#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import sys import os import re import json import shlex import urllib.request import codecs reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") return_code = 0 class c: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' MAYBE_FAIL = '\033[96m' FAIL = '\033[91m' END = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' def header(app_path): print(c.UNDERLINE + c.HEADER + c.BOLD + "YUNOHOST APP PACKAGE LINTER\n", c.END, "App packaging documentation: https://yunohost.org/#/packaging_apps\n", "App package example: https://github.com/YunoHost/example_ynh\n", "Checking " + c.BOLD + app_path + c.END + " package\n") def print_right(str): print(c.OKGREEN + "✔", str, c.END) def print_warning(str): print(c.WARNING + "!", str, c.END) def print_wrong(str, reliable=True): if reliable: global return_code return_code = 1 print(c.FAIL + "✘", str, c.END) else: print(c.MAYBE_FAIL + "?", str, c.END) def urlopen(url): try: conn = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: return {'content': '', 'code': e.code} except urllib.error.URLError as e: print('URLError') return {'content': conn.read().decode('UTF8'), 'code': 200} def check_files_exist(app_path): """ Check files exist 'backup' and 'restore' scripts are mandatory """ print(c.BOLD + c.HEADER + ">>>> MISSING FILES <<<<" + c.END) fnames = ("manifest.json", "scripts/install", "scripts/remove", "scripts/upgrade", "scripts/backup", "scripts/restore", "LICENSE", "README.md") for nbr, fname in enumerate(fnames): if not check_file_exist(app_path + "/" + fname): if nbr != 4 and nbr != 5: print_wrong(fname) else: print_warning(fname) def check_file_exist(file_path): return 1 if os.path.isfile(file_path) and os.stat(file_path).st_size > 0 else 0 def read_file(file_path): f = open(file_path) # remove every comments and empty lines from the file content to avoid # false positives file = shlex.shlex(f, False) #file = filter(None, re.sub("#.*[^\n]", "", f.read()).splitlines()) return file def check_source_management(app_path): print(c.BOLD + c.HEADER + "\n>>>> SOURCES MANAGEMENT <<<<" + c.END) DIR = os.path.join(app_path, "sources") # Check if there is more than six files on 'sources' folder if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, "sources")) and \ len([name for name in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, name))]) > 5: print_warning("[YEP-3.3] Upstream app sources shouldn't be stored on this " "'sources' folder of this git repository as a copy/paste." "\nAt installation, the package should download sources " "from upstream via 'ynh_setup_source'.\nSee " "https://dev.yunohost.org/issues/201#Conclusion-chart") def is_license_mention_in_readme(path): readme_path = os.path.join(path, 'README.md') if os.path.isfile(readme_path): return "LICENSE" in open(readme_path).read() return False def check_manifest(path): manifest = os.path.join(path, 'manifest.json') if not os.path.exists(manifest): return print(c.BOLD + c.HEADER + "\n>>>> MANIFEST <<<<" + c.END) """ Check if there is no comma syntax issue """ try: with open(manifest, encoding='utf-8') as data_file: manifest = json.loads(data_file.read()) except: print_wrong("[YEP-2.1] Syntax (comma) or encoding issue with manifest.json. " "Can't check file.") fields = ("name", "id", "packaging_format", "description", "url", "version", "license", "maintainer", "requirements", "multi_instance", "services", "arguments") for field in fields: if field not in manifest: print_warning("[YEP-2.1] \"" + field + "\" field is missing") """ Check values in keys """ if "packaging_format" not in manifest: print_wrong("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\" key is missing") elif not isinstance(manifest["packaging_format"], int): print_wrong("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\": value isn't an integer type") elif manifest["packaging_format"] != 1: print_wrong("[YEP-2.1] \"packaging_format\" field: current format value is '1'") # YEP 1.1 Name is app if "id" in manifest: if not re.match('^[a-z1-9]((_|-)?[a-z1-9])+$', manifest["id"]): print_wrong("[YEP-1.1] 'id' field '%s' should respect this regex " "'^[a-z1-9]((_|-)?[a-z1-9])+$'") if "name" in manifest: if len(manifest["name"]) > 22 : print_warning("[YEP-1.1] The 'name' field shouldn't be too long to be" " able to be with one line in the app list. The most " "current bigger name is actually compound of 22 characters.") # YEP 1.2 Put the app in a weel known repo if "id" in manifest: official_list_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/apps/master/official.json" official_list = json.loads(urlopen(official_list_url)['content']) community_list_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/apps/master/community.json" community_list = json.loads(urlopen(community_list_url)['content']) if manifest["id"] not in official_list and manifest["id"] not in community_list: print_warning("[YEP-1.2] This app is not registered in official or community applications") # YEP 1.3 License if "license" in manifest: for license in manifest['license'].replace('&', ',').split(','): code_license = '' + license + '' link = "https://spdx.org/licenses/" if license == "nonfree": print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The correct value for non free license in license" " field is 'non-free' and not 'nonfree'") license = "non-free" if license in ["free", "non-free", "dep-non-free"]: if not is_license_mention_in_readme(path): print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The use of '%s' in license field implies to " "write something about the license in your " "README.md" % (license)) if license == "non-free" or "dep-non-free": print_warning("[YEP-1.3] 'non-free' apps can't be officialised." "The way to integrate them or not is always " "in discussion notably about apps with non " "free dependencies") elif code_license not in urlopen(link)['content']: print_warning("[YEP-1.3] The license '%s' is not registered in " "https://spdx.org/licenses/ . It can be a typo error." "If no, you should write free or non-free in place and" " gice more explanation in README.md" % (license)) # YEP 1.4 Inform if we continue to maintain the app # YEP 1.5 Update regularly the app status # YEP 1.6 Check regularly the evolution of the upstream # YEP 1.7 - Add an app to the YunoHost-Apps organization if "id" in manifest: repo = "https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/%s_ynh" % (manifest["id"]) is_not_added_to_org = urlopen(repo)['code'] == 404 if is_not_added_to_org: print_warning("[YEP-1.7] You should add your app in the " "YunoHost-Apps organisation.") # YEP 1.8 Publish test request # YEP 1.9 Document app if "description" in manifest and "name" in manifest: if manifest["description"] == manifest["name"]: print_warning("[YEP-1.9] You should write a good description of the" "app (1 line is enough).") #TODO test a specific template in README.md # YEP 1.10 Garder un historique de version propre # YEP 1.11 Cancelled # YEP 2.1 if "multi_instance" in manifest and manifest["multi_instance"] != 1 and manifest["multi_instance"] != 0: print_wrong( "[YEP-2.1] \"multi_instance\" field must be boolean type values 'true' or 'false' and not string type") if "services" in manifest: services = ("nginx", "php5-fpm", "mysql", "uwsgi", "metronome", "postfix", "dovecot") # , "rspamd", "rmilter") for service in manifest["services"]: if service not in services: print_warning("[YEP-2.1]" + service + " service may not exist") if "install" in manifest["arguments"]: types = ("domain", "path", "password", "user", "admin") for nbr, typ in enumerate(types): for install_arg in manifest["arguments"]["install"]: if typ == install_arg["name"]: if "type" not in install_arg: print_wrong("[YEP-2.1] You should specify the type of the key with %s" % (typ)) def check_script(path, script_name, script_nbr): script_path = path + "/scripts/" + script_name if check_file_exist(script_path) == 0: return print(c.BOLD + c.HEADER + "\n>>>>", script_name.upper(), "SCRIPT <<<<" + c.END) check_non_helpers_usage(read_file(script_path)) if script_nbr < 5: check_verifications_done_before_modifying_system(read_file(script_path)) check_set_usage(script_name, read_file(script_path)) #check_arg_retrieval(script.copy()) def check_verifications_done_before_modifying_system(script): """ Check if verifications are done before modifying the system """ ok = True modify_cmd = '' cmds = ("cp", "mkdir", "rm", "chown", "chmod", "apt-get", "apt", "service", "find", "sed", "mysql", "swapon", "mount", "dd", "mkswap", "useradd") cmds_before_exit = [] is_exit = False for cmd in script: if "ynh_die" == cmd or "exit " == cmd: is_exit = True break cmds_before_exit.append(cmd) if not is_exit: return for cmd in cmds_before_exit: if "ynh_die" == cmd or "exit " == cmd: break if not ok or cmd in cmds: modify_cmd = cmd ok = False break if not ok: print_wrong("[YEP-2.4] 'ynh_die' or 'exit' command is executed with system modification before (cmd '%s').\n" "This system modification is an issue if a verification exit the script.\n" "You should move this verification before any system modification." % (modify_cmd) , False) def check_non_helpers_usage(script): """ check if deprecated commands are used and propose helpers: - 'yunohost app setting' –> ynh_app_setting_(set,get,delete) - 'exit' –> 'ynh_die' """ ok = True #TODO #for line_nbr, cmd in script: # if "yunohost app setting" in cmd: # print_wrong("[YEP-2.11] Line {}: 'yunohost app setting' command is deprecated," # " please use helpers ynh_app_setting_(set,get,delete)." # .format(line_nbr + 1)) # ok = False if not ok: print("Helpers documentation: " "https://yunohost.org/#/packaging_apps_helpers\n" "code: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/…helpers") if "exit" in script: print_wrong("[YEP-2.4] 'exit' command shouldn't be used." "Use 'ynh_die' helper instead.") def check_set_usage(script_name, script): present = False if script_name in ["backup", "remove"]: present = "ynh_abort_if_errors" in script or "set -eu" in script else: present = "ynh_abort_if_errors" in script if script_name == "remove": # Remove script shouldn't use set -eu or ynh_abort_if_errors if present: print_wrong("[YEP-2.4] set -eu or ynh_abort_if_errors is present. " "If there is a crash it could put yunohost system in " "invalidated states. For details, look at " "https://dev.yunohost.org/issues/419") else: if not present: print_wrong("[YEP-2.4] ynh_abort_if_errors is missing. For details," "look at https://dev.yunohost.org/issues/419") def check_arg_retrieval(script): """ Check arguments retrival from manifest is done with env var $YNH_APP_ARG_* and not with arg $1 env var was found till line ~30 on scripts. Stop file checking at L30: This could avoid wrong positives Check only from '$1' to '$10' as 10 arg retrieval is already a lot. """ present = False for cmd in script: if cmd =='$' and script.get_token() in [str(x) for x in range(1, 10)]: present = True break if present: print_wrong("Argument retrieval from manifest with $1 is deprecated. You may use $YNH_APP_ARG_*") print_wrong("For more details see: https://yunohost.org/#/packaging_apps_arguments_management_en") if __name__ == '__main__': os.system("clear") if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Give one app package path.") exit() # "or" trick to always be 1 if 1 is present: # 1 or 0 = 1 # 1 or 1 = 1 # 0 or 1 = 1 # 0 or 0 = 0 app_path = sys.argv[1] header(app_path) check_files_exist(app_path) check_source_management(app_path) check_manifest(app_path) # + "/manifest.json") scripts = ["install", "remove", "upgrade", "backup", "restore"] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(os.path.join(app_path, "scripts")): for filename in filenames: if filename not in scripts and filename[-4:] != ".swp": scripts.append(filename) for script_nbr, script in enumerate(scripts): check_script(app_path, script, script_nbr) sys.exit(return_code)