A "no" may cause problems for using your server or may require you to make additional configuration changes. Status in brackets indicates the default behavior.
**Proximus** ne serait pas ouvert à l’auto-hébergement. L’ouverture des ports serait plus difficile afin d’éviter tout SPAM. Il serait préférable de passer par [Neutrinet](http://neutrinet.be), un des [membres de la Fédération French Data Network](http://www.ffdn.org/fr/membres).
| **Proximus** | BBox2 | ja (geactiveerd) | ja | **nee** | **nee** | **nee** |
| | BBox3 | ja (geactiveerd) | ja | **nee** | **nee** | **nee** |
| **Scarlet** | BBox2 | ja (geactiveerd) | ja | **nee** | **nee** | **nee** |
**Proximus** zou niet openstaan voor self-hosting. Het openen van de poorten zou moeilijker zijn om SPAM te voorkomen. Het loont de moeite om een vpn te gebruiken.
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
Tous les fournisseurs d’accès à Internet [membres de la Fédération French Data Network](http://www.ffdn.org/fr/membres) ont une politique favorable à l’auto-hébergement.
Pour une liste plus complète et précise, référez-vous à la très bonne documentation de [wiki.auto-hebergement.fr](http://wiki.auto-hebergement.fr/fournisseurs/fai#d%C3%A9tail_des_fai).
**Astuce**: [FDN](http://www.fdn.fr) fournit des [VPN](http://www.fdn.fr/-VPN-.html) permettant de rapatrier une (ou plusieurs sur demande) IPv4 fixe et un /48 en IPv6 et ainsi «nettoyer» votre connexion si vous êtes chez l’un des FAI *limitants* du tableau ci-dessus.
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
**Notice** : DIGI allows non-business users to subscribe to their business plan, for roughly the same price as the regular plan. Fix IP is an additional subscription for business plan users.
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Telia | Multiple | Yes | No. Business only. | Yes | No. Business only. | No. Business only. |
| Bredbandsbolaget | Multiple | Yes | No. Business only. | Yes | No. Business only. | No. Business only. |
Ownit reserves port 3 and 4 of their router to TV. With a simple call to their hotline, explaining that you want to selfhost, they can reassign one of the ports to be in bridge mode. It means that your server will have its own public fixed IP address, in addition to the modem's.
Most of non business IP provided by ISP are blacklisted.
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| LG U+ (HelloVision) | Multiple | Yes | Yes (Without ISP Router) | No | - | Partial |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |