"reboot":"Your server is rebooting and will not be reachable for some time. A login prompt will be available as soon as the server is reachable.",
"shutdown":"Your server is shutting down and is no longer reachable. Turn it back on and a login prompt will be available as soon as the server is reachable.",
"help":"You should look for help on <a href=\"https://forum.yunohost.org/\">the forum</a> or <a href=\"https://chat.yunohost.org/\">the chat</a> to fix the situation, or report the bug on <a href=\"https://github.com/YunoHost/issues\">the bugtracker</a>.",
"info":"The following information might be useful for the person helping you:",
"app_state_lowquality_explanation":"This app may be functional, but may still contain issues, or is not fully integrated with YunoHost, or it does not respect the good practices.",
"confirm_group_add_access_permission":"Are you sure you want to grant {perm} access to {name}? Such access significantly increases the attack surface if {name} happens to be a malicious person. You should only do so if you TRUST this person/group.",
"confirm_install_custom_app":"WARNING! Installing 3rd party applications may compromise the integrity and security of your system. You should probably NOT install it unless you know what you are doing. Are you willing to take that risk?",
"confirm_install_app_broken":"WARNING! This application is broken according to YunoHost's automatic tests and it is likely to break your system! You should probably NOT install it unless you know what you are doing. Are you willing to take that risk?",
"confirm_install_app_lowquality":"Warning: this application may work but is not well-integrated in YunoHost. Some features such as single sign-on and backup/restore might not be available.",
"confirm_install_app_inprogress":"WARNING! This application is still experimental (if not explicitly not working) and it is likely to break your system! You should probably NOT install it unless you know what you are doing. Are you willing to take that risk?",
"confirm_postinstall":"You are about to launch the post-installation process on the domain {domain}. It may take a few minutes, *do not interrupt the operation*.",
"domain_dns_conf_is_just_a_recommendation":"This page shows you the *recommended* configuration. It does *not* configure the DNS for you. It is your responsibility to configure your DNS zone in your DNS registrar according to this recommendation.",
"diagnosis_first_run":"The diagnosis feature will attempt to identify common issues on the different aspects of your server to make sure everything runs smoothly. Please do not panic if you see a bunch of errors right after setting up your server: it is precisely meant to help you to identify issues and guide you to fix them. The diagnosis will also run automatically twice a day and an email is sent to the administrator if issues are found.",
"diagnosis_explanation":"The diagnosis feature will attempt to identify common issues on the different aspects of your server to make sure everything runs smoothly. The diagnosis runs automatically twice a day and an email is sent to the administrator if issues are found. Note that some tests may not be relevant if you do not want to use some specific features (for example XMPP) or may fail if you have a complex setup. In such cases, and if you know what you are doing, it is alright to ignore the corresponding issues or warnings.",
"info":"The automatic DNS records configuration is an experimental feature. <br>Consider saving your current DNS zone from your DNS registrar's interface before pushing records from here.",
"manual_config":"Suggested DNS records for manual configuration",
"push":"Push DNS records to registrar",
"push_force":"Overwrite existing records",
"push_force_confirm":"Are you sure you want to force push all suggested dns records? Be aware that it may overwrite manually or important default records set by you or your registrar.",
"push_force_warning":"It looks like some DNS records that YunoHost would have set are already in the registrar configuration. You can use the overwrite option if you know what you are doing."
"main_domain":"The main domain is the domain from which users can connect to the portal (via \"{domain}/yunohost/sso\").<br>Therefore, it is not possible to delete it.<br>If you want to delete \"{domain}\", you will first have to choose or add another domain and set it as the main domain."
"domain_add_dyndns_forbidden":"You have already subscribed to a DynDNS domain, you can ask to remove your current DynDNS domain on the forum <a href='//forum.yunohost.org/t/nohost-domain-recovery-suppression-de-domaine-en-nohost-me-noho-st-et-ynh-fr/442'>in the dedicated thread</a>.",
"domain_delete_forbidden_desc":"You cannot remove '{domain}' since it's the default domain, you need to choose another domain (or <a href='#/domains/add'>add a new one</a>) and set it as the default domain to be able to remove this one.",
"domain_dns_push_failed_to_authenticate":"Failed to authenticate on registrar's API. Most probably the <a href='#/domains/{domain}/config'>credentials</a> are incorrect? (Error: {error})",
"domain_dns_push_managed_in_parent_domain":"The automatic DNS records feature is managed in the parent domain <a href='#/domains/{parent_domain}/dns'>{parent_domain}</a>.",
"domain_dns_push_not_applicable":"The automatic DNS records feature is not applicable to domain {domain},<br> You should manually configure your DNS records following the <a href='https://yunohost.org/dns'>documentation</a> and the suggested configuration below.",
"error_server_unexpected":"Unexpected server error",
"error_connection_interrupted":"The server closed the connection instead of answering it. Has nginx or the yunohost-api been restarted or stopped for some reason?",
"experimental_warning":"Warning: this feature is experimental and not considered stable, you shouldn't be using it except if you know what you are doing.",
"domain":"Invalid domain name: Must be lower-case alphanumeric, dot and dash characters only",
"dynDomain":"Invalid domain name: Must be lower-case alphanumeric and dash characters only",
"email":"Invalid email: must be alphanumeric and <code>_.-</code> characters only (e.g. someone@example.com, s0me-1@example.com)",
"emailForward":"Invalid email forward: must be alphanumeric and <code>_.-+</code> characters only (e.g. someone+tag@example.com, s0me-1+tag@example.com)",
"good_practices_about_admin_password":"You are now about to define a new admin password. The password should be at least 8 characters - though it is good practice to use longer password (i.e. a passphrase) and/or to use various kind of characters (uppercase, lowercase, digits and special characters).",
"good_practices_about_user_password":"You are now about to define a new user password. The password should be at least 8 characters - though it is good practice to use longer password (i.e. a passphrase) and/or to use various kind of characters (uppercase, lowercase, digits and special characters).",
"group_explain_admins":"This is a special group corresponding to admin users. Users in this group can access YunoHost's webadmin, connect to the server with SSH and use the `sudo` command. You should only add people you absolutely trust in this group!",
"group_explain_visitors_needed_for_external_client":"Be careful that you need to keep some applications allowed to visitors if you intend to use them with external clients. For example, this is the case for Nextcloud if you intend to use a synchronization client on your smartphone or desktop computer.",
"orphaned_details":"This app has not been maintained for quite some time. It may still be working, but won't receive any upgrade until somebody volunteers to take care of it. Feel free to contribute to revive it!",
"operation_failed_explanation":"This operation failed! Really sorry about that :( You can try to <a href='https://yunohost.org/help'>ask for help</a>. Please provide *the full log* of the operation to the people helping you. You can do so by clicking on the 'Share with Yunopaste' green button. When sharing the logs, YunoHost will automatically attempt to anonymize private data like domain names and IPs.",
"pending_migrations":"There are some pending migrations waiting to be run. Please go to <a href='#/tools/migrations'>Tools > Migrations</a> to run them.",
"postinstall_domain":"This is the first domain name linked to your YunoHost server, but also the one which will be used by your server's users to access the authentication portal. Accordingly, it will be visible by everyone, so choose it carefully.",
"postinstall_intro_1":"Congratulations! YunoHost has been successfully installed.",
"postinstall_intro_2":"Two more configuration steps are required to activate you server's services.",
"postinstall_intro_3":"You can obtain more information by visiting the <a href='//yunohost.org/en/install/hardware:vps_debian#fa-cog-proceed-with-the-initial-configuration' target='_blank'>appropriate documentation page</a>",
"text_selection_is_disabled":"Text selection is disabled. If you want to share this log, please share the *full* log with the 'Share with Yunopaste' button.<br/><small>Or if you really really want to select text, press these keys: ↓↓↑↑.</small>",
"tip_about_user_email":"Users are created with an associated email address (and XMPP account) with the format username@domain.tld. Additional email aliases and email forwards can later be added by the admin and the user.",
"experimental_description":"Gives you access to experimental features. These are considered unstable and may break your system.<br> Enable this only if you know what you are doing.",
"users_import_csv_file_desc":"The CSV file should be in UTF-8 and with columns username, password, groups, email and quota. For an example import CSV file, you can <a href='/yunohost/api/users/export' target='_BLANK'>export your users in CSV file</a> and change the file.",