# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import json import shutil import stat from yunohost import YunoHostError, YunoHostLDAP, win_msg, random_password from yunohost_domain import domain_list, domain_add repo_path = '/var/cache/yunohost/repo' apps_path = '/usr/share/yunohost/apps' install_tmp = '/tmp/yunohost/install' app_tmp_folder = install_tmp + '/from_file' a2_template_path = '/etc/yunohost/apache/templates' a2_app_conf_path = '/etc/yunohost/apache/domains' lemon_tmp_conf = '/tmp/tmplemonconf' def app_listlists(): """ List fetched lists Returns: Dict of lists """ list_list = [] try: for filename in os.listdir(repo_path): if '.json' in filename: list_list.append(filename[:len(filename)-5]) except OSError: raise YunoHostError(1, _("No list found")) return { 'Lists' : list_list } def app_fetchlist(url=None, name=None): """ Fetch application list Keyword arguments: url -- Custom list URL name -- Name of the app list Returns: True | YunoHostError """ # Create app path if not exists try: os.listdir(repo_path) except OSError: os.makedirs(repo_path) if not url: url = 'http://fapp.yunohost.org/app/list/raw' name = "fapp" else: if not name: raise YunoHostError(22, _("You must indicate a name for your custom list")) if os.system('wget "'+ url +'" -O "'+ repo_path +'/'+ name +'.json"') != 0: raise YunoHostError(1, _("List server connection failed")) win_msg(_("List successfully fetched")) def app_removelist(name): """ Remove specified application list Keyword arguments: name -- Name of the list to remove """ try: os.remove(repo_path +'/'+ name + '.json') except OSError: raise YunoHostError(22, _("Unknown list")) win_msg(_("List successfully removed")) def app_list(offset=None, limit=None, filter=None, raw=False): """ List available applications Keyword arguments: offset -- App to begin with limit -- Number of apps to list filter -- Name filter raw -- Return the full app_dict Returns: Dict of apps """ # TODO: List installed applications if offset: offset = int(offset) else: offset = 0 if limit: limit = int(limit) else: limit = 1000 applists = os.listdir(repo_path) app_dict = {} list_dict = {} if not applists: app_fetchlist() for applist in applists: if '.json' in applist: with open(repo_path +'/'+ applist) as json_list: app_dict.update(json.loads(str(json_list.read()))) if len(app_dict) > (0 + offset) and limit > 0: i = 0 + offset sorted_app_dict = {} for sorted_keys in sorted(app_dict.keys())[i:]: if i <= limit: sorted_app_dict[sorted_keys] = app_dict[sorted_keys] i += 1 for app_id, app_info in sorted_app_dict.items(): if (filter and ((filter in app_id) or (filter in app_info['manifest']['name']))) or not filter: if raw: list_dict[app_id] = app_info else: list_dict[app_id] = { 'Name': app_info['manifest']['name'], 'Version': app_info['manifest']['version'], 'Description': app_info['manifest']['description'] } return list_dict def app_install(app, domain, path='/', label=None, public=False, protected=True): """ Install selected app Keyword arguments: app -- AppID to install (or filename) domain -- Web domain for the app path -- Subpath of the domain label -- User defined name for the app public -- Allow app public access protected -- App is protected by the SSO Returns: Win | Fail """ # TODO: Check if the app is already installed with YunoHostLDAP() as yldap: try: os.listdir(install_tmp) except OSError: os.makedirs(install_tmp) # Check if install from file or git if "." in app: manifest = _extract_app_tarball(app) else: manifest = _fetch_app_from_git(app) # TODO: Check if exists another instance script_var_dict = { 'APP_DIR': app_tmp_folder } if 'dependencies' in manifest: _install_app_dependencies(manifest['dependencies']) if 'webapp' in manifest['yunohost']: if 'db' in manifest['yunohost']['webapp']: db_user = manifest['yunohost']['uid'] # TODO: app.instance db_pwd = random_password() script_var_dict['DB_USER'] = db_user script_var_dict['DB_PWD'] = db_pwd script_var_dict['DB_NAME'] = db_user _init_app_db(db_user, db_pwd, manifest['yunohost']['webapp']['db']) # Handle domain if ain't already created try: domain_list(filter="virtualdomain="+ domain) except YunoHostError: domain_add([domain]) _apache_config(domain) _lemon_config(domain) if 'script_path' in manifest['yunohost']: _exec_app_script(step='install', path=app_tmp_folder +'/'+ manifest['yunohost']['script_path'], var_dict=script_var_dict, app_type=manifest['type']) # Copy files to the right place try: os.listdir(apps_path) except OSError: os.makedirs(apps_path) app_final_path = apps_path +'/'+ manifest['yunohost']['uid'] # TMP: Remove old application if os.path.exists(app_final_path): shutil.rmtree(app_final_path) os.system('cp -a "'+ app_tmp_folder +'" "'+ app_final_path +'"') os.system('chown -R www-data: "'+ app_final_path +'"') shutil.rmtree(app_final_path + manifest['yunohost']['script_path']) # TODO: Create appsettings and chmod it # TODO: Remove scripts folder and /tmp files def _extract_app_tarball(path): """ Unzip or untar application tarball in app_tmp_folder Keyword arguments: path -- Path of the tarball Returns: Dict manifest """ if os.path.exists(app_tmp_folder): shutil.rmtree(app_tmp_folder) os.makedirs(app_tmp_folder) if ".zip" in path: extract_result = os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +' && unzip '+ path +' -d '+ app_tmp_folder) elif ".tar" in path: extract_result = os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +' && tar -C '+ app_tmp_folder +' -xf '+ path) else: extract_result = 1 if extract_result != 0: raise YunoHostError(22, _("Invalid install file")) with open(app_tmp_folder + '/manifest.webapp') as json_manifest: manifest = json.loads(str(json_manifest.read())) win_msg(_("Tarball extracted")) return manifest def _fetch_app_from_git(app): """ Unzip or untar application tarball in app_tmp_folder Keyword arguments: app -- Path of the tarball Returns: Dict manifest """ global app_tmp_folder app_tmp_folder = install_tmp +'/'+ app if os.path.exists(app_tmp_folder): shutil.rmtree(app_tmp_folder) app_dict = app_list(raw=True) if app in app_dict: app_info = app_dict[app] else: raise YunoHostError(22, _("App doesn't exists")) git_result = os.system('git clone '+ app_info['git']['url'] +' -b '+ app_info['git']['branch'] +' '+ app_tmp_folder) git_result_2 = os.system('cd '+ app_tmp_folder +' && git reset --hard '+ str(app_info['git']['revision'])) if not git_result == git_result_2 == 0: raise YunoHostError(22, _("Sources fetching failed")) win_msg(_("Repository fetched")) return app_info['manifest'] def _install_app_dependencies(dep_dict): """ Install debian, npm, gem, pip and pear dependencies of the app Keyword arguments: dep_dict -- Dict of dependencies from the manifest """ if ('debian' in dep_dict) and (len(dep_dict['debian']) > 0): #os.system('apt-get update') if os.system('apt-get install "'+ '" "'.join(dep_dict['debian']) +'"') != 0: raise YunoHostError(1, _("Dependency installation failed: ") + dependency) # TODO: Install npm, pip, gem and pear dependencies win_msg(_("Dependencies installed")) def _init_app_db(db_user, db_pwd, db_dict): """ Create database and initialize it with optionnal attached script Keyword arguments: db_user -- Name of the DB user (also used as database name) db_pwd -- Password for the user db_dict -- Dict of DB parameters from the manifest """ # Need MySQL DB ? if 'has_mysql_db' in db_dict and ((db_dict['has_mysql_db'] == 'true') or (db_dict['has_mysql_db'] == 'yes')): mysql_root_pwd = open('/etc/yunohost/mysql', 'rb').read().rstrip() mysql_command = 'mysql -u root -p'+ mysql_root_pwd +' -e "CREATE DATABASE '+ db_user +' ; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+ db_user +'.* TO \''+ db_user +'\'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY \''+ db_pwd +'\';"' if os.system(mysql_command) != 0: raise YunoHostError(1, _("MySQL DB creation failed")) if 'mysql_init_script' in db_dict: if os.system('mysql -u '+ db_user +' -p'+ db_pwd +' '+ db_user +' < '+ app_tmp_folder + db_dict['mysql_init_script'] +' ;') != 0: raise YunoHostError(1, _("MySQL DB init failed")) # TODO: PgSQL/MongoDB ? win_msg(_("Database initiliazed")) def _exec_app_script(step, path, var_dict, app_type): """ Execute step user script Keyword arguments: step -- Name of the script to call regarding the current step (e.g. install|upgrade|remove|etc.) path -- Absolute path of the script's directory var_dict -- Dictionnary of environnement variable to pass to the script app_type -- Decides whether to execute as root or as yunohost-app user (e.g. web|privileged|certified) """ scripts = [ step, step +'.sh', step +'.py' ] for script in scripts: script_path = path +'/'+ script if os.path.exists(script_path): st = os.stat(script_path) os.chmod(script_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) if app_type == 'privileged' or app_type == 'certified': user = 'root' else: user = 'yunohost-app' os.system('chown -R '+ user +': '+ app_tmp_folder) env_vars = '' for key, value in var_dict.items(): env_vars = env_vars + key + "='"+ value +"' " command = 'su - '+ user +' -c "'+ env_vars +' sh '+ path +'/'+ script +'"' if os.system(command) == 0: win_msg(_("Script executed: ") + script) else: raise YunoHostError(1, _("Script execution failed: ") + script) break def _apache_config(domain): """ Fill Apache configuration templates Keyword arguments: domain -- Domain to configure Apache around """ # TMP: remove old conf if os.path.exists(a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.conf'): os.remove(a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.conf') if os.path.exists(a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.d/'): shutil.rmtree(a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.d/') try: os.listdir(a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.d/') except OSError: os.makedirs(a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.d/') with open(a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.conf', 'a') as a2_conf: for line in open(a2_template_path +'/template.conf.tmp'): line = line.replace('[domain]',domain) a2_conf.write(line) os.system('cp "'+ a2_template_path + '/fixed.sso.conf" "'+ a2_app_conf_path +'/'+ domain +'.d/"') if os.system('service apache2 reload') == 0: win_msg(_("Apache configured")) else: raise YunoHostError(1, _("An error occured during Apache configuration")) def _lemon_config(domain): """ Configure LemonLDAP Keyword arguments: domain -- Domain to configure LemonLDAP around """ if os.path.exists(lemon_tmp_conf): os.remove(lemon_tmp_conf) lemon_conf_lines = [ "$tmp->{'exportedHeaders'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'Auth-User'} = '$uid';", "$tmp->{'exportedHeaders'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'Remote-User'} = '$uid';", "$tmp->{'exportedHeaders'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'Desc'} = '$description';", "$tmp->{'exportedHeaders'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'Email'} = '$uid';", "$tmp->{'exportedHeaders'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'Name'} = '$cn';", "$tmp->{'exportedHeaders'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'Authorization'} = '\"Basic \".encode_base64(\"$uid:$_password\")';", "$tmp->{'vhostOptions'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'vhostMaintenance'} = 0;", "$tmp->{'vhostOptions'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'vhostPort'} = -1;", "$tmp->{'vhostOptions'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'vhostHttps'} = -1;", "$tmp->{'locationRules'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'default'} = 'accept';", "$tmp->{'locationRules'}->{'"+ domain +"'}->{'(?#logout)^/logout'} = 'logout_app_sso https://"+ domain +"/';", ] with open(lemon_tmp_conf,'a') as lemon_conf: for line in lemon_conf_lines: lemon_conf.write(line + '\n') if os.system('/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/lmYnhMoulinette') == 0: win_msg(_("LemonLDAP configured")) else: raise YunoHostError(1, _("An error occured during LemonLDAP configuration"))