2013-02-15 18:53:52 +01:00

172 lines
4.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import json
from urllib import urlopen, urlretrieve
from yunohost import YunoHostError, YunoHostLDAP, win_msg
from yunohost_domain import domain_list, domain_add
def app_updatelist(url=None):
Fetch application list
Keyword arguments:
url -- Custom list URL
True | YunoHostError
app_path = '/var/cache/yunohost/apps/'
# Create app path if not exists
try: os.listdir(app_path)
except OSError: os.makedirs(app_path)
if not url: url = ''
# TODO: Add multiple list support
# Get list
try: fetch = urlopen(url)
except IOError: fetch = False
if fetch and (fetch.code == 200): urlretrieve(url, app_path + 'list.json')
else: raise YunoHostError(1, _("List server connection failed"))
# TODO: Use system wget in order to have a status bar
win_msg(_("List updated successfully"))
def app_list(offset=None, limit=None):
List available applications
Keyword arguments:
offset -- App to begin with
limit -- Number of apps to list
Dict of apps
# TODO: List installed applications
# TODO: Implement fields to fetch
if offset: offset = int(offset)
else: offset = 0
if limit: limit = int(limit)
else: limit = 1000
with open('/var/cache/yunohost/apps/list.json') as json_list:
app_dict = json.loads(str(
list_dict = {}
if len(app_dict) > (0 + offset) and limit > 0:
i = 0 + offset
sorted_app_dict = {}
for sorted_keys in sorted(app_dict.keys())[i:]:
if i <= limit:
sorted_app_dict[sorted_keys] = app_dict[sorted_keys]
i += 1
for app_id, app_info in sorted_app_dict.items():
list_dict[app_id] = {
'Name': app_info['manifest']['name'],
'Version': app_info['manifest']['version'],
'Description': app_info['manifest']['description']
return list_dict
def app_install(app, domain=None, path=None, label=None, public=False, protected=True):
Install selected app
Keyword arguments:
app -- AppID to install (or filename)
domain -- Web domain for the app
path -- Subpath of the domain
label -- User defined name for the app
public -- Allow app public access
protected -- App is protected by the SSO
Win | Fail
# TODO: Check if the app is already installed
# Fetch | Extract sources
install_tmp = '/tmp/yunohost/install'
try: os.listdir(install_tmp)
except OSError: os.makedirs(install_tmp)
if "." in app:
install_from_file = True
app_tmp_folder = install_tmp + '/from_file'
if ".zip" in app:
extract_result = os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +' && unzip '+ app +' -d '+ app_tmp_folder)
elif ".tar" in app:
extract_result = os.system('cd '+ os.getcwd() +' && tar -C '+ app_tmp_folder +' -xf '+ app)
extract_result = 1
if extract_result != 0:
raise YunoHostError(22, _("Invalid install file"))
with open(app_tmp_folder + '/manifest.webapp') as json_manifest:
manifest = json.loads(str(
install_from_file = False
app_tmp_folder = install_tmp +'/'+ app
with open('/var/cache/yunohost/apps/list.json') as json_list:
app_dict = json.loads(str(
if app in app_dict:
app_info = app_dict[app]
manifest = app_info['manifest']
raise YunoHostError(22, _("App doesn't exists"))
git_result = os.system('git clone '+ app_info['git']['url'] +' -b '+ app_info['git']['branch'] +' '+ app_tmp_folder)
git_result_2 = os.system('cd '+ app_tmp_folder +' && git reset --hard '+ str(app_info['git']['revision']))
if not git_result == git_result_2 == 0:
raise YunoHostError(22, _("Sources fetching failed"))
# TODO: Check if exists another instance
# TODO: Create domain
domain_list(filter="virtualdomain="+ domain)
except YunoHostError:
# TODO: Install dependencies
# TODO: Exec install script
# TODO: Check if MYSQL DB is needed and create it, then init DB if needed
# TODO: Copy files to the right place
# TODO: Exec postinstall script
# TODO: Create appsettings
# TODO: Configure apache/lemon with NPZE's scripts
# TODO: Move scripts folder