{ "argument_required": "Argument '{argument}' is required", "authentication_required": "Authentication required", "authentication_required_long": "Authentication is required to perform this action", "colon": "{}: ", "confirm": "Confirm {prompt}", "deprecated_command": "'{prog} {command}' is deprecated and will be removed in the future", "deprecated_command_alias": "'{prog} {old}' is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use '{prog} {new}' instead", "error": "Error:", "error_see_log": "An error occurred. Please see the logs for details, they are located in /var/log/yunohost/.", "file_exists": "File already exists: '{path}'", "file_not_exist": "File does not exist: '{path}'", "folder_exists": "Folder already exists: '{path}'", "folder_not_exist": "Folder does not exist", "info": "Info:", "instance_already_running": "An instance is already running", "invalid_argument": "Invalid argument '{argument}': {error}", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "invalid_usage": "Invalid usage, pass --help to see help", "ldap_attribute_already_exists": "Attribute '{attribute}' already exists with value '{value}'", "ldap_operation_error": "An error occurred during LDAP operation", "ldap_server_down": "Unable to reach LDAP server", "logged_in": "Logged in", "logged_out": "Logged out", "not_logged_in": "You are not logged in", "operation_interrupted": "Operation interrupted", "password": "Password", "pattern_not_match": "Does not match pattern", "root_required": "You must be root to perform this action", "server_already_running": "A server is already running on that port", "success": "Success!", "unable_authenticate": "Unable to authenticate", "unable_retrieve_session": "Unable to retrieve the session because '{exception}'", "unknown_group": "Unknown '{group}' group", "unknown_user": "Unknown '{user}' user", "values_mismatch": "Values don't match", "info": "Info:", "warning": "Warning:", "websocket_request_expected": "Expected a WebSocket request", "cannot_open_file": "Could not open file {file:s} (reason: {error:s})", "cannot_write_file": "Could not write file {file:s} (reason: {error:s})", "unknown_error_reading_file": "Unknown error while trying to read file {file:s} (reason: {error:s})", "corrupted_json": "Corrupted json read from {ressource:s} (reason: {error:s})", "corrupted_yaml": "Corrupted yaml read from {ressource:s} (reason: {error:s})", "corrupted_toml": "Corrupted toml read from {ressource:s} (reason: {error:s})", "error_writing_file": "Error when writing file {file:s}: {error:s}", "error_removing": "Error when removing {path:s}: {error:s}", "error_changing_file_permissions": "Error when changing permissions for {path:s}: {error:s}", "invalid_url": "Invalid url {url:s} (does this site exists?)", "download_ssl_error": "SSL error when connecting to {url:s}", "download_timeout": "{url:s} took too long to answer, gave up.", "download_unknown_error": "Error when downloading data from {url:s}: {error:s}", "download_bad_status_code": "{url:s} returned status code {code:s}", "command_unknown": "Command '{command:s}' unknown ?", "warn_the_user_about_waiting_lock": "Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one", "warn_the_user_about_waiting_lock_again": "Still waiting...", "warn_the_user_that_lock_is_acquired": "the other command just complet, now starting this command" }