[ref] Replace in string instead of concatenation

This commit is contained in:
kload 2014-04-23 09:24:26 +00:00
parent be0897d0c1
commit edb700b7da

View file

@ -105,26 +105,28 @@ def domain_add(auth, domains, main=False, dyndns=False):
# Commands
ssl_dir = '/usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/ssl/yunoCA'
ssl_domain_path = '/etc/yunohost/certs/'+ domain
with open(ssl_dir +'/serial', 'r') as f:
ssl_domain_path = '/etc/yunohost/certs/%s' % domain
with open('%s/serial' % ssl_dir, 'r') as f:
serial = f.readline().rstrip()
try: os.listdir(ssl_domain_path)
except OSError: os.makedirs(ssl_domain_path)
command_list = [
'cp '+ ssl_dir +'/openssl.cnf '+ ssl_domain_path,
'sed -i "s/yunohost.org/' + domain + '/g" '+ ssl_domain_path +'/openssl.cnf',
'openssl req -new -config '+ ssl_domain_path +'/openssl.cnf -days 3650 -out '+ ssl_dir +'/certs/yunohost_csr.pem -keyout '+ ssl_dir +'/certs/yunohost_key.pem -nodes -batch',
'openssl ca -config '+ ssl_domain_path +'/openssl.cnf -days 3650 -in '+ ssl_dir +'/certs/yunohost_csr.pem -out '+ ssl_dir +'/certs/yunohost_crt.pem -batch',
'ln -s /etc/ssl/certs/ca-yunohost_crt.pem '+ ssl_domain_path +'/ca.pem',
'cp '+ ssl_dir +'/certs/yunohost_key.pem '+ ssl_domain_path +'/key.pem',
'cp '+ ssl_dir +'/newcerts/'+ serial +'.pem '+ ssl_domain_path +'/crt.pem',
'chmod 755 '+ ssl_domain_path,
'chmod 640 '+ ssl_domain_path +'/key.pem',
'chmod 640 '+ ssl_domain_path +'/crt.pem',
'chmod 600 '+ ssl_domain_path +'/openssl.cnf',
'chown root:metronome '+ ssl_domain_path +'/key.pem',
'chown root:metronome '+ ssl_domain_path +'/crt.pem'
'cp %s/openssl.cnf %s' % (ssl_dir, ssl_domain_path),
'sed -i "s/yunohost.org/%s/g" %s/openssl.cnf' % (domain, ssl_domain_path),
'openssl req -new -config %s/openssl.cnf -days 3650 -out %s/certs/yunohost_csr.pem -keyout %s/certs/yunohost_key.pem -nodes -batch'
% (ssl_domain_path, ssl_dir, ssl_dir),
'openssl ca -config %s/openssl.cnf -days 3650 -in %s/certs/yunohost_csr.pem -out %s/certs/yunohost_crt.pem -batch'
% (ssl_domain_path, ssl_dir, ssl_dir),
'ln -s /etc/ssl/certs/ca-yunohost_crt.pem %s/ca.pem' % ssl_domain_path,
'cp %s/certs/yunohost_key.pem %s/key.pem' % (ssl_dir, ssl_domain_path),
'cp %s/newcerts/%s.pem %s/crt.pem' % (ssl_dir, serial, ssl_domain_path),
'chmod 755 %s' % ssl_domain_path,
'chmod 640 %s/key.pem' % ssl_domain_path,
'chmod 640 %s/crt.pem' % ssl_domain_path,
'chmod 600 %s/openssl.cnf' % ssl_domain_path,
'chown root:metronome %s/key.pem' % ssl_domain_path,
'chown root:metronome %s/crt.pem' % ssl_domain_path
for command in command_list:
@ -140,39 +142,39 @@ def domain_add(auth, domains, main=False, dyndns=False):
attr_dict['virtualdomain'] = domain
with open('/var/lib/bind/'+ domain +'.zone') as f: pass
with open('/var/lib/bind/%s.zone' % domain) as f: pass
except IOError as e:
zone_lines = [
'$TTL 38400',
domain +'. IN SOA ns.'+ domain +'. root.'+ domain +'. '+ timestamp +' 10800 3600 604800 38400',
domain +'. IN NS ns.'+ domain +'.',
domain +'. IN A '+ ip,
domain +'. IN MX 5 '+ domain +'.',
domain +'. IN TXT "v=spf1 mx a -all"',
'ns.'+ domain +'. IN A '+ ip,
'_xmpp-client._tcp.'+ domain +'. IN SRV 0 5 5222 '+ domain +'.',
'_xmpp-server._tcp.'+ domain +'. IN SRV 0 5 5269 '+ domain +'.',
'_jabber._tcp.'+ domain +'. IN SRV 0 5 5269 '+ domain +'.',
'%s. IN SOA ns.%s. root.%s. %s 10800 3600 604800 38400' % (domain, domain, domain, timestamp),
'%s. IN NS ns.%s.' % (domain, domain),
'%s. IN A %s' % (domain, ip),
'%s. IN MX 5 %s.' % (domain, domain),
'%s. IN TXT "v=spf1 mx a -all"' % domain,
'ns.%s. IN A %s' % (domain, ip),
'_xmpp-client._tcp.%s. IN SRV 0 5 5222 %s.' % (domain, domain),
'_xmpp-server._tcp.%s. IN SRV 0 5 5269 %s.' % (domain, domain),
'_jabber._tcp.%s. IN SRV 0 5 5269 %s.' % (domain, domain),
if main:
'pubsub.'+ domain +'. IN A '+ ip,
'muc.'+ domain +'. IN A '+ ip,
'vjud.'+ domain +'. IN A '+ ip
'pubsub.%s. IN A %s' % (domain, ip),
'muc.%s. IN A %s' % (domain, ip),
'vjud.%s. IN A %s' % (domain, ip)
with open('/var/lib/bind/' + domain + '.zone', 'w') as zone:
with open('/var/lib/bind/%s.zone' % domain, 'w') as zone:
for line in zone_lines:
zone.write(line + '\n')
os.system('chown bind /var/lib/bind/' + domain + '.zone')
os.system('chown bind /var/lib/bind/%s.zone' % domain)
raise MoulinetteError(17, _("Zone file already exists for ") + domain)
raise MoulinetteError(17, _("Zone file already exists for %s") % domain)
conf_lines = [
'zone "'+ domain +'" {',
'zone "%s" {' % domain,
' type master;',
' file "/var/lib/bind/'+ domain +'.zone";',
' file "/var/lib/bind/%s.zone";' % domain,
' allow-transfer {',
' localnets;',
@ -187,42 +189,42 @@ def domain_add(auth, domains, main=False, dyndns=False):
with open('/etc/metronome/conf.d/'+ domain +'.cfg.lua') as f: pass
with open('/etc/metronome/conf.d/%s.cfg.lua' % domain) as f: pass
except IOError as e:
conf_lines = [
'VirtualHost "'+ domain +'"',
'VirtualHost "%s"' % domain,
' ssl = {',
' key = "'+ ssl_domain_path +'/key.pem";',
' certificate = "'+ ssl_domain_path +'/crt.pem";',
' key = "%s/key.pem";' % ssl_domain_path,
' certificate = "%s/crt.pem";' % ssl_domain_path,
' }',
' authentication = "ldap2"',
' ldap = {',
' hostname = "localhost",',
' user = {',
' basedn = "ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org",',
' filter = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(mail=*@'+ domain +'))",',
' filter = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(mail=*@%s))",' % domain,
' usernamefield = "mail",',
' namefield = "cn",',
' },',
' }',
with open('/etc/metronome/conf.d/' + domain + '.cfg.lua', 'w') as conf:
with open('/etc/metronome/conf.d/%s.cfg.lua' % domain, 'w') as conf:
for line in conf_lines:
conf.write(line + '\n')
os.system('mkdir -p /var/lib/metronome/'+ domain.replace('.', '%2e') +'/pep')
os.system('mkdir -p /var/lib/metronome/%s/pep' % domain.replace('.', '%2e'))
os.system('chown -R metronome: /var/lib/metronome/')
os.system('chown -R metronome: /etc/metronome/conf.d/')
os.system('service metronome restart')
# Nginx
os.system('cp /usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/nginx/template.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/'+ domain +'.conf')
os.system('mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d/'+ domain +'.d/')
os.system('sed -i s/yunohost.org/'+ domain +'/g /etc/nginx/conf.d/'+ domain +'.conf')
os.system('cp /usr/share/yunohost/yunohost-config/nginx/template.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/%s.conf' % domain)
os.system('mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d/%s.d/' % domain)
os.system('sed -i s/yunohost.org/%s/g /etc/nginx/conf.d/%s.conf', (domain, domain))
os.system('service nginx reload')
if auth.add('virtualdomain=' + domain + ',ou=domains', attr_dict):
if auth.add('virtualdomain=%s,ou=domains' % domain, attr_dict):
@ -266,12 +268,12 @@ def domain_remove(auth, domains):
if auth.remove('virtualdomain=' + domain + ',ou=domains'):
shutil.rmtree('/etc/yunohost/certs/'+ domain)
os.remove('/var/lib/bind/'+ domain +'.zone')
shutil.rmtree('/var/lib/metronome/'+ domain.replace('.', '%2e'))
os.remove('/etc/metronome/conf.d/'+ domain +'.cfg.lua')
shutil.rmtree('/etc/nginx/conf.d/'+ domain +'.d')
os.remove('/etc/nginx/conf.d/'+ domain +'.conf')
shutil.rmtree('/etc/yunohost/certs/%s' % domain)
os.remove('/var/lib/bind/%s.zone' % domain)
shutil.rmtree('/var/lib/metronome/%s' % domain.replace('.', '%2e'))
os.remove('/etc/metronome/conf.d/%s.cfg.lua' % domain)
shutil.rmtree('/etc/nginx/conf.d/%s.d' % domain)
os.remove('/etc/nginx/conf.d/%s.conf' % domain)
with open('/etc/bind/named.conf.local', 'r') as conf:
@ -279,7 +281,7 @@ def domain_remove(auth, domains):
with open('/etc/bind/named.conf.local', 'w') as conf:
in_block = False
for line in conf_lines:
if re.search(r'^zone "'+ domain, line):
if re.search(r'^zone "%s' % domain, line):
in_block = True
if in_block:
if re.search(r'^};$', line):