tituspijean 7b447ac5ae Grav-ification
Creating the pages hierarchy for transitioning to Grav
2020-11-10 17:34:30 +01:00

55 lines
3 KiB

{% if theme_config.github.tree %}
{% set git_repo_link_url = theme_config.github.tree %}
{% if 'github' in git_repo_link_url %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "github" %}
{% elseif 'gitlab' in git_repo_link_url %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "gitlab" %}
{% elseif 'bitbucket' in git_repo_link_url %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "bitbucket" %}
{% else %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "git" %}
{% endif %}
{% if theme_config.github.icon %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = theme_config.github.icon %}
{% endif %}
{% set git_repo_edit_link_url = git_repo_link_url ~ ('/'~page.filePathClean)|replace({'/user/':'/'}) %}
<a class="github-link" href="{{ git_repo_edit_link_url }} " target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-{{ git_repo_link_icon }}"></i>
{% else %}
{% if not config.plugins['git-sync'].enabled %}
{% set admin_panel_appearance_url = grav.base_url ~ '/admin/plugins/' %}
<a class="github-link" href="{{ admin_panel_appearance_url }}" title="{{ 'THEME_LEARN2_GIT_ADD_SETUP_GIT_SYNC_PLUGIN'|t }}">
<i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{% else %}
{% if config.plugins['git-sync'].enabled and config.plugins['git-sync'].repository is empty %}
{% set admin_panel_appearance_url = grav.base_url ~ '/admin/plugins/git-sync' %}
<a class="github-link" href="{{ admin_panel_appearance_url }}" title="{{ 'THEME_LEARN2_GIT_SETUP_GIT_SYNC_PLUGIN'|t }}">
<i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{% else %}
{% set git_sync_repo = config.plugins['git-sync'].repository %}
{% set git_sync_repo_link = (git_sync_repo | replace({'.git': '/'})) %}
{% if 'github' in git_sync_repo_link %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "github" %}
{% set git_repo_edit_link_url = git_sync_repo_link ~ 'blob/master' ~ (page.filePathClean)|replace({'user/':'/'}) %}
{% elseif 'gitlab' in git_sync_repo_link %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "gitlab" %}
{% set git_repo_edit_link_url = git_sync_repo_link ~ 'blob/master' ~ (page.filePathClean)|replace({'user/':'/'}) %}
{% elseif 'bitbucket' in git_sync_repo_link %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "bitbucket" %}
{% set git_repo_edit_link_url = git_sync_repo_link ~ 'src/master' ~ (page.filePathClean)|replace({'user/':'/'}) %}
{% else %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = "git" %}
{% set git_repo_edit_link_url = git_sync_repo_link ~ 'blob/master' ~ (page.filePathClean)|replace({'user/':'/'}) %}
{% endif %}
{% if theme_config.github.icon %}
{% set git_repo_link_icon = theme_config.github.icon %}
{% endif %}
<a class="github-link" href="{{ git_repo_edit_link_url }} " title="{{ 'THEME_LEARN2_GIT_EDIT_THIS_PAGE'|t }}" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-{{ git_repo_link_icon }}"></i>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}