#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'data_mapper' require 'json' DataMapper.setup(:default, ENV['DATABASE_URL'] || "postgres://postgres:yayaya@localhost/dynette") DOMAIN = "yoyoyo.fr" ALLOWED_IP = "" class Entry include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :public_key, String property :subdomain, String property :current_ip, String has n, :ips end class Ip include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :ip_addr, String belongs_to :entry end class Iplog include DataMapper::Resource property :ip_addr, String, :key => true property :visited_at, DateTime end class Ipban include DataMapper::Resource property :ip_addr, String, :key => true end before do if Ipban.first(:ip_addr => request.ip) halt 410, "Your ip is banned from the service" end if iplog = Iplog.last(:ip_addr => request.ip) if iplog.visited_at.to_time > Time.now - 30 halt 410, "Please wait 30sec\n" else iplog.update(:visited_at => Time.now) end else Iplog.create(:ip_addr => request.ip, :visited_at => Time.now) end end get '/' do "Wanna play the dynette ?" end post '/:public_key' do content_type :json # Check params status 400 return { :error => "Please indicate a subdomain" }.to_json unless params.has_key?("subdomain") return { :error => "Subdomain is invalid: #{params[:subdomain]}.#{DOMAIN}" }.to_json unless params[:subdomain].match /^[a-z0-9-]{3,16}$/ return { :error => "Key is invalid: #{params[:public_key]}" }.to_json unless params[:public_key].match /^[a-z0-9]{22}==$/i # If already exists status 409 if entry = Entry.first(:subdomain => params[:subdomain]) return { :error => "Subdomain already taken: #{entry.subdomain}.#{DOMAIN}" }.to_json end if entry = Entry.first(:public_key => params[:public_key]) return { :error => "Key already exists for domain #{entry.subdomain}.#{DOMAIN}" }.to_json end # Process entry = Entry.new(:public_key => params[:public_key], :subdomain => params[:subdomain], :current_ip => request.ip) entry.ips << Ip.create(:ip_addr => request.ip) if entry.save status 201 return { :public_key => entry.public_key, :subdomain => entry.subdomain, :current_ip => entry.current_ip }.to_json else status 412 return { :error => "A problem occured during DNS registration" }.to_json end end put '/:public_key' do content_type :json # Check params unless params[:public_key].match /^[a-z0-9]{22}==$/i status 400 return { :error => "Key is invalid: #{params[:public_key]}" }.to_json end entry = Entry.first(:public_key => params[:public_key]) unless request.ip == entry.current_ip entry.ips << Ip.create(:ip_addr => request.ip) end entry.current_ip = request.ip if entry.save status 201 return { :public_key => entry.public_key, :subdomain => entry.subdomain, :current_ip => entry.current_ip }.to_json else status 412 return { :error => "A problem occured during DNS update" }.to_json end end delete '/:public_key' do content_type :json # Check params unless params[:public_key].match /^[a-z0-9]{22}==$/i status 400 return { :error => "Key is invalid: #{params[:public_key]}" }.to_json end if entry = Entry.first(:public_key => params[:public_key]) return "OK" if entry.destroy end end get '/all' do unless request.ip == ALLOWED_IP status 403 return "Access denied" end content_type :json Entry.all.to_json end get '/:public_key/ips' do unless request.ip == ALLOWED_IP status 403 return "Access denied" end content_type :json unless params[:public_key].match /^[a-z0-9]{22}==$/i status 400 return { :error => "Key is invalid: #{params[:public_key]}" }.to_json end ips = [] Entry.first(:public_key => params[:public_key]).ips.all.each do |ip| ips.push(ip.ip_addr) end ips.to_json end get '/ban/:ip_to_ban' do unless request.ip == ALLOWED_IP status 403 return "Access denied" end unless params[:ip_to_ban].match /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/ status 400 return { :error => "IP is invalid: #{params[:ip_to_ban]}" }.to_json end Ipban.create(:ip_addr => params[:ip_to_ban]) Ipban.all.to_json end get '/unban/:ip_to_ub' do unless request.ip == ALLOWED_IP status 403 return "Access denied" end unless params[:ip_to_ub].match /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/ status 400 return { :error => "IP is invalid: #{params[:ip_to_ub]}" }.to_json end Ipban.first(:ip_addr => params[:ip_to_ub]).destroy Ipban.all.to_json end DataMapper.auto_upgrade!