import json import os from datetime import datetime def _time_points_until_today(): year = 2017 month = 1 day = 1 today = date = datetime(year, month, day) while date < today: yield date day += 14 if day > 15: day = 1 month += 1 if month > 12: month = 1 year += 1 date = datetime(year, month, day) time_points_until_today = list(_time_points_until_today()) def get_lists_history(): os.system("rm -rf ./.work") os.system("git clone ./.work/apps") for t in time_points_until_today: print(t.strftime("%b %d %Y")) # Fetch repo at this date cmd = 'cd ./.work/apps; git checkout `git rev-list -1 --before="%s" master`' os.system(cmd % t.strftime("%b %d %Y")) if t < datetime(2019,4,4): # Merge community and official community = json.loads(open("./.work/apps/community.json").read()) official = json.loads(open("./.work/apps/official.json").read()) for key in official: official[key]["state"] = "official" merged = {} merged.update(community) merged.update(official) else: merged = json.loads(open("./.work/apps/apps.json").read()) # Save it json.dump(merged, open('./.work/merged_lists.json.%s' % t.strftime("%y-%m-%d"), 'w')) def make_count_summary(): states = ["official", "working", "inprogress", "notworking"] history = [] last_time_point = time_points_until_today[-1] json_at_last_time_point = json.loads(open("./.work/merged_lists.json.%s" % last_time_point.strftime("%y-%m-%d")).read()) relevant_apps_to_track = [app for app, infos in json_at_last_time_point.items() if infos.get("state") in ["working", "official"]] history_per_app = {app: [] for app in relevant_apps_to_track} for d in time_points_until_today: print("Analyzing %s ..." % d.strftime("%y-%m-%d")) # Load corresponding json j = json.loads(open("./.work/merged_lists.json.%s" % d.strftime("%y-%m-%d")).read()) d_label = d.strftime("%b %d %Y") summary = {} summary["date"] = d_label for state in states: summary[state] = len([k for k, infos in j.items() if infos["state"] == state]) for level in range(0, 9): summary["level-%s" % level] = len([k for k, infos in j.items() if infos["state"] in ["working", "official"] and infos.get("level", None) == level]) history.append(summary) for app in relevant_apps_to_track: infos = j.get(app, {}) if not infos or infos.get("state") not in ["working", "official"]: level = -1 else: level = infos.get("level", -1) try: level = int(level) except: level = -1 history_per_app[app].append({ "date": d_label, "level": infos.get("level", -1) }) json.dump(history, open('count_history.json', 'w')) os.system("mkdir -p per_app/") for app in relevant_apps_to_track: json.dump(history_per_app[app], open('per_app/history_%s.json' % app, 'w')) get_lists_history() make_count_summary()