssh`,
- Check with the following command `ls -l -a` you should get :
root@ndd:/var/www/my_webapp# ls -l -a
total 16
drwxr-x---+ 4 root root 4096 Jan 12 10:56 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 14 root root 4096 Jan 12 10:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 2 my_webapp root 4096 Jan 12 10:57 .ssh
drwxr-xr-x 2 my_webapp www-data 4096 Jan 12 10:47 www
- Open another terminal and test the connection via the command `sftp -i ~/.ssh/your_cle -P XXXX my_webapp@ndd`.