#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import subprocess from setuptools import setup, find_packages from moulinette import env version = ( subprocess.check_output( "head debian/changelog -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '()'", shell=True ) .decode() .strip() ) LOCALES_DIR = env["LOCALES_DIR"] # Extend installation locale_files = [] if "install" in sys.argv: # Evaluate locale files for f in os.listdir("locales"): if f.endswith(".json"): locale_files.append("locales/%s" % f) install_deps = [ "psutil", "pytz", "pyyaml", "toml", "gevent-websocket", "bottle", "prompt-toolkit==1.0.15", # To be bumped to debian version once we're on bullseye (+ need tweaks in cli.py) "pygments", ] test_deps = [ "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-env", "pytest-mock", "mock", "requests", "requests-mock", "webtest", ] extras = { "install": install_deps, "tests": test_deps, } setup( name="Moulinette", version=version, description="Prototype interfaces quickly and easily", author="Yunohost Team", author_email="yunohost@yunohost.org", url="https://yunohost.org", license="AGPL", packages=find_packages(exclude=["test"]), data_files=[(LOCALES_DIR, locale_files)], python_requires=">=3.7.*, <3.8", install_requires=install_deps, tests_require=test_deps, extras_require=extras, )