
### Work in progress The following applications are being worked on by a growing number of packagers. They are NOT validated by the packaging team, and as such, no official support is provided for them. You can test them, **at your own risk**, by installing them either through the [administration web]("/admin") interface by choosing "Install custom app", or using the [moulinette]("/moulinette"): ```bash yunohost app install https://github.com// ``` The packagers will appreciate your remarks. If you test them and find issues, or have ideas for improvement, do not hesitate to file issues directly on their repositories project page.
| Name | Packager | State | URL repositories | Description | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Ampache](http://ampache.org/) | beudbeud |
| https://github.com/abeudin/ampache_ynh | Web based audio/video streaming | | [BTSync](http://www.getsync.com/) | tifred |
| https://github.com/drfred1981/btsync_ynh | File synchronization tool | | [ChtickyNotes](https://github.com/chtixof/ynh-chtickynotes) | Chtixof |
| https://github.com/chtixof/ynh-chtickynotes | Post-it | | [COPS](http://cops.com) | lunarok |
| https://github.com/lunarok/cops_ynh | Frontend for Calibre library | | [Couchpotato](https://couchpota.to/) | Chao-Man |
| https://github.com/Chao-Man/couchpotato_ynh | PVR for Usenet and torrents | | Custom Webapp (Multi instance) | Maniack Crudelis |
| https://github.com/maniackcrudelis/my_webapp_ynh |Custom Webapp | | [EmailPoubelle](http://forge.zici.fr/p/emailpoubelle-php/) | matlink |
| https://github.com/matlink/emailpoubelle_ynh | Disposable email | | [EtherCalc](https://ethercalc.org/) | zamentur |
| https://github.com/zamentur/ethercalc_ynh | Web spreadsheet | | [Etherpad-Lite](http://etherpad.org) | beudbeud |
| https://github.com/abeudin/etherpadlite_ynh | Real-time collaborative document editing | | [FileBin](http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:zerobin) | IsserTerrus |
| https://github.com/isserterrus/filebin_ynh | Online filebin | | [Firefox Sync](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/sync/) | beudbeud |
|https://github.com/abeudin/ffsync_ynh | Firefox synchronization server | | [FreshRSS](http://freshrss.org/) | plopoyop |
| https://github.com/plopoyop/freshrss_ynh | RSS reader | | FTP support for webapp | Maniack Crudelis |
| https://github.com/maniackcrudelis/ftp_support_webapp_ynh | FTP support for webapp | | [HTML Tools](http://lehollandaisvolant.net/tout/tools/)| IsserTerrus |
| https://github.com/isserterrus/htmltools_ynh | HTML Mini-tools | | [HTPC Manager](http://htpc.io) | lunarok |
| https://github.com/lunarok/htpc_ynh | Manage your HTPC | | [Ghost](http://ghost.org) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/ghost_ynh | Blogging platform | | [GLPI + FusionInventory](http://www.glpi-project.org/?lang=en) | beudbeud |
| https://github.com/abeudin/glpi_ynh | IT And Asset managent | | [Jeedom](http://jeedom.fr) | lunarok |
| https://github.com/lunarok/jeedom_ynh | Home automation | | [Jenkins](http://jenkins-ci.org/) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/jenkins_ynh | Continuous Integration platform | | [Kanboard](http://kanboard.net/) | tostaki |
| https://github.com/mbugeia/kanboard_ynh | Visual task board | | [KiwiIRC](http://kiwiirc.com) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/kiwiirc_ynh | Web IRC client | | [Leed](http://projet.idleman.fr/leed/) | Maniack Crudelis |
| https://github.com/maniackcrudelis/leed_ynh | RSS reader | | [LimeSurvey](http://www.limesurvey.org/en/) | zamentur |
| https://github.com/zamentur/limesurvey_ynh | Web survey tool | | [Linux Dash](http://linuxdash.afaqtariq.com/) | opi |
| https://github.com/opi/linuxdash_ynh | Monitoring web dashboard | | [Lychee](http://lychee.electerious.com/) | titoko |
| https://github.com/titoko/lychee_ynh.git | Web photo-management | | [Lutim](https://lut.im/) | Maniack Crudelis |
| https://github.com/maniackcrudelis/lutim_ynh | Anonymous image hosting service | | [MediaWiki](https://mediawiki.org) | ElieSauveterre |
| https://github.com/mikangali-labs/mediawiki_ynh | Wiki platform | | [Mumble Server](http://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page) | matlink |
| https://github.com/matlink/mumbleserver_ynh | Voice chat for gaming and meeting | | [Munin](http://munin-monitoring.org/) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/munin_ynh | System Monitoring graphing tool | | [Monit](http://mmonit.com/monit/) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/monit_ynh | Daemon Monitoring tool | | [MyCryptoChat](https://github.com/HowTommy/mycryptochat) | mrtino |
| https://github.com/mrtino/mycryptochat_ynh | Encrypted chat rooms manager | | [OFBiz](https://ofbiz.apache.org/) | julien |
| https://github.com/nomakaFr/ofbiz_ynh | ERP | | [OpenID](http://openid.net/) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/openid-simplesamlphp_ynh | OpenID Identity server | | [OpenWRT](http://openwrt.org) | lunarok |
| https://github.com/lunarok/openwrt_ynh | Reverse proxy for OpenWRT installation | | [phpLDAPadmin](http://phpldapadmin.sourceforge.net/) | aymhce |
| https://github.com/aymhce/phpldapadmin_ynh | LDAP database web manager | | [PHPSysinfo](https://phpsysinfo.github.io/phpsysinfo/) | lunarok |
| https://github.com/lunarok/phpsysinfo_ynh | Informations about your system | | [Piwigo](http://piwigo.org) | monsieur-a |
| https://github.com/monsieur-a/piwigo_ynh | Web photo gallery | | [Piwik](http://piwik.org) | Maniack Crudelis |
| https://github.com/maniackcrudelis/piwik_ynh | Web analytics platform | | [Plexmediaserver](https://plex.tv/) | Chao-Man |
| https://github.com/Chao-Man/plexmediaserver_ynh | PlexMediaServer | | [PluXml](http://www.pluxml.org/) | matlink |
| https://github.com/matlink/pluxml_ynh | Blogging platform | | [proFTPd](http://www.proftpd.org/) | beudbeud |
| https://github.com/abeudin/proftpd_ynh.git | FTP server | | [Pydio](http://pyd.io) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/pydio_ynh | File sharing and synchronization | | [Radicale](http://radicale.org/) | beudbeud |
| https://github.com/abeudin/radicale_ynh.git | Caldav & Carddav Server | | [Sabnzbd](http://http://sabnzbd.org/) | Chao-Man |
| https://github.com/Chao-Man/sabnzbd_ynh | Automated Usenet download | | [SCM-Manager](https://www.scm-manager.org/) | tifred |
| https://github.com/drfred1981/scm-manager_ynh | Share and manage repositories over HTTP | | [Shaarli](http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:shaarli) | ju |
| https://github.com/julienmalik/shaarli_ynh | Delicious clone | | [Sickbeard](http://sickbeard.com) | Chao-Man |
| https://github.com/Chao-Man/sickbeard_ynh | PVR and episode guide that downloads and manages all your TV shows | | [Subsonic](http://subsonic.org) | tifred |
| https://github.com/drfred1981/subsonic_ynh | Web-based media server | | [Webmin](http://webmin.com) | tifred |
| https://github.com/drfred1981/webmin_ynh | Web-based system configuration tool | | [Wordpress multisite](http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network) | Maniack Crudelis |
| https://github.com/maniackcrudelis/wordpress_ynh | Wordpress with network support | | [Yourls](http://yourls.org/) | courgette |
| https://github.com/courgette/yourls_ynh | URL Shortening service | | [Zomburl](http://cadav.re/) | courgette |
| https://github.com/courgette/zomburl_ynh | URL Shortening service | | [Z-Push](https://z-push.org/) | beudbeud |
| https://github.com/abeudin/z-push_ynh | ActiveSync Server | ### Wishlist The following list is a compiled wishlist of applications that would be nice-to-have. [Edit this list](/write_documentation) to add your own favorite app, or learn to [package apps](/packaging_apps) yourself. * [PPTP VPN](https://packages.debian.org/sv/squeeze/pptpd) * [Ethersheet](https://ethersheet.org/) * [Autoblog](https://github.com/mitsukarenai/Projet-Autoblog) * [Movim](http://www.movim.eu/) * [GitLab](http://gitlab.org/) * [FileTea](https://filetea.me) * [10er10](https://github.com/dready92/10er10) * [PHProxy](http://sourceforge.net/projects/poxy/) * [Jitsi Meet](https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet) * [Sympa](http://www.sympa.org/) * [Mailman](https://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/) * [PHPList](http://www.phplist.com/) * [Shleuder](http://schleuder2.nadir.org/) * [Diaspora](https://diasporafoundation.org/) * [Twister](http://twister.net.co/) * [MediaGoblin](http://mediagoblin.org/) * [CumulusClips](http://cumulusclips.org/) * [RainLoop](http://rainloop.net/) * [Mailpile](https://www.mailpile.is) * [ZNC](http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC) * [Tor relay](https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en) * [uMap](https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/) * [Headphones](https://github.com/rembo10/headphones) * [MediaCrush](https://mediacru.sh/) * [jsFiddle](http://jsbin.com/help/2-second-setup) * [remotestorage-server](http://remotestorage.io/provide/) * [miniflux](https://github.com/fguillot/miniflux) * [Zotero](https://www.zotero.org) * [Browsepass](http://techualization.blogspot.de/2013/09/introducing-browsepass-keepass-on-web.html) * [Respawn 2.0](https://github.com/broncowdd/respawn) * [Total Respawn](https://github.com/broncowdd/TotalRespawn) * [Fail2web](https://github.com/Sean-Der/fail2web) * [Ajenti](http://ajenti.org/) * [img.bi](https://img.bi/) * [Laverna](https://laverna.cc/) * [Streisand](https://github.com/jlund/streisand) * [Scribbleton](https://scribbleton.com/) * [webSync](http://furier.github.io/websync/) * [adminer](http://www.adminer.org/) * [Inbox](https://www.inboxapp.com/) * [Pulse](https://ind.ie/pulse/) * [Kune](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kune_%28software%29) * [racktables](http://racktables.org/) * [Known](https://withknown.com/) * [Mopidy](https://www.mopidy.com/) * [Taiga](https://taiga.io/) * [Gitolite](http://gitolite.com/gitolite/)