2018-05-22 22:20:17 +02:00
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
import jinja2
def _time_points_until_today():
year = 2017
month = 1
day = 1
today = datetime.today()
date = datetime(year, month, day)
while date < today:
yield date
day += 14
if day > 15:
day = 1
month += 1
if month > 12:
month = 1
year += 1
date = datetime(year, month, day)
time_points_until_today = list(_time_points_until_today())
def get_lists_history():
os.system("rm -rf ./.work")
os.system("git clone https://github.com/YunoHost/apps ./.work/apps")
for t in time_points_until_today:
print(t.strftime("%b %d %Y"))
# Fetch repo at this date
cmd = 'cd ./.work/apps; git checkout `git rev-list -1 --before="%s" master`'
os.system(cmd % t.strftime("%b %d %Y"))
# Merge community and official
community = json.loads(open(".work/apps/community.json").read())
official = json.loads(open(".work/apps/official.json").read())
for key in official:
official[key]["state"] = "official"
merged = {**community, **official}
# Save it
json.dump(merged, open('./.work/merged_lists.json.%s' % t.strftime("%y-%m-%d"), 'w'))
def diffs():
# Iterate over pairs of date : (t0,t1), (t1,t2), ...
dates = time_points_until_today
for d1, d2 in zip(dates[:-1], dates[1:]):
print("Analyzing %s ... %s" % (d1.strftime("%y-%m-%d"), d2.strftime("%y-%m-%d")))
# Load corresponding json
f1 = json.loads(open("./.work/merged_lists.json.%s" % d1.strftime("%y-%m-%d")).read())
f2 = json.loads(open("./.work/merged_lists.json.%s" % d2.strftime("%y-%m-%d")).read())
for key in f1:
f1[key]["name"] = key
for key in f2:
f2[key]["name"] = key
keys_f1 = set(f1.keys())
keys_f2 = set(f2.keys())
removed = [ f1[k] for k in keys_f1 - keys_f2 ]
added = [ f2[k] for k in keys_f2 - keys_f1 ]
keys_inboth = keys_f1 & keys_f2
state_changes = []
level_changes = []
updates = []
for key in keys_inboth:
changes = []
commit1 = f1[key].get("revision", None)
commit2 = f2[key].get("revision", None)
if commit1 != commit2:
state1 = f1[key].get("state", None)
state2 = f2[key].get("state", None)
if state1 != state2:
changes.append(("state", state1, state2))
level1 = f1[key].get("level", None)
level2 = f2[key].get("level", None)
if level1 != level2:
changes.append(("level", level1, level2))
if changes:
updates.append((f2[key], changes))
yield { "begin": d1,
"end": d2,
"new": sorted(added, key=lambda a:a["name"]),
"removed": sorted(removed, key=lambda a:a["name"]),
"updates": sorted(updates, key=lambda a:a[0]["name"]) }
def make_rss_feed():
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.title('App Lists news')
fg.author( {'name':'YunoHost'} )
for diff in diffs():
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('Changes between %s and %s' % (diff["begin"].strftime("%b %d"), diff["end"].strftime("%b %d")))
fe.content(jinja2.Template(open("rss_template.html").read()).render(data=diff), type="html")
2018-05-22 23:51:23 +02:00
def make_count_summary():
states = ["official", "working", "inprogress", "notworking"]
history = []
per_state = { state: [] for state in states }
per_level = { "level-%s"%i: [] for i in range(0,8) }
for d in time_points_until_today:
print("Analyzing %s ..." % d.strftime("%y-%m-%d"))
# Load corresponding json
j = json.loads(open("./.work/merged_lists.json.%s" % d.strftime("%y-%m-%d")).read())
d_label = d.strftime("%b %d %Y")
summary = {}
summary["date"] = d_label
for state in states:
summary[state] = len([ k for k, infos in j.items() if infos["state"] == state ])
for level in range(0,8):
summary["level-%s"%level] = len([ k for k, infos in j.items() \
if infos["state"] in ["working", "official"] \
and infos.get("level", None) == level ])
json.dump(history, open('count_history.json', 'w'))
2018-05-22 22:20:17 +02:00
2018-05-22 23:51:23 +02:00