# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import ldap import ldap.modlist as modlist import re import getpass def colorize(astr, color): """ Print with style ;) Keyword arguments: astr -- String to colorize color -- Name of the color """ color_dict = { 'red' : '31', 'green' : '32', 'yellow': '33', 'cyan' : '34', 'purple': '35' } return "\033["+ color_dict[color] +"m\033[1m" + astr + "\033[m" def pretty_print_dict(d, depth=0): for k,v in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): k = colorize(k, 'purple') if isinstance(v, dict): print((" ")*depth + ("%s: " % k)) pretty_print_dict(v, depth+1) if isinstance(v, list): print((" ")*depth + ("%s: " % k)) for value in v: print((" ")*(depth+1) + "- " + value) else: print((" ")*depth + "%s: %s" % (k, v)) def win_msg(astr): """ Display a success message if isatty Keyword arguments: astr -- Win message to display """ if os.isatty(1): print('\n' + colorize(_("Success: "), 'green') + astr + '\n') def str_to_func(astr): """ Call a function from a string name Keyword arguments: astr -- Name of function to call Returns: Function """ try: module, _, function = astr.rpartition('.') if module: __import__(module) mod = sys.modules[module] else: mod = sys.modules['__main__'] # default module func = getattr(mod, function) except (AttributeError, ImportError): #raise YunoHostError(168, _('Function is not defined')) return None else: return func def validate(regex_dict): """ Validate attributes with a pattern Keyword arguments: regex_dict -- Dictionnary of values/pattern to check Returns: Boolean | YunoHostError """ for attr, pattern in regex_dict.items(): if re.match(pattern, attr): continue else: raise YunoHostError(22, _('Invalid attribute') + ' ' + attr) return True class YunoHostError(Exception): """ Custom exception Keyword arguments: code -- Integer error code message -- Error message to display """ def __init__(self, code, message): code_dict = { 1 : _('Fail'), 13 : _('Permission denied'), 17 : _('Already exists'), 22 : _('Invalid arguments'), 87 : _('Too many users'), 111 : _('Connection refused'), 122 : _('Quota exceeded'), 125 : _('Operation canceled'), 167 : _('Not found'), 168 : _('Undefined'), 169 : _('LDAP operation error') } self.code = code self.message = message if code_dict[code]: self.desc = code_dict[code] else: self.desc = code class YunoHostLDAP: """ Specific LDAP functions for YunoHost """ def __init__(self): """ Connect to LDAP base Initialize to localhost, base yunohost.org, prompt for password """ self.conn = ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost:389') self.base = 'dc=yunohost,dc=org' self.pwd = getpass.getpass(colorize(_('LDAP Admin Password: '), 'yellow')) try: self.conn.simple_bind_s('cn=admin,' + self.base, self.pwd) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: raise YunoHostError(13, _('Invalid credentials')) def disconnect(self): """ Unbind from LDAP Returns Boolean | YunoHostError """ try: self.conn.unbind_s() except: raise YunoHostError(169, _('An error occured during disconnection')) else: return True def search(self, base=None, filter='(objectClass=*)', attrs=['dn']): """ Search in LDAP base Keyword arguments: base -- Base to search into filter -- LDAP filter attrs -- Array of attributes to fetch Returns: Boolean | Dict """ if not base: base = self.base try: result = self.conn.search_s(base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, attrs) except: raise YunoHostError(169, _('An error occured during LDAP search')) if result: result_list = [] for dn, entry in result: if 'dn' in attrs: entry['dn'] = [dn] result_list.append(entry) return result_list else: return False def add(self, rdn, attr_dict): """ Add LDAP entry Keyword arguments: rdn -- DN without domain attr_dict -- Dictionnary of attributes/values to add Returns: Boolean | YunoHostError """ dn = rdn + ',' + self.base ldif = modlist.addModlist(attr_dict) try: self.conn.add_s(dn, ldif) except: raise YunoHostError(169, _('An error occured during LDAP entry creation')) else: return True def validate_uniqueness(self, value_dict): """ Check uniqueness of values Keyword arguments: value_dict -- Dictionnary of attributes/values to check Returns: Boolean | YunoHostError """ for attr, value in value_dict.items(): if not self.search(filter=attr + '=' + value): continue else: raise YunoHostError(17, _('Attribute already exists') + ' "' + attr + '=' + value + '"') return True