# Guide to writing application documentation ## Users / Administrators documentation pages Add a one-click install button (such as https://yunohost.org/#/app_piwigo_fr) and a button on the application integration level. Classification of available applications by tags (genre, Git, association management, e-mails, etc). ## Some typical and general uses (writing framework) + When a link points to a page that is not in the language of the original page, it is customary to add `(en)` (for a link that points to a page in English). + rename the images in the following order:`description_application.ext`. ### General frame application documentation 1. Logo (dimension 80 pixels high) + level 1 title. 1. One-click install button, Integration level for each type of processor. 1. An index at the top of the documentation with cross-references to all the chapters of the documentation. 1. A general presentation of the application and its function. 2. A configuration part of the application. 1. An administration part of the application. 1. A part on limitations related to YunoHost. 1. A part on desktop clients (if any). A link to different third-party applications if there are several (possible link to the applications catalgue [framalibre.org](https://framalibre.org)) or a link to the page about desktop applications if official applications are provided. 1. A part with: - the link to the official site - the link to the documentation - Links to the YunoHost package and issues Screen for writing documentation pages: [here](/app_writing_guide) ## Roadmap 1. Document applications. 1. Document applications at work (marked: work) level 8/7/6. 1. Translate the documentation page at least into French and English. 1. Do a PR on the application repository