Here is a non-comprehensive list of internet service providers by countries, wich contains criteria of tolerance to self-hosting.
A "no" may cause problems of the using of your server or may require you to make additional configurations. Status in brackets indicates the default behavior.
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning]( | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning]( | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning]( | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning]( | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| Service provider | Box (modem/router) | uPnP available | Port 25 openable | [Hairpinning]( | Customizable reverse DNS | Fix IP |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Telus | Multiple | - | No. Extra charge | - | - | No. Extra charge |
If you want to add international ISPs information, please do consider [modifying this page](/write_documentation).