From f14fca246601a19ac0a326ea9fa7645cf1d0e729 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jean Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:54:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Translation As requested I have translated the page --- | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index f584cc04..9ad481e1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,11 +2,126 @@ Certificates are used to certify that your server is the genuine one and not a falsified one. -YunoHost provides a self-signed certificate. +YunoHost provides a **self-signed** certificate, it means that your server guaranty the certificate validity. It's enough **for personal usage**, because you trust your own server. But this could be a problem if you want to open access to anonymous like web user for a website. +Concretely users will go throw a screen like this: -Client software (web browser, email client, XMPP client, etc) typically requires you to manually add an exception for that self-signed certificate. + -You can have a certificate signed by an authority, in which case you must upload the appropriate certificate KEY and CRT files to the following files: +This screen ask to the user : **« Do you trust this server that host this website? »** +It could afraid a lot of users (rightly). + +To avoid this confusion, it's possible to get a signed certificate by a "known" authority : **Gandi**, **RapidSSL**, **StartSSL**, **CaCert**. +In these cases, the point is to replace the self-signed certificate by the one that have been certified by an certificate authority, and the users won't have this warning screen anymore. + +### Add a signed certificate by an authority + +Get your certificate from your CA, you must get a private key, file key and a public certificate (file .crt) +> Be carefull, the key file is very critical, it's strictly personal and have to be secured. + +Copy this two files on the server, if not. + +```bash +scp CERTIFICAT.crt admin@DOMAIN.TLD:ssl.crt +scp CLE.key admin@DOMAIN.TLD:ssl.key +``` + +From Windows, scp can be used with putty, download [pscp]( + +```bash +pscp -P 22 CERTIFICAT.crt admin@DOMAIN.TLD:ssl.crt +pscp -P 22 CLE.key admin@DOMAIN.TLD:ssl.key``` + +Now the files are in the server. Open a shell on the server use [ssh]( or locally. + +First, create a directory for archive the certificates. + +```bash +sudo mkdir /etc/yunohost/certs/DOMAIN.TLD/ae_certs +sudo mv ssl.key ssl.crt /etc/yunohost/certs/DOMAIN.TLD/ae_certs/``` + +Then go to the parent directory and go on. + +```bash +cd /etc/yunohost/certs/DOMAIN.TLD/``` + +Make a backup of the Yunohost original certificates , to be safe! + +```bash +sudo mkdir yunohost_self_signed +sudo mv *.pem *.cnf yunohost_self_signed/``` + +Depnds on the CA, intermediate certificates and root have to be downloaded. + +> **StartSSL** +> ```bash +> sudo wget -O ae_certs/ca.pem +> sudo wget -O ae_certs/intermediate_ca.pem``` + +> **Gandi** +> ```bash +> sudo wget -O ae_certs/intermediate_ca.pem``` + +> **RapidSSL** +> ```bash +> sudo wget -O ae_certs/intermediate_ca.pem``` + +> **Cacert** +> ```bash +> sudo wget -O ae_certs/ca.pem +> sudo wget -O ae_certs/intermediate_ca.pem``` + +Intermediate certificates and root must be merged with certificates obtained to create a unified chain certificates. + +If you use a root certificate (StartSSL) : + +```bash +cat ae_certs/ssl.crt ae_certs/intermediate_ca.pem ae_certs/ca.pem | sudo tee crt.pem``` + +If you use only an intermediate certificate. + +```bash +cat ae_certs/ssl.crt ae_certs/intermediate_ca.pem | sudo tee crt.pem``` + +The private key have to be converted in PEM format. + +```bash +sudo openssl rsa -in ae_certs/ssl.key -out key.pem -outform PEM``` + +Check certificates syntaxe, check file contents. + +```bash +cat crt.pem key.pem``` + +Certificates and private key look like this : + +`-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----` +`MIICVDCCAb0CAQEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwdDELMAkGA1UEBhMCRlIxFTATBgNV` +`BAgTDENvcnNlIGR1IFN1ZDEQMA4GA1UEBxMHQWphY2NpbzEMMAoGA1UEChMDTExC` +`MREwDwYDVQQLEwhCVFMgSU5GTzEbMBkGA1UEAxMSc2VydmV1ci5idHNpbmZvLmZy` +`MB4XDTA0MDIwODE2MjQyNloXDTA0MDMwOTE2MjQyNlowcTELMAkGA1UEBhMCRlIx` +`FTATBgNVBAgTDENvcnNlIGR1IFN1ZDEQMA4GA1UEBxMHQWphY2NpbzEMMAoGA1UE` +`ChMDTExCMREwDwYDVQQLEwhCVFMgSU5GTzEYMBYGA1UEAxMPcHJvZi5idHNpbmZv` +`LmZyMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDSUagxPSv3LtgDV5sygt12` +`kSbN/NWP0QUiPlksOkF2NkPfwW/mf55dD1hSndlOM/5kLbSBo5ieE3TgikF0Iktj` +`BWm5xSqewM5QDYzXFt031DrPX63Fvo+tCKTQoVItdEuJPMahVsXnDyYHeUURRWLW` +`wc0BzEgFZGGw7wiMF6wt5QIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBALD640iwKPMf` +`pqdYtfvmLnA7CiEuao60i/pzVJE2LIXXXbwYjNAM+7Lov+dFT+b5FcOUGqLymSG3` +`kSK6OOauBHItgiGI7C87u4EJaHDvGIUxHxQQGsUM0SCIIVGK7Lwm+8e9I2X0G2GP` +`9t/rrbdGzXXOCl3up99naL5XAzCIp6r5` +`-----END CERTIFICATE-----` + +At last, secure files of your certificate + +```bash +sudo chown root:metronome crt.pem key.pem +sudo chmod 640 crt.pem key.pem +sudo chown root:root -R ae_certs +sudo chmod 600 -R ae_certs``` + +Reload Nginx configuration to take into account the new certificate. + +```bash +sudo service nginx reload``` + +Your certificate is ready to serve. You can check that every thing is correct byan external service like geocerts -* /etc/yunohost/certs/YourCertifiedDomain/crt.pem -* /etc/yunohost/certs/YourCertifiedDomain/key.pem