Move general checks as methods of App class

This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Aubin 2019-03-02 01:43:29 +01:00
parent a0e435c271
commit 0c4e86d098

View file

@ -93,212 +93,223 @@ class App():
self.scripts = { f: Script(self.path, f) for f in scripts }
def misc_file_checks(app_path):
def analyze(self):
print_header("MISC FILE CHECKS")
# Check for recommended and mandatory files
filenames = ("manifest.json", "LICENSE", "",
"scripts/install", "scripts/remove",
"scripts/backup", "scripts/restore")
non_mandatory = ("script/backup", "script/restore")
for filename in filenames:
if file_exists(app_path + "/" + filename):
elif filename in non_mandatory:
print_warning("Consider adding a file %s" % filename)
print_error("File %s is mandatory" % filename)
# Deprecated php-fpm.ini thing
if file_exists(app_path + "/conf/php-fpm.ini"):
print_warning("Using a separate php-fpm.ini file is deprecated. Please merge your php-fpm directives directly in the pool file. (c.f. )")
# Deprecated usage of 'add_header' in nginx conf
for filename in os.listdir(app_path + "/conf"):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
content = open(app_path + "/conf/" + filename).read()
if "location" in content and "add_header" in content:
print_warning("Do not use 'add_header' in the nginx conf. Use 'more_set_headers' instead. (See and )")
for script in self.scripts.values():
if script.exists:
def check_source_management(app_path):
print_header("SOURCES MANAGEMENT")
DIR = os.path.join(app_path, "sources")
# Check if there is more than six files on 'sources' folder
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, "sources")) \
and len([name for name in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, name))]) > 5:
print_warning("[YEP-3.3] Upstream app sources shouldn't be stored on this "
"'sources' folder of this git repository as a copy/paste."
"\nAt installation, the package should download sources "
"from upstream via 'ynh_setup_source'.\nSee the helper"
"documentation. Original discussion happened here : "
def misc_file_checks(self):
print_header("MISC FILE CHECKS")
# Check for recommended and mandatory files
filenames = ("manifest.json", "LICENSE", "",
"scripts/install", "scripts/remove",
"scripts/backup", "scripts/restore")
non_mandatory = ("script/backup", "script/restore")
for filename in filenames:
if file_exists(self.path + "/" + filename):
elif filename in non_mandatory:
print_warning("Consider adding a file %s" % filename)
print_error("File %s is mandatory" % filename)
# Deprecated php-fpm.ini thing
if file_exists(self.path + "/conf/php-fpm.ini"):
print_warning("Using a separate php-fpm.ini file is deprecated. Please merge your php-fpm directives directly in the pool file. (c.f. )")
# Deprecated usage of 'add_header' in nginx conf
for filename in os.listdir(self.path + "/conf"):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
content = open(self.path + "/conf/" + filename).read()
if "location" in content and "add_header" in content:
print_warning("Do not use 'add_header' in the nginx conf. Use 'more_set_headers' instead. (See and )")
def check_manifest(path):
manifest = os.path.join(path, 'manifest.json')
if not os.path.exists(manifest):
Check if there is no comma syntax issue
def check_source_management(self):
print_header("SOURCES MANAGEMENT")
DIR = os.path.join(self.path, "sources")
# Check if there is more than six files on 'sources' folder
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "sources")) \
and len([name for name in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, name))]) > 5:
print_warning("[YEP-3.3] Upstream app sources shouldn't be stored on this "
"'sources' folder of this git repository as a copy/paste."
"\nAt installation, the package should download sources "
"from upstream via 'ynh_setup_source'.\nSee the helper"
"documentation. Original discussion happened here : "
with open(manifest, encoding='utf-8') as data_file:
manifest = json.loads(
print_error("[YEP-2.1] Syntax (comma) or encoding issue with manifest.json. "
"Can't check file.")
fields = ("name", "id", "packaging_format", "description", "url", "version",
"license", "maintainer", "requirements", "multi_instance",
"services", "arguments")
def check_manifest(self):
manifest = os.path.join(self.path, 'manifest.json')
if not os.path.exists(manifest):
Check if there is no comma syntax issue
for field in fields:
if field not in manifest:
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] \"" + field + "\" field is missing")
with open(manifest, encoding='utf-8') as data_file:
manifest = json.loads(
print_error("[YEP-2.1] Syntax (comma) or encoding issue with manifest.json. "
"Can't check file.")
Check values in keys
fields = ("name", "id", "packaging_format", "description", "url", "version",
"license", "maintainer", "requirements", "multi_instance",
"services", "arguments")
if "packaging_format" not in manifest:
print_error("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\" key is missing")
elif not isinstance(manifest["packaging_format"], int):
print_error("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\": value isn't an integer type")
elif manifest["packaging_format"] != 1:
print_error("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\" field: current format value is '1'")
for field in fields:
if field not in manifest:
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] \"" + field + "\" field is missing")
# YEP 1.1 Name is app
if "id" in manifest:
if not re.match('^[a-z1-9]((_|-)?[a-z1-9])+$', manifest["id"]):
print_error("[YEP-1.1] 'id' field '%s' should respect this regex "
Check values in keys
if "name" in manifest:
if len(manifest["name"]) > 22:
print_warning("[YEP-1.1] The 'name' field shouldn't be too long to be"
" able to be with one line in the app list. The most "
"current bigger name is actually compound of 22 characters.")
if "packaging_format" not in manifest:
print_error("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\" key is missing")
elif not isinstance(manifest["packaging_format"], int):
print_error("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\": value isn't an integer type")
elif manifest["packaging_format"] != 1:
print_error("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\" field: current format value is '1'")
# YEP 1.2 Put the app in a weel known repo
if "id" in manifest:
official_list_url = ""
official_list = json.loads(urlopen(official_list_url)['content'])
community_list_url = ""
community_list = json.loads(urlopen(community_list_url)['content'])
if manifest["id"] not in official_list and manifest["id"] not in community_list:
print_warning("[YEP-1.2] This app is not registered in official or community applications")
# YEP 1.1 Name is app
if "id" in manifest:
if not re.match('^[a-z1-9]((_|-)?[a-z1-9])+$', manifest["id"]):
print_error("[YEP-1.1] 'id' field '%s' should respect this regex "
# YEP 1.3 License
def license_mentionned_in_readme(path):
readme_path = os.path.join(path, '')
if os.path.isfile(readme_path):
return "LICENSE" in open(readme_path).read()
return False
if "name" in manifest:
if len(manifest["name"]) > 22:
print_warning("[YEP-1.1] The 'name' field shouldn't be too long to be"
" able to be with one line in the app list. The most "
"current bigger name is actually compound of 22 characters.")
if "license" in manifest:
for license in manifest['license'].replace('&', ',').split(','):
code_license = '<code property="spdx:licenseId">' + license + '</code>'
link = ""
if license == "nonfree":
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The correct value for non free license in license"
" field is 'non-free' and not 'nonfree'")
license = "non-free"
if license in ["free", "non-free", "dep-non-free"]:
if not license_mentionned_in_readme(path):
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The use of '%s' in license field implies to "
"write something about the license in your "
"" % (license))
if license in ["non-free", "dep-non-free"]:
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] 'non-free' apps can't be officialized."
"Their integration is still being discussed,"
"especially for apps with non-free dependencies")
elif code_license not in urlopen(link)['content']:
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The license '%s' is not registered in "
" . It can be a typo error. "
"If not, you should replace it by 'free' or 'non-free'"
"and give some explanations in the" % (license))
# YEP 1.2 Put the app in a weel known repo
if "id" in manifest:
official_list_url = ""
official_list = json.loads(urlopen(official_list_url)['content'])
community_list_url = ""
community_list = json.loads(urlopen(community_list_url)['content'])
if manifest["id"] not in official_list and manifest["id"] not in community_list:
print_warning("[YEP-1.2] This app is not registered in official or community applications")
# YEP 1.4 Inform if we continue to maintain the app
# YEP 1.5 Update regularly the app status
# YEP 1.6 Check regularly the evolution of the upstream
# YEP 1.3 License
def license_mentionned_in_readme():
readme_path = os.path.join(path, '')
if os.path.isfile(readme_path):
return "LICENSE" in open(readme_path).read()
return False
# YEP 1.7 - Add an app to the YunoHost-Apps organization
if "id" in manifest:
repo = "" % (manifest["id"])
is_not_added_to_org = urlopen(repo)['code'] == 404
if "license" in manifest:
for license in manifest['license'].replace('&', ',').split(','):
code_license = '<code property="spdx:licenseId">' + license + '</code>'
link = ""
if license == "nonfree":
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The correct value for non free license in license"
" field is 'non-free' and not 'nonfree'")
license = "non-free"
if license in ["free", "non-free", "dep-non-free"]:
if not license_mentionned_in_readme(self.path):
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The use of '%s' in license field implies to "
"write something about the license in your "
"" % (license))
if license in ["non-free", "dep-non-free"]:
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] 'non-free' apps can't be officialized."
"Their integration is still being discussed,"
"especially for apps with non-free dependencies")
elif code_license not in urlopen(link)['content']:
print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The license '%s' is not registered in "
" . It can be a typo error. "
"If not, you should replace it by 'free' or 'non-free'"
"and give some explanations in the" % (license))
if is_not_added_to_org:
print_warning("[YEP-1.7] You should add your app in the "
"YunoHost-Apps organisation.")
# YEP 1.4 Inform if we continue to maintain the app
# YEP 1.5 Update regularly the app status
# YEP 1.6 Check regularly the evolution of the upstream
# YEP 1.8 Publish test request
# YEP 1.9 Document app
if "description" in manifest:
descr = manifest["description"]
if isinstance(descr, dict):
descr = descr.get("en", None)
# YEP 1.7 - Add an app to the YunoHost-Apps organization
if "id" in manifest:
repo = "" % (manifest["id"])
is_not_added_to_org = urlopen(repo)['code'] == 404
if descr is None or descr == manifest.get("name", None):
print_warning("[YEP-1.9] You should write a good description of the app, at least in english (1 line is enough).")
if is_not_added_to_org:
print_warning("[YEP-1.7] You should add your app in the "
"YunoHost-Apps organisation.")
elif "for yunohost" in descr.lower():
print_warning("[YEP-1.9] The 'description' should explain what the app actually does. No need to say that it is 'for YunoHost' - this is a YunoHost app so of course we know it is for YunoHost ;-).")
# YEP 1.8 Publish test request
# YEP 1.9 Document app
if "description" in manifest:
descr = manifest["description"]
if isinstance(descr, dict):
descr = descr.get("en", None)
# TODO test a specific template in
if descr is None or descr == manifest.get("name", None):
print_warning("[YEP-1.9] You should write a good description of the app, at least in english (1 line is enough).")
# YEP 1.10 Garder un historique de version propre
elif "for yunohost" in descr.lower():
print_warning("[YEP-1.9] The 'description' should explain what the app actually does. No need to say that it is 'for YunoHost' - this is a YunoHost app so of course we know it is for YunoHost ;-).")
# YEP 1.11 Cancelled
# TODO test a specific template in
# YEP 2.1
if "multi_instance" in manifest and manifest["multi_instance"] != 1 and manifest["multi_instance"] != 0:
"[YEP-2.1] \"multi_instance\" field must be boolean type values 'true' or 'false' and not string type")
# YEP 1.10 Garder un historique de version propre
if "services" in manifest:
services = ("nginx", "mysql", "uwsgi", "metronome",
"php5-fpm", "php7.0-fpm", "php-fpm",
"postfix", "dovecot", "rspamd")
# YEP 1.11 Cancelled
for service in manifest["services"]:
if service not in services:
# FIXME : wtf is it supposed to mean ...
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] " + service + " service may not exist")
# YEP 2.1
if "multi_instance" in manifest and manifest["multi_instance"] != 1 and manifest["multi_instance"] != 0:
"[YEP-2.1] \"multi_instance\" field must be boolean type values 'true' or 'false' and not string type")
if "install" in manifest["arguments"]:
if "services" in manifest:
services = ("nginx", "mysql", "uwsgi", "metronome",
"php5-fpm", "php7.0-fpm", "php-fpm",
"postfix", "dovecot", "rspamd")
recognized_types = ("domain", "path", "boolean", "app", "password", "user", "string")
for service in manifest["services"]:
if service not in services:
# FIXME : wtf is it supposed to mean ...
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] " + service + " service may not exist")
for argument in manifest["arguments"]["install"]:
if "type" not in argument.keys():
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] You should specify the type of the argument '%s'. You can use : %s." % (argument["name"], ', '.join(recognized_types)))
elif argument["type"] not in recognized_types:
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] The type '%s' for argument '%s' is not recognized... it probably doesn't behave as you expect ? Choose among those instead : %s" % (argument["type"], argument["name"], ', '.join(recognized_types)))
if "install" in manifest["arguments"]:
if "choices" in argument.keys():
choices = [c.lower() for c in argument["choices"]]
if len(choices) == 2:
if ("true" in choices and "false" in choices) or ("yes" in choices and "no" in choices):
print_warning("Argument %s : you might want to simply use a boolean-type argument. No need to specify the choices list yourself." % argument["name"])
recognized_types = ("domain", "path", "boolean", "app", "password", "user", "string")
if "url" in manifest and manifest["url"].endswith("_ynh"):
print_warning("'url' is not meant to be the url of the yunohost package, but rather the website or repo of the upstream app itself...")
for argument in manifest["arguments"]["install"]:
if "type" not in argument.keys():
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] You should specify the type of the argument '%s'. You can use : %s." % (argument["name"], ', '.join(recognized_types)))
elif argument["type"] not in recognized_types:
print_warning("[YEP-2.1] The type '%s' for argument '%s' is not recognized... it probably doesn't behave as you expect ? Choose among those instead : %s" % (argument["type"], argument["name"], ', '.join(recognized_types)))
if "choices" in argument.keys():
choices = [c.lower() for c in argument["choices"]]
if len(choices) == 2:
if ("true" in choices and "false" in choices) or ("yes" in choices and "no" in choices):
print_warning("Argument %s : you might want to simply use a boolean-type argument. No need to specify the choices list yourself." % argument["name"])
if "url" in manifest and manifest["url"].endswith("_ynh"):
print_warning("'url' is not meant to be the url of the yunohost package, but rather the website or repo of the upstream app itself...")
def check_verifications_done_before_modifying_system(script):
@ -469,18 +480,7 @@ def main():
app_path = sys.argv[1]
# Global checks
app = App(app_path)
# Scripts checks
for script in app.scripts.values():
if script.exists: