2014-03-30 03:05:21 +02:00

1090 lines
35 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" License
Copyright (C) 2013 YunoHost
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, see
Manage apps
import logging
logging.warning('the module has not been revisited and updated yet')
import os
import sys
import json
import shutil
import stat
import yaml
import time
import re
import socket
import urlparse
from domain import domain_list, domain_add
from user import user_info, user_list
from hook import hook_exec, hook_add, hook_remove
from moulinette.helpers import YunoHostError, YunoHostLDAP, win_msg, random_password, is_true, validate
repo_path = '/var/cache/yunohost/repo'
apps_path = '/usr/share/yunohost/apps'
apps_setting_path= '/etc/yunohost/apps/'
install_tmp = '/var/cache/yunohost'
app_tmp_folder = install_tmp + '/from_file'
def app_listlists():
List fetched lists
list_list = []
for filename in os.listdir(repo_path):
if '.json' in filename:
except OSError:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("No list found"))
return { 'Lists' : list_list }
def app_fetchlist(url=None, name=None):
Fetch application list from app server
Keyword argument:
name -- Name of the list (default yunohost)
url -- URL of remote JSON list (default
# Create app path if not exists
try: os.listdir(repo_path)
except OSError: os.makedirs(repo_path)
if url is None:
url = ''
name = 'yunohost'
if name is None: raise YunoHostError(22, _("You must indicate a name for your custom list"))
list_file = repo_path +'/'+ name +'.json'
if os.system('wget "'+ url +'" -O "'+ list_file +'.tmp"') != 0:
os.remove(list_file +'.tmp')
raise YunoHostError(1, _("List server connection failed"))
# Rename fetched temp list
os.rename(list_file +'.tmp', list_file)
os.system("touch /etc/cron.d/yunohost-applist-"+ name)
os.system("echo '00 00 * * * root yunohost app fetchlist -u "+ url +" -n "+ name +" --no-ldap > /dev/null 2>&1' >/etc/cron.d/yunohost-applist-"+ name)
win_msg(_("List successfully fetched"))
def app_removelist(name):
Remove list from the repositories
Keyword argument:
name -- Name of the list to remove
os.remove(repo_path +'/'+ name + '.json')
os.remove("/etc/cron.d/yunohost-applist-"+ name)
except OSError:
raise YunoHostError(22, _("Unknown list"))
win_msg(_("List successfully removed"))
def app_list(offset=None, limit=None, filter=None, raw=False):
List apps
Keyword argument:
filter -- Name filter of app_id or app_name
offset -- Starting number for app fetching
limit -- Maximum number of app fetched
raw -- Return the full app_dict
# TODO: List installed applications
if offset: offset = int(offset)
else: offset = 0
if limit: limit = int(limit)
else: limit = 1000
applists = os.listdir(repo_path)
app_dict = {}
if raw:
list_dict = {}
if not applists:
applists = os.listdir(repo_path)
for applist in applists:
if '.json' in applist:
with open(repo_path +'/'+ applist) as json_list:
for app in os.listdir(apps_setting_path):
if app not in app_dict:
# Look for forks
if '__' in app:
original_app = app[:app.index('__')]
if original_app in app_dict:
app_dict[app] = app_dict[original_app]
with open( apps_setting_path + app +'/manifest.json') as json_manifest:
app_dict[app] = {"manifest":json.loads(str(}
if len(app_dict) > (0 + offset) and limit > 0:
sorted_app_dict = {}
for sorted_keys in sorted(app_dict.keys())[offset:]:
sorted_app_dict[sorted_keys] = app_dict[sorted_keys]
i = 0
for app_id, app_info in sorted_app_dict.items():
if i < limit:
if (filter and ((filter in app_id) or (filter in app_info['manifest']['name']))) or not filter:
installed = _is_installed(app_id)
if raw:
app_info['installed'] = installed
list_dict[app_id] = app_info
'ID': app_id,
'Name': app_info['manifest']['name'],
'Description': app_info['manifest']['description'],
'Installed': installed
i += 1
if not raw:
list_dict = { 'Apps': list_dict }
return list_dict
def app_info(app, raw=False):
Get app info
Keyword argument:
app -- Specific app ID
raw -- Return the full app_dict
app_info = app_list(filter=app, raw=True)[app]
app_info = {}
if _is_installed(app):
with open(apps_setting_path + app +'/settings.yml') as f:
app_info['settings'] = yaml.load(f)
if raw:
return app_info
return {
'Name': app_info['manifest']['name'],
'Description': app_info['manifest']['description']['en'],
#TODO: Add more infos
def app_map(app=None, raw=False, user=None):
List apps by domain
Keyword argument:
user -- Allowed app map for a user
raw -- Return complete dict
app -- Specific app to map
result = {}
for app_id in os.listdir(apps_setting_path):
if app and (app != app_id):
if user is not None:
app_dict = app_info(app=app_id, raw=True)
if ('mode' not in app_dict['settings']) or ('mode' in app_dict['settings'] and app_dict['settings']['mode'] == 'private'):
if 'allowed_users' in app_dict['settings'] and user not in app_dict['settings']['allowed_users'].split(','):
with open(apps_setting_path + app_id +'/settings.yml') as f:
app_settings = yaml.load(f)
if 'domain' not in app_settings:
if raw:
if app_settings['domain'] not in result:
result[app_settings['domain']] = {}
result[app_settings['domain']][app_settings['path']] = {
'label': app_settings['label'],
'id': app_settings['id']
result[app_settings['domain']+app_settings['path']] = app_settings['label']
return result
def app_upgrade(app, url=None, file=None):
Upgrade app
Keyword argument:
file -- Folder or tarball for upgrade
app -- App(s) to upgrade (default all)
url -- Git url to fetch for upgrade
with YunoHostLDAP() as yldap:
except YunoHostError:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("No app to upgrade"))
upgraded_apps = []
# If no app is specified, upgrade all apps
if not app:
app = os.listdir(apps_setting_path)
elif not isinstance(app, list):
app = [ app ]
for app_id in app:
installed = _is_installed(app_id)
if not installed:
raise YunoHostError(1, app_id + _(" is not installed"))
if app_id in upgraded_apps:
if '__' in app_id:
original_app_id = app_id[:app_id.index('__')]
original_app_id = app_id
current_app_dict = app_info(app_id, raw=True)
new_app_dict = app_info(original_app_id, raw=True)
if file:
manifest = _extract_app_from_file(file)
elif url:
manifest = _fetch_app_from_git(url)
elif 'lastUpdate' not in new_app_dict or 'git' not in new_app_dict:
raise YunoHostError(22, app_id + _(" is a custom app, please provide an URL manually in order to upgrade it"))
elif (new_app_dict['lastUpdate'] > current_app_dict['lastUpdate']) \
or ('update_time' not in current_app_dict['settings'] \
and (new_app_dict['lastUpdate'] > current_app_dict['settings']['install_time'])) \
or ('update_time' in current_app_dict['settings'] \
and (new_app_dict['lastUpdate'] > current_app_dict['settings']['update_time'])):
manifest = _fetch_app_from_git(app_id)
# Check min version
if 'min_version' in manifest and __version__ < manifest['min_version']:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("%s requires a more recent version of the moulinette") % app_id)
app_setting_path = apps_setting_path +'/'+ app_id
if original_app_id != app_id:
# Replace original_app_id with the forked one in scripts
for file in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder +'/scripts'):
#TODO: add hooks directory to the list
#TODO: do it with sed ?
if file[:1] != '.':
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/scripts/'+ file, "r") as sources:
lines = sources.readlines()
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/scripts/'+ file, "w") as sources:
for line in lines:
sources.write(re.sub(r''+ original_app_id +'', app_id, line))
if 'hooks' in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder):
for file in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks'):
#TODO: do it with sed ?
if file[:1] != '.':
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks/'+ file, "r") as sources:
lines = sources.readlines()
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks/'+ file, "w") as sources:
for line in lines:
sources.write(re.sub(r''+ original_app_id +'', app_id, line))
# Add hooks
if 'hooks' in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder):
for file in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks'):
hook_add(app_id, app_tmp_folder +'/hooks/'+ file)
# Execute App upgrade script
os.system('chown -hR admin: '+ install_tmp)
if hook_exec(app_tmp_folder +'/scripts/upgrade') != 0:
#TODO: display fail messages from script
app_setting(app_id, 'update_time', int(time.time()))
# Replace scripts and manifest
os.system('rm -rf "'+ app_setting_path +'/scripts" "'+ app_setting_path +'/manifest.json"')
os.system('mv "'+ app_tmp_folder +'/manifest.json" "'+ app_tmp_folder +'/scripts" '+ app_setting_path)
# So much win
win_msg(app_id + _(" upgraded successfully"))
if not upgraded_apps:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("No app to upgrade"))
win_msg(_("Upgrade complete"))
def app_install(app, label=None, args=None):
Install apps
Keyword argument:
app -- App to install
args -- Serialize arguments of installation
#TODO: Create tool for nginx (check path availability & stuff)
with YunoHostLDAP() as yldap:
# Fetch or extract sources
try: os.listdir(install_tmp)
except OSError: os.makedirs(install_tmp)
if app in app_list(raw=True) or ('@' in app) or ('http://' in app) or ('https://' in app):
manifest = _fetch_app_from_git(app)
manifest = _extract_app_from_file(app)
# Check ID
if 'id' not in manifest or '__' in manifest['id']:
raise YunoHostError(22, _("App id is invalid"))
app_id = manifest['id']
# Check min version
if 'min_version' in manifest and __version__ < manifest['min_version']:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("%s requires a more recent version of the moulinette") % app_id)
# Check if app can be forked
instance_number = _installed_instance_number(app_id, last=True) + 1
if instance_number > 1 :
if 'multi_instance' not in manifest or not is_true(manifest['multi_instance']):
raise YunoHostError(1, _("App is already installed"))
app_id_forked = app_id + '__' + str(instance_number)
# Replace app_id with the new one in scripts
for file in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder +'/scripts'):
#TODO: do it with sed ?
if file[:1] != '.':
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/scripts/'+ file, "r") as sources:
lines = sources.readlines()
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/scripts/'+ file, "w") as sources:
for line in lines:
sources.write(re.sub(r''+ app_id +'', app_id_forked, line))
if 'hooks' in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder):
for file in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks'):
#TODO: do it with sed ?
if file[:1] != '.':
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks/'+ file, "r") as sources:
lines = sources.readlines()
with open(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks/'+ file, "w") as sources:
for line in lines:
sources.write(re.sub(r''+ app_id +'', app_id_forked, line))
# Change app_id for the rest of the process
app_id = app_id_forked
# Prepare App settings
app_setting_path = apps_setting_path +'/'+ app_id
#TMP: Remove old settings
if os.path.exists(app_setting_path): shutil.rmtree(app_setting_path)
os.system('touch '+ app_setting_path +'/settings.yml')
# Add hooks
if 'hooks' in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder):
for file in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder +'/hooks'):
hook_add(app_id, app_tmp_folder +'/hooks/'+ file)
app_setting(app_id, 'id', app_id)
app_setting(app_id, 'install_time', int(time.time()))
if label:
app_setting(app_id, 'label', label)
app_setting(app_id, 'label', manifest['name'])
os.system('chown -R admin: '+ app_tmp_folder)
if args is None:
args = ''
args_dict = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(args))
args_dict = {}
# Execute App install script
os.system('chown -hR admin: '+ install_tmp)
# Move scripts and manifest to the right place
os.system('cp '+ app_tmp_folder +'/manifest.json ' + app_setting_path)
os.system('cp -R ' + app_tmp_folder +'/scripts '+ app_setting_path)
if hook_exec(app_tmp_folder + '/scripts/install', args_dict) == 0:
os.system('chmod -R 400 '+ app_setting_path)
os.system('chown -R root: '+ app_setting_path)
os.system('chown -R admin: '+ app_setting_path +'/scripts')
win_msg(_("Installation complete"))
#TODO: display script fail messages
raise YunoHostError(1, _("Installation failed"))
except KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError:
raise YunoHostError(125, _("Interrupted"))
def app_remove(app):
Remove app
Keyword argument:
app -- App(s) to delete
if not _is_installed(app):
raise YunoHostError(22, _("App is not installed"))
app_setting_path = apps_setting_path + app
#TODO: display fail messages from script
except: pass
os.system('cp -a '+ app_setting_path + ' /tmp/yunohost_remove && chown -hR admin: /tmp/yunohost_remove')
os.system('chown -R admin: /tmp/yunohost_remove')
os.system('chmod -R u+rX /tmp/yunohost_remove')
if hook_exec('/tmp/yunohost_remove/scripts/remove') != 0:
if os.path.exists(app_setting_path): shutil.rmtree(app_setting_path)
win_msg(_("App removed: ")+ app)
def app_addaccess(apps, users):
Grant access right to users (everyone by default)
Keyword argument:
if not users:
users = []
for user in user_list()['users']:
if not isinstance(users, list): users = [users]
if not isinstance(apps, list): apps = [apps]
for app in apps:
if not _is_installed(app):
raise YunoHostError(22, _("App is not installed"))
with open(apps_setting_path + app +'/settings.yml') as f:
app_settings = yaml.load(f)
if 'mode' not in app_settings:
app_setting(app, 'mode', 'private')
app_settings['mode'] = 'private'
if app_settings['mode'] == 'private':
if 'allowed_users' in app_settings:
new_users = app_settings['allowed_users']
new_users = ''
for allowed_user in users:
if allowed_user not in new_users.split(','):
except YunoHostError:
if new_users == '':
new_users = allowed_user
new_users = new_users +','+ allowed_user
app_setting(app, 'allowed_users', new_users.strip())
return { 'allowed_users': new_users.split(',') }
def app_removeaccess(apps, users):
Revoke access right to users (everyone by default)
Keyword argument:
remove_all = False
if not users:
remove_all = True
if not isinstance(users, list): users = [users]
if not isinstance(apps, list): apps = [apps]
for app in apps:
new_users = ''
if not _is_installed(app):
raise YunoHostError(22, _("App is not installed"))
with open(apps_setting_path + app +'/settings.yml') as f:
app_settings = yaml.load(f)
if 'skipped_uris' not in app_settings or app_settings['skipped_uris'] != '/':
if remove_all:
new_users = ''
elif 'allowed_users' in app_settings:
for allowed_user in app_settings['allowed_users'].split(','):
if allowed_user not in users:
if new_users == '':
new_users = allowed_user
new_users = new_users +','+ allowed_user
for user in user_list()['users']:
if user['username'] not in users:
if new_users == '':
new_users = user['username']
app_setting(app, 'allowed_users', new_users.strip())
return { 'allowed_users': new_users.split(',') }
def app_clearaccess(apps):
Reset access rights for the app
Keyword argument:
if not isinstance(apps, list): apps = [apps]
for app in apps:
if not _is_installed(app):
raise YunoHostError(22, _("App is not installed"))
with open(apps_setting_path + app +'/settings.yml') as f:
app_settings = yaml.load(f)
if 'mode' in app_settings:
app_setting(app, 'mode', delete=True)
if 'allowed_users' in app_settings:
app_setting(app, 'allowed_users', delete=True)
def app_setting(app, key, value=None, delete=False):
Set or get an app setting value
Keyword argument:
value -- Value to set
app -- App ID
key -- Key to get/set
delete -- Delete the key
settings_file = apps_setting_path + app +'/settings.yml'
with open(settings_file) as f:
app_settings = yaml.load(f)
except IOError:
# Do not fail if setting file is not there
app_settings = {}
if value is None and not delete:
# Get the value
if app_settings is not None and key in app_settings:
# Set the value
if app_settings is None:
app_settings = {}
if delete and key in app_settings:
del app_settings[key]
app_settings[key] = value
with open(settings_file, 'w') as f:
yaml.safe_dump(app_settings, f, default_flow_style=False)
def app_service(service, status=None, log=None, runlevel=None, remove=False):
Add or remove a YunoHost monitored service
Keyword argument:
service -- Service to add/remove
status -- Custom status command
log -- Absolute path to log file to display
runlevel -- Runlevel priority of the service
remove -- Remove service
service_file = '/etc/yunohost/services.yml'
with open(service_file) as f:
services = yaml.load(f)
except IOError:
# Do not fail if service file is not there
services = {}
if remove and service in services:
del services[service]
if status is None:
services[service] = { 'status': 'service' }
services[service] = { 'status': status }
if log is not None:
services[service]['log'] = log
if runlevel is not None:
services[service]['runlevel'] = runlevel
with open(service_file, 'w') as f:
yaml.safe_dump(services, f, default_flow_style=False)
def app_checkport(port):
Check availability of a local port
Keyword argument:
port -- Port to check
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("localhost", int(port)))
except socket.error:
win_msg(_("Port available: ")+ str(port))
raise YunoHostError(22, _("Port not available"))
def app_checkurl(url, app=None):
Check availability of a web path
Keyword argument:
url -- Url to check
app -- Write domain & path to app settings for further checks
if "https://" == url[:8]:
url = url[8:]
elif "http://" == url[:7]:
url = url[7:]
if url[-1:] != '/':
url = url + '/'
domain = url[:url.index('/')]
path = url[url.index('/'):]
if path[-1:] != '/':
path = path + '/'
apps_map = app_map(raw=True)
validate(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])*)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])*)*(\.[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])*)$', domain)
if domain not in domain_list(YunoHostLDAP())['domains']:
raise YunoHostError(22, _("Domain doesn't exists"))
if domain in apps_map:
if path in apps_map[domain]:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("An app is already installed on this location"))
for app_path, v in apps_map[domain].items():
if app_path in path and app_path.count('/') < path.count('/'):
raise YunoHostError(1, _("Unable to install app at this location"))
if app is not None:
app_setting(app, 'domain', value=domain)
app_setting(app, 'path', value=path)
def app_initdb(user, password=None, db=None, sql=None):
Create database and initialize it with optionnal attached script
Keyword argument:
db -- DB name (user unless set)
user -- Name of the DB user
password -- Password of the DB (generated unless set)
sql -- Initial SQL file
if db is None:
db = user
return_pwd = False
if password is None:
password = random_password(12)
return_pwd = True
mysql_root_pwd = open('/etc/yunohost/mysql').read().rstrip()
mysql_command = 'mysql -u root -p'+ mysql_root_pwd +' -e "CREATE DATABASE '+ db +' ; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+ db +'.* TO \''+ user +'\'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY \''+ password +'\';"'
if os.system(mysql_command) != 0:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("MySQL DB creation failed"))
if sql is not None:
if os.system('mysql -u '+ user +' -p'+ password +' '+ db +' < '+ sql) != 0:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("MySQL DB init failed"))
if not return_pwd:
win_msg(_("Database initiliazed"))
def app_ssowatconf():
Regenerate SSOwat configuration file
with open('/etc/yunohost/current_host', 'r') as f:
main_domain = f.readline().rstrip()
domains = domain_list(YunoHostLDAP())['domains']
users = {}
for user in user_list()['users']:
users[user['username']] = app_map(user=user['username'])
skipped_urls = []
skipped_regex = []
unprotected_urls = []
unprotected_regex = []
protected_urls = []
protected_regex = []
apps = {}
for app in app_list()['Apps']:
if _is_installed(app['ID']):
with open(apps_setting_path + app['ID'] +'/settings.yml') as f:
app_settings = yaml.load(f)
if 'skipped_uris' in app_settings:
for item in app_settings['skipped_uris'].split(','):
if item[-1:] == '/':
item = item[:-1]
skipped_urls.append(app_settings['domain'] + app_settings['path'][:-1] + item)
if 'skipped_regex' in app_settings:
for item in app_settings['skipped_regex'].split(','):
if 'unprotected_uris' in app_settings:
for item in app_settings['unprotected_uris'].split(','):
if item[-1:] == '/':
item = item[:-1]
unprotected_urls.append(app_settings['domain'] + app_settings['path'][:-1] + item)
if 'unprotected_regex' in app_settings:
for item in app_settings['unprotected_regex'].split(','):
if 'protected_uris' in app_settings:
for item in app_settings['protected_uris'].split(','):
if item[-1:] == '/':
item = item[:-1]
protected_urls.append(app_settings['domain'] + app_settings['path'][:-1] + item)
if 'protected_regex' in app_settings:
for item in app_settings['protected_regex'].split(','):
for domain in domains:
skipped_urls.extend([domain +'/ynhadmin', domain +'/ynhapi'])
with open('/etc/ssowat/conf.json') as f:
conf_dict = json.load(f)
if not 'portal_domain' in conf_dict:
conf_dict['portal_domain'] = main_domain
if not 'portal_path' in conf_dict:
conf_dict['portal_path'] = '/ynhsso/'
if not 'portal_port' in conf_dict:
conf_dict['portal_port'] = '443'
if not 'portal_scheme' in conf_dict:
conf_dict['portal_scheme'] = 'https'
if not 'additional_headers' in conf_dict:
conf_dict['additional_headers'] = {
'Auth-User': 'uid',
'Remote-User': 'uid',
'Name': 'cn',
'Email': 'mail'
conf_dict['domains'] = domains
conf_dict['skipped_urls'] = skipped_urls
conf_dict['unprotected_urls'] = unprotected_urls
conf_dict['protected_urls'] = protected_urls
conf_dict['skipped_regex'] = skipped_regex
conf_dict['unprotected_regex'] = unprotected_regex
conf_dict['protected_regex'] = protected_regex
conf_dict['users'] = users
with open('/etc/ssowat/conf.json', 'wb') as f:
json.dump(conf_dict, f)
win_msg(_('SSOwat configuration generated'))
def _extract_app_from_file(path, remove=False):
Unzip or untar application tarball in app_tmp_folder, or copy it from a directory
Keyword arguments:
path -- Path of the tarball or directory
remove -- Remove the tarball after extraction
Dict manifest
global app_tmp_folder
if os.path.exists(app_tmp_folder): shutil.rmtree(app_tmp_folder)
if ".zip" in path:
extract_result = os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +' && unzip '+ path +' -d '+ app_tmp_folder +' > /dev/null 2>&1')
if remove: os.remove(path)
elif ".tar" in path:
extract_result = os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +' && tar -xf '+ path +' -C '+ app_tmp_folder +' > /dev/null 2>&1')
if remove: os.remove(path)
elif (path[:1] == '/' and os.path.exists(path)) or (os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +'/'+ path) == 0):
if path[len(path)-1:] != '/':
path = path + '/'
extract_result = os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +' && cp -a "'+ path +'" '+ app_tmp_folder)
extract_result = 1
if extract_result != 0:
raise YunoHostError(22, _("Invalid install file"))
if len(os.listdir(app_tmp_folder)) == 1:
for folder in os.listdir(app_tmp_folder):
app_tmp_folder = app_tmp_folder +'/'+ folder
with open(app_tmp_folder + '/manifest.json') as json_manifest:
manifest = json.loads(str(
manifest['lastUpdate'] = int(time.time())
except IOError:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("Invalid App file"))
return manifest
def _fetch_app_from_git(app):
Unzip or untar application tarball in app_tmp_folder
Keyword arguments:
app -- App_id or git repo URL
Dict manifest
global app_tmp_folder
if ('@' in app) or ('http://' in app) or ('https://' in app):
if "" in app:
url = app.replace("", "")
if ".git" in url[-4:]: url = url[:-4]
if "/" in url [-1:]: url = url[:-1]
url = url + "/archive/"
if os.system('wget "'+ url +'" -O "'+ app_tmp_folder +'.zip" > /dev/null 2>&1') == 0:
return _extract_app_from_file(app_tmp_folder +'.zip', remove=True)
git_result = os.system('git clone '+ app +' '+ app_tmp_folder)
git_result_2 = 0
with open(app_tmp_folder + '/manifest.json') as json_manifest:
manifest = json.loads(str(
manifest['lastUpdate'] = int(time.time())
except IOError:
raise YunoHostError(1, _("Invalid App manifest"))
app_dict = app_list(raw=True)
if app in app_dict:
app_info = app_dict[app]
app_info['manifest']['lastUpdate'] = app_info['lastUpdate']
manifest = app_info['manifest']
raise YunoHostError(22, _("App doesn't exists"))
if "" in app_info['git']['url']:
url = app_info['git']['url'].replace("", "")
if ".git" in url[-4:]: url = url[:-4]
if "/" in url [-1:]: url = url[:-1]
url = url + "/archive/"+ str(app_info['git']['revision']) + ".zip"
if os.system('wget "'+ url +'" -O "'+ app_tmp_folder +'.zip" > /dev/null 2>&1') == 0:
return _extract_app_from_file(app_tmp_folder +'.zip', remove=True)
app_tmp_folder = install_tmp +'/'+ app
if os.path.exists(app_tmp_folder): shutil.rmtree(app_tmp_folder)
git_result = os.system('git clone '+ app_info['git']['url'] +' -b '+ app_info['git']['branch'] +' '+ app_tmp_folder)
git_result_2 = os.system('cd '+ app_tmp_folder +' && git reset --hard '+ str(app_info['git']['revision']))
if not git_result == git_result_2 == 0:
raise YunoHostError(22, _("Sources fetching failed"))
return manifest
def _installed_instance_number(app, last=False):
Check if application is installed and return instance number
Keyword arguments:
app -- id of App to check
last -- Return only last instance number
Number of last installed instance | List or instances
if last:
number = 0
installed_apps = os.listdir(apps_setting_path)
except OSError:
return 0
for installed_app in installed_apps:
if number == 0 and app == installed_app:
number = 1
elif '__' in installed_app:
if app == installed_app[:installed_app.index('__')]:
if int(installed_app[installed_app.index('__') + 2:]) > number:
number = int(installed_app[installed_app.index('__') + 2:])
return number
instance_number_list = []
instances_dict = app_map(app=app, raw=True)
for key, domain in instances_dict.items():
for key, path in domain.items():
return sorted(instance_number_list)
def _is_installed(app):
Check if application is installed
Keyword arguments:
app -- id of App to check
installed_apps = os.listdir(apps_setting_path)
except OSError:
return False
for installed_app in installed_apps:
if app == installed_app:
return True
return False