
166 lines
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"""Pytest fixtures for testing."""
import json
import os
import shutil
import pytest
def patch_init(moulinette):
"""Configure moulinette to use the YunoHost namespace."""
old_init = moulinette.core.Moulinette18n.__init__
def monkey_path_i18n_init(self, package, default_locale='en'):
old_init(self, package, default_locale)
moulinette.core.Moulinette18n.__init__ = monkey_path_i18n_init
def patch_translate(moulinette):
"""Configure translator to raise errors when there are missing keys."""
old_translate = moulinette.core.Translator.translate
def new_translate(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
if key not in self._translations[self.default_locale].keys():
message = 'Unable to retrieve key %s for default locale!' % key
raise KeyError(message)
return old_translate(self, key, *args, **kwargs)
moulinette.core.Translator.translate = new_translate
def new_m18nn(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
return self._global.translate(key, *args, **kwargs)
moulinette.core.Moulinette18n.g = new_m18nn
def patch_logging(moulinette):
"""Configure logging to use the custom logger."""
handlers = set(['tty', 'api'])
root_handlers = set(handlers)
level = 'INFO'
tty_level = 'INFO'
return {
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': True,
'formatters': {
'tty-debug': {
'format': '%(relativeCreated)-4d %(fmessage)s'
'precise': {
'format': '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s %(funcName)s - %(fmessage)s' # noqa
'filters': {
'action': {
'()': 'moulinette.utils.log.ActionFilter',
'handlers': {
'api': {
'level': level,
'class': 'moulinette.interfaces.api.APIQueueHandler',
'tty': {
'level': tty_level,
'class': 'moulinette.interfaces.cli.TTYHandler',
'formatter': '',
'loggers': {
'moulinette': {
'level': level,
'handlers': [],
'propagate': True,
'moulinette.interface': {
'level': level,
'handlers': handlers,
'propagate': False,
'root': {
'level': level,
'handlers': root_handlers,
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def moulinette(tmp_path_factory):
import moulinette
# Can't call the namespace just 'test' because
# that would lead to some "import test" not importing the right stuff
namespace = "moulitest"
tmp_cache = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("cache"))
tmp_data = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data"))
tmp_lib = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("lib"))
os.environ['MOULINETTE_CACHE_DIR'] = tmp_cache
os.environ['MOULINETTE_DATA_DIR'] = tmp_data
os.environ['MOULINETTE_LIB_DIR'] = tmp_lib
shutil.copytree("./test/actionsmap", "%s/actionsmap" % tmp_data)
shutil.copytree("./test/src", "%s/%s" % (tmp_lib, namespace))
shutil.copytree("./test/locales", "%s/%s/locales" % (tmp_lib, namespace))
logging = patch_logging(moulinette)
return moulinette
def moulinette_webapi(moulinette):
from webtest import TestApp
from import CookiePolicy
# Dirty hack needed, otherwise cookies ain't reused between request .. not
# sure why :|
def return_true(self, cookie, request):
return True
CookiePolicy.return_ok_secure = return_true
moulinette_webapi = moulinette.core.init_interface(
kwargs={'routes': {}, 'use_websocket': False},
actionsmap={'namespaces': ["moulitest"], 'use_cache': True}
return TestApp(moulinette_webapi._app)
def test_file(tmp_path):
test_text = 'foo\nbar\n'
test_file = tmp_path / 'test.txt'
return test_file
def test_json(tmp_path):
test_json = json.dumps({'foo': 'bar'})
test_file = tmp_path / 'test.json'
return test_file
def user():
return os.getlogin()
def test_url():
return 'https://some.test.url/yolo.txt'